“GALVESTON COLLEGE – a beacon of light guiding lifelong learning�”
“GALVESTON COLLEGE, an innovative public post-secondary institution dedicated to student success, teaching and learning, creates accessible learning opportunities to fulfill individual and community needs by providing high quality educational programs and services ”
Galveston College Core Values
The Board of Regents has developed a list of six values that are an integral part of the College Mission and Vision� The values reinforce the Board9s desire to provide ethical leadership and are used in making decisions undertaken by the college community as the Mission is operationalized� From the development of strategic goals to the simplest actions and decisions taken by college staff, these values will manifest themselves
1� Access – Provide an open door to learning while extending accessible education opportunities to qualified students who can benefit from instruction.
2� Student Success – Provide high-quality, learning-centered programs and services that focus on achieving student success
3� Integrity – Foster a culture of trust, honesty, openness and fairness, while upholding high ethical standards
4� Respect – Foster an environment that seeks to understand and values the importance and contributions of each individual
5� Culture of Excellence – Promote a culture that pursues excellence and supports new ideas and creative endeavors that advance the mission and purposes of the College
6� Stewardship – Ensure responsible and ethical accountability for the resources entrusted to the College so as to provide the necessary support to foster teaching and learning for today and tomorrow
Statement of Non Discrimination / Equal Opportunity
It is the policy of Galveston College to provide equal opportunities without regard to age, race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, genetic information or veteran status�
This policy extends to employment, admission, and all programs and activities supported by Galveston College�
Inquiries concerning equal opportunity may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator (Director of Human Resources and Risk Management)�
Galveston College will not be held responsible for injuries sustained while participating in any credit or non-credit physical education course, or for injuries sustained while using the College’s physical education facilities�
About Galveston College Athletics
Whitecaps athletic teams compete locally in the nationally prominent and highly competitive National Junior College Athletic Association – Region XIV� The governing body for two-year college athletics in the United States is the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Galveston College is active in the NJCAA and abides by its regulations and policies in the operation of its intercollegiate athletic programs� For additional information regarding the intercollegiate athletic program, please contact the Director of Athletics at Galveston College at 409-944-1315�
The intercollegiate athletic programs at Galveston College were reestablished in 1991 as a result of a grant provided by the Moody Foundation of Galveston, Texas� Sports selected by sponsorship by the Foundation and the College include women’s fast pitch softball and men’s baseball, at the Division I level contested during the spring�
Region XIV Softball Members
Alvin Community College
Angelina College
Blinn College
Bossier Parish Community College
Coastal Bend College
Galveston College
Kilgore College
Lamar State College – Port Arthur Navarro College
Northeast Texas Community College
Paris Junior College
San Jacinto College-South
Trinity Valley Community College
Tyler Junior College
NJCAA Region XIV Baseball Members
Alvin Community College
Angelina College
Blinn College
Bossier Parish Community College
Coastal Bend College
Galveston College
Navarro College
Northeast Texas Community College
Panola College
Paris Junior College
San Jacinto College –North
Tyler Junior College
Wharton County Junior College
“GALVESTON COLLEGE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT – is to provide an environment that enables our student-athletes the opportunity to be successful in the classroom, on the field, and in life.”
“GALVESTON COLLEGE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT – is to enrich our student-athletes through athletic competition in areas of accountability, dedication, discipline, integrity, respect, sportsmanship, and teamwork�”
President’s Message
Dear Galveston College Student-Athlete:
Welcome to Galveston Island and the Whitecaps family�
Galveston College student-athletes have a rich tradition of success in the classroom and on the field. Our goal is to support you academically and athletically while preparing you to be successful in the world outside of athletic competition
Galveston College offers a wide variety of courses and programs that lead to associate degrees for university transfer and workforce development, workforce certificates, and other types of certification that can help you move ahead. Our faculty, staff and administrators are dedicated to providing you with excellent instruction and outstanding service�
Your success is our priority� We know that sometimes life outside of the classroom can impact school� When a helping hand is what you need, Galveston College is here for you with a wide range of student support services, including advising, counseling and tutoring assistance� We appreciate that you have chosen to attend Galveston College, and we encourage you to take full advantage of the many resources provided by the college�
This Student-Athlete Handbook provides you with information and policies to enhance your experience as a student-athlete at Galveston College� Please use it in conjunction with the Galveston College Student Handbook and Galveston College Catalog as a basic reference for campus life�
As you pursue your educational, athletic, and career goals at Galveston College, I hope that you experience success and opportunities for personal growth and development�
W� Myles Shelton, Ed�D� President
Dr W Myles Shelton
Athletic Director’s Message
Welcome Whitecap Athlete!
