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Science and technology management grant for masters (one vacancy) REFERENCE: BGCT/FP7/KBBE/2013-7/PC0062

It is available one science and technology management grant for masters, within the project EuroLegume (FP7-KBBE-2013-7 Grant Agreement nº 613781) from the Universidade de Trás-osth

Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal, funded by the 7

Research Framework Programme (FP7) of the

European Commission, under the following conditions: Scientific area: Economics


Admission prerequisites: 1 - Degree in Economics and Masters in Innovation, Economics or Management. 2 - Experience in financial management, monitoring, attendance and dissemination of research projects (national and international). 3 – Experience in training and dynamization of Entrepreneurship 4 - Solid knowledge of the management platform of European projects. 5 - Proficiency in English language, both written and spoken.

Workplan: The candidate will be responsible for the administrative and financial management of the Eurolegume project.

Legislation and regulations: Law N º. 40/2004, of August 18 (Status of Scientific Research Fellow); Regulation Research Grant from the








( and Research Grant Regulation from the University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro - Order RT.36/2011, July 6, Mr. Rector, published in the Official Gazette by Order No. 9157/2011 (Series II) of 19 July. 1

One of the following scientific areas: Agricultural Sciences; Animal Science and Veterinarian Sciences; Anthropology; Architecture; Arts; Astronomy; Biological Sciences; Chemistry; Communication Sciences; Computer Science; Criminology; Cultural studies; Demography; Earth and Atmosphere Sciences; Economics; Educational sciences; Engineering; Environmental science; Ethics in health sciences; Ethics in natural sciences; Ethics in physical sciences; Ethics in social sciences; Geography; History; Information science; Juridical sciences; Language sciences; Literature; Mathematics; Medical sciences; Neurosciences; Pharmacological sciences; Philosophy; Physics; Political sciences; Psychological Sciences; Religious sciences; Sociology; Technology. Funded by th the 7 Research Framework Programme of the European Union

Workplace: Work will be conducted at the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro under the supervision of Prof. Eduardo Rosa, the Eurolegume project Coordinator. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro is located at Vila Real, Portugal. Grant Duration: Grant duration is 12 months, starting at January/February 2015, to be renewed until the end of the project, in accordance with current legislation and after a thorough evaluation. Monthly maintenance grant: The grant corresponds to 1.480 euros according to the FCT payment table in Portugal ( Payment is done on a monthly basis through bank deposit, cheque or other equivalent way.

Candidates selection criteria: The selection methods to use will be the following: 1- Curricular evaluation (scale 0 to 20 values); 2- Professional experience (scale 0 to 20 values); 3- Interview of the candidates in the case they are tied. Candidates will be sorted in a scale from 0 to 20 values, with rounding to the first decimal place and using the following weights for the selection criteria: Curricular evaluation (50 %); Professional experience (50 %).

Jury Composition: Prof. Eduardo Rosa (President), Prof. Guilhermina Marques (effective vowel), Prof. Miguel Rodrigues (effective vowel).

Results publication/ Candidates notification: The final results will be public advertised in a ranked list according to the marks on the evaluation criteria. The list will be shown at CITAB’s office (building P2 - UTAD). The selected candidate will be informed by e-mail and official letter. Application deadline and method: Applications will be received from November, between 4 and 18 December, 2014. The documents for the application are the Form Mod4_BIUTAD, the curriculum vitae, copy of official academic degree certificates and any other documents that the candidate may find relevant.

Funded by th the 7 Research Framework Programme of the European Union

The application form must be the “Mod4_BIUTAD- Application_Form_EnglishVersion, available through the UTAD web page by following these directions: • Access to the UTAD homepage: Select Menu "Investigar" Option "Bolsas de Investigação". • On the "Bolsas de Investigação" page, select the "Download" option, with the title "Modelos de Documentos [...]" • Download Mod4_BIUTAD_Application_Form in Portuguese or English version.

The applications should be sent by email to Prof. Eduardo Rosa,

Funded by th the 7 Research Framework Programme of the European Union

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