Eagle's Insider - Volume 1, Issue 12 - December 16, 2015

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VOLUME 1, ISSUE 12 | DECEMBER 16, 2015 www.OURGCA.com

I NSI DER 2015 Top Toys BY JORDAN REEVES Junkies Staff Reporter

Top 10 Toys f or Boys: 1. LEGO 2. Star War s 3. Car s & Tr ucks 4. Video Gam es 5. Hot W heels 6. Teenage M utant Ninja Tur tles 7. Xbox One 8. PlayStation 4 9. Ner f 10. M ar vel Action Figur es Top 10 Toys f or Gi r l s: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Bar bie Disney?s Fr ozen Dolls M onster High Am er ican Gir l M y Little Pony Shopkins Sour ce: W TOP

We know m idter m s ar e am ong us and the holiday season is alw ays str essful. Our m inds, hear ts and bodies ar e exhausted. But let's r em em ber the tr ue r eason for the season.

Devot ion Time

Let's go back to the m anger ? such a peaceful scene? w her e our pr ecious Savior w as bor n. Pictur e the star r y night, the slight, cool br eeze, the love in that per fect m om ent. That sam e spir it of love should fill our hear ts now. So, fr om the Jour nalism Junkies fam ily to your s, have a ver y M er r y Chr istm as and a Happy New Year ! Jour nalism Junkies Pr esident, Arrington Greene


BY LYNDSY HEW LETT Junkies Faith Reporter

If you w ant to know how to keep Chr ist in Chr istm as, then you can star t by m aking a bir thday cake for Jesus, or you could m ake a m anger for baby Jesus. Those ar e som e w ays to keep Chr ist in Chr istm as.


W hen you shop at Am azonSm ile, Am azon donates 0.5% of the pur chase pr ice to Gahanna Chr istian Academy. Bookm ar k the link http://sm ile.am azon.com /ch/55-0917364 & suppor t us ever y tim e you shop.



A bear has 42 teeth M ost br ands of lipsticks contain fish scales Lem ons contain m or e sugar than str aw ber r ies 8% of people have an extr a r ib Rabbits like licor ice A lobster 's blood is color less, but w hen exposed to oxygen it tur ns blue Bir ds need gr avity to sw allow Ther e is no such thing as natur ally blue food M &M 's chocolate stands for the initials of it's inventor s, M ar s & M ur r ie Apples ar e m or e effective at w aking you up in the m or ning than coffee


"Believe that you can and you are already half way there." Teddy Roosevelt

Pr ayer Room - RM 113 | Ever y Fr i day


"Put your heart, mind and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret to success" - Sw am i Sivananda "Love isn't something that you find. Love is something that finds you." - Lor etta Young "God has given us two hands, one to recieve with and the other to give with" - Billy Gr aham

HS Lu n ch Per i od | Br i n g a Bi bl e

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows" - Luke 12:7


Var si t y Bask et bal l Eagles @. Shakinah: L 59-81 JV Bask et bal l Eagles @ Har vest Pr ep. W 56-54 Upcom i n g Gam es 12/18 Ladies @ Nor thside. 6:00


