Galway Arts Festival Programme 1991

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Supporting the Arts

AIB Group

Galway Arts Festival 17 - 28 JULY 1991

SOUVENIR PROGRAMME Grant-aided bv The Arts Counc,I. FAS_ and {;a/wav r.nrnnr::.tinn

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COMMUNITY SPIRIT At AIB, we're changing the way we think, how we do things. Now we know that the needs of our customers should be our first concern. That good service should go deeper than a smile. So we react faster, respond sooner, anticipate more. Now each one of us is committed to each one of you. \.Vhether you're young or not so young. Whether you're a farmer or a housewife, a shopkeeper or a factory owner. Now everyone can expect more of us at AIB. So call to your local AIB Bank branch, we all want to help and one of us will. Because you bring out the best in us.


AIB Bank

____you BRING OUT THE BEST IN us _____,


Now in its 14th year, this year's Galway Arts Festival has its sights set on being the most spectacular ever. The richness of performances being presented between July 17th and 28th is truly awesome in scope, and would equal if not surpass, any other festival, anywhere in the world. Patricia Forde is the Director of this year's extravaganza, having stepped into the comfortably¡ worn shoes of Ollie Jennings. She views the Festival as an artistic flux of continuity and change. It started out as a baby spring 'fest' in 1978, but today the Galway Arts Festival is all grown up. And how ... Firmly ensconced as the country's premiere summer event, with enviable effortlessness it encompasses all that's best in local, national and international talent. It consistently attracts multitudinous crowds who throng to Galway harbouring great expectations. Their quest for splendid all-round entertainment is achieved ten-fold, as they leave afterwards in their thousands, satiated, satisfied and serenely fulfilled. Since 1988, the Festival has been run by a limited company (Galway Arts Festival Ltd.), whose sole aim is the promotion of the arts in Galway - a job it does with some aplomb and magnificent success.

Patricia Forde - Festival Director


Galway Arts Festival




Ollie Jennings (Chalfman), Padraic Boran, Paraic Breathnach, Tom Conroy, K ieran Corcoran, Gerry Coy, Padraig Ferry, Maureen Hughes, Patricia Forde. Festival Director Festival Manager Production Manager Box Office Manager Poster Administration

Souvenir Programme Text Publ1c1ty: Merchand,smg¡

Patricia Forde Michael Diskin John Ashton Frances Burke Joe Beske Declan Gibbons, Felicity O'Brien, Jean Parkinson, Jackie Scott, John Connelly. Mary J. Murphy Serious PR Billy Magra, Cathy O'Connor Gerry Coy

Programme Committee: Padraic Boran (Popular Music), Kie ran Corcoran (Visual Arts), Maureen Hughes (Traditional Music), Jane O'Leary (Classical Music), Lelia Doolan and Miriam Allen (Ftlm Fleadh), Aihsh Forde (Children's Festival), Mary Paul Keane and Michelle McCaughren - Sheela na Gig (Literary Events).



Royal de Luxe


Cosmos Kolej





Visual Arts

Classical Music


Day by Day Programme


Film Fleadh


Friends of the Festival/Patrons



Folk/Popular/Rock Music



Festival Parade - Macnas




Children's Festival


Galway, Ireland. Telephone 091 - 63800


S T R E ..=E T_T A.... T_____ R ...::. H....E=---....__. _.


Royal de Luxe

The D'ue Histarv at France

Europe's most exciting street theatre group, Royal de Luxe, pay an exclusive visit to Galway as part of the renowned Arts Festival, which runs this year from July 17th to 28th. Magnificent in scale and conception, their show, which is highly visual, is called The True History of France. It runs from the burning of Joan of Arc through Napoleon's march on Moscow to the First World War. The centerpiece of their extraordinary set is The Book, fourteen different theatrical stages which unfold scene by scene towards a cataclysmic finale. This stunning, mind-blowing show plays for two nights only in the Cathedral Car Park on the nights of July 25th and 26th. Although admission is free, it 's on a strict ticket­ only basis. The demand for these tickets has been such that the Festival organisers have had to devise a Lottery to allocate tickets on a first-come, first-served basis. Stamped addressed envelopes must be sent to the Festival Office in the Eyre Square Centre before July 17, when the 10,000 tickets will be drawn. Each lucky winner receives two, so get to the post office today! One of the most respected newspapers in France, Le Figaro, has described Royal de Luxe's show, The True History of France, as "truly incredible ... one of the most unusual and original shows ever seen in Avignon". The Liberation said that Royal de Luxe "is a revolutionary theatre company which has reached new heights and have crossed new frontiers". For once it can honestly be said that there is not one dull moment in a production. The story is told in the style of a children's pop-up book where the pages keep turning with amazing speed, from Joan of Arc to World War One. There's not a moment in it to catch your breath nor to blink. All major historical French events are covered and the moments of

peace, when they come, are but brief respites in this awesome original production. When the show comes to an end, nobody wishes to leave. There's a few moments of stunned silence, appalled that the experience is over, and then the thunderous, deafening applause starts and continues until palms are numb and sore The show, The True History of France, takes us back to our childhood with it's imagination and invention of the highest order - something to be remembered forever. A true masterpiece of special effects, machinery and exciting visual onslaughts of every description. Each page in The Book is actually 7 metres by 4 metres and they're opened page by page, for each scene. Royal de Luxe is the creme de la creme of street theatre and they give immense pleasure wherever they go. Galway audiences have a genuine treat in store and one that will live with everyone that sees it for a long, long time. A story of the great told to the little The cliche's and imaginings of history are brought to life before our very eyes and there is no let-up until the final syllable has been uttered and the final page of The Book has been turned. Bravo! and vive Le Royal de Luxe.

Sponsored by

nu,t1tc111 I11.A..6 " tctccu1n

Royal de Luxe is grant-aided by AFFA. The Cathedral car park is used by kind permission and with the assistance of a special grant from Galway Corporation. 3


The Right Size

An extraordmary theatncal language combmmg clowning,

The British Right Size Theatre Company present their show, Flight To Finland during the Galway Arts Festival (July 17th - 28th) as part of their extensive world tour. Over the last three years The Right Size has gained an enviable international reputation for making people laugh. Their supremely visual style is motivated by clowns as diverse as Laurel and Hardy, Jacques Tati and Eric Morecombe. An absurd sense of logic and a continuing relish for the native optimism of the clown creates a world of inspired lunacy, vibrant with slapstick, acrobatics, live music and eccentric dancing. In the course of the play, as the storm clouds gather, the characters' increasingly desperate attempts to experience beauty display a naive optimism which touches on the tragic.


Sponso,ed by �

John Hughdy and Tom John will run

each Thursday to Saturday of the Arts Festival - July 17th - 28th.

commonplace into the bizarre,

On Thursday, 18th July (previews 16th and 17th), Druid will open its main evening show, which is the Irish Premiere of Cheapside by David Allen.

the mundane to the h1/anous

Bob Downe


tumbling and visual


w hich turns t he

and the subhme mtu the r1diculous.

The Guardian

Druid For the 1991 Galway Arts Festival the Druid Theatre Company will present a full programme, comprising lunch·time and evening shows as well as late night events. The lunch-time event will be the World Premiere presentation of two playlets by writer and broadcaster, Vincent Woods. While he has written poetr y and documentary works, these two playlets, John Hughdy and Tom John mark Vincent Woods' stage debut. These playlets are presented with the AIB Better Ireland Award , given to Druid for dtivelopment of new Irish writing for the theatre. The productions will be directed by the up-and-coming , and very talented young director, John Crowley. A Corkman, he swept the awards at the 1991 ISDA Festival.

- Australia's leading, comedian and funniest man - will perform a late•night show each night at Druid Theatre in Chapel Lane. He has been described as "literally the tackiest, most glamorous and above all, the funniest comedian - ever". Local drama will be in there with the best of time, holding its head up proudly. In yet another coup by the Festival , the World Premiere of Aita Ann Higgins' new play, Facelicker Come Home will run from 19th - 27th no doubt to capacity crowds, produced by The Punchbag Theatre Company. Na Fanaithe, Galway's Irish language theatre group, will present their exciting production of Lorca's Yerma and the brothers McArdle will no doubt do their usual trick and pull full houses with their production of Out Of T hat Childhood Country in An Taibhdhearc Theatre. The exciting and vibrant new Galway Youth Theatre get a chance to spread their wings with a new play, Don't Forget To Write while the Punchbag Theatre Company offer their version of O'Casey's Shadow Of A Gunman for our delight and delectation.

