Galloway Winter 2021 Magazine

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+ Galloway completes its 50th school year on a strong foundation; 2021 begins a new future. + Scenes from the first day of fall 2020. + How we re-opened. + Around Campus: Glossary of new terms & phrases.

WINTER 2021 Editor Meghan Stauts

Planet Studio, LLC


+ Galloway welcomes new faculty & staff. + Community partnership during a pandemic. + UL microbiology infuses design thinking and biodesign. + ML enhances campus with large format paintings. + Galloween spirit remains: masks on and march on.

James Calleroz White Gordon Mathis Meghan Stauts

+ The show must go on: The Theatre Company presents virtual production of “I Can I Will.” 20 ATHLETICS

Cover Photograph Clay Randel

22  2021-2025 STRATEGIC PLAN

+ New priority outcomes for our students and new strategic themes; we are Embracing the Journey of Learning. 32 ALUMNI

+ Welcome Class of 2020.


–2 2019







+ Alumni celebrate marriages, babies, new jobs – and more!






©2021 The Galloway School. All rights reserved.



Photography Art of Life Photography Clay Randel David Long Galloway Historical Archive Ricky Emmons ’09

+ Fall 2020 athletic accomplishments.








Who coined the phrase “We Scot This?” Credit for Galloway’s unofficial motto of the 2020-21 school year goes to Claire Long, wife of Assistant Head of School for Academics David Long and mom to Caleb ’31 and Bennett ’33. She coined the term when the pandemic began in the spring of 2020 as a way to keep morale high, and it caught on instantly community-wide.

21 28

TO CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS Send both old and new address information to: Galloway: The Magazine, 215 Chastain Park Avenue NW, Atlanta, GA 30342


Dear Galloway Community, When I first started my career in education, I often heard that schools are places where time stands still, and for a long time, I believed this. The longer I have worked in education, the more I have come to realize that good schools never have this problem. While they hold true to their established traditions and rituals, these schools also leave room for new traditions, new ideas, new programs, and new people. Good schools realize that staying true to one’s self does not mean change is nonexistent; instead, it means constant, intentional, and relevant change leads to transformation. Thanks to Elliott Galloway, our past has provided us with a foundation that was meant to be built upon and built to withstand whatever the world throws at us - and 2020 has definitely thrown some things at us! Last March, we saw first-hand what having a strong foundation and being open to change meant. Our classrooms went completely virtual in less than a week, as we moved our entire faculty, staff, and student body to continuous learning (check out page 6 to learn what this means). Our school sat empty for almost three months, yet the learning and progress never stopped. There was no time to sit idly. Instead, we did exactly what Mr. Galloway would have expected us to do: roll up our sleeves and get to work changing, rearranging, designing, rethinking, making, creating, getting better, and moving forward. I could not be prouder of Galloway’s incredible faculty and staff for stretching well outside of their comfort zones to ensure that our school and our students were being taken care of. However, I would be remiss to not acknowledge that the absence of certain traditions was felt by many, particularly the 71 members of the Class of 2020. These students missed out on a uniquely Galloway graduation ceremony, the culmination of all their years of schooling together. We look forward to welcoming them back in the future to both show our appreciation for them and acknowledge what they lost. Our past has given us the tools to thrive, even in an unpredictable year like 2020, and it is in this moment that we


must allow ourselves to continue to dream and think forward as a school. Galloway’s entire community has created a strategic plan to guide us for the next several years. As you will see in the pages of this digital magazine, this plan puts our students at the center of our work - a tenet that Mr. Galloway believed wholeheartedly. Our student’s academic and emotional health and well-being are priorities in this plan, and by investing in this, we know we are setting our students up for success well after Galloway. As part of this strategic plan, the Board of Trustees also worked on and approved a new Mission Statement. This updated statement speaks both to the timeless values of the school and the skills and competencies that all students need to successfully navigate an ever-changing world full of unpredictability. Just as we have lived our past missions out loud, I know we will do the same now. Galloway’s strong foundation has always relied on the dedication and generosity of its community, the full scope of which can be seen in this year’s Annual Report. For decades, this culture of philanthropy has enabled us to provide programs above and

beyond daily operations, which is more important now than ever. From professional development for teachers in a rapidly changing instructional landscape and health and safety protocols across campus to technology innovation for students and faculty and financial assistance for families, the support of our families has continued to strengthen our school, even in the most unpredictable of times. Although we were not able to celebrate Galloway’s 50th anniversary in person, there is absolutely nothing stopping us from celebrating the next 50 years, knowing we are a school that continues to bring purpose to the lives of the next generation of dreamers, doers, and change agents. Our storied history is the reason why our present and future are so bright and filled with excitement. Galloway has changed a lot in 50 years and will change even more in the next 50, but it will always be built on a foundation that is strong enough to withstand whatever wind happens to blow its way. With pride and appreciation,

Dr. James Calleroz White Head of School



“ Our past has given us the tools to thrive... it is in this moment that we must allow ourselves to continue to dream and think forward ... ”













HOW WE RE-OPENED Teaching & Learning Team Supports Faculty Through School Year Unlike Any Other Peggy Benkeser, Cheryl Despathy, Amanda Edwards, Lexi Fields ’98, and David Long - also known as Galloway’s Teaching and Learning team - worked throughout the summer to prepare teachers to teach effectively in the new circumstances. The team provided a weekly newsletter containing resources for teachers to practice; among the lessons provided to teachers were discussions about social and emotional learning, ways to use technology tools, and different means of accessing remote learning tools. In addition, they worked with faculty to help them find meaningful professional development to help them prepare for the upcoming school year, like a Fairy Dust Teaching course for our Early Learning faculty. As a partner school with Global Online Academy, Galloway’s faculty signed up for over 50 of their summer professional learning classes. In order to best prepare faculty for the fall, the Teaching and Learning team chose Neuroteach by Glen Whitman and Ian Kelleher as the summer reading selection, due to its application of neuroscience to teaching online or in person. Cheryl Despathy created an online course in Canvas, the learning management system for Upper Learning, for teachers to interact with the ideas of Neuroteach and with each other. The Canvas course offered a model for teachers to emulate in their own classrooms. Central to the goals of the team is the concept of a “growth mindset,” which encourages individuals to stretch themselves by learning and applying new skills. Maintaining a growth mindset,


a concept formulated by Stanford University professor Carol Dweck, is fundamental to the school’s approach to hyflex teaching to prepare teachers for students learning in their classrooms, students learning from home, and a hybrid of the two. After surveying all faculty members, the team worked closely with principals and assistant principals to create the new schedule for the school year. They provided a crash course for faculty on how to teach in the 85-minute block schedule, which is currently in use in ML and UL; students were then asked to fill out a survey and provide feedback on the schedule and their experience in the classroom. They also created a number of in-house tools to support teachers, such as a document mirror that allows faculty and students in continuous learning to share their work. Teaching and Learning continues to offer on-demand tech support and professional development for teachers. Whether troubleshooting an issue with Zoom or providing hyflex teaching support, the five members of Teaching and Learning, along with Galloway’s incredible technology department, remain focused on providing prompt support to ease the burden for teachers during this unprecedented school year.





few months, se n. Over the past into our lexico ay w ir e th d e ly used have work most common r u o f o e m so We’ve defined ses below: words and phra

Asynchronous Learning

Learning not happening simultaneously in a group setting; students instead watch previously recorded videos that can be viewed (and reviewed) at any time; gives students flexibility and the ability to go back and rewatch a teacher’s lesson or to redo or revise their own work.

Crazy Creeks in Action

Crazy Creeks

Durable and portable chairs used by Middle Learning students and faculty to have class and lunch outside.


A Google app that acts as a bulletin board for class discussions; students can post virtual sticky notes or comments related to a prompt.


The app Galloway uses daily to monitor the health of its community.


Block Party

Breakout Rooms

Continuous Learning

Hyflex Teaching

Learning taking place off campus. [Click here to watch a demonstration of CL in action!].

A teaching methodology that combines hybrid in-person and online teaching with flexibility.

Learning Cottages

LifeHope Labs

Three modular classrooms placed on The Blue that host a variety of Middle and Upper Learning classes to allow for greater distancing in the Gresham and Arnold buildings.

The nearby lab Galloway has partnered with for baseline coronavirus testing, as well as weekly random testing, of students, faculty, and staff.

Synchronous Learning

Reopening Task Forces

The street outside of the gym when closed for ML recess and lunch; students can often be found playing frisbee or relaxing in their Crazy Creeks.

Virtual rooms created by teachers in Zoom that let students meet in small groups to work on projects and hold class discussions.

A specified time for classes to meet as a group on a livestream or video conferencing platform; often used for community building, answering questions, and deepening student learning.

Students engaged in learning on campus.




EW N F O Y R A S S GLO S M R E T Y A W O GALL s veral new term

Four groups comprised of members of school leadership and faculty responsible for the safe reopening of campus and return of students in August 2020; separated into Academics, Facilities, Finances, and Health and Wellness.


Students engaged in continuous learning off campus.






FACULTY & STAFF Galloway Welcomes First Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer At the start of the 2020-21 school year, Galloway welcomed Dr. Karen Bradberry to the community as the school’s first Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer. With over 20 years of experience as an independent school and educational non-profit educator, Karen’s experience combined with her passion and love for children made her both an easy choice and the right choice for Galloway. Dr. Bradberry earned her B.A. in English from Texas A&M University, a M.Ed. in Secondary Education from the University of North Texas, and a Ph.D. in Reading and Educational Leadership from Texas Woman’s University. “Karen’s warmth, humor, and passion for working with students, parents, faculty, and staff, combined with her genuine commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging made her a natural choice for Galloway,” said Dr. Calleroz White. Although she officially joined the community in July, Dr. Bradberry is no stranger to Galloway parents, faculty, or students; she had visited several times over the past few years to facilitate community-building and DEI-training sessions. Last summer, in the wake of George Floyd’s death, Dr. Bradberry also worked closely with our counseling team to provide helpful resources for our parents and teachers. Since the beginning of the school year, Dr. Bradberry has implemented a comprehensive DEI program that builds community among all Galloway stakeholders while increasing our levels of cultural competency. She has facilitated several training sessions for faculty and staff; led the Board of Trustees’ annual back-to-school retreat in the first of an ongoing series titled What Every Trustee Needs to Know about Building Equitable & Inclusive School Communities; worked individually


with students, teachers, and grade-level teams; connected with alumni of color to learn more about their experience at Galloway; and continues to work with our Teaching and Learning team on building a culturally Dr. Karen Bradberry responsive and relevant curriculum for all grades. Outside of her work with faculty and students, Dr. Bradberry has enjoyed getting to know the Galloway parent community as well. She was the featured speaker for the first Galloway Families of Color United for Success (FoCUS) meeting of the school year. In October, she launched the Galloway Parents as Partners initiative, an ongoing series of DEI-related conversations and events for the school’s parent population. Dr. Bradberry has also represented Galloway in the community at large. After accepting an invitation to be featured presenters for the Southern Association of Independent Schools Annual Conference (SAIS), she and Dr. Calleroz White facilitated a training session on the elements of a successful Head of School-DEI partnership. She has also served as a panelist for local private school fairs. For more information on Dr. Bradberry’s work at Galloway and to dive deep into recommended DEI resources, we invite you to click here to browse the DEI section of our website.

