Devotion to Ink - Contemporary Ink Show

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新水活墨 devotion to ink 當代水墨聯展 CONTEMPORARY INK SHOW

ORGANIZER 承辦方 Galerie Ora-Ora 方由美術 ARTISTIC DIRECTOR 藝術總監 Henrietta Tsui-Leung 梁徐錦熹 ACADEMIC ADVISOR 學術顧問 Xu Lei 徐累 CURATOR 策展人 Lu Huan 盧緩 EXHIBITION COORDINATOR 策略和財務顧問 Pranja RESEARCH 研究 Asia Ink Research (AIR) 亞太水墨研究會

ITCHES 癢 (Cover 封面) Zhang Yanyi 章燕紫 Ink and colour on paper 紙本設色 97x180cm 2013


前言 foreword

梁徐錦熹 henrietta tsui-leung

Hong Kong - A Breeding Ground for Contemporary Ink Henrietta Tsui-Leung “Devotion in Ink” is a result of Ora-Ora’s years of persistence in promotion of contemporary ink art. Contemporary Ink is one of the most anticipated evolving art forms, with escalating global following within both scholarly and endowed art circles. Chinese and other Asian collectors have been focused on ink art for many generations as a conduit of wealth, culture and philosophy. However classical ink also has a rigid burden of preserving traditions and protocol, and the broader market, at home and abroad, is desiring for breakthroughs. Contemporary art academics and collectors are becoming curious about concepts that are generated based on an artist’s own cultural background. While ink is a natural medium in China, we are witnessing unprecedented interests worldwide. While art academics and critics in China would look at ink in a more traditional and eastern way, those in western art centers such as New York, London, Paris or Berlin would naturally critic ink art in the same framework and mindset they generally apply in reviewing contemporary art. Hong Kong, however is in a unique position, both geographically, culturally and academically. Hong Kong is primed to become the key advocate and incubator for Contemporary Ink, as it is a thriving cultural hub, with no legacy in propagating traditions, and it is open-minded in discussion and debate of art, thereby providing an open platform for everyone to shape and analyze this very interesting movement. With an estimated 2 to 3 more years of global trend settling, academic development and in-depth critics, contemporary ink will surely become a mainstream art movement, similar to Art Deco, Cubism and Abstract Art in the 20th century.


香港成當代水墨藝術孕育之地 梁徐錦熹 「新水活墨」是方由美術一直努力不懈推廣當代水墨的成果。當代水墨, 是眾多蛻變中的藝術形式之一,而學者和國際藝術圈都對其引發着濃厚的 興趣。中國及亞洲的收藏家多年來均視水墨藝術為通往財富、文化及哲學 之路。但傳統水墨被保守的傳統及規範所限,使國內外的藝術創作與市場 都期待一些突破。 當代藝術收藏家更重視藝術家自身的文化背景所啓發的概念。水墨作為中 國的固有藝術媒介,正萌芽成為當代藝術中一個前所未有的藝術運動, 將在國際舞台大發光彩。比較中西學術的分別,中國學者及評論家大多從 比較傳統及東方的角度欣賞水墨畫,而從西方藝術中心如紐約、倫敦、巴 黎和柏林等來的學者及市場,則以評論當代藝術的西方學術框架及心態來 欣賞水墨畫。在這方面,香港無論在地理、文化和學術背景上都是獨一無 二的。有鑑於香港是文化動感之都,加上不需要背負承傳東方傳統的枷 鎖,所以能提供一個開放、無偏見及積極的討論平台,使香港成為孕育、 推廣及發展當代水墨的重要地標。本人預期在兩至三年內,全球藝術領域 對當代水墨有了深入理解和研究後,當代水墨運動將好比二十世紀的Art Deco、立體主義和抽象藝術等,成為主流的當代藝術趨向。