The travel costs of Right Size Theatre were assisted by a grant from the British Council. Punchbag sponsored by Brannagans. 4


Cosmos Kolei

The Return at Pinnochlo The highlight of last year's Avignon Festival is destined to become the talking point of this year's Galway Arts Festival. The renowned French theatre group Cosmos Kolej are making an exclusive visit to Galway with their astounding production of The Return of Pinnochio. from July 23 to 27 in the 1.M.I. Building at University College Galway. It is a hauntingly beautiful story, embracing a kaleidescope of movement. music and magical theatrical effects. Written by Wladyslav Znorko, the show is set in a disused railway station, where childhood is looked at with a new vitality. Because no language is used directly, the company relies on music, colour and special effects to tell their story. Bruno Boeglin, the much feted French director, departs from his usual role in this production, and gives a stunning performance as Pinnochio. His acting has been hailed with shouts of "bravol" across the length and breadth of Europe, so Galway audiences are in for a genuine theatrical treat. His co•star, the Russian actress Irina Vavilova. made an emotional return to her homeland recently, when Cosmos Kolej brought their show to the famous Pouchkine Theatre, second only to the famous Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. Cosmos Kolej were the only non­ Russian troupe performing at the Soviet

festival and received rave reviews from the highly regarded critic, Ms. Irena Miagkova, who informed her readers that it was a show not to be missed I Their six nights played to full houses and left the audiences gasping for more. Attending the opening night were the USSR Minister for Culture, Mr. Vladimar Ourine, as well as a veritable galaxy of French and Russian diplomats.

. . .. . the fruit of an overflowing

imagination, seemingly uncontrolled ye t extremely precise unbelievable vitaHty of the eight actors, their physical presence and remarkable co-ordination.


Le Figaro, September 1990.

Sponsored by The I.M.I. warehouse is very kindly supplied by UC.G.

Grant-aided by AFFA.


£y�- .5,-"'"-,. e.



Mark Tabev


Western Artists

Galway Arts Festival are staging Western Artists are making an exhibition of prints, drawings their sixth appearance at this and paintings by the internat­ year's Galway Arts Festival, ionally renowned American which runs from July 17 - 28. artist , Mark Tobey, at the Over the years the Exhibition College Gallery, University has proved its worth as the College Galway. The exhibition most accurate and essential is selected from the private show-case of art produced in collection of artist Hans Burk­ the West of Ireland. For artists hardt who was a close friend of native to or resident in the Tobey's and exhibited at the region it is good to know that 1990 Galway Arts Festival. there is a regular opportunity Mark Tobey (1890-19761 to bring work before the public ranks among the most signifi­ and the critics alike. cent of 20th century painters. Whether or not it is possible Although generally placed to discern common themes or among the American Abstract preoccupations in this year's Expressionists, Tobey stands exhibition, it would be hard to uniquely apart from that school deny that it reflects the high as a precursor to the movement standard of work being as well as for his intimate produced by artists in the painting style. West. While Western Artists Mark Tobey had a lifelong select the number of works an fascination with eastern artist may exhibit, the artists philosophy and travelled to the themselves are quite free to Orient in 1934 to study calli­ choose whichever of their graphy, eastern poetry and Zen own works they wish. It's the Buddhism. T hese influences fairest and most all-round evolved into his mystical "white satisfactory method and it writing" style which would enables the artist to usify one anticipate Jackson Pollock's "all of the most essential artistic over" painting. Tobey achieved platforms in the country. s ubstantial recognition in Mark Tobey and Hans Burkhardt, Basel, 1969. T his year, Western Artists Europe following World War II, have a new venue, which is in ultimately winning first prize at Kiltartan House on Foster Exhibitions the Venice Biennale in 1958. He Street, given to the group by settled in Basie, Switzerland in Mark Tobey, kind permission of Shane St. Nicholas Library and 1960 where he lived until his Fitzgerald. It opens on July Heritage Project Abstract Expressionist. death in 1976. 18th and runs right through Collegiate Church of University College Galway Tobey's works have been until the end of the Galway St. Nicholas. Gallery. afforded major survey shows Arts Festival, on July 28th. internationally including Musee Just some of the artists FHm FIBadh Waldemar Otto, Sculptor des Arts Decoratifs. Paris who will be exhibiting include 'Cinema In Ireland' Arts Centre. Nun's Island. (1961), Museum of Modern Art, Brian Bourke, Lily Van Oost, Eyre Square Centre. New York (19621 and more Paki Smith, John Shinners, Western Artists, Group Show recently in 1984 at the Whitney Lorrain e Murphy, Calm Joe Boske, Drawings Kiltartan House, Museum of American Art. His Moloney, Leonie King and Jay The Waterfront, Forster Streer, paintings are in all major inter­ Murphy. Raven's Terrace. 18th - 28th July. national public collections in cluding T he Museum of Marja Van Kampen, Paintings Galway Group Exhibition Modern Art, New York, Tate Prints The Arts Centre, Gallery, London, Staatsgalerie, Gilvarry Geoghegan Galler 47 Dominick Street. Stuttgart and the Kunst­ Bridge Mills. Marja van Kampen was born museum, Basie. Joe Shaughnessy, in t�e N�therland�, but she T he Mark Tobey exhibition is Kathleen Flaherty, Paintings Photographer being made avail able Gilvarry Geoghegan Gallery has h�ed m Ireland since 1982. Eyre Square Centre. She 1s a foun _cJer member of exclusively to Galway Arts Bridge Mills. _ Artspace Studios in Galway. In Festival through Jack Rutberg Sean McSweeney, Paintings the catalogue note to her Fine Arts Inc., Los Angeles, Impressions 4, Prints The Kenny Art Gallery. exhibition, Eva Bourke says of California. Express Frames, her landscape paintings that: Merchants Road. Sharon Ray, Paintings Transportation provided by "Marja van Kampen T he Kenny Art Gallery. concentrated on salient

Maria van Kampen

Aerlingus 6



features, reducing their material to emblematic forms that are reminiscent of children's drawings. Larger spaces are broken up by smaller ones: the crisscross pattern of the railway or black­ and-white spotted cows on a field, a sky dotted with clouds, a procession of trees along oblique or curved lines, all these add an ornamental and playful touch to her paintings. Often the horizon is tilted dizzily as though the earth has been arrested in its movement in mid-air, in a momentarily pivotal tension between motion and repose. The times of day range from sunny afternoon to dawn and dusk and the choice of colours is very much influenced by those as well as the natural colours of the surroundings. The bright greens, deep blues and purples are heightened to the point of exaggeration to convey a feeling of summer and the richness of a countryside in full bloom. There are no human figures anywhere but their stamp on environment is the empathetically revealed. Celebrating the beauty of the visual structure of an old rural landscape, it is also hee where for the first time in years she has found again the "Bird of Long-Forgotten Days".

Waldemar Otto Galway Arts Festival are staging an exhibition of sculptures by the leading German artist, Waldemar Otto, at the Nuns Island Gallery, Galway. The exhibition will comprise of 17 pieces (including 5 life-size sculptures) and will open on Wednesday, July 17th and run until July 28th. Waldemar Otto was born in 1929 and in the late 1940's studied sculpture in Berlin with Alexander Gondas. In the 1950's he began to exhibit at major exhibitions including the Exposition Internationale des Beaux Arts in Milan (1953) and the Great Berlin Art Exhibition in 1957 where he was an award winner. In the mid 60's he was artist in residence at the University of Notre Dame in the

U.S.A. His increasing stature in abstraction - has b een German art circles was recog­ regarded as the only nised when he was appointed meaningful direction in Professor at the Hochschule fur painting and sculpture of the Bilende Kunst in Berlin in 1973. last hundred years. Today I Throughout the 1970's and find thes e construct ed 1980's he has become closely too clarities simple. identified with the prestigious T herefore, I aspire to move Worspede artists' colony near from the presentation of the Bremen where he now lives and absolute to the unmistak­ works. eable profile of the individual. Mr. Otto describes himself as a realistic sculptor. The exhibition of Otto's work for the Galway Arts �stival comes To find clarity in the about as a result of contacts confusing variety of things - established via Galway based


artist, Maria Van Kampen, who won a scholarship to study at the Worspede Centre in 1990. The Galway Arts Festival is very pleased to host the work of Waldemar Otto and, along with the Mark Tobey exhibition, it fulfills our aim of developing the international content of our visual arts programme.


