A-10 American User Manual

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1. Safety/Warnings...........................................................3 1.1 Safety Regulations for handling the A-10 American.........3 2.Versions of the A-10 American.......................................4 3. Assembly of the A-10 American.....................................5 3.1 Mounting the Barrel Set..........................................5 3.2 Mounting the Forend..............................................6 4. Disassembly of the A-10 American................................6 4.1 Removing the Forend.............................................6 4.2 Removing the Barrel Set.........................................6 4.3 Sidelock Disassembly/Assembly................................7 5. Operation of the A-10 American ................................10 5.1 Opening the gun.................................................10 5.2 Closing the gun ..................................................10 5.3 Securing the gun ................................................10 5.4 Releasing the safety .............................................11 5.5 Single Selective Inertia Mass Trigger .........................11 5.6 Trigger Position Adjustment ...................................11 5.7 Loading the gun .................................................12 5.8 Unloading the gun ..............................................13 5.9 Barrel selection and firing .....................................14 5.10 Decocking the sidelocks ......................................15 5.11 Changeable chokes .............................................16 5.12 Steel shot cartridges............................................16 5.13 Removing the balancer ........................................17 5.14 Adjusting the balancer .........................................17 5.15 Returning the balancer ........................................17 5.16 Dynamic Balance Barrel Weight System ....................17 6. Nomenclature..............................................................18 7.Care/Maintenance ....................................................18 7.1 Transporting the A-10 American ..............................18 7.2 Caring for the A-10 American .................................18 7.3 Maintenance of the A-10 American ...........................18 8.Warranty .....................................................................19 8.1 Manufacturer Warranty .........................................19 8.2 Scope of Warranty ...............................................19 8.3 Warranty Exclusions..............................................19 NOTE: THE RECEIVER OF THE A-10 GOES THROUGH A PROPRIETARY HARDENING PROCESS. DO NOT ALTER, ANNEAL OR RE-ENGRAVE THE A-10 AMERICAN. THE COMPOUNDS IN THE METAL WILL BREAK DOWN AND THE GUN WILL BE UNUSABLE.


1. Safety/Warnings 1. Safety/Warnings The A-10 American Shotgun is equipped with a self cocking double lock. Both side locks are cocked when the shotgun is opened. After discharging one round, one lock will remain cocked.

1.1 Safety regulations for handling the A-10 American

In order to ensure safe handling of the A-10 American, please adhere to the following: • Ensure that the correct operating instructions are at WARNING: hand. Read the manual in its A loaded firearm is a danger to life. entirety before you begin. • The firearm is cocked by opening • Always treat a firearm as if it the breech. Ensure that the muzzle were loaded. is always pointed away from • Store your firearm so that all people, animals, or property, children cannot access it. so nothing is in danger of an • Never shoot at water or any accidental misfire. hard surface. • Only put your finger on the trigger • Use proper ammunition. when you are absolutely ready to • Never transport a loaded discharge the firearm. firearm. WARNING: • Ensure that the firearm and Life can be in danger from defective ammunition are only used by ammunition authorized persons. • Only use flawless ammunition • Ensure that the firearm and all that clearly corresponds with ammunition are always locked the caliber of you’re A-10 and stored separately when not American. All ammunition must in use. meet all the requirements of the • Applicable specifications and CIP, especially in regard to the national legal provisions for maximum gas pressure, (Pmax). handling and owning firearms • Each and every firearm must be observed at all times. Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co. • To prevent injury to persons produces is tested by a highly and animals and/or damage qualified gunsmith to make the to property, always hold the determination of safe firing. Each muzzle in a direction in which gun is fired with proof loads that no person, animal, or property exceed the permissible maximum is endangered. reference gas pressure, Pmax • Make sure there is no foreign rating in the United States. Under matter in the barrel before and no circumstances is the A-10 after loading the firearm. (i.e. American shooter or third parties wads, earth, snow, etc…) safety guaranteed when shooting • Only load the gun immediately high gas pressure ammunition. before discharging. This also applies to cartridge • Only release the safety when cases that no longer meet their the muzzle is pointed in a safe full sealing function. We do direction and you are ready to not recommend using reloaded discharge the firearm. ammunition of any kind. The • Always check your complete shooting of high pressure loads surroundings before will void all warranties. discharging the A-10 American. 3

Always wear hearing and eye protection when using the firearm. Only aim at a target after it has been clearly identified. Only put your finger on the trigger when you are absolutely ready to fire.

