Galway Arts Festival Programme 1993

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Tl,e Mai111i11 Caj1111 Band.

Warwick Acoustic Room Friday July 16, 11pm


Pop maestro Tom Robinson comes to G.ilway for a one off solo gig. With hits including H2-4-6-8 Motorway" and "War Bilby'· and such classic albums as "Power in the Darkness" and "Hope and Glory". It should be .in unforgettable evening.

The Maimins are a cajun b and from Connemara! Formed in 1989 they hav.e been playing mainly .ilong the West coast of )rel.ind delighting audiences with their blend of traditional cajun, zydeco and Irish music. Two-steps, cajun walt;,:es and Tex-Mex polkas are played with that infectious rhythm that is guilranteed to make you dance. Their version of "Out on the Ocean'', an Irish jig, is a reminder that this is something different-it's Connemara Cajun.

THE STUNNING An Taibhdhearc Frid.iy July 16th at 8pm and Saturday July 17, 11pm. This yeilr's recipient of both the IRMA "Best Irish B and" and Telecom' s "Entertainers of the Yeilr" award return to Galway for two "Stripped" gigs. Some of the "Stripped" set is to be featured on their soon to be released EP "Deja Voodoo", a collection of "versions" of sixties s ongs i nc l ud i ng the new live fov our ite "Subterran ean Homesick Blues': The band are off to America in September so catch them while you can! Tl,� St111111i11s.

Festival Big Top - Friday July 23, 11pm


Wilrwick Acoustic Room Fridily July 23, 9pm. The son of Czech refugees Rainer was reared in Chicago and became not the first white boy to become obsessed with the Blues. In 1972 Rainer went to Tuscon, Arizona and hils been living there since. For years he hils rem.iined a cult figure.

World renowned musicians send limos to pick him up and take him to their stadium gigs where he performs with them. What these friends so badly want the world to hear is an undiluted white blues voice of considerable power and purity. Banging on an antiquated National Steel guitar, whining quietly to his demons, Rainer has already captured the imagination of milny purists ilnd his reputation spreads dilily.


Setilnta - Silturday July 17, 11pm

Power pop at its best Something Happens, one of Ireland's finest, return to Gillway for what is guaranteed to be one of the most energetic nights of the festival. With three acclaimed albums to their credit, from which Cilme such dilssics as "Hello, hello!" "Pilrachute" and "Daisy Head" Something Happens have spent this year writing and demoing new milterial and a new single is due to hit the shelves in July.



Setilnta - Saturdily July 24, 11pm From Sierra Leone, King Milsco has developed a delicilte combination of Caribbean Calypso, Juju, Zouk, Soukuos and a fusion of African musk to form a modern version of the African beat portraying the wonder and beauty of Africa. Colourful cost umes, extraordina ry d,incers .ind electrifying performances make every concert il mem orable occ.ision.


Warwick Acoustic Room Thursday July 15, 9pm.

From Belfa s t, Briiln Kennedy's first album "The Great War of Words'' was released to rave reviews, with special praise for his use of acoustic instruments and Brian's outstanding soulful voice. Playing live is very close to Brian's heart ,md he hils already undertaken five solo tours ,ind also played with the likes of Suzanne Vega, Everything But The Girl and The Hothouse Flowers. This is his first visit to Galway.


Warwick Hotel· Sundily July 18, 11pm Love Biscuit perform late 70's and early SO's new wave and punk covers. Wild antics and rock'n'roll posturing have become the trade mark of the band who have developed a strong local following. Formed out of the ashes of The Little Fish ilnd The Nest the band have strong links with Macnas and have plans for a major Irish tour in the Autumn.


Setanta • Thursday July 22, 11pm

Galway's answer to The Br ady Bunch (according to themselves) Judas Diary, ore il seven piece up and coming young band purveying as their press release says " .......d rummy, guitary, flutey, voicey tunes."



Warwick Hotel· Friday July 23, I 1pm This double bill features two of the most promising young Irish bands, Blink are merchants of a peculiar but intensely groovy form of pop m us ic. Four in number, it hils been their live shows to date which have converted many. A gig with The Revenants, on the other hand is as Hot Press said recently, " .... like an unapologetic romp through rock history on fast forward."


Warwick Acoustic Room Tuesday July 20, 9.30pm

Fronted by the enigmatic Simon Carmody, The Golden Horde renowned for their highly energetic, entert.iining concerts will do an unplugged session for .ill their Galway fons.


Vagabond�· Wednesday July 21, 11 pm

The Far Canals (say 1t in .111 Australian .1ccent) believe t hems elves to be the .ingnest, loudest and most exciting band ever to come out of Ireland. A three piece, they recently signed to Hunter S. Records and their as yet untitled debut olbum is due out shortly.

Tuesday July 21, 1pm New solo show The 'One Man Show' entitled "Frankie M Gavin, Gone Wild , will consist of field recordings of Irish wildlife, to which Fr.1nkie has put music and sound effects, inspired by the birds and nature sounds in nbundance in Ireland today. Some sounds are rare and almost extinct, and this unique opportunity to hear and almost see the wildlife of Ireland in forty minutes, together with this entirely new musical creation by Frankie Gavin is not to be missed. Tickets: £4.

Wishing Continued Success to the Festival from another local Entertainer



95.s 96.s Senn Kenne an Ardilaun, luil 25iu ag a 8.00pm. Mar chuid do chomoradh an cheid ta Conradh na Gaeilge ag reachtail "Oiche an tOireachtas". Beidh Johnny "Ringo" McDonngh (Arcady) agus a chiiirde i measc na gceoltoiri agus ina dteilnnta beidh nil hamhriinaithe sean·nois Tomas Mile Eo i n ilgus Mattie Joe Sheamais. Beidh rinceoiri Marg aret McBrid e i liithair agus mar fhear an ti, Ban Breathnach. Ticeid le f.iil 6: Arus na nGael, 45 Sr5id Dominic agus or an doras.


S.iturday July 17, 1pm Traditional fiddle player and composer.


Saturday July 24, 1pm Uille.1nn pipes .1nd flute duo from Dublin.


SEAN KEANE AND GUESTS Friday July 23, 1pm Traditional singer from Caherlistrane.


Friday July 16, 1pm A 4 piece traditional group from Drogeda featuring Gerry O'Connor on fiddle and Eithne Ni Unllachuin, trnditional singer • _J


I' • l

mus1c }:OR solrnoq present il series of Lunchtime Concerts at St. Nicholas' Collegiate Church Monday July 19th to Friday July 23, 1.10pm.