Visual Arts sponsored by


Kevin McAleer

Dillie Keane

Kevin McAleer's new one•man show combines the highly successful Nighthawks monologues with his uniquely funny slide show to create a sustained hour and a half of hilarious and original comic nonsense.

Dillie Keane (formerly of Fascinating Aida) brings her one woman show CITIZEN KEANE, to the Great Southern Hotel in Galway on Sunday July 21st at 8 p.m. It's impeccable mixture of song, humour and satire.

Unique skills of language, timing and delivery.

- Performance Magazine

Keane is undoubtedly a woman with a talent to amuse.

- The Independent

Laughter barely the safe side of hysterta.

Keane's obser vations on human nature culminates in an assortment of wickedly masterful carricatures.

- The Irish Times

A true original.

- The Stage and Television Today

John Hegley I Ian McPherson

Jeremy Hardy

- Time Out Magazine

Kil Hollerbach



Jeremy Hardy is one of the Kit Hollerbach (USA), the most acerbi yet affable Emmy Award winning entertainers the comedienne, brings her on alternative comedy circuit. inimitable brand of zany He combines a bedside humour and caustic wit to manner and a wicked grin to the Great Southern Hotel on devastating effect. He plays Wednesday 24th July at 8 the Great Southern in p.m. Galway on Wednesday 24th July at 8 p.m.

John Hagley comes to Galway with Herman Hessian on his arm and Nigel Piper on guitar. There will be songs and poems about the misery of human existence and possibly a raffle! One of the few comics around who can transport an audience to mass belly laughter, he's also got somethmg else most of them have never heard of heart and soul. - City Limits ___

Winner of the Time Out Theatre Award, lan McPherson last appeared at the Galway Arts Festival in 1989, where his show was a sell out success. He is a genuinely funny guy and both he and Hegley take to the stage in the Great Southern Hotel on Monday 22nd July at 8 p.m.

Brilliantly talented Son of Suburbra ... the best new comic for years.

- Punch

Travel to Galway by British comedians assisted by Aer Lingus and the British Council. 8

Laugh for laugh, hers must be the funnrest programme on the radio Just now.

- The Listener

Sponsored by


Bank lFlre1ane1.


Hugh Tinney

Irish Chamber Orchestra Formed in 1970 by Dublin's finest chamber music players, The Irish Chamber Orchestra is on its way to Galway for a much awaited concert. As part of the enormously successful Arts Festival, which this year takes place between July 17th - 28th, they will delight lovers of exquisite classical music with a performance in Seapoint on July 27th at 8 p.m. With Hugh Tinney on piano and Nicholas Kraemer conducting, an unforgettable night of musical splendour is promised. Consistently high musical and classical standards have now led to the Orchestra occupying the high ground in Ireland's cultural life. Appearances by this overtly talented group of musicians have in­ cluded regular performances in Dublin's National Concert Hall, numerous appear­ ances at festivals, multit udinous broadcasts on radio and television as well as innumerable events with local and choral and operatic societies. The Irish Chamber Orchestra has been extremely fortunate in its Artistic Directors, who include Andre Prieur, Nicholas Kraemer, and currently the renowned American pianist/conductor Stephen Bishop-Kovace vich. That distinguished line-up of directors is matched by the many soloists who have worked with the Orchestra. People like pianist John O'Connor, recorder-player Michala Petri, violinists Ann-Sophie Mutter, Igo Oistrakh, Sir Yehudi Menuhin and Nigel Kennedy. Good ale Nige-of-the· spiked-Hair drew capacity crowds when he toured with the Orchestra in 1990. Amongst others the Irish Chamber Orchestra enjoys a close relationship with flautist James Galway, with whom it has made a number of recordings on the RCA label. Another long and fruitful connection has been formed with French


Virginia Kerr - soprano

Michael Collins, clarinet

trumpeter and conductor, Andre Bernard, who now tours regularly with the group. International touring has come to form a major part of the Irish Chamber Orchestra's annual schedule and a recent Soviet review described them as "unbe· lievable and supreme", while the New York Times referred glowingly to a "smoothness and mellowness of tone that seduced the ear". Pianist Hugh Tinney, although Dublin· born, moved to London in 1979 to continue his musical studies, and is a performer par excellence. This accom­ plished piano player has toured the world many times and made his Japanese debut at the Yokohama Piano Festival in 1986. Nicholas Kraemer first made his reputation as a harpsichordist with groups such as the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields and the English Baroque Soloists. Currently he is in the process of recording the Mozart piano concertos with Linda Nicolson and Cappela Coloniesis in Germany. Musical versatility has helped the Irish Chamber Orchestra to develop new admirers and audiences and this easy fluency is constantly demonstrated in concerts, recordings and broadcasts. No wonder that it is now regarded as one of Ireland's leading cultural organisations, both and home and abroad.

Irish ensemble, Concorde, led by Jane O'Leary, present a specially devised programme featuring the music of Jane O'Leary and the poetry of Moya Cannon. The concert takes place in the Aula Maxima at 8 p.m. on Monday, July 22nd.

From what was formerly East Germany, the Vogler String Quartet - with Michael Collins on clarinet and Gudrun Reschke on the oboe - takes place in the Aula Maxima in University College Galway at 8 p.m. on Thursday, 18th July. From Cuba, Galway welcomes the magnificent pianist Jorge Luis Prats, who has played here before to widespread acclaim. His concert on July 19th at 8 p.m . takes place in the Aula Maxima, UCG and it is one to mark down in the diary. Orgamsed by Music for Galway.

Elizabeth Clarke, dancer with Concorde

Lunchtime Concerts Lunchtime concerts abound during the Arts Festival. Music for Galway are organising a series of concerts in the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas featur­ ing Fergal Caulfield (organ) and Colm Byme (trumpet) - 22nd July; Annette Cleary (cello) and Peter Dains (piano) 23rd July; Anna Macken (flute) and Roy Holmes (piano) - 24th July. The lovely V irginia Kerr (soprano), Deirdre Cooling­ Nolan (contralto! and Calm Pearce (piano) will be performing on July 25th. A lunchtime concert with Cols Cladiagh happens in the Augustinian Church on Middle Street on Friday, July 26th.

···--------­ ,.....


Sponsored by '-.,• INTERNATIONAL

Lunchtime concerts grant-aided by Foras Eireann/C.F. Shaw Trust. Steinway grand piano kindly loaned by the Quays Bar.



PROGRAMME 12.00p.m.

Wednesdav 17 Julv

Cinema In ll'tlland - an exhibition at Eyre Square

Centre introduced by Liam O'Leary. 2.00p.m. The Film Fleadh opens it's Women and FUm programme at the Claddagh Palace with T he Hitchhiker. directed by Hollywood star Ida Lupino. Main Cinema. The programme of children's films begins with My Little Pony. Mini Cinema. 5.00 p.m. The Women In Westerns programme opens with the classic Johnny Guitar with Joan Crawford as a tough· as·nails saloon-keeper at war with a cattle baroness. Main Cinema. 5.30p.m. Official Opening of the 14th Galway Arts Fesuval at the Festival Marquee, Fisheries Field. 7.00p.m. The Fleadh's Documentary section gets off to a kick· start with Yvonne Rainer's controversial film on sexual identity, Privilege. Mini Cinema. 9.00p.m. From Zimbabwe, the celebrated B piece acapella choir, Black Umfolosl play a festival concert in An Taibhdhearc. 9.00p.m. Galway FHm Fleadh 1991 opens at the Claddagh Palace with Nancy Kelly's powerful but elegant 1,000 Pieces of Gold. Main Cinema. 11.00 p.m. Robbie Coltrane plays an opera-loving restaurateur on the run in Perfectly Norma/at the C1addagh Palace. Main Cinema. My Father Is Coming. a quirky tale of sexual initiation and culture shock in New York. Mini Cinema. 11.00p.m. Tennents Live presents Soul Train at the Festival Club in the Warwick Hotel.

10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 1.05 p.m. 2.00p.m. 5.00p.m.

6.00p.m. 7.00 p.m.