Galloway Strengthens STEAM Curriculum with Integrated Learning Specialist & Innovation Coordinator Current research around mind-brain education suggests that the integration of arts and technology into the curriculum provides tremendous learning opportunities for our students. Students not only learn better by integrating our curriculum with art and technology, but this integration also instills a love of learning, a hallmark of a Galloway education. At the start of the 2020-21 school year, Peggy Benkenser stepped into a new role as Galloway’s first Integrated Learning Specialist. In addition to integrating art into the school curriculum, Peggy is also strengthening the “A” in STEAM offerings, and she has worked closely with faculty to help them integrate STEAM into their existing curriculum in a variety of ways. From teaching Kindergarten music students the science of sound with water in glass jars to encouraging ninth grade English students to explore common elements of poetry and hip hop, Peggy has helped inspire students and faculty in all levels to embrace their inner artist. Amanda Edwards also moved into a new role at the beginning of the school year, joining the Teaching and Learning team as their Tech Integration and Innovation Coordinator. Amanda is a Google Certified Educator with a Master’s Degree in Digital Teaching and Learning. She has been helping teachers integrate technology into the classroom for nearly a decade. She is passionate about supporting teachers, promoting innovation, and strengthening connections between curriculum and educational technology, and this passion has been critical for the success of Galloway faculty as they tackled the many challenges that come with hyflex teaching.

Peggy Benkenser

Amanda Edwards





Galloway Partners through a Pandemic with Horizons Atlanta

UL Microbiology Class Infuses Design Thinking and Biodesign

Founded in 1964 and expanding nationally since 1995, Horizons is a network of high-quality, tuition-free, immersive, academic and enrichment programs for children in underserved communities. Galloway announced its partnership with Horizons in November 2019 with the intent to close the opportunity gap by providing underserved students in north Atlanta access to high-quality academics and enrichment in an engaging summer learning program. Due to the global pandemic, Galloway was unable to host its first summer as a Horizons Atlanta partner on campus. However, the important work the school is doing merely shifted in form. Galloway’s Site Director Bayless Fleming led a team of EL teachers and several volunteers to ensure that students’ out-of-school summer needs are served while honoring public health guidelines. The team started the summer by providing more than 25 Chromebooks for rising first grade students at Scott Elementary, Galloway’s partner school. These Chromebooks are loaded with Lexia Online Learning and various educational apps to facilitate continuous learning over the summer. In lieu of on-campus summer camps, students took four weeks of virtual reading sessions with Dori Herald, Zeke Epsey, and Becky Chamberlain, celebrating the culmination of the summer with an ice cream social! Once a week, Bayless and her team also coordinated food drops for families at Scott Elementary.

Creativity. Innovation. Collaboration. Interdisciplinary Learning. These are the things that come to mind when one hears about the new Upper Learning class Microbiology in Action: Biotechnology that is co-taught by Upper Learning technology and computer science teacher MariaPaola Jimenez and Upper Learning science teacher Elizabeth Sanders. Ms. Jimenez and Ms. Sanders partnered together to create an interdisciplinary class that infuses an understanding of microbiology with design thinking and biodesign. The class aims to help students learn about design thinking, spatial reasoning, and biotechnology, and apply it to solve real-world challenges. For example: the first unit focused on kombucha, a fermented product made by a symbiotic culture of yeast and bacteria. Students cultured their own samples of kombucha, observing the microbes microscopically and the development of the microcellulose biofilm that the bacteria builds at the surface. Students researched the real-world applications of bacterial microcellulose from biomedical (skin grafts, artificial organs, pill casings) and fashion (textiles


Once the school year started, Horizons continued its programming and held events outside of the regular school day such as a socially distant Halloween celebration, a school supply drive, and a LEGO design challenge. Although our partnership had to shift in form this year, Galloway is excited about what this new venture holds as we continue to grow our relationship with Horizons.




and faux leather) to bioplastics, foods, and body care products. Students then used bacterial microcellulose to create product prototypes, which ranged from the decorative (butterfly ornament) to the utilitarian (lampshade) and medical (skin bandages). In the second unit, students learned about the design thinking process with Ms. Jimenez and applied their knowledge to create a mold using 3D design. After 3D printing their molds, students will grow fungi in the molds. After the fungal mycelium fills the space of the mold (taking its shape), it will be removed from the mold, dried, and preserved so it can be used to create materials varying in weight, strength, and flexibility. These can be used in packaging, acoustics, insulation, construction systems, containers, and more. Students in the class emphasized how much they enjoyed studying biodesign and microbiology for their multitude of uses in everyday life. “I like learning about the science,” Jessica Schwartz ’21 shared, “But more importantly, how to apply it to create practical solutions for real-world problems.”






MIDDLE LEARNING ML Students Enhance Campus with Large Format Paintings In Middle and Upper Learning Technical Theatre Teacher Liz Whalen’s Large Format Painting class, seventh and eighth grade students learned technical theater skills such as creating backdrops, planning a set painting, and working with drop cloths. Using these skills, students created large format paintings to enhance the interiors of the Learning Cottages on The Blue. Working in small groups, the students decided on their topic and then researched it using the primary image resources at the Library of Congress. Then, the groups drew small renditions before eventually scaling them to fit the final 5’ x 5’ painting.


For a Spanish class, students painted a llama in the Andean mountains, inspired by Macchu Picchu. For the theater class, the students created a Broadway-themed painting. For an American History class, the students painted images reflective of the history of Civil Rights; they chose to depict the Navajo Code Breakers from WWII, figures evocative of the Japanese internment during WWII, and iconic images from the Civil Rights era, paralleling the Black Lives Matter movement.




EL and ML Students Mask on and Carry on. Not even a pandemic (or a rainy day) could dampen the excitement of our students for this year’s Early Learning Halloween parade! Scots in all levels donned costumes and cheered while our youngest students made their way around the outside of the Gresham and Arnold buildings. Several students in continuous learning joined in virtually by “parading” on Zoom with their teachers holding iPads or by submitting their costumes ahead of time!












The Theatre Company Presents I Can I Will by Head of Community Engagement Gordon Mathis While working with the Alliance Theater and Georgia Film Academy over the summer of 2020, Upper Learning Theatre Teacher Megan Cramer thought about a new approach to drama and all it entails - the rehearsals, performances, and audiences - in the age of social distancing. In collaboration with Middle and Upper Learning Technical Theatre Teacher Liz Whalen and Upper Learning Theatre Assistant and Costumer Misao Cates, The Galloway Theatre Company decided to proceed with a completely virtual production this fall titled I Can I Will. In response to a summer of “social shaking” that involved the Black Lives Matter movement and the polarization of politics against the backdrop of the pandemic, the drama teachers invited Jasmine Waters Page, the education programs coordinator at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, to work with all participants in the UL theatre program. Equity is a foundational focus for the performing arts teachers equity in response to the social

issues confronting the nation, equity for all students in an unprecedented approach to theatre. They decided to embrace moving beyond theatre as a safe space to theatre as a brave space. Twenty-eight students registered for the fall performance course, nearly a third of whom were learning from home. In order to provide an equitable theater experience for all, the tech theatre students provided tech kits with a green screen and lights for the continuous learning students; everyone who will perform in a scene has this material for home use. All rehearsals were held online, and all participants – students, “techies,” and directors – worked online. For the November performances, students created short pieces based on personal identity in relation to others. The directors divided actors and members of the tech crew into “pods” of seven students, four actors, and three technicians. Each group wrote, rehearsed, and performed a 10-minute vignette about current issues that are important to them. Other guest artists joined the process to help students stretch into these new acting and technical challenges: Lucy Smith, a playwright and actor, helped students explore their new stage, and Jared Mezzocchi taught students shiny new skills in a computer program called Isadora. I Can I Will served as a fitting response to the challenges facing theater, students, and the nation. The theater students grew in their newfound autonomy in writing, applying the theme, and incorporating tech elements into their scenes, and enjoyed collaborating with Galloway’s Music For Media class, who provided original music for the performances. The broadcast of the four 10-minute scenes

was interactive; audience members participated in a poll to determine the outcome of some of the narratives and also asked questions in a live post-production Q&A. To learn more about the timeline and process behind I Can I Will, as well as to view recordings of the performances, click to visit our virtual playbill. “Unfiltered” Mental health and our constant “haze” makes us feel that we “can’t” and “won’t.” Three characters and a therapist work through feelings and inner conflicts to clear away the haze and get to an I Can I Will clarity. Olivia Hartshorn ’22 - Erin, Scriptwriter Davis O’Kelley ’21 - Cameron, Scriptwriter Ella Good ’22 - Casey (Therapist), Scriptwriter Ariana Jones ’22 - Parker, Scriptwriter Koby Fong ’21 - Sound, Lights Hayden Craig ’23 - Virtual Backgrounds, Sound Allison Meyer ’23 - Visual Effects

“The Pretentious Assassin” A murder mystery: an art collector, plastic surgeon, and washed-up child actor are all suspected of killing a talent agent. Audiences are invited to vote on who they think committed the crime. Their answer, and each character's potential innocence or guilt, matters. Jonah Wassersug ’22 - Newscaster/Investigator Chaz Thomas (talent agent), Scriptwriter Anna Little ’21 - Hanna Small (art collector), Scriptwriter Kathryn Steele ’22 - Kate Iron (plastic surgeon), Scriptwriter Luke Cravey ’22 - Luis Gravy (washed-up child actor), Scriptwriter Katie Jacobson ’21 - Costumes, Makeup, Script Concept Developer Dolph Orthwein ’22 - Virtual Backgrounds, Prop Coordination, Lighting, Script Concept Developer Griffen Perry ’22 - Sound, Visual Graphics, Script Concept Developer “The Scientist and the Politician on My Shoulder” In a clever take on the devil/angel on your shoulder, this satirical piece asks the question “should I go out to the grocery store in a pandemic?” with the Politician and Scientist as the bickering duo on our protagonist’s shoulders.

“Call Declined” What happens when you become way too concerned with helping your friends that you never help yourself? One young man fields numerous phone calls and texts and buckles under the weight of his peers’ problems rather than dealing with his own. Owen Stone ’22 - Owen, Script Concept Developer Leila Habib ’21 - Leila, Script Concept Developer Lucy Pittman ’23 - Lucy, Script Concept Developer Fritz Sumter ’22 - Fritz, Script Concept Developer Aven Brown ’21 - Jennifer, Virtual Backgrounds, Visual Graphic Design, Costumes Libby Slovis ’21 - Tyler Jack Eaton ’21 - Greg, Virtual Backgrounds Mika Abney ’22 - Virtual Backgrounds, Sound, Script Concept Developer

Anna Kitts ’21 - Mrs. Mom Margaret Edmonds ’23 - Scientist Alex Lewis ’23 - Politician Simon Guterman ’23 - Visual Effects Alex Sawyer ’22 - Scriptwriter, Editor, Storyboard

... embrace moving beyond theatre as a safe space to theatre as a brave space ...

Art student Lawton Jordan ’23 designed the original logo.







ATHLETICS Softball The softball team finished sixth in the region during the regular season, which advanced the team to the GHSA State Tournament for the second season in a row. The team was led by Natalie Osby ’22 who batted .346 and led the team with 18 RBI's. Violet Kottke ’24 batted .393. and led the team with 23 runs scored, and Nia Junod ’22 batted .340 and scored 15 runs.

Softball Team

Student-Athlete News Surrounded by her teammates and coaches, Jada Ryce ’21 signed her National Letter of Intent on November 11, 2020 to play basketball for East Tennessee State University.

Volleyball The volleyball team fought hard in a competitive season after their move to a new, tough region. Isabel Mouer ’21 was named team MVP; she led the Scots with 29 aces, 78 kills, and 127 digs.

Senior Night Fall 2020

Cross Country The varsity boys team had a great run in the region meet, with a third place finish that qualified them for the state meet, their first run at the state meet since 2017. The team was led by captains Noah Sokoloff ’22 and Caleb Kopitsky ’22. Max Matelic ’23 also was a key contributor this fall, leading Galloway at the state meet with a 20:09 finish.

