Despite theextreme temperatures and slower pace of NewOrleans in the summer,our city’s cultural institutions continuetooffera troveofcolorfulexhibitionsand experiences forall ages (and greatair conditioning, too).This season, escape to thehistoric Gallier Houseasit’s transformedintoSummer Dressand learn aboutthe house’sdiverse inhabitants.
Vanishing Bounty,anexhibitaddressing theregion’snatural lifeand itsthreats, will debutatTheHistoric NewOrleans CollectiononFriday,June21. Dive into the worldoffemalephotographers at theNew OrleansMuseum of Art’s DoubleSpace: WomenPhotographersand Surrealism throughSunday,August4
We hope this special promotional section inspires youtobeat the heat while indulging in acultural feast—there’splenty to go around at these local museums.
Fidelity Bank WhiteLinen Night
The HOTTESTart party in NewOrleans is back! Arts District NewOrleans (ADNO),the nonprofit organization that founded thepopular WhiteLinen Nightin1994, is pleased to announce the30th anniversaryofthe event! Returningtodowntown NewOrleans on August 3, 2024, theevent takes placeinconjunction with themonthly FirstSaturday GalleryOpeningsand art walk in thedistrict. Fidelity Bank returnsasthe titlesponsor of theevent, whichwilltakeplace from 5-10 p.m. on the300-600 blocks of JuliaStreetin NewOrleans’historic WarehouseArtsDistrict, as well as the500 blockof SaintJoseph- bridging the Julia-street thoroughfare with surroundinggalleries, museums, andinstitutions. Guests arestronglyencouraged to dontheir best whitelinen looksand enjoyexhibitions at 18 membergalleries andmuseums, thebestfood trucks in theregion, andart-centeredstreetactivations.
The eventisa fundraiser forthe nonprofit organization,withproceeds from drinksales at the 10 festival bars going to supportits programming throughout the year.Attendees canenjoy craft cocktailsdesigned by famedNew Orleans mixologist andinfluencer Deniseea Head,inaddition to frozen drinks,beer, wine,and spiritsfroma wide varietyofbrands.
Each gallerywillpresent newexhibitions,with world-classart installationsfromthe talented artistsrepresented.With 16 galleriespresenting shows, in addition to a number of pop-up exhibitionswithpartnersin theneighborhood,there is awiderange of artwork to experience.This eventhas somethingfor everyone,and theaction isn’tjustonJulia Street! ADNO incudesgalleries andmuseums just-off JuliaonbothCampand Magazine Streets, andthe blockparty will stretch down four closed blocks
of JuliaStreetinaddition to ablock partyin the“Museum corridor” by The Contemporary Arts Center (CAC)and The OgdenMuseumof Southern ArtatSt. Joseph andCampStreet.
The eventwillfeature live musicalperformances throughout theevening on themainstage (300 blockofJulia), andsome of themostpopular DJsin NewOrleans spinning in multiple locationswithin thefestival. There will also be plenty of opportunities to beat theheat, with cool down lounges in severallocations,and theiconicWhite Linen Nighthandfansthat double as theevent guide andmap.Don’t miss thebiggest andbestart partyinNew Orleans!
300-600Julia St. &SurroundingAreas
NewOrleans Museum of Art
TUES -SUN | 10AM -5PM |WED | 12PM -7PM
The NewOrleans Museum of Artis committed to uniting,inspiring and engaging diverse communitiesand cultures throughthe arts.World-class exhibitions, arenownedpermanent collectionand sculpturegarden, and year-round programmingprovide many opportunities forvisitorsto engage with themuseum.
The museum is free andopento Louisianaresidents everyWednesday, 12-7 pm,courtesyofTheHelis Foundation.NOMA’sBesthoff SculptureGardenisfreeand open to thepublic sevendaysa week, 10 am -6 pm.
Visitnoma.orgtoviewa calendar of innovative exhibitions, programs andevents, includingtours, performances,festivals,and more!