KENNETH EDGE & BEN DWYER SAXOPHONE & GUITAR Wednesday July 21, 1.10pm. Ken Edge and Ben Dwyer are two of Ireland's leading young musiciilns who have joined forces in an unusual combination of guitar and saxophone. Both were born in Dublin in 1965 and studied at the College of Music together. Ken Edge began his musical education with the Artane Boy's Band and won the RTE musician of Future award in 1983. He is one of Ireland's finest s.ixophone players.

complete a Degree in Music, and since then she has performed regularly as soloist, and orchestrill harpist, with the NSO, RTECO, and the Ulster Orchestra. She is also an accomplished composer of contemporary music and her musical reliltionship with Anne Woodworth goes back lo their beginnings as pupil and teacher! Their programme is varied with something to suit all tastes, including tradition.ii song airs and Moore's Melodies, selections from Faure and Britten, and Pearl Chertok's 'Harpicide at Midnight'.

Ben Dwyer studied al the Dublin College of Music and has a successful international performing career, having recently returned from Chicago and Dublin. This return visit to Galway follows previous successful concerts for Music for Galway and their repertoire includes interesting jilzz ilnd con temporary compositions as well as some old favourites.

.Jt.i�, · )� ?}t� Sovereign Brass Ensemble co. \!i·pf five ' '\;.� ..coming '" Young musicians from Dul',hh Monday July 19, 1.10pm.

��'1}" from musical backgrounds as v.nied as the Iri s h Youth Orche-sha. tht.? Rathfarnham Concert Band, the Artane Boys' Ba nd, and all of the nationill professional orchestras. Together they specialise in ilrrangements for two trumpets, French horn, trombone and tuba, of music ranging from the sixteenth century to the present day. Each of the members is an accomplished soloist in his own right, and their performances of works by Lutoslawski, Peter M,1xwell­ Davies, and Gershwin. along with selections from e.irliercomposers look set to resound off the hallowed w.ills of St. Nicholas' Church.


Tuesd.iy July 20, 1.10pm.

Hailing from East Berlin, this highly t.ilented young string quartet first visited !rel.ind in April 1990, and performed here regularly since. Their freshness of appro.ich has won them not only the first prize at the1986 Evian compe tition in Frnnce, but also the Music Critics' ilWard of the same year for the best interpret.ition of a twentieth-century work. The Vogler will perform Haydn's String Qu.irtet op.77, no.2, in which their p.irticularly fine sense of balance and unity enhances the infinite variety which characterizes Haydn's later quartets, and this finesse is offset by their choice of Mendelssohn's Quartet in A m.ijor, op.13 with its rich, luxuriant harmonic and melodic style, for the second half of the programme.


Friday July 23, 1.10pm.


Thursday July 22, 1.10pm.

Anne Woodworth's singing career has followed varied paths since her f irst performance in a TCD production of Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas, in the role of Dido. With the aid of many valuable bursaries and prizes she studied in London and Europe, and her wide breadth of experience has encompassed oratorio and solemn mass settings in appearances at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, and recitals of lieder, French chanson and contemporary chamber both here and abroad. Denise Kelly studied concert harp on the continent for several yc.irs before returning to Trinity to

Arun Rao was born in 1969 in London but resided in the south west of France during his youth. He started playing the Cello at nine with Georges Ci1pdevielle, the studied in Agen & Bordeaux Conscrvatoircs with Robert Bex and was awarded se,·eral distinctions. Moving to London with his family he entered at the Guildhall School of Music and Dram.i on the Performers Course, gr.idualing in 1991 (AGSM). A distinguished chamber musician, he look part in numerous London festivals and was a soloist in Brahms' Double Concerto in 1991. He now follows a successful freelance career in Dublin as a chilmber and solo artist, performing regularly with the RTE orchestras. For his first performance in Galway Arun will treat us to a Bach S uite, .i Kodaly Sona ta, and a contemporary work by Istvan Lang in an unusual programme for unaccompanied cello. Tickets for Lunchtime Series available at the door only. Weekly Season Ticket available. Concerts begin at 1.10pm sharp.


Co:,;ct:1< 1 s i,:1:-.:01 v s11o:-.:S0KEI> uv IMRO, AND fOl<AS Ell<CANr-: AND



Footsbai;n Theatre's ''Roq;aeo and, JuUet". An adaptation of by William Shakespe¥e,

"By 8ri11gi11g it, book u1tder aanvns, this legendary love story of Verona /ms gained in the i11tl!11b'ity of its i111paot!. All of th.e Footsbarn bww- how nud is cona,mtrntrd here anti omt is struc;k by thtt mngnificanet! of the twst11111es which look like they mere borrowed from the wardrood of n prinaess. ·n,e Fovt�ban, Ca;11pquy carry tl,,s nr.t of and tt11l11rtai11111e11t to 1mhelitroable leuels. Mnsks, make-up and lighting all combine to prodU£e this marringe of style mul simplicrity .. Review ffom Li6era6on, June 25th. '19931

"The Soldier's Tale" presented by the Scottish company-Theatre Theatrical.

Stravinsky's "The Soldier's Tale" remains as fresh as ever, a seminal masterpiece of modem music theatre with musical references as cosmopolitan as the scoring from Argentine tango to American ragtime, from Bach chorale to Spanish paso doble. Dance, mime, music and drama all work together in a powerful combination of total theatre.

11,c Pro1lllctio11:


This year's production of Romeo and Juliet was originally conceived as a street drama in July 1992 and enjoyed a very successful tour of France ending with the Festival Paris Quartier d'Ete where it was presented in the gardens of the Palais­ Royal.

the Galway Arts Festival. In addition the following organisations have contributed to The Hamlet Project: University College, Galway; Trinity College, Dublin, Corrib Village, Stena Sealink, and the Educational Building Society.

The current Romeo and Juliet has been created specific.illy for the Footsbarn tent and draws on the experience of the open air production. r\1111u L,vw Ryn11

ROMEO AND JULIET FOOTSBARN THEATRE COMPANY Footsbarn Tent, Dyke Road, Woodqu.iy. Wednesday July 14· Sun. July 25. (excluding Sunday July 18h.) at 9pm


Foot�barn is an independent collecti\'l.'. a true actors' ens emble. There is nu director, the productions arc collective with all aspects of stage direction, choreography and music being created by the comp.iny. Each production is treated as a "work in pro gress" and is neve r considered "finished" until the final performance, It is an international company rcprnsented by nine different nationalities. The group w.i.s created in 1971 in Cornwall and was based there for ten years touring to ,•1llage halls, schoob and pubs in the winter. and to town and ,·illage >llllilres, playing fields and the streets in summer. The aim was to reach a wide, audience in an area where professional theatre was non-existent. In 1975, the group acquired its first Theatre Tent and in 1981, left its Cornish base for the unknown with its theatre tent, trucks, carnvans and a school bus with teachers for its children. Since then the group has followed a pattern of both performing and creating new wo rk within different cultures throughout Europe, north ond south America, Africa, Indonesia and Australia learning new theatric.ii skills along the way and we.wing them into subsequent production. In 1990 Footsbarn acquired a form in the centre of France nt Herisson .ind are now resident there. There is n two project in train to de,·clop rehenrsal rooms, workshops, ,, music studio and offices there whilst co1,1tnuing to lt,·e and work on the road. on the 11\0\'1! and in their cara\'ans Footsbarn .ire ,of course, no strangers to Galway. O\'er the years they havc presented Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth and A Midsummer Night's Dream to cnthu,.instk fc:-ti\·al audicncc:..