Volleyball Team

Representing the girls team, Jules Greenberg ’24, Nora Sweeney ’24, and Ariana Raschid Farrokhi ’23 competed and trained like seasoned veterans. Sweeney won Galloway’s home meet against the Atlanta Girls School in a competitive twomile race on the track, while Greenberg led the way against Our Lady of Mercy and Atlanta International School with a fantastic 300 meter kick. Raschid Farrohki covered new ground this season, training at home and attending meets to share her wisdom and experience with her new teammates. Cross Country Varsity Boys – 2020 State Meet






At Galloway, we don’t view education as linear. For 50 years, we’ve been pioneers in experiential learning, empowering our students to take charge of their educational experience and develop an abiding love of learning. We believe that education should go beyond the classroom and prepare students for life beyond our walls. Our students are curious, smart, creative, and independent thinkers who value differences. In our classrooms, students learn more than the core academic subjects; they learn about themselves, who they are, and what role they want to play in making our world a better place. The confidence that they develop through these experiences is a catalyst for personal growth and development for years to come.

We’re not just about school. Here, we are Embracing the Journey of Learning.





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OUR MISSION: THE GALLOWAY SCHOOL IS A COMMUNITY WHERE LEARNING IS JOYFUL, INDIVIDUALS ARE VALUED, AND SELF-DISCOVERY IS ENCOURAGED. Galloway students confidently embrace challenges while developing the knowledge, skills, and cultural competence to thrive as enlightened contributors in their chosen pathways.

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cult ure

comm unity confidence self -di sco ver y

Journey of Learning 24 | WINTER 2021 | THE GALLOWAY MAGAZINE



Commanding of knowledge and requisite skills


Culturally competent, realworld community builders


Confident embracing change


Accepting and open-minded




Our priority student outcomes will be achieved by enhancing our work within three strategic themes over the next several years.

Development of the Person

Curriculum Framework

Learning Experiences

The well-being and personal fulfillment of our students is essential to their future success.

The Galloway School has been a leader in experiential learning for more than 50 years.

We fundamentally believe that education must transcend the walls of the classroom.

We are a school community that balances high academic expectations with students’ emotional, social, and physical well-being. Knowing that students learn best through interpersonal connections, we value the importance of teacher-student connections and intentionally cultivate an inclusive community that exposes our students to multiple perspectives and experiences.

Every day, our teachers empower their students to take charge of their learning and pursue hands-on, innovative, and personally interesting pursuits in a way that a traditional education does not always make possible. To ensure consistency and enhance the learning experience, we believe that it’s important to codify our approach.

Our students learn more than just core academic subjects; they learn about themselves, who they are, and what role they want to play in making our world a better place.

By nurturing a culturally competent, inclusive community, The Galloway School will be a haven of safety, support, and connections where our students can flourish.

By establishing a clear scope and sequence of learning, we can not only push our students and teachers to new levels but also share the Galloway approach with students beyond our walls.

By establishing experiential learning frameworks, we will take learning to the next level, ensuring consistent, meaningful student engagement over the course of their time at Galloway.

Embracing the Journey of Learning 26 | WINTER 2021 | THE GALLOWAY MAGAZINE




These outcomes will be achieved by meeting these key objectives:

Development of the Person

Foster student wellness. The current social environment places a great deal of stress on students to conform with unrealistic expectations of physical, social, and academic perfection. We are enhancing counseling and mental health support services to better address our students’ emotional and mental well-being. We will cultivate a student advisory program to help our students engage in self-discovery as they select courses, identify independent study opportunities, and, ultimately, apply to colleges or other post-high school opportunities.

strategic plan

We believe that supporting students academically is only part of our job. To ensure that Galloway is supporting the whole child, we are developing an integrated approach to learning that addresses not only academics but emotional, physical, and social well-being.

Establish a sense of belonging among community members. Our community is a treasure. We are creating meaningful ways for students, faculty, staff, and parents to build relationships and deepen their sense of community. We recognize that not everyone joins the Galloway family at the same time but, regardless of when they join us, we want everyone to feel that they are a part of our community. We are developing systems to welcome all new members of our school community and help them find their place at Galloway and understand what makes us special. We believe that a strong sense of personal responsibility will be invaluable as our students navigate the world beyond the classroom. We are building structures to ensure equitable responses as we help students take accountability for their actions. We are committed to open and transparent communications through intentional dialogue about big issues. We cultivate an inclusive community that ensures that the Galloway experience is relevant to students from diverse backgrounds while also exposing all of our students to multiple perspectives and experiences.


Curriculum Framework

Establish a coherent curricular scope and sequence. The Galloway School has found significant success in promoting individual teacher and student autonomy to direct the learning process. The next level of this work is ensuring that the student learning experience builds upon itself year after year. By establishing a scope and sequence of content for each grade level we can facilitate consistency and collaboration across both subjects and grade levels. Elliott Galloway believed strongly in “meeting students where they are.� We are enhancing our approach to ensure that we are effectively supporting students ready to explore more in-depth or challenging material as well as those who need additional assistance.

Establish a signature approach to teaching and learning. We know that learning at Galloway is unique. We are excited to reflect on our work by identifying guiding principles of instruction that make us special and challenging ourselves to continuously improve upon them. We trust our faculty to make strong decisions about what is best for each classroom and each child. We also recognize that together we are stronger. Galloway is enhancing opportunities for faculty collaboration and working to find time within the school day for our teachers to both learn from and support each other. We are also refining systems to ensure that all faculty are empowered and supported to be the best possible teachers.

Position The Galloway School as a leader in the field.

Learning Experiences

Ensure adherence to schoolwide framework for experiential learning beyond the classroom. Experiential learning opportunities outside the classroom are a cornerstone of a Galloway education. A consistent and intentional framework for these experiences will help students create deeper meaning and linkages across the years. We are developing additional opportunities for service-learning beyond our campus and helping students determine how they can best use their knowledge and unique skills to impact positive change. Real-world learning helps our students become confident in themselves and their abilities. We are creating even more experiential learning opportunities to allow students to apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios. To be successful, we believe our students must be culturally competent community builders. We are creating structures to allow our students to immerse themselves in various cultures and engage with perspectives and experiences that are different from their own.

What's Next? Each objective also contains its own unique action items. While work on some initiatives is already underway, work on others will be tackled throughout four phases over the next five years. For the most recent updates on our ongoing work, please visit our website here.

We believe that what Galloway offers its students is unique. We are committed to documenting and transferring the practices that have made us successful over the past 50 years so that more schools, educators, and students can benefit from this shared knowledge.





Much like most things these days, our biennial gala will look a little different this coming year. While our goal of raising money for financial assistance remains the same, we will be celebrating Elliott’s Evening virtually on April 17 instead of in-person. Times may be challenging, but it’s a good reminder that no matter what, #wescotthis! Look for additional information in the coming months at 30 | WINTER 2021 | THE GALLOWAY MAGAZINE





Dear Alumni, I would like to start by welcoming the Class of 2020 to the Galloway Alumni Association! While I know the end of your senior year was anything but normal, I hope you know that membership in this community is defined by so much more than placing a flower in a vase in front of a crowded gym. It is about the opportunity to share experiences with any number of alumni who have gone before you. To engage with the school in the hopes and with the intention that continued involvement will enhance this community that means so much to us. Plus, the drive-by graduation will be a memory for a lifetime! I myself have taken on a new role within the Alumni Association as well. After serving as class liaison chair and Vice President on the Alumni Council Executive Board, I am thrilled to start my first year as President of the Alumni Council. As a member of the Class of 2008, I am eager to hear about the endless amount of Galloway experiences of alumni in the classes before and after mine . While the cancelation of the 50th Anniversary celebration in March meant I was unable to engage with many of you, if 2020 has taught us anything, it is that we can now engage from anywhere. A council that has historically been composed of alumni living in the Atlanta area can now broaden its reach and hopefully re-engage alumni who still feel deeply connected to this place, but have maybe felt that a geographic barrier keeps them from Galloway. My hope for these next two years is to use these silver linings 2020 gave us, and take advantage of all the virtual opportunities to feel closer as a community (while continuing to social-distance). I hope those of you who have felt that their physical distance from Galloway was a disadvantage to remaining connected will join us for future virtual meetings. This community is not for just those of us in Atlanta, as the Galloway spirit is resilient wherever we may be located. I’m so excited for the chance to engage with as many of you as I can–to share my passion for Galloway, to hear what you have to say, and to be the best representative for this group that I can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Matriculations for the Class of 2020 Though we could not gather as a community to celebrate the 71 members of the Class of 2020, we are so proud of their accomplishments! These students will continue their education at 52 different colleges and universities, located in 21 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, and Scotland!

Kevin Luptowski ’08 Alumni Council President

2019-2020 Alumni Association Executive Board

2019-2020 Alumni Association Class Liaisons

Adam Rabinowitz ’05, president Kevin Luptowski ’08, vice president Amy Stevens Smith ’89, secretary Rachel Fox Weitz ’01, giving chair Hillary Fixelle Hendrix ’05, events chair Lane Cohen Shelton ’06, liaisons chair Mike Feldberg ’01, advisor Michael Maziar ’01, advisor Anne Lokey ’04, advisor Marthame Sanders ’88, advisor

Phillip Daves ’77 Jason Evans ’85 Heather Angel Dittus ’87 Marthame Sanders ’88 Amy Stevens Smith ’89 Dennis Fish ’95 Megan O’Brien Noltemeyer ’96 Lexi Hunter Fields ’98 Nick Benzine ’99


Gloria Kantor ’00 Seth Morganstern ’01 Matt Goldberg ’02 Scott Covington ’04 Hillary Fixelle Hendrix ’05 Mallory Ward ’06 Kathleen Bazaz ’07 Evan Shapiro ’08 Jasmyn Turner Jackson ’09




Elizabeth Walz ’10 Lauren Godfrey ’11 Sara Cramer ’12 Katy Thompson ’13 Julianne Lang ’14 Julia Castanet ’15 Haley McKee ’16 Sam Macey ’17 Greer Blount ’18

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

American University Auburn University (3) Belmont University Berry College Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Carnegie Mellon University Claremont McKenna College College of Charleston Colorado College (2) Colorado State University Drexel University Emory University (2) Furman University Georgia Institute of Technology (2) Georgia State University

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Kennesaw State University (2) Louisiana State University Loyola Marymount University Marquette University New York University (2) Northeastern University (3) Nova Southeastern University Pace University Reed College Rice University Ryerson University - Canada Savannah College of Art and Design (2) Sewanee: The University of the South Texas A & M University Texas Christian University Tufts University University of Arizona (2)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

University of California - Irvine University of California - Santa Cruz University of Colorado Boulder (2) University of Delaware University of Edinburgh - Scotland University of Georgia (4) University of Kentucky University of Miami (3) University of South Florida University of Southern California University of Tampa (2) University of Tennessee University of Texas at Austin University of Vermont Villanova University Wake Forest University Washington University in St Louis (2) Wofford College






CLASS OF 2020 A Different Kind of Graduation Due to public health restrictions on large gatherings, this year’s graduation ceremony looked very different than the ceremonies of years past. With faculty members cheering them on, students and their families drove through campus, stopping in front of the columns to place their flower in the vase and to collect their senior gift – and King of Pops!
















