VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 | OCTOBER 21, 2015
Pu r pose: The w or ld?s lar gest Chr istm as pr oject of its kind, Oper ation Chr istm as Child, a pr oject of Sam ar itan?s Pur se, uses gift-filled shoeboxes to dem onstr ate God?s love in a tangible w ay to childr en in need ar ound the w or ld.
NOTABLEQUOTABLEs BY LABRONTE AGBOR Junkies Special Sections Reporter
?In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.? - Rober t Fr ost ?You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.? - M ae West ?Be the change that you wish to see in the world.? - M ahatm a Gandhi
Reach : Since 1993, Sam ar itan?s Pur se has collected and deliver ed m or e than 124 m illion gift-filled shoeboxes to childr en in m or e than 150 countr ies and ter r itor ies thr ough Oper ation Chr istm as Child. - In 2015, Oper ation Chr istm as Child hopes to collect enough shoebox gifts to r each another 11 m illion childr en. - M or e than 500,000 volunteer s w or ldw ide, w ith m or e than 100,000 of those in the United States, ar e involved in collecting, shipping, and distr ibuting shoebox gifts. Pr ocess: Dur ing National Collection Week (Nov. 16 ? 23), Sam ar itan?s Pur se collects the gift-filled shoeboxes at m or e than 4,000 dr op-off sites in all 50 states and Puer to Rico.
? Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy? think about such things.? - Philippians 4:8
Bir t hday Wishes BY JUNKIES STAFF
Ar sim a Ber he - Oct.21 - 1st Gr ade Shayne M adison - Oct. 21 - Kinder gar ten Em ily Giannetto - Oct. 21 - Kinder gar ten Josh Par tr idge - Oct. 21 - 8th Gr ade Elsie Adjei-Tetteh - Oct. 23 - 3r d Gr ade Kennedy Sm ith - Oct. 25 - 1st Gr ade JoJo Tem ple - Oct. 26 - 6th Gr ade Edw ar d Tem ple - Oct. 26 - 6th Gr ade Dylan Sm ith - Oct. 27 - 9th Gr ade Josiah Haugen - Oct. 27 - 11th Gr ade
- Shoebox gifts ar e pr epar ed for over seas shipm ent at eight m ajor pr ocessing center s acr oss the U.S.? Atlanta; Baltim or e; Boone, N.C.; Char lotte, N.C.; Dallas; Denver ; M inneapolis; and Or ange County, Calif. - M or e than 4.7 m illion childr en have par ticipated in The Gr eatest Jour ney, the Sam ar itan?s Pur se discipleship pr ogr am .
DORI S KAO Junkies Specia l Contr ibutor
By Dor is Kao
SPORTYSHORTS BY JUNKIES STAFF VARSI TY SOCCER 10/16 Eagles @ Delaw ar e Chr istian: L 0-12 10/17 Eagles @ Liber ty Chr istian East: L 0-8 VARSI TY VOLLEYBALL
10/17 Lady Eagles v. Liber ty Chr istian East: W 3-1 UPCOM I NG EAGLE EVENTS
Junkies Sports Reporter
Var si t y Soccer
10/21 Lady Eagles vs. Patr iot Academy 6:00
Q& A w i t h a Soccer Capt ai n Capt ai n s: M adison Schlesselm an (11th Gr ade) and Jacob Sm ith (9th Gr ade) Recor d: 3-12-1 Q. W hat have you enjoyed seeing in your team thr oughout the season? A. Jacob: ?I like getting to know people better and having fun playing soccer with all of my friends.? Q. W hat has your team done to get better thr oughout the season? A. Jacob: ?We have done better at passing and we were always determined to win.? Q. W hat w as your favor ite gam e Jacob Smith - Soccer Captain m em or y this season? A. Jacob: ?W hen you [Caleb} scored and we did our handshake. Also when we won our first game because we were undefeated.? Q. Do you believe your young team has potential to do w ell in the tour nam ent this com ing w eek? A. Jacob, ?I believe that our team has potential in the tournament if we work hard and want it more than the other team, but if we [go] like want to lose than we won?t (do well). I?m Ready to win.? The Eagles are preparing to win their first tournament game this Saturday @ 5:00 against the winner of Northside Christian vs. Fairbanks HS. Please encourage and pray for the team as they practice and prepare for the big game!
