Gaitpost Magazine - March 2018

Page 1

MARCH 2018



Showtime! IT’S

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Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

MARCH 2018


MARCH 2018

contents FEATURES


10 Vet’s View Sinusitis

5 TidBits Unimpressive Bits

16 Show Season Buyer’s Guide

14 Industry News Equestrian Events, Inc. Makes Big Strides for “The Horse Capital of the World”

23 FEI News New Title Partner As


Legendary Series Jumps Into Its 109th Season

8 Headline News 19 Equestrian Properties

25 Discipline Reports Sensational

21 Business Classifieds

Stephanie Springs A Big Swedish Surprise In Zurich

22 Sales Catalogue 24 Horse Trials BC News 30 Competition Calendar 30 Noticeboard


ON THE COVER: Edward Gal riding Glock’s Zonik took second at the FEI World Cup Dressage Amsterdam NL. Photo FEI/Digishots See page 28.

“He is such a hot horse that I rode him three times today! We brought him out at lunch time and with the wind, he was a little crazy and we were a little concerned as we know what he can be like.” Laura Graves commenting on Verdades’ energy level before winning the FEI World Cup Freestyle in Wellington. See page 29.

by Eleanor Klawer FOXCROFT



ome of you might be aware of the furor online regarding video of an adult amateur rider at the Adequan West Coast Dressage Festival recently. It was, admittedly, a bad ride on a very tolerant horse, but the venom and viciousness that arose online about it was really overboard. It was bullying. It was spiteful. And it was not acceptable. The AWCDF live streamed the FEI classes for the entire show, and as someone left at home, I loved having the opportunity to watch the competition online. It was educational, it was fun, and it was wonderful to watch people from my area compete in California — an option I would normally not have. The majority of the commentary was by Axel Steiner, a long-established FEI judge with vast experience. I saw this ride in particular, live, and thought Axel was very diplomatic, as it was, frankly, hard to watch. That being said, did I immediately go online, calling it

abuse, calling it a crime, shaming the rider, and I think, being envious of an amateur with a top notch schoolmaster? No, I did not. Lots of other people did, though, apparently, and therein lies the shame. Apparently, no one in the dressage world lives in a glass house, for stones were thrown aplenty. The video should have been taken at face value, and as it was offered — a chance to see what a national adult amateur class in California looks like. It was not offered as a chance for the online equivalent of rail birds to pass judgement on, nor was it offered as an opportunity to vilify a competitor. Online bullying is in the news a lot these days, and this is why. “Social” media went wild on this woman, and I don’t know how she could continue in this sport in such a harsh environment. The abuse to her was every bit as bad as

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

Tidbits continued on page 6

MARCH 2018


Tidbits continued from page 5 the abuse the armchair critics said she was perpetrating on her saint of a horse. I saw a struggling amateur, riding above her level of ability, on a lovely schoolmaster who was doing his best to do the job for her. I didn’t even think of being harshly critical, other than the odd “ouch”, echoed by Axel in the commentary. Many others did, though, and that is where I have a problem. This rider has a coach. The show has judges, and stewards. We pay for them to do their jobs, at which they ARE the experts. Let them do their jobs. Being nasty online was unnecessary, and hateful. It resulted in the livestreaming of the next show to be cancelled, as many riders did not want to perform in front of such a rabid audience, and I don’t blame them one bit. And we all miss the opportunity to watch and learn. So let’s Not cool. view this as a learning experience, like any bad ride in our training at home. Let’s say, ok, we are new at the online livestreaming of our sport, and mistakes were made, in reaction. Let’s not repeat them. Just like at a show, watch the rides, learn from them, feel free to formulate your own opinion, but you would never shout them from the ringside, so don’t go online with nasty comments. Don’t be oblivious of someone else’s feelings, ever. Catalogue the ride in your mind as one you wouldn’t care to repeat and move on. If our sport is ever to grow, it has to be through support, positive exposure, and positive reinforcement, just like training your horse. Be impressive, in EVERY facet of your sport, not just in the ring.


MARCH 2018

Volume 18 Issue 3


Publisher Gaitpost Publications Inc. 258 – 224th Street, Langley, BC V2Z 2V6 Editor Eleanor Klawer · Sales Kiersten Humphrey · Photo Ad Sales Design & Production Post Publishers Ltd. · Circulation Liam Klawer · Accounting Eleanor Klawer · Lori Boughton Contributing Writers Eleanor Klawer · Dr. Allison Sproat Editorial Submissions Phone: 604-534-9665 Toll-Free: 1-855-534-9665 Printed in Canada · Please Recycle! Publications Agreement #42892033

Disclaimer: Reproduction, printed or electronic, in whole or part of any material contained in this publication, without prior written permission of The Publisher is strictly prohibited. The information and services listed are intended to facilitate accessibility to the professionals, products and services of the horse industry. The GaitPost has been compiled with the greatest of care, however, the Publisher does not assume responsibility for errors, omissions or subsequent changes. Further, the Publisher does not imply endorsement of opinions, images or services, whether solicited or unsolicited. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person as a result of any material in this publication can be accepted by the Publisher, editor or contributors. Submissions: All photographs and submissions will be handled carefully. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any material not deemed appropriate. Submission does not guarantee publication.