2.Versions of the A-10 American

If a cartridge has failed: • Never open the breech immediately. Wait at least 60 seconds before opening to prevent injury from a hang fire.

There are four models currently being offered. They are as follows: • A-10 American Standard • A-10 American Deluxe • A-10 American Rose & Scroll • A-10 American Platinum

• • •

Before handling the A-10 American: • Read the instruction manual thoroughly and perform all functions and procedure steps with an unloaded gun so that you become familiar with the operation of the A-10 American. Always handle every firearm as if it was loaded and ready to fire until you have checked the following: • Open barrel locking • Check chamber and barrels

The A-10 American is designed for right and left handed users with the cast being neutral to accommodate both.

Additional features are available through the custom shop. The A-10 American Standard comes with a 5 year limited mechanical warranty. The A-10 American Deluxe, Rose & Scroll and Platinum models come with a limited lifetime mechanical warranty.

Fractures in the wood, mishandling, misuse, and general WARNING: A loaded firearm is a danger to life! wear and tear are not covered under warranty. • Heavy jolting or dropping the firearm can cause the lock to disengage, despite the firearm’s safety being secured. Ensure that the firearm is unloaded before doing any of the following: • Before crossing or climbing over obstacles • Before climbing up or down raised stands • Before entering any building • Before getting into a vehicle • Before entering a town or any residential area • Before storing or handing someone else the firearm




3. Assembly of the A-10 American

To achieve safe handling of the A-10 American more efficiently, carry out all assembly steps to become familiar with your A-10 American. CAUTION: Do not pivot the forend too far down before pulling it forward off the ejectors to remove it. 3.1 Mounting the barrels • Remove forend from the barrel set. Set the forend off to the side. • You will notice two round hinge pins, or trunnions, toward the front of the receiver. • On the barrels you will notice two half moon cutouts on the monoblock area. Be sure that there has been proper lubrication of these components prior to assembly to prevent wear. CAUTION: Make sure the barrels and action are properly lubricated. Slightly lubricate mating surfaces defined by the red arrows with a high quality gun oil. Apply grease to surfaces defined by red arrows marked “G”. Wipe off excess oil and grease. • Make sure the top lever is open to the right before barrels are assembled. Insert the barrel assembly into the action so that the hinge pins on the receiver fit into the cutouts on the barrels. • Slowly rotate the barrels up making sure the posts on the ejectors enter their slots on the receiver front while closing. The top lever should snap back towards the center of the gun to lock the barrel set into the action.





3.2 Mounting the forend • Fit the forend to the barrels by placing the curved steel end of the forend over the ends of the ejectors. Slide the forend back toward the receiver, rotating it up so that it clips into position under the barrels. The forend latch should return flush with its surround indicating the forend is locked into place. The A-10 American is now assembled.

4. Disassembly of the A-10 American 4.1 Removing the forend •

Pull the forend latch lever toward you and gently pull the forend slightly down and forward off the ejector ends on the barrel set. Caution: Do not pull the forend too far down before pulling it forward off the ejectors to remove it. 4.2 Removing the barrels • While holding the barrel set in one hand, push the top lever over to the right. The barrels may now rotate to open the breech and release the barrel set from the action. • Put the forend back on the barrels for safe keeping in your case. To do so, again slide the curved steel end of the forend over the ejector ends so that the top flat of the forend metal mates with the water table at the front of the monoblock. • Pull the forend back and up, allowing the barrel hook to enter its slot in the forend iron. Apply slight pressure to allow the forend latch to ride over the barrel hook. Make sure that the latch returns to its flush position. 6

4.3 Sidelock Disassembly/Assembly The side plates /locks of the A-10 American over-and-under may be removed for inspection, cleaning, and maintenance. Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co. recommends that you limit removing and replacing locks to only times of need. Do not store gun with side locks out for long periods of time. CAUTION: The side lock screw is a very delicate and precise assembly. Do not over tighten or apply large forces to the flip out door when removing or installing. (Do not push flip out door up right or past its relaxed open position.) If this assembly is damaged during side lock removal or installation it is not due to defects in materials or workmanship and its repair or replacement is not covered under the warranty. Removing the side lock • It is recommended that you decock the hammers by firing the gun with snap caps. Remove the forend before opening the top lever to remove the barrels. • You must locate the side plate screw door shapes by looking closely at the receiver side panels under correct lighting. With the tool provided, press on the horizontal bar that fills the slot of the smaller diameter screw head. Press on the edge of the horizontal bar farthest from the larger door diameter allowing it to flip up short of vertical. • Do not attempt to move the door straight up or past its open position. Turn the screw assembly counter clockwise until it can be pulled up out of its counterbore. • Support the left side lock on a soft surface. Locate the second side plate screw and repeat the operation. After removing the screw assemblies, note that the front screw assembly is slightly longer. 7

