Reopening Plans
In preparation to open campus for the 2020–2021 school year, Galloway will implement the following guidelines, policies and procedures. These have been developed in accordance with federal, state, and local guidelines for social gathering, CDC recommendations for schools K-12 and child care/preschools, and in consultation with health experts, area Heads of School, and state, regional, and national private school organizations. Policies and procedures will be further updated and enhanced as more information is available and planning continues through the summer months.
• Align to the U.S. Government Phased Opening Guidelines
• Incorporate recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
• Follow appropriate recommendations from the Georgia Department of Health
The Galloway School is planning for four phases: RED • ORANGE • YELLOW • GREEN
If Galloway is in... RED PHASE buildings • Galloway will remain closed
for school days and extracurriculars. Students will be offcampus continuous learning.
alloway plans to open • Gcampus for school days
on a modified schedule that reduces the number of students on campus and includes a blend of on-campus and continuous off-campus learning.
ome camps and • Sextracurriculars may
operate. These will be determined on a case by case basis. Students will not gather in large groups or assemblies inside the school building and lunchrooms will be closed; students will eat in classrooms.
Galloway buildings will be open buildings will be open for • • Galloway for regular school days, and regular school days, and all students will be on campus. Camps and extracurriculars will operate with physical distancing measures in place. Students will be in classrooms with physical distancing measures in place.
campus continuous learning may • Off be available
during some or all of the 2020–2021 school year for those who may still have a medical need that necessitates not being able to attend school.
will not gather in large • Students groups or assemblies. Kinetic Wellness and recess will be conducted with physical distancing measures in place, lunch will be served but there will be a modified schedule to allow for physical distancing, and lunch may be served in the classroom.
all students will be on campus. Camps and extracurriculars will operate. Continuous off-campus learning may be available during some or all of the 2020–2021 school year, for those who may still have a medical need that necessitates not being able to attend school.
tudents may gather in large • Sgroups or assemblies inside
but will be required to wear masks in those spaces or use every other chair if possible. Kinetic Wellness and recess will be conducted on a normal schedule, lunchrooms will be open, and students will practice moderate physical distancing.
Contingency School Days At its discretion, The Galloway School may adjust the calendar to ensure learning and instructional goals are met and the school year may be extended by up to two weeks with a final end date being no later than June 10.
Health and safety policies for reopening The novel coronavirus and COVID-19 transmit via droplets, close contact, and shared surfaces. The period of contagion and transmission have not been fully identified. In response to this, the policies for students and staff will be modified as new facts or best responsible practices are identified.
During phases of reopening, The Galloway School will follow published CDC guidelines: 1 Encouraging our staff and community members to protect their personal health. 2 Posting the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. leaning surfaces that are frequently touched such as shared desks, 3 C countertops, workrooms, electronics, and doorknobs. 4 Limiting in-person events and meetings that require close contact. 5 Staying up to date on developments in our community. 6 C reating an emergency plan for possible outbreak. 7 A ssessing if community members are at higher risk and plan accordingly.
Sick policy
for students, faculty, and staff
Parents and staff may be required to complete a screening questionnaire before school reopens.
Consistent with CDC guidelines, students, faculty and/or staff will be sent home if they exhibit an elevated temperature (not due to exercise, recess, or temperature of rooms) or two or more of the following symptoms of COVID-19: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
All students, staff, and volunteers may be subject to temperature checks and other precautions to enter the building.
If a student, faculty or staff member has a fever of 100 or higher, vomiting, and/or diarrhea, they may not return to school for three consecutive school days after the fever has ceased with no fever reducing medicine.
• •
If a student, faculty or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 or has been advised by medical professionals to quarantine, they may return to school after 14 days of quarantine. They must provide a note from their doctor releasing them back to school or work.
If a parent is called to pick up a sick child, they are expected to pick them up within 60 minutes after confirmation with a school staff member.
Reporting If a student or staff member tests positive COVID-19 they must inform the school. Information will be treated as confidential as is possible under exigent circumstances. School leadership will coordinate with local health officials and will notify any relevant parents or faculty.
Dropping off and picking up of students Due to the potential spread of COVID-19, we reserve the right to limit or prohibit people from coming onto campus and entering buildings if we deem these activities, organizations, or people a health risk.