徐累 xu lei

Create A New World While Protecting Traditions Xu Lei The sense of belonging of cultural traditions is becoming increasing important as an issue for Chinese contemporary art. In particular, the success of Ink practice has become an important doctrine, and its radiating effects are felt internationally. As a uniquely Asian art tradition, Ink has inherited a long heritage and gained definitive confirmation on its value for displaying cultural sentiments and technical supremacy. However, before the recent rise of the Chinese Contemporary Ink genre, its artists, who have chosen not to pledge undying allegiance to traditional fine arts, have suffered much from the art world’s abandonment, struggled in subsistence with the lonely pursuit between traditions and evolution. Fortunately, the test of time has forced maturity upon these excellent artists, who are now flourishing into a promising new variety of artistic movement. Throughout the ages of traditional paintings, each era usually has a distinctive direction in value emphasis, and “the pen usually flows with the times”. However, this is easier said than done. To art in the 21st century, as it has been heavily influenced conceptually and visually by Modernism in the last century, contemporary art will fundamentally be biased by Modernism’s comparative perspectives and positioning, bringing systemic impact to any interpretation. This impact is the keystone to the curatorial direction for this exhibition. As a result, we can presume all pre-existing experience from cultural developments and visual experimentation to be a useful resource for contemporary art creation, but the key remaining catalyst will be down to the conversation between traditions and individual interpretations. Most importantly, this new contemporary art form is morphing into a discipline that is derived from and reflects on Eastern cultures, and illustrates beautiful specimens that are relevant 11

to our understanding of Modernism. With globalization potentially erasing all interesting variations from different cultures and traditions, we will need to independently complete, realize and protect these specimens. With academic judgment diverging, outstanding conceptual execution has become the sole pillar of evidence for quality. Fortunately in reality, Contemporary Ink has many of these outstanding performances as proof. Within the development of Ink, Contemporary Ink artists continue to challenge and develop unprecedented artistic implementations of all aspects, ranging from language of communication to fabrication of theology. Although these dialogues have just began to prosper and bring viewers a fresh visual perspective, these experiences will ultimately become part of the larger continuum of history and culture. One of Qi Baishi’s inscriptions “Create a new world while protecting traditions� may be the best explanation and situation analysis for understanding Contemporary Ink doctrine. Perhaps the most meaningful interpretation of Contemporary Ink lies somewhere between balancing the respect for traditions and development of new ideologies, and deriving common value from contradicting theologies.


造成新世界,還我舊山河 徐累 文化傳統的歸屬感越來越成為中國當代藝術的議題,其中,水墨實踐的成 就恰逢其時成為今天的顯學,其漣漪甚至擴展到國際範圍。作為亞洲特有 的繪畫傳統,水墨其實有著廣闊的流傳譜系,在文化情感和技術表現上有 著命定的價值肯定。不過,在當代水墨熱的前夜,這些畫家只是夾縫中自 我生長的野草,在保守與先鋒之間,當代水墨的身份是被棄絕的一群,如 果他們不是對傳統美學發願的人,是很難有所堅持,在孤獨求證中秉燭夜 行。但幸運的是,時間的磨礪給予他們成長的機遇,使這些優秀的年輕水 墨畫家逐漸形成一個新的生態林。 在傳統繪畫的流轉過程中,每個時代有著不同的價值取向,所謂“筆墨 當隨時代”說起來容易,做起來卻困難重重。對於二十一世紀來說,經 過上世紀現代主義的洗禮,現代性的立場是根本所在,經由這個立足點再 回首,所有的解釋角度變得完全不同,這是這次參展藝術家共同的參考座 標。由此上溯,曾經發生過的文明成果和視覺經驗,都是有效的資源,剩 下的就是傳統和個人才能如何發生變異的事實。重要的是,一種特殊的新 美學,正在樹立東方文化固有的回望姿態,它以傳統向心力的啟動態度, 敍述屬於我們自己的現代主義標本。在全球化企圖抹平文化的魅力差異的 今天,這個標本只有靠我們自己的努力來完成。 在學術判斷莫衷一是的情況下,唯有個案的完尚是強有力的支撐,事實 上,當代水墨不乏出色的表現來證明這一點。水墨的個案正在醞釀不同以 往的實踐成果,從語言模式到觀念編織,類似的討論才剛剛開始,舊有疆 域在逐漸擴大,提供給人們前所未有的新的視覺經驗,這樣的經驗最終仍 然歸納于傳統的歷史長流中。 齊白石有一臂擱,上有撰句篆聯,“造成新世界,還我舊山河”,也許 這可以當作今天新水墨的絕好注解。在對繪畫傳統要義的尊崇和水墨新 思維的開拓中,辯證地平衡它們的關係,在矛盾的兩極同時擁護共有的 價值,也許就是新水墨值得期待的意義。


