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Research grant for Doctors (1 vacancy) REFERÊNCIA: BI/CITAB/UTAD/QUI/2015

It is available one research grant for a PhD candidate, within the Research Unit CITAB – Centre for The Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences (AGR-Norte-VilaReal-4033) from the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal, funded by national funds through FCT, under the following conditions: Scientific area: Chemistry Admission prerequisites: 1 – PhD in Chemistry, Biological or Biochemistry Sciences. 2 - Experience in the assessment of chemical and phytochemical composition resorting to chromatographic techniques as well as experience in the evaluation of nutritional and phytochemical contents, as well as antioxidant activity, through standard methodologies; 3 – The candidate has to present a strong background regarding vibrational spectroscopy, so as the usage of multivariate statistical approaches for the development of prediction models; 4 - Further, given the increasing internationalization of CITAB, the candidate should present a good command of written and spoken English, presenting international experience proven by research work developed in foreign institutions. Work plan: Regarding the present goals of this task, as well as the new trends to be considered within this research area, it is crucial to hire a PhD staff, able to develop these tasks in close cooperation with the CITAB researchers already involved in these goals, as well as to approach the new challenges that this research area implies, thus taking advantage of CITAB’s resources and available technologies, within the laboratories involved in the research and discovery of new bio-based products, so as in the valorisation of co-products. Besides the development of distinct tasks autonomously, respecting the research work, the candidate has to present the ability to undertake multidisciplinary works, so as to develop collaborations with distinct partners, either from different CITAB associated labs or stakeholders, contributing actively for the design of the experimental works. This implies the ability to introduce the spectroscopical analytical procedures in distinct projects, besides being capable of establishing working relationships with distinct partners.

Since CITAB represents a network of several laboratories working alongside stakeholders for distinct goals, besides serving actively the corporate sector and other third parties, the assignments of the person to be hired will also comprise the service to this network, concerning the aforementioned tasks. Hence, this person will represent a support, respecting the necessities of the research centre and its partners, thus maintaining the working flow between the distinct CITAB labs, and ensuring that multidisciplinary works between CITAB’s labs and stakeholders are not compromised. Also, this person will actively valorise the presently available instrumentation in CITAB, besides potential future acquisitions, making it available to the community by providing paid services to third parties, not only from the technical viewpoint, undertaking the experimental work, but also as advisor, helping the customers in the attainment of the most suitable experimental design to reach their goals.

Legislation and regulations: Law N º. 40/2004, of August 18 (Status of Scientific Research Fellow); the current Research Grants Regulation








(http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamento.phtml) and Research Grant Regulation from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro - Order RT.36/2011, July 6, Mr. Rector, published in the Official Gazette by Order No. 9157/2011 (Series II) of 19 July. Workplace: Work will be conducted at the Centre for The Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences under the supervision of Professor Ana Isabel Ramos Novo Amorim de Barros, located at Vila Real, Portugal. Grant Duration: Grant duration is 12 months, starting at July 2015, may be renewed up to a maximum of 30 months, in accordance with current legislation and financial availability (subject to FCT funding). Monthly maintenance grant: The














(http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores). Payment is done on a monthly basis through bank deposit, cheque or other equivalent way. Candidates’ selection criteria: The selection methods to use will be the following: The candidates will be ranked based on their personal merit as assessed by Curriculum Vitae (60%), research experience under the work plan scope (weight: 20%), and interview (weight: 20%). In the interview will be valued aspects related to interest in research careers, particularly with the topics studied in this

project, and professional skills. The candidates will be classified with a scale of 1 to 20 for each criterion. Candidates classified with a score below 15 in the Curriculum Vitae will not be admitted to the interview.

Jury Composition: Professor Ana Isabel Ramos Novo Amorim de Barros (President), Professor Amélia Lopes da Silva (effective member), PhD Raúl Dominguez-Perles (effective member).

Results publication/ Candidates notification: The final results will be made available publicly in a sorted list according to candidates’ marks. The list will be placed in a visible and public place at CITAB office (building P2 - UTAD). The best candidate will be informed by e-mail. Application deadline and method: Applications will be received from 28 May until 11 June 2015. The documents for the application are the Form Mod4_BIUTAD, the curriculum vitae, a certificate containing the marks of the disciplines completed during the BSc. and Master and any other documents that the candidate may find relevant. The form Mod4_BIUTAD-Application Form for Fellowship is available in UTAD’s website, using the following instructions: •

Access to the homepage of UTAD: www.utad.pt. Select the menu "Investigar" Option "Bolsas de Investigação".

In the "Bolsas de Investigação" page, select the option "Download" next to the title "Modelos de Documentos[...]"

Download Mod4_BIUTAD-Application Form the research grant, in Portuguese or English version.

The applications should be sent by email to Professor Ana Isabel Barros, abarros@utad.pt

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