• • •
Parents and/or guardians must drop off and pick up students outside of the school buildings. Teachers and assistants will be available to help students enter and exit. If a parent has to pick up a child early, the parent must call the school and the child will be brought to them at the designated door. In cases where parents must enter the building for a medical emergency, required meeting with a principal, or other reason deemed appropriate, parents must utilize marked entrances and exits to the building and limit time in the building. Parents may be subject to a temperature check.
• •
Lunches, homework, and outside items will not be accepted during the school day. Food delivery and off campus privileges for UL students will be prohibited until deemed safe by school administration and will still be subject to limitations or prohibitions if necessary.
Drop off and pick up times may be more staggered than usual.
Isolation policy and protocol If a student, faculty, or staff member exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, they will immediately leave their classroom or building location and be escorted to the designated isolation room where they will be supervised.
Building and equipment cleaning
All buildings will be thoroughly cleaned at night, and all handrails, doorknobs, and restrooms will be disinfected. Approved disinfectants and cleaners with solutions that kill COVID-19 will be used.
Teachers and staff will clean classrooms and high touch areas throughout the day such as toys, books, desks, and shared tables. Classroom restrooms will also be cleaned.
Playground equipment will be disinfected daily with approved disinfectants and cleaners.
Personal protective equipment Galloway will maintain a 30-day supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for faculty and staff. While we may not require the wearing of masks at all times for students depending on the Phase, we will ask that all students bring their own reusable mask to school every day; we will provide disposable masks to those who might forget. We may also require that masks be worn by anyone coming onto campus and entering buildings.
Visitor/volunteer policy
• • •
Visitation by parents, volunteers, and outside personnel will be limited if the school reopens under a Yellow, Orange, or Green Phase. The number of volunteer visitors will be limited to adhere to recommended health guidelines. Afterschool activities that rely on volunteers may need to be limited as well. All volunteers may be subject to temperature checks and other precautions to enter the building.
Mental health help for students, faculty and staff
The mental health and well being of our students, faculty, and staff will be a priority as we reopen. All students and families will complete a needs assessment so proper evaluation can be assessed prior to school returning.
Transitions during the day Minimizing and/or staggering transitions throughout the buildings will be important when campus reopens. ARRIVAL
Parents will not be able to walk children into the buildings. Students will go to designated places for early arrival. If students and parents are walking and/or biking to school, parents will need to bring students to designated outside arrival areas and have a teacher/staff assist them into school if needed. Teachers will also limit supplies needed from parents to reduce bringing items from home in to school. Arrival times may be staggered to provide reasonable contact reduction.
• If •
Galloway is in Green Phase reopening: the lunchroom will be open and students will practice moderate physical distancing. We will utilize/maximize outdoor space to help accommodate our needs as weather permits.
I f Galloway is in Orange or Yellow Phase reopening: Depending on the situation, one of the following may be in effect:
- The lunchroom will be closed and students will eat in their classrooms. - The lunchroom is open for certain levels with staggered lunchtimes and physical distancing measures in place. Other students may eat in their classrooms.
When possible, specials teachers may need to teach in the classroom or outside instead of in shared indoor spaces. Specials teachers may also have to be utilized in order to manage class size per instructions around physical distancing in the event of a hybrid model involving staggered start and stop times or days.
• If
Galloway is in Green Phase reopening: Students will be dismissed by building on the regular schedule. The EL playgrounds, the Blue, and gym will be closed at dismissal unless there is a class or school-sponsored activity using them. Parents must remain in cars and may not congregate in common spaces.
I f Galloway is in Orange or Yellow Phase reopening: Students will be dismissed by class/grade level with slightly staggered dismissal times to prevent large gatherings. The EL playgrounds, the Blue, and gym will be closed at dismissal. Parents must remain in cars and may not congregate in common spaces.
Afterschool activities Aftercare age groups must be designed to project physical distancing guidelines at the time of school reopening. This may limit aftercare’s availability to only those who need it every day and have signed up in advance.
• • • • •
All students and parents must be off school grounds after dismissal unless they are in aftercare or a school-sponsored activity. There will be no tutoring allowed on campus by either our staff or outside providers. Students participating in extracurriculars, athletics, aftercare, and g360 programs must be with their teacher at all times. Participants will be limited based on physical distancing guidelines. Parents picking up for these activities must pick up students at a designated location and will not be allowed inside the buildings. Sponsored sports will follow these guidelines, as well as direction from the Director of Athletics and Georgia High School Association.
Questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the lead administrative members on our four reopening task forces. ACADEMICS
David Long
Julie Schatz
Veronique Kessler
Paige Smith
Updated June 19, 2020