IMI Theatre Space Thurs. July 15 - Sun. July 18 with Matinee performance on Sat. July 17, 8.30pm

THE HAMLET PROJECT An Abbey Theatre initi ati\·e in collaboration with Galway Arts Festival. Tu esday July 20 · Saturday 24 with special matinee performance on Saturday July 24. 7 p.m. Nightly. Matinee 2 p.m. IMI Theatre Space, U.C.G. The Hnmlet Project was created by the Abbey Theatre to give actors an opportunity to explore and experiment outside the range of their usual work. The project has been set up on a very low budget and without the usual sets and technical resources. Consequently freed from the usual demands of production, the actors will depend on concentration and mutual reliance as their only tools, while creating a p iece which will continue to evoh•c in its relationship to the play. Fiona Shaw leads the company which includes Declan Conlon, Peter Hanly, Dillie Keane, Stephen Kennedy, Frank Laverty, Richard Leaf, John Lynch, Aidan McArdle, Sean McGinley and Anna Livia Ryan. Frank Conway is the designer and Lighting Design is by Paul Noble. This project has been jointly financed by the Abbey theatre from the Lennox Robinson Bursary and the Galway Arts Festi\'al The Hamlet Project has been sponsored by Northern Telecom as part of its sponsorship of the theatre programme of

111c Co11111arry

In August 1984 Teatro dell' Angolo from Turin and Les Deux Mondes from Montreal met for the first time while participating in a theatre festival in Montreal. Enthusiasm for their respective work and mutual prok-ssional interests immediately brought them toget her. founded at approximately the same time, they both share a theatrical approach based on workshops with groups of various ages, and from different social and ethnic backgrounds. In May 1985, meeting for the second time at a Vancouver festival, Teatro dell' Angolo and Les Deux Mondes began planning a collnborative effort. an artistic exchnnge in search of a transcultural theatrical language. After three sessions of e�ploratory work, both companies agreed to produce Promised Land. First pre\'iewed in Montreal in September 1988, Promised Land went on to tour in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and the Un ited States. In between these i nternational events, each company performs a national version of the play in its native country. Tire Pro,l11ctio11: Promised Land is a journey back in time. It is a wordless but remarkably eloquent history of the world on which we all travel. The theme of "Promised Land" is unh•ersal in the most literal sense. The work, as tightly woven as the ecosystem of our unh•erse, is a mostly playful but profoundly moving and beautiful

reminde r of h ow distanced ma n has become from the Earth that supports and nourishes him.


PUNCHBAG THEATRE COMPANY Punchbag's Garage Theatre July 15 ·July 25 · 8pm nightly.

From one century to the next the story follows the men, women and children who are born, live and die on this planet. With each change of scene we are offered glimpses of history through discoveries, With its savagery , love and war. exquisite music and lighting this lively, deliciously nostalgic journey has delighted viewers of all ages, sponsored by:


1992 Edinburgh Theatre Festival Fringe First Winners, Punchbag Theatre Company will present the Irish premier of the award-winning play ''The Life of Stuff" by Simon Donald. The play is set in a night dub in the working class area of an urban centre, where a sleazy drug dealer muscles his way into someone e lse's turf, and blackmails the unemployable youngsters of the area to carry out his dirty work.

no,tho,n tolccum _,,... ,..,,_ •LAJCIIIL'hll

The play marks Punchbag's continued production of new work by new voices, with this being the premiere of "The Life of Stuff", and is only the play's second outing since it was premiered by The Traverse Theatre at the Edinburgh Festival in 1992,


The .iuthor, Simon Donald, is well rooted in Scotland born and raised mid.way between Gla$gow and Edinburgh. He has spent the last ten years writing and acting with Scotland's leading the.itres, and has also written extensively for BBC.

PREIIEVS J ., 13TH & l4Tt1

O=rn JJc, 15re. 25m



IMI Theatre Space. Wednesday July 21-Saturday July 24 with M.itinee performance on Frid.iy July 23, 10pm nightly.

n,e Com11m1y: Thea tre The.itrical was formed in Glasgow during the city's year as E uropean City of Culture in 1Y90 by members of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. The company's production of The Soldie r's Tale, received the 1991 Scotsman/Evening News 'National Award of the Edinburgh for "its ex traordina ry Fes ti \'ii I' inte gration of actors, musicians and dancers in a production of formidable passion and energy" lnvit.itions from festivals followed (The Times described it as the "Hit" of the 1992 London Opera Festival) and performances in Harroga te, Glasgow, Dublin and Aberdeen sold out. The Soldier's Tale proved to be the model for the company's commitment to innovative and da ring touring productions, involving the full coinp.iny of musicians .ind actors within the plot ilnd action. Dirt-Clor: D.ivid Mc Mus,m/ Directnr: Andrew Dunscombe.

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TI1e Protl11ctio11: The Soldiers Tale was a collaboration b e tween Stravinsky and the poet CF R.imuz and it was composed during one of the bleak est and most financially destitute times in Stravinsky's life during The work his exile from Russia. premiered in 1918 and it told the universal tale of selling one's soul to the devil. The story is a simple yet moving account of a soldier who is tricked into selling his violin to the merciless Devil, who in this version appears in the guises of cattle auctioneer, baglady, gambler and satyr. The soldier's adventures fall into distinct phases; a period when the soldier tries vainly to derive consolation for the missing violin from the worldly wealth the Devil gave him; a card gnme with the devil where he deliberately loses all his lucre but regains the instrument; and the curing of the sick princess by playing the violin to her. The Devil swears to exact revenge if the soldier should ever set foot on his native soil. But instead of staying put in his happy royal marriage, nostalgia and the promptings of the princess c.iuse him to se t off for home with disas terous consequences.