W hen you shop at Am azonSm ile, Am azon donates 0.5% of the pur chase pr ice to Gahanna Chr istian Academy. Bookm ar k the link http://sm /ch/55-0917364 & suppor t us ever y tim e you shop.
Ar eYou Missing What 's Impor t ant ?
BY DONATIEN M UGISHA - Junkies Special Reporter
ISHIMWE VESTINE I s God t h e pr i m ar y voi ce i n you r l i f e, cal l i n g you t o a vocat i on r i gh t n ow ? "I?m not really sure right now, I mean like, I don?t hear Him at all and sometime I wonder if He?s listening to me. Sometimes I hear a different voice than God?s voice. I don?t really know what to do at some points in life when I pray, and I don?t hear anything from God about what to do and what step to take. The closest I?ve gotten to hearing God is during the spiritual week at school when we were talking about forgiving." Ar e you pr oceedi n g i n you r l i f e w i t h t h e bel i ef t h at God i s con st an t l y w or k i n g f or you r good? "I can say yes, and I can also say no, it?s confusing. Yes, I believe in God and all of that but only because I grew up in a Christian home, and I go to church every Sunday. No and yes, I believe that God is constantly working for my good. No because I don?t really see any changes after I pray, even though I would pray and wait, like, 2 years, and He still hasn?t answered me. Yes because I?ve seen Him do miracles for other people; therefore I don?t give up hope that he will do the same for me." How can you k eep t h at t h ou gh t u pper m ost i n you r m i n d as you f ace t h e ch al l en ges i n you r l i f e r i gh t n ow ? "I can keep praying everyday, and meditate on things that are confusing and try to see if God would answer me. I can also ask for help when I need it and see if someone else?s perspective would help me at all. I think I just need to keep my head held high and be patient for God and wait until He says yes or no. And I need to realize that He doesn?t always say yes, that sometimes He says no."
How w er e you saved an d h ow w as t h e ex per i en ce?
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BY DORIS KAO Junkies Special Contributor
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"On February 12-15 , 2015 my church had a youth camp called ?Serve The City? and some crazy things happened. I had an experience that no teenager should have at this age. We just had lunch and we were in worship and something came over me, and I ran out the church, and notice that it was snowy and in the winter and I had no shoes on. Then some guys came to get me, and they took me into a room and prayed for me. They heard someone that wasn?t me, and I was saying things that I wouldn?t say. This experience took a long time but it was finally over and we just gathered together and prayed. The thing in me came back again two times and then the last day I gave my life to God. Right then and there I was saved. Six months later I got baptized on August 02, 2015. Im so proud of myself for giving my life to God and accepting Him into my life!!!"
THEDROPBOX BY JUNKIES STAFF Kalee & Shaun - PEARS! | Hannah - I like your style, Happy late bir thday! | Vestine - I r ead your m ind | Em m a You'r e new and aw esom e! I hope w e can stay fr iends for ever ! | Chr istian - #ballislife & Jenny is the cutiest dog ever ! | Esther - Happy late bir thday! I hope you had fun! | Bailey - Woah, nobody's gonna halp | Hannah - Last year I cam e back fr om Disney on your bir thday. Happy late bir thday :) * * I nterested in submitting an anonymous message to your friends to be printed in The Drop Box? This can include greetings, inside jokes, etc. Give your message to a Junkies Staff member or email to by Sunday p.m. The message(s) must not contain any profanities, innuendos, bullying, or anything that goes against school policy.* *
Read a Best sel l er Ev er y Week!