On behalf of everyone involved with the Galveston College Athletic Program, I extend a warm welcome to you into our family� Your college years will be some of the most memorable moments in your life, and we are so glad that you have chosen Galveston College to be a major part of your life�
Not only do I want you to succeed on the playing field, but I want to remind you that you must do your part in the classroom to help us achieve our academic goals. Our standards are high and you will be expected to continue this tradition of athletic and academic success!
I want Galveston College to remain one of the best Junior Colleges in America You will be expected to live up to the high expectations that are required to attain our goals� You would not be here if your coaches did not believe in you and I am here in any capacity to help you� I wish you all the best this year and I look forward to seeing you in action�
Go Whitecaps!
Kelly Raines
Kelly Raines
Athletic Director/Head Softball Coach
Coach Kelly Raines
Administrative Staff Directory
Dr. Myles Shelton
Dr. Van Patterson President VP for Administration & Student Services
Kelly Raines
Mr. Ron Crumedy Director of Athletics Associate Vice President for Student Services
Coaching Staff
Kelly Raines
Ryne Edmondson Head Softball Coach Head Baseball Coach
kraines@gc edu
Rome McNary
redmondson@gc edu
Sam McElreath Assistant Softball Coach Assistant Baseball Coach
Athletic Eligibility
NJCAA General Eligibility Information
1� Compliance with all NJCAA rules of eligibility is the express responsibility of the member colleges�
2� All NJCAA rules of eligibility are in effect as of August 1 of each school year�
3� A member college must be in good standing with the NJCAA and its region/conference to enter a team or individual in an activity sponsored by the NJCAA�
4� Students participating on an intercollegiate level in any one of the certified sports of the NJCAA shall conform to the requirements of the NJCAA rules of eligibility, the rules and regulations of the conference with which the college is affiliated, and the rules of the college at which the students are attending and participating�
5� Ineligible students shall not be allowed to dress for any contest�
6� Students who falsify their academic and/or athletic participation record shall be ineligible for further competition in an NJCAA member college at any time�
7 Colleges having an intercollegiate athletic program above the junior/community college level shall not be allowed to participate in any of the certified sports of the NJCAA.
8� The word “term” is used within the eligibility rules and refers to quarter, semester, or trimester, whichever applies to the official unit of class. The term (i.e., unit credits, quarter term with semester credits, etc�) will be evaluated and an interpretation entered in the casebook�
9� A student-athlete’s GPA will be determined by dividing the accumulated quality points by the corresponding credit hours at each institution of attendance. NOTE: Passing and satisfactory grades may be contributed as “C” grades�
10� Student-athletes who earn an A, B, C, D or equivalent in which the state/institution deems as a passing grade in a collegelevel course cannot repeat that course and have it count towards NJCAA eligibility more than once�
NJCAA Requirements for Athletic Eligibility
The following rules shall be used to determine a student’s eligibility for athletic competition in any one of the certified sports of the NJCAA. THIS ENTIRE SECTION MUST BE READ BEFORE A STUDENT’S ELIGIBILITY STATUS CAN BE DETERMINED
1� Student-athletes must be making satisfactory progress within an approved college program or course as listed in the college catalog�
2� Student-athletes must be enrolled in full-time status using any combination of sessions within a term and in classes that begin before the end of regular sport season in which the student-athlete choose to participate, within 15 calendar days from the beginning of the term�
a� Student-athletes who do not conform to this rule will be ineligible for the remainder of the term�
3� Student-athletes must maintain enrollment in 12 or more credit hours of college work as listed in the college catalog during each term of athletic participation� Students who drop below the 12 hours become ineligible 48 hours from the time of the drop date and remain ineligible until the full time status is regained within that term�
a� CLEP hours may not be used to meet enrollment requirements or previous term requirement� CLEP hours may be used only to meet accumulation�
4. Student-athletes’ enrollment should be verified 24 hours prior to national championship competition; if a student-athlete has maintained and currently is enrolled full time 24 hours prior to national championship competition, he/she will remain eligible throughout the national competition�
New Requirement for all Galveston College Student-Athletes
In 2023, the Texas legislature passed SB 15, known as the “Save Women’s Sports Act�” The bill, adopted into law as Texas Education Code 51�980, requires public institutions of higher education to ensure that intercollegiate athletic teams are designated based on the biological sex of the student, as stated on their official birth certificate or other government record. Students who compete in intercollegiate athletic competitions must compete based on biological sex�
In order to comply with this law, Galveston College is requiring every athlete to present a copy of their original birth certificate. If, for some reason, the athlete cannot obtain a copy of their birth certificate (either Long Form or Short Form), the athlete may present two items from the “other forms of identification” list that appears below�
1. Long Form Birth Certificate is the most comprehensive certified birth record. It is a copy of the original birth certificate. It will also show a history of corrections that have been made to the birth record.
