Galway Arts Festival Programme 1988

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11.00 am

Festival Exhibitions open till 6 p.m.

11.00 am "It felt like being part of a rainbow". Bring your kids along to Colourscape at the Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. Open till 6 p.m.

1. 00 pm Pegasus Players present "Diary Of A Goll!wog". Lunchtime Theatre In The Great Southern. 6.00 pm Official Opening of Western Artists Exhibition. McDonogh House, Merchants Road. 8.00 pm "A fantastic evening of musical slapstick... "; 2nd Show by The Brass Band from San Francisco in The Great Southern Hotel. 8.00 pm

"Reefer And The Model", shot entirely on location In Galway. Claddagh Palace, Salthill. 9.00 pm Traditional Concert with new band, Arcady, formed by exTOe Danann bodhran player, Johnny Ringo McDonagh. Warwick Hotel, Salthill.

11. 00 pm Festival Club, The Warwick Hotel.

11.30 pm

Amampondo In Concert at The Great Southern Hotel. Eight stunning dancers, drummers and acrobats from Soweto in South Africa. -


• 1 · 11.00 am

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Festival Exhibitions open till 6 p.m.

11. 00 am Colourscape In The Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. Till 6 p.m. 1.00 pm "Diary Of A Golliwog". Lunchtime Theatre. Great Southern Hotel. 8. 00 pm · Preview of the Druid Theatre production

of "Little Clty" by Seamus Byrne. Chapel Lane. 8.00 pm

"The funniest musical act since Victor Borge" - 3rd performance by The Brass Band from San Francisco. Great Southern Hotel.

8. 00 pm "Reefer And The Model", Claddagh Palace, Salthill. 8.00 pm

"My Life As A Dog", superb Swedish comedy film. Claddagh Palace Mini, Salthill.

9.00 pm Patrick Kavanagh Show. "Out Of That Childhood Country" by Tommy and John McArdle. The Warwick Hotel.

9.00 pm Concert to launch a new album, "No Man's Land" by two Galway guitarists, Jimmy Fitzgerald and Gerrard Coffey. Warwick Hotel, Salthill. 11.00 pm

Festival Club, The Warwick Hotel.

11.30 pm Festival Ball with Chris Meehan and his Red Neck Friends. Special guests. Great Southern.

,�·· 1·,·,� 11.00 am



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Festival Exhibitions till 6 p.m.

11.00 am Colourscape, Fisheries Field. Salmon Weir Bridge. Till 6 p.m. 1.00 pm "Diary Of A Golliwog", Lunchtime Theatre, Great Southern Hotel. 2.00 pm Festival Parade with Lemuel Gulliver. Starting point, Fair Green, Forster Street. 8. 00 pm Preview of the Druid Theatre production of "Little City" by Seamus Byrne. Chapel Lane. 8.00 pm Last chance to see the "Musical Marx Brothers", The Brass Band from San Francisco. Great Southern Hotel. 8. 00 pm "Reefer And The Model", a film by Joe Comerford. Claddagh Palace, Salthill. 8. 00 pm "My Uve As A Dog", superb Swedish comedy film. Claddagh Palace Mini, Salthill. 8. 30 pm The Junior National Youth Orchestra play Lelsureland, Salthill. The 130 strong orchestra includes the Galway musician, Lisa Mcloughlin. The Concert programme for Leisureland will feature Rhapsody In Blue by George Gershwin and Symphony No. 2 by Borodin.

� Remember the /antost/c concerts last .1,1ear b.1,1 British Joa band Loose Tubesl Well, watch out /or this .1,1ear's u/sllors, top Engl/sh group, Itchy Flngen, a brilllant saxophope quartet, who p/av two Festlual concerts on Saturdav, August 6th (Warwick Hotel) and Sundav morning August 7th (Great Southern Hotel).

Day by Day Programme continued

9.00 pm Jazz Concert with Itchy Fingers. A superb Saxophone Quartet from London. Warwick Hotel, Salthlll. Itchy Fingers were voted "Best New Band" by the leading Jazz Magazine, 'Wire' In 1987. 11.00 pm

Festival Club, The Warwick.

11.30 pm Amampondo In Concert. Great Southern Hotel. "This isn't just music - it's the heartbeat of Africa. You won't sit still".

11.00 am

Festival Exhibitions tlll 6 p.m.

11.00 am

Colourscape: fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. Till 5 p.m.

12 noon

Lunchtime Jazz with Itchy Fingers from London, Great Southern Hotel. "Devastating Virtuosity" - SUNDAV OBSERVER

12 noon Traditional Session with Tommy Peoples

(flddte), Dermot Byrnes (accordion) and Garry O'Briain (bouzoukl). Atlanta Hotel, Dominick Street.

8.00 pm

ln Conce'rt, celebrated Jazz and Blues singer, Bertice Reading. Great Southern Hotel. Bertlce Is currently starring In the West End Musical, 'South Pacific' as Bloody Mary.

8. 00 pm

"Reefer And The Model", Claddagh Palace, Salthill.