盧緩 lu huan

“Devotion to Ink�: About Constructing a Contemporary Context on Ink Lu Huan In our contemporary globalized cultural taxonomy, ink is often perceived to be an art form and to have cultural context with China or the East. As a result, these cultural labeling and historical references are causing ink to gradually replace and differentiate away from the conventional characteristics identified with Chinese paintings, and surfacing to the global cultural scene through a combination of multi-disciplinary, respectful and measured approaches. In other words, this cultural impasse created by the difference in understanding of ink appears almost insurmountable. We must, however, embrace ink as a basis of exchange between Eastern and Western cultures, so to establish a new era of consideration, interpretation, creation and consensus. Contemporary artists are especially trending to seek within ink the contrast between form and cultural context. In particular, they have repeatedly displayed an extraordinary amount of individualistic energy through experiments on the progression of conceptual evolution and form-breaking, and balancing between nurturing and rebelling from traditions. As a result, their works have gained them acknowledgement from the wider contemporary culture. Ink has developed into a tri-concentric levels of recognition: which are 1. ink paintings from traditional professionals, 2. ink related art that has gained a greater latitude of freedom from the traditional ink they derived from, and 3. new ink that has further abandoned inherent language, form and perception. These levels respectively correspond to the common focus and identification of art taxonomy, interests and culture of ink. 153

Through DTI, I sincerely wish to illustrate how contemporary artists, from an international perspective, demonstrate the contextual constructs of their understanding of ink, cross-dialogues between their various cognitive logic and theories, and the exceptional depth and cultural riches within our growing concept of ink.


新水活墨: 關於水墨的一種當代情境構建 盧緩 水墨,在全球化文化的今天,被認為是一種在文化屬性上屬於中國乃至東 方世界的藝術方式與文化情境。 於是,這種文化淵源與曆史指向,使得“水墨”逐漸區別或取代“中國 畫”所涵蓋的認知範圍,而以多元態勢與厚度積量面向著全球化文化的大 格局。可以說,我們已經無法逾越“水墨”這道屏障,而必須將其作為東 西方文化交互的基點,進行新一輪的考量、闡釋、創造與共識。 當代青年藝術家們便更加趨向於尋求水墨在形式語言與文化情境上的差異 性,強調差異背後的氣質正統性與創造獨立性。他們尤其在概念邊際拓展 與形式越界上,通過大量的實驗反複呈現著個性化的努力,或者在傳統方 式的滋養與背離中,獲得當代情境的文化認同感。 水墨,已經形成了由核心向外延發展的三層同心圓式的認知。分別是,以 專業素養為核心的水墨畫;由水墨畫拓展形成更大自由度的水墨藝術;以 及進一步拋棄固有語言體系的觀念水墨。他們分別對應著畫種認同、趣味 認同與文化認同。 “新水活墨”展覽,正是希望呈現當今青年藝術家們在國際視野中關於水 墨的一種當代情境構建,以及在不同認識邏輯與思想交互中,我們正在探 尋的水墨概念本身異常豐富的文化涵泳量。



LOCATION 地點 Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Central Ferry Pier No. 8 香港海事博物館,中環八號碼頭

EXHIBITION DATES 展覽開放時間 May 18, 2014 - May 19, 2014 Sunday 11:00 - 5:00 PM; Monday 11:00 - 3:00 PM 2014年5月18日星期日 (上午11:00 至下午5:00) 2014年5月19日星期一 (上午11:00 至下午3:00)

OPENING CEREMONY 開幕酒會 Saturday May 17, 2014 (6:00 - 8:00 PM) 2014年5月17日 星期六 下午6:00至下午8:00

展覽細節 exhibition details

藝術家 artists


高茜 gao qian

Gao Qian was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu province in 1973. She graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chinese Art in 1995 and a Master of Arts degree in Chinese Art in 1998. She is currently working as a professional artist at the Chinese National Academy of Arts. Her artworks have been collected by the Nanjing University of the Arts , Shanghai Art Museum and for private collections. 高茜,1973年生於江蘇南京。1995年畢業於南京藝術學院美術系中國畫 專業並獲學士學位;1998年畢業於南京藝術學院美術系中國畫專業並獲 碩士學位;現為中國藝術研究院專職畫家。其作品由南京藝術學院、上海 美術館等機構及私人收藏。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2013 “Philosophical Interpretations of Painting Ⅱ” The Exhibition of Contemporary Gongbi Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing 《追求卓越——2013年當代工筆畫邀請展》 , 北京 2012 2012 Chinese Art Exhibition, London, UK

《2012中國藝術展》 ,英國倫敦


Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan


“Two-sided-Solo Exhibition of Gao Qian”, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China

《現代中國美術展》 ,日本東京

《兩面性——高茜作品展》 ,個展,上海美術館

THE INNER WORLD 内心世界 (Partial View, 局部) Ink and colour on paper 紙本設色 186x69cm 2013