Sponsored by:





Druid Theatre - July 15-24 excluding Sunday 18 • 8pm

by George "The Ointment Blue" Fitzmaurice, is an exuberant three act play w hich was prod uced only once before by the Abbey Theatre in 1967, under the title of "King of the Barna Men". It is a charming spoof of pre tension and has been described as Fitzmaurice's funniest work. Druid's Artistic Director, Maeliosa


Ard ilaun l lousc Hotel Ucnctton ll r.innagans Rcst.1ur,1 n t Brcnnans Y.i rd Hotel The llridgc Mills U.i rb.ira & I lcnry llourkc C.K. Clcctric John & S.1l ly Coyle Conncmar.i G.11cw.1y & Co.isl Hotel Dr. Eilis C ry.1 n C.R. 8.ird Chestnut Rcstaur.i nt & B;ir The Roisin Dubh Dawn D.iirics Dunncs Slorci. Easom; Uookshup Fahy Tra vel Fyffcs l,.11.C. Rc�t.1ur.1nt C. uinncss Group !:,alci. Jt,1 ppy D;iy� l .J. l lyland T.ix Consu l t.1nts j,1y Ccc Pri n t e rs J ct Oil Cn . J u r)'S I n n l r b h 1'1!rm,1ncnt lluil d i ng Soc. h.cnny's lloo kshop The K ings l l c,1d Lnwstrand 1\lari;ins llnutique M.C.D. 1\tc Don.1ld& Rcstaor.1nt Mod ern Al arms Morl.1gc M.i stl!r� 1\hvccnbh Oysh!rS O'H ril!n Shipping R.1nk Xerox Renvyle l l ousc l lotcl Roy.11 T.u.1 Ch ina Tr.1vcl Ltd. St. l'll ichobs Church !:. tcincr Lid. Swift Tr;insport Co. T.1) lors U.-ir Tch!com Eirc.1nn Tds Tigh Nc.ich l a i n u .c.c Warwick l l otcl \\'011J l,1nd Jn ..cslmcnt� lid.


Astor B,mungs �ales LIJ Apprenlttc ·1 -Slurls A&D Ai; LrcJ1I Corp An�lo lr1�h Bani.. :\rl\\ orl.. Ad,ue Guest Hous.­ ,\nd\·s Ho11r ",tudm An

Blond,·, Ho111 �.1 lon Bewle\ lt Rc.!>l.iur,1 111 ",I John Blake & Co

(..a v Browne·s Pub Blue Cloill- Boutique Br,1ssen,• Rt>sta u ranl Bunch oi Gr,1 p,-s Bus E1rcann C Byrnes MJ Burke Carpets fom & Rcbt'cca Bartlett Bank of l rdand B1g O Tax1s Cynl Bowm,111 Arclult'C:t Brooks Corbett Bu rkt> lnsuranct.'S

Galway 011 Co. Galway Cultural lnst1tutL'English L;inguage School Calway V 1111ers Assoc1aho11 Dr J J Gilmarlm Give Joy Plants R & C Greene W B Glynn & Co Judy GreeM Polle')· Creally & Co Great Southern Hotels Garments Boutique Griffins Bakery

Lantrell & C0thran,• Ltd CHI S.arp.1 Group Cashback Va t Returns Cl'll.u Bar Cement Roadstone Clarenbridge Crystal Cobwebs Shop Conlon·!> Sea Food Restaurant Connolly 's Sports CnlJ Chon Ll D Henn Comerford & Co Cornh Cre,, 1 <;outh,·rn Collon B<n lnlenur-. (raui;h\\ cll Ekdrll !'l. l.1un"• C r... :in Lr,..,..:,:nl A,:,uun lanl\ L I [ledm :O. l (. ,1 :,ltl·rlr Clectnc.i I Dr C m:hh & Dr !'I.le C.1 rthy Cluna Inn C I' Crow l,:� Collins & Mc Nicholas Lid Cornb l'oultl)' l'roJ ucts Connaught Consen·alories Ambrose C uJJr Sohcllor Colour Mc Bc;i u t 1ful

Hartman & Son Jewellers Insurance Co Higgin, Engineering J Madden H iggins B Holland Newsagents Horan & Son & Co D Heaslip Ltd Holland Newsagents Hynes Newsagents Hvnes Shoes Hcnegh.ins PharmaC\ R1ch.ird Hugh,•s Opti, 1.111 H.ire" ood & Assoc 1.i tes Man I ltckt>\' C.ith) Hick�" Hooker Jmunys $e,1 food B,, r Houst! o( J.1mes

Dnmcong Hou se RL'Staur,rnt Donnell� !, of Barna i-...1ru1.1 00\·lc �hc 1tor Dr,1gon C(;urt Restaur.inl Dr Eom o· Docharti11gh Du<.has OL· Solil, Mr & Mrs R}'an Dr :-.1c Donald 's Pharmac;y E uru L1nguai;L'S Ltd Cd ucilt1011.1l Bu1ldmg Socwt) Em,t & ) oung & Cu fa en da\ F1n.1 nce F\ 1·,· '>11u.1r ,• � tor,•s l:. ",ti, \ l ushmom-. \lon., i;h,1n r., 1 1, 1·, ' ''" l'lk·r� I 1r-.t :\ ,, 1 11111,11 lh1 1ld 1ng �uuel\ I l,111.,h.m, B.u fole� & :0. l ullen Fr,1 n1mi; S t u d io nalwrt \ :--1.,rkets f.1 t Fredd 1es Res1 a ur,1 nt l,,1 lk"lm Res1,1 ura111 l lw C., h, ,1 , Arms l, ah, ,1 \ na, �il l00tb G.1 h, ,1\ C.1mer.i Shop (,,1 l w .1\ 11,1\ f !'1.·I Gah, ,1\ L1 ngu.1 i;,: <...,•n t r,· G,1 h, ,1 \ :-.tetal C o ( ..1 1 " ,n R ... ,1 1 �.,1,1 1, l,,,h, .,, R,·,1 11 Ht,td (,.i lw,n l'cl �hop

l.:irnrod E1 ream1 Imperial Hotel Interface Ltd lnsh Life Building Soc, Island ferries ICE Ind ustrial Credit Corp Bern.ird Jen11111gs J .i\ a. Coffee House Des Ka v an;igh M i-..ea,·nt>y & Co Dr Collette Kelleher Patrick Keane & Co N J Kearns & Co Kelly Crafts Joseph M Kelly FRCSI Michael Kell) Shellfish S J Kelly & Co Arclutecls Klassr Ktds Boutique i-..\ nc & Ch ne \\' J Kennc,h & Co Remit> Kelh B & ll :,.1 l,.,:nned� Lt>r,1 m1t:, ",hgo :S l.u\ & D,•s i-..,1 \ ., n.1gh Orthodon1sb .\ Ir l,crn La" 1..-;s Chocolat�'S Tht> Lmns l ower Logu� She>t! Shop Bmn Lynch & Co �IM\' E LMkm &:. Assoc Lal'elles Delicatessen logslrup D,1 ta Serl'tces ! di Bank Ca h:

:-.t D :'vkN,1111. u,1 1 he M,, l le lfoust> Re.,t.1ur,mt .\ kCambrid i;es Ltd :'\k Donagh� F1,h Rest,,urant J;unes F .M.: Go,·,•rn .\ le Gr,m Hill Dilla '>Cr\' IU'.> 17

Mc Craw I !ill Soitwarc Scf\•tccs Valerie McKernan McLoughhn & Greaney Ins Mu lligan Re,;ords M u rphys Bar Murray & Spellman Ins Aideen Mclnernq· N.iughtons Dr.ipcry McDonogh, Hawkins & Co. Frank & Pat O'Brien Brendan & Deird re O'Connor o·carroll & Co. O'D!!a & Co. O'Donnell & O'Hara P O'Ma1lle Teo. O'R1ain & Yates Architects Mary & Pascal O'Gorman Miri.:im O'Reilly Boutique F X O"Brien Kevin & Ger O'Sulliv.:in One Hour Photo O'Connors T\' Park Profi le� PO\,·db Tlw four Corners Preusmn �h:cl Lid Pnory Ncwsway Punt.111 Bl!nnetl Pt>a rls o( W 1�dom Gerald Purcell Construction Phocn1>. Court Chinese Restaurant R;ibbittcs Bar & Restaur.:int Red bank Shellfish Mark Rutledge M.G Ryan & Co. Ryder & Co Accountants River Deep. Mount.iin High Sheela n.i Gig Bookshop Leonard Stike & Co Silkes Market Silver Lmmg Shop Ma1rtin Stand u n Teo Stew.:irt Homes I.Id Stokes Kennedy Crowle}' Suites Supreme Sev"nth He"\·1m Salt 'n' Pepper Sammons C1rpets & Curtams The Arm� 'iho1' T.1,1 fics B,1 r I' J Toh111 & l o · 1 h,: Tre,,�U rt.' Chest Tngg,·r :-- 1 . utvns B.,r Twice ,, s Nice Shop Two Lines G,1 llerv Toy master Trustee Sil,·mgs B,1nks Visual Eyes Opticians The Waterfront Bar Hdcn \Val�h Opllc1an Warner Corpor.1le Photography Dr Albert \V1lson Wood, 1 u ay FmanCl' & Lcas mg Scott 1 ,, 1 1011 \\' Architects L�o \Vall Optometns1 Eileen Wal�h Helena & l'h1hp Yourcll Zlm·a go Records

IOpm The Second Jund D:mce Cooipiny


I 10pm Tl'lgtdics & Trlgc:dics

8 30pm Ennio Mlrchctto

9pm Romeo &Juliet

1.10pm Tngrdies & Tr.gc:dics 8pm Ointment Bile

8pm The Life of Scuff

8 30pm Alben Collins

9pm Romeo &Juliet

1 IOpm Tr.gc:dies & Tragt'tlics 8pm Ointment Bile

8pm The LifcofSluff

8 .Wpm Slumn Shlnnon

9pm RomeoJuliet

I 10pm Trlgtdies & Trlgc:dies 8pm Ointmem Blir

8pm The life of Sluff

8.30pm Tcm Prom�

8pm The Life ofSluff


8 30pm �bry Bilek

9pm Romeo &:Juliet

I 10pm Trlgedie; &: Tr.gc:dies 8pm Ointmcm B!le

8pm The Life ul Sluff

8 30pm M.Jry Bbcl


1.10pm Tngedies & Tr.igc:dic:s 8pm Ointment Bile

spm Toe hlt: of scuff

9pm Romeo & Juliet

1.10pm Tngedics & Tngalies 8pm Ointment Bill'.

8pm The Life of S!uff

7pm Hamlet Proj(a

3pm The Sddit1·s Tlle 10pm The Soklicr"s Tlle

II pm Something lbppens

7pm Hamlet Project

8 30pm F111lnr i'right


1.10pm Tr.iged,es & Tr.igcdies 8pm Ointment Bill'.

8pm The Lik of Sluff

7pm lbmlet Project

I !pm M.iimin ujun II.Ind

9pm Romeo& Juliet

I lOpmTngedies& Tr.igcdies 8pm Ointment Blue

8pm The Llfc or Sluff

3pm Hlmld Project 7pm Hlmlet Project

8.30pm The 5.Jw Dacus

9pm Romeo & Juliet

l. !Opm Tngrdies & Tr.igedic:s 8pm Oinuncm 8111:

8pm The !Jfeof Scuff

6 30pm Los Wlos

8pm The Life of Stuff



11pm Kmg�IJ.ICO

Ce11tre top: Ascene from tile Firrnisll film #Goodbye Trai11me11 •. Centre below: See Michelle Burke mnki11g 11p in ·Face to Face·. Below: Rutger Hauer in the classic cult movie # #Blade R11n11er .

Below: Cynda Williams as Fn11tnsia/Lila in # #One False Move .

Byrne's The Kickhams (Sat 17th) is a one hour documentary which teJls the re markable story of a North Belfast football club and their everyday life in the midst of the Northern Troubles.


This year's retrospective for an Irish film­ maker will focus on the work of Bob Quinn, whose production company, CINEGAEL, celebrates its t wentieth birthday this year. Films featured will include Master Musicians of Jajouka which looks at male belly•dancing in Connemara, and Flytipping, a film on how Connemara men can beat the system in London if only they could bottle their bottle!


As always new Irish Shorts get an airing at the Galway Film Fleadh. The success of this section has become synonymous as a showcase f or y oung Irish film· makers, particularly for those who have won the much coveted Audience Award. fhis year the demand for the section is �reater than ever with screenings of 36 'ilms over three mornings, featuring .vork of young independent film-makers md stu dents from Rathmines, Dun ...aoghaire, Ballyfermot and Galway Film :entre.


\lways a special feature of Galway Film :1eadh, Sund a y 18th will pr ovide a

forum for new student work from Ireland. A very special treat will include Fantastic Planet (Wed 14th), an adult animation. This year's secti on also features a tribute to Caroline Leaf, the Canadian animator who uses unconventional tools in her approach to film•making. Having used sand on transparent glass, she has created layers of tones which were filmed from above. The Fleadh will feature Leaf's animated version of Kafka's Metamorpliosrs of Mr Sa111s11 (1977) • an allegorical fantasy which is entirely suited to her artistic style and technique.