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

MARCH 2018


HEADLINENEWS Bit by Bit TALOUBET TRIUMPHS ONE LAST TIME FOR GERMANY’S CHRISTIAN AHLMANN AT LEIPZIG In a fairytale finish to his fabulous career, the 18-year-old super-stallion Taloubet Z carried Christian Ahlmann to victory in front of their home crowd at the tenth leg of the Longines FEI World Cup Jumping 2017/2018 Western European League in Leipzig, Germany. Last to go in an edge-of-the-seat 15-horse jumpoff it seemed it would be almost too good to be true if they could beat the rest of the world-class field at a show where they enjoyed so many successes over the years. But they did it and, in his usual style, the extraordinary Taloubet made it look like a walk in the park one last time. There was hardly a dry eye in the house during the prize-giving ceremony in which the German duo took centre stage ahead of runners-up Carlos Lopez and Admara from Colombia and Dutchman Harrie Smolders with Zinius. Ahlmann isn’t normally one for big emotion, but today the 43-year-old rider’s voice kept breaking when he tried to talk about the horse that was such a prolific

winner, and that carried him to four World Cup Finals, who claimed the FEI World Cup Jumping title at this very same venue in 2011 and who was so tough that he was still capable of claiming team bronze and individual ninth place at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. The German star admitted that he felt under incredible pressure this evening. “I really didn’t want to mess it up for him! This was just a normal World Cup, like we have every week. But it was very special because it was the last class for Taloubet, and we took the risk to jump him so he could say goodbye, here where everyone knows him, and leave the sport in great shape. So to have a good result and to finish with a proper round like that under pressure, it makes me so happy!” “It’s the greatest day of my life for sure, not for the points or for the money, it’s much more than that. It’s because this great horse who still has all this power even at this age is ending his career in a great way, with a great win!” “Yes for everyone else today was a dream, but for me it was a nightmare!” said course designer Frank Rothenberger after 15 horse-and-rider combinations

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MARCH 2018

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Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

made it into the jump-off. It was a cracker however, and FOXWOOD HIGH NAMED 2017 EVENTING NATION Lopez appeared to have it in the bag when scorching HORSE OF THE YEAR through the finish in 43.39 seconds with the gelding AdJohn and Judy Rumble’s Foxwood High has been mara who seems to have found his perfect “other half” named 2017 Eventing Nation Horse of the Year after since partnering up with the Colombian rider two years besting the field of six nominees in a decisive victory ago. Smolders and Zinius, winners at the previous leg this week. “Woody” is the first Canadian horse to take in Mechelen (BEL) last month, gave it their best shot the title. but fell short by two-tenths of a second when secondA 15-year-old Canadian Sport Horse, by Rio Bronco last to go. W out of Evita II and bred in Canada by Epstein EquesThe arena fell silent as Ahlmann and Taloubet set trian, Woody won the vote on the same day he was off on their final adventure together, but it exploded with named to the 2018 Equestrian Canada Eventing High sound when, turning to the last full of running and at a Performance National Squad. His longtime partner Seleflat gallop, the German duo broke the beam two-tenths na O’Hanlon said that Woody is feeling fantastic after of a second quicker than Lopez for the win. Even the his vacation and ready to dominate once again 2018. Colombian runner-up wasn’t disappointed — “Today is On reflecting back on 2017, which proved to be the all about Taloubet anyway” Lopez said. best season of Woody’s career to date, Selena said their And with just three qualifiers still left to go, the next historic win in the Fair Hill International CCI3* and bein Zurich (SUI) next Sunday, Ahlmann has now qualified coming the first Canadian combination to take the presfor the Longines FEI World Cup Jumping 2018 Final in tigious victory absolutely stands out as the highlight. Paris (FRA) in April. Like Smolders, who has also made “The Fair Hill win stands out clearly, mostly because the cut, that wasn’t on the German rider’s radar until the horse got personal bests in all three phases at that today. “I’ll have to have a re-think about that now” he level,” Selena said. “Breaking into1:42:08 the 30sPMin dressage Gaitpost-Nov2017-halfpage-JSandAG-20171010OL.pdf 1 10/10/17 said this evening. Headline News continued on page 13

Fit is Everything.