杭春暉 hang chunhui

Hang Chunhui was born in Dangtu, Anhui province in 1976. He graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts with a Master of Arts degree in 2005. In 2011, he obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Art History from the Chinese National Academy of Arts in Beijing. He is currently living in Beijing and working as the Editorial Director of China National Academy of Arts Journal and Executive Editor for Finance Oriental Art. His artworks have been collected by Guangdong Museum of Art, Artrade and for private collections. 杭春暉, 1976年出生於安徽當塗。2005年畢業於中央美術學院並獲碩士 學位。2011年畢業於中國藝術研究院,獲美術史博士學位。現居北京任 中國藝術研究院研究生院學報編輯部主任及《東方藝術財經》執行主編。 其作品由廣東美術館、嘉德在線等機構及私人收藏。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2013 “Hue Art in the Contemporary Era” The 9th National Exhibition of Chinese Hue Art Paintings, National Art Museum of China, Beijing

《工·在當代——2013第九屆中國工筆畫大展》, 中國美術 館,北京


Philosophical Interpretations of Painting two —The Exhibition of Contemporary Gongbi Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing

2011 2008

Visual China Asia Exhibition Tour: Special Exhibition of China’s Experimental Ink Art, Chinese Culture Center, Tokyo, Japan

《 格物致知——中國工筆畫當代表述2013 》,中國美術 館,北京

《 視覺中國 ——中國新水墨東京特展 》,東京,日本

2008 International Ink and Water Art Exhibition, Busan, Korea 《 韓國釜山2008國際水墨邀請展 》,韓國釜山

DIVINE INTROSPECTION - TRUTHS OF FALSEHOOD 假亦真之 “觀自在” Ink and colour on paper 紙本設色 130x130cm 2014




郝量 hao liang


Hao Liang was born in Chengdu in 1983. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Arts degree in Chinese Painting from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2006 and 2009 respectively. He is currently working and living in Beijing. He holds auction records at Sotheby’s and Poly Auction. 郝量,1983年出生於四川成都,2006年畢業於四川美術學院中國畫系, 獲學士學位;2009年獲該系碩士學位。現工作及生活於北京。他的作品 在香港蘇富比以及保利拍賣會上均有拍賣記錄。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2013 “Illusion/Image” Contemporary Chinese Ink Art Series I, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing 《幻象——中國當代水墨大展I》,蜂巢當代藝術中心,北京 2012 “ONWARD FROM CONCEPTS” - 2012 Neo-Gongbi Document Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing 《概念超越——2012新工筆文獻展》,中國美術館,北京 2012 “MULTI-LAYERED” 2012 Contemporary Traditional Chinese Gongbi Painting Nomination Exhibition, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai

《三礬九染——2012中國當代工筆畫提名展》,上海美術 館,上海


The Chinese Scholar - Ink Paintings and Works of Art, Fuller Building, New York


“Nest Image” Hao Liang Solo exhibition, My Humble House Art Gallery, Taipei


Snapshot – New Ink: Exhibition by Artists from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Galerie Ora-Ora, Hong Kong



《黑白相》四川美術學院新水墨展,方由美術 , 香港

FROM ZHAOYE BAI TO JIUFANG GAO 從照夜白到九方皋 Ink on silk, Silk-screen printing 絹本水墨, 絲網版畫 150x60cm (x2) 2009


黃丹 huang dan

Huang Dan was born in Guangxi in 1979. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Arts degree in Traditional Chinese Painting from China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2001 and 2004 respectively. She is currently working and living in Beijing. 黃丹,1979年出生於廣西。2001年畢業於中央美術學院國畫系, 獲得 文學學士學位;並於2004年獲得該系碩士學位。現工作及生活於北京。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2013 “Illusion/Image” Contemporary Chinese Ink Art Series I, Hive Center For Contemporary Art, Beijing, China

《幻象——中國當代水墨大展I》 蜂巢當代藝術中心, 北京

2011 “The New Term of Ink Painting” Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai

《水墨新方陣》, 上海美術館,上海


Chinese New Ink Exhibition, Asia vision Tour, Tokyo


Four Square Exhibition on Inheritance of Chinese Contemporary Ink, Today Art Museum, Beijing

《中國新水墨展——視覺亞洲行》, 東京

《四門陣》水墨展, 北京今日美術館, 北京

ON ONE’S OWN 逕自 (Partial View, 局部) Ink and colour on rice paper 宣紙設色 85x96cm 2014