In 2019, Paul Hertz and his wife Nina welcomed their first grandchild, Mackenzie. Also in 2019 they were blessed with a championship baseball team, the Washington Nationals. As a longtime season ticket holder, Paul carried the banner during the championship parade down Constitution Avenue. Paul is completing his eighth year as NASA’s Director of Astrophysics. On the horizon is the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, NASA’s successor to the Hubble Space Telescope.


Dinsha Mishtree is a lecturer at Stanford Law School, and in the fall of 2019 had Dakota Foard ’11 as one of his students. Although there

is a decade between them, they shared many of the same UL teachers. Dinsha remarked of Dakota, “She’s going to be a terrific lawyer!”

Lane Shelton and her wife,

Laura Block is now the Deputy Membership Manager in the Southeast Territory for Team Rubicon, a veteran-led disaster response organization. She has deployed with Team Rubicon 6 times in various NC disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, and a landslide) in the last two years. She lives in Cary, NC with her husband and son.

Grace Shelton, welcomed their son, Sascha Flint Shelton, to the world on May 12, 2020. Lane and Grace might be slightly biased, but they are pretty sure Sascha is the cutest pandemic baby ever.


Sarah Segal McCaslin, MDiv,

Phillip Jaffe and his wife welcomed a baby girl Penelope (Penny) Jaffe on May 15, 2019. Philip continues to work as a pediatric anesthetist at Egleston Children’s Hospital, while his wife is in her fellowship for pediatric surgery, also at Egleston.


Rachel Cole married Christopher Shefelton, Jr. on September 28, 2019 at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. The wedding party included some fellow Class of 2009 graduates, including Teresa Fowler and Hope Allison as bridesmaids and Michael Karsch as a groomsman. Many Galloway friends and faculty celebrated alongside the happy couple and enjoyed the wonderful reunion. Rachel and Chris now reside in Columbia, SC where she is a school counselor and he is a legislative researcher. They love visiting Atlanta and look forward to more Galloway reunions in the future!


In January 2021,


Will McCandless married Mia Tran in Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam on September 27, 2020. They currently reside in Ho Chi Minh City.

In February 2019, Lauren Barkley joined the Ralph Lauren Corporation as an Assistant Fashion Designer. She graduated magna cum laude from the Fashion Institute of Technology in 2018. She currently resides in Brooklyn, NY, with her fiancé and two dogs.


LCSW, will assume the position of Executive Director of the Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute. PSI is a multidisciplinary group therapy practice offering spiritually-informed psychotherapy to individuals, couples and families. PSI also trains clinicians and consults with nonprofits, spiritual communities, and businesses. Sarah received her masters degree in social work from Columbia University in 2006 and a certificate in couple and family therapy from the Ackerman Institute for the Family in 2019.



Sammi Sedler and her husband, Jesse, welcomed their son, Ezra Weil Sedler, on July 10, 2020.

Chamberlyn Kitchens Marks completed her second graduate degree,

a Master of Library and Information Studies, in May 2019 and resides in Wake Forest, NC with her husband and three sons. Haley Stonecipher married Grant McLain on March 7, 2020 at Peachtree Presbyterian Church (right in the nick of time!) Mary Bec Gilbert ’06 was a bridesmaid and Mallory Ward ’06 served as maid of honor. Other Galloway alumni in attendance included Kate Bowen ’05, Mandy Cobb Rahiya ’05, Sam Todd ’06 and Sarah Ward-Rupp ’08.










Evan Cooper was recently elected to the Board of Directors of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Oregon & SW Washington. The Association of Fundraising Professionals empowers individuals and organizations to practice ethical fundraising through professional education, networking, research and advocacy.

Ricky Emmons got engaged in December 2019! She and her fiancé,

Dalton Day, met in college at UNC Asheville in 2010. They were planning to get married on October 31, 2020, but a certain pandemic has moved the date to next year. Ricky and Dalton bought a house in February 2020, and welcomed the cutest nephew of all time, Sascha Flint Shelton, into the world on May 12, 2020!

Reagan Little has been going by Vinnie for almost a whole year and has been out as non-binary for about two years.Vinnie is going into the haircutting business and (hopefully) getting into community theatre in 2021.Vinnie hopes everyone is doing well this year and that 2020 hasn’t been too cruel to you all!


In November 2019, Sara Cramer and Anna Gabianelli ran the New York City Marathon together. They are still running and still best friends - it all started with 7th grade cross country! Cargill Hutt married his wife, Felicia, during COVID-19 in a

small ceremony in North Carolina.


Cameron Mitchell started graduate school at the University of Victoria in Victoria, BC Canada, and is pursuing a masters in Holocaust Studies.

Neal Yates ’16 graduated

from Furman University with a bachelor’s degree in physics. In the spring of 2021 he’ll enter into Clemson University’s Bioengineering Ph.D. graduate program. His doctoral program will mainly focus on areas around drug delivery methods and Spinal Cord Injury research.


Ariel Jacobson is currently a sophomore at Emory University,

double majoring in nursing and Spanish. Aden Simmonds, son of

ML and UL Strings teacher Kerren Berz, is a sophomore at the University of TennesseeChattanooga. He recently won a scholarship from the Music Performance Trust Fund after entering an essay contest for the children of musicians.

On October 17, 2020, Jasmyn Turner Jackson

and her husband, Anthony Turner, were blessed with a son, Turner Jackson, weighing in at 6 lbs. 9 oz. and 19 inches long.








Although our 50th school year was abruptly cut short, that didn’t stop our alumni from using this


milestone as a chance to give back. To commemorate the big birthday, we created special edition socks to send out to every alum who made a gift of $50 or more to Galloway.

Many alumni remember “behave yourself and try” and “wear shoes” to be the two most important rules they learned here, and we wanted to embrace that as best we could. Although this “50th Sock Campaign” was cut down in its prime, we’re extending it through this 51st year as well. While 51 doesn’t have the same ring to it as 50, as you can see, the socks are just as comfy no matter the year. Thank you to all our alumni who contributed!


Summary of Giving Annual Giving


Endowment & Restricted Gifts


GA Private School Tax Credit


TOTAL $1,388,346

Where we receive funding

How dollars are spent

■ Tuition 90%

■ Faculty & Staff Salaries & Benefits 65%

■ Annual Giving 5%

■ Operations & Facilities 14%

■ Auxiliary Programs 3%

■ Educational Programming 11%

■ Georgia Tax Credit 1%

■ Financial Assistance 10%

■ Endowment 1%







Dear Galloway Community, As I reflect on a 50th year that took twists and turns none of us could have imagined, I am clear that one constant prevailed– the Galloway community shows up for one another. It is thanks to your tremendous support that Galloway met the unthinkable from a position of strengthand was able to navigate this year with flexibility, offering options to its families, while remaining mission focused. Your dedication is worthy of celebration.

2019-2020 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Debra Sydnor, Co-Chair Leigh Thompson, Co-Chair James Calleroz White, Head of School Stuart Fierman Jenny Gruel, Secretary Peter Hartman Michelle Horstemeyer Veronique Kessler, Vice-President of Finance Michelle Maziar ’98

Our parent giving campaign kicked off the 2019-2020 school year, with the Annual Giving “blitz” raising $891,000 from 96% of parents in just 5 weeks. I give my personal thanks to the 44 parent volunteers, mentioned by name in the following Annual Report, who made this happen! Thanks to the generous contributions from Galloway alumni, faculty and staff, grandparents, alumni parents, trustees and friends, you achieved an Annual Giving total of $950,035 amid a global pandemic. Additionally, you contributed $10,000 in COVID-19 relief funds for Galloway families affected by the crisis.

George McKerrow

Highlights from the year in Annual Giving include:

Scarlet Pressley-Brown

• • • •

Adam Rabinowitz ’05, Alumni Council President

Stuart Fierman Development Committee Chair Parent of Reis ’21

96% parent participation 100% faculty and staff participation $62,000 raised in grandparent giving 131 households made a gift of $2,500 or more

Lastly, by participating in the Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program, you helped Galloway secure an additional $459,786 for need-based student financial assistance! Thank you for continuing to take advantage of this win-win opportunity for Galloway. None of the highlights above could be accomplished without the powerful support of our volunteer leadership. Thank you to the 2019-2020 Development Committee and Annual Giving Team for your time and energy this year, and thank you to each and every member of the Galloway community for investing in a bright future for our children.

Hillery McNeill Michael Morrissey Wendy Newstetter Bill Nussey Ellen Orthwein Merrick Olives

Chip Reed Subhash Sarda Koboi Simpson Bill Stevens

Painted Feelings, Audrey Knauer, EL, 2020

Stephen Stradley ’08 Jenny Stribling, Parents Association President Neal Sumter Sharon Winn

With gratitude,

Thanks to the passionate support of our Development Volunteers,

Stuart Fierman

Development Committee Chair Parent of Reis ’21

DEVELOPMENT OFFICE STAFF Sammi Sedler ’07, Events & Special Projects Manager Paige Smith, Director of Development Mallory Ward ’06, Development & Alumni Affairs Officer Liz Wiedemann, Associate Director of Development


we were able to meet our fundraising goals for the 2019-2020 school year. Their hard work and dedication raised the funds necessary to ensure Galloway students can enjoy a rich educational experience– either on-campus or at home!

2019–2020 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Stuart Fierman, Chair

Stephanie Seltzer

Frank Clementi

Doug Spear

Todd Fierman

Bill Stevens

Hillery McNeill

Jenny Stribling

Katie Melkonian

Debra Sydnor

Adam Rabinowitz ’05

Leigh Thompson

Katherine Reed

Chris Tilley

Greg Roth

Tammy Tilley




PARENT LEADERSHIP 2019-2020 DONORS 47 Galloway Pillars $20,000+

Elliott’s Circle  $10,000 – $19,999

Columns  $5,000 – $9,999 48 Blue and Gold  $2,500 – $4,999 49 Courtyard $1,000 – $2,499 50 Libertas $500 – $999 51 Scots $250 – $499 52 Learners Up to $249 56 Class of 2020 Senior Gift Donors 58 Endowment Giving 60 Grandparent Giving 63 Honor and Memorial Gifts 64 Alumni Donors 65 Matching Gift Corporations

In-Kind Gifts

66 Private School Tax Credit Support


Stuart Fierman, Development Committee Chair Katie Melkonian, Annual Giving Chair Jenny Stribling, New Parent Chair

ANNUAL GIVING GRADE CAPTAINS AND CALLERS PK1  100% participation PK2  100% participation Ryan Lafitte ’98, Grade Captain Andrea Spear, Grade Captain

Kindergarten  89% participation Marian Harrison-Stephens, Grade Captain Sarah Hilleren, Grade Captain Renata Janssen-Decker 1st Grade  97% participation Andrea Spear, Grade Captain Andy Travis, Grade Captain 2nd Grade  94% participation Susan Weiner, Grade Captain 3rd Grade  95% participation Alex Levy ’93, Grade Captain Suzanne Nickerson 4th Grade  94% participation Todd Fierman, Grade Captain Aaron Tanenbaum, Grade Captain 5th Grade  95% participation Brent Herd, Grade Captain Michael Schiff , Grade Captain 6th Grade  100% participation Mark Whitmire, Grade Captain Kim Dinerman Ladon Whitmire

My Design, Eesa Kamal, Pre K, 2020

Todd Fierman, EL Level Chair Greg Roth, ML Level Chair Chris Tilley, UL Level Chair 7th Grade  99% participation Sara Loft, Grade Captain Brent Gruel Alan Smith Stacey Wolf