Official Opening of the Western Artists Exhibition, Kiltartan House. 8.00p.m. From Germany The Vogler String Quarter with Michael ColHns, clarinet and Gudrun Reschke, oboe at the Aula Maxima, U.C.G. Druid Theatre present the Irish premiere of Cheapside by David Allen. Punchbag Theatre Company present Sean O'Casey's 8.30p.m.

Shadow Of A Gunman.

Right Size Theatre Company present Flight To Finland as part of their world tour. 9.00p.m. Red Dust as part of the New Releases Programme, Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Mexico City provides the backdrop for the moving story of Lola in the Claddagh Palace. Mini Cinema. 9.30p.m. Na Fanaithe present their exciting production of Loree's Yenna at Father Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road. 10.00p.m. Comedian Jon Kenny at Taylor's Bar, Dominick Street. 11.00 p.m. Neil Jordan's marvellous film The Miracle plays in the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Matador. Blood, sex and bullfighting. An exciting work from Spanish director, Almod6var. Claddagh Palace. Mini. 11.00 p.m. Tennents Late 'n' Live present The Frames with special guests The N.E.S.T. in the Festival Club, Warwick Hotel.

Thursdav 18 Julv

Production Finance - Rlen Na Va Plus, an open forum with film makers and financiers from Europe and Ireland at the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Hit from previous night repeated in the Mini. Festival Exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. Official Opening of the Marja Van Kampen exhibition by Eva Bourke at the Arts Centre, 47 Dominick Street. Druid's world premiere of two play lets, John Hughdy and Tom John by Vincent Woods. John Wayne in True Grit. the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. As part of the Fleadh's tribute to Maureen O'Hara.Rio Grande plays in the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Blood In The Face. a powerful documentary film by Anne Bohlen. Mini Cinema. Official opening of the Waldemar Otto exhibition at the Arts Centre, Nuns Island. A special 40th anniversary screening of The Quiet Man with Maureen O'Hara and original cast members at the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Lizzie Borden's Working Girls, about "life on the make" in lower Manhattan, plays in the Claddagh Mini.

10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 1.00p.m. 1.05p.m.


Fridav 19 Julv

New Irish Shorts at the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Hit from previous night repeated in the Mini. Festival exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. Lunchtime concert with Tommy Peoples and Matt Molloy at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. Druid Theatre present John Hughdy and Tam John by Vincent Woods.




Saturdav 20 Julv The New Irish Shorts programme continues at the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. 11.00a.m. New release repeated in the Claddagh Palace Mini. Festival exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. 11.00a.m. Galway Arts Festival present their first ever Chlldrens Festival with Little Big Heart, a newly written show for children of all ages. It stars Galway's best loved children's entertainer, Little John Nee and can seen at Ballygroov y Avenue, Convent of Mercy, Newtownsmith. 12.JOp.m. Children's Festival Opening Parade promises lots of fun for everyone! Starting Point: Ballygroovy Avenue, Convent of Mercy, Newtownsmith. 1.00p.m. Sharon Shannon and friends play a lunchtime concert in An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street . 1.05p.m. Druid Theatre present John Hughdy and Tom John by lrsh playwright Vincent Woods. 1.10p.m. Punchbag Theatre Company's world premiere of Galway poet, Rita Ann Higgin's play, Faceficker Come Home. 1.30p.m. Festival Choral Music in the open air with Turning Point in Cross Street. 2.00p.m. Two documentary films from Ireland, Dragon's Teeth, about the Border, and Wild In The Wild from Dingle play in the Claddagh Palace. Mini. T he programme of Children's Films continues with The Princess Bride in the Main Cinema. 3.00p.m. A talk on folk¡song collecting with accompanying slide show with Jean Ritchie. Diane Hamilton and Robin Roberts. Druid Lane Theatre. 3.30p.m. Festival Choral Music in the open air with Tumlng Point at the Eyre Square Centre.







8.30p.m. 9.00p.m.

9.30p.m. 10.00p.m. 11.00p.m.


Selection of films from l.aeds Animation Workshop a woman's collective, followed by a special forum on Women In Film at the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. The Fleadh's children's programme continues with T he Calfl Bears and Banjo in the Mini. The Woman They Almost Lynched continues the Fleadh's Women In Westerns programme in the Mini. T he award winning documentary Locked-Up Time from Germany plays in the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Official opening of the Mark Tobey exhibition at the UCG Gallery. Festival Reading at An Taibhdhearc with the inimitable Nell McCafferty. Comedian Jon Kenny at Taylor's Bar, Dominick Street. T he Last Crop, a cheerful and quirky feature from Australia, plays with a repeat of the Leeds Animation Workshop films at the Claddagh Mini. The Last Butterfly, a moving remembrance of courage and creativity during the Nazi regime with Tom Courtenay. Main Cinema. From Cuba, a welcome return to Galway of the popular pianist Jorge lufs Prats for a Festival Concert in the Aula Maxima, U.C.G. Druid Theatre present the Irish premiere of Cheapside by David Allen. Punchbag Theatre Company present Sean O'Casey's Shadow Of A Gunman. The Right Size Theatre Company present Flight To Finland at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. The legendary American folk-singer Jean Ritchie in a festival concert at Smokey Joe's, T he Warwick Hotel. A Tennents Live presentation. Riff Raff the new Ken Loach film. Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Women In Tropical Places, a weird and wonderful comedy. Claddagh Mini. Na Fanalthe present lorca's Yerma at Fr. Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road. Comedian Jon Kenny at Taylor's Bar, Dominick Street. Blues and boogie with Paul lamb & The Klngsnakes from London at the Festival Club, Warwick Hotel. Tennents Late 'n' Live! A brilliant black comedy from Germany, The Nasty Girl. plays in the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. All Of Me, plays in a double-bill with Gold Mountain. Claddagh Mini. Poetr y reading with Decadence Moore, Punchbag T heatre. Galway's own hilarious comedy duo. Maguire and McBride present their late night comedy show in the Druid T heatre.




9.30 p.m. 11.00 p.m.

11. 30 p.m.

10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m.

7.00 7.15 p.m. 8.00 p.m.

9.15 p.m. 9.30 p.m. 11.00 p.m.

4.00 p.m. Special matinee performance of The Right Slze Theatre

5.00 p.m.

6.00 p.m.

7.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m.

Company's sparkling production Flight To Finland at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. Ballygroovy Avenue: Acclaimed French Puppet company Theatre de Fust present King Midas. Galway rocks with The Trachleds at Na Fam1ithe's tent, Fr. Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road. Tennents Live! A documentary on Fungie the dolphin, The Dolphin's Gift plays in the Claddagh Mini. Calamity Jans with Doris Day continues the Women in Westerns programme in the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Festival Reading with Michael O'Gonnan and his new collection of poetry Up Sh11 Flew, An Taibhdhearc. A special tribute to the broadcaster and writer, Breandan O hEithlr in Main Cinema, Claddagh Palace. Bathroom Intimacies by Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, plays in the Claddagh Mini. Druid Theatre present the Irish premiere of David Allen's Cheapside. Punchbeg Theatre present Sean O'Casey's Shadow Of

Sundav 21 Julv

T he programme of New Irish Shons continues at the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Festival exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. Start of the Macnas outdoor spectacle Tir Faoi Thoinn. Magic, music and devilment all over town. Starting Point: Eyre Square. Work of Irish Women Film-makers: Hatd Shoulder and Conversations In New York. Main Cinema. A tribute to the animator Harry Hess followed by a programme of Dutch Anlmetlon in the Mini. Film Fleadh: Sam Fuller's Forty Guns with Barbara Stanwyck. Mini. Pat Murphy's first feature Meeve at the Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Galway Arts Festival Comedy Season open with Dillie Keane and her one•woman show Citizen Keane at the Great Southern Hotel. A Festival Concert with Donal Lunnv & Paddy Glackin at An Taibhdhearc. Middle Street. T he hauntingly lovely Outremer, set in Algeria in the 1950s. Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema. Na Faneithe present Lorca's Yerma at Fr. Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road. Mamin Cajun Band play at the Festival Club, Warwick Hotel. Tennents Late 'n' Livel T he premiere of Hear My Song, a comedy and love story based on an incident in the life of the great Irish tenor, Josef Locke, closes the Film Fleadh. Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema.