劉琦 liu qi

Liu Qi was born in Shandong in 1979. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Fine Arts Education from Shandong University of Arts in 2001. In 2005, he graduated with a Master of Arts degree in Chinese Painting, also from Shandong University of Arts. He is currently working and living in Shandong, teaching Chinese Painting at Shandong University of Arts. 劉琦,1979年出生於山東。2001年畢業於山東藝術學院美術教育系, 獲文學學士學位;2005年畢業於山東藝術學院國畫系,獲文學碩士學 位。現工作及生活於山東並任教於山東藝術學院美術學院國畫系意筆人 物工作室。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2014 QISHE Painting Exhibition-Artists’ Ideals, Today Art museum, Beijing



“Qian Xiang” Liu Qi Solo Exhibition, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing 《遷想》劉琦個人作品展,北京蜂巢當代藝術中心


“Illusion/Image” Contemporary Chinese Ink Art Series I, Hive Center For Contemporary Art, Beijing, China


Visual China Asia Exhibition Tour: Special Exhibition of China’s Experimental Ink Art, Chinese Culture Center, Tokyo, Japan


《視覺中國亞洲行》中國新水墨東京特展,日本東京中國文 化中心

MR. LI HAO HAO 李好好 Ink and colour on paper 紙本設色 136x68cm 2014 STARE DOWN 瞋目者 Ink and colour on paper 紙本設色 136x68cm 2014


馬駿 ma jun

Ma Jun was born in Tianjin in 1975. He graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1998. He is currently working as a lecturer at the Tianjin Normal University College of Art and Design. His artworks have been published in Art Observation, Chinese Painting Yearbook, Style, Pin Yi, Oriental Art and other professional publications. 馬駿,1975年出生於天津。1998年畢業於天津美術學院中國畫系。現為 天津師範大學美術與設計學院講師。作品多次發表於《美術觀察》、《中 國畫藝術年鑒》、《畫風》、《品逸》、《東方藝術》等專業刊物。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2013 “Spring” 2170 Chinese Ink Painting Elites, Yang Mo Tang Gallery, Nanjing 《春天來了 》 2170中國畫精英展 南京養墨堂美術館 2012 Ma Jun 2012 Solo Exhibition, Galerie 99, Germany 馬駿2012作品展 德國 Galerie99 德國久久畫廊 2011 Si Tiao Ping Exhibition of Chinese Famous Painters, The National Art Museum of China, Beijing 名家四條屏展 中國美術館 2010 “Impression” Ten Contemporary Chinese Artists Exhibition, Times Art Museum, Beijing

印.象——當代中國藝術家十人展 北京時代美術館

SILENCE IS TRUTH 本味無語 (Partial View, 局部) Ink and colour on paper 紙本設色 25x78cm 2013


倪有魚 ni youyu

Ni Youyu was born in Jiangxi in 1984. He graduated from Fine Art College of Shanghai University in 2007. He is currently living and working in Shanghai. 倪有魚,1984年生於江西。2007年畢業於上海大學美術學院中國畫 系。現生活及工作於上海。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2014 Outside the Lines - New Art From China, RH Contemporary Art, New York

《線外——來自中國的新藝術》,RH Contemporary Art, 紐約


Thinking of Landscape - Paintings from the Yeap Lam Yang Collection, Confronting Anitya - Oriental Experience in Contemporary Art, Stiftung fur Kunst und Kultue e.V.Bonn, Bonn, Germany


Form and Matter - Ni Youyu Solo Exhibition, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing


Sattva, Bogota Modern Art Museum, Bogota, Columbia; Wilfredo Lam Museum, Havana, Cuba

《無常之常——東方經驗與當代藝術》,波恩當代藝術中心, 波恩, 德國

《形影不離——倪有魚個展》,蜂巢當代藝術中心, 北京

生息, 波哥大現代藝術博物館, 波哥大,哥倫比亞;林飛龍博物 館, 哈瓦那, 古巴

AUTUMN MOON ON CALM LAKE 平湖秋月 Mixed media, Installation 綜合材料微型繪畫, 装置 23×33cm 2012 SPRING DAWN AT SU CAUSEWAY 蘇堤春曉 Mixed media, Installation 綜合材料微型繪畫, 装置 23x33cm 2012


