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Food Studies
undertaking an investigation into two significant population trends arising in different parts of the world.
Where might this course lead? The study of geography might lead to developing interest in the following areas: Surveying, Mapping, Engineering, Environmental Science, Forest Science, Urban Planning, Hydrology, Wildlife Management, Geology, Agriculture, Tourism, Marine Studies, Agriculture, Ecology, Sociology, Meteorology, Demography.
2023 VCE Subjects
Global Politics (Australian Politics)
Outline: VCE Global Politics focuses on the study of contemporary power at both national and global levels. Through this study students explore, explain and evaluate national and global political issues, problems and events, the forces that shape these and the responses to them.
Recommendations: There are no prerequisites for the study of VCE Global Politics although it is recommended that Units 1 and 2 be completed prior to Units 3 & 4.
Unit 1 Global Politics - Ideas, Actors and Power
In this unit students are introduced to the study of politics as the exercise of power by individuals, groups and nation-states. Students examine the reasons why people seek political power, the characteristics of successful political activists and leaders, and the political ideas that motivate them. Students also examine the role and influence of social and political movements as methods of organising political ideas and action.
Unit 2 Global Politics - Global Connections
This unit focuses on the contemporary international community. Students examine their place within this community through considering the debate over the existence of the ‘global citizen’ . This unit is concerned with contemporary issues and events. Students will focus on twenty-first century examples and case studies.
Unit 3 Australian Politics - Evaluating Australian Democracy
In this area of study students consider Australia’s system of government. Australia is considered to be a liberal democracy in that individuals enjoy rights and freedoms and governments are elected in free and fair elections. Governments are held accountable for their decisions and actions to the people through the parliament and ultimately to the people through the electoral system. The values and principles of the Australian system of government include: protection of democratic rights and freedoms; participation of citizens in the political process; popular sovereignty; majority rule and respect for minorities; representation; accountability and the rule of law.
2023 VCE, VM & VET Course Descriptions 36