Table of Contents My Imagination by Binyam Chegen Nature in the Air by Hayley Partridge The Future by Melvin Gibbon Beautiful Garden by Selamawit Teklebrhan The Pond & The Garden by Isaiah Wills-Jackson The School Pond Imagination by David E. Lynch Nature's Imagination by Genesis Carrasco The Pond by Bryce Treece Revealed by Beza Eshetu Our Beautiful Pond by Khayla King Spring Break by Elianne Boateng My Pond by Allison Smith
P.5 P.7 P.9 P.11 P.13 P.15 P.17 P.19 P.21 P.23 P.25 P.27
Haiku | P.3
My Imagination Kids climbing the fence Football field with kids playing Kids are planting plants By: Binyam Chegen
Haiku | P.5
Nature in the Air Beautiful water In the shack while looking out Buzzing bees out there By: Hayley Partridge
Haiku | P.7
The Future The birds are chirping Busy bees taking pollen Ducks come in and out By: Melvin Gibbon
Haiku | P.9
Beautiful Garden Beautiful flowers Frogs and fish in the pond While I’m standing beside it By: Selamawit Teklebrhan
Haiku | P.11
The Pond & The Garden Water is good for fish Flowers are good around a pond Frogs like to eat flies By: Isaiah Wills-Jackson
Haiku | P.13
The School Pond Imagination The frog hopping about Kids watching animals play Wind blowing through the trees By: David E. Lynch
Haiku | P.15
Nature’s Imagination Bunnies, turtles, geese, and fish Bees are flying high with butterflies Pond swished with smooth air By: Genesis Carrasco
Haiku | P.17
The Pond It is colorful Sun is shining all day long Frogs on lily pads By Bryce Treece
Haiku | P.19
Revealed Flowers Blossoming Tadpoles swimming in the water Big spiraling tree By: Beza Eshetu
Haiku | P.21
Our Beautiful Pond Pretty butterflies Lovely, colorful flowers Buzzing little bees By: Khayla King
Haiku | P.23
Spring Break Dancing to music Gazing at beautiful clouds Listening to God By: Elianne Boateng
Haiku | P.25
My Pond Butterfly bushes Shimmering water that shines Flowers, birds chirping By: Allison Smith
Haiku | P.27