Long form birth certificates are required to obtain:
• U�S� Passport
• Driver’s license (in most U�S� states)
• Dual citizenship
2. Short Form Birth Certificate is a certified abstract of the birth record. This birth certificate will only show current information for the individual’s name, date of birth, place of birth, sex, and name of parent(s)� This form will not show a history of corrections�
Short form birth certificates can be used for:
• School and/or sports registration
• Employment requirements
• Insurance requirements
3. Other forms of identification: If a birth certificate is not available, an athlete may present one of these alternate forms of identification.
a� Valid, unexpired U�S� passport book or U�S� passport card
b. U.S. Citizenship Certificate or Certificate of Naturalization
c. Original or certified copy of a U.S. Department of State issued Consular Report of Birth Abroad
d� Valid, unexpired Student Visa card
e� Valid, unexpired Permanent Resident card (I-551)
f� Unexpired employment authorization document (EAD) (I-766)
g� Machine Readable Immigrant Visa with temporary I-551 language and an Alien Documentation, Identification.
If you need to order a birth certificate in the United States, these sites may be helpful to you:
https://www�texas�gov/texas-vital-records/ - how to order a vital record (Texas) - how to order a vital record (other states)
Athletic Eligibility: Semester Eligibility
1. On or before the 15th calendar day from the beginning date of the term for the second full-time semester, as published in the college catalog, a student-athlete must have passed 12 credit hours with a 2�0 GPA or higher�
2. On or before the 15th calendar day from the beginning date of the term for the third full-time semester and all subsequent semesters thereafter, as published in the college catalog, a studentathlete must satisfy one of the following four requirements to be eligible for the upcoming term:
a� Pass a minimum of 12 semester hours with a 2�00 GPA or higher during the previous semester of full-time enrollment. OR
b� Pass an accumulation of semester hours equal to 12 multiplied by the number of semesters in which the student-athlete was previously enrolled full time with a GPA of 2.00 or higher. OR
c. A first-season participant must have passed a minimum accumulation of 24 credit hours with a 2�00 GPA or higher for the initial term of participation, regardless of previous term or other accumulation requirements (NOTE: This establishes eligibility only for the initial term, not subsequent terms). OR
d� A second-season participant must have passed a minimum accumulation of 36 credit hours for a fall sport, 48 credit hours for a spring sport, with a 2�00 GPA or higher, regardless of previous term or other accumulation requirement�
3. Prior to a second season of participation in an NJCAA-certified sport, student-athletes must pass a minimum accumulation of 24 semester hours with a 2 00 GPA or higher (This is in addition to
satisfying 4�0 or 4�E�)
4� Student-athletes must be enrolled full time (12 or more credits) at the college where they have chosen to participate when the regular season schedule of a sport begins� Student-athletes not enrolled during the term when the season begins remain ineligible throughout the season schedule unless they enroll on the first possible enrollment date following:
a� Their release from Active Armed Services of the United States with a discharge other than honorable�
b� Their return from a religious mission�
c Their graduation from a high school or receipt of an equivalency diploma
d� Their transfer from an NJCAA member college which has dropped a sport after the school year begins�
Student-athletes who satisfy one of the four exceptions become eligible after the previous term has ended upon registration as a full-time student-athlete for the new term� (Student-athletes must be added to the eligibility form before participating�)
e� A student-athlete attending a multi-campus college may, if at the campus of his/her enrollment a sport is not offered, participate in that sport at any campus within the system that offers said sport�
Requirements for multi-campus designation:
i� The various campuses involved have a common title�
ii. The various campuses involved have a common CEO.