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

MARCH 2018



by Dr. Allison Sproat DVM



Anatomical location of sinuses in a horse.


orses have a wonderfully complex sinus apparatus composed of six pairs of sinuses. These include the maxillary, frontal and sphenopalatine sinuses which are further divided into multiple compartments. These air-filled spaces are lined by thin bone and covered in mucus. Sinusitis is the inflammation or infection of these passages and can lead to a common collection of symptoms in your horse. Sinusitis can be classified as primary or secondary depending on the underlying cause for the disease. A primary sinusitis refers to a respiratory tract infection caused 10

MARCH 2018

by bacterial or viral invasion that has spread from the lower respiratory structures, including the lungs or trachea. The most common culprit for a primary sinusitis infection is Streptococcus species. A secondary sinusitis is caused by a disease process that affects the sinuses. The most common cause of this is dental disease, such as an infected tooth root. Other causes of secondary sinusitis can be from facial bone fractures, masses such as cysts, cancer (neoplasia) or fungal growths (mycosis). Purulent (pus) material that has been sitting in the sinus for a prolonged time

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

Dental radiograph showing the fluid line in the sinus from accumulation of pus.

can also lead to a secondary sinusitis. So what does sinusitis look like in your horse? A horse with sinusitis can have many different symptoms but the most common is nasal discharge, usually from one nostril. The discharge can be variable and may contain pus, blood or mucus and have a bad odor. Other signs of sinusitis include; facial swelling, decreased nasal airflow, external draining tracts on the face or malodorous breath. If the nasolacrimal system is affected the horse may have tearing from the eyes. The associated lymph nodes can also sometimes be swollen and palpable. Depending on the underlying cause of the sinusitis these symptoms may develop quickly or over a long period of time. In order to diagnosis sinusitis your veterinarian will start by combining the history, symptoms and information from a thorough physical exam. The sinuses can be “percussed” which involves tapping over the sinuses to evaluate changes in tone or resonance. An empty sinus should sound hollow, but if it has become fluid filled this will change the resonance. It is important to do an oral examination as well to rule out any obvious dental abnormalities.

Purulent (pus) discharge from one nostril.

graphs or x-rays are the most useful diagnostic procedure to establish the location and extent of sinus disease. Abnormal findings on radiographs include opacities in the sinus, indicating

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

Vet’s View continued on page 12 MARCH 2018


Horse with in-dwelling catheter through trephination site. This facilitates daily lavage.

Vet’s View continued from page 11 a mass or fluid filling the space. If there is free fluid accumulation a fluid line can often be detected. Dental abnormalities, especially around the roots as well as bone irregularities or changes can be seen as well. If the sinus is full of fluid then it can be difficult to interpret everything in the radiograph. Sinocentesis and sinoscopy involves using an endoscope to evaluate the sinuses and can help characterize where the nasal discharge is originating. The endoscope can be passed into the nose in the sedated conscious horse to check out the sinuses. Another method involves making a small hole through the skin and bone into to the sinus, also known as trephination, and then passing the scope in. These endoscopic techniques are important for diagnosing the cause of the sinusitis and are also critical 12

MARCH 2018

for treatment. Advanced imaging, such as CT or MRI, can also be very useful in difficult cases but require the horse to be under general anesthesia. So how do we get all that stuff out of the sinuses? The most important thing to do is provide drainage of the fluid and flush the sinus (lavaging). Flushing the sinus is usually done with high volumes of saline daily or until the discharge has cleared. The flush can be administered through a trephination hole and in-dwelling catheter. Horses generally tolerate having this catheter in very well and it can be managed like this for weeks if necessary. If we are dealing with a primary sinusitis caused by a respiratory pathogen then systemic antibiotics are needed. The fluid collected in the sinus should be sent to a laboratory for culture and sensitivity testing. This will ensure the right antibiotic is chosen to treat the infection. If we are treating a sinusitis secondary to another disease process then that problem needs to be corrected first. This could include removing a diseased tooth, or removing a fractured fragment of bone for instance. Sometimes further surgery is necessary to treat the sinusitis which would require general anesthesia. Overall the outcome for sinusitis is good if an underlying cause can be determined and the horse responds to treatment. If the sinusitis is caused by a cancerous mass the prognosis is much poorer. It is variable how long the horse will require treatment. The skin and bone heals very well over the trephination site. If the cause for the sinusitis is treated appropriately then it is unlikely the disease will return in the future. Horses usually have an excellent prognosis for return to their athletic function . Dr. Allison Sproat graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon this spring. She grew up in Saskatoon and enjoyed a childhood full of family pets including dogs, cats and rabbits. She completed an honours degree in Biology at the University of Saskatchewan prior to starting veterinary school. Allison has always loved the outdoors and spending time with animals. In veterinary school she became interested in equine medicine after working in the large animal hospital and equine field service departments. Allison hopes to work in a mixed animal practice with an equine focus following her internship at Paton and Martin Veterinary Services.

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

Headline News continued from page 9 had definitely been a goal for the year. It was also encouraging to have him feeling good for show jumping after running around Fair Hill, because it’s a pretty relentless cross country course. I think he’s come into his own in terms of fitness and strength.” In addition to the Fair Hill CCI3* win, Selena and Woody won Red Hills Advanced, finished 11th at Kentucky CCI4* as the highest placed Canadian pair, placed fifth in the Nations Cup at Great Meadow CICO3* and finished third in the Plantation Field CIC3*. Woody finished outside the top 10 just once in the 2017 season, which saw him named 2017 USEA Advanced Horse of the Year. He was also nominated for 2017 EquiRatings Horse of the Year.