潘汶汛 pan wenxun

Pan Wenxun was born in Hangzhou in 1976. She obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree from China Academy of Art in 2010. She is currently working at the China Academy of Art as an associate professor. Her artworks have been collected by Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Fine Arts Literature Art Center, Chengdu Contemporary Art Gallery, Zhejiang Painting Academy and Shenzhen Fine Art Institute. 潘汶汛,1976年出生於杭州。2010年畢業於中國美術學院國畫系並獲 博士學位。現為中國美術學院助理教授。其作品收藏於關山月美術館、 湖北美術文獻中心、成都現代藝術館、浙江畫院及深圳畫院。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2013 “Illusion: Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Painting” Hive Centre for Contemporary Art, Beijing



“Huan Xisha” Pan Wenxun Solo Exhibition at Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai


“Beyond the clouds” Pan Wenxun Solo Exhibition at Amanfayun, Hangzhou


“Ink Qing Yun” Exhibition, Tokyo Mori Museum in Ueno, Japan


Korea Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition, Seoul, Korea


《雲上》個展杭州安縵法雲舍, 並出版同名畫冊 《水墨清韻》, 日本東京上野森美術館 韓中當代水墨畫展(韓國 漢城)

GREEN LIGHT 綠光 (Partial View, 局部) Ink and colour on paper 紙本設色 98×74cm 2014


彭劍 peng jian

Peng Jian was born in Yueyang, Hunan Province in 1982. He graduated with a Master of Fine Arts in Chinese Painting from China Academy of Art in 2013. He is currently living and working in Hangzhou. His artworks have been collected by Today Art Museum and Liu Haisu Art Museum. 彭劍,1982年出生於湖南岳陽。2013年畢業於中國美術學院國畫系並獲 碩士學位。現工作及生活於杭州。其作品收藏於今日美術館和劉海粟美術 館。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2013 “Through the Windows”, Solo Exhibitions at Galerie Ora- Ora, Hong Kong



“New Face, New Art-Chinese Emerging Contemporary Artists”, Colorado State University-Pueblo Fine Art Gallery, Colorado, U.S.A.

《新面孔、新藝術—中國青年藝術家推薦展》,科羅拉多州立 美術館,美國

2013 “New Ink-An Exhibition of Ink Art by Post 1970 Artists from the Yi Qingzhai Collection”, Sotheby’s Art Space, Hong Kong, China



“Focus Asia”, Toronto Convention Hall, Toronto, Canada 《聚焦亞洲》,多倫多會展中心,多倫多

STAR NO. 1 星辰 No. 1 (Partial View, 局部) Ink and colour on silk 設色水墨絹本 60x60cm 2010 RED VOLUME 紅書 Ink and colour on paper 紙本設色 119×69cm 2014


彭薇 peng wei


Peng Wei was born in Chengdu, China in 1974. In 1997, she received her Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Painting, Oriental Cultural Art from Nankai University. In 2000, she received her Master’s degree in Philosophy from People’s College of Fine Arts at Nankai University. From 2000 to 2006, she served as editor of ART Magazine in Beijing. She currently works as top rank professional artist at the Beijing Fine Art Academy, member of the China Fine Arts Association. Her works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, the Guangdong Art Museum, the He Xiangning Art Museum, the M+ Museum, the Uli Sigg Collection, the DSL Collection, etc. 1974年生於成都。1997年畢業於南開大學東方文化藝術系中國畫專業, 獲學士學位;2000年畢業於南開大學人文學院美學專業,獲哲學碩士學 位。2000年至2006年任中國美術家協會《美術》雜誌編輯。現為北京 畫院一級美術師,中國美術家協會會員。其作品先後被中國美術館、香港藝 術博物館、三藩市亞洲藝術博物館、廣東美術館、何香凝美術館、北京畫 院美術館、Sigg Collection、M+ Museum、DSL Collection等機構收 藏。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2014 Letters from a Distance: Art Basel Hong Kong – Galerie Ora-Ora, Hong Kong

《遙遠的信件——彭薇個展》, 巴塞爾藝術展覽—方由美術, 香港


Shui Mo - Water Ink: Chinese Contemporary Ink Paintings – Sotheby’s, New York

2013 2008

Letters from a Distance – Tina Keng Gallery, Taipei

《 水墨——中國當代水墨展 》, 紐約索斯比, 紐約

《 遙遠的信件——彭薇個展 》, 耿畫廊, 臺北

Ink Not as Ink: The Contemporary Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition – Shenzhen Museum of Art & Philadelphia Museum of Art, Today Art Museum Beijing

