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How are my results reported to me?
recorded in their statement of results, which is scrutinised by employers and universities.
2. VCAA ensures that coursework assessments are comparable across the state.
GAT scores and exam scores can be used in this “statistical moderation” process. A low GAT score can mean classwork scores are moderated downwards.
3. The GAT is used to check the assessment of School Assessed Tasks (SATs) in most Arts and Technology subjects. If SAT scores are significantly higher or lower than GAT scores, VCAA will review the school assessments.
4. GAT scores are used in the calculation of Derived Examination Scores (which are developed when a student is affected by illness, accident or personal trauma at exam time).
So, you should take the GAT seriously, even though it doesn’t relate directly to any of your subjects.
If you are taking Units 1 and 2 only, you will receive a Statement of Results through your school. If you are taking Units 3 and 4, the Statement of Results will be mailed to you by the VCAA in December.
The Statement of Results will indicate whether or not you gained an ‘S’ (Satisfactory) or ‘N’ (Not satisfactory) for every unit you enrol in Units 1, 2, 3 and 4. Your assessments for School-assessed Coursework, School-assessed Tasks and the examinations will be reported as a grade from A+ to E or UG (ungraded, meaning that the score was too low to be assigned a grade). NA (Not Assessed) indicates the Graded Assessment was not undertaken or submitted.
If you achieve two or more graded assessments and receive ‘S’ for both Units 3 and 4 in a study you will receive a study score. The study score is calculated on a scale 0-50 and is a measure of how well you performed in relation to all others who took the study.
Study Scores lower than 20 are reported as <20. You will also receive a certificate if you have satisfied the requirements for graduating with the VCE.