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The Hero and The Champ Kenneth P. Riege

Photos above by Ms. Felicia Kee

By Kenneth P. Riege

It is appropriate to first share a bit about what is taking place in these two pictures. The first picture is of two-time state girls wrestling champion Ms. Nancy Rodriquez with MOH Recipient Mr. Hiroshi “Hershey” Miyamura. Nancy was given a very distinct honor of not only getting to hold Hershey’s Medal of Honor, but also getting to place the medal around his neck. She was now performing the same act as President Eisenhower had done on 27 Oct 1953.

So, this story is called “The Hero and the Champ.” I chose that title because that is who is in these pictures. First, we will start with the hero. Hershey Miyamura is the greatest hero any of us will meet in our lifetime. When you are around Hershey, you are in the presence of greatness. Second, we will talk about the champ. Nancy, who is a Junior at Miyamura High School, is a backto-back state champion in wrestling. MHS is excited to have an athlete of Nancy’s caliber returning for what I am sure will be a spectacular senior year.

There is another hero in this story that I would like to talk about and will now become the main focus of this story. “The Military Family.”

There are three classifications of the Military Family: A Blue Star Family has someone currently serving in the military. For more information please visit: www.bluestarfam.org A Gold Star Family has had someone serving in the military who has made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our freedoms.

For more information please visit: www. americasgoldstarfamilies.org A White Star Family has had someone in their family who was active duty, reserve or a veteran that has been lost to suicide.

For more information please visit: www. whitestarfamily.org

The first known use of these Military Family classifications dates back to WW1 and was established by Army Captain Robert L. Queisser. He created a Blue

The Rodriguez family enjoying a visit at Hershey’s house. From L to R: Mrs. Laura Rodriguez, Mr. Robert Rodriguez with his son Javier, Mr. Hiroshi Miyamura, Ms. Veronica Rodriguez, and Ms. Nancy Rodriguez. 52 April 2019

Mr. Robert Rodriguez placing the Medal of Honor around the neck of Hershey at his home.

Star Banner to honor his two sons who were in the military. Sadly, the Gold Star Banner was soon adopted as a way of showing the loss of a family member.

These military families serve in the bravest of fashion. They are the backbone of our communities and the reason we should all wear RED on Fridays. The RED stands for: Remember Everyone Deployed. More information on Red Shirt Friday can be found at: http:// redshirtfridays.org/

The importance of the Military Family cannot be measured. The sacrifices they face daily is impossible to understand unless you have stood in their shoes. The Rodriguez family are a great asset to our community. Nancy’s father, Robert Rodriguez, currently serves in the United States Army Reserves. Her mother, Laura, is an educator with the Gallup McKinley County Schools, and her two younger siblings, Veronica and Javier, are students with great ambitions of their own.

As a community, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to families like Nancy’s. When you see them, or any other Military Family please remember to thank them for their service and the sacrifices they have made for our country.

Side Note: Nancy and her father Robert are headed to Oklahoma City for a national girls wrestling championship, so hopefully by the time this story is printed, Gallup will have a National Champion in our community.

This month’s Medal of Honor Quote comes from Gallup’s Favorite Son, Mr. Hiroshi “Hershey” Miyamura, United States Army, Korean War Medal of Honor Recipient and POW: “Always Believe in Yourself, God, and Country.”

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