Mandav 22 Julv

Ballygroovy Avenue: Uttle Big Heart with Little John, Galway's best loved children's entertainer. Festival exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. 1.00 p.m. Ballygroovy Avenue: A reading with Rebecca Banlett , Galway Youth T heatre. 1.10 p.m. Classical concert with Fergal Caulfield (organf and Colm Byrne (trumpetl in the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas. Punchbeg Theatre Company present the premiere of Rita Anne Higgin's Fecelicker Come Home. 3.00 p.m. Ballygroovy Avenue: Frankfun Puppet Company present their captivating show, Dilly Hick/estone. 8.00 p.m. Comedians John Hagley and Ian McPherson present an hilarious evening of Festival Comedy at the Great Southern Hotel. Druid Theatre present the Irish premiere of Cheapside by David Allen. Punchbag Theatre Company present Sean O'Casey's

11.00 a.m.

A Gunman.

Shadow Of A Gunman.

Right Size Theatre Company presentFllght To Finland at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. 9.00 p.m. Martha end Me, starring Marianne Sigebrecht in the Claddagh Palace, Main Cinema. From Tunisia, T h11 Dove's Lost Collar, plays the Mini Cinema. Ex-Fairground Attraction front person Edie Reader plays in Smokey Joe's, Acoustic Room, Warwick Hotel, with her band. Tennents Live! 8.30 p.m.

Na Fanalthe present Lorca's Yerma at Fr. Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road. Special Festival Concert with Galway's own Arcady at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. Tennents Livel Festival Reading with playwright Tom McIntyre at Punchbag T heatre. Stephen Poliakoff's remarkable new film, Close My Eyes in the Claddagh Mini. Festival Ball with Zimbabwe's finest jit merchants The Bundhu Boys and special guests at l..eisureland. Good music, late bar. A Tennent's Late 'n' Live production. Truth or Dare: In Bed with Madonna, Claddagh Palace. Main Cinema.

Music for Galway present Concorde with a specially devised programme featuring the music of Jane O'Leary and the pootry or Moya Cannon at the Aula Maxima. 8.30 p.m. The Right Size T heatre Company present Flight Ta Finland at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street, 9.00 p.m. Traditional concert with Maggie Boyle ifiddle) and Steve Tilston (flutef at Smokey Joe's. Warwick Acoustic Room.




9.30 p.m. 11.00p.m. 11.15p.m.

11.15 p.m.

Na Fanalthe present Lorca·s Yerma at Fr. Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road. Australia's star comedian Bob Downe performs a late night show at Druid T heatre, Chapel Lane.

Shadow Of A Gunman.

Tuesdav 23 Julv

8.30 p.m.

Ballygroovy Avenue: Little Big Heart with Little John. Festival exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. 7.00p.m. Ballygroovy Avenue: Festival Reading wit h Na Fanaithe. 1.10p.m. Classical Concert with Annette Cleary (ceUol and Peter Dains (piano) at the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas. Punchbag Theatre Company present Face/icker Come Home by Rita Anne Higgins. 3.00p.m. Ballygroovy Avenue: Childrens Music Hour with Evelyn Grant and a cello playing gorilla! 6.00p.m. Festival Reading with Ann Enwright & Joseph O'Connor at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. 8.00p.m. DNld Theatre present the Irish premiere of Cheapside by David Allen. Punchbag Theatre Company present Sean O'Casey's

11.00 a.m.


9.30 p.m.

Comedy Season continues with Jeremy H ardy and Kit Hollerbac h at the Great Southern Hotel. Cosmos Kolej present their spectacular production of The Return of Pinnochio, at the IMI, UCG. John and Tommy McArdle present Out Of That Childhood Country at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. "At Home with The Stunning", a different type of show from T he Stunning & Frtends. Acoustic Room, The Warwick. Tennents Live! Na Fanalthe present lorca's Yerma at Fr. Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road. The Hungry Judges play a Festival Concert in Club Raparee, Monroes. Tennents Livel


Shadow Of A Gunman.


Wednesllav 24 Julv

Ballygroovy Avenue. Little Big Heart with little John. Festival exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. 1.00p.m. P unchbag Theatre Company present Facalickar Come Home by Rita Anne Higgins. Ba1ygroovy Avenue: Festival Reading with Rod Goodall from Macnas. Classical Concert with Ann Macken (flute) and Roy 1.10 p.m. Holmes (piano) at the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas. 3.00 p.m. Ballygroovy Avenue. Dram•Ed present their captivating performance of Fantastic Mr. Fox. 6.00 p.m. Festival Reading with Clare O'Connor and Anne Hartigan at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street 8.00p.m. Druid Theatre present the Irish premiere of Chsapsids by David Allen. Punchbag Theatre Comp any present Sean O'Casev's

11.00 a.m.

9.30 p.m.

Na Fanalthe present Lorca's Yerma at Fr. Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road. Tennents Late 'n' Live present Alias Ron Kavana in the Festival Club, Warwick Hotel. Australia's star comedian Bob Downe with a late night show at Druid T heatre, Chapel Lane.

Festival favourite Kevin McAleer continues the Comedy Season in the Great Southern Hotel.' Tommy and John McArdle present Out Of That Childhood Country, the life and times of Patrick Kavanagh in An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. French theatre group Cosmos Kolaj open their spectacular show The Retum of Pinnochio at the IMI, UCG.

An Arts Festival of

CASSETIE featuring the music



Available from Arts Festival Box Office, Eyre Square Centre.

Stei11way Gra11dPia110 i111clh' ,,,,in.,mnl hr

The Quays




11.00p.m. 11.15 p.m.




Tennents Late 'n' Live present The Blue Angels at the Festival Club, Warwick Hotel. Australia's star comedian Bob Downe at Druid Theatre.

Thursdav 25 Julv 11.00 a.m. 1.00p.m.

1.05p.m. 1.10p.m. 1.10p.m. 3.00p.m. 6.00p.m.


8.30p.m. 9.00 p.m. 9.30p.m. 11.00p.m. 11.15 p.m.

Ballygroovy Avenue: Litt/a Big Heart with Little John. Festival exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. Lunchtime concert with Frankie G avin and Friends at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. Ballygroovy Avenue: Declan Lucie performs Scary Poems for Rotten Kids. Druid Theatre present John Hughdy and Tom John. Punchbag Theatre Company present FactJlicker Come Home by Rita Anne Higgins. Classical Concert with Virginia Kerr (sopranol, Deirdre Cooling-Nolan (contralto) and Colman Pearce (pianol at Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas. Ballygroovy Avenue: Russian Talas performed by Ehilt Dance Company. Festival Highlight: Royal de Luxe with their spectacular outdoor show, The True History of Franca at the Cathedral Car Park. Admission free but on a strictly ticket only basis. Sand an SAE to the Festival Box Office, Eyre Square Centre. Sponsored by Northern Telecom. Druid Theatre present Chaapsids by David Allen. Festival Reading with Dermot Bolger at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. Punchbag Theatre Company present Sean O'Casey's Shadow Of A Gunman. Cosmos Kolej present The Return of Pinnochio at the IMI Building, UCG. Special festival concert with local heroes The Sawdoctors, Seapoint. Tennents Live! Na Fanalthe present Loree's Yerma at Fr. Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road. Special festival concert with Galway's latest rock 'n' rollers The Sleepwalkers, Warwick Hotel. Tennents Late 'n' Live! Australian comedian Bob Downe at Druid Theatre, Chapel Lane.

The Macnas Parade

Friday 26 Julv 11.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 1.05 p.m. 1.10p.m.

4.00p.m. 6.00p.m.


8.30p.m. 9.00p.m.

9.30p.m. 11.00 p.m,

Ballygroovy Avenue: Little Big HHrt with Little John. Festival exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. Festival concert with Arty McGlynn, Brendan O'Regan and friends at An Taibhdhearc. Ballygroovy Avenue: A reading with Morgan Llywelyn. Druid present John Hughdy and Tom John at Druid Theatre. Punchbag presentFacslicker Come Home by Rita Anne Higgins. Festival concert with Cols Cladaigh at the Augustinian Church, Middle Street. Festival Reading with Nuala NI Ohomhnaill at An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. Spectacular outdoor show The True Historv of France withRovaldaLuxa, Cathedral Car Park. Adm;ss1on free but on a strictly ticket only basis. Send an SAE to the Festival Box Office. Sponsored by Nonhern Telecom. Druid Theatre present Chespsid e by David Allen. Punchbag Theatre Company present Sean O'Casey's Shadow Of A Gunman. Opening night of Galway Youth Theatre's highly successful show D011't Forget To Write at the Convent of Mercy Secondary School, Newtownsmith. Cosmos Kolej present The Return of Pi1111ochio at IMI, UCG. Tennents Live present the wonderful Northumbrian ¡ piper Kathryn Tlckell and her band at the Warwick Hotel. Tennents Late 'n' Live!

