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Where to get more information
There are many ways you can find out more about the units that might interest you:
● The Subject Summaries can also be found on the Victorian Curriculum and
Assessment Authority (VCAA) website at: VCAA
● Lots of other information about VCE and VET can also be found on the VCAA website.
● Talk to teachers, other students and parents. Make time to talk with your course adviser or Year Level Coordinator.
● Parents might find this website useful: VCE Study Designs
● Read the “Where To Now? Guide” (for Year 10 students). This is the booklet from
VCAA distributed at school for all students. It explains the VCE, VCAL, VET and
SBAT courses. The Guide is available on the VCAA website:
Where To Now Guide
● VTAC have produced a Year 10 Guide which has information about prerequisites, the
ATAR and goal setting: Yr 10 Guide
● See the Galen teachers who specialise in the units you’re interested in.
● Use Parent/Student/Teacher Day as an opportunity to clarify ideas about your choices.
● See the latest copy of the Tertiary Planner for the year you intend to go to university to find out about entry requirements.
Remember the key people in the subject selection process. You can talk to any of them about combinations of subjects, specific programs or your work and education goals.