The fifth Fleadh Forum, in association with Galway MEDIA Antenna, will host a discussion on what the film-maker should be doing to be supported by those with the money! Topics will range from script applications, European television promotion, the tax incentive situation in I reland, R.T.E. commissions, the Irish Film Board and the Canadian Irish Co· production Treaty. The panel will be prepared to meet interested producers/ writers/directors on a one to one basis by a p pointment in the afternoon at the MEDIA SHOP in the Ardilaun Hotel from 2:30pm to 5:00pm on Thursday 15th.


For the first time ever during the Galway Fil m Fleadh, there will be a chance to take home your own piece of the movies • that is if your bid is a winner! The Fleadh Movie Auction will be held on Saturday 17th in the tent at the Claddagh Palace. The auction will feature a w onderful array of entertainment memorabilia, with over 30 lots from which to choose. If your price is right you can take home movie posters, production notes, stills, t-shirts, autographs, postcards, and much more.


A series of intensive workshops, designed to provide practical assistance to writers/ producers/directors, will be run in association with Galway Film Ce ntre and Galway MEDIA Antenna. Over three days areas integral to the production process will be e xamined. The guest speakers for these workshops are as follows: Christian Routh, European Script Fund; Margot Harkin, film-maker; Thaddeus O Sullivan, film-maker.


Late night screenings of cult classics in the car park (beside the Claddagh Palace) continue this year with greats like The Ma n From Planet X, The Blob, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. Fur ther information contact: Jean Maxwell, 4/5 High Street, Tel: 091 66n8.

:ilm Fleadh is grant aided by: The Arts Council, RTE, Commission of the European Communities, Abbey Films, Udaras na Gaeltachta. 23

HEATHER ACKROYD AND DANIEL HARVEY "FORCEFIELD" Wednesday July14 - 24 McDonogh Building, Nun's Island. Daily. "Forcefield" is a specially commissioned installation by Heother Ackroyd and Daniel Horvey, two young British artists who have been working with the sculpturol potential of grass since 1980. Forcefield is a massive elemental sculpture incorporating grass, mud, mould and water. Over the past three years, Ackroyd and Harvey have been collaborating together on installations which explore their fascination with the tr.insient nature of life; the cycles of growth and decay. In 1991, they created the "Grass House" for Hull Time Based Arts where they dad the front of a derelict Victorian house with clay embedded with seed. Within two weeks, the house became covered with a living skin of gr.iss. In [992, they created a huge underground installation for Les Arts Etonnants in Paris. Working individually, Harvey has been involved in the films of Rene Da.ilder, P eter Greenaway and Derek Jarman; while Ackroyd has continued to devise and perform in the music theatre shows of Graeme Miller. Miller is collaborating with the artists in composing a sound element for the forthcoming inst.illation. Ackroyd and Harvey have been b.ised in Galway since June 22nd and have been preparing to grow their unique sculpture "Forcefield" in the McDonogh Warehouse. More than one visit is recommended as the piece grows .tnd evolves daily. See pictures 011 followmg pages.

GEORGE HURRELL "HOLLYWOOD LEGENDS" University College G.illery - July 16 - 26 This is the first retrospective exhibition of the works of legendary photographer, George Hurrell, (1904 - 1992) to be held in Ireland. Curnted by Jack Ruthberg, the exhibition has travelled from Los Angeles for this year's Festival. The exhibition of 46 rare vi ntage photographs of the 1930's and 1940's includes many of Hu rrell's most celebrated portrait images, early Hollywood icons such as Ma rlene Dietrich, Jo.1n Crawford, Bette D.1vis, Humphrey Bogart and a host of other Hollywood stars. A great innovator of the modern portrait,

Hurrell had il prim.1ry role in defining the genre of glamour photography through his daring departure from the sweet Victorian style that had dominated portraiture throughout the 1920's. Hurrell is generally credited as the inventor of the 'Hollywood look' characterised by the dramatic poses of his subjects and unique quality of contrast lighting in conjunction with his masterful printing technique. Hurrell's influence upon nearly every major portrait photographer is well acknowledged, as noted by such leading photographers as Helmut Newton, Annie Li ebowitz, Francesco Scavullo and Richard Avedon. His works have. in recent years, been exhibited in major museums internationolly and are included in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Victoria and A lbert Museum, London; Los Angeles County Museum of Art and The Smithsonian Institute in Woshington, D.C.

LE LIVRE DANS TOUS SES ETATS THE ART OF THE BOOK Galwoy Arts Centre, No. 47, Dominick St, July 15 • 25th "Le Livre Dans Tous Ses Et.its is a major touring exhibition of 100 works of art developed around the theme of a book. The exhibition will feature colla ges, paintings, sculptures and painted books created by artists from France, Germany, Po lan d, Rumani.i, Hungary, Russia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Holland and Ireland. The works range from the carved stone books of Wilmsen (Germany) through the hu morous 'booksculptures' of Bernard Guttev ille (France) to the papyrus p.1intings of the Rumanian artist, Bitzan. Ireland will be represented by the Roscommon born (though resident in Paris), Susie McCrann. Le Livre Dons Tous Ses Etats has been organised by Les Amis de l'Aventure, a Paris-based, non-profit organisation with the assistance of Golerie Caroline Corre, Paris. In [990, the exhibition was chosen to accompany the display of the winning design for the ne w French National Library at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.

Paul Berg -Jum1t11re a11d Raymond K111glra11. rak11 ceramics.

THE GRAINSTORE GALLERY Two exhibitions at The Grainstore, one with Fe rgus Bourke entitled "Street Scenes from the Sixties" ,(upstairs) and the other .1n exhibition from Raymond Kinghnn and Paul Berg, �an a wing and a prnyer', eccentric furniture and raku ceranucs, (downstairs).

THE GEOGHEGAN GALLERY Gleigh Gaughan The first solo exhibition of worked abstract paintings by this talented Galway based artist. The Geoghegan Gallery The Bridge Mills July 12 - 28.

ARTSPACE In Situ #2 For the last three days of the festival Artspacc open their doors to the public, affording a unique opportunity to visit a working studio and meet with the artists. July 23th-25th

NIMMO'S RESTAURANT Friends at Nimmo's Small works by gallery friends. July 14 - 25.

NIMMO'S WINE BAR Joe Boske July 14 - 25.

FLOOD STREET GALLERY Impressions V Annual Print Exhibition· July 14- 25.