Here’s some of what youcan look forwardtothisyear:
Kenyan artist Wangechi Mutu’s solo exhibition, Intertwined,at NOMA features nearly onehundred sculptures,paintings,collages, drawings,and films.Theexhibition showcasesMutu’smultidisciplinary practice,exploring themes of colonialism, globalization, andAfrican cultural traditions.Known forher collage-based work sincethe late 1990s, Mutu’s artmergesmythicalnarratives with social andhistoricalreferences. Informed by heranthropology background andexperiences in New York andNairobi,Mutuchallenges traditionalclassificationsofcultures andhistories whilepushing the boundaries of artforms.Additionally, twoofMutu’ssculpturesare permanentlyinstalled in NOMA’s
Sydney andWalda BesthoffSculpture Garden,connectingthe exhibition with themuseum’soutdoor space.
Markingthe 100thanniversaryofthe Surrealist Manifesto, NOMA presents work by sixwomen photographers whoseworkinvestigatessubconscious depths,eroding thelinebetween life’s uncanninessand ourunderlying impulses.In1924, French poet AndréBretonpublished the first Surrealist Manifesto. Though responsiblefor Surrealism becoming a transcontinental movement,Breton’s exclusionofworkbywomen artists ignoredthe realitythatwomen were advancingmanyofthe artistic techniques associated with Surrealism. The titleofthisexhibition, Double Space, callsattention to some of these techniques,which representfemale figures as subjects of agency andqueer desire,constructinganalternative to a masculinistuncanny
Sand,Ash,Heat: Glassatthe New OrleansMuseumofArt examines howthismaterialhas innovatively informed andinspiredthe arts and sciences of ourancient civilizations andour current. The exhibition highlights pieces from NOMA’s outstandingglass collection, connectingartworksfound both in the museum andthe Sydney andWalda BesthoffSculpture Garden.Ondisplay arediverse formsand artistry of glass, from Egyptian objectstocontemporary cultures,including anew major acquisitionbyFredWilsonand a commissionfromSharifBey.
1Collins C. Diboll Circle,CityPark NewOrleans,LA 504-658-4100
NewOrleans Pharmacy Museum
TUES -WED | 10AM -4PM & THU- SAT| 11AM- 4PM
Shortlyafter“thegreatestreal estate deal in history,”Louis Dufilho Jr.became thefirst licensedpharmacist in theUnitedStates. Dufilho’s apothecary opened in 1823,and the 200year-oldbuildingnow houses theNew OrleansPharmacyMuseum. Discover anew appreciation for modern medicine after viewing the“Opium” and“Methodsof Administration”exhibits, or visit thesecondfloorfor “Historic Midwiferyand Obstetrics”tosee what remainslargely unchanged. Seepharmacymuseum.orgfor hours andinformation.
514ChartresSt. NewOrleans,LA 504-565-8027
The HelisFoundationJohnScott Center
TheHelisFoundationJohnScottCenter,aninitiative oftheLouisianaEndowmentfortheHumanities,isa 6,000-square-footartmuseumandcommunitygatheringspacethathonorsartist,humanist,andMacArthur“Genius”FellowJohnT.Scott.Anchoredbyhis legacy,thecenterisadynamic,vibrantreflectionof hisethos—aplacewheretheartsandthehumanities jointosparkimagination,inspireconversation,and encouragereflectiononourpast,present,andfuture. Thecenterhostsfrequentprogramsthatengageall ages,frominfantsandtoddlerstoadults,intheexaminationandcelebrationofthehumanexperience. Withtheadditionofapermanentlocationnotonly displayingbutencouragingengagementwithScott’s work,hislegacyasoneofthestate’smostinfluential artistsandthinkersnowhasaconstant,andlong needed,spotlight.
938Lafayette St. NewOrleans,LA 504-523-4352
German-American Cultural Center andMuseum
In 1836,Germanimmigrants foundedthe West Bank town of Mechanikhamthat wouldbecomeGretna. Honoring thosefoundersisthe missionofthe GermanAmerican Cultural Center andMuseumat519 Huey P. Long Avenue in Gretna.The center interprets theGermanimmigrantcontributiontoLouisiana’s history. Its museum exhibits depict thecolonialexperience, immigration, theworld of work, culture, religion,and the“cultureincrisis” during thetwo worldwars.