12/18 Boys @ Nor thside 7:30


BY M INA M CGEE Junkies Staff Reporter

Donald Tr um p the cur r ent leading candidate in the Republican Pr esidential r ace. Tr um p is not only know n for all of his w ealth, his hotels, and his hair. Lately, he has been m ost know n for his r em ar ks tow ar ds M uslim s. He has com m ented saying that if he w er e to becom e pr esident, that he w ould m ake ever y M uslim in the United States w ear nam e badges and that cer tain infor m ation about them w ould be put into a database. Additionally, he said that at ever y m osque ther e w ould be sur veillance cam er as. Per sonally, as a countr y, w e have the r ight to fr eedom of r eligion and fr eedom of speech. He is holding them back fr om their ow n beliefs based on the r adical extr em ist gr oup, ISIS. He is not thinking about Am er icans w ho ar e M uslim and ar e peaceful and pr acticing a faith they believe in. On M onday Dec 7th, Tr um p stated that He Donald Trump w ould ban M uslim s all tr avel and entr ance into The United States. Accor ding to CNN politics M r. Tr um p said "Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life." This r ule w ould not only apply to im m igr ation, but to M uslim tour ist. Both Dem ocr atic and Republican par ties seem to disagr ee. Som e Republicans ar e saying that w e need to instead advance and incr ease our intelligence. Dem ocr ats have been saying that this w ould w eaken the countr y and also divide us. Accor ding to for m er Vice Pr esident Dick Cheny "This whole notion that somehow we can just say no more M uslims, just ban a whole religion, goes against everything we stand for and believe in," he said. "I mean, religious freedom has been a very important part of our history and where we came from."

Cal endar Bir t hday Wishes


BY JUNKIES STAFF Lyndsy Hew lett - Dec. 17 - 6th Gr ade Kallabe Dechassa - Dec. 17 - Kinder gar ten Pauline Gyam fi - Dec. 18 - 2nd Gr ade Nahom Chegen - Dec. 18 - 7th Gr ade Sam Bogan - Dec. 21 - Kinder gar ten Pr iscilla Boateng - Dec. 21 - 4th Gr ade Daniel Duncan-Bevans - Dec. 22 - 8th Gr ade Risachi Anya - Dec. 22 - 1st Gr ade Tatum Jones - Dec. 23 - Kinder gar ten Kinnedi Glenn - Dec. 23 - 7th Gr ade Nazier Jones - Dec. 23 - Kinder gar ten

Sem ester Exam s

Elianne Boateng - Dec. 24 - 5th Gr ade Philip M ur r ay - Dec. 25 - 5th Gr ade Tavion Sim s - Dec. 27 - 11th Gr ade Vivian Bogan - Dec. 27 - 1st Gr ade Jennings Cor dle - Dec. 28 - 7th Gr ade Keon King - Dec. 28 - 2nd Gr ade Yohannes Ber hane - Dec. 29 - Kinder gar ten Jokebed Tanga - Jan. 1 - 12th Gr ade Lily Navor - Jan. 1 - 12th Gr ade Ethan Jyan - Jan. 5 - 4th Gr ade

DECEMBER19 Januar y 3 Chr istm as / New Year s Br eak NO SCHOOL

Januar y 2 GCA Alum ni Basketball Gam e 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Januar y 4 - 8 Car eer Explor ation Week

WHAT's FORLUNCH? BY JUNKIE'S STAFF Wed., Dec. 16 - Spaghetti w / M eat Sauce, Str ing Cheese, Gar lic Br ead, Gr een Beans, Applesauce & M ilk Th u r s., Dec. 17 - Italian Chicken, Roasted Potato M edley, Br occoli & Cauliflow er, Roll, Apr icots & M ilk Fr i ., Dec. 18 - Pizza, Gar den Salad, Yogur t, Fr uit & M ilk

We value your suggestions and feedback . Got an idea for a stor y or photo you w ould like to see in The Ea gle's I nsider ? Please subm it your feedback to kpr ior @our gca.com . Our team w ill be in touch w ith you soon.

JOURNALISMJUNKIESSTAFF LEADERS: Ar r ington Gr eene & Caleb Robinson

Cir culation: 393 Reader ship: Appr ox. 982 Distr ibution: Centr al Ohio

Alejandr a Polop Bailey Dor ity Donny M ugisha Dor is Kao Ellie Wolfe Jasm ine Jung Jer em iah Gr igsby Jor dan Reeves

Julia Anetom ang LaBr onte Agbor -Nkongho Leslie Osei Lyndsy Hew lett M adison Schlesselm an M ina M cGee Rachel M anko Reese Chr istensen

Special thanks to M r s. Stor ts


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