Exposition -Andre Petterson - Impressions d'Afrique 2013

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ANDRE PETTERSON I m p r e s s i o n s d ’A f r i q u e African Impressions

ANDRE PETTERSON I m p r e s s i o n s d ’A f r i q u e African Impressions

IMPRESSIONS D’AFRIQUE Je n’ai pas été longtemps en Afrique. Un mois pour visiter le Botswana, le Zimbabwe, la Namibie et Cape Town. Une des choses qui m’a marqué, ou plutot devrais-je dire frappé, est cette bulle dans laquelle un homme, blanc en ce qui me concerne, peut vivre. Presque toutes les personnes noires de peau semblaient travailler pour des personnes blanches. Ce n’est pas le cas là dans mon pays, le Canada. Quels que soient les lieux ou je me suis rendu, je n’ai vu aucun signe de protestation raciale. Tout le monde semblait satisfait, du moins en apparence. Ça semble irréel. Pendant mon safari, j’ai pu observé différents animaux mais les deux qui m’ont le plus inspiré furent le zébre et l’éléphant. Les rayures noires et blanches du zébre semblent avoir un sens méthaphorique. Tous semblables et pourtant différents les uns des autres. La force du nombre lorsque le troupeau se met en mouvement offre un spectacle hypnotisant. Leur capacité à ne faire qu’un puis à se séparer lorsqu’ils sont menacés m’impressione. L’éléphant, organique et puissant, calme et determiné, semble être le maitre de ces grands espaces. J’ai tiré mon inspiration de tout ceci et il en resulte une serie d’œuvres, pour la plupart, en noir et blanc, crées à partir de superpositions et de regroupements d’images qui, collectivement, deviennent mes impressions d’Afrique. Andre Petterson Automne 2013

AFRICAN IMPRESSIONS I wasn’t there long. A month. Botswana , Zimbabwe , Namibia , and Cape Town. One thing that impressed me, or rather, was impressed upon me, was the bubble, in which, a person, White, in my case, can exist. Almost everyone Black, seemed to be working for someone White. This is much less the case where I live, in Canada. There was no real evidence, at least for me, as I moved from place to place, of racial unrest. Everyone seemed content, at least on the surface. This is not reality. On safari, I encountered many animals but the two that offered me the most inspiration were the zebra and the elephant. It felt metaphorical, the black and white stripes of the zebra. Similar yet different on each one. The power in numbers they possess as they crowd together in an hypnotic stance. They’re ability to run and separate when threatened. The elephant, organic and powerful, quiet and determined, seems to own the landscape. My inspiration comes from all of this and will result in a series of works , for the most part, in tones of black and white, in layers and groupings of images that will, collectively, become my African impressions. Andre Petterson Fall 2013


121,92 x 121,92 cm /48 x 48 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 6

C LO U D 2

121,92 x 121,92 cm / 48 x 48 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 7


121,92 x 142,24 cm / 48 x 56 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 8

C A M A F LO G U E 3

153,67 x 121,92 cm / 60.5 x 48 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 9

C A M A F LO G U E 4

182,88 x 121,92 cm / 72 x 48 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 10


60,96 x 60,96 cm / 24 x 24 in. (diptyque, diptych) Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 11


101,61 x 101,61 cm / 40 x 40 in. (diptyque, diptych) Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 12


81,28 x 182,88 cm / 32 x 72 in. (diptyque, diptych) Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 13

H E AV Y 2

153,67 x 121,92 cm / 60.5 x 48 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 15


121,92 x 121,92 cm / 48 x 48 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 16


60,96 x 60,96 cm / 24 x 24 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 17


121,92 x 121,92 cm / 48 x 48 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 18


121,92 x 121,92 cm / 48 x 48 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 19


60,96 x 60,96 cm / 24 x 24 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 20


121,92 x 153,67 cm / 48 x 60.5 in. (diptyque, diptych) Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 21


182,88 x 121,92 cm / 72 x 48 in. (diptyque, diptych) Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 23


121,92 x 121,92 cm / 48 x 48 in. Technique mixte sur panneau / Mixed media on panel, 2013 25





2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2003 2001 2000

‘African Impressions,’ Galerie LeRoyer, QC ‘Here and There,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘Stitch.Print,’ Foster/White Gallery, Seattle, WA ‘Print,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘New Works,’ Wallace Gallery, Wallace Gallery, Calgary, AB ‘Thread,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto, ON ‘Cinema Stage 1,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto, ON ‘Night and Day,’ Foster/White Gallery, Seattle, WA ‘Precis,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘Ironies,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto, ON ‘New Works,’ Wallace Gallery, Calgary, AB ‘Voice,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘Still Not Still: Episode 2,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘Still Not Still: Episode 1,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto, ON ‘Spin/Spun,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘Public Access,’ photographs from 1990-1999 (courtesy Bau-Xi Gallery), Atelier Gallery, Vancouver, BC

