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Event Calendar

April 2019 Events

April 4, 5, 6, 7 Gallup Repertory Theater 7:00pm. Doors open at 6:30pm Oh Horrors! It’s Murder!” An Interactive Musical produced by Gallup Repertory Theater April 7 at 6:00pm. Doors open at 5:30pm. Place: El Morro Events Center, 210 S. Second St. in Gallup. Cost: $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under. Tickets can be purchased online at galluprep.org or on the day of performances at the door. More info: galluprep.org, facebook. com/galluprep, 505-879-9835

April 6

The regular monthly meeting of the McKinley Citizens’ Recycling Council will not be held in April. Instead on April 6th, join the MCRC for an Earth Day Celebration in partnership with The Community Pantry from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at the pantry - 1130 E. Hasler Valley Road. The celebration begins with the dedication of a Memorial Tree for Octavia Fellin and Paul Graves at 12:30pm in We The People Park. For more information about the day’s activities contact: Gerald / Millie at 505-722-5142 or e-mail betsywindisch@yahoo.com.

April 7

Westminster Presbyterian Church, located at 151 State Hwy 564 (Boardman Drive), will be showing the 90 minute film “Harvest of Empire.” Doors open at 1:45pm, the film will begin at 2:00pm. Light refreshments will be provided. “Harvest of Empire,” a film based on the book by award winning journalist Juan Gonzalez, chronicles the direct connection between the long history of U.S. intervention in Latin America and the decision for millions of Latin Americans to migrate to the United States. At a time of divisive debate over immigration, the film takes an unflinching look at the role that U.S. economic and military interests played in triggering an unprecedented wave of migration that is transforming our nation’s cultural and economic landscape. The film will be followed by a viewer discussion. Donations will be accepted. All proceeds will benefit churches and other organizations in Albuquerque who are coordinating accommodations, meals, supplies, and transportation for migrant families en route from ICE detention facilities to their sponsoring families in the U.S. “We are all Americans of the New World, and our most dangerous enemies are not each other, but the great wall of ignorance between us.” - Juan Gonzalez April 11 Easter Bunny Arrives Monday-Saturday, Noon - 8:00pm Sunday, Noon to 6:00pm Rio West Mall

April 12 Deadline for bands and musicians to apply to perform as part of the 3rd Annual Doin’ Dylan: Gallup’s Bob Dylan Tribute Concert. More info: https://www.galluparts.org/call-to artists-3/

April 13 The April Show - Opening ART123 Gallery 7:00pm - 9:00pm See inspirational and transformational work by local artists! Follow ART123 on Facebook @123Gallery April 21 Calling all creative folks in the area! The Ups and Downs team of the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life of Gallup will hold their annual live auction of birdhouses (painted/ decorated/reimagined) by local artists and crafts persons on Sunday, May 5th. If you would like to help by making a birdhouse, please call Linda Shelton at 505-722-2175 or 505-297-9515 for more information. We will supply you with a plain wooden birdhouse or you can make or buy your own. All birdhouses must be completed by April 21st so we can get them on our website before the auction. (Although children are welcome to submit birdhouses, we cannot afford to buy birdhouses for them.) Supplies are limited. Call soon! Thank you for helping us fight cancer! Go to gallupbirdhouses.com and click on the 2018 Gallery to see the variety of birdhouses auctioned last year.

April 16 2nd Annual Spring into Some Fun 5:30pm-7:30pm Rio West Mall

3rd Annual Recycled Art Contest Entries Due April 16 at 5:00pm Rio West Mall

April 19 The April Taize’ Worship Service will not be held on the second Sunday this month, instead a special Good Friday Taize’ Tenebrae Service of Scripture, prayer, song, and silence will be held on April 19th at 7:00pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church. The church is located on the hill at 151 State Highway 564 (Boardman Drive) near Orleans Manor Apartments. For more information contact Kathy at 505-870-6136. Art Opening Works On Paper and Easter Brunch. Delicious food and great art! Pam Davis is the featured Artist: 11:00am - 2:00pm

April 23 2nd Look on 2nd Street ART123, Free Spirit, LOOM and opo Galleries + Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe, 6:00pm - 8:00pm Catch art shows, artist talks, and artist demos while enjoying a complimentary beverage from Camille’s. More info at www.gallupart. org/2ndLook

April 25

Wine & Painting ART123 Gallery, 6:00pm - 9:00pm Have a creative night out at ART123! Register at www.galluparts.org/wine-and-painting

April 27 Autism Awareness Month special get-together. Join with other parents and enjoy refreshments! Movie will be provided for the kids. 3:00pm - 6:00pm at the El Morro Event Center

Spring Rummage Sale 11:00am - 2:00pm Great finds and fabulous clothes.