Na Faneithe present Lorca's Yerma at Fr. Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road. Comedian Bob Downe continues his hilarious show at Druid Lane Theatre. Tennents Late 'n' Live present the Festival Club with late bar and good sounds.

Saturday 27 July Ballygroovy Avenue: Last chance to see Little Big Heart with Little John. Festival exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. Artspace Studios Open day, 49 Dominick Street, till 6 p.m. 1.00p.m. Festival Concert with Steve Cooney and Seamus Begley. An Taibhdhearc. Ballygroovy Avenue: A reading with Tom McCaughren. Druid Theatre Company present John Hughdv and 1.05 p.m. Tom Joh11 by Vincent Woods. 1.10 p. m. Punchbag Theatre Company present Facalicker Come Home by Rita Anne Higgins. 2.00p.m. Tennents Live present Snowbli11d Waltz at The Cellar Bar, downstairs. 3.00p.m. Ballygroovy Avenue¡ Scarabeus present Balletico Fa11tastico !Swan Lake on Stilts). 8.00 p.m. The Irish Chamber Orchestra with Hugh Tinney (pianol and Nicholas Kraemer (conductorl give a Festival Concert in Seapoint Ballroom, Salthill. Druid Theatre Company present David Allen's Cheap side.

11.00 a.m.




D_A_Y_P_R O_G R A M -..



Tennents l.ive present The Beautiful South and The Pale at L.eisureland, S;ilthill. T ickets from Festival Box

9.00 p.m. 9.30 p.m. 11.15 p.m. 11.30 p.m.

Office and usual outlets. Traditional concert with Tommy Keane and Fisher Street, Warwick Acoustic Room. Na Fanaithe present Lorca's Yerma ilt Fr. Burke Park, fr. Griffin Road. Last chance to see comedian Bob Downe's hilarious show at Druid Lane Theatre. Monster Festival Party with 3 bands, late bar and great craicl Seapoint. Tennents Late 'n' Late. Ex-Notting Hillbilly and ace country blues guitarist, Steve Phillips with special guests Gerard Coffey and Jimmy Fitzgerald. A late night of guitars in An Taibhdhearc. Middle Street. Tennents Livel

Sundav 28 Julv Martin O'Connor

8.30 p.m.

11.00 a.m. 1.00p.m.

Sharon Shannon

Punchbag Theatre Company continue with Sean O'Casey's Shadow Of A Gunman. An evening with Brendan Kennelly and Friends in aid of the St. Nicholas Church fund at the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas. Galway Youth Theatre present Don't Forget To Write at the Convent of Mercy Secondary School, Newtown smith. Last chance to see Cosmos Kolej with their amazing production The Return of Pinnochio, IMI, UCG.

2.00p.m. 8.00p.m.

9.30 p.m.

Festival exhibitions till 6 p.m. See panel. Last of the traditional concerts with Gerry O'Connor and Vinny Kilduff ill An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street. Artspace Studios Open Day. 49 Dominick Street, till 6 p.m. Ace producer Daniel Lanois presents his own ambient magic in a Festival Concert at An Taibhdhearc. Tennents Live! Last performance of Galway Youth T heatre's Don't Forget To Write at the Convent of Mercy Secondary School, Newtownsmith. last performance of Lorca's Yerma, presented by Na Fanalthe at Fr, Burke Park, Fr. Griffin Road.

1. Fisheries Field, U.C.G. 2. Cathedral Car Perk. 3. Claddagh Palace Clneme. 4. Warwick Hotel, Salthlll. 5. IMI Building, U.C.G. 6. U.C,G. Gallery, University College. 7. Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas. 8. Talbhdhaarc, Midde Slreet. 9. Druid The atre, Chapel Lane. 1 o. Saapolnt Ballroom, Salthill. 11. Lelsureland, Satthill. 12. Kenny¡s Gallery, Mlddle Street 13 Arts Centre, Nuns Island. 14, Arts Cantre, 47 Dominick Street. 15. Fr. Griffin Aaad Perk. 16 Augustinian Church. 17. Aula Maxima, U.C.G. 1 B Convent of Mercy, Newlownsmith. 19 Eyre Square Cantre. 20. Gllvarry Gaoghaghan Gallery. 21 Great Southern Hotel





Film Fleadh


(Above) John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara in The Quiet Man and (below) Blood In The Face - a documentary on Fascism in America.

Claddaoh Palace Cinema Now in its third consecutive year, the Film Fleadh is well-established as the opening highlight of the Galway Arts Festival. The Fleadh has gathered a reputation amongst film-makers and cinemagoers for the quality of films it screens from home and abroad, and for the hospitality and vitality of its atmosphere. This year's Fleadh is no exception and its organisers have put together a particularly strong programme with a special focus on Films By and About Women including a section entitled Women In Westerns. For this the Fleadh team has unearthed a few gems like The Woman They Almost Lynched (1953); Forty Guns with Barbara Stanwyck and the classic Nicholas Ray movie, Johnny Guitar, with Joan Crawford as a tough­ as-nails saloon keeper at war with a vicious cattle baroness played by Mercedes Mccambridge (Wednesday 17th). And don't forget the tuneful Doris Day in Calamity Jane (Saturday 20th) and Kim Darby in True Grit (Thursday 18th). The Film Fleadh poster was sponsored by





E...A DH

discussion on women in film. A further selection of films from Holland and Ireland will complete the ever expanding animation section of the Fleadh. See the Fleadh's own programme for details of other discussions and workshops. In an ongoing comm itment to screening the work of young Irish film­ makers, there are three programmes of New Irish Shorts scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. In the main, this is the graduate work of students from Rathmines, Dun Laoirc and UCD as well as work from independent Irish-film makers. Award­ winning films like Jack's Bicycle which was seen on RTE's First View and Guests Of Another Nation will be shown out of competition but otherwise all films screened are eligible for the Audience Award.

Quiet Man Tribute

Riff-Raff - The new Ken Loach film

Opening Film

Outstanding in the programme of new releases is the powerful, Thousand Pieces of Gold, described as an "Oriental Western" it tells the story of the struggles of a Chinese woman during the Californian Gold Rush. The film, to be attended by its director, Nancy Kelly, will open this year's Fleadh. Among other new releases is the premiere of Ken Leach's, Riff-Raff, with Erner McCourt and Robert Carlyle, a gritty and funny account of the ups and downs of life on the margin. Erner Mccourt will attend the screening. A beautiful and lyrical film from Tunisia, The Dove's Lost Collar, will also premiere at this year's Fleadh as will the hilarious Perfectly Normal, with the ubiquitous Robbie Coltrane playing a fugitive restaurateur with a passion for opera who arrives in a beer•brewing, blue-collar town near Toronto. Galway also has its first chance to see Neil Jordan's delightful new film The Miracle (Thursday, 18th).


In addition to the regular afternoon screening of children's films, including My Little Pony, The Care Bears and The Princess Bride, this year the Fleadh have organised a late-night, open air surprise event: Cult Classics In The Car Park! A programme of films from The Leeds Animation Workshop - A Woman's Collective, will provide the focus for a

This year is the fortieth anniversary of John Ford's classic, The Quiet Man, and a rare theatrical screening of the film is included in the Fleadh's tribute to the beautiful Maureen O'Hara who, along with the other sur viving cast members, Charlie FitzSimons, James Lilburn FitzSimons and Sean McClory, have been invited to Galway for this special evening. On Sunday, July 21st, the Fleadh will screen the work of some Irish women in film including Pat Murphy, Jane Gogan and Vivienne Dick: Conversations In New

Films Bv And Aboot Women PrivHege - 17th July - Documentary Thousand Pieces Of Gold - 17th July - Feature

My Father Is Coming - 17th July - Feature

Blood In The Face - 18th July - Documentary

Working Girls - 18th July - Feature

Lola - 18th July - Feature Locked-Up Time - 19th July - Documentary

The Last Crop - 19th July - Feature Women In Tropical Places - 19th July - Feature

All Of Me - 19th July - Feature Gold Mountain - 19th July - Short.