Cal endar
Junkies Guest Contributor
On Fr iday, June 26th, the Supr em e Cour t r uled that states cannot ban sam e-sex m ar r iage. In other w or ds, sam e-sex m ar r iage is now legal in the United States. Think about w hat this does for childr en. Shouldn?t childr en have the r ight to be r aised by their biological par ents? It?s obvious that a sam e-sex couple can?t r epr oduce on their ow n. They clear ly need help fr om a thir d par ty to com plete the task . The best w e can say about a child ?bor n? to sam e-sex couples is that it m ay know and inter act w ith it?s r eal m om or r eal dad but not both. Even if the child finds out w ho the donor is, w hat ar e the odds that it can for m a lasting and loving r elationship w ith that per son? Listen to w hat Dr. Jennifer Roback M or se of the Ruth Institute has to say in r egar ds to this issue; ?M ar r iage has alw ays helped assign par ental r ights. So w hen a baby is bor n, the m other is the per son w ho gave bir th to the baby that?s the typical r ule - and then after that w e answ er ?w ho?s the daddy?by saying the m other ?s husband; he?s pr esum ed to be the father of the childr en the w om an gives bir th to dur ing the lifetim e of their union. W ith m ar r iage now a gender less institution, w e have br oken that connection betw een m ar r iage and par enthood. Childr en don?t have natur al par ents anym or e; they have legal par ents.? So my question is this; W hy ar e w e allow ing gay couples to tr eat childr en as com m odities to be had? W hy ar e w e str ipping them of their r ights to live and function in a nor m al, God-given household? Dr. M or se sum s up her point like this, ?W hat I see happening r hetor ically, and pr obably even legally, is people saying that biology isn?t all that im por tant; that w e need to br eak our social belief in bio-genetic par enting as the nor m . I think this is a ver y danger ous place to go. I think it?s just w r ong for adults to say childr en have no r ight to their natur al par ents.? Ditto.
Oct ober 21 Oper ation Chr istm as Child Kickoff - sam ar itanspur se.or g
Oct ober 26- 28 Junior /Senior Retr eat
Oct ober 30 M idnight M adness
NOVEMBER1 Fall Back! Set your clocks back for Daylight Savings Tim e Change
NOVEMBER6 An Or dinar y M an; An Extr aor dinar y Plan GCA Talent Show @ 7 p.m .
WHAT's FORLUNCH? BY JUNKIE'S STAFF Wed., Oct . 21 - Spaghetti w / M eat Sauce, Gr een Beans, Pear s & M ilk Th u r s., Oct . 22 - Sw eet & Sour Chicken, Br ow n Rice, Br occoli, Or anges & M ilk Fr i ., Oct . 23 - Donatos Pizza, Vegetable Boat, Yogur t, Fr uit & M ilk M on ., Oct . 26 - Hot Dog, Br occoli Salad, Pineapple & M ilk Tu es., Oct . 27 - BBQ Chicken, Sw eet Potatoes, Peas & Car r ots, Banana & M ilk Wed., Oct . 28 - M ac & Cheese, Collar d Gr eens, Cor n Br ead, Str aw ber r ies & M ilk
We value your suggestions and feedback . Got an idea for a stor y or photo you w ould like to see in The Ea gle's I nsider ? Please subm it your feedback to kpr ior @our . Our team w ill be in touch w ith you soon.
Cir culation: 393 Reader ship: Appr ox. 982 Distr ibution: Centr al Ohio
Alejandr a Polop Ar r ington Gr eene Bailey Dor ity Caleb Robinson Donny M ugisha Dor is Kao Ellie Wolfe Jasm ine Jung Jer em iah Gr igsby
Jor dan Reeves Julia Anetom ang LaBr onte Agbor -Nkongho Leslie Osei Lyndsy Hew lett M adison Schlesselm an M ina M cGee Rachel M anko Reese Chr istensen
Special thanks to M r s. Ram sey & M r s. Dagley