iii� The various campuses involved are not individually accredited�
iv� The various campuses do not duplicate any sports�
v� The various campuses involved must designate one individual per system as the contact�
vi� Multi-campus designation must be approved by the NJCAA�
5� Last Academic Term Full-Time Enrollment Exception: Student-athletes in their last academic term MAY participate while enrolled in the number of credit hours required to graduate� The institution must document that the student who has not graduated is carrying the courses necessary to complete the degree requirements, as determined by the institution. Once this one-time allowance is exhausted, the student-athlete must meet the full-time requirement of 12 or more credits�
C�2�c�I Graduate Exception: A student-athlete who graduates with a degree from a NJCAA institution may participate in the term immediately following graduation and must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) hours, provided enrollment is at the same institution from which they graduated� All six (6) hours must begin before the end of the published regular season schedule of the student-athletes sport This is a one-time exception�
6� In the following sports, student-athletes are not required to be enrolled during the fall term to be eligible to participate in the sport during the spring season unless the records are carried over into the spring season: baseball, bowling, golf, lacrosse, softball, and tennis If the fall records are carried over into the spring season, all student-athletes must be enrolled full time (12 or more credit hours) during the fall term when the schedule begins�
Region XIV Rules: Article VII-Rules of Eligibility
Section 1� Article V, Section 4 of the current NJCAA Handbook & Casebook will be the rules of eligibility for the conference with the exception of eligibility of part-time students� No part-time students will be permitted to play in conference-approved competition�
Section 2� Members may provide a student with the NJCAA National Letter of Intent to participate in any given sport. NOTE: All NJCAA member schools must sign a scholarship agreement for all athletes receiving scholarship assistance�
Section 3� Any athlete having ever signed a letter of intent at a Region XIV institution will be considered a transfer� No student transfers are allowed within Region XIV except for the transfers back to an athlete’s home legislative service area (as determined by the official residency under state rules [SB 397] at the time of original signing) or being granted an official NJCAA waiver by the previous Region XIV institution. A member institution must complete a transfer waiver for any athlete returning to his or her home legislative service area to satisfy a potential NJCAA audit (updated September 2012)�
Section 4� Sports committee recommendations, as approved by the conference, will become an addendum to Article VII�
Athletic Eligibility: Athletic Terms
Amateur Standing: All student-athletes must be amateurs and have never been paid for participation in the sport they are competing in at the College�
Units Carried / Enrollment: Continuously and actively enrolled in a minimum of 12 units throughout the sport season�
1st Season of Competition: Also known as the freshman year, this is the very first season a studentathlete competes in a particular sport�
2nd Season of Competition: Also known as the sophomore year, this is the second season of competition in a particular sport� All student-athletes must maintain a continuous 2�0 or higher grade point average (GPA) and have completed 24 units to be eligible for any sport during their second season�
12/9 Rule: The number of required units to be taken to be eligible during the competition season� Student-athletes must be continuously enrolled in 12 units overall, nine of which must be academic (toward a degree or transferable unit) during their entire competition season However, 15 units per semester is recommended to be on pace for graduation�
Transfer Student: Any student-athlete coming to Galveston College from another college, whether it is another community college or a four-year institution�
Residency - In-District: Student resides inside the Galveston College taxing district as determined by the Galveston County Appraisal District. Residency - Out-of-District: Student resides outside the Galveston College taxing district as determined by the Galveston County Appraisal District�
Participation: Any involvement in any scheduled game, meet, or match constitutes participation for that season This does not apply to scrimmages or non-traditional contests
Seasons Allowed: Any student-athlete is allowed to play two seasons of each sport at the community college level�
“Red Shirt”: A student-athlete who practices with the team and is academically eligible but does not participate in any contest for one full season of competition
Medical Hardship: A student-athlete who sustained a season ending injury� The athletic trainer and treating doctor must fill out the appropriate paperwork.
Academic Success
You will be responsible for managing many commitments in your time at Galveston College: classes, study hall, practices, games, friends and family� You must develop time management and selfmanagement skills Invest your time wisely and make quality choices to get what you want from your academic plan� Set goals for your studies, team participation, social activities, family, and most importantly yourself�
Counseling & Advising:
Galveston College provides counseling services to students including general career and academic counseling, job replacement, testing, personal counseling, and services for the disabled and other populations. The Counseling Center is located on the first floor, east wing of Moody Hall.