See picture 011 Jollowi11g pages.



The Cornstore. "Kimono" - Watercolours and prints. Saturday, 17 July to Saturday, 24 July.

"On the Subject of Drink" A multi-media humorous exhibition of p.iintings a nd sculptures spccio lly designed for this yeilr's festival. 24

Visual Arts Sponsored by:


Prospect Hill - Sunday July 18, 3pm Founded in 1986 Macnas have gone from strength to strength creating a mazing street spectacles Uke Gulliver ilnd T1r Faoi Thoinn. This year saw them tour their indoor show Tain all over Ireland to wide critical acclaim and enthusiastic popular response. Then, in May of this year they were invited by U2 to bring the Mncnas magic on tour with the band as part of Eggopolis Alan Patkinson is an arohitect f the ain. Pie btµlds inflatable �al�oes of furn and wonder. � 1S a domed city of brigM fights, aurving passages and iow runnels. ThC?re are ten IDnneoted eggs, the largest the ?eight of a airous big top. Eaah ildiatC?S a different colour with intensity that is purely the �oot of natural light defusing e plastic skin of the struGture. i'our voice bounces back off e intt!rior surface with th� ercussive 11a ttle of a stiGk ating a drum. You could be nah in the belly of the whale, r a baby dinosaur waiting to JC hatched." 'Fhe Hlerald.

their European Zooropa tour, Galway Arts Festival are delighted to have them back in force this Summer with their biggest spectacle to date, Noah's Ark, The show is based on the biblical story of Noah's Ark but with the usual Macnas twist to the tale. The focus of the Parade is the 23 cubit (roughly 50 f oot) long Ark whlch will sail out Galway Bay on Sunday 18th. on the high tide. At the appointed hour, 17.05 Noah, his family and whatever animals have managed

to reach the ark, will take their leave from Oaddagh Quay. Sadly, d u e to their own tardi ness or Noah's obsession with punctuality, a large body of animals and people will still be en route to the quay at this point. The streets of Galway will then be thronged with hoards of animals and people engaged in a wild frenzy of singing and dancing in the rain while awaiting doomsday, Pl1oto of 1992 parade ./Jy Marie Allen.

�B,lls New Frock!"


For 1993 the Children's Festival will open with a celebration at Fr. Griffin Park July 15 at 1pm. Presided over by Littlejohn, with a spectacular puppet show by Na Fanaithe and a guest appearence by Palfi the Laughologist. Everyone welcome.




L,ttlc /01111


Galway Arts Centre, Nun's Island July 15 • 24 at 11am The irresistible Littlejohn, r eturns to invite us way out west into the wild blue yonder. You see, he's made himself a promise, he's going to pack his bags, borrow a tent, and go west into the wilds, " ....• where the cows chew the grass and spit out the snails". A great adventure is about to begin. Lots of new songs drippin' with grooviness, a new pair of boots, and a heart full of gladness. Sure nothing could go wrong? With Der mot A rrigan and Anne Learmont

"TIie mns tcr of tllc 11at11ra/ high"

Galway Observer

"If you wnnt to be 111i,1ded ill your old age.don·t deny tile offspri11g the 11/easure of Littlrjl,/111"' Galway Advertiser


G.ilway Arts Centre , Nun's Island July 22 at 4pm; July 23 at 4.30pm and July 24 at 4pm (8 � 12 yrs) Glasgow's "Visible Fictions" set up in 1991 with the commitment to be part of the movement to raise the stand.ird, quality and l evel of diver sity of Children's The.itre. The comp.iny has toured all over Scotland and the response to their style of work has been tremendous, receiving much acclaim from children .ind .idults alike. Their production "Bill'"s New Frock" a sell

out success at the Scottish International Children's Festival in Edinburgh and was the first Scottish production to be performed in the North American Showcase in Windsor, Ontario. This lively and highly humorous show challenges traditional stereotyping of boys and girls through the story of Bill Simpson who wakes up one morning to find he's a girl in a pink dress complete with frills and shell buttons! Having no choice but to go to school Bill faces a nightmarish day during which everyone seems to treat him in the strangest manner. Confused by the way things are different for girls, he gets into more and more trouble!

CLASSIC BUSKERS Galway Arts Centre July 15 at 4pm For 4year olds and upwards. The Classic Buskers are Michael Copley (Woodwinds) and Ian Moore(Accordion), an accomplished duo who combine a great talent as instrumentalists, with an eccentric wit. They have their own radio series on the B.B.C., and have performed extensively throughout England (including the Royal Albert Hall) and still find the time to delight audiences in Europe, U.S.A., Canada and Japan. Their brilliant impromptu concerts include instruments of all makes, sizes, periods and shapes, on which they give the most amazing and cheeky \'ir tuoso performances of popular classical pieces.

"Classic Buskers 11rod11ced more laughter ever before i11 the history of Q11tbec Sympl1011y Orclrestra concerts". t/11111

Le Soleil, Quebec




G.ilway Arts Centre, Nun's Island July 16 & 17 at 4pm 3 • llyrs Dr. Palfi hails from London, and is long established as a solo clown much loved for his gentle wit and charm. For the festival, he will perform two shows, the first being the tiny-tot friendly "famous laughology show," where children help a very silly man transform into the popular clown by finding his make-up, offering advice on how to wear his hat and shoes and standing in for his back·up band. In the second show, "The really dangerous safety show", Dr.Palfi attempts to demonstrate how to balance the world's tallest umbrella on his chin, handle Mexican jumping fleas, plays a trombone that burps balloons and lots more. Of course, all this requires plenty of assistance and advice from volunteer junior practitioners from the audience. "Dr. Palfi is 110 stereotype clown ... He prescribes wit and h11mo11r wit/, an educational content that is never patronising··. The Guardian

tele,•ision series to his credit and seven collections of tales on tilpe. He is also the author of many books for adults and children, as well as several volumes of poetry. His books include "Long Ago By Shannonside", "Ferocious Irish Women" and "Strange Irish Tales for Children". His tales ilre rich ilnd varied, comprising a mixture of humour, horror, hi story, mystery and magic.


Galway City Library July 16, 11-12pm, Galway Arts Centre, Nun's Island July 16 & July 17, 1-2pm Ad111issio11 Free

E. P Monw n11d The Fir Bolg.

MACNAS "E P. l\10RAN AND THE FIR BOLGS" Galway Arts Centre, Nun's Island July:?O, 21 at 4pm

Macnas, Galway's ou tstanding Community Theatr� Group perform their show "E.P Moran and the Fir Bolgs". The Fir Bolgs are Ireland's oldest living creatures from deep, deep underground where they have lived for thousands of years undisturbed, until Evil E.P. Moran stumbled upon their trail. Now, the Fir Bolg family are in chains and miserable performing humiliating tricks for the hard-hearted E.P.'s financial gain. But not for long, just one painful trick too many and the Bolgs will summon their strength, break free and make E.P. pay for all his dastardly deeds.


