Gallery IoM 103: The Bloom Edition

Page 68


WORDS Russ Atkinson

WORDS Russ Atkinson

LIKE ’EM OR LOATHE ‘EM, ELECTRIC CARS AREN’T GOING ANYWHERE LIKE ’EM OR LOATHE ‘EM, ELECTRIC CARS AREN’T GOING ANYWHERE FAST. AND BY THAT, I MEAN FIGURATIVELY - BECAUSE THEY’RE GENERALLY FAST. AND BY THAT, I MEAN FIGURATIVELY - BECAUSE THEY’RE GENERALLY PRETTY DAMNED QUICK. EFFORTLESSLY SO, AS FRUSTRATING AS THAT PRETTY DAMNED QUICK. EFFORTLESSLY SO, AS FRUSTRATING AS THAT MAY BE FOR THE DIE-HARD PETROLHEADS AMONG US. MAY BE FOR THE DIE-HARD PETROLHEADS AMONG US. With the exception of Renault’s Twizy - because So instead, let’s concentrate on the positives So instead, let’s that concentrate positives With the exception of Renault’s Twizy because - like this absolutely knockout stunner of a let’s- face it, driving something hideous-on the likeenough, this absolutely knockout of arecently unveiled by Audi; the A6 let’s face it, driving something that hideousconcept car looking would be- bad but the fact that stunner concept car recently unveiled Audi; the A6 looking would be bad enough, butyou the feel fact that e-tron. as if you’re basically outside while by Avant Avant e-tron. you feel as if you’re basically outside while driving it makes it almost too much to bear driving it makes it almost too much bear and to also the- Zoe, but purely for the intensely Given Volkswagen Audi Group’s history of Audi Group’s historybringing of and also the Zoe, but purely for the intensely actually concept vehicles into the triggering ‘safetyGiven hum’ Volkswagen that they emit (sorry actually bringing concept vehicles into the triggering ‘safety hum’ that theyRenault, emit (sorry but it’s true) I’m generally not against realms of reality without a vast number of realms no of reality without on a vastchanges number- notably of Renault, but it’s true) I’m generally not against the Volkswagen ‘New’ Beetle electric cars. There’s point harping changesor - notably thebatteries Volkswagenand ‘New’ Beetle electric cars. There’s no point about harping on reserves Audi TT - and this concept’s futuristic lithium recycling Audi TT - and and until this concept’s about lithium reserves or recycling batteries altogether very feasible-looking lines, because it’s beenand done to death the yet futuristic yethydrogen-powered altogether very vehicles feasible-looking because it’s been done to death and until the for there’s alines, strong chance that these might be infrastructure there’s strong that these might be sooner than you’d expect, and I infrastructure for hydrogen-powered vehicles in dealerships has been developed andarolled outchance there aren’t in dealerships you’d for expect, has been developed and rolled outmany thereother aren’toptions one and thinkI that’s a very good thing. I mean; on the tablesooner when itthan comes fordependence one think that’s a very good thing. I mean; many other options on the table when it comes just look at it! Commanding, slippery-looking to phasing out our on fossil fuels. to phasing out our dependence on fossil fuels. just look at it! Commanding, slippery-looking



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