Next Deadline: March 9th for the April 2018 Issue

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Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

MARCH 2018


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his year marks the 40th anniversary of the 1978 World Three-Day Event Championships at the Kentucky Horse Park, which developed into the long-standing annual Kentucky Three-Day Event, one of the world’s most prestigious equestrian events. Initially established to produce the 1978 World Three-Day Event Championships, Equestrian Events, Inc. (EEI), a non-profit charitable Kentucky corporation, is a leader among the equestrian event management companies in the nation. With offices at the Kentucky Horse Park, and with staff and Board members located throughout Central Kentucky, the organization’s formal mission is to create competition opportunities to help prepare the U.S. equestrian team to compete worldwide. As producer of one of the world’s top equestrian events, the Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event, EEI’s work has not only helped hone the national equestrian team but also significantly impacted the local economy, drawing more than 80,000 spectators to the Kentucky Horse Park each year and generating some $14.2 million in


MARCH 2018

revenues for the “Horse Capital of the World!” EEI also has a long history of making financial contributions to charities that support local human and equine interests and that serve Lexington and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. In October 1976, as preparation for the World Championships, EEI organized the first horse trials ever held at the Horse Park. In 1977, the organization coordinated the staging of the National Pony Club Rally in August and produced the North American Junior Three-Day Event Championships in September. EEI went on to organize the 1978 World Three-Day Event Championships, being held in the United States for the first time. They proved to be an unqualified success. Shortly after the conclusion of the World Championships, the American Horse Shows Association (now the United States Equestrian Federation - USEF) asked EEI to host the first major three-day event of the new year, setting the wheels in motion for the 1979 Kentucky Horse Trials and ultimately leading to EEI’s annual event, the world-re-

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

nowned Kentucky Three-Day Event. In 2017, over 80,000 spectators representing all 50 states and more than a dozen countries headed to the Bluegrass State specifically for the Kentucky Three-Day Event. More than 80% of those who attended were from outside Kentucky and 35% were recurring visitors who had attended the event for more than six years. Just under 70% (69.3%) stayed for three nights or more with an average daily spending of $244, resulting in an economic impact of $14.2 million from the event (study conducted by University of Kentucky). Over the years EEI has made many financial contributions to charities that support local human and equine organizations and serve Lexington and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Since 2011 EEI has donated over $900,000 to local charities. The Kentucky Horse Park and Kentucky Horse Park Foundation alone have received more than $1 million in gifts and contributions from EEI over the last 40 years.

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Learn More at Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

MARCH 2018


Show Season From your head to your horse’s toe, looking good is important in the show ring this year. Here are some favourites from our Gaitpost advertisers — a little glimpse at what is hot for 2018!

HERM SPRENGER FLEXCITE STIRRUPS The newest generation of jointed stirrups by Herm Sprenger. In perfect balance to set your leg in the correct position. Shockabsorbing and extremely gentle to ligaments and joints. Supports the release of the foot in case of an accident.

RJ CLASSIC, Grey Label, Gulf breeches, available in Stone. Navy, and Beige. These gorgeous breeches are made of quick dry stretch materials, have mesh lower legs, are very flattering on, and wear like iron. Available in sizes 24-36 reg. and long. Available at April’s Tack Boutique · 250-924-0066 ·

N2 SADDLE TRENDS THIS SEASON! Some riders still love their classic black or brown saddles, which are beautiful, but many riders are taking advantage of their ability to add some personal style!. Saddles can be customized by going two-toned, adding some patent (of almost any colour you can imagine), crystals, faux crocodile, stingray, ostrich, anything you can think of! Why not have a little fun? Sarah MacKenzie, Certified N2 Saddle Fitter · 778-989-1841

ASMAR EQUESTRIAN’S BOLD NEW SHOW COAT with light grey piping and grey upper collar with chrome buttons, expertly tailored fit with superior stretch. The hidden zipper under the row of buttons ensures no gaping and provides a smooth and sophisticated appearance. Machine washable and easy! Available at Bates Tack Shop · 1-888-514-7717 · 16

MARCH 2018

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag


Comfort and technical performance! The tailored design, using wearability resistant high stretch fabric along with the pleats on the back ensure a perfect fit for the rider. The breeches are embellished with a Swarovski Samshield logo on the rider’s thigh and Crystal Fabric Swarovski on the back pockets combining technical performance and elegance. Available at the Dog ‘n Pony · 1-888-833-RIDE ·

FARRIER’S FORMULA DOUBLE STRENGTH No foot, no horse, no show season! Farrier’s Formula Double Strength is a pelleted hoof supplement that provides the nutrients important for a healthy hoof and hair coat. Farrier’s Formula also promotes hoof growth, strengthens and thickens the hoof wall and sole, reduces the likelihood of microbial invasions and bruising, and assists with laminitis recovery.

