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Faculty Of Architecture and Design


Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates


2019 Spring: BA Grad Project

This projecT is focused on providing a new space for archiTecTure in aurak. currenTly, The sTudio spaces are repurposed classrooms wiTh inadequaTe naTural lighT, which doesn ’ T inspire greaTly The spiriT of creaTion. The main purpose Then of This new building will be To make differenT spaces for sTudenTs in archiTecTure

To creaTe Their work in comforT, wheTher in The sTudio or The oTher various places as There are already exisTing buildings and radios in The surrounding conTexT, The building musT conform To The aesTheTic sTandards of Those old buildings while also sTanding ouT from Them.

The climaTe of u a e makes iT difficulT for people To move in The summer ouTside on fooT. Therefore, proper shading mechanisms and walkways need To be inTegraTed inTo The design


form evoluTion diagram inTerior render wiTh library and offices

Mokwa Truck Stop

Niger Niger State, Nigeria 2020 July

The clienT, pan african infrasTrucTure lTd., was desirous of developing a Trailer park locaTed along The abuja-mokwa axis on a land of abouT 400 hecTares, which is parT of a fuTure 400-hecTare indusTrial park. The plan is To conceive The enTire developmenT wiTh an organic phased approach ThaT will allow iT To grow as The need arises mulTi-sysTems consulTanTs were Tasked wiTh preparing a concepTual design for The Trailer park. and iT was my Task under The supervision of archiTecT nasiru ibrahim To design and render The siTe for The clienTs. an efficienT and coordinaTed Trailer park wiTh ample parking, maneuvering space, mainTenance faciliTies, a moTel, shopping faciliTy, conveniences, food courT, eTc., are some major faciliTies ThaT will have immediaTe TracTion overview render

Cyprus Beach Retreat Cyprus Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus 2015 Fall

The projecT is modesT in size buT expansive in scope, offering a profound experience. The siTe presenTed preexisTing condiTions, such as an olive grove, an exisTing barn wall, a reTaining wall, and an ancienT olive Tree on The beachfronT facing The mediTerranean sea leveraging The alley in The olive grove and The reTaining wall, a volume ThaT was creaTed from a previous projecT in The semesTer was imposed on The siTe

The projecT involved analyzing a painTing To exTracT organizaTional concepTs, which Then guided The creaTion of 2d and 3d drawings. These drawings were TranslaTed inTo model form, forming The basis for The cyprus reTreaT.

The design of The reTreaT Takes inspiraTion from The surrounding environmenT, incorporaTing elemenTs of The olive grove, The beachfronT, and The exisTing sTrucTures. The goal is To creaTe a harmonious inTegraTion beTween The reTreaT and iTs naTural surroundings, providing a serene and immersive experience for iTs visiTors floor plan and secTions marqueTTe renders

The cyprus reTreaT aims To offer a unique blend of modern design and TradiTional elemenTs, paying homage To The siTe ’ s hisTory and culTural conTexT The model serves as a Tangible represenTaTion of The design concepT, allowing for furTher exploraTion and refinemenT as The projecT progresses.

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