Eagle's Insider - Volume 1, Issue 2 - September 23, 2015

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VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 | SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 www.OURGCA.com

I NSI DER Do YOu Dig Pink? BY RACHEL M ANKO Junkies Sports Reporter

Dig Pink is com ing up on October 6! This year, T-shir ts w ill be for sale star ting the w eek of Septem ber 28th, the date w hich you can star t pur chasing them in the M S/HS office. They ar e $10, and the pr oceeds w ill go to the Side Out Foundation, w her e they w ill use the m oney to fund m edical r esear ch and or ganizations to help find a cur e. On October 6th, you m ay dr ess dow n in your GCA br east cancer aw ar eness shir t fr om this year, or you can w ear a shir t fr om a for m er year w ith the donation of $4. For the M H/HS students a pep r ally w ill be held, and the m ost "pinked out" student w ill r eceive a pr ize. Don't for get that the var sity volleyball team w ill be holding a bake sale the w eek of the 28th in the sanctuar y lobby. Also, on the night of Dig Pink ther e w ill be a bake sale opening at 6 pm . Rem em ber to indulge in the sw eets. Ever y penny counts to help find a cur e! Ther e w ill be som e gam es befor e the big volleyball gam e, so be sur e you don't m iss them ! The volleyball gam e w ill star t off at 7 pm , so be sur e to get ther e ear ly to find a good seat. For m or e infor m ation on Dig Pink , and w ays to donate or to help contact Becky Gr ubich at bgr ubich@our gca.com .


spir it ual emphasis week BY LYNDSY HEW LETT & JUNKIES STAFF This w eek , Gahanna Chr istian Academy students w ill be par ticipating in Spir itual Em phasis Week in the m ain sanctuar y. Guest speaker, Lead Pastor Jam es Dew hur st of Real Chur ch, w ill guide students in discover ing a deeper appr oach in their spir itual w alks and in their r elationship w ith Jesus Chr ist. Pastor Jam es kicked off M onday's chapel ser vice w ith a fun, par ticipant activity, follow ed by a m oving m essage on Chr istian zeal (See Jam es 2:19-20; Rom ans 12:11-13). As a Youth Pastor for over 15 year s, Pastor Jam es lead "two amazing youth ministries, record(ed) two albums, lead worship, (ran) youth conferences, and raised two amazing children" pr ior to taking a Lead Pastor r ole in 2011. A past student of GCA, Dew hur st stated that he once w as on the soccer team under the dir ection of M r. Phil Ram sey. Pastor Jam es w ill continue a thought pr ovoking ser ies on pur ity all this w eek . Please pr ay that the lives of our students w ill be positively im pacted for Chr ist and change thr ough his m essages.

mor et han fair BY DONATIEN M UGISHA & JUNKIES STAFF M r s. M ar ti M anko, Student Ser vices/Guidance Depar tm ent, opened the 2015 College Fair on Fr iday, Septem ber 18, by intr oducing r epr esentatives fr om 26 Colleges and Univer sities. Students w er e asked to com plete a scavenger hunt w or ksheet to w in pr izes and get to know the academ ic w or ld a little better. This year, teacher s w er e included on the slides for Colleges or Univer sities w her e they w er e alum ni. The 6th thr ough 12th gr ades w er e given the oppor tunities to ask questions, pick up liter atur e, and w in som e fr eebies.

We'v eGot TheGr eat est Wr it er s


DORIS KAO Junkies Special Contributor

By Dor is Kao

DIDYOUKNOW? BY JORDAN REEVES Junkies Special Sections Reporter

1. Albino Dolphins ar e pink . Sour ce: NOAA.or g

2. Banging your head against a w all for one hour bur ns 150 calor ies.

Cooks COr ner

Sour ce: Today.com

BY ELLIE WOLFE - Junkies Student Reporter

HOM EM ADE M AC N'CHEESE I n gr edi en t s: 1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil 1 Box of Elbow M acar oni 1 Stick of Butter 1 Sm all Bag of Shr edded M ild Cheddar 1 Sm all Bag of Shr edded Shar p Cheddar 1/2 Block of Shr edded M uenster Cheese 1 Sm all Bag of Shr edded M onter ey Jack Cheese 1 Sm all Block of Velveeta Cheese - Cubed 2 Cups Half & Half 2 Lar ge Eggs - Slightly Beaten 1/4 tsp. Salt * NOTE: Som etim es it's har d to find M uenster or M onter ey Jack cheese - you can substitute w ith w hatever and it is still good!

