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Choosing a vocational pathway
A young person’s learning between the ages of 15 and 18 is of great importance in preparing them for life and work. Year 9 students are now at the point where they need to choose the subjects and pathway they want to take in the Senior School.
They also need to start thinking about what they will do after Year 11 or 12. This will influence their subject choices now and learning options later. Career development is based on the notion that our careers are journeys. We move in a direction rather than towards a target. Hopefully, we can help students see their careers as journeys. They need to see that any decision will reflect their values, interests and beliefs. Their journeys involve striving to find an ongoing balance between their dreams and reality.
We aim to provide information and tips about how to help students make choices. The advice of parents is highly rated and their influence and support are key to students’ future careers. A broad outline of all the elective subjects is included, as is a brief description of each core subject.