8th Grade  100% participation Alison Louie, Grade Captain Marthame Sanders ’88, Grade Captain Vickie Brown Stuart Fierman Howard Herman Robert Leslie J.J. Timmons 9th Grade  100% participation Michelle Schweber, Grade Captain Stephanie Seltzer, Grade Captain Sherika Robbins 10th Grade  97% participation Susan Ruediger, Grade Captain Gary Chase Andy Simonoff Mark Wassersug 11th Grade  100% participation Amy Bogartz, Grade Captain Allison O’Kelly, Grade Captain Shane O’Kelly





Galloway Parents Association Amy & Kenton Brown Teresa & Ben Chestnut Mel & Jim Eaton

Jim Kieffer The K Squared Foundation Chantelle & Jim Noble

ELLIOTT’S CIRCLE  ($10,000 – $19,999)

Sally & Vince Burkett Barbara & Steve Chaddick Jim Davidson Erika & Joe Drouin

COLUMNS  ($5,000 – $9,999)

Jeanine & Jared Belsky Vickie Brown Carolyn & Christophe Cadiou Hallie & Gary Chase Jaime & Brett Curry Lee-Anne & Bill Distler Jennifer & Graham Dorian Sonnet & Chris Edmonds Laura & Scott Harrison Lisa & Howard Herman Katherine & Michael Hernacki Michelle & Scott Horstemeyer

Richard Maslia George May & Travis Propst Whitney & John Oeltmann Tara & Randy Parrish

Katherine & Chip Reed Andrea & Doug Spear Vicky & Bill Stevens Dara & Mark Wassersug

Stacy & John Ingram Leslie & Doug Isenberg Natalie & Chip Lewis Cindy & Adam Lourie Marybeth & Tom Luptowski Hillery & John McNeill Victoria Moreland Jennifer & Michael Morrissey Kiersten & John Murnane Melinda & Bill Nussey Rachel Goldberg & Tim Olzer Judy & Dolph Orthwein

Stacey Valy Panayiotou & Drew Panayiotou Sheri & Alon Panovka Mary Rachide & Mark Rankin Ben Bunyard & David Runyan Shenara & Alonzo Sexton Barbara Church & David Smith Rosa & Neal Sumter Agda & Marcelo Tamassia Leigh & Charlie Thompson

12th Grade  94% participation Chris Tilley, Grade Captain Ted Grauch David Hay Ed Smith



Major Donors ($2,500+) to Annual Giving

Annual Giving Parent Volunteers The Deep Blue, Brody Fierman, ML, 2020








($2,500 – $4,999)

Pam & Mark Bell Jade & Brian Betkowski Cindy & Mark Bohntinsky Cathy Peterson & Bruce Brown Heather & Mark Buffington Kelly & Steve Caffarelli Mistalene & James Calleroz White Shweta Vyas & Adam Carley Andrea Farley & Paul Carriere Natali Ceniza Elizabeth Chambliss Alexandra & Timothy Coons Lesley & Craig Cortright Jane & Raymond Cracchiolo Melanye & Rick Cravey Sarita Kansal & Jaydip Datta Melanie Davidson Maria de la Guardia-de Coquet & Charles de Coquet Lara & Adam Dorfman Jennifer Fowler Duvall & Rex Fuqua Kristen & Nathan Garroway Holly & Haynes Gentry Annette & Edward Grauch Stacey & Jamie Graves Julianne Belaga & Eric Hade

Raised During the Five Week Annual Giving Campaign Keri & Mike Hagen Lora & Michael Hernandez Lane & Clark Howard Josselin & Rick Hungria Jodi & David Hunter Teresa & Aris Iatridis Kelly & Erich Janzen Judy Train & Brendon Kane Berry & Jason Kendall Elizabeth & Charles King Robin & Eric Knauer Megan & Alex Levy ’93 Nicole & Nathan Lewis Mary & Paul Light Caren Cook & Michael Lipsey Shannon Nyimicz & Jim Lokey Ginair & George McKerrow Zora Foote & Colin Meadows Larry Moscow ’76 Christine & Adam Needles Colie & Brince Neidlinger Tonya & Cecil Noble Allison & Shane O'Kelly Lane & Merrick Olives Monica & Jeffrey Olsen Nicole & Mark O'Rourke Sarah Hilleren & Bradley Orschel Ellen & Dolph Orthwein Teresa & Winson Peacock

In 2019-20, you helped raise $950,035 for Annual Giving in support of Galloway. Your generosity took on new meaning with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic; in response, you contributed an additional $10,000 in relief funds for Galloway families affected by the crisis.



($1,000 – $2,499)

Self Portrait, Lucai Anderson, ML, 2020

Marian & Damon Pittman Wendy & Mark Pollack Leanna & Eric Rinzler Nancy & Andy Rinzler Sherika & Taurus Robbins Linley Jones & Greg Roth Amy & David Sabo Patrycja Grzesznik & Frank Salas Amy Atkins Sawyer & Forrest Sawyer Michelle & Larry Schweber Liz & Rob Shults Marci & Jeremy Silverman Sarah & Kellen Stennett Kim & Michael Stoecker Jenny & Yancey Stribling Debra & Marc Sydnor Cori & Jay Telford Tammy & Chris Tilley Audrey & Eric Tomosunas Brynn & Andrew Travis Allison & Joe Ventura Virginia & Jonathan Voyles Daisy & Jason Wall Cami Watts Susan & Seth Weiner Andrea & Andrew Wightwick Sharon & Matt Winn Shayelyn & David Woodbery Anne Lawing & Harvey Young

Sam & Gary Alexander Pamela & Michael Alexander Leslie & Scott Alterman Lisa & Peter Aman Panagiota & Omar Asensio Lisa & Dan Balser Susan & Brian Banner Kathleen & Thom Barclay Nancy Phillimore & Brian Barkley Genie & Todd Beaver Robert Blair Renay & Ned Blumenthal Heather & Michael Bondar Debbie & Huett Britt Todd Butler Kim Dobson-Callahan & Christopher Callahan Tomeka & Pedro Cherry Randa Shelby Cobb & Justin Cobb Rebecca & Mick Cochran Kristel & Raphael Coleman Mary Cook Julia & John Cullerton Suzy & Robert Currey Christine Alberico & Barry Danckert Kathy Hughes-Danforth & David Danforth Becky & David Darden Kristen & Scott Davidson Renata Janssen-Decker & KC Decker Tira & Florent Delmotte Carey & Steve Denney Neesha & Ashish Desai William Deyo Kim & Michael Dinerman Amanda & Craig Dobrin Gretchen & Chad DuBeau Kelley & Jeff Ellman Juli & Rich Fernandez Anne & Stuart Fierman Jessica & Chris Foster Rebecca Seidel & Gary Frank Nelu & Chris Gouskos Jenny & Brent Gruel Madhumathy & Adiseshu Gundlapalli

Amber McGrath Guterman & Seth Guterman Tom Halaburt Jeannie & Peter Hartman Kimberly & David Hay Rachel & Todd Infante Janet & Thomas Junod Karen & Chuck Kaplan Talitha & Noah Kauffman Christine & Jonathan Kaufman Meron & Craig Kelly Trudy & Doug Kremer Lauren Mirzaie-Leslie & Bob Leslie Heath Linsky Sara & Evan Loft Anne Lokey ’04 Alison & Michael Louie Robin & Lance Lourie Ashley & Dave Lyle Elvira Mannelly Lisa & Keith Marks Linda Martinson & Andrew Stratton Julie Kim & Paul Matelic Katie & Geoff Melkonian Masami & Eric Middleton Alyza & Justin Milrad Robin & Jack Minson Kim & Dave Mobley Kelly & Brian Munn Katy Stout & Eric Muntz Sumaiya & Nathan Fitzpatrick Hilary & Stuart Nelson Suzanne & Chuck Nickerson Sandy & Jay O'Meara Tim Osby Hilly Panovka Dana & Jon Parness Shirley & Art Phillips Carolyn & Kevin Pleiss Connie & Andrew Pope Jill & Josh Ratner Lori & Chris Reinking Leslie & Arthur Reitman Shea Roberts & Brian Daughdrill Hila & Robert Roberts Alex Rojanets Jennifer & Leo Rose Lisa & Michael Rovinsky Catherine & Michael Ruberti Susan & Brian Ruediger

Leigh & Michael Schiff Stephanie & Dave Schwartz Monyetta Shaw Anne & Tim Sheehan Grace & Scott Shickler Leane & Sid Silhan Casey & Andy Simonoff Sonia & Koboi Simpson Kathleen & Randy Slovis Kerri & Alan Smith Lesley & Andrew Solomon

Tonya & Kenneth Steele Amy & Alexander Stewart Tiffany & Jason Stout Emily & Aaron Tanenbaum Sally Train Amber & Jonathan Tuggle Amoy & Tristan Walker Jill & Michael Weinstein Caroline & Tony Wilbert Stacey & Barry Wolf Melissa & Donald Wright

Bird, Dylan Reiser, UL, 2020






DONORS LIBERTAS ($500 – $999)

Aileen Nakamura & Russ Abney Wendy & Harold Asher Sara & Jon Baker Susan & Jonathan Barry Jamie & Adam Bean Corey Berger Lois Blonder Amy & Scott Bogartz Daniel Borochoff ’06 Silvette Bullard Shannon & Carlos Cain Ellen Wild & Bob Chen Mary & Frank Clementi Robyn & Dave Cole Rachael & Jon Colton Julie & Adam Craig Andrew Crawford Heather Hamilton & Chris Creel Maureen & Mike Cully Laura Currey-Taseva ’94 & Plamen Tassev Jennifer & Deemer Dana Jodi & Justin Daniels Chris & Steve DeVinney Kate Coley Dinerman ’98 & Justin Dinerman ’95 Ashleigh Dobrin Kathy & Lee Drouin

Bobbie & Jim Farley Lili & Oscar Ferrer Annette & Adam Florence Lisa & Steve Freedman Carla & Read Gignilliat Katie & Michael Gillin Janet & David Good Kathy & Miles Graivier Aimee & Doug Greenberg Elizabeth & Randy Gregson Annette & Marvin Grubman Barbara Halaburt Monica McNeeley & Alex Hart Sandra & Daniel Hennessy Kristina & Jason Hoeft Jennifer & Mark Inman Kara & Terry Jacobson Philip Jaffe ’00 Vanessa Johnson Munroe Gretchen Johnston Jen & Lawton Jordan Felice & Gilbert Knauer Margaret Kort Tamara & Steve Kullback Carra & Vincent Lafitte ’02 Daria Jones & Bruce Lafitte Jarrett & Will Landrum Debbie & Rob Levin

Fara & Ari Levine Ephrat & Jason Lipton Barb & Craig Llewellyn Laura & Frank Lowrey Elizabeth & Ian Macdonald Renee & Jeffery Machat Grace Maiola Anne & Alex Mammen Judith & Benjamin Marks Catherine & Gordon Mathis Susan Nicholas & Tayari Mchezaji Lisa & John McNamara Yusi & Rob Meinzen Allen & Don Mendenhall Lauren & Michael Menis Dana & David Meyer Carol & Brooks O'Kelley Anika & Eric Palm Barbara & Jerry Petasnick Carole & Michael Pizitz Andi Oki & Jeff Pomeroy Laine & Greg Posel Scarlet Pressley-Brown & Wendell Brown Heather Rabinowitz & Adam Rabinowitz ’05 Coleman Riley ’75 Lori & Kevin Rubin Rahul Samant

