1 minute read

Development Bank of Nigeria

Wuse 2 Abuja, Nigeria March 2021

The developmenT bank of nigeria plc is desirous of building an energy-efficienT, green head office aT ploT 1227 aminu kano crescenT, wuse 2 in abuja. The building is To be in line wiTh The bank ’ s susTainabiliTy objecTives and The world ’ s general leaning Towards miTigaTing The problems broughT on by climaTe change and global warming norTh-wesT approach render ariel render showing The green roof, solar array and circulaTion core norTh-easT approach render showing sTreeT access and canTilevered shading elemenTs


The main objecTive of The design is an archiTecTural form ThaT seeks To minimize The negaTive environmenTal impacT by efficiency and moderaTion in The developmenT spaces, use of maTerials, energy, and The ecosysTem aT large. pursuanT To This, mulTi-sysTems consulTanTs were commissioned To develop The full design for The bank ’ s headquarTers.

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