1997 1996 1995 1993 1992 1990 1989 1988 1986

‘Conversations (Clichés of Modern Speech),’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘Reflections,’ Newzones Gallery, Calgary, AB ‘New Works,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto, ON ‘New Works,’ Denise Roberges Gallery, Palm Desert, CA ‘Survey Exhibition,’ Grand Forks Public Art Gallery, Grand Forks, BC ‘Place & Placement’, Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘Cut-Outs,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto, ON ‘Cut-Outs,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver , BC ‘Crows and Icons,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘Crows and Icons,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto, ON ‘Stations of the Mind,’ Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, BC ‘Contemplations,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC Granville Square, Vancouver, BC ‘Stages of Being,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC Galerie l’Autre Equivoque, Ottawa, ON Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘Peep Show,’ Kelowna Public Art Gallery, Kelowna, BC Galerie Franklin Silverstone, Montreal, QC ‘Music Speaking Visually,’ Bau-Xi

1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975

Gallery, Vancouver, BC St. Georges School, Chamber Music Festival, Vancouver, BC ‘Mysterious Objects,’ Performance & Installation, Vancouver East Cultural Centre, Vancouver, BC ‘The Lane,’ Installation, Kamloops Public Art Gallery, Kamloops, BC ‘Urban Reflections,’ Jackson Street Gallery, Seattle, WA ‘Preservations and Restorations,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto, ON Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto, ON Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC Habitat Conference, Vancouver, BC Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC



‘Art Miami - context,’ Galerie LeRoyer, QC 2007 ‘Holiday Small Works Show,’ Foster/White Gallery, Seattle, WA 2006 Bau-Xi Gallery in conjunction with the Toronto Contact Photography festival, Toronto, ON ‘Alternate Vision,’ Soho Myriad,

Sales/Rental Gallery, Seattle, WA ART MIAMI International Art Expo (with Buschlen Mowatt International) 1999 ‘Menagerie,’ Seattle Art Museum Sales/Rental Gallery ‘BOOK (writ large),’an exhibition of original artist books, Community Arts Council, Vancouver, BC 1998 New Leaf Editions Exhibition, Performance Works, Vancouver, BC ‘Contemplating Eternity,’ Seattle Art Museum Sales/Rental Gallery, Seattle, WA 1997 Newzones Gallery, Calgary, AB ‘Browser,’ ARTROPOLIS 97, Vancouver, BC ‘The Last Picture Show,’ Newzones Gallery, Calgary, AB 1996 ‘Group Show,’ Newzones Gallery, Calgary, AB 1993 ‘Straight From the Pile,’ Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby, BC 1992 Seattle Art Fair, Seattle, WA (with Bau-Xi Gallery) 1991 ELAAC 91, Montreal Art Fair, Montreal, QC Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC 1990‘Black & White,’ Grand Forks Public Art Gallery, Grand Forks, BC ‘Twenty-Five Years,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC and Toronto, ON 1990 ‘Artropolis,’ The Roundhouse,

1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983

Vancouver, BC ‘Six from Bau-Xi,’ Courtenay Arts Alliance, Courtenay, BC ‘Fear of Others,’ The Roundhouse, Vancouver, BC Galerie de la Ville, Dollard des Ormeaux, QC Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, BC ‘Bag,’ Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby, BC ‘Statues,’ 20 min film, The Seventh Annual Santa Fe Film Exposition, Santa Fe, NM ‘Temporal Suggestions,’ Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC Sunshine Coast Arts Centre, Sechelt, BC Images and Objects IV,’ Community Arts Council of Vancouver, Vancouver, BC ‘Arts in Motion,’ BC Festival of the Arts, Prince George, BC ‘Images BC,’ Robson Square Media Centre, Vancouver, BC ‘Ten Plus One,’ Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, BC ‘Sculpture 85,’ Grand Forks Public Art Gallery, Grand Forks, BC The Warehouse Show, Vancouver, BC The Remy Martin Show, Vancouver, BC Bau-Xi Gallery, Toronto, ON October Show, Vancouver, BC Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, BC

1982 Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC ‘Art Inspired By Music,’ Saxe Gallery, Toronto, ON 1981 ‘Esso Resource Collection,’ Nickel Art Museum, Calgary, AB Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, ON 1980 Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC 1979 Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC 1977 ‘Making Marks,’ Norman MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, SK Presentation House, North Vancouver, BC



The National Film Board of Canada (Pacific Studio) The Canada Council (Explorations Program)

PRODUCTEUR/PRODUCER Brian Brisson COORDINATION/COORDINATION Alexandra Conners Camille Cazin GRAPHISME / GRAPHIC DESIGN Carine Beaupré, Lacer te communications Alexandra Conners Camille Cazin To u s d r o i t s r é s e r v é s / A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d © Galerie LeRoyer / © Andre Petter son

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