1 minute read
English Language
application of technologies, and the challenges of food security, food safety, food wastage, and the use and management of water and land.
Where might this course lead?
Dietitian, Nutrition Advisor, Food Technologist, Environmental Health Officer, Food Scientist, Food Stylist, Food Writer, Health Educator, Home Economist, Nutritionist, Teacher, University Lecturer.
2023 VCE Subjects
Outline: The Geography course is designed to develop the student’s understanding of the world around them. Students will study interactions between natural and human made environments and by using their developed observational and research skills they will be able to explore and evaluate the world we inhabit.
Recommendations: There are no prerequisites for the study of Geography although it is strongly recommended that Units 1 and 2 be completed prior to attempting Units 3 and 4.
Unit 1 - Hazards and Disasters - Unit 1 provides students with an overview of hazards before investigating two contrasting types of hazards and the responses to them by people. Students examine the processes involved with hazards and hazard events, including their causes and impacts. They complete fieldwork to investigate the human responses to natural hazards.
Unit 2 - Tourism - In Unit 2, students investigate the characteristics of tourism. They select contrasting examples of tourism from within Australia and elsewhere in the world to support their investigations. Students also explore the environmental, economic and socio-cultural impacts of different types of tourism. They complete fieldwork on one tourism location looking at both the positive and negative effects it has.
Unit 3 - Changing the Land - Unit 3 focuses on two investigations of geographical change: change to land cover and change to land use. In their study of land use change, students complete fieldwork examining the effects of changing land use on the environment. Students also investigate two major processes that are changing land cover in sizeable regions of the world – deforestation, and melting glaciers and ice sheets.
Unit 4 - Human Population - In Unit 4, students investigate the geography of human populations. They explore the patterns of population change, movement and distribution, and how governments, organisations and individuals have responded to those changes in different parts of the world. Students also study population dynamics before
2023 VCE, VM & VET Course Descriptions 35