Rosie Alcocer, Student Success Advisor, Athletic Advisor M-157 | ralcocer@gc�edu | 409-944-1228
Deon Botha, Director of Counseling and Advising, Athletic Advisor M-155 | dbotha@gc�edu | 409-944-1222
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center, located on the Galveston College campus in room N-119, is supervised by Joe Willis� Tutoring services are provided by a knowledgeable tutoring staff, comprised of Galveston College students, Texas A&M students, and well educated professionals from Galveston County� Student Success Center tutors are available to help all currently enrolled Galveston College students with general study and test-taking skills, as well as subject-specific tutoring. Best of all, tutoring is a FREE service from the college!
General Hours of Student Success Center: Fall/ Spring
Monday – Tuesday: 8 a�m� – 7 p�m�
Wednesday - Friday: 8 a�m� – 5 p�m�
Summer I & II Semesters
Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a�m� – 6 p�m�
Friday – Sunday: Closed **SSC hours may change from semester to semester�
View the website at to view the subject specific schedule for the most current semester.
Tutoring hours will be required, at minimum, for grades below a C on any grades check(s)�
Study Hall
Study hall helps students academically and is a requirement for all student-athletes� The prospective Head Coach of each sport will arrange study hall sessions�
Dropping a Course
Approval from the Athletic Director is required before any student-athlete is allowed to drop a course� Supporting documentation from the professor is required to verify the student will not pass the course�
Failing a Course
If a student-athlete fails a course it will be their financial responsibility to retake the course. Galveston College will not pay for a student athlete to retake a course they have failed�
Student-Athlete Code of Conduct
All student-athletes are expected to abide by Galveston College Student Handbook, Residence Life Handbook, and state and federal criminal statutes
Violations of policy will be categorized into two distinct groups� See below for the violations and the procedures for dealing with each group as shown below�
1� Violations of Student Handbook – Student-athletes who violate the general student code of conduct, within the student handbook, are subject to the same judicial proceedings as any other student who has been charged with a similar offense� The Athletic Department may also impose disciplinary action in addition to that taken by the appropriate college authorities�
Cancellation of a student-athlete’s Grant-in-Aid is permitted for misconduct when found by the person or body in charge of general discipline at the institution, to be serious enough to warrant permanent suspension or dismissal from the athletic programs� This includes following the same procedures in any other disciplinary matter and the procedural due process accorded to every student�
Prior to dismissal from a team, the student-athlete will be notified of the dismissal and the reasons for this action� He/she will have an opportunity to discuss the matter fully with the Athletic Director and to present evidence of any rebuttal or mitigating circumstances� The student-athlete may appeal within three working days of notification of the sanction to the Associate Vice President. In the event of such an appeal, final authority as to the appropriateness of the sanction shall rest with the Disciplinary Committee and student handbook guidelines will be followed� The student will be advised to study the code of conduct in the student handbook carefully and follow its guidelines�
2� Violations of Criminal Statutes –
When a student-athlete has criminal charges brought against him/her, specific guidelines will apply, depending on the classification of the offense, into one of four categories: Class A, B, or C misdemeanor; or a Felony. The specific guidelines are stated below.
A� Class C Misdemeanor
When a student-athlete is charged with a Class C misdemeanor, he/she will be subject to suspension from the team for a period of time not to exceed the duration of the proceedings necessary for a final disposition of the case. A student-athlete will retain his/her Grant-In-Aid but will not associate with the team in any fashion if the Athletic Director makes this determination� Depending on the seriousness of the offense, when the final disposition is made of the case, the student-athlete may be allowed to rejoin the team regardless of guilt or innocence� If the student-athlete is suspended from the team and consequently rejoins the team, he/she will be on probationary status and must agree to follow specific guidelines for behavior change developed by the coach. The student-athletes GrantIn-Aid contract specifies that the institutional portion of the financial package may be canceled for some offenses in this category�
If a student-athlete is not participating in a sport that is in season the head coach will impose sanctions commensurate with the offense and consistent with the coach’s discipline guidelines and philosophy
B� Class A or B Misdemeanor
When a student-athlete is charged with violation of a criminal statute more serious than Class C, he/ she may be suspended from the team immediately for a period of time not to exceed the duration of the proceedings necessary for final disposition of the case. The determination regarding suspension will be made by the Athletic Director� If the student-athlete is suspended, the student-athlete will retain his/her Grant-In-Aid, including the institutional portion, but he/she cannot workout or associate with the team�
(If the student-athlete is found guilty of the offense, or admits guilt, he/she will be suspended immediately and will not be allowed to rejoin the team for the remainder of the season� The studentathlete will be allowed to continue to receive his/her Grant-In-Aid if there is evidence of sufficient academic progress�) (If the student-athlete is not participating in a sport that is in season, the Head Coach will impose sanctions commensurate with the offense which includes the option of termination of the student-athlete’s Grant-In-Aid�)
If the student-athlete is found innocent of the charges or of the misdemeanor, he/she may rejoin the team� If the student-athlete rejoins the team, it will be on a probationary status, and the studentathlete must agree to follow specific guidelines for behavior change developed by the coach.