8.00 pm "My Life As A Dog", Claddagh Palace. 11.00 pm

Festival Club, The Warwick Hotel. '·. I I � I

11.00 am


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Festival Exhibitions tlll 6 p.m.

1.00 pm Lunchtime Classical series of Concerts In The Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas. Michael d'Arcy (violin). Richard Thlrlwall (violin), Dympna O'Byme (piano). 8. 00 pm

Druid Theatre present "Little City" by Seamus Byrne. Opening Night. Chapel Lane.

8.00 pm

Reading by Ireland's Leading Poet Seamus Heaney. Great Southern Hotel.

8. 00 pm

"Reefer And The Model", Claddagh Palace. Salthtll.

8.00 pm

"My Ufe As A Dog". Claddagh Palace. ,.. J

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11.00 am Festival Exhibiti ons ttll 6 p.m. 1.00 pm Lunchtime Classical Concert with Ruth Wi lkinson (flute) and Franci s King (piano). The Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas.

From London, Theatre de Complldte bring their hit comedy, "Anything For A Quiet Life" to Galway /or flue shows during the Festlual In the Dominican Hall, The Claddagh/rom Tuesday August 9th to Saturday August 13th. Comp/Idle won the Perrier Comedy Award at the Edinburgh FesUual In 1986.

8.00 pm Theatre De Compliclte, the award winning English Company with their hit show "Anything For A Quiet Life". Dominican Hall, The Claddagh. 8.00 pm Debut Concert of the Dolo res Keane Band In The Great Southern Hotel. Former lead singer with De Danann, Dolores Keane is joined by Martin O'Conn o r (accordion), Brendan O'Regan (mandolin) and John Faulkner (guitar). 8. 00 pm Druid Theatre present Seamus Byrne. Chapel Lane.

"Little City" by

8. 00 pm "Reefer And The Model", Claddagh Palace, Salthlll. 8.00 pm "My Ufe As A Dog", Claddagh Palace Mini, Salthlll. 11.00 pm

Festival Club, The Warwick Hotel.

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11.00 am

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Festival Exhibitions till 6 p.m.

11.00 am

Colou rscape. Children must b e accompanied b y a n adult. The Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge_ "Like being part of a dream sequence".

1.00 pm

Lunchtime Classical Concert with two Galway musicians, Franc is Coll (organ) and Jimmy H igg ins (trumpet). Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas.

1.00 pm Portra it Theatre Company present Johnny Murphy In "The Watchman" by Sean Lawlor. Druid Theatre, Chapel Lane.

1. 30 pm Open Air Concert presented by the Galway Mus ic Workshop. Bands include The Little Fish, Princes' St., The Saddle Sore Cowboys, Crutch and Storm Shadow.Eyre Square. 8. 00 pm Theatre De Complicite pre&ent "Anything For A Quiet Life". Dominican Hall, The Claddagh. "There is no one to match this extraordinarily talented group". - TIME OUT 8.00 pm Druid Theatre present "Little City" by Seamus Byrne. Chapel Lane.

8. 0 0 pm

T r i bes Theatre G roup presents "Remembrance" by Graham Reid in The Parochial Hall, Woodquay.

8.00 pm

Public Reading by Paul Durcan In The Great Southern Hotel to coincide with the launching of a new cassette from Irish Audio Tapes of the Collected Poems by Paul Durcan.

8.00 pm

"Reefer And The Model". Claddagh Palace, Sa\thill.

8.00 pm

..My Life As A Dog", Claddagh Palace.

8.30 pm

From America, Gospel Acapella Group, Sweet Honey In The Rock. Exclusive Irish Concert by six black women singers - Leisureland, Salthlll.

11.00 pm

Festival Club, The Warwick Hotel.

11.30 pm

Galway's finest Rock Band, The Stunning. Great Southern Hotel. · • l :J

11.00 am

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Festival Exh ibitions till 6 p.m.

11. 00 am Colourscape, Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. Till 6 p.m.

Phone 68317

1. 00 pm Lunchtime Classical series with Lydian Trio: Cliona Ryan (violin); Siobhan Lynch (cello) and Carol Corby (piano). Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas. 1.10 pm Lunchtime Theatre with Johnny Murphy in "The Watchman" by Sean Lawlor. Druid Theatre. 8.00 pm "One of the funniest and most inventive shows around". Theatre De Complicite with their hit comedy "Anything For A Quiet Life", Dominican Hall, The Claddagh. 8. 00 pm Druid Theatre present "Little City" by Seamus Byrne. Chapel Lane.

8.00 p.m. Tribes Theatre Grou p present "Remembrance" by Graham Reid in The Parochial Hall, Woodquay. 8.00 pm "Reefer And The Model", Claddagh Palace, Salthill. 8.00 pm

"My Life As A Dog", Claddagh Palace.

8.00 pm Ted Hawkins In Concert at The Great Southern Hotel. American Folk and Blues Charmer. 8.30 pm From America, The Flying Karamazov Brothers present their Broadway Show, "Juggle and Hyde", Leisureland, Salthill. "This is the funniest show I've seen in Dublin all year - MAEV KENNEDY, IRISH TIMES

11. 00 pm

Festival Club, The Warwick Hotel.

