Galway Arts Festival Programme 1984

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PROGRAMME FRIDAY.JULY 20th: 6 p.m.: Official Opening of the Festival. Exhibition: "A Century of Connemara" by Garry Hynes; Arts Centre, Nuns Island, Galway. Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture on view daily from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. during the Festival. 9 p.m.: Traditional Concert with group Kinvara featur­ing Dolores Keane, Jackie Daly, John Faulkner and Manus Maguire, Claddagh Hall. Advance tickets, Star Records, 10 p,m.: Festival Club with B ar Extension and Disco -Imperial Hotel, Eyre Square. SATURDAY.JULY 21st: 11 a.m.: Exhibition "A Century of Connemara", Arts Centre, Nuns Island. 1 p.m.: Lunchtime Concert with B rendan O'Regan B azoukr), Vinny Kilduff (Uilleann Pipes) and Kevin Glackin (Fiddle). Druid Theatre. 3 p.m.: Footsbarn Travelling Theatre in Opening Parade, Shop Street and Eyre Square. 9 p.m.: "King Lear" by Footsbarn in their tent at the Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. B ooking at Powells, 4 Corners. 1 O p,m,: Festival Club with Bar Extension and Sounds, Imperial Hotel, Eyre Square. SUNDAY, JULY 22nd: 11 a.m.: "A Century of Connemara", Arts Centre, Nun's Island. 9 p.m.: "King Lear" by Footsbarn Theatre in their tent at the Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir B ridge. N.B. The Kids Show "Circus Tosov" advertised for 3.30 p,m. on Sunday has been transferred to Saturday. 28th at 3.30 p.m. MONDAY, JULY 23rd: 4 p.m.: Childrens Play "Dr. Doom's Green Machine" presented by Galway Theatre Workshop, Burrenmount Hotel, Salthill. 6 p.m.: Official Opening of the Festival Exhibition "Galway Now" by Michael D. Higgins in the Wood· quay Gallery, off Courthouse Square. Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture by Galway artists. Open daily 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. 8.15 p.m.: "Failte", an evening of Irish Traditional Music, Song and Dance. Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe. 9 p.m.: "King Lear" by Footsbarn Theatre in their tent at Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir B ridge, Galway. "Pure Magic", Dickie B yrne, Galway �dvertiser.

Knockalough by Brian Bourke one of the paintings in "A Century of Connemara" which opens at the Arts Cantre on Friday, July 20th.

TUESDAY, JULY 24th: 1 p.m.: Official Opening of an Exhibition of Prints by Robert Armstrong in the Druid Theatre. 1.10 p.m.: Lunchtime Theatre, Druid Theatre Company present "Bedtime Story" by Sean O'Casey. Directed by Paul Brennan, till 1.50. 4 p,m,: Children's Play "Dr. Doom's Green Machine" by Galway Theatre Workshop, Burrenmount Hotel. 6 p,m.: Special Performance by Druid Community Youth Project of "Phaidin Mhaire", a story by Padraig O'Conaire, translated by Con Houlihan and directed by Raymond Yeates. Funded by Department of Labour till 6.50 p.m. 9 p.m.: "King Lear" by Footsbarn Theatre in their tent at Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. 10 p.m.: Festival Club with Bar Extension and Disco, Imperial Hotel. 11.30 p.m,: Galway Theatre Workshop presents Jennifer Butterfield in "A Woman Alone" by Dario Fo and Franca Rame. Directed by Dick Donaghue, Druid