Lori & Mark Sanders Mary Beth & Jeff Saylor Sandra & Nick Schittone Maria Galvis & Marc Schwartz Georgia & Stanley Segal Stephanie & Jason Seltzer Jeanne & Bob Shulman Mark Shumate Paige & Tate Smith Amy Stevens Smith ’89 & Bryce Smith Sabrina & Carlos Solomiany Leah & Andrew Steinberg Noel & David Steinfeld Courtney & Eric Stoll Angela & Rob Stone Anna & Michael Szabados Deborah & Alexander Volpe Didi Walker & William King Meredith & Jake Weaver Rachel Fox Weitz ’01 & Ari Weitz Jill West Shelley & Bernard Whiting Polly & Ritchie Williams Amy & David Winter Malatee Ravipati & Prasad Yalamanchili

LOVE, Stella Olives, ML, 2020

SCOTS ($250 – $499) Karen & Jason Anderson Sarah & Mike Armstrong Kris Bagwell Candace & Brendan Bell ’98 Peggy Benkeser Vanessa & Noah Benz Leah & Marc Byrne Janis & Spencer Cannon Eugenia & Ronald Catchings Virginia Barton & Lisa Caucci Becky & Adam Chamberlain Marilyn & Harvey Cook Nina & Chris Cramer Gauri & Anant Dalvi Gisele Kalonzo-Douglas & Martin Douglas Melissa Eazzetta Tiffany & Mike Egge Lisabeth & Clifford Feiner Lisa & Kenny Feld Judy & Ed Feldstein Ellie & Todd Fierman Tamatha Finley Kimberly & Gilbert Fong James Foreman Vicki Strull & Randall Foster Dave Fraser Susan & Hipolito Goico Kristan & Adam Goldfein Ben Gumpert ’95 Gracie & Jack Hanchrow Carolina & Brent Herd Jessica & Chris Horn Dyan Theusen Jacobus ’88 Mary Chamberland & Harold Jaffe Esther & Jorgen Jensen Dionka & Charles Jones Carole & Robert Julian Bryan Katz Valerie & Randy Kessler Jodi Weil & Andrew Layton Judith & Elmer Leslie Lindsay & Ron Levin Amy Levine Ginny & Steve Little Hedy & Josh Marks Janet & Paul Marthers Virginia & Taylor Mathis ’03 Tebitha & Shongedzai Mawokomtanda Patty & Howard Maziar

Sandy McCauley & Andrew Sirk Beth & Al Meyers Cara & Brad Mills Karen & Jeff Moore Cynthia & Robert Morneweck Lee Morris Lara Hirschowitz & William Murphy Amy Steiner Nadler ’95 & Douglas Nadler Shahriar Nasir Beth & Benjamin Nowak PriceWaterhouseCoopers Carla Ransom & James Ramsey Cathy & Hal Raper Amy Hirsh & Gene Reilly Wendy Rohm Rebecca Aqua & Seth Rosen Stacey & Richard Sapp Subhash Sarda Stephanie & DJ Scalise Hope Cohn & John Schneider Mary Sessions Stacey & Eric Shapiro Grace Shelton & Lane Cohen Shelton ’06 Sarah & Randy Shields Liz & Ed Smith Laura & Terry Smith LaTonya & John Sneed Michele Casper & Alan Sokoloff Stephen Stradley ’08 Lin & Jackie Stradley Jesenia & Bradley Swinsburg Tarra & Richard Thompson Dana & Luke Tilton Paula & Robert Tudor Christina Jensen Vicente ’89 & J.P. Vicente Jackie Hornbeck-Wall & Kent Wall Mallory Ward ’06 Sharon Solly-Weinberg & Gil Weinberg Laura & Larry Weiner Alayna & Shaun Weinstock Eva Wendlova & Karel Wendl Liz Wiedemann Selena Wingate Spencer Zaghikian ’09 Bob Zapotocky

Collage in Blue, Grace Bass, EL, 2020

The Rainbow Bed, Ariana Soltani, EL, 2020








(UP TO $249)

Ashley Ackerman Maleka & Faruque Ahmed Jonathan Alden Yolanda & Chris Anderson Jackie & Steve Angel Donzaleigh & Anthony Arrington RBI Media Suzanne Baker & Spencer Cottingham Devyn & Blake Baklini Amita & Vish Bakshi Maria Cardona & Adiran Ballin Allen Barksdale Maria & Tony Barnhart Steve Bartl Julie & Billy Bastek Debbie & Andy Bauman Ariel Baverman ’02 Carlistra Beasley Heather & Denny Beatty Scottie Belfi Sarah Benedict Marsha Berger & Robert Brochstein Leah Berryhill Kerren Berz

Sam Biglari Joanna & Mark Birch Nancy & Don Bliwise Laura Calmon Block ’87 & Daniel Block Tanzania Bobb Tara Bobo Michele & Mitchell Bolgla Jerri L. Sumlin-Bond & Jeff Bond Emily & Bray Bourne Dara & Bob Brenner Anne Broderick Betsy Brody Kiesha Brown Richard Waterhouse & Caleb Brown Van Brown Shakira Brown Lynn & Mark Brown Perrin Brown ’15 Becky & Mo Bunnell Emily Cahill '11 Elaine & Allan Carp Cara & David Carrewyn Cheryl & Jesse Carson Jicel Castro Misao Cates Sarah Cavender Angelyn Chandler ’84

Mike & Elizabeth Chapman Patty Foglesong & Todd Clare Edward Clark Brielle Gould Clifford ’99 & Justin Clifford ’01 Barbara Cogdell Marion Collins Trip Copeland Ricardo Corrales ’05 Hanna Costello Sally & Bob Cramer Lindsay & Donovan Cramer Megan Cramer Sara Cramer ’12 Shira & Chris Crittendon Brittany Crooms Nez & Andy Crosby Katharine Crowell-Goergen Christopher Curtis Debra & Mark Davies Chandra & George Davis Cheri & Raymond Davis Dalton Day Cindy & Tim Dearman Suzanne & Brett Decker Debbie & Mark Degner Emilie Westbrooks Dempsey ’97 & Craig Dempsey Cheryl Despathy

Gissella & Alex Diaz-Williamson Janice & Andrew Dietz Judy & Brian Dill Charlisa & James Dixon Ashley Drake Nina Dubin ’06 Stacy & Stephen Duran Audrey Durham Samera & Chris Eckl Amanda Edwards Ojani Eguia Robin Elms & Jeff Poole Tessa Mowbray Emery ’92 Beau & Paul Emmer Ricky Emmons ’09 Zeke Espey Ayesha Fakhrid-Deen Lele & Mat Fallon Juana Farfan Julie Okada & Amir Farokhi ’96 Angela & Travis Fast Sue Feig Isaac Feiner ’14 Beth Tieman & Jeff Feldstein Jessica & Brant Ferko ’95 Sandy Ferko Debra Field Meade & Clinton Fields

Lexi Hunter Fields ’98 & Nik Fields Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman Dennis Fish ’95 Bayless Fleming Stephen Fleming-Cooper Laura & David Flink ’98 Linda Floyd Eloise & Michael Foltz Karen Forrester Alison Keohane & Ann Fountain Roger & Sue Frankel Elizabeth Fusco Jennifer & Joshua Gassman Melinda Gertz Mary Giattina Matt Goldberg ’02 Abby Goldsmith '79 Carmen Gonzalez Susan & John Gornall Mandela Graves Sasha Greenspan ’02 Marissa & Wendel Greider John Griffith Kelly & Gareth Griffith Hui Zeng & Yanwen Guo Jayne Guthrie Corrie Bryant-Habib & Kevin Habib Mary Stuart Hall Patricia Hallen

Dori Handel Kimberley Harper Deirdre Harris Sarah Harvey Stacey Harvey Angela Harwood Carol Tinsley Haynes ’04 Jennifer & Patrick Henn Ninamarie Maragioglio & Paul Hertz ’72 Diane & Jim Hilleary Julie Hleap ’89 Cate Stuart-Hodges & Wade Hodges Carol & Stuart Hoffmann Julie Holding ’77 Lauren Holt Manon & Bastiaan Hooft Amy & Tom Houlihan Betty & Dick Isenberg Mahamood Ismail Jarvis Jackson Shalini & Chetan Jadhav Hilma & Steven Jarrett MariaPaola Jimenez Kyle Johnson Cheryl Johnson Takisha Johnson Penny & Clif Jones

Lisa Heimann & Jeff Jones Adina Kalish Beth Kantor Vips & Carla Kapadia Emily & Jonathan Kapit Ayisha Karim Linda & Louis Katzner Helen & Jim Keaten Patricia Ghegan Keaten ’90 & Caeder Keaten ’88 Veronique & Rad Kessler Kim Nguyen & Young Kim Krissy & Will King Colin Kirkman ’89 & Tony Carollo Ellen & Bill Kitchens Felicia & Grant Kitts Stacey Kalberman & Neil Kopitsky Anne Kostensky Margaret & Peter Kottke Laurie & David Kotz Jessica & David Kraitzick Virginia & Jay Kyle ’90 Lydia Dene & Ryan Lafitte ’98 Avital & David Lambert Elise & Roy Lander Margaret Lannigan Rachael Albert & Russ Law Jenny & Michael Lawsky Anna & David Leavey ’85

Sandra Leon-Cone Linda & Bert Levy Kayla Engle-Lewis & Jeff Lewis Debbie & Ryan Lieberman Claire & David Long Jane & Nicholas Long Peggy Walton Walker & Larry Lord Aaron Luke Kathryn Lyday Ashley & Alex Maiola ’01 Peter Mallory ’77 Lynn Mandelbaum & Bob Summers Elissa Marele Chamberlyn Kitchens Marks ’05 & Calvin Marks Jeanne Martinez Dunay Busto & Jesus Martinez-Saldana Smitty & Lee Martus Jasmine Mathis Sarah Segal McCaslin ’95 & Donny McCaslin Heather & Lisa Mccormack-Moon Ivory McCormick Felicia McCrary Joshua McDaniel ’97 Mary Michael Paul Minter Brian Mitchell


Parent Participation in Annual Giving Untitled, Sariah Robbins, UL, 2020


Bunnies in Watercolor, Grace Dobson, UL, 2020







(UP TO $249) Continued E'lice & Scott Mitchell ’87 Christina & Michael Schroeder Terri & Paul Munro Vimala & Gopi Nair Kelly & Matthew Nelson Julie Neuburger Kenneth Neufeld Jaye & Robert Nibbs, III Shannon & David O'Brien ’89 Rives O'Connell Cecilia Pagani Fabiana Esposito-Parker & Shawn Parker Cathy Perlato ’92 Caroline & Scott Perlman Nabila Peterson Mary Phillips ’79 Maureen Pierce Christy & Tom Ponder Ali Ponder ’15 Tammy & Lori Powers Tori Powers ’02

Tracy Prescott Paul Preston Kim Purcell Ann Marie Purr ’00 Judy & Barney Quinn Lisa Galanti & Hal Rabinowitz Clay Randel Gaby & Darius Raschid Farrokhi Amer & Liz Rathore Erin Ray Danielle Reed Trina & Stephen Reinach ’88 Jennifer & Scott Reiser Bonny Richardson Deb Weisshaar & Jonathan Ringel Robyn & Scott Ripps Amy McDaniel Robinson ’00 Desir'ee Robinson Bethany Rojanets Virginia Fay & Kenneth Rona Samantha & Alexander Rowe Marcia & Joel Rubensohn Lore Ruttan Chelsey Sabol Jennifer & Ren Salerno

Expression Bianca Tomassia, EL, 2020


Lane Salter Miller ’00 Sallie Samuels Elizabeth & Marthame Sanders ’88 Joanna Satterwhite '13 Julie Schatz Laura Hackman & Mike Schleifer Sammi Sedler ’07 & Jesse Sedler Kristin & Robert Segal ’97 Terri & Thomas Sewell Thomas Sharp Rachel Cole Shefelton ’09 & Chris Shefelton Brian & Beth Sherman Yomara Velez & Derie Shipmon Lindy Shoemaker Dorna & Cyrus Shokoohi Kimberly Shumate Sabrina & Kenneth Simmons Aminata & Daniel Solammon Maria & Phil Spartis Rusty Spears ’76 Alison Spencer Mia & Mitch Spolan