Support left side lock with your hand and insert the front screw assembly into the rear screw hole. Gently push the left side lock out of its cavity in the stock and rotate out and back to remove.

Turn the gun over. Support the right side lock with your hand. Insert the tool provided into the rear side lock screw hole in the stock cavity and gently push. The right side lock will pivot out and back for removal.

The side locks may now be inspected, cleaned and lubricated.

Carefully clean sidelock assemblies with light bristle brush and lubricate with a high quality gun lubricant. Wipe excess oil from side locks with soft cotton cleaning patches.

Reassembly of the sidelocks CAUTION: Be sure the side locks are clean, lubricated, and free of handling marks that may lead to corrosion. Align sear ends carefully so they do not interfere with trigger group parts when rotating into place. •


First mount the left side plate. Insert the front tab into the recess in the receiver and slowly press the rear part into the stock recess while observing the sear to trigger group engagement.

Support the left side plate and mount the right side lock on the other side of the receiver. Insert the front tab into the recess in the receiver and press the rear part into the stock cavity while watching the sear to trigger group engagement. Put slight pressure on both plates to insure that they are seated down to their correct position. Insert the front (longer) screw assembly into the correct hole and turn clockwise a few times and stop before it becomes tight. Leave door in its up position. While holding the plates with pressure so their outer surfaces are just below the surfaces of the stock, insert the rear side lock screw( shorter) into its hole and turn clockwise until you feel pressure and stop turning. Inspect the flipped up door position. Align the door so that it is tilted toward its recess in the side plate. The slot in the screw head should be perpendicular to the breech face. Lower the door down into its recess. Now tighten the front screw assembly without applying large force. When the screw stops turning align the door so that it tilts toward the recess in the side plate. Lower the door into its recess. Both screw assembly doors should be flush with the right side plate exterior.


Once the receiver is assembled be sure that all surfaces (wood and metal) have been cleaned with a soft cotton cleaning patch with a high quality gun oil to prevent corrosion and to preserve the delicate finishes.

5. Operation 5.1 Opening the gun • To open the A-10 American push the top opening lever located on the top of the action to the right. Gently pull the barrels in a downward motion to open. Check the barrels to make sure that they are free of any obstructions. 5.2 Closing the gun • To close the A-10 American point the barrels downward and gently tip up the buttstock and action until closed. Check to see that the top opening lever has snapped back to slightly right of center of the gun to lock the barrel set in place. 5.3 Securing the gun • Pull safety slide button back with thumb so that “S” or “SAFE” is visible. (“S” or “SAFE” visible= safety is on) The trigger is now blocked from movement. DANGER: a loaded gun is a danger to life. Heavy jolting or dropping the gun can cause locks to disengage even with the safety on. Secure and unload the A-10 American, before disassembly. DANGER: Before releasing the safety, make sure the gun is pointed in a safe direction where neither people, animals, nor property are in danger. Make sure fingers and objects are clear of the trigger when releasing the safety or closing a gun. 10

5.4 Releasing the Safety • To release the safety push the safety slide button forward with your thumb covering up the word “SAFE” or letter “S” on some models. If the word “SAFE” or “S” is covered the gun is ready to fire.