Nasty Girl - 19th July - Feature Wild In The Wild - 20th July - Documentary

Liberty's Booty - 21st July,

- Documentary Maeve - 21st July - Feature Outremer 21st July - Feature

Rosalind Chao in Thousand Pieces of Gold. York and Liberty's Booty, written, directed and edited by Vivienne Dick at 5 p.m. Maeve, written and directed by Pat Murphy and John Davies at 7 p.m. Hard Shoulder, co-written by Mark Kilroy and Trish McAdam and produced by Jane Gogan at 5 p.m. The Documentary section is as strong as ever this year and includes Sibylle Schonemann's award-winning Locked­ Up Time, a powerful and moving account of the film maker's incarceration in a prison in East Germany and, from the United States, produced and directed by Anne Bohlen who will also be in Galway, Blood In The Face, a chilling account of the rising wave of fascism across America. Documentaries in this section include Privilege (Yvonne Aainerl - Wed., 17th at 5 p.m. Blood In The Face (Bohlen/Rafferty/ Ridgeway) - Thurs., 18th at 5 p.m. Locked-Up Time (Sibylle Schonemannl - Fri., 19th at 5 p.m. Wild In The Wild (Tina Frohlich and Volker Schutchl - Sat., 20th at 2 p.m. Dragon's Teeth (Tom Collins) - Sat., 20th at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. The Dolphins Gift (Kim Kindersleyl Sat., 20th at 5 p.m. Truth Or Dare - In Bed With Madonna (Alex Keshishian) - Sat., 20th at 11 p.m. Another first, this time a world premiere:

Hear My Song. the new film based on the stirring times of tenor, Josef Locke, will close the Fleadh on Sunday night.

I 1,1,, talacum

The costs of bringing the Quiet Man cast members from the U.S.A. was assisted by a donation from � no,thcun 17




The Beautiful South

As part of the outstanding musical line-up in this years Galway Arts Festival - running from July 17th to 28th - the wonderful Jean Ritchie will be taking the stage in the Warwick Hotel at 9 p.m. on Friday, July 19th. According to Frank Hall, an American anthropologist from Indiana, who is currently researching his PhD on traditional Irish dancing in Galway, Jean Ritchie is one of the towering figures of the American folk scene. "If you look up any of the reference books on the topic, her name will be right there·; he explained. "She really 1s a leading light and has been for a long time." Frank is lined-up to do some 'calling' {"take your partners by the hand ..."I during the Arts Festival, for the Maimfn Cajun Band and that should definitely be worth a look and a listen. Jean Ritchie was born and raised in Viper, Kentucky, in th heart of the southern Appalacia. T he youngest of 14 children, she grew up on a stew of old ballads, love plaints and play­ parties, handed down from Scottish, Irish and English ancestors. After high school, she was graduated from the University of Kentucky with highest honours in her social work Bachelors Degree.

One of the most melodic and tuneful pop groups to happen along in the recent past is the wonderfully talented Beautiful South. Formed by two ex-members of the Housemartins, this Hull based 6-piece have produced two marvellous albums. 'Welcome to the Beautiful South' and the million selling 'Choke' - it includes the number one single, 'A Little Time', They play Leisureland on Saturday, July 27th at 8.30 p.m., so be there H you like superbly crafted and irresistable pop songs.

Black Umfolosi

Daniel Lanois

T he unbelievable Black Umfolosi - a celebrated 8-piece acapella choir from Zimbabwe - offer their audiences a memorable night on July 17th in An Taibhdhearc. Their 9 p.m. gig will treat fans to a selection of lmbube, a rich genre of South African music, with its history reaching back to 1890s Zulu­ speaking migrants. It's foot-tapping mesmeric entertainment which is augmented by eye-catching clothes worn by the singers. Dress is an important feature and the group has designed a number of special outfits for its performances. A visual and aural experience, not to be missed at any cost. 19

Daniel Lanois is a friend to the famous, a top musician and an ace producer. His satisfied clients' list includes names like Peter Gabriel, U2, Bob Dylan and the Neville Brothers. Daniel's excellent solo album , 'Acadie' charmed the critics with its ambient magic and now he comes to Galway to play his own brand of music. It's indescribable, in that he cheerfully crosses all musical barriers, from Cajun to R and B to modern 1990s pop. His unmissable once-off gig happens in An Taibhdhearc on Sunday, July 28th at 8.30 p.m.



On ihurs ay, July 25in The Saw Doctors take the stage rn Seapoint as they make a triumphant return to their home ground after much recent success. On Saturday, July 20th the fabulous Bhundu Boys from Zimbabwe put on a show in Leisureland. The Stunning might brew up a knock-out storm on Saturday, July 20th (check box office 091¡63800 for more detailsl and they will put on a more laid-back performance, At Home With The Stunning when they play Smokey Joe's Acoustic Room in the Warwick Hotel on Wednesday, 24th July at 9 J!.m.


In the Tennents Late and Live series of concerts, watch out for appearances by Paul Lamb and the Kingsnakes, the Maimin Cajum Band, Alias Ron Kavana, the Blue Angels, the Sleepwalkers and Kathryn Ticke/1 in the Ballroom of the Warwick Hotel. Smokey Joe's famous club continues in the Warwick Hotel's acoustic room with a wide range of music from folks like Edie Reader (former lead singer with Fairground Attractionl, and the wonderful American folk singer, Jean Ritchie.



'and clappm, foot slappin' knee tappin' traditional music ,s more than adequately c atered for with some m arvellous lunchtime concerts m An Taibhdhearc. Tommy Peoples and Matt Maloy fo their thing on Friday, July 19th, Sharon Shannon is on Saturday, 20th, Frankie Gavin andAl8c Finn sway the rafters on July 25th, Art McGlynn wows 'em on the 26th, Seamus Begley and Stave Cooney perform on July 27th and Gerry O'Connor and Vinnie Kilduff give a performance on Sunday 28th.

The Saw Doctors

Kathryn Ticke/1

The Stunning 20

A special lunchtime show at An Taibhdhearc on Sunday, July 21st features Donel Lunny, Paddy Glackin and Friends. Arcady take the stage in the same venue on Saturday the 21st at 11 p.m. while a Night Of Guitars is promised in An Taibhdhearc on July 27th at 11.30 p.m. when Steve Phillips, Gerard Coffey and Jimmy Fitzgerald twang strings left, right and center.



Gold Patrons

The Bridge Mills John and Sally Coyle Dawn Dairies Galway Oil Company

Patrons A & D Design Agricultural Credit Corporation Anglo Irish Bank Ardilaun Hotel Barry's Hair and Beauty Salon Benetton Bewleys Restaurant St . John Blake & Co. Blake & Kenny Solicitors Blue Cloak Boutique Boluisce Restaurant Book Exchange Brasserie Restaurant Bunch of Grapes Bus Eireann Byrnes Bookshop Canada Life Assurance Carl Scarpa Group Cashback VAT Refunds Cellar Bar Chestnut Restaurant CityTech Ltd. C.J.'s Nightclub Clarenbridge Crystal Club Aras na nGael Cobwebs Shop Conlans Fish Restaurant Connolly's Sports Cold Chon Ltd. Henry Comerford & Co. Cork & Limerick Savings Banks Corrib Prtnters Cotton Box Interiors Craughwell Electric Maurice Crean Crescent Accountancy C.T. Electric Dr. Seamus and Eihs Cryan Dr. Cuddy and Dr. McCarthy


JayCee Printers Jet Oil Company W. J. Kenned y & Co. Solicitors McDonalds Restaurant McDonalds Pharmacy

Monroes Tavern Renv yle House Hotel Royal Tara China Siseir Ireland Tigh Neachtain Steiner Ltd.

