Eagle's Insider - Volume 1, Issue 10 - December 2, 2015

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VOLUME 1, ISSUE 10 | DECEMBER 2,2015 www.OURGCA.com



Thanksgiving. A tim e and holiday w her e fam ily and fr iends gather together. A tim e to give thanks to God and tell w hat w e ar e thankful for. For kids, it?s a holiday to m ake hand tur keys out of paint and eat a bunch of food. Over all, Thanksgiving can have differ ent m eanings to each of us. For m e, Thanksgiving has m eant som ething differ ent for the past 5 year s. In sum m er of 2010, I becam e an Aunt to my beautiful niece, Gabr ielle. At fir st, of cour se, I w asn?t ver y thankful for her. In fact, I didn?t think anything w ould be the sam e again. I have never r eally been a fan of change. I like the sam e scr iptur e ever y day, the sam e r outine, etc. W ith her being bor n into my life, things ar e entir ely changed. Thr ough the year s, I have days w her e I definitely think I am not the m ost gr ateful per son and that I should think differ ently about her. Days w hen I felt like I r eally r eally am not the per son I w ant to be or w hen I w anted to blam e my behavior on other people. Som etim es, I w ould think if ever ything w as like it used to be, then m aybe this I w ould not t feel this w ay. Now, I know that my niece is actually one of the best people to in my life and I am abundantly thankful for her. W hen I am dow n, her sm ile and her saying her silly jokes m ake m e happy and lift m e up. Even w hen fr iends tr y to m ake things better for m e or cheer m e up. M y niece, Gabby, tr uly m akes m e feel better about myself just by know ing that she w ill alw ays be ther e w hen I need her. This m akes m e feel ver y blessed to have her in my life. I have lear ned that being Aunt w as not so bad after all and dur ing this holiday season, that is som ething that I am thankful for. 1 John 4-11 says "Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." I take this scr iptur e to hear t. We all should no only be thankful for people in our lives but people w ho com e into our life. And, w e should alw ays love our fam ily no m atter w hat.


Junkies Special Reporter

Justin Bieber has r ecently com e out w ith a new album called Pur pose. The album ?s self-titled song (Pur pose) r eally show s Justin?s hear t of Faith, how he has to r ely on God for his m usic and how he has given his w hole life to Chr ist. A lot of people cr iticize Justin for som e of the junk that he did as a teenager. It r eally show s how m oney and pow er can cor r upt our lives. Now that he?s seen w hat he?s done and tur ned aw ay fr om all of his past sin and r eally under stands Chr istianity, you can r eally take a differ ent per spective on how you view him . Justin w as br ought into the m usic industr y w hen he w as 13. Raised as a Chr istian fr om childhood, he did not star t off show ing his faith in the gr eatest w ay. Now that he is an adult, I believe that he has finally star ted to r ealize that follow ing Chr ist is the m ost life fulfilling thing that you can find in this w or ld. I think that anyone w ho has cr iticized his m usic should give him a second chance and listen to his hear t because he r eally is a talented singer and though his m usic m ay not alw ays be per fectly about God, his hear t is in the r ight place. ?At this point my life has gotten me to where I am. M y faith has brought me to a whole other level. I?m not religious. I, personally love Jesus and that was my salvation. I want to share what I?m going through and what I?m feeling, and I think it shouldn?t be ostracized.? - Justin Bieber






Junkies Special Sections Reporter

Junkies Education Reporter

Pinocchio is Italian for "pine head" India is hom e to 200 m illion cow s and law s pr ohibit their slaughter Only fem ale m osquitoes bite Scissor s w er e invented in ancient Egypt Clinophobia is the fear of going to bed The num ber FOUR is the only num ber that has the sam e num ber of letter s in it The w or d kar ate m eans 'em pty hand' The w or d 'taxi' is spelled the sam e in English, Ger m an, Fr ench, Sw edish and Por tuguese Ablutophobia is the fear of bathing Acr ophobia is the fear of heights Agor aphobia is the fear of open spaces Achluophobia is the fear of dar kness Acousticophobia is the fear of sound or noise Am athophobia is the fear of dust Atychiphobia is the fear of failur e Br ontophobia is the fear of thunder and lightning

Fu l l Nam e: Pam ella M cConnell Cu r r en t Car eer : M ath, Algebr a, & Pr e-Algebr a teacher at GCA. Q1: Do you h ave an y h obbi es you en j oy? A1. ?Yes. I love to go bird watching, I love reading, playing with my dogs, & traveling.? Q2. W h at m ade you w an t t o becom e a t each er ? A2. ?I knew in high school that I wanted to become a teacher. I really enjoyed helping my fellow students understand subjects that they were studying.? Q3. W h at ar e al l of t h e di f f er en t su bj ect s you h ave t au gh t ? A3. ?I have taught many subjects. I have taught 7th through 12th grade English, 7th through 12th grade M ath, Junior High Drama, Speech, 7th/8th/9th grade Bible, a SAT Prep Class, and Spanish.?