Di r ect i on s: 1. Pr eheat oven to 350 degr ees. 2. Butter /Pam spr ay a casser ole dish. 3. Br ing lar ge pot of w ater to a boil, add salt (optional) and vegetable oil. Boil m acar oni for 7 m inutes until tender and then dr ain. 4. M elt stick of butter and m ix into the m acar oni. 5. Then stir in half & half and beaten eggs. 6. M ix in Velveeta cheeses and then add in the other cheeses. (Save som e of the shr edded cheese to top the m acar oni w ith). 7. Tr ansfer m ixtur e to butter ed casser ole dish and and top w ith the r em aining cheese. 8. Bake for about 1 hr. or until the top tur ns golden. * Br ought to you by: Stephanie Chr istiensen - M om to Reese Chr istensen, Journalism Junkie Special Reporter

STUDENTCONNECT BY ARRINGTON GREENE - Junkies Connect Reporter We all know the legends of cafeter ia food, so this w eek , w e asked you guys w hat you thought about the food. And boy, did you guys have som ething to say... ?The lunches are not that bad this year. I do miss the strawberry milk and the different lunch bars (especially the salad bar). I also wish we had more of a variety of sauces and seasonings to choose from.? -Anon ?I stay packing [lunches, chill] so I'm good.? -Anon ?The school lunches taste pretty bland. We should have colorful plates with fresh fruits and vegetables. And the hot sauce should ALWAYS be available.? -Anon Hear that cafeter ia? Roast the chicken like the sophom or e boys r oast each other. Let?s push for a com bination of healthy foods and savor y tastes. And students, if you w ant to be apar t of a Student Connect ar ticle, find som eone w ith a Jour nalism Junkies badge and w e?ll m ake your voice know n because YOUR OPI NI ON M ATTERS!

If It Mat t er s t o You, It Mat t er s t o Us.


BY JASM INE JUNG Junkies Spotlight Reporter

Can you t el l u s abou t you an d you r l i f e bef or e GCA? "I was in army for 22 years. Even in the service my desire for teaching led me to get a job where I taught trainers how to teach in army. After I retired from the Army, I got a teaching certificate and started my teaching experience in 1996 at a public school and then a tech school." "Before I came to GCA, I was the principal at New Hope Christian Academy for 10 years. We started out with 50 pre-school students and grew up to 300 students and now includes a high school. W hen I was at the school, the law did not allow Christian schools to participate in the state M ichael Fluhart sponsored Science, Technology, GCA Principal Engineering and M ath program, which made no sense to me. So, after a year and a half project working with the Ohio legislature, we at New Hope became the first Christian Stem high school in Ohio. It was a significant accomplishment for us." You h ave a bi g i n t er est i n pr oj ect -based l ear n i n g. W h at br ou gh t you t h e passi on f or i t an d w h at i s i t abou t ? "Project-based learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by investigating and responding to an engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge, for an extended period of time."


VARSI TY SOCCER 9/14 Scor e: L Liber ty Union 11-2 Gahanna Chr istian (Andr ew Br ew er and Caleb Robinson w / the goals for GCA) 9/15 Scor e: L M adison Chr istian 10-1 Gahanna Chr istian (Caleb Robinson w / the goal for GCA) VARSI TY VOLLEYBALL 9/14 Scor e: W Gahanna Chr istian 3-0 Oakstone Academy 9/15 Scor e: L Gahanna Chr istian 0-3 Nor thside Chr istian M S VOLLEYBALL 9/21 Scor e: Gahanna Chr istian 3-2 M adison Chr istian UPCOM I NG SPORTI NG EVENTS 9/25

"I hope GCA can become a STEM school through the use of project-based learning. This type of study will bring grants, scholarships, and opportunities to both teachers and students here at our school.A few years ago I was in a conference where they brought in robots. Those robots would go out to aisles, pick up some pens, and come back to the counter. Those robots significantly reduce the numbers of workers because it?s cheaper to buy those Robots than to pay for human-labor. W hat this conference told me was that we need somebody that can repair and program those robots. I want GCA students to know how to do perform those types of highly sought after jobs. For several years there has been an emphasis on the arts here at GCA. I?m hoping to keep the arts at a high level but we need to have more science programs too. God is the creator of science so we Christians should study it and understand it better than the secular world of academia does."

Var sity Soccer @ Genoa Chr istian 5:00 Gir ls M iddle School Volleyball vs. Nor thside Chr istian 5:00 M iddle School Soccer vs. Nor thside Chr istian 5:00 9/28 Gir ls Var sity Volleyball vs. Oakstone Academy 5:00 Gir ls M iddle School Volleyball @ Liber ty Chr istian 5:00 M iddle School Soccer @ Gr ace Chr istian 5:00 9/29 Var sity Soccer @ Tr ee of Life 5:30 Gir ls Var sity Volleyball @ Gr anville Chr istian 6:00

Beyond Wor ds. Bea Par t of somet hing big.

Devot ion Time

Diapers: 1953 Wipes: 4830

char it y pays

@rachel l manko



-Mr. Trueblood

@cal ebrrobinson

Junkies Faith Reporter

JESUS CARES FOR YOU! Have you ever been tr eated like no one car es for you? Ther e is only one per son w ho w ill never tr eat you badly, it's Jesus! Jesus car es for you even w hen your happy, sad, m ad, or gr um py. You can go to Jesus and ask him for his car e. He w ill help you! Rem em ber : Jesus car es for you alw ays!