Amanda & Chris Stanzione Shaundra & Tommy Stapleton Meghan & Mitch Stauts Betti Jo & Larry Steele Shanon & Torrance Stevenson Barbara Stinson Haley Stonecipher ’05 Susana Quiroga & Robert Story Stephanie Strickland Amy & Michael Swick David Szikman Suzanne & Steve Szilagyi Karen Dabbs & Ankush Tewari Kathy Tharpe Virginia Thompson Claire Thompson ’15 Dottie & Chris Thornton Mary Tilton-Patrick Jamie & J.J. Timmons Phil Titus Katrine Trantham Eden Doniger & Itai Tsur Andrew Tulowitzky Melina & Jack Van Matre Ado & Sandra Varajic Judi Vargas-Prada

Jennifer Watson & Moira Vetter Matt Vieron Carey & Dirk von Gal Mia von Gal ’09 Dana & Peter von Wismar Katie Voris Adrienne Vinson Waddey ’07 & James Waddey Cliff Waddy Tony Wald Michael Walden ’07 Leslie & Steve Walden Charles Warden Kimberly Washington Elizabeth Whalen Julie Whitehead Unislawa & Sean Williams Bethany Wilson Jennifer Winingder Kristin Wold Ellen Adair Wyche & Henry Wyche Kwame Yankson ’00 Naticia & Michael Zocca Elizabeth Zorn

Directed Gifts to Annual Giving

Number of Donors Total Amount

Area of Greatest Need


$ 729,435



$ 22,810



$ 15,876

Curriculum & Instruction


$ 64,830

Financial Aid




Professional Development






$ 58,210



$ 950,035

Expressive Path Aasiya Abdul-Salaam, EL, 2020






GIVING Senior Gift 2020

The Senior Retreat for the Class of 2020 was held right before school shut down in March.They had the opportunity to brainstorm what their gift to the school was going to be in our 50th year, and came up with some great ideas, however one rose above the rest. While the original “Galloway School� sign on the front lawn was taken down after the years wore heavily on it, the Class of 2020 decided to use their money to replace the sign and give it an update. Now, the formerly worn down sign is easily visible from Chastain Park Avenue, serving as a great reminder that, while a lot has changed around the school, there are plenty of memories worth preserving. A very special thank you to our Senior Gift Committee 2020, who took time at the end of a very different senior year to rally their classmates together and ensure they could leave something extremely meaningful behind. Mari Ceniza Janessa Davis Jessie Dietz Simone Dixon Brian Farmer Poppy Harris Emma Hilleary Sophie Kieffer


Revell McCracken Max Meyers Josie Palisoc Sophie Pike Caroline Sirk Lauren Scalise Wyatt Woodbery

Congratulations to the Class of 2020, and thank you!


Elliott Galloway in front of the original sign from the 1970s.

Evan Berger Benjamin Bolgla Josie Bunnell Catherine Carson Mari Ceniza Joseph Clementi Benjamin Colton Michael Cully Jessie Dietz Simone Dixon Claudia Dorian

Jaden Ellman Brian Farmer Olivia Gentil Sam Goldfein Max Graivier Emma Halaburt Poppy Harris Emma Hilleary Nicholas Hungria Ari Isenberg Robbie Kane

Perrin Kendall Sophie Kieffer Revell McCracken Vivi Melkonian Max Meyers Olivia Osby Josie Palisoc Sophie Pike Mary Ella Rinzler Jacob Ripps Spencer Rubin

Rose Sanders Lauren Scalise Caroline Sirk Ian Smith Owen Stout Madeline Telford Avsha Weinberg William Winn Wyatt Woodbery







Think of Galloway’s endowment as our school’s savings account. Over the years, donors have established endowed funds through generous gifts in support of professional development, financial assistance, and wellness programs. A portion of the income from the endowment is spent annually, and a portion is put back into the fund to ensure growth. Today Galloway’s endowment stands at more than $20 million. Our Board of Trustees carefully oversees the management of these funds to meet current operational needs as well as long-term priorities. Continued endowment growth is key to satisfying the school’s future needs. Please contact the Development Office to learn more about endowment giving.

The Benjamin Jarred Chanin Scholarship Fund

Covid-19 Relief Fund

Gail & Ron Chanin Ina Chanin & Louis Schlesinger Betty & Burton Handmacher Lynn Handmacher Fowler & Butch Fowler Camille & Ben Lefkowtiz Ashley & Peter Lewman Leah Quattrochi ’12

The effects of the pandemic this year were felt all over the world, and Galloway was no exception. We are extremely grateful to our community members who contributed to our COVID-19 relief fund, designated to provide tuition assistance to families in need of it this year.

Elliott Galloway Scholarship Fund Barbara & Jeff Galloway Vivian Guthrie Teed McConnell Poe & Sadler Poe

Merrick Ryan ’98 Scholarship Fund Candace & Brendan Bell ’98

The Dan Woolley ’01 Endowment Fund Kate Coley Dinerman ’98 & Justin Dinerman ’95 Babs Turner The Rothkopf Greenberg Family Foundation Charlsie & Herb Woolley Tish & Charles Woolley

Upper Learning

Today’s students benefit from the endowment gifts of previous generations.

9th Grade Moms

Maleka & Faruque Ahmed Rachael & Jon Colton Melanye & Rick Cravey Ann & Bruce Fort Christine & Karl Gallegos Jasmyn Turner Jackson ’09 & Anthony Jackson Javon Jones ’14 Elise & Roy Lander Jack Lovern ’12 Morgan Mattke ’18 Nicole & Mark O'Rourke Maureen Pierce Nick Polk ’07 Katherine & Chip Reed Stephen and Trina Reinach Tom & Patti Rudi Marci & Jeremy Silverman Barbara Church & David Smith

Early Learning Library Pam & Mark Bell Carol Rowland Laura & Terry Smith Bettie & Mark Tullis

Tomorrow’s Galloway will be sustained by your endowment gifts today.

NAMED ENDOWMENT AND RESTRICTED FUNDS Carolyn & Ross Arnold Fund for Teachers Candy & Stephen Berman Endowment for Faculty Excellence The Linda Camp Diversity Scholarship Fund The Benjamin Jarred Chanin Scholarship Fund Teacher Excellence Endowment in Honor of Cindy Dearman Chuckie Ellithorp Library Endowment Chuckie Ellithorp Educator Endowment Award Edward E. Ford Endowment The Elliott Galloway Scholarship Fund The Goizueta Foundation Scholars Fund The Jim Gray Jazz and Band Fund


Linda Kappel Faculty Enrichment Fund The Charles Loridans Foundation Faculty Fellowships Linda Martinson Endowment Fund Angela & Joerg Matthiessen Teaching Excellence Fund The Ruth Melkonian Jaffe Fund Cote Miller Wellness Endowment Parents Association Endowment Fund Wyatt Pasley Fund Merrick Ryan ’98 Scholarship Fund John & Pamela Smart Fund Thunder Bay Endowment Fund The Cecilia Waddey Early Learning Educator Award The Dan Woolley ’01 Endowment Fund

Scarlet Tanger Dulce Ballin Cardona, UL, 2020








Grandparent Giving Our Grandparents are an extremely vital part of our community and our fundraising efforts, and this year,

Pam & Mark Bell

Annette & Marvin Grubman

Judith & Benjamin Marks

Lois Blonder

Jayne Guthrie

Catherine & Gordon Mathis

Elaine & Allan Carp

Gracie & Jack Hanchrow

Judy & Dolph Orthwein

Marilyn & Harvey Cook

Betty & Dick Isenberg

Barbara & Jerry Petasnick

Jane & Raymond Cracchiolo

Gretchen Johnston

Shirley & Art Phillips

Suzy & Robert Currey

Penny & Clif Jones

Carole & Michael Pizitz

Jim Davidson

Carole & Robert Julian

Judy & Barney Quinn

Bill Deyo

Linda & Louis Katzner

Vicky & Bill Stevens

Lee-Anne & Bill Distler

Helen & Jim Keaten

Kim & Michael Stoecker

Ashleigh Dobrin

Felice & Gilbert Knauer

Anna & Michael Szabados

Kathy & Lee Drouin

Margaret Kort

Sally Train Didi Walker & William King

Bobbie & Jim Farley

Daria Jones & Bruce Lafitte

while different, proved once again how crucial their

Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman

Judith & Elmer Leslie

contributions are to the school. While we were unable to

Duvall & Rex Fuqua

Jane & Nicholas Long

celebrate with them at Grandparents and Special Friends Day this year, we are so appreciative to them for honoring their grandchildren by supporting Galloway!


$60,000 in Grandparent gifts

Still Life in Pastels, Emma Stoll, UL, 2020

Red Heart in Blue, Mauren Lurey, ML, 2020






HONOR AND MEMORIAL GIFTS In Honor of Beth Angel ’11 Jackie & Steve Angel

In Honor of Carmen Gonzalez Smitty & Leroy Martus

In Honor of Lisa & Hal Rabinowitz Heather & Adam Rabinowitz ’05

In Honor of Sarah Armstrong Linley Jones & Greg Roth

In Memory of Janice & Nick Hughes Kathy Hughes-Danforth & David Danforth

In Honor of Jennifer Salerno Teed McConnell Poe & Sadler Poe

In Honor of Scottie Belfi Berry & Jason Kendall In Honor of Sam Biglari Joshua McDaniel ’97 In Honor of Ann Broderick Poppy Harris ’20 In Honor of Silvette Bullard Rebecca Aqua & Seth Rosen In Memory of Helen Copeland Trip Copeland In Honor of Michael Cully ’20 Maureen & Mike Cully In Honor of Alex Diaz-Williamson Berry & Jason Kendall In Memory of Mel Dobrin Amanda & Craig Dobrin In Memory of Chuckie Ellithorp Rusty Spears ’76 In Honor of Kelley & Jeff Ellman Linda & Louis Katzner In Memory of Susan Cohen Emmons Lane Cohen Shelton ’06 Ricky Emmons ’09 In Memory of Beth Dupree Farokhi Dorna & Cyrus Shokoohi In Honor of Lexi Hunter Fields ’98 David Flink ’98 In Honor of Linda Floyd Smitty & Leroy Martus In Honor of Dick Forrester Karen Forrester In Memory of Elliott Galloway Esther & Jorgen Jensen


In Memory of Tim Kennedy Lynn & Butch Fowler In Memory of Grace Kerns Pam & Mark Bell Carol Rowland Laura & Terry Smith Bettie & Mark Tullis In Honor of Howell Kiser Colin Kirkman ’88 & Tony Carollo In Memory of Ashby Lord ’00 Shannon & Larry Lord In Honor of Gordon Mathis Tessa Mowbray Emery ’92 Julie Okada & Amir Farokhi ’96 Grace Maiola Trina & Stephen Reinach ’88 Laura & Terry Smith In Memory of Gilda Morris Debbie & Huett Britt Lee Morris Bonnie Prokesch In Memory of Ryan Patterson ’93 Amy Stevens Smith ’89 & Bryce Smith In Memory of Jimmy L. Peek, Jr. LaTonya & John Sneed In Memory of Christopher Pierce ’13 Richard Foard Maureen Pierce In Honor of Maureen Pierce Richard Foard In Honor of Teed McConnell Poe Rives O’Connell

