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Professional Resources
Continued from page 6 tracked through NCCER’s Registry System that allows organizations and companies to track the qualifications of their craft professionals and/or check the qualifications of possible new hires. NCCER’s Registry System also assists craft professionals by maintaining their records in a secure database.
OSHA Women In Construction Website www.osha.gov/doc/topics/women/
A government webpage that provides female-specific resources on issues such as personal protective equipment and sanitary facilities. Additional links to reports, guidance documentation and regulations related to women in the industry.
Petrochem Works www.petrochemworks.com
This site was created to inform students and job seekers about the thriving petrochemical industry and help them get the education they need to prepare for a fulfilling long-term career in petrochem.
Women’s Bureau www.dol.gov/agencies/wb
An agency that works to level the playing field for all women in the labor force, recognizing that true equal opportunity would have a positive impact not only on women’s own financial stability, but also on the broader economic security of their families and on the well-being of our nation. The site has blog posts, resource links to items such as pregnancy and breastfeeding, women veterans, older women workers and women with disabilities.
Workforce Solutions www.wrksolutions.com
With 24 career offices and 10 information centers across the region, the staff at these locations help people find jobs, keep jobs or get better jobs. Workforce Solutions offers job search and job matching assistance, career counseling and financial aid for education/training or work support. The Board also funds adult education and literacy services through seven major providers.
Our innovations help cities use less energy, make the air we breathe cleaner and turn electric transport into a practical reality. That’s why at BASF, we’re optimistic about the future.
To find out more visit www.basf.com/careers