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Bogota Material Research and Innovation Center 2023
building objecTives
Natural Ventilation
The research cenTer is in a very well aeraTed place and will uTilize The cool air around To cool The buildings carefull placemenT has been made of fenesTraTions To maximise air flow wiTh high level windows and shafTs To carry hoT air ouT
Plaza Wind-Catcher
The plaza creaTed by The building placemenT acTs like a courTyard/ wind caTcher, creaTing vorTices ThaT swirl up and bring cool air from The moisTure of The vegeTaTion inTo all courners of The scheme
Rain water harvesting
The green roof on The roof Top of The and The roofs of The research cenTer acT as The firsT sTage of waTer filTeraTion ThaT collecT The abundance of rain waTer in bogoTa To be used in domesTic use afTer filTeraTion iT also cgreaTes a pleasanT ouTdoor space