《墨非墨——中國當代水墨邀請展》, 深圳美術館、今日美術 館、費城美術館,深圳、北京、費城

CLOUDY MOUNTAIN 溪山雲雨 Ink on rice paper, Plane painting 宣紙水墨, 平面繪畫 181x196cm 2010



秦修平 qin xiuping

Photo: Jia Rui / 攝影 賈睿

Qin Xiuping was born in Zhaoyuan city, Shandong Province in 1973. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Yantai Normal College in 1995. In 2007, he graduated from with a Master of Fine Arts degree from Nanjing University of the Arts and has taught there since graduation. In 2013, he obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Art from Nanjing University of the Arts, under the tutelage of Professor Zhou Jingxin. 秦修平,1973年出生於山東省招遠市。1995年畢業於煙臺師範學院美術 系。2007年畢業於南京藝術學院,獲碩士學位並留校任教。2013年南京 藝術學院博士研究生畢業,獲藝術學博士學位,師從周京新教授。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2014 “Artists’ Ideals” - QiShe Arts Ink Painting 4th exhibition, Beijing

《藝術家的理想》——柒舍雅集水墨展第四回(北京 今日美 術館2號館)


“Spring is coming” - 2170 Chinese Exhibition, Nanjing


“Breeze Wan Shan” Qishe Association, Nanjing


“Vision China” Asia tour - Chinese New Ink Painting Tokyo Special Exhibition, Tokyo

《春天來了》——2170中國畫精英展(南京 養墨堂美術館) 《春風紈扇》——70雅集(南京 養墨堂雅集會館)

《視覺中國》亞洲行——中國新水墨東京特展(日本東京中國 文化中心)

INHALE 吸 Ink on paper 紙本水墨 84x84cm 2014 EXHALE 呼 Ink on paper 紙本水墨 84x84cm 2014


吳強 wu qiang

Wu Qiang was born in Changting, Fujian Province in 1977. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Chinese Painting from China Academy of Art in 2000 and 2005 respectively. He is working as a lecturer at the Zhejiang University, Faculty of Arts since 2005. 吳強,1977年出 生於福建長汀。2000年於中國美術學院國畫系山水本 科專業畢業,獲學士學位;2005年於该系畢業獲碩士學位。2005年至 今,於浙江大學藝術學院擔任講師至今。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2014 “Enchanted Landscapes” Ink Group Exhibition, Sotheby’s New York

《夢幻仙境——水墨群展》(紐約蘇富比s/2畫廊 紐約)


London Asia Art Week Chinese Ink Fan Exhibition at New York Kaikodo Art Gallery


“Guan Zhui” Wu Qiang Solo Exhibition at Tokyo Gallery+BTAP, Beijing


“Distant Tranquility” Contemporary Zhejiang Talented Artist Invitation Exhibition at Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Hong Kong and Wan Fung Art Gallery

倫敦亞洲藝術周中國水墨扇面展 (紐約懷古堂 倫敦)


《寧靜致遠》當代浙江優秀藝術家邀請展 (杭州,上海,廣 州,北京,香港,雲峰 畫苑)

THE SMOKE FROM SCATTERED WOODS 疏林煙起 (Partial View, 局部) Ink and colour on silk 絹本水色 21x128cm 2013


肖旭 xiao xu

Xiao Xu was born in Chongqing in 1983. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chinese Painting in 2007 and a Master of Arts degree in 2010 from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. He is currently living and working in Beijing. He holds auction records from Poly Auction. 肖旭,1983年出生於重慶。2007年畢業於四川美術學院中國畫系,獲學 士學位;2010年獲該系碩士學位。他在保利拍賣會有拍賣記錄。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2014 “Shuimo/Water Ink” Enchanted Landscapes, Sotheby’s S/2, New York


《工·在當代》2013第九屆中國工筆劃大展,中國美術館, 北京


“Hue Art in the Contemporary Era” The 9th National Exhibition of Chinese Hue Art Paintings, National Art Museum of China, Beijing


“After 70’s: New Ink Painting—Yiqingzhai Collection Exhibition”, Art Space of Sotheby in Hong Kong


“The Chinese Schola” -Ink Paintings and Works of Art, Fuller Building, New York

《七十後新水墨》怡情齋收藏展 蘇富比藝術空間,香港


BESIDE THE EMPEROR HUIZONG 在徽宗身旁 (Partial View, 局部) Ink on paper 紙本水墨 50X200cm 2010 THE SOUND OF A BIRD IN BAMBOO SHOOTS 鳴竹生筍 (Partial View, 局部) Ink on paper 紙本水墨 69x137cm 2013 73