5.5 Single Selective Inertia mass Trigger: • The A-10 American comes standard with an inertia block type single trigger. The recoil energy from the first shot switches the inertia block to the second sear for second barrel firing. When dry firing the gun with snap caps, the second lock will not fire without a simulated recoil or second barrel selection. • For dry firing with snap caps, after the first hammer has been fired, you may manually move the block to the second fire position with the safety selector button. Toggle the selector button to its other position and trigger pull to release the second hammer. It may be necessary to move the safety button all the way rearward to “safety on” and then select the second barrel, push safety forward, and fire the second hammer. • As an option recoil maybe simulated after the first hammer has been released on the snap cap. Hold the barrel set at the forend firmly with one hand and rap the recoil pad of the stock, or gently tap the butt on the ground, to switch the block to the second firing position. After simulating recoil, pull trigger to fire the second barrel. 5.6 Trigger position adjustment • The A-10 American comes standard with a trigger that can be adjusted to fine tune your length of pull. • There is a set screw through the trigger that can be loosened to give the shooter three trigger position choices. Loosen the set screw with the allen wrench provided and slide the trigger forward or rearward to the desired position. There are three lines on the upper trigger component that correspond to each of the three trigger positions. The trigger must align to one of these lines before tightening the set screw. • When the trigger aligns with the appropriate line tighten the set screw to lock the trigger position. 11

5.7 Loading the gun: DANGER: A loaded firearm is a danger to life; make sure the gun is pointed in a safe direction where neither people, animals, nor property are in danger. Only put your finger on the trigger when you are ready to fire. Heavy jolting or dropping the gun may disengage the lock even with the safety on. Load the A-10 American as follows: • Secure the gun by pulling back the safety slide button. When the word “SAFE” or “S” is visible the A-10 American is deemed safe. • Push the opening lever to the right to open the breech. Pull gently downward on the forend until the bores are fully accessible and check that they are clear. Caution: Be sure you are putting the proper caliber and length approved cartridges into your A-10 American and that the barrels are clear and pointing in a safe direction. • Push cartridges into the chambers. • Pivot the action up to close the gun making sure that the opening lever comes back to slightly right of center to lock the barrel set closed. • The A-10 American will now be cocked and loaded with the safety on. Note: The A-10 American is fitted with a safety sear that is independent of the safety slide button to reduce the chance of firing when the gun is dropped or jolted. DANGER: When closing the A-10 American or any firearm the trigger should NOT be touched as this can cause the gun to fire. 12

WARNING: Do not ever use cartridges that do not correspond to the markings on the barrel. Use only cartridges with a length equal to or less than the chamber length indicated on the side of the barrel.

5.8 Unloading the gun: DANGER: A loaded firearm is a danger to life; make sure the gun is pointed in a safe direction where neither people, animals, nor property are in danger. Only put your finger on the trigger when you are ready to fire. The A-10 American has been equipped with an extractor with an ejector function for each barrel. The ejector function is active for the respective barrel after each round is discharged. When the gun is opened, the extractor will slightly lift the cartridges that have not been fired and fully eject the discharged cartridges. Unload the A-10 American as follows: • Secure the A-10 American with the safety slide button, when the word “SAFE” or “S” is exposed the gun is deemed safe. • Press the top opening lever to the right. Pull gently downward on the forend to open the breech. • The extractors will slightly lift the unfired cartridges for easy removal from the chamber. The fired cartridges will be fully ejected automatically. Take out the unfired cartridges. • The gun is now unloaded. When carrying you’re A-10 American leave the barrels open , even if unloaded and the safety is on, to prevent threats or danger to people, animals, and property around you.

“S” showing safety is on.


5.9 Barrel selection and firing: DANGER: A loaded firearm is a danger to life; make sure the gun is pointed in a safe direction where neither people, animals, nor property are in danger. Only put your finger on the trigger when you are ready to fire. Only perform barrel selection with the firearm open. Barrel selection: The barrel selector toggle is located on the top of the safety slide button. This toggle lever will allow you to choose which barrel fires first. • When the barrel selector toggle is in the right position the top barrel will fire first. Two dots will be visible to the left of the selector. • When the barrel selector is in the left position the bottom barrel will fire first. One dot will be visible to the right of the selector. DANGER: A loaded firearm is a danger to life; make sure the gun is pointed in a safe direction where neither people, animals, nor property are in danger. Only place your finger on the trigger when you are ready to fire the gun. Before loading, make sure there is no foreign matter in the barrels (i.e. water, snow, earth, wads, etc…) Only aim at a target after it has been clearly identified. After shooting a round remember that one lock remains cocked and a live round is still chambered. Always wear hearing and eye protection at all times. Firing functions are as follows: • Release the safety with the safety slide button by pushing it forward covering the word ”SAFE” or “S”. • Pull the trigger (first shot) • Pull the trigger again(second shot) 14

5.10 Decocking the sidelocks DANGER: a loaded firearm is a danger to life! Do not confuse dummy snap caps with live rounds! Ensure the that the muzzle is always pointed in a direction where neither people, animals, nor property are in danger.