Inst afame



@conquest _goddess @madswt vr

W hen you shop at Am azonSm ile, Am azon donates 0.5% of the pur chase pr ice to Gahanna Chr istian Academy. Bookm ar k the link http://sm ile.am azon.com /ch/55-0917364 & suppor t us ever y tim e you shop.



Junkies Spotlight Reporter

Q. W hy di d you j oi n Jou r n al i sm Cl u b? A. "I joined Journalism Club because I love writing." Q. W h at do you l i k e t h e m ost abou t you r ex per i en ce at GCA? A. "Some of my favorite things about GCA are the people. Everyone is very friendly, kind, and generous."


Q. Si n ce you ar e a n ew st u den t , w h at ar e som e of you r ot h er ex t r acu r r i cu l ar act i v i t i es at GCA? A. "I enjoy playing volleyball. Let?s Go Eagles! I also draw and do gymnastics on my free time." Q. As a w r i t er h ow w i l l Jou r n al i sm i n spi r e you r f u t u r e car eer ? A. "W hat I said before, I love writing, but I want to become a Neonatal Nurse when I am older. I will probably get a minor in Journalism." Q. Now, i f you cou l d i n t er v i ew an yon e f am ou s, w h o w ou l d i t be an d w hy? A. "If he was still alive, Keith Haring because he has inspired me by his art. Not only was he a visual artist, he was a social activist."

?Be the change that you wish to see in the world.? - Gandhi ?In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.? - Rober t Fr ost "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." (NASB) - Deuter onomy 31:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (NIV) Philippians 4:6-7


Bir t hday Wishes


Cal endar Sept ember 21- 25

M r. Balaw ajder - Sept. 22 - Teacher Jeanelle Gilber t - Sept. 24 - 2nd Gr ade Divine Adiele - Sept. 24 - 2nd Gr ade Kyah Ew ing - Sept. 24 - 7th Gr ade Elka M ekur ia - Sept.25 - 2nd Gr ade Olivia W illiam s - Sept.26 - 10th Gr ade M r s. Ram sey - Sept. 27 - Teacher Talliah M itchell - Sept.27 - 11th Gr ade M addy Wr ight - Sept.28 - 11th Gr ade

Don't Giv eUp!

Spir it Em phasis Week Pastor Jam es Dew hur st

Sept ember 24 Pictur e Retake Day Wear your sm ile :)

Sept ember 26 GCA Gar age Sale Fundr aiser Donations needed! Contact CHaugen@our gca.com


Author Unknown

Junkies Special Sections Reporter

Don?t let today?s troubles Bring you down, Or allow you to question Your ability

Don?t let your fears Keep you from dreaming, Or from chasing your dream

Don?t let life?s little obstacles Keep you from trying, Or become the reason For defeat

Don?t give up for any reason Believe in yourself, And in yourself You?ll find strength!

Oct ober 6 Dig Pink - Var sity Volleyball Star ts at 6 pm Bake sale, dr aw ings, and m or e

Oct ober 16 End of 1st Quar ter

Oct ober 22- 23 * DATE CHANGE* Par ent Teacher - October 22 Pr ofessional Dev. - October 23

What 's For Lunch? BY JUNKIE'S STAFF Wed., Sept . 23 - Chili M ac, Cor n Br ead, Gar den Salad, Fr uit & M ilk Th u r s., Sept . 24 - Chicken Patty, Chips, Vegetable, Str aw ber r ies & M ilk Fr i ., Sept . 25 - Donatos Pizza, Vegetables, Yogur t, Fr uit & M ilk M on ., Sept . 28 - Ham bur ger, Sw eet Potato Fr ies, Peaches & M ilk Tu es., Sept . 29 - BBQ Chicken Bites, Chips & Salsa, Fr uit & M ilk Wed., Sept . 30 - Beef-a-Roni, Salad, Gar lic Br ead Cheese Stick , Pear & M ilk

We value your suggestions and feedback . Got an idea for a stor y or photo you w ould like to see in The Ea gle's I nsider ? Please subm it your feedback to kpr ior @our gca.com . Our team w ill be in touch w ith you soon. M r. Pr ior - Lead Editor

Cir culation: 393 Reader ship: Appr ox. 982 Distr ibution: Centr al Ohio

Ar ianne M or ton Ar r ington Gr eene Bailey Dor ity Caleb Robinson Donny M ugisha Ellie Wolfe Jasm ine Jung Jer em iah Gr igsby

Jor dan Reeves Julia Anetom ang Leslie Osei Lyndsy Hew lett M adison Schlesselm an M ina M cGee Rachel M anko Reese Chr istensen

Special thanks to M r s. Ram sey & M r. Fluhar t

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