Pam M cConnell GCA Teacher

Q4. W h er e ar e you or i gi n al l y f r om ?

Inst afame

DORIS KAO Junkies Contributor

A4. ?I am originally from Delaware, Ohio. I have also lived in the Dominican Republic for 13 years. This really helped me communicate with international students.? Q5. Last l y, Do you h ave an y per son al t est i m on i es t h at you w ou l d l i k e t o sh ar e? A5. ?I believe God leads my life. Although, I might not even see him working in my life until after I am in the place that God wants me to be. For example, when I moved to the Dominican Republic, I had to go through some hard things to get there; but once I was settled, I saw how it was all a part of God?s bigger plan for my life.?




$3,200 i n Sal es GCA w ill r eceive $500 for books and a sm all am ount of cash for the libr ar y to pur chase needed supplies and KINNEDI.GLENN


books outside of Scholastic.

Read a Best sel l er Ev er y Week!


W hen you shop at Am azonSm ile, Am azon donates 0.5% of the pur chase pr ice to Gahanna Chr istian Academy. DONUT DA YZ

Bookm ar k the link http://sm ile.am azon.com /ch/55-0917364 & suppor t us ever y tim e you shop.

By Ellie Wolfe



Eagles Var sity vs. M adison Chr istian: W 67-49 Lady Eagles Var sity @ Delaw ar e Chr istian: L 8-57

"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good. His love endures forever." - Psalm 136:1 "Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealized blessings than for those we once enjoyed or those we enjoy now." - A.W. Tozer "God gave us minds to think

AL = with and hearts to thank E M T A Y O A f with. Instead we use our Xo RI D F O B N 1 hearts to think about the D OW S S E world as we would like it to have DR

Pr ayer Room - RM 113 | Ever y Fr i day


HS Lu n ch Per i od | Br i n g a Bi bl e

been, and we use our minds to come up with rationalizations for our i ngratitude. We are a murmuring, discontented, unhappy, ungrateful people. And because we think we want salvation from our discontents...? - Douglas W ilson

Cal endar DECEMBER6 HS Choir Per for m ance at Pathw ay Chur ch

Bir t hday Wishes BY JUNKIES STAFF


Br idgette A-M ensah - Dec. 6 - 7th Gr ade Syona Gam ble - Dec. 6 - 1st Gr ade Sam uel Baffoe - Dec. 8 - 4th Gr ade Sar on M ekur ia - Dec. 8 - 3r d Gr ade

Chr istm as Pr ogr am (Gr ades 2-4) 7 pm to 9 pm

DECEMBER11 Chr istm as Pr ogr am (Pr eK to 1st) 7 pm to 9 pm



Chr istm as Pr ogr am (Gr ades 5-12) 7 pm to 9 pm

BY JUNKIE'S STAFF Wed., Dec. 2 - Philly Steak Sub, Chips, Gr een Beans, Or ange Sections & M ilk Th u r s., Dec. 3 - BBQ Chicken, Sw eet Potatoes, Cor n on Cob, Roll, Banana & M ilk Fr i ., Dec. 4 - Pizza, Gar den Salad, Yogur t, Fr uit & M ilk M on ., Dec. 7 - Chicken Nuggets, Potato Star s, Chips, Celer y & Car r ot Sticks, Fr uit Cocktail & M ilk Tu es., Dec. 8 - M eatloaf w / Gr avy, M ashed Potatoes, Gr een Beans w / Red Bell Pepper s, Roll, M andar in Or anges & M ilk Wed., Dec. 9 - Chili M ac, Cucum ber s & Red Pepper s, Cor n Chips, Str ing Cheese, Apple Slices & M ilk

DECEMBER16- 18 Sem ester Exam s

DECEMBER19 Januar y 4 Chr istm as / New Year s Br eak NO SCHOOL

251 Box es Col l ect ed! The Senior s collected/m ade 50 boxes for their class pr oject and volunteer ed Sunday and M onday last w eek at New Song Chur ch in Reynoldsbur g, the Relay/Collection/Packing center.


We value your suggestions and feedback . Got an idea for a stor y or photo you w ould like to see in The Ea gle's I nsider ? Please subm it your feedback to kpr ior @our gca.com . Our team w ill be in touch w ith you soon.

JOURNALISMJUNKIESSTAFF LEADERS: Ar r ington Gr eene & Caleb Robinson

Cir culation: 393 Reader ship: Appr ox. 982 Distr ibution: Centr al Ohio

Alejandr a Polop Bailey Dor ity Donny M ugisha Dor is Kao Ellie Wolfe Jasm ine Jung Jer em iah Gr igsby Jor dan Reeves

Julia Anetom ang LaBr onte Agbor -Nkongho Leslie Osei Lyndsy Hew lett M adison Schlesselm an M ina M cGee Rachel M anko Reese Chr istensen

Special thanks to M r s. Stor ts


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