C� Felony
When a student-athlete is charged with a felony offense, he/she may be suspended from the team immediately for a period of time not to exceed the duration of the proceedings necessary for final disposition of the case� If the student-athlete is suspended, he/she will retain their Grant-In-Aid, including the institutional portion, but will not participate or associate with the team in any fashion Any student-athlete found guilty or admits guilt to a felony will be dismissed immediately and forfeit the institutional portion of his/her Grant-In-Aid as specified in the Grant-In-Aid contract. The student-athlete will not be allowed to rejoin the team when the institutional portion of the Grant-InAid contract has been canceled�
D� Violations which breach Galveston College drug prevention guidelines will be handled by the person or body in charge of general discipline at Galveston College� After following the same procedures as in other disciplinary matters, to be serious enough to warrant permanent dismissal of the student-athlete from the athletic program�
E Student-athletes are also subject to the conditions and requirements of the Student Handbook A violation of the Student Handbook may also be a violation of the Student Athletic Code of Conduct� In that case, a student-athlete is subject to action being taken pursuant to the Student Handbook disciplinary process as well as pursuant to the student-athlete disciplinary process for the same violation(s)�
Student-Athlete Residence Code of Conduct
Student-athletes are expected to be exemplary residents in student housing� Student-athletes who fail to comply will be disciplined appropriately by athletic and College personnel�
Student-athletes who are removed from the residence hall for misbehavior are subject to having the remaining portion of his/her grant-in-aid canceled concurrent with the date of removal� He/she will also be suspended from the team immediately
1� The Head Coach, the Athletic Director and the Associate Vice President for Student Services will be notified by the Student Life Coordinator of any residential and or Student Code of Conduct infractions when they occur� The Head Coach will address each infraction� The Head Coach will submit a written report stating the action he/she has taken to the Athletic Director and the Associate Vice President, even if no action is taken�
2� The Student Life Coordinator will be advised by the Athletic Director in writing regarding the action taken by the Head Coach�
3� All disciplinary action should be based on the philosophy of student development with a goal of behavior modifications.
4� Immediate, prompt action will be taken to address residence hall misbehavior by student athletes�
5� The Student Handbook Code of Conduct must be adhered to or disciplinary action will be taken by the Associate Vice President for Student Services�
6� When deemed necessary College personnel will recommend removal of the student-athlete to the Associate Vice President for Student Services�
7� The student-athlete will be suspended from the team immediately when removed from the residence hall
8� The student-athlete is subject to the cancellation of his/her grant-in-aid for misconduct (unrelated to athletic ability) found by the Associate Vice President for Student Services who is in charge of general discipline�
9� In addition to discipline action taken by the athletic department, students will also face discipline actions imposed the Associate Vice President for Student Services�
Drug And Alcohol Education, Testing, and Counseling
It shall be the policy of Galveston College to take responsible action to recognize and prevent drug and alcohol use by student-athletes, which have a detrimental and adverse effect on one’s conditioning and physical well-being� Therefore, in the best interests of all concerned and to maintain the quality and integrity of the athletic department at Galveston College, a comprehensive education, counseling, testing program has been created and implemented for anyone involved in athletics at Galveston College�
Prohibited Drugs
Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine, Opiates, Methaqualone, Phencyclidine, Steroids, Tetrahydrocannabinoids (Marijuana), and any form, combination, or derivative thereof�
In addition to the substances specified above, a urine specimen of a student-athlete may be tested for alcohol. If a test is positive, a student will be subject to the sanctions specified in this guideline .