Open Mike 7:30pm - $5.00 Share your talent! No one turned away for lack of funds. At The Old School Gallery Route 53, one mile east of El Morro National Monument 505-369-4047, 505-783-4076 www.theoldschoolgallery.com

May 4 Community Health Fair Noon to 2:00pm Rio West Mall May 11 Mother’s Day Craft Fair 10:00am to 5:00pm Rio West Mall May 28 Kid’s Fest Kick Off 5:30pm to 7:30pm Rio West Mall

Gallup High School 1969 50 Year Reunion August 2nd and 3rd at 6:00pm Knights of Columbus Hall • Contact: 505-409-0504

El Morro Area Arts Council

March 29 - April 14 Youth Art Show: Students from local schools will be exhibiting their art April 7 Youth Art Awards Ceremony: 1:00pm to 3:00pm, refreshments, pizza, plus a celebration of these gifted young artists April 13 Ramah Farmer’s Market Annual Meeting, Pot luck, and Seed Exchange: 11:30am to 2:30pm April 19 Contra Dance lessons and Music by Cheap Shots: This is an energetic five person acoustic band that draws upon an eclectic mix of Celtic, Contra, Old Time, Folk, Country, Old Blues, Bluegrass, Swing, and Klezmer. Come and join the fun! 7:00pm, $10

Peter and Will Anderson Trio, one of the most extraordinary sets of brothers performing music today, will be performing as part of the 75th concert season of the Gallup Community

HOLY WEEK Concert Association.

SERVICES AT Their ensemble has

WESTMINSTER performed in over 40 U.S. States, toured

PRESBYTERIAN Japan, and was

CHURCH featured four times in NYC’s famed “Highlights in Jazz.” Now the trio

The church is located at 151 State will perform for Gallup in the El Morro Theatre

Highway 564, near Orleans Manor Apartments on Boardman Drive beginning at 7:00pm on Thursday, April 11, 2019. - The Church on the Hill. For Identical twins, Peter and Will Anderson, JAZZ more information call the church SAXOPHONISTS and CLARINETISTS, are two office at 505-905-3247, or email of the most extraordinary jazz woodwind players wpcgallup@gmail.com, or visit today. If you are not already a member, you can www.wpcgallup.org. purchase a membership at the door. This project is supported in part by the New Mexico Arts, a

April 14 division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and

Palm Sunday Worship Service by the National Endowment for the Arts. Contact 10:30am Antoinette Neff at 505-862-3939 for further

April 18 information.

7:00pm April 19 7:00pm Good Friday Taize’ Tenebrae Service of Scripture, prayer, song, and silence Easter Sunday, April 2 Sunrise Service 6:30am Celebrate the risen Christ on ‘The Point’ at WPC with song! Dress warm. Traditional Easter Service 10:30am Share the sacrament of Communion in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! Gallup Science Club For K-2nd Grade at Rehoboth April 27th, 2019 9:30am - 11:00am

Light and Shadow: Catch a shadow! Explore light and shadows as you make shadow shapes, try to hide from your shadow, and make shadow prints. Develop your skills as a science investigator by questioning, experiencing, and problem-solving around different science concepts. Each session consists of one and a half hours of activities focusing on scientific discovery and incorporating engineering, art, and literature. $5 per student. Visit explora.cogran.com

Class selection: Gallup Science Club or call: 505-224-8341 CALLING ALL VETERANS!! Come by any weekday (Monday - Friday) from 9:00am to 3:00pm for FREE COFFEE and CAMARADERIE. Veterans Helping Veterans Post - 908 Buena Vista in Ford Canyon. There is always someone at the Post to share your time and your stories over a cuppa!

Habitat for Humanity work sessions are held each week. Volunteers who wish to serve on decision-making meetings or who wish to volunteer at or help fund construction projects, call Bill Bright at (505) 722-4226 for details.

Mondays Al-anon, Support for Families and Friends of Alcoholics. Sacred Heart Cathedral Family Center 555 S Woodrow Dr., Gallup, NM. 12:00 noon – 1:00pm

Tuesdays Al-anon, Support for Families and Friends of Alcoholics. Day at a Time Group, next to Catholic Church, Ft. Defiance, AZ. 6:00pm – 7:00pm Fellin Library. Community members concerned about environmental issues are welcome. Call Bill Bright at (505) 722-0039 for information.

Second Wednesdays The McKinley County Health Alliance convenes on the second Wednesday from 11:00am to 1:00pm at the New Mexico Cancer Center across from UNMGallup. All are welcome to attend to engage in discussions about health, education, economic and environmental inequities, and to help facilitate change in those systems. For more information call (505) 8709239.

Second Fridays Crownpoint Rug Auction: The Auction is scheduled every second Friday of each month at Crownpoint Elementary School. The doors open at 4:00pm for weavers and Arts & Craft vendors to set up. Crownpoint Elementary will have their monthly Navajo Taco Sale at 4:30pm. The buyers review the rugs from 4:30pm until 6:30pm. The Actual Rug Auction begins at 7:00pm.

Wednesdays Gallup Solar is hosting free community classes and presentations about all things solar Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at 113 E Logan. Call (505) 7289246 for information.

