The Plan The Outline: The Application form. Filteration Process: 1. Application fill. 2. Tasks to some specific committees. 3. Interviews. Announcement of the interviews results. Feedbacks. Timeline Expected Faced Problems HR dropbox Material.
Application Form
-As the Form is already made, so I think you may review it . -The application is attached in the files. -Flexibility to change is available, as we are one team. So, you could consider that as a primary form.
Filteration process 1. The application: -Every one would fill the total application would pass that stage.
2. The Task: -This stage wouldn't be available for all the committees. Just the committees with large number of applicants. These committees are: PR. HR. Research. -Depending on the large number of applicants and the hard selection process this stage is added as it would facilitate quite the process of selections. -Tasks would be sent to the E-mail of HR and would be reviewed by the Head.
3. Interviews –As we the are the most efficient HR team in the university, I could promise that it would be professionaly enough to cope with our brand. -We would depend mainly on the CBI trend. -The interviewee would have the choice to do the Interview at the faculty, the university, or the place which we would provide (shamsia for example). -Time of each interview would be between ( 45:60 minutes as maximum). -We would use one-one interviews and panels interviews only. -We Would utilize the Head of each committee if he was availabe to attend the interview. -We would ask "social media and IT teams" team For providing us an " Complain application" which would be available for every applicant to avoid problems. It would contian the applicant name and the problem. -Number of the required members would be the half. -There wouldn't be any problems if one of El-Ma'mal Interviewers help the others as we are one team. -Every applicant would be informed by a message of the HRaccount to his facebook account and call if it requests. -Every member has authority to use the HR-account only with his applicants to avoid any problem.
-The Announcement for rejected members would be on the facebook acount only. -Accepted members would be announced by the account and by the mobile phone. -Time of the Announcement: a. All the messeage would be sent in range of one hour to all the members whatever accepted or rejected and that would be daytime. b. Phone calls would be after El-Magrib.
Feedbacks -We would prepare feedback forms, as they were in the online recruitment, and these forms would be filled easily and sent to the applicants.
Timeline - Our recruitment would take 2 weeks. -We would start our interviews after the second day of the recruitment. -We would try to be fast to avoid reaching Mid-terms. - After the first week, all the applications in the Booth would be finished. -If th e number of applicants was small we would open the online application for 3 days again. -After 11 days, all the interviews would be finished.
-On 12th day we would start finishing Excel Sheets Of Accepted and rejected members. -On 13 th we would review everything for any errors. -On the last day, we would announce the new members.
Expected Faced Problems -low applicants: we would open an online application to
reach a satisfied number of applicants. -Unavailability Place of Interviews: so we have to provide a deal with a place for interviews. -Increase the applicants than expected, which requires to increase the capacity of each HR-member interviews. -Low of commitment of HR members.
HR Members Material -Depending on our continous need of files and sometimes they went away in the chat, we would provide a shared folder of dropbox and this folder would be updated with every new material. So, we could reach the files easily. Regards,