Interface Ltd. Irish Life Building Society Island Ferries

Drimcong House Restaurant Doyle & Co. Solicitors Easons Bookshop Educational Building Society Ernst & Young & Co. Everyday Finance Eyre Square Stores

Bernard Jennings T he Margaret Joyce Shop Des Kavanagh Patrick Keane & Co. N. J. Kearns & Co. Kelly Crafts Michael Kelly Shellfish S. J. Kelly & Co. Architects T he Kings Head Klassy Kids Boutique Kyne & Clyne

Fahy Travel Fallers Jewellers First National Building Society Flanagans Bar Food For T hought Framing Studio

Mary Larkin, Solicitor Lazio Jewellers Leonidas Chocolates The Lions Tower Logues Shoe Shop Loughnane Butchers Brian Lynch & Co.

The Galleon Restaurant T he Galway Arms Galway Bay Seafoods Galway Camera Shop Galway Financial Services Galway Language Centre Galway Metal Company Galway Real Estate Galway Ryan Hotel Galvia Hospital Gatsby Menswear W. B. Glynn & Co. Judy Greene Pottery Guinness Group Sales

La Maison The Malte House Restaurant McCambridges Ltd. McDonaghs Fish Restaurant James F. McGovern McGraw Hill Data Services Valerie McKernan Mcloughlin & Greaney Ins. Mulligan Records Murphys Bar Murray & Spellman Ins.

Happy Days Newsagency Hartmann Jewellers Hibernian Insurance Co. Ms. Mary Hickey Higgins Engineering The Hole in the Wall Brendan Holland Newsagents Horan, Son & Co. House of James T. J. Hyland & Co. Hynes Newsagents Hynes Shoes

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larnrod Eireann Imperial Hotel


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so pick a viewing spot in plenty of time and settle back to witness an awe inspiring production, full of fun and frolics, colour and excitement, in Eyre Square. Macnas are a performing Community Arts Group, founded in 1986 by Paraic Br eathnach, Ollie Jennings, Pete Sammon and Tom Conroy, and have fascinated Irish and international audiences with their spectacular street shows, such as Gu/livers Travels for the Dublin Millenium. They repeated their success with Gulliver at the National Garden Festival in Gateshead in 1990. Their enchanting parades every year for the Galway Arts Festival, the most memorable being their 1989 production of TlrFaoi Thonn, are always acclaimed and talked about for weeks afterwards. Funded by FAS, the Arts Council, the Ireland Fund and Galway Corporation, Macnas are now seen as one of Ireland's main cultural success stories of the recent past.

Beginning at 3 p.m. on Sunday, July 21st, the Macnas experience will assemble for this years extravaganza, featuring the legendary Manannan Mac Ur. In the summer of 1989 Manannan the famous King of the Sea - visited Galway for his wedding to Kathleen Curran, a Princess from the Claddagh. Manannan and Kathleen are visiting Galway again this July on the way to their summer palace in Lough Corrib. This occasion is yet another cause for celebration because the regal couple are bringing their children to stay in the Claddagh with their grandmother, Mrs. Curran. It's holiday time and the kiddies want to stay with Granny for a while! The creatures of the kingdom are all invited to the celebrations and they, like Manannan, will be bringing their families to take part in the days fun. It's going to be a delightful day for children of all ages,

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a strong dash of humour and plent y of audience participation. The range of music covered goes from the sublime (Greensleevesl to the madly ridiculous "Ole, Ole, Ole"! The highlight of Wednesday, July 24th is Dram-Ed Theatre Company's production of Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr. Fox. It's a classic production of a classic story, told with verve and enthusiasm. That's at 3 p.m. Russian Tales, presented by the Eitilt Dance Company, is the highlight of the day's events on July 25th, based on the classical works by the Russian composers Prokofiev, Rimsky-Korsakov and Tchaikovsky. High jinks and high drama, augmented by wonderful music. Friday, July 26th sees the advant of

Songlines, Storylines, a workshop with


Children's Festlval For the first time ever, a large programme of children's events will be incorporated into this years Galway Arts Festival. The Arts Festival is running from July 17th to 28th , while the line-up of all-round entertainment for children begins on July 20th and continues until Saturday, July 27th. The extravaganza of youthful excess begins at 11 a.m. on July 20th in Ballygroovy Avenue, the magical place where children's dreams come true. No teachers, no classes and no homework. Little John and his gang of friends will be at the Avenue every morning with a show that's got music and a beat that's gonna pump your heart with grooviness and laughs that are going to leave you licking your funny bone. The opening parade at 12.30 on the 20th will be a spectacle of music, dance and fun, kicking off as it does, the first ever children's festival. Face-painting, juggling, invited guests and surprises-a¡ plenty are promised. One of Europe's top puppet companies, France's Theatre de Fust, bring their acclaimed production of King Midas to Galway. Based on the ancient legend, it tells the tale of the unfortunate King who turned everything he touched into gold. Primarily visual, the show is packed full of action suitable for all ages. The brilliant p uppeteering of Emile Valentine, combined with the beautiful music of Pierre Simonet, make this a show that will touch the hearts of old and young alike, as they enthrall the Galway audiences.

Theatre de Fust - Ki'ng Midas

Kathie Prince. Admission is free although numbers are restricted. That's also at 3 p.m. Other workshops include Pottery with Laurence O'Kelly, Art with the Galway Art Centre and Juggling with Diane.

A major event - and one we've all been waiting for - happens on Sunday, July 21st at 3 p.m. It's the Macnas parade and this year it features the legendary King of the Sea, Manannan Mac Lir. He came to Galway in the summer of 1989 for his marriage to Kathleen Curran, a beautiful princess from the Claddagh. Manannan and Kathleen are visiting Galway again this July, on their way to their summer palace on Lough Corrib. The regal couple and their colourful subjects will be assembling at Eyre Square at 3 so grab a pew and enjoy the show. On Monday the 22nd Rebecca Bartlett of the new and exciting Galway Youth Theatre, conducts a reading at 1 p.m., as well as entertainment by Little John and friends and a vintage car rally. Later on the afternoon Dilly Hicklestone and the Frankfurt Theatre Company bring th,eir masterpiece of animation to Ballygroovy Avenue at 3 p .m. The much lauded German puppeteer, Dieter Brunner, brings the story of Dilly (a child in search of friends) to life. The puppets are marvellously colourful and quite simple, but in the hands of Dieter, they become vibrant and life-like. Hailed as one of Europe's most breath-taking children's shows, it's an incredible theatrical blend of skill and imagination. On Tuesday 23rd an outdoor recital with violin students from Music Matters as well as a reading from Na Fanaithe, pave the way for Musical Al/sorts, fun with music for all the family. They are a carefully chosen mixture of music with 23

Scarabeus presented by Scarabeus, is the talking point of July 27th - happening at 3 p.m., it's a comic parody of the ballet, Swan Lake, performed entirely on stilts. A rare treat and a titting way to end the first ever programme of children's events at the Galway A rts Festival.

Ba//etico Fantastico,


Readings As part of this years Galway Arts Festival (July 17 - 2B)Nel/McCafferty, Brendan Kennelly and Dermot Bolger are just three of the writers who will read from their own work. NeH McCafferty was born in Derry City

in 1944 and travelled extensively after completing her degree from Queens University Belfast, eventually ending up on a kibbutz in Israel. Today she works as a freelance journalist in Dublin and is a frequent and welcome contributor to numerous radio and television shows. She has had several books published including The Best of Nell (1983), A W oman to Blame (1985) and Goodnight Sisters in 1987. She reads on July 19th in An Taibhdhearc.

Born in Finglas in 1959, Dermot Bolger has written a trilogy of novels concerning Dublin life - Nightshift, The Womans Daughter and The Journey Home. His next play, One Last White Horse, will be staged as part of the 1991 Dublin T heatre Festival, and his Arts Festival reading is on July 25th.

Brendan Kennelly is Professor of English

in Trinity College Dublin and a gifted writer, poet and dramatist. He contributes frequently to radio and television programmes and also writes articles for national publications. He gives a special festival reading on July 27th in aid of St. Nicholas' Church Fund.

Top left Nell McCafferty, Dermot Bolger (right} Brendan Kennelly


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NOT JUST A STAGE WE'RE GOING THROUGH For several years now AIB has been participating in the Arts in Ireland. We have had many happy associations with productions both here and abroad. Through our 'Better Ireland Awards' project we recognise groups and organisations making si gnificant contributions towards enriching the quality of cultural life in Ireland. And we h ave a wide-ranging cultural programme planned for well into the future, ensuring that we play our part in the continued success of the Arts. A lot goes on behind the scenes in AIB.


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