徐華翎 xu hualing

Xu Hualing was born in Harbin, Heilongjiang province in 1975. She graduated with a Master of Arts degree in Chinese Painting at China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2003. From 2003 to 2012, she taught at the Beijing University of Technology, Art & Design College. She is currently living in Beijing and teaching at China Central Academy of Fine Arts. 徐華翎,1975年出生於中國黑龍江哈爾濱。2003年獲中央美術學院國畫 系胡勃工作室碩士學位。2003至2012年,任教於北京工業大學藝術設計 學院。2012年任教於中央美術學院中國畫學院並居於北京至今。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2013 Hue Art in the Contemporary Era —The 9th National Exhibition of Chinese Hue Art Paintings, National Art Museum of China, Beijing


《工·在當代》——2013第九屆中國工筆劃大展,中國美術館 北京

“China Welcomes You”, Oldenburg Museum, Germany

“China Welcomes You”奧爾登堡美術館 德國奧爾登堡

2008 Solo Show “Swords Girl”, Kohler Muller Gallery, Amstetdam, Holland


徐華翎個展—《俠女》,Kohler Muller 畫廊 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹

Solo Show“Eternal Beauty”, DF2 Gallery, Los Angeles, USA 徐華翎個展—《依然美麗》,DF2畫廊 美國洛杉磯

BETWEEN NO. 40 之•間 40 (Partial View, 局部) Watercolour on silk 絹本水色 31x60cm 2014


曾國慶 zeng guoqing

Zeng Guoqing was born in Hunan Province in 1984. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Printmaking Department, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2007. He entered 102 Art Base and is currently living in Chongqing. 曾國慶,1984年出生於湖南。2007年畢業於四川美術學院版畫系,獲學 士學位。2008年入駐重慶市102藝術基地,現居重慶。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2013 “After 70’s: New Ink Painting—Yiqingzhai Collection Exhibition”, Art Space of Sotheby in Hong Kong



“Ink the World” Asian Fresh Ink Group Show, Galerie Ora- Ora, Hong Kong


The 2011 Taipei International Art Exposition, Taipei


Snapshot – New Ink: Exhibition by Artists from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Galerie Ora-Ora, Hong Kong

《水墨人世間》 亞洲新水墨藝術展,方由美術,香港 2011臺北國際藝術博覽會,臺北

《黑白相》四川美術學院新水墨展,方由美術 , 香港

GROVE 小樹林 (Partial View, 局部) Ink on paper 紙本水墨 111x220cm 2013




章燕紫 zhang yanzi

Zhang Yanzi was born in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province in 1967. She graduated with a Master of Fine Arts in Chinese Painting at both China Central Academy of Fine Arts and Beijing Normal University. She is currently based in Beijing and she serves as the Editor-in-chief of CAFA ART INFO at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. 章燕紫,1967年出生於江蘇鎮江。於中央美術學院、首都師範大學獲雙 碩士學位,研究方向為當代水墨人物畫。現居於北京並擔任中央美術學院 藝術資訊網主編。

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 參與展覽 2013 “The Remedy” Solo show at Today Art Museum



“Qi (Flow of Energy)” The Grand Canal: Collateral Event of the 55th International Art Exhibition at La Biennale di Venezia


“Walk While Stepping on the Gauze” Solo Exhibition at Shanghai Art Museum


Solo Exhibition in France


舉辦《踏莎行》個展(上海美術館) 在法國舉辦個人畫展

NUMBNESS 麻 (Partial View, 局部) Ink and colour on paper 紙本設色 97x180cm 2013


贊助者 sponsors

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CHIEF EDITOR 主編 Henrietta Tsui-Leung 梁徐錦熹 EDITORS 編輯 Alfred Leung 梁世杰 Odetti Tse 謝穎君 EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS 助理編輯 Carol Lee 李柏恩 Wu Yuheng 吳宇恒 Amanda Lim 林京玟 DESIGN 設計 Odetti Tse 謝穎君 PHOTOGRAPHY 攝影 Photos provided by artists or otherwise specified 相片由藝術家或已標名人士提供 PUBLISHER 出版人 Ora-Ora International Limited ADDRESS 地址 G/F, 7 Shin Hing Street, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環善慶街7號地下 TELEPHONE 電話 +852 2851 1171 PRINTED 印刷 Hong Kong, May 2014 2014年5月印於香港

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