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Officers Contact Information Form
It is the responsibility of every registered student organization/club and/or its representatives to: 1. Manage the organization and carry out activities within its organization/club constitution; 2. Comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws; 3. Operate in accordance with all Galveston College regulations and policies; 4. Anticipate, provide for, and promptly meet its legitimate financial obligations; 5. Act in the best interest of the organization’s members and Galveston College; 6. Comply with all documented policies and procedures mandated by the Office of Student Life and Galveston College; 7. Take reasonable precautions for the safety and comfort of the participants at the organization's events; 8. Immediately notify Student Life of any changes in the organization’s officers/representatives, addresses, telephone numbers, or constitutions by completing the proper forms.
Registered student organizations may: 1. Use campus facilities. a. Use of facilities is subject to the policies and procedures for building. b. Use at Galveston College and are subject to the needs of the college. 2. Invite off-campus speakers, entertainers, artists and other guests to appear for scheduled meetings or assemblies. a. All activities must be approved by the Student Life Coordinator, Associate Vice President for Student Services, Director of Facilities Management, Director of Public Affairs, Vice President for Administration, and in some cases the President of Galveston College. b. Fundraisers and donations must also be approved by the Director of the Galveston College Foundation.