1� The use of illicit drugs and alcohol will impair an individual’s good judgment and diminish one’s ability to behave in a prudent manner, especially in pressure situations� Illicit drugs are referred to as “mind altering” substances�
2� Students who participate in collegiate athletics must use good judgment, or the probability of injury to themselves or to others is greatly increased� The use of illicit drugs and alcohol is detrimental not only to the physical but also the mental well-being of student-athletes�
3� The use of illicit drugs and alcohol is harmful to one’s health and may be life threatening� Numerous highly publicized deaths of prominent athletes have occurred as a result of a drug overdose�
4. Students who want to excel as a collegiate athlete must have a high degree of physical fitness. The use of illicit drugs and alcohol seriously affects the fitness of student-athletes.
5 There is a belief that individuals who use illicit drugs and alcohol and become addicted to them have a greater propensity to resort to criminal activities to support a very expensive habit�
6� There is a need for a concerted effort to deter the use of illicit drugs and alcohol, especially in public schools and colleges/universities�
7� College athletes are a uniquely visible group of students because of the nature of the extracurricular activities in which they are engaged. College athletes have a strong influence on young people and a responsibility to be good role models for them�
8� Comprehensive drug programs for highly visible groups that involve education, testing, and rehabilitation for drug users can be a strong deterrent to drug and alcohol use
9� It would be desirable but not practical for every college student to participate in a comprehensive drug program�
10� College student-athletes are not discriminated against when they are required to participate in a comprehensive drug and alcohol program for it is in their best interest and welfare that such a program is established� Participation in collegiate athletic programs is a privilege and is not a right�
Purpose of the Program
The purpose of the Galveston College Drug and Alcohol Education, Testing, and Counseling Program will be:
The Galveston College Athletic Department and the Counseling Center will counsel and/or educate any participant in the athletic program about the effect drugs and alcohol may have on him/her and his/her teammates�
2� Prevent
A drug and alcohol screening program, coupled with counseling and disciplinary actions will be used to discourage student-athletes’ drug and alcohol experimentation and the resulting possible dependency�
Education, Counseling and Detection Procedures
The following procedures will be used by College personnel to implement the illicit drug and alcohol prevention guidelines:
1� The coaching staff will explain the drug and alcohol abuse prevention guidelines and procedures to prospective student-athletes when recruiting
2� The student-athlete will sign a special form acknowledging consent to undergo drug and alcohol screening(s)� Student-athletes may refuse to consent to drug and alcohol testing under this program� However, those who decline participation in the GC Athletics Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program, which is designed to protect the health and reputation of the student-athlete, will not be eligible for nor shall be permitted to receive institutional financial support or to participate in intercollegiate athletics for Galveston College� A student-athlete who fails or refuses to be tested for drugs and alcohol as provided in these guidelines, after initially consenting to drug and alcohol testing, shall be considered to have made a decision not to participate in the Galveston College Athletics Program and to agree to forfeit his/her institutional financial support.
3� All student-athletes, student managers, and students working in the intercollegiate athletic program will be tested�
4� Each student-athlete will be subject to a random number of tests throughout the school year� Each subsequent test will be unannounced; therefore, each individual should be prepared and is subject to being tested any time during the school year� Students will be tested in groups or by random selection process�
5� The collection and coding of specimen samples are executed in a manner insuring total confidentiality and identification.
• Initially, students will be tested by groups: baseball players and softball players In subsequent tests, students will be tested in groups or by a random selection process�
• Students will be tested at a location determined by the athletic director
• An independent drug testing lab will be responsible for the testing�
• The procedures will assure confidentiality and integrity of the tests.