In Memory of Bunny Saussy Barbara Cogdell Marion Collins Smitty & Leroy Marcus Bettie Jo Steele In Honor of Mary Sessions Rahul Samant In Honor of Georgia & Stanley Segal Sarah Segal McCaslin ’95 & Donny McCaslin In Honor of Tommy Sharp Trudy & Doug Kremer In Honor of Ian Smith ’20 Barbara Church & J. David Smith In Honor of Jenny Stribling Galloway Parents Association In Honor of Kathy Tharpe Smitty & Leroy Martus In Honor of Cecilia Waddey Adrienne Vinson Waddey ’07 & James Waddey In Memory of Diane Ward Haley Stonecipher ’05 In Honor of Mallory Ward ’06 Linda & Bert Levy Sophie Kieffer ’20 In Honor of Dr. Julie Whitehead Adrienne Vinson Waddey ’07 & James Waddey In Memory of Dan Woolley ’01 Helene & Richard Prokesch Rachel Fox Weitz ’01 & Ari Weitz In Memory of Bess Wyche ’02 Sasha Greenspan ’02 Ellen Adair & Henry Wyche





ALUMNI DONORS Paul Hertz ’72 Coleman Riley ’75 Larry Moscow ’76 Rusty Spears, Jr. ’76 Julie Holding ’77 Peter Mallory ’77 Abby Goldsmith ’79 Mary Phillips ’79 Angelyn Chandler ’84 David Leavey ’85 Laura Calmon Block ’87 Scott Mitchell ’87 David Doyle ’88 Dyan Jacobus ’88 Caeder Keaten ’88 Stephen Reinach ’88 Marthame Sanders, III ’88 Julie Hleap ’89 Colin Kirkman ’89 David O’Brien ’89 Amy Stevens Smith ’89 Christina Jensen Vicente ’89 Patricia Ghegan Keaten ’90 Jay Kyle ’90 Tessa Mowbray Emery ’92 Cathy Perlato ’92 Alex Levy ’93 Laura Currey-Taseva ’94 Justin Dinerman ’95 Brant Ferko ’95 Dennis Fish ’95 Ben Gumpert ’95 Sarah Segal McCaslin ’95 Amy Steiner Nadler ’95 Justin Dinerman ’95 Amir Farokhi ’96 Emilie Wesbrooks Dempsey ’97 Joshua McDaniel ’97 Robert Segal ’97 Brendan Bell ’98 Lexi Hunter Fields ’98 David Flink ’98 Brendan Bell ’98 Kate Coley Dinerman ’98

Ryan Lafitte ’98 Brielle Gould Clifford ’99 Ann Marie Purr ’00 Amy McDaniel Robinson ’00 Lane Salter Miller ’00 Kwame Yankson ’00 Justin Clifford ’01 Alex Maiola ’01 Rachel Fox Weitz ’01 Matt Goldberg ’02 Sasha Greenspan ’02 Vincent Lafitte ’02 Tori Powers ’02 Ariel Baverman ’02 Charles Warden ’03 Carol Tinsley Haynes ’04 Anne Lokey ’04 Paul Preston ’04 Ricardo Corrales ’05 Chamberlyn Kitchens Marks ’05 Adam Rabinowitz ’05 Haley Stonecipher ’05 Daniel Borochoff ’06 Nina Dubin ’06 Claire Rigsby ’06 Lane Cohen Shelton ’06 Mallory Ward ’06 Sammi Sedler ’07 Nick Polk ’07 Adrienne Vinson Waddey ’07 Michael Walden ’07 Stephen Stradley ’08 Ricky Emmons ’09 Jasmyn Turner Jackson ’09 Spencer Zaghikian ’09 Emily Cahill ’11 Sara Cramer ’12 Jack Lovern ’12 Joanna Satterwhite ’13 Perrin Brown ’15 Ali Ponder ’15 Claire Thompson ’15 Morgan Mattke ’18 Evan Berger ’20


Benjamin Bolgla ’20 Josie Bunnell ’20 Catherine Carson ’20 Mari Ceniza ’20 Joseph Clementi ’20 Benjamin Colton ’20 Michael Cully ’20 Jessie Dietz ’20 Simone Dixon ’20 Claudia Dorian ’20 Jaden Ellman ’20 Brian Farmer ’20 Olivia Gentil ’20 Sam Goldfein ’20 Max Graivier ’20 Emma Halaburt ’20 Poppy Harris ’20 Emma Hilleary ’20 Nicholas Hungria ’20 Ari Isenberg ’20 Robbie Kane ’20 Perrin Kendall ’20 Sophie Kieffer ’20 Revell McCracken ’20 Vivi Melkonian ’20 Max Meyers ’20 Olivia Osby ’20 Josie Palisoc ’20 Sophie Pike ’20 Mary Ella Rinzler ’20 Jacob Ripps ’20 Spencer Rubin ’20 Rose Sanders ’20 Lauren Scalise ’20 Caroline Sirk ’20 Ian Smith ’20 Owen Stout ’20 Madeline Telford ’20 Avsha Weinberg ’20 William Winn ’20 Wyatt Woodbery ’20

American Century Investments

Home Depot



Bank of America

Lending Science DM

The Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Family Foundation



MagMutual Employee Matching Gift Program

The Coca-Cola Company

The Marsh Foundation

Comcast Corporation

New York Stock Exchange

Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta

Nordson Corporation

Crown Castle International Corp

Regions Financial

Delta Air Lines Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta

PulteGroup Truist U.S. Bank Foundation

Georgia Power

Voya Financial


The Walt Disney Company Foundation


Kathy & Miles Graivier Jana & David Waln

To make your gift to Galloway, visit, or mail a donation to:

English Cottage, Brigid Arndt, UL, 2020

The Galloway School 215 Chastain Park Avenue NW Atlanta, GA 30342

The Galloway School gratefully acknowledges the gifts from our community during the 2019-2020 school year. Every effort has been made to accurately list all contributors from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. If an error has been made, please notify us at or 404-252-8389 ext. 101.





2020 PRIVATE SCHOOL TAX CREDIT SUPPORT This year, Galloway families and friends showed their loyal support for the school, collectively contributing $459,786 in tax credits towards Galloway’s financial assistance budget. We sincerely thank all who participated!

Feelings, Tyler Neidlinger, ML, 2020


Aileen Nakamura & Russ Abney Sam & Gary Alexander Norma & Donald Appel Panagiota & Omar Asensio Nooshin & Shahrokh Bagheri Sara & Jon Baker Amita & Vish Bakshi Genie & Todd Beaver Pam & Mark Bell Sarah Benedict Corey Berger Sally & Harold Berger Rhea & William Berger Kelley & Neil Berman Jade & Brian Betkowski Anjali & Bimal Bivek ’99 Robert Blair Kelly Norris & Jardon Bouska Mala & Joe Brindisi Betsy & Gene Brody Amy & Kenton Brown Tracy & Mark Brown Vickie Brown Heather & Mark Buffington Sally & Vince Burkett Andrea Farley & Paul Carriere Ellen Wild & Bob Chen Mary & Frank Clementi Kristel & Raphael Coleman Candice & Steve Culiner Talmer & Ira Curry Christine Alberico & Barry Danckert Carey & Steve Denney Neesha & Ashish Desai Lara & Adam Dorfman Jennifer & Graham Dorian Erika & Joe Drouin Sari & Olen Earl Sonnet & Chris Edmonds Kelley & Jeffrey Ellman Kathy & Jason Evans ’85 Angela & Travis Fast

Lisabeth & Clifford Feiner Meade & Clinton Fields Anne & Stuart Fierman Adam Florence Lynn Handmacher Fowler & Butch Fowler Paula & Allan Freedman Holly & Haynes Gentry Leigh Anne Strawn & Bill Godfrey Stacey & Jamie Graves Elizabeth & Randy Gregson Mary & Sanford Gruskin Shayr & James Guthrie Nancy & Charles Harrison Jeannine & Peter Hartman Lisa & Howard Herman Mia Frieder Hilley & Ron Hilley Marla & Daniel Hirsh Rachel & Todd Infante Stacy & John Ingram Jennifer & Mark Inman Leslie & Doug Isenberg Leslie & Michael Jablow Jarvis Jackson Beth Salisbury & Nathanial Johnson Janet & Tom Junod Judy Train & Brendon Kane Terry & Paul Kidder Jim Kieffer Valerie Kieffer Deborah & William King Maggie & Matt Klein Laurie & David Kotz Trudy & Doug Kremer Tamara & Steve Kullback Linda & Bert Levy Caren Cook & Michael Lipsey Ginny & Steve Little Sandy & Bob London Robin & Lance Lourie Marybeth & Tom Luptowski

Grace Maiola Elvira & Joseph Mannelly Patty & Howard Maziar Dana & David Meyer Masami & Eric Middleton Ellen & Jim Milholland Kiersten & John Murnane Hilary & Stuart Nelson Suzanne & Chuck Nickerson Chantelle & Jim Noble Brenda & Leon Novak Beth & Benjamin Nowak Nicole & Mark O'Rourke Monica & Jeffrey Olsen Rachel Goldberg & Tim Olzer Dana & Jon Parness Teresa & Winson Peacock Susan & Steve Pepper Carolyn & Kevin Pleiss Dara & Dan Redler Katherine & Chip Reed Lori & Chris Reinking Nancy & Andy Rinzler Leanna & Eric Rinzler Hila & Robert Roberts Jennifer & Leo Rose Rebecca Aqua & Seth Rosen Patti & Don Ross Jennifer & Randy Rudderman Amy & David Sabo Allison & Scott Safran Abbe & Jeff Sands David Sarif Leigh & Michael Schiff Tamara & Marc Schwartz Sandy & Douglas Seim Mary Sessions & Antonio Salazar Cardozo Diane & Fred Shaftman Kathy & Ken Shapriro Michelle & Steve Shlansky Jeanne & Bob Shulman Jean Shumate

Robyn & Howard Silk Marci & Jeremy Silverman Casey & Andy Simonoff Liz & Ed Smith Andrea & Doug Spear Kelli Spencer Bret Sperling Sarah & Kellen Stennett Vicky & Bill Stevens Kim & Michael Stoecker Marsal & David Stoll Courtney & Eric Stoll Galina & Matthew Stoll Heather Dewberry Stoller & Steven Stoller Trenny Stovall Yancey Stribling Jenny Stribling Agda & Marcelo Tamassia Kiki Dabbs & Ankush Tewari Leigh & Charlie Thompson Dottie & Chris Thornton John Ventullet Jackie Hornbeck-Wall & James Wall Cami Watts Susan & Seth Weiner Alayna & Shaun Weinstock Andrea & Andrew Wightwick Sharon & Matt Winn Stacey & Barry Wolf Ellen Adair & Henry Wyche

raised through the Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program





Fantastic opportunity: Georgia GOAL Tax Credits remain available for 2021; apply today! The Galloway School participates in the Georgia Private School Tax Credit program through Georgia GOAL. You can receive a dollar-for-dollar Georgia tax credit by redirecting your state tax liability to support Galloway’s financialassistance program. Members of Partnerships, owners of LLCs, and Shareholders in S-Corps can redirect up to $10,000 of their tax liability. For married couples filing jointly, the maximum tax credit is $2,500, and individuals can contribute up to $1,000.

GOAL is still accepting applications for the 2021 tax year. Don’t wait to submit your form! Payment is not due to GOAL until March 2021. For more information, visit To make your gift to Galloway, visit, or mail a donation to The Galloway School, 215 Chastain Park Avenue NW, Atlanta, GA 30342.

215 Chastain Park Avenue NW Atlanta, GA 30342


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