Thursdays Al-anon, Support for Families and Friends of Alcoholics. Methodist Church, 1800 Red Rock Dr., Gallup, NM 7:00pm – 8:00pm

First Mondays The City of Gallup’s Sustainable Gallup Board meets the first Monday each month from 3:30pm to 5:00pm at the Octavia Third Sundays The Plateau Sciences Society regularly meets on the third Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. PSS programs are varied and deal with the history, geology, geography, the diverse cultures of our region, and environmental concerns in our area. Join us for stimulating conversation and discussion about shared concerns. The community is always welcome. Light refreshments are always served. For information about upcoming speakers and field trips, contact Rachel Kaub, President, at (505) 980-5437 (cell or text) or Martin Link at (505) 8636459.

Alcohol Use and Your Health

Drinking too much can harm your health. Excessive alcohol use leads to about 88,000 deaths in the United States each year, and shortens the life of those who die by almost 30 years. Furthermore, excessive drinking cost the economy $249 billion in 2010. Most excessive drinkers are not alcohol dependent.

What is considered a “drink”?

U.S. Standard Drink Sizes

(examples: gin, rum, vodka, whiskey)

12 ounces

5% ABV beer

Excessive alcohol use includes:

8 ounces

7% ABV malt liquor

5 ounces

12% ABV wine

1.5 ounces

40% ABV (80 proof) distilled spirits

Binge Drinking

For women, 4 or more drinks consumed on one occasion

Heavy Drinking

For women, 8 or more drinks per week

Any alcohol used by pregnant women Any alcohol used by those under the age of 21 years

For men, 5 or more drinks consumed on one occasion For men, 15 or more drinks per week

If you choose to drink, do so in moderation:

DON’T DRINK AT ALL if you are under the age of 21, or if you are or may be pregnant, or have health problems that could be made worse by drinking.

FOR WOMEN, up to 1 drink a day FOR MEN, up to 2 drinks a day

NO ONE should begin drinking or drink more frequently based on potential health benefits.

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of Population Health

Excessive alcohol use has immediate effects that increase the risk of many harmful health conditions. These are most often the result of binge drinking. Over time, excessive alcohol use can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious problems.

Short-Term Health Risks


• Motor vehicle crashes • Falls • Drownings • Burns


• Homicide • Suicide • Sexual assault • Intimate partner violence

Alcohol poisoning Reproductive health

• Risky sexual behaviors • Unintended pregnancy • Sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV • Miscarriage • Stillbirth • Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs)


Where’s the risk?

Long-Term Health Risks

...Not so much at school sanctioned events because schools are careful to avoid problems. Many have security who can rec-ognize and turn away guests who are under the influence of alcohol.

Chronic diseases

• High blood pressure • Heart disease • Stroke • Liver disease • Digestive problems


• Breast • Mouth and throat • Liver • Colon

Learning and memory problems

• Dementia • Poor school performance

Mental health

• Depression • Anxiety

Social problems

• Lost productivity • Family problems • Unemployment

Alcohol dependence



8% of 11th and 12th Graders currently Binge Drink Alcohol (4 or more drinks for females, 5 or more drinks for males). 5% of 11th and 12th Graders drove a car when they had been drinking alcohol.**

 Be aware of your surroundings.  Know where the party will take place.  Agree on how long your teen can  Make sure parents know where you are at all times in case of emergency.  Let parents or someone you trust know if plans change or you need help.  Make arrangements for how your teen will get home (without depending

on a drive from a friend at the part

 Always wear a seat belt.  Don’t drink and drive, and don’t get in a car with a driver who has been


Citations: 1.Cdc.gov — https://www.cdc.gov/family/prom/index.htm 2.** Statistics from the 2017 Navajo Youth Risk Behavior Survey 3. It is illegal in New Mexico to furnish alcohol to a minor. Violation of the law is guilty of a fourth

SNAPS SA— https://www.co.mckinley.nm.us/363/SNAPS-SA

NN Health Education Program/Division of Public



Where’s the risk?

...Not so much at school sanctioned events because schools are careful to avoid problems. Many have security who can rec-ognize and turn away guests who are under the influence of alcohol. ...is where problems occur. An informal party is often held after school sanctioned events with little or no adult supervision. The presence of alcohol and lack of restrictions can lead to poor decision-making and harmful consequences.

The After Party...

8% of 11th and 12th Graders currently Binge Drink Alcohol (4 or more drinks for females, 5 or more drinks for males).

5% of 11th and 12th Graders drove a car when they had been drinking TEXT alcohol.**

17% of 11th and 12th Graders currently drink alcohol.**


 Be aware of your surroundings.  Know where the party will take place.  Agree on how long your teen can stay at the party.  Make sure parents know where you are at all times in case of emergency.  Let parents or someone you trust know if plans change or you need help.  Make arrangements for how your teen will get home (without depending

on a drive from a friend at the party).

 Always wear a seat belt.  Don’t drink and drive, and don’t get in a car with a driver who has been



1.Cdc.gov — https://www.cdc.gov/family/prom/index.htm 2.** Statistics from the 2017 Navajo Youth Risk Behavior Survey 3. It is illegal in New Mexico to furnish alcohol to a minor. Violation of the law is guilty of a fourth-degree felony.

SNAPS SA— https://www.co.mckinley.nm.us/363/SNAPS-SA

NN Health Education Program/Division of Public Health Services Gallup Service Area 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301 Phone: 505-722-1741• Fax: 505-722-1189

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