Fr. Griffin Park, July 15, 1.30pm Free

The inn ovative theatre company "N1 Fanailhc" continues the c>.cdlent :itandard set by t heir pruduct10ns 'Yerma" and "Misiun ar Muir"( which represented Ireland at the Seville expo. n) when they open the Children's Arts Festival with a spectacular collage of ,uppets, colour, music, dance and fun 'Crib agus Grub" is a show based on two rnnchbacked woodcu tters who live 1lone in the forest, their discovery of the ittle people and the strange and magical :curse of e,·ents that follow. This show nomiscs to capth·ate both the young and he young at heart


vlARITA CONLON- McKENNA -:nlwily Arts Centre, Nun's Islnnd. Julv 9 2pm Fee 50p

Photo: Irish Tm1es

Marita Conlon-Mckenna lives in Dublin and is one of lrelilnd's foremost writers of Children's books. She has to her credit, the remMkablc ilchievement of winning the lnterniltional Reading Association award. This story is set in the time of the Great Famine, and centr e s on three orphaned children, in danger of being sent to the workhouse, who escape and set o u t on ii long and challenging journey. The Sequel "Wildflower Girl" also won book of the year for 1991 in the historical no\'el category. .. Ric It cl111rnctens11t ion se11s1t1v1ty n111i


Robert Dunbar Children's Literature Association of Ireland


Galway Arts Centre, Nun's Island July 2-1 2pm Fee50p

John Quinn was born in Co. Meath and work�d as a teacher befon.' becoming a r;idio producer in the educilt ion d�partment of R T.E.. His first work of fictmn "The Summer of Lily and Esme" tells the mo\'ing story of a young Dublin boy's mo\'e to the country, his friendship with two old ladies and the mystery he gradually unfurls. This book was hailed as a classic and won book of the year in 1991. His second children's book "The Gold Cross of Killadoo" was published in 1992. .. A piece of wr1t111g bre11tl1tnk111;,: for /11s s1111p/1c1ty 1111d :.-1,ea rentinb1/1ty .. /11gl1/y reco111111e11ded"


Galwny Arts Centre, Nun's Isl.ind July 23 2pm Fee SOp

Eddie Lenihan was born in Brosna, Co. Kerry and now lives in Crusheen, Co. Cl are. He is one of Ireland's most popular story-tellers, having five 31

Patrick Ryan has collected folklore, told tales in concerts for adults and children, and lectured on the subject throughout the United Stiltes and Europe. In addition he has contributed to numerous research projects on storytelling, and written articles on the subject. He will make a series of ilppearances a t the festival which include workshops on how to find, leilrn, and tell tales and storytelling sessions.


This year the festival introduces a walking tou r of Galway designed for children. The walk will start at Square and continue around the city centre for approximately an hour taking in all the places with an interesting story. An enjoyable way to learn a little about the city and develop a s ense of history. Suitable for 7-12 yrs. B0<1ki11g: Arts Festival Box Office July 19 & 23 at 11am Admission Free


PLEASE NOTE: all workshops must be booked in advance. Full details in Children's Programme. VISUAL ARTS- M. O'Ceidigh CREATIVE WRITING- M. O'Malley ACTING- P. Mullineaux PHOTOGRAPHY-Y. Gunther POTIERY- L. O'Kelly CLOWNING- Dr. Palfi JUGGLING-Butterfingers Eire DRAMA-G.Y.T. PUPPETRY- Na Fanaithe DANCE- Chameleon MOVEMENT & VOICE- K.:ilichi STAINED GLASS- Aria Stained Glass GALWAY EARLY MUSIC DRAMA· Visible Fictions C/1ildret1s Festival spottsored by:

JO BRAND AND JEFF GREEN Comedy Club, The Junction, Forster St Saturday, July 17, 8.30p.m. Since gi ving up her job as a psychiatric nurse in 1987, Jo Brand has firm l y established herself as Britain's top female st;md up. This was confirmed this year when she was awarded the "Best Club Act of the Year" in the 1992 British Comedy Awards. Jo Brand describes herself as looking 'like Her self de precating, a jellyfish'. deadpan delivery under pins a biting humour while her dry, sly wit works on attitudes to sex, weight, drugs and other s u p posed female concerns. With outrageous punchlines and priceless put­ d owns she l e aves her audiences screaming for more. Joining Jo in this fantastic double bill will be Jeff Green, star of Granada TV's "Stand-Up" series and winner of the 'London Comedy Store New Act of the Year Award". Jeff is one of the hottest new comedians around . His endearing deli\'cry and amazing stage confidence combine in a charming yet side-splitting routine. Beware however, he terminates hecklers with extreme prejudice !


Festival Big Top, Fisheries Field Thursday, July 15, 8.30p.m.

Born in Venice, E nnio Marchello has proceeded to conquer the world with his hilarious whirl wind pageant of choreographed, ingenious paper creations emb odying with uncanny .1ccuracy the likes of Pavarotti, Elton John, Boy George and the Mona Lisa. Olivier Award Nominee, Marchetta was inspired as il child b y Commedia Dell' Arte and the films of Walt Disney .1nd as a result began to create costumes from pnper and plastic for the Venice Carnivalc. An instant hit, he progressed from there to d1ffclop characters through ii combin.ition of paper costumes and comic mimicry - his first success was M.irilyn Monroe-inspired by .i dream he while working his father's cxpresso m.ichinc! Alrc;idy ii cult figure, Ennio has played

in clubs and cabarets across Europe with a highly developed show of living paper cartoons to enormous acclaim thus enabling him to reach the international status that he holds today. This is Marchetto's first visit to the West of Ireland and his show should provide a unique theatrical experience for Galway audiences.

"This sl,ow was more tl,a11 n sl1ow performed by a gifted i111perso1wtor; it w11s also a classirnl and pop co 11cert ro/led into 011e••.•• s11perb... "

South China Morning Post

"Marcl,etto's sl,ow thrives 011 wit a11d Sunday Times surprise" . "The lwttest ticket in town"

The Mail on Sunday

Special guests at this show are The Cl.1ssic Bus kers who will open the evening with " .... concertos, symphonies and opera without the boring bits."

Jo Brmrd

Sponsored by

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Designed by Ted Turton. Printed by fayCcc: Printers, Galway.

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