Founded25years agobycitizens, governmental leadersand theNationalParkService, thefreemuseumisopenfrom10a.m.to3 p.m.,Wednesday throughSaturday. Aspecial exhibitofhistoricphotographs is nowonview, “FromMechanikham to Gretna:GermanFamilies, Events andLandmarks.” Severalphotographs document theGreat Crevasse of 1891,whenthe MississippiRiver brokea Marrerolevee,flooding Gretna.Froma 1920sfire parade,tocornerstores, to an 1880sviewofWilliam Tell Hall,which served as theJeffersonParishCourthouse, theimagestellstories about life on theWestBank.
Formoreinformation,call504-363-4202, or visitwww.gacc-nola.com.
BloodyMary’sNew OrleansHaunted Museum &ParanormalCenter
519HueyP.LongAve. Gretna,Louisiana 504-363-4202
Museumtoursbyday, ghosthuntsatnight!
Be proudthatyourtownisAmerica’s most haunted! Ghosts areour history. Show your LouisianaIDfor summerdiscounts anda free collector’s postcard.Jointhe Bloody Mary Seance andparanormaladventure forGhost huntingand hands-on multi-stop hauntedadventures– plus design your own! Explore13differentrooms and13 different ghosts in our200-year-old hauntedhousesand fabulous creole courtyard! Go inside threeexclusive hauntedlocations,plusdiscoverthe supernatural sights andsoundswith paranormal equipment(provided).
Dareyouhostyourafter-hours eventinNola’s#1hauntedvenue? Plan your partywithusand experience aHaunted nightatthe museum with NewOrleans’best, Bloody Mary,asyourcelebrity paranormal hostess!
TheMuseumofthe SouthernJewishExperience
818HowardAve. NewOrleans,LA 504-384-2480
The Museum of theSouthernJewishExperienceexploresthe many ways that Jews in theAmericanSouth influencedand were influencedbythe distinct cultural heritage of theirnew homes. Spanning 300years and13 states,interactive exhibits andgalleries follow theremarkablestory of Jewish life in theAmericanSouth,fromthe Colonial erathrough theCivil War, theHolocaust,and theCivil Rights Movement.Explore Jewish religiouspractice, unique Southern Jewish folk-and food-ways, andmore.
ConfederateMemorial HallMuseum
Memorial Hall is Louisiana’soldest museum,displaying artifactsand memorabilia of CivilWar veterans. Opened on January8,1891, theanniversaryofthe Battle of NewOrleans, this military museum tells thestory of theCivil War soldierthrough exhibits that displays theweapons, uniforms,and small personal items. Memorial Hall currentlyhas aspecial exhibitentitled“The Will to Fight” whichexplores thelifeofthe common soldier, Northand South.
929CampSt. NewOrleans,LA 504-423-4522
710EastSt. Mary Blvd. Lafayette, LA 337-482-0811
Fornearly50years,the Hilliard ArtMuseumhas been aplace of creativity andcommunity in Lafayette, Louisiana. We celebratecontemporaryart throughour exceptionalexhibitions,programs, andevents. Whetheryou area long-timevisitor,ora first-timeguest,wecan’t wait to shareour love of theartswithyou!
Youcan visitusonlineathilliardmuseum.org or on social media @hilliardartmuseum.
TheNewOrleansJazz& HeritageFoundationArchive
BY APPOINTMENTONLYThe NewOrleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation Archive is open to curiousresearchers andscholarsalike.A rich resource of contemporary Louisianamaterials,our collectioncontainsover50 yearsofaudiovideomaterials from theNew OrleansJazz& Heritage Festival andWWOZ 90.7 FM,aswellasphotographyand documentationfrom allthe activities of theJazz& Heritage Foundation.Toview ourCollectionand learnmore aboutour resources, please visitjazzandheritage org/archive.
To setupanappointment call (504)558-6138oremail archive@jazzandheritage.org.
901ToulouseSt. NewOrleans,LA 504-558-6138
NewOrleansHistoric VoodooMuseum
Steepenedinmystery, theHistoricVoodoo Museum unlocksa secret chamberofNew Orleans’ soul.Explore artifacts, traditions,and therich historyofLouisiana Voodoo. Thisisa must-visit foranyonecurious about this unique andancient cultural practice
724Dumaine St. NewOrleans,LA 504-680-0128
TrainTasticInteractive ModelRailroadMuseum
MON| 10AM -5PM (MemorialDay to LaborDay)
615PassRoad, Gulfport,MS 228-284-5731
The World’sLargest ModelRailroadMuseum. 50,000 square feet of funfor ages 0-100! Interactivemodel railroad andLEGOlayouts,ridingtrains, an indoor climberwithslides,toddler area,outdoor playground,S.T.E.M lab, birthday parties, field tripsand more!