GORGEOUS NSC ARAGON forward flap jump saddle. Unlike foam-panelled French brand jump saddles, NSC jump saddles are wool flocked panels with adjustable trees. That way we can customize the fit to your horse. This saddle offers a semi deep seat, forward flaps, high wither clearance, and excellent knee and thigh support blocks. Available in any color you want. Priced at $3995 CND. ASMAR EQUESTRIAN LONG SLEEVE SHOW SHIRT with lightweight breathable mesh on side panel, sleeves and back. This shirt has Asmar’s Signature woven fabric front and collar and zip-up front with magnetic closure at the collar. This is a beautiful, functional show shirt! Available at Bates Tack Shop · 1-888-514-7717 ·

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

More cool the next stuff on page! MARCH 2018


Show Season Buyer’s Guide SCHLEESE REMONTE SADDLE As a General Purpose saddle, built on our Schleese AdapTree, it is ideal for training young horses. ‘Remonte’ is a German term signifying a young, unbroken horse. This is the saddle that will work on many horses due to its forgiving nature. This saddle was designed together with renowned veterinarian and biomechanics expert Dr. Gerd Heuschmann, DVM. Available through The Perfect Saddle Fit, Mariette Klemm · 250-526-1868

ELATION PLATINUM CHELSEA BREECH Traditional in style and tailored in fit, these breeches are designed for the competitive equestrian with a flair for fashion. Constructed from a lightweight, stretch fabric in several on-trend colours, the Chelsea features contrasting RIMA leather knee patches, comfortable Demi-Cut Sport Stretch ankles and a Euro-Seat design. Available at Greenhawk stores and

KERABOL BIOTIN Keep your horse healthy in show season! Cracks in your horse’s hooves? Recent surgery or hoof abscess that had to be dug out? “Kerabol Biotin” from Equistro provides the nutrients needed to grow healthier hooves fast. Now available at Cloverdale Pharmasave 604-576-2888

SAMSHIELD BLACK VICTORINE JACKET Designed to provide comfort and technical performance to riders. The tailored fit and asymmetrical cut (front is cut shorter than the back) ensures a perfect fit, elegance and comfort. The Victorine is made of a high breathable technical fabric which brings an excellent fit, freedom of movement, lightness and durability for optimal comfort. Available at the Dog ‘n Pony · 1-888-833-RIDE · 18

MARCH 2018

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag


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MARCH 2018

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS Rochelle Kilberg High Performance 1 Certified Coach Coaching All Levels Lessons · Training · Clinics Offering full board at top quality facility 604-202-4869 215-184th Street, South Surrey, BC

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Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

MARCH 2018


BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS Saltaire Equestrian Haus Retailer of Fine Equestrian Apparel Exclusive retailer of Mastermind Equestrian Mobile (BC & AB) and Online Available for Private Shopping Events 403.505.5353

Next Issue: April 2018 Issue


Deadline: March 9, 2018

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Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag


Champagne celebration time for Team Netherlands after winning the Longines FEI Jumping Nations Cup Final at the Real Club de Polo in Barcelona (ESP) last September.



he countdown to the prestigious Longines FEI Jumping Nations Cup 2018 — the world’s biggest and most historic team Jumping series — has started, with a sensational double kick-off in Abu Dhabi (UAE) on Saturday, February 17th and Ocala (USA) just 24 hours later. The series’ new title partner Longines committed their support to this jewel in the crown of the FEI (Fédération Equestre Internationale), the world governing body for horse sport, in a longterm agreement announced during the Longines FEI European Championships in Gothenburg (SWE) last August. The Longines FEI Jumping Nations Cup is all about national pride, passion, tradition, trust between team mates and their super-talented horses, as well as the unique solidarity among the teams from around the world that are now set to give their all in this series, which celebrates 109 years in 2018.

Several innovations will make the Longines FEI Jumping Nations Cup extra-special this year, with its 13 qualifiers on three continents. In Europe Division 1, the number of teams competing has jumped from eight to 10 — alongside defending champions from The Netherlands will be France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Sweden. They will be joined by Belgium and Great Britain, the two top finishing teams in Division 2 last year. The majority of the qualifiers will this year take place on Sunday afternoons for maximum audience reach, both onsite and on TV, with Dublin — the last of the eight Europe Division 1 qualifiers — retaining its traditional Friday slot on August 10th. All Division 1 countries will be allocated five events in 2018 at which they can collect qualifying points for the Final, with all five results counting.