Note: Decocking the locks may increase the life of the hammer main springs.

Decock the locks as follows: • Push the opening lever to the right to open the breech of the A-10 American. •

Pull gently downward on the barrels until it is completely open.

Load snap caps into chambers.

Close the barrels and make sure the opening lever comes back toward the center and is completely locked.

Point the gun in a safe direction and pull the trigger to disengage the first lock. Move the barrel selector toggle to the other position. Pull the trigger to decock the second lock.

To take the snap caps out without recocking the hammers remove the forend before opening the gun. Then open barrels to remove the snap caps. Replace forend onto the barrel set for safe keeping.


5.11 Changeable chokes Changeable chokes are supplied with the A-10 American shotgun to set the shot pattern for various shooting requirements. Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co., in conjunction with Trulock Chokes, provides changeable chokes to fill all sporting shooter or hunter needs. Changing the chokes: • Engage safety and unload the gun before changing the chokes. • Only change chokes while the firearm is unloaded and open. • Changeable chokes can be damaged by improper handling. • Ensure that the fine threads of the chokes are clean and lightly oiled. • Only use the supplied choke key to change the choke tubes. DANGER: The barrels will be Change chokes as follows: damaged if the wrong or no Put the choke key into the slots on chokes are fitted before firing. the top of the choke tube. Unscrew If steel shot, tungsten, tungsten the choke tube by turning it counter iron or molyshot are used, clockwise or to the left. DO NOT use the changeable To install the choke tube, put the chokes marked: I/M , FULL choke key into the slots on the top or EXTRA FULL. Only fire of the choke tube and tighten it by with the changeable chokes turning it clockwise or to the right in the barrel. DO NOT FIRE until it stops. DO NOT OVER WITHOUT THE CHOKE TIGHTEN! Changeable chokes for the A-10 American: TUBES INSTALLED. *CYLINDER SKEET IMPROVED CYLINDER MODIFIED IMPROVED MODIFIED FULL *EXTRA FULL *Not included, must be purchased from Trulock

5.12 Steel shot cartridges Note: Steel shot causes a significantly lower shot string then lead shot. If steel shot, tungsten, tungsten iron or molyshot are used, DO NOT use the changeable chokes marked: I/M , FULL or EXTRA FULL. DO NOT FIRE WITHOUT THE CHOKE TUBES INSTALLED. Effect of the changeable chokes when using steel or lead shot: Using Lead Shot

Corresponds to Steel Shot


Improved Cylinder

Improved Cylinder



Improved Modified

Do not use IMPROVED MODIFIED, FULL, EXTRA FULL with steel shot. DANGER: A loaded firearm is a danger to life!


5.13 Removing the Balancer • To adjust the balancer you must first remove the recoil pad. To prevent damage to the recoil pad we recommend that you first lubricate the tip of the screw driver with Vaseline to prevent splitting the pad. • Always ensure that the muzzle is pointed downward and the shotgun is unloaded before performing this task. Be sure the muzzle is resting on a non skid surface. • When the recoil pad has been taken off, the balancer may be slid out of the cavity in the stock. • Remove the balancer. 5.14 Adjusting the balancer • Loosen the set screws counter clockwise, or to the left, on the balancer weights with the Allen key provided to you. • Turn the weight to the desired position and retighten. Turn the screw clockwise, or to the right, to retighten. 5.15 Returning the balancer • Ensure that the muzzle is pointed downward and the shotgun is unloaded. • Rest the muzzle on a non slip surface. • Slide the balancer assembly back into the bore in the stock. Adjust the length of the assembly so it touches the draw bolt washer and the recoil pad to prevent sliding forward or rearward. Replace the recoil pad to hold the balancer in place. 5.16 Dynamic Balance Barrel Weight system on 12 Gauge barrel sets • 12 frame A-10 American barrel sets come with provision for dynamic balance point adjustment to custom fit the shotgun to the shooter. Four small weights and two large weights come in the set to offer a variety of arrangements. The barrel weights work together with the Stock Balancing System to adjust the static weight and dynamic swing through of the A-10 shotgun. • It will be entirely up to the shooter to set up the weights on the barrels to his or her preference. It is recommended to try the A-10 with no weights firstly then add weight as needed. Remove the forend from the barrel set and look at the weight support component between the barrel tubes. Use the tool provided to remove or install the weights. Remove all weights and the stock balancer and check the balance of the shotgun at the hinge pin. Use the smallest weights on both barrel and stock balancer to move the point of balance to the desired side of the hinge pin. Adjust the static weight to the desired amount by adding equal weight to barrels and the stock system. You will need to continually return the forend assembly and check balance at the hinge pin and dynamic swing through by mounting the gun. When the most comfortable arrangement is achieved, tighten all fasteners. • It will be necessary to field test adjustments with repeated target practice, over and over until finally arriving at an optimum arrangement for the shooter. 17