8001 LakeshoreDr. NewOrleans,LA 504-282-2134
In addition to tellingits ownuniquestory,Pontchartrain Conservancy’s Lighthouse Museum is also ascientific andenvironmental educationcenter! The Lighthouse is home to hands-on exhibits,a 3-Ddigital sandbox, acommunity waterlab,and events rangingfrommovie showings to hurricane prep events.Available forevent rentals!
WED-MON | 9:30AM -3:30PM 1132 RoyalSt. NewOrleans, LA 504-525-5661
ExperienceGallierHouse as it’s transformed into Summer Dress. Hear the stories of thehouse’s diverse inhabitants and discover thenineteenth-century housekeepingpracticethatcombated theheatand perils of disease during NewOrleans’humid summers. Guided tours run sixdaysaweekfromMay 29 to September9,2024.
LouisianaNational GuardMuseumat JacksonBarracks
TUE-FRI| 9AM- 5PM LAST SATURDAY OF THEMONTH | 9AM- 2PM. 4209 Chenault Blvd NewOrleans, LA 504-278-8024
Visitthe Louisiana National Guard Museum and experienceover250 years of National GuardHistory.Climbinto ourF4Phantomand Humvee.Enjoy indoorand outdoorexhibits focused on ouruniquemilitaryhistory.Museum is free and open to thepublic.Group tours of themuseum and historic garrisonare availablebyappointment
Historic NewOrleans Collection
TUES-SAT | 9:30AM -4:30PM| SUN | 10:30AM-4:30PM
520Royal St. NewOrleans, LA 504-523-4662
ThisHistoric NewOrleansCollection(HNOC) is afreemuseum locatedin theheartofthe French Quarter. Founded in 1966 throughthe estatesofGeneral Lewis Kemper Williamsand LeilaMoore Williams, HNOC is theworld’s largest holder of materialsrelating to the historyand cultureofNew Orleans. Through thoughtprovoking exhibits andprograms, original booksand apublic research center, HNOC helpslocal residents and visiting touristsbetterunderstand themulticultural historyofNew Orleansand theGulfSouth. Thissummer,visitorscan look forwardto threenew exhibits - UnknownSitters, Captive State: Louisiana andthe Making of Mass Incarceration and AVanishing Bounty:Louisiana’sCoastal Environmentand Culture
Studyinghistory requires imagination Viewingthe interactiveexhibition Unknown
Sitters,drawn from paintedportraits from the holdings HNOC,willrequireitofvisitorsas well.The subjectsofthese 26 portraitsare unidentified in thehistorical record, theiridentities lost or erased from historyfor avarietyof reasons. On view throughOctober 6, Unknown Sitters asks features several engaging activities exploringthe practice of portraiturefromthe perspectives of both artist and subject.
HNOC will debut Vanishing Bounty,anew permanentexhibitonJune21. Through images, objectsand interactivemultimedia installations, theexhibitwilladdress both theregion’sabundanceofnatural life and the threatstoits welfare. Visitors will experience thebeautyand utilityofcypress forests, learn aboutthe indigenouspeoplewho call thecoast home and theiradaptationstoits ecosystems, and see(and hear)the wildlife that inhabits theregion’sland,air,and water.
PhotobyWill Crocker
On view beginningJuly19isanew,limited time exhibittitled CaptiveState.Louisiana’s present-day distinctionasthe world’sincarceration capital is rooted in threecenturies of history. Throughoutthishistory,peoplein powerhaveused systemsofenslavement and incarceration to hold others captivefor punishment, control,and exploitation.Through historical objects, textual interpretation,multimedia, and data visualization, CaptiveState investigates these throughlines and arrivesat an irrefutabletruth:thatthe institutions of slavery and mass incarceration arehistorically linked.Theexhibition concludes with areflection question, readingrecommendations, and information on ways to getinvolvedonissues relatedtomassincarceration.
Admissionisfree. Duringyourvisit be sure to stop by HNOC’s award-winninggift shop and café!