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

MARCH 2018


HORSE TRIALS BC YOUNG RIDER PROGRAM You know spring is near when the show schedule comes out! If you didn’t see last month’s Gaitpost article...grab your calendar and check it out. As you plan your season, keep in mind that nothing is set in stone… especially with horses! Date changes, weather interferences, last minute clinics- can always change your well-laid plans. One item that was missed in our 2018 Competition schedule last month was our Young Rider Camp. Dates are set this year for Sunday August 12, 13, 14. YR Camp is a must for anyone 21 yrs and under who is interested in eventing (at any level). Groups are small and well thought out. There are games, potlucks and lots of group discussions. It is held in beautiful Chase Creek, at the home of the Holmes-Smiths. The YR program has played a huge part for Tosca & Carmen’s own successes.

In the last two years Tosca and Carmen have shown at the NAJRC and brought home the Gold!

HOW TO BECOME A YR • Obtain a 2018 HTBC membership • Obtain a 2018 YR membership (only $20.00 with special rates for larger families) • Be willing to give back and pitch in when you can WHAT YOU GET: • Year long opportunities for course walks at events, clinics and extra information and support from our fabulous BC coaches. • Subsidies for clinics and training programs. This is your chance to be part of a great group of youth riders in your riding community. The entire program is based on volunteers. Lending a hand and pitching in for clinics, events and fundraising is what it’s all about. In return you gain knowledge, experience and lasting friendships. The history of our YR program is tried, tested and true. It is growing every year! Many of today’s top BC Riders are part of this program. Visit HTBC website or find the HTBCYR FB page today and be a 2018 YR! — Submitted by Tanya Drake


604.992.5676 Greystone Stables 6087 64th Street | Delta, BC


MARCH 2018

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

DISCIPLINEREPORTS What’s Happening in all the Disciplines


A bright new face lit up the sport of Show Jumping when Swedish newcomer, Stephanie Holmen (27), simply outrode many of the best in the world to win the eleventh leg of the Longines FEI World Cup Jumping 2017/2018 Western European League in Zurich, Switzerland.



bright new face lit up the sport of Show Jumping when Swedish newcomer, Stephanie Holmén (27), simply out-rode many of the best in the world to win the eleventh leg of the Longines FEI World Cup Jumping 2017/2018 Western European League in Zurich, Switzerland. Partnering the beautifully-bred Flip’s Little Sparrow, she led the rest a merry dance when throwing down a super-fast target-time in the 14-horse jump-off against the clock that had spectators gripping their seats to the very end. Swiss riders wore armbands in memory of their respected colleague, Willi Melliger, who passed away recently, so when the host nation’s Pius Schwizer (55) slotted into second with About a Dream ahead of Frenchman Kevin Staut (37) in

third with Silver Deux de Virton it seemed a fitting result. But this was all about one lady who showed the rest a clean pair of heels. Holmén, who has been based with individual Olympic silver and European gold medallist Peder Fredricson at his Grevlunda Stables in the south of Sweden for the last four years was hooked up with the 12-year-old mare last June and, in only the second World Cup qualifier of her career, she put herself firmly on the sporting map with the ride of her life. Her boss was on hand to give her some instructions today, and she made good use of them. Having set the pace when second to go however she then had the agonising wait as the sport’s best took on her target-time of 38.79

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

Discipline Reports continued on page 26 MARCH 2018


STARTING GATE COMMUNICATIONS Eric Lamaze and Chacco Kid earned back-to-back $35,000 Equinimity WEF Challenge Cup wins on January 25 at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, FL.

Discipline Reports continued from page 25 seconds. Second-placed Schwizer, who posted a time of 39.90 seconds, has been twice-winner of the Longines qualifier in Zurich in recent years but was happy with runner-up spot today with his nine-year-old mare. And Staut, who crossed the line in 40.72, said he was satisfied with third. “Silver is improving a lot but is not a really fast horse,” he pointed out. And he was full of praise for today’s winner. “Stephanie was fantastic, it’s great to see new faces in our sport and it’s also great to be part of the last edition here in Zurich,” he added. Indeed, after 30 years on the calendar, Zurich is saying farewell. FEI Director of Jumping, John Roche, thanked the show organizers for the major contribution the event has made down the years. “You were the first OC to combine top-class sport with entertainment, a concept that has been copied by many others around the world,” he said.

BACK-TO-BACK WEF CHALLENGE CUP WINS FOR CANADA’S ERIC LAMAZE For the second week in a row, Canada’s Eric Lamaze and Chacco Kid won the $35,000 Equinimity WEF Challenge Cup held each Thursday of the 12-week Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, FL. Having laid claim to victory in Round II, Lamaze and Chacco Kid returned to the International Arena on Thursday, January 25, to win the $35,000 CSI3* WEF Challenge Cup Round III. Lamaze, a three-time Olympic medalist, was defending his title, as he had also won the WEF Challenge Cup Round III in 2017 riding Houston for owner Artisan Farms. His victory on January 25 marked the 25th WEF Challenge Cup win of Lamaze’s career, tying him with McLain Ward of the U.S. for the most all-time wins. Canadian course designer Peter Grant set the tracks for week three, which yielded 26 clear rounds from an 84-horse starting field. Lamaze turned in an impressive jump-off performance, jumping clear in a time of 40.02 seconds that would prove unbeatable. Marilyn Little of the U.S. came the closest to catching Lamaze, stopping the clock in 41.37 aboard Clearwater while four-time U.S. Olympic medalist Beezie Madden placed third with a time of 42.28 seconds riding HHS Hercules. Two-time Canadian Olympian Tiffany Foster of North Vancouver, BC, also jumped double clear to finish fourth with a time of 42.46 riding Brighton for Andy and Carlene Ziegler’s Artisan Farms. Lamaze once again found himself leading