6. Nomenclature

A A1 A2 A3 A4 B C D

Receiver Right Sideplate Left Sideplate Sideplate Screw (Front) Sideplate Screw (Rear) Barrels Stock Forend


Trigger/s Top Lever Safety (with selector) Trigger Guard Top Rib Side Rib Muzzle


Front Sight Recoil Pad Line of Sight Length of Pull Drop at heel Drop at comb Toe

7. Care/ Maintenance

7.1 Transporting the A-10 American Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co. recommends that you transport your A-10 American in the case that was originally provided to you with your shotgun. The Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co. aluminum case is made to prevent damage during transport. Transport your chokes in the case provided as well. 7.2 Caring for the A-10 American CAUTION: Damage can be caused by improper care! Only use materials for gun care that are designed for the purpose of gun care. Be sure to observe the instructions of the gun care products that you are using to ensure proper applications. Barrels • Treat the barrels and chambers internally and externally with suitable gun oil, after firing and after handling the shotgun. • Remove all oil from the barrels and chambers using the barrel cleaning tool of your choice. Check for foreign matter before firing. • Regularly grease the hinge pins and radius on the action with a grease made for such applications. • Clean and then lightly oil with a gun oil made for such applications on all metal parts and the changeable chokes. Clean the choke tube threads with a brass brush each and every time the gun is used, or the chokes are changed. • All Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co. stocks are oil polished. Treat the wood regularly with a stock care product that is made for that purpose. NOTE: With any heavy accumulation of gun powder residue or carbon, we recommend treatment with a chemical gun cleaning agent that is made for such applications. 7.3 Maintenance of the A-10 American The A-10 American shotgun should be checked by one of our trained gunsmiths every three years, to ensure the long lasting function of your A-10 American.



8.1 Manufacturer Warranty The Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co. warranty is provided for the A-10 American Standard model for five years. The A-10 American Deluxe model warranty is provided for life. The warranty only applies to the original owner or the first buyer. The provided warranty card must be filled out and on file with Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co. within 10 business days to activate the warranty. The warranty is only provided within the country of the purchase. The warranty refers exclusively to the metal and or plastic parts of the gun, not however, to the sights. The A-10 American’s wooden parts require special care, and as a natural product, are subject to natural change; the warranty for the wood is therefore excluded. The period of the warranty is dependent on the model that you have purchased. The warranty begins from your date of delivery of the A-10 American and includes all defects and damages of the gun (metal or plastic parts), which can be proven to be the result of material or production faults. Within the scope of influence of this warranty, Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co. will carry the costs associated with materials and labor. Any risk of the transporting and shipping of the firearm will be carried by the customer. The repairs must be performed by Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co. We do not, and will not authorize any third party repairs and such actions will void your warranty. Performance of the warranty shall be made as selected by the manufacturer as to whether repair or replacement of the defective parts is needed. Replaced parts shall become the property of Connecticut Shotgun Mfg. Co. 8.2 Scope of the Warranty Warranty services shall not have the result of extending or renewing the warranty period, for either the shotgun or the fitted replacement parts. The warranty period for the fitted replacement parts will end with the expiration of the warranty period of the whole gun. 8.3 Warranty exclusions The warranty shall be excluded with: • Damage that is caused as the result of normal wear and tear, with no observance of the operating instructions or improper use or handling . • Warranty is void if damage occurs at a gun show, for mechanical damages of any kind. • Damages that are a result of force majeure or environmental influences. • Repairs, treatments or changes that are performed by a third party. • Use of reloaded ammunition or non-CIP approved ammunition. • Bluing carried out by a third party. The Warranty does not apply for extensive claims. Claims that refer to compensation for damages that go beyond the gun itself (consequential damages) are excluded from the warranty. 19

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