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Where might this course lead?

Students who undertake this course of study may be interested in undertaking further study in the following areas: Law, Theology, Youth Ministry, Commerce, Journalism, Historian, Politics, Ethicists, Education, Social Work/Counseling.


2023 VCE Subjects

Theatre Studies

Outline: The VCE Theatre Studies course is designed for students to interpret playscripts and produce a major performance for audiences. The students explore the stagecraft elements of acting, costume, make-up, properties, set, sound, lighting, direction, theatre technologies, publicity, marketing and stage management. The students explore theatre styles and conventions from the pre-modern era to the present day. Students develop understanding and appreciation of the role and place of the practitioner in theatre

Recommendations: The student has completed one of the Year 10 drama electives or has been heavily involved in the College Productions.

Unit 1: Unit 1 is an introduction to the application of acting and other stagecraft in relation to theatrical styles of the pre-modern era. The students will be assessed on their ability to apply stagecraft to plays of the pre-modern era.

Unit 2: Unit 2 is an introduction to the application of acting and other stagecraft in relation to theatrical styles of the modern era. The students will be assessed on their ability to apply stagecraft to plays of the modern era.

Unit 3: In this unit students study a playscript and undertake the stages of the theatrical production process. These include planning, developing and then presenting to an audience. The student’s specialise in two areas of stagecraft ( as mentioned in the outline) working in a team to perform the production. The students are assessed on the development of these two stagecraft as well as their overall performance.

Unit 4: In this unit students study a scene and associated monologue from the Theatre Studies Stagecraft Examination Specifications published annually by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Throughout the unit they develop their ideas and explore stagecraft possibilities to bring their performance to life.

Where might this course lead?

The study of theatre studies might lead to developing interest in the following areas. ● Performing Arts Courses. Acting and direction.

2023 VCE, VM & VET Course Descriptions 57

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