Testing Rules
1� Randomly throughout the academic year a percent of testing numbers will be drawn using a random table to determine which student-athletes will be tested in that particular group�
2 A student-athlete who has a legitimate reason for not being tested at the prescribed time must present that information to the athletic director within the time frame for testing�
3� A student-athlete who does not report at the appointed time without just cause will be considered to have a positive test� The Athletic Director will determine whether or not the absence is just cause�
4� The test numbers of all student-athletes will be in the pool� Test numbers of student-athletes who will be tested on the last test will be returned to the pool� When a student-athlete has had two consecutive random tests and his/her number is drawn again, the Athletic Director may elect to defer that test�
5� The analysis results are returned to the Athletic Director� Test results are revealed to the studentathlete, athletic director, the head coach of the student-athlete’s sport, and the parents/guardian of a minor student-athlete If the student-athlete is not a minor and has signed an authorization, the information will be released to his or her spouse and/or parent/guardian�
6� All offenses are cumulative for the term of the athlete� For example, if a student-athlete test positive their freshman year and then has a negative follow-up test, but has a positive test at any time during their GC tenure, this will be considered the second positive result�
7� An athlete who was been sanctioned for a positive drug test will be subject to re-tests for the remainder of the athletic year�
8� A positive test is that result which generates readings which are considered a positive result according to a court of law�
Drug Sanctions
If the results of said test show a positive use of illegal drugs, steroids, or alcohol, a meeting will be scheduled to take place within a reasonably prompt period of time, when reasonably possible not to exceed 48 hours, so that the student-athlete will have an opportunity to discuss the matter� The Athletic Director shall be the person with Galveston College who is responsible for scheduling and organizing the meeting, and for providing notice of the meeting to the student-athlete as described above� The Athletic Director and the Head Coach will be in the meeting� At the meeting, the student-athlete will be given an opportunity to present any rebuttal evidence or mitigating circumstances he/she feels important� No decision may be made prior to this meeting� During the meeting, the student-athlete will be explained the minimum automatic penalty process and made aware of the necessary steps to return to competition
Minimum Automatic Penalty Process for a Positive Drug test.
1� Student-athlete will be suspended from competition until a negative test result may be obtained� The Head Coach or the Athletic Director may impose a suspension period� The student-athlete, the Athletic Director and the Head Coach together will determine the date of a re-test to regain competitive playing status� This date may not be longer than 42 calendar days from the date of the original test�
1a. Students parents will be notified.
2b During the student-athlete’s suspension he/she must meet with a counselor, complete Safe- College’s training through GC Student Services, and/or complete 30 hours of community service�
2� Re-tests will be scheduled, by the athletic department�
3� During the competitive suspension the student-athlete will be allowed to practice with their
respective team with the approval of the Head Coach of that program�
A positive result on a retest will result in the student-athlete becoming ineligible for competition for the remainder of the school year�
5� A negative result on a retest may allow the student-athlete to return to competition with the approval of the Athletic Director�
6� The student-athlete may be automatically tested from that time through the remainder of the school year during any tests administered by the athletic department�
7� A subsequent positive test will remove the student-athlete from competition for the remainder of the school year�
Student-athletes will bear the cost of all re-tests�
Alcohol Sanctions
1st offense
• Suspension from 2 games (at the discretion of the Athletic Director) and 10 hours of community service and possible parental notification (at the discretion of the Athletic Director).
2nd Offense
• Suspension from 4 games and 20 hours community service, parental notification, and an alcohol assessment (in the case of alcohol abuse)
3rd Offense
• Suspension from 6 games
• Possible removal from the team and all athletically related aid is removed at the end of the academic year
If this time falls when there is no athletic contest being played� The Athletic Director and the Vice President for Student Services will decide on other consequences�
Failure to Adhere to Outlined Education or Counseling Program
If a student-athlete who tests positive for alcohol and/or any of these substances listed above fails to adhere to a drug education and/or drug counseling program as set forth by the Galveston College’s athletic program or does not attend required meetings or fails to show up for scheduled meeting(s) with either athletics department personnel or student services personnel, this will be considered a positive result with appropriate sanctions applied� Additionally, the student-athlete’s academic record may be placed on hold until all requirements are met�
Appeals Process
If a student-athlete chooses to challenge the findings of an institutional alcohol and/or drug test, that student-athlete has a right of appeal� The student must submit the appeal to the Associate Vice President for Student Services within 10 days of the notification of a positive alcohol and/or drug test� In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct found the college’s Student Handbook, the associate vice president may either 1) dismiss the allegation; 2) proceed with the disposition of the violation and issue a warning or reprimand, impose specific restrictions, assess a fine and/or require restitution, assign community service, place the student on disciplinary probation (with or without other restrictions), suspend the student, or expel the student� The decision of the Associate Vice President will be considered final unless the student appeals the decision of the Associate Vice President within 3 working days� The appeal must be submitted as outlined in the Galveston College Catalog and Student Handbook� The student’s appeal should be forwarded to the Associate Vice President to prepare the complaint and forward to the Student Affairs Committee for review