3 minute read
The Human Journey
Unit 4 - Planning a community project, implementing a community project and evaluating a community project.
Assessment of VCE Vocational Major Studies
Each VCE VM unit of study has specified learning outcomes. The VCE VM studies are standards-based. All assessments for the achievement of learning outcomes, and therefore the units, are school-based and assessed through a range of learning activities and tasks.
Unlike other VCE studies there are no external assessments of VCE VM Unit 3–4 sequences, and VCE VM studies do not receive a study score. If a student wishes to receive study scores, they can choose from the wide range of VCE studies and scored VCE VET programs that contain both internal and external assessment components.
The VCE VM studies do not contribute to the ATAR.
To be eligible to receive the VCE VM, students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 units, including: ● 3 VCE VM Literacy or VCE English units (including a Unit 3–4 sequence) ● 2 VCE VM Numeracy or VCE Mathematics units ● 2 VCE VM Work Related Skills units
● 2 VCE VM Personal Development Skills units, and ● 2 VET credits at Certificate II level or above (180 nominal hours) Students must complete a minimum of three other Unit 3–4 sequences as part of their program. Units 3 and 4 of VM studies may be undertaken together over the duration of the academic year to enable these to be integrated. The VCE VM can be tailored to the needs and interests of the student, to keep them engaged while developing their skills and knowledge. Students can also include other VCE studies and VET, and can receive structured workplace learning recognition. Most students will undertake between 16-20 units over the two years. Students are required to undertake structured workplace learning as part of the Vocational Major program. This occurs in blocks of time one/two times throughout the year. Through participating in Structured Workplace Learning students gain industry experience along with exposure to potential future employers.
VCE Vocational Major graduation requirements
Upon satisfactory completion of the VCE VM, students receive recognition through the appellation of ‘Vocational Major’ on their Victorian Certificate of Education and a Statement of Results.
Successful completion of VET units of competency are recognised by additional statements of attainment or certificates provided by the Registered Training Organisation.
2023 VCE, VM & VET Course Descriptions 11
Senior Religious Education
All Year 11 & 12 students are required to complete Religious Education. This
includes students studying VCE, VM & VET subjects. Religious Education options are detailed on the following page.
Year 11
Religion and Globalisation
(VCE Unit 2 Aust. & Global Politics) 5 periods per cycle for the year
Religion and Art
(VCE Unit 1 Art) 5 periods per cycle for the year
Community Service Social Justice (CSSJ)
School Based RE. 5 periods per cycle for the year
Year 12
The Human Journey
School Based RE 4 periods per cycle, Term 1, 2 & 3 (Term 4 - 4 study periods)
Religion and Society
(VCE Unit 1 & 2) 9 periods per cycle for the year. Choose as one of the five VCE subjects. (5 study periods)
Faith Leadership
School Based RE. 5 periods per cycle for the year
Religion and Society
VCE Unit 3 & 4 9 periods per cycle for the year. Chosen as one of the five VCE subjects. (4 study periods in-lieu of THJ)
Faith Leadership
School Based RE 4 periods per cycle, Term 1, 2 & 3 (Term 4 - 4 study periods)
2023 VCE, VM & VET Course Descriptions 12