11.30 pm The Blues Band with ex-Manfred Man star, Paul Jones. Rock and Boogie. C.J.'s Nightclub. • 1 • ..

11.00 am


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Festival Exhibitions till

6 p.m.

11.00 am Colourscape. Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. Till 6 p.m.



1.00 pm Lunchtime Classical series with Frank O'Brien (baritone), Maire O'Brien (soprano) and Louise Thomas (piano). Collegiate Church.

1.10 pm Lunchtime Theatre with Johnny Murphy In "The Watchman" by Sean Lawlor. Druid Theatre.

8.00 pm Theatre De Complicite present "Anything For A Quiet Life", Dominican Hall, The Claddagh. In 1985, Complfcite won the Perrier Award for Best Comedy at the Edinburgh Festival.

8. 00 pm Druid Theatre present "Little City" by Seamus Byrne. Chapel Lane.

8.00 pm ..Reefer And The Model", Claddagh Palace, Salthill.

8. 00 pm Tribes T h eatr e Gr oup p r e s e nt "Remembrance" by Graham Reid In The Parochial Hall, Woodquay.

8.00 pm In Concert, Mary Coughlan who will showcase her new album of acoustic songs. Great Southern Hotel. 8.00 pm Ireland's leading playwright, Tom Murphy will give a reading of his new play, "Too Late For Logic". Atlanta Hotel.

8.30 pm The Flying Karamazov Brothers present "Juggle and Hyde" in Leisureland, Salthill. The Flying Karamazov Brothers juggle with anything - wet fish, loose grapes, sickles, meat cleavers and at grand finale time, flaming torches. 11.00 pm

11 :':ln nm

Festival Club. The Warwick Hotel.

ThP11trP OP CnmolldtP nrP.!lP.nt for one







performance only their award winning show "A Minute Too Late", Dominican Hall, The Claddagh.

11. 00 am

Festival Exhibitions till 6 p.m.

11.00 am

Colourscape: Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. Till 5 p.m. At The Cork Carnival last year, crowds flocked to see Colourscape, forming queues so long that some turned away disappointed.

1.10 pm

Classical Lunchtime series with John Feeley (guitar). Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas.

1.10 pm Lunchtime Theatre with Johnny Murphy In 'The Watchman" by Sean Lawlor. Druld Theatre. 8. 00 pm

Last chance to see Theatre De Complicite with their comedy show "Anything For A Quiet Life". Dominican Hall, The Claddagh.

8. 00 pm

Druid Theatre present "Little City" by Seamus Byrne. Chapel Lane.


pm Tribes Th eatre G r oup present "Remembrance" by Graham Reid In The Parochial Hall, Woodquay.

8.00 pm

From Shantalla, Galway, Blues singer Mary Coughlan plays a hometown Concert In The Great Southern Hotel.

8.00 pm

..Reefer And The Model", Claddagh Palace, Salthill.

8. 30

pm Last performance by The Flying Karamazov Brothers of their show "Juggle and Hyde" In Leisureland, Salthill. "This Is a show which can entertain anyone from the age of five upwards".

9. 00 pm T radltlonal Concert with Buttons & Bows In The Warwick Hotel, Salthill. Jackie Daly (accordlan); Manus and Seamus McGuire (fiddles) and Garry O Briain (bouzoukl). 11.00 pm

Festival Club. The Warwick Hotel. I !'

11.00 am


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Festival Exhlbltins till 6 p.m.

11.00 am Colourscape. Fisheries Field, Salmon Weir Bridge. Last chance to see this unique attraction. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

8. 00 pm ..Reefer And The Model", Claddagh Palace, Salthlll.

11.00 pm

Festival Club. The Warwick Hotel.

Festival Exhibitions Open 11 «1.m. - 6 p.m. daily

BRIAN BOURKE RETROSPECTIVE ( 1963-1988) 47 /49 Dominick Street, Galway. --------· WESTERN ARTISTS: Group Show

McDonogh House, Merch,rnts Road, Galway.


The Arts Centre. Nun's Island, Galway.

CHRISTY KEANEY, Ceramic Sculpture Venue to be confirmed.

LORCAN WALSHE, SHANE CULLEN, Paintings Venue to be confirmed (Tel. 091-68317)

MADDEN-ARNHOLZ COLLECTION: Prints U.C.G. Gallery, The Quadrangle. U.C.Ci.

CYRIL BYRNE: Photographs

Kenny's Art Gallery, Middle Street, Galway.

RONNIE GRAHAM: Bog Oak Sculpture

Kenny's Art Gallery, Middle Street. Galway.

ARTSPACE ARTISTS COLLECTIVE: Group Show The Poster Gallery, Buttermilk Walk, Cialway.


Spanish Arch Gallery, Long Walk, Galway_. __

Galway Arts Festival Festival Office Beside Tourist Office Victoria Place Off Eyre Square

Phone 68317

This Brochure is Sponsored by

A AlliL"d Irish Bank

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