MARCH 2018

email: phone: 604 858 3375 Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

SUSAN J. STICKLE Heather Blitz’s Praestemarkens Quatero impresses to finish the week with his third win, in the Intermediate I Freestyle with 73.6%.

the WEF Challenge Cup victory gallop with Chacco Kid. Paired with Lamaze for two years, the 12-year-old Oldenburg gelding (Chacco Blue x Come On) is owned by the Chacco Kid Group, comprised of Sara and Rick Mershad, Carol and Ludi Sollak, and Carlene and Andy Ziegler. “To compare the two different weeks, I thought the course last week was more technical, only producing nine clear while today’s course was more straightforward with a generous time allowed,” said Lamaze, 49. SHOW JUMPING RESULTS FEI WORLD CUP JUMPING 2017/2018 WESTERN EUROPEAN LEAGUE IN ZURICH, SWITZERLAND. RESULTS: 1, Flip’s Little Sparrow (Stephanie Holmén) SWE 0/0 38.79; 2, About a Dream (Pius Schwizer) SUI 0/0 39.90; 3, Silver Deux de Virton HDC (Kevin Staut) FRA 0/0 40.72.

DRESSAGE REPORT WEEK THREE OF THE 2018 ADEQUAN GLOBAL DRESSAGE FESTIVAL WRAPS UP Local rider Heather Blitz made it three victories from three starts in week three of the Adequan Global Dressage Festival (AGDF), an annual 12week dressage circuit at Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC) in Wellington, Florida. While week three has concluded, AGDF continues on February 8-11 with CDI5* competition. The smile on Heather Blitz’s face when talking about Praestemarkens Quatero is a clear indication of how highly she rates the nine-year-old, winner of the Intermediate I Freestyle CDI3* class, presented by Triple Crown Nutrition, with 73.6%. And it’s with good reason. “I knew his dam by Rohdiamant while I was

ing in Denmark and suggested to his breeder, Inger Recht, that she use the stallion Quaterback on her,” she explained. “I moved back the US, but when ‘Q Ball’ was six, they asked if I’d like to try him. When I sat on him he felt like he was already my horse; like putting on a familiar pair of jeans.” Their small tour freestyle began with halt to canter, and included extended canters down the center line into tight pirouettes, flying changes on tight, curving lines and shoulder-in performed on the center line. The only blip was a stride of canter in the trot half-pass right, but they were on the beat of the music throughout and it was more than enough to convince the judges to award victory to the pair. Imported to the U.S. in early 2015, Praestemarkens Quatero has been in trying with Blitz in Florida and the two have been building a strong rapport. That bond appears rock solid as they have won eight of their nine CDI starts. Their next stop, after a couple of rest weeks, is the CDI in Tryon, North Carolina, in mid April, where Blitz will also be coaching her pupil, Paralympian Annie Peavy, who will contest the CPEDI the same weekend. Second-placed Eliane Cordia van Reesema (USA) was also riding a nine-year-old, her own Cristallo gelding, Codiak, who scored 71.725%. Canada’s Tom Dvorak finished in third on Ribot with 71.25%. ADRIENNE LYLE SHOWCASES HER NEW STAR AT THE 2018 ADEQUAN GLOBAL DRESSAGE FESTIVAL Adrienne Lyle picked up another winner’s blanDiscipline Reports continued on page 28

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Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

MARCH 2018



“The most exciting thing about him, and I’ve heard this from a couple of judges too, is that there’s not one thing that’s a weak point and could only be a seven. As he gets stronger, we’ll see where the scores go. But there’s not one thing where he’s plateaued yet — or even come close to plateauing,” added Lyle, 33. Canada’s Megan Lane improved on her third place finish in the grand prix, sneaking ahead of Shelly Francis (USA) and Doktor. Lane rode her own 17-year-old Caravella (by Contango x Riverman) to 72.383%. Caravella was bred by Jill Irving, who also contested the class, riding Degas 12.

The 2017 champions, Germany’s Isabell Werth and Weihegold, were in a league of their own when winning the sixth leg of the FEI World Cup Dressage 2017/2018 Western European League in Amsterdam (NED).

