2 minute read

Year 11 Religious Education

All Year 11 students are required to complete Religious Education. This includes students studying VCE, VCAL & VET subjects.

Option 1: ● Religion & Society Units 1 & 2. Chosen as one of the five VCE subjects.


This subject has an allocation of 9 periods over the fortnight.This subject would appeal to students interested in humanities and particularly compliments other history subjects.


● Text & Traditions Units 1 & 2. Chosen as one of the five VCE subjects. The course description for both of these subjects can be found amongst the subject descriptions later in this document.

Option 2: ● Religion & Society Units 3 & 4. Chosen as one of the five VCE subjects. or ● Text & Traditions Units 3 & 4. Chosen as one of the five VCE subjects.

The course descriptions for both of these subjects are found in the VCE study guide. Both these subjects have an allocation of 9 periods over the fortnight.

Option 3:

● Choose one of the following selection’s outlined. This subject is in addition to VCE, VCAL & VET. Each of these subjects are conducted over 5 periods a fortnight. It is recommended that students select from their area of interest, however it is important to note that students duplicating VCE units will only receive credit for one of these units. For example; students undertaking VCE Media alongside undertaking Religion and the Media (VCE Media) will receive VCE credits for one unit only. Whereas a student undertaking VCE Media alongside Religion & Art (VCE Art) will receive credits for both units, provided they are not undertaking VCE Art.

Religion & Globalisation: This subject explores contemporary issues using Catholic Social Teaching Principles. How do we respond to social justice and political issues in the world as a global citizen? Students who are interested in politics and world issues, this is the subject for you. Religion & Globalisation completes all requirements for VCE Unit 2 Australian & Global Politics.

Community Service Social Justice (CSSJ): As Christians we are called to serve others. CSSJ is a School-Based RE program, which comprises two components; a topical semester study and voluntary service. Students explore various issues prevalent in our society in relation to the Justice of the Human Condition (semester 1) and Ecological and Economic Injustice (semester 2); so that they may create awareness in the wider community. They are required to complete community service within school partnership and independent volunteering.


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