Songs for the Soul St Nicholas Schola Cantorum directed by Mark Duley
Reading Male Voice Choir directed by Gwyn Arch
Thursday, May 9, 2013 8:00 pm St Nicholas Collegiate Church
Galway Early Music would like to thank its sponsors and friends, without whose support the Festival would not happen.
GOLD PATRONS Kimberly LoPrete
Adare Guesthouse
SILVER PATRONS Delo Collier Michael & Claire Cuddy Tom Grealy Riana & Pat O’Dwyer
Seán & Lois Tobin St Anthony’s & Claddagh Credit Union Ann McDonagh
WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO The Rector & Vestry of St Nicholas Collegiate Church, with heartfelt thanks to Catherine Moore-Temple The director and staff of the Galway City Museum, with special thanks to Brendan Mc Gowan Galway Early Music
See our general Festival Promo on Youtube: or scan this QR code:
director Mark Duley
All Processional: O Filii et filiae
Benedictine Chant
Choristers Now the green blade riseth
French carol
Choral Scholars Christus factus est
Felice Anerio (c1560-1614)
Jubilate Deo
Orlande de Lassus (1532-1594)
director Gwyn Arch
The RMVC will choose pieces from the repertoire listed on page 4. - - - Interval - - ST NICHOLAS SCHOLA CANTORUM Parish Choir Sicut cervus
Giovani Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525? - 1594)
A New Commandment
Choristers Et resurrexit
Choral Scholars and Parish Choir Nunc Dimittis
Thomas Tallis (1505 - 1585)
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Orlando Gibbons (1583 - 1625)
READING MALE VOICE CHOIR The RMVC will choose pieces from the repertoire listed on page 4. ALL Battle Hymn of the Republic
Felice Anerio (1560-1614)
Text: Philippians 2 Christus factus esst pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis Propter quod et Deus exaltavit illum et dedit illi nomen, quod es super omne nomen. Christ became obedient for us nto death, even to the death, death on the cross. Therefore God exalted Him and gave Him a name which is above all names.
Orlande de Lassus (1532-1594)
Text: Psalm 100 Jubilate Deo, omnis terra. Servite Domino in laetitia. Intrate, in conspectu ejus in exultatione. Quia Dominus, upse est Deus. O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before his presence with a song. Be ye sure that the Lord, he is God.
Text: Psalm 42 Sicut cervus desiderat ad fonts aquarum, ita desiderat anima ad te, Deus. Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks, so longeth my soul after thee, O God.
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525?-1594)
Thomas Tallis (1505-1585)
Text: St John 13 A new commandment give I unto you, saith the Lord, that ye love together; as I have loved you, that e’en so ye love one another; by this shall every man know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another.
ET RESURREXIT Selva morale e spirituale 1641
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Text: Ordinary of the Mass (Credo) Et resurrexit tertia die, secundum scripturas, Et ascendit in caelum, sedet ad dexteram Patris. On the third day he rose again, according to the scriptures, And ascended in to heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625) The Short Service
Text: St Luke 2 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace: according to thy word. For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared: before the face of all people. To be a light to lighten the Gentiles: and to be the glory of thy people Israel. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end. Amen.
Reading Male Voice Choir Repertoire West of Ireland Tour 2013 The programme for each concert will be selected from this list 1. African Trilogy --- (Three South African folksongs) 2. The Battle Hymn of the Republic --- arr. Wilhousky 3. Benedictus & Sanctus --- from The Armed Man by Karl Jenkins 4. Carrickfergus---- Irish Folk Song 5. Come, All Who Thirst --- Cherubini 6. Coming Home --- adapted from Dvorak’s Symphony from the New World 7. Danny Boy--- Irish Folk Song -- arr Arch 8. The Deadwood Stage --- from Calamity Jane 9. Delilah --- Les Reed & Barry Mason 10. Entrance music ---- adapted from The Conquest of Paradise by Vangelis 11. Ghost Riders in the Sky --- Stan Jones --- arr Arch 12. House of the Rising Sun ---- American Folk Song -- arr Arch 13. If Ye Love Me--- Motet by Thomas Tallis 14. I’m Goin’ Up a Yonder --- Walter Hawkins 15. Lascia Ch’io Pianga --- from Rinaldo - Handel 16. Laudamus --- Welsh hymn arr. Prothero 17. Little Brown Jug --- Victorian Music Hall song --- arr Arch 18. Little Innocent Lamb ---Spiritual --- arr.Bartholomew. 19. No Man is an Island --- Whitney & Kramer arr. Ringwald 20. Prayer of the Children ---Kurt Bestor 21. The Rose ---Amanda Mc Broom --- arr Arch 22. Sailing --- Gavin Sutherland 23. Shenandoah – American sea shanty – arr. Goldsmith 24. Speed Your Journey (chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from Nabucco) --- Verdi 25. The Spinning Wheel --- Irish Folk Song -- arr Arch 26. When the Love Comes Trickalin’ Down --- Spiritual --- arr Arch
ST NICHOLAS SCHOLA CANTORUM The Collegiate Church of St Nicholas in Galway is one of Ireland’s most important medieval buildings, and Galway’s most prized tourist destination. In 1486 a college of singing priests was established at the church, responsible for singing the daily services and for educating boy choristers to sing with them. St Nicholas Schola Cantorum is a new initiative of the Rector, Select Vestry and parish community of St Nicholas that walks in the footsteps of the church’s fifteenth century establishment, but in a new dynamic that reaches out to all the people of Galway. Under the direction of St Nicholas’ organist and well-known choral specialist Mark Duley, it provides valuable instruction and a rewarding experience to people of all ages, whilst securing the musical future of the church and providing an invaluable musical and educational resource in the parish and wider community. The Schola consists of the Choristers, Choral Scholars and St Nicholas Singers. These groups form constituent parts of the Schola alonside the existing parish choir. Future plans for the Schola Cantorum include the establishment of an organ scholarship in partnership with Galway Cathedral, the spearheading of a campaign to raise funds for a new organ for the church, the development of a wide-ranging arts programme featuring the church’s own musicans and also drawing from the local, national and international arts community, and the creation of an auditioned projectbased chamber choir to perform major liturgical works as part of that programme. For further information please contact: READING MALE VOICE CHOIR The Reading Male Voice Choir is a premier concert male voice choir in Berkshire, England with a unique and varied repertoire based on arrangements by musical director, Gwyn Arch. Every year it raises thousands of pounds for local charities over a wide area with a concert every month. The choir has won the BBC's national contest "Let the People Sing", has appeared in Die Fledermaus at Sadler's Wells and the Royal Albert Hall, and has performed with the bands of the Parachute Regiment and the Life Guards before audiences of 3,000 at Cliveden. This is just a sample of the choir’s many major achievements. One of the keys to the appeal of the choir is its wide ranging repertoire. GWYN ARCH founded the Reading Male Voice Choir in 1971. He was Director of Music at Bulmershe College of Higher Education until his retirement in 1985. A Composition Fellow of Trinity College, London, and a Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music, he was awarded the MBE for services to music in Berkshire in the 2006 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. CLIVE WATERMAN is the Choir's accompanist and deputy musical director. He is well known as a conductor and arranger for children's groups. He served for many years as a primary school Head teacher, as musical director of the Woodley and Earley Primary Schools' Music Association, and has been a Trustee of the Berkshire Maestros, which encourages children's involvement in music throughout Berkshire.
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