Discipline Reports continued from page 27 ket for Salvino when winning the FEI Grand Prix Special CDI3*, presented by Horseware Ireland, at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival (AGDF). This was added to the one they scooped two days previously for winning the grand prix at the home of the ADGF, Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC) in Wellington, Florida. Lyle and the 11-year-old Hanoverian stallion (by Sandro Hit x Donnerhall), owned by Elizabeth Juliano, chalked up 75.234%, which would have been even higher had it not been for a jog in the walk, eliciting fives from all five judges. The stallion’s energy and ability, both for his extraordinary ability to collect, yet to relax just a moment later, drew many admirers, and higher yet scores could well be on the horizon. Despite being a stallion, ‘Vinny’ leads a normal home life, going in the paddock, hacking, doing cavalettis and riding around the jumper fields. His temperament and ability in the ring mean he could be a very valuable addition to senior teams over the coming years. 28

MARCH 2018

GERMANY’S WERTH AND WEIHEGOLD ARE AWESOME IN AMSTERDAM Defending series champions, Germany’s Isabell Werth (48) and her magical mare Weihegold, cruised to victory at the sixth leg of the FEI World Cup Dressage 2017/2018 Western European League in Amsterdam (NED) this afternoon. The dynamic duo floated through their Freestyle test to post 88.540, almost a full percentage point more than their winning score at the third leg of the series on home ground in Stuttgart in November. The capacity crowd packed into the RAI Arena included stars of many other sports along with Dutch royal family member Princess Margarita, Countess of Colorno, who is a Board Member of the show organization, Jumping Amsterdam. But it was the German Dressage queen who claimed centre stage when pinning the home side’s Edward Gal (47) with Glock’s Zonik into second, and her compatriot, Jessica von Bredow-Werndl (31), into third with Unee BB. “Weihe was really fantastic today, I can’t describe the feeling of this power and collection, she’s like a metronome — we can do whatever we want! The atmosphere in the arena was electric so I had to be careful because she was very hot. She produced really magnificent piaffe/passage, but I stopped breathing in the collected walk because she was SO ready for the canter!” Werth said. Last to go she was chasing the super leading

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

SUSAN J. STICKLE The USA’s Laura Graves en route to the highest score ever awarded at the AGDF — 84.675%.

mark of 81.860 produced by Gal and his exciting young stallion who really settled to his job. “It’s five weeks since we finished third at Olympia (London) and there is a visible improvement” said the man who claimed the FEI World Cup Dressage title in 2010 with the great Totilas. This was just the third Freestyle test for the 10-yearold Zonik. “He’s getting stronger and stronger and more motivated, suddenly we are making big steps forward and I have high hopes for him for the future!” he added.

Center (PBIEC) in Wellington, Florida. Ranked fourth in the world, Graves and Verdades’ floorplan exudes complexity, and includes passage half-pass, two-time changes on a curve melting into one-times and ultra-steep trot halfpasses. “He is such a hot horse that I rode him three times today,” said Graves, 30, who trains with Debbie MacDonald. “We brought him out at lunch time and with the wind he was a little crazy and we were a little concerned as we know what he can be like. But I am excited about this score — and the score from the grand prix [79.63%].” The podium order was unchanged from the previous day’s grand prix: Sweden’s seventime Olympian Tinne Vilhelmson Silfvén filled second on Lövsta Stuteri’s 15-year-old gelding Paridon Magi (by Don Primero) with 79.05%, while home rider Shelly Francis partnered Patricia Stempel’s ever-improving 14-year-old Danilo, by De Niro, to third place with 76.15%.

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LAURA GRAVES POSTS HIGHEST EVER AGDF SCORE AT THE 2018 ADEQUAN GLOBAL DRESSAGE FESTIVAL Laura Graves and Verdades comfortably captured the FEI World Cup Grand Prix Freestyle presented by US P.R.E. Association with a mesmerizing performance on her own and Curt Maes’ 2016 Rio Olympic team bronze medallist, Verdades. The pair’s emphatic 84.675% is the best score ever given at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival (AGDF) — an annual 12-week dressage circuit at Palm Beach International Equestrian

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Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

MARCH 2018


Next Deadline: March 9, 2018 for the April 2018 Issue

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Mar 23 - 25 Apr 13 - 15

Gateway Finale, Thunderbird Show Park, Langley, BC Chris Pack: Dressage Gateway, Thunderbird Show Park, Langley, BC or (604) 816-7223 BCHAA Annual Spring Show, Langley, BC Tara: (604) 617-1667,

Please confirm with event organizers before attending any events. Some events are changed or cancelled without our knowledge. Submit calendar events at Calendar events must be submitted by the print deadline, in order to be considered for inclusion in the next issue. The Gaitpost Calendar is a free service.


MARCH 2018


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Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

Canada’s Greatest Little Horse Mag

MARCH 2018


High Point is delighted to be hosting the Senior Summer Classic dressage show, on August 11th and 12th. Please note, as a result, our Diamond Dressage Series August show is being moved to August 25th.

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to for more

Saturday June 9, 2018


Saturday July 14, 2018 Saturday August 25, 2018

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