* Festival Ball * _Friday,July 27th WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th: 11 a.m.: Exh1bit1ons continue in Arts Centre, Nun's Island, Woodquay Gallery and Druid Theatre. 1.10 p.m.: "Bedtime Story" by Sean O'Casey, Druid Theatre till 1.50. 1.10: New lunchtime play, "Tangles", by Terry Devlin, Ta1bhdhearc na Gailhmhe. 4 p.m.: "Dr Doom's Grsen Machine", Children's Play by Galway Theatre Workshop in Burrenmount Hotel. B p.m.: Festival Reading with Des Hogan in the Druid Theatre. Des will read from his latest novel "A Curious Street" and his collected short stories. "Des Hogan 1s a writer of great gifts" - Observer. 8 p.m.: Galway Film Co·op present "Requiem for a Lightweight", 30 mins., followed by "Best Man" by Northfield Centre, Derry. O'Flahertv Theatre, U.C.G. 8.15 p.m.: "Failte", Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe. 9 p.m.: Final Performance of Footsbarn's "King Lear" in their tent at Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. 10 p.m.: Festival Club with Bar Extension in the Imper· ial Hotel. Bop till ya drop. 11.30 p.m.: Galway Theatre Workshop present Jenny Butterfield in "A Woman Alone", Druid Theatre. THURSDAY.JULY 26th: 11 a.m.: Exhibitions, "A Century of Connemara". "Galway Now" and Robert Armstrong. 1.10 p.m.: Druid Theatre, Sean O'Casey's play, Bedtime Story. 1.10 p.m.: Taibhdhearc, "Tangles" by Terry Devlin. 4 p.m.: Burrenmount Hotel, "Dr. Doom's Green Machine" - Kids Show. 5.30 p.m.: Festival Launching of a new book of poems by Michael Gorman with drawings by Joachim Beske "Waiting for the Sky to Fall", Druid Theatre. The book will be on sale throughout the Festival from O'Gorman's and Kenny's. 8.00 p.m.: Special Festival Preview of Pat Murphy's film "Anne Devlin", starring Brid Brennan, Claddagh Palace II., presented by Galway Film Society. 8.15 p.m.: "Failte", Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe. 9.00 p.m.: Festival · Concert with folk/bluegrass band "Jargon", Dru1d Theatre. 10.00 p.m.: Festival Club, Imperial Hotel, Bar Extension and Music. 11.30 p.m.: Galway Theatre Workshop present Jenny Butti:1rfi11lri in "A Wnm!ln Alnr,•" n ... ;�


Footsbarn Theatre In a scene from "Tha Chinese Puzzle" at the Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge.


11 a.m.: Exh1bit1ons - Last few days. 1.10 p.m.: Druid Theatre, Sean O'Casey's

"Bedtime Story". 1.10 p.m.: Taibhdhearc, "Tangles", by Terry Devlin. 4,00 p.m.: Burrenmount Hotel, "Dr. Doom's Green Machine", Kids Show. 8 p.m.: Galway Film Society present a special Festival Preview of Cathal Black's film "Pigs". Also "John Love" by John Davis and Joe t:omerford's short "Waterbag", O'Flaherty Theatre, U.C.G. 8.15 p.m.: "Failte", Taibhdhearc na Gailhmhe. 9.00 p.m,: Opening performance of Footsbarn's 2nd Show, "The Chinese Puzzle", in their tent at the Fish¡ eries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. - "It held the audience spellbound"-Dickie Byrne. 9.00 p.m.: Mary McPartlan presents an Evening of Music and Poetry with Sean Ryan, Tony Small and Brendan O'Regan in the Atlanta Hotel.

* Festival Ball *

10 p.m.: Festival Ball in the Great Southern Hotel, with Full Circle, formerly John Keogh and The Greenbeats. Bar Extension and Piano Rock and Roll. Tickets in advance, Music City. 11.30

p.m.: Galway Theatre Workshop present Jenny Butterfield in "A Woman Alone", Druid Theatre.

SATURDAY, JULV 28th: 11 a.m.: Exhibitions at Arts Centre, Woodquay Gallery and Druid Theatre. 11 a.m.: Galway Film Society present "On a Pavement Stone Mounted" by Thaddeus O'Sullivan. Also two films by Peter Finegan "The Dream Factory", and "Shoes". O'Flaherty Theatre, U.C.G. 1.10 p.m.: Sean O'Casey's "Bedtime Story", Druid Theatre. 1.10 p.m.: "Tangles" by Terry Devltn, Ta1bhdhearc. 2.15 p.m.: Galway Film Society present "Acceptable Levels" by John Davis and "At a Cinema Palace", Liam 0.Leary by Don Taylor-Black, followed by a discussion. O'Flaherty Theatre, U.C.G. 3.30 p.m.: Footsbarn present "The Circus Tosov", their kids show in the tent, Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. 4 p.m.: "Dr. Doom's Green Machine" - Kids Show, Burrenmount Hotel, Salthill. 8 p.m.: Poetry Co-op in assoc1at1on with Poetry Ireland present the noted American poet Robert Bly. Druid Theatre. 9 p.m.: Fooubarn Theatre present "The Chinese Puzzle" in their tent, Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. 11 p.m.: Festival Finale and Footsbarn Party in the Great Southern Hotel, Galway. Bar Extension and special guests. 11.30 p.m.: Galway Theatre Workshop present Jenny B 1 1tterfield in "A Woman Alone", Druid Theatre. SUNDAV,JULV 29th: 11 a.m.: Final Day of Exhibitions. 3.30 p.m.: Footsbarn fabulous Kids Show "The Circus Tosov" in their tent at Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. 9 p.m.: Footsbarn Musical "The Chinese Puzzle", tent, Fisheries Field, U.C.G.

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