Games and accessories for bachelor and bachelorette parties
Barrie Schwartz and Morgan Woolf’s food-centric wedding SOMETHING SWEET
When choosing your wedding dessert, don’t limit yourself to cake
Dora Sison
Games and accessories for bachelor and bachelorette parties
Barrie Schwartz and Morgan Woolf’s food-centric wedding SOMETHING SWEET
When choosing your wedding dessert, don’t limit yourself to cake
Dora Sison
$17fromAlligator Eyes (5700 Magazine St., 504-259-0388; alligator-eyes.com).
Pump up thevolume with these bachelor +bachelorette party products
$9 from Hazelnut (5525MagazineSt., 504-891-2424;hazelnutneworleans.com).
$99.95 for25from GemPrinting(1904 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, 504-831-1762; gemprinting.com)
$20for 10 from Scriptura(5423 Magazine St.,504
t , 50 897-1555; scriptura.com). PHOTO PROVIDED BY SCRIPTURA 3 4-
$12from AlligatorEyes.
$22fromFleurty Girl (Areawide; fleurtygirl.net). PHOTOPROVIDEDBYFLEURTY GIRL
$10fromLucyRose(600 Metairie Road,Metairie, 504-218-7368;3318Magazine St., 504-895-0444; shoplucyrose.com).
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$17 from Alligator Eyes.
$6 from Sparkleand Swag (634 Orange St., SuiteB,504-510-5838; sparkleandswag.com).
$12.99 from NOLA Boo(517Metairie Road,Metairie, 504-510-4655; nolaboo.com).
$32fromLionheart Prints (3312 Magazine St., 504-267-5299; lionheartprints.com)
$18for setofsix from Home Malone (629 N. Carrollton Ave., 504-3248352;4610MagazineSt., 504-766-6148;homemalonenola.com).
$10fromPhina (425 Harrison Ave.,504-5715169;2561MetairieRoad, Metairie,504-827-1605; 3717 Veterans Blvd., Metairie,504-888-4141; phinashop.com).
EVENT PLANNER BARRIE SCHWARTZ has been helping people have the best nights of their lives for more than a decade, from finding the right venue to booking entertainment.
But her biggest passion has always been food.
“It’s rooted deep in history and a huge part of what brings so many people together,” she says.
So it's no surprise that the menu was the top priority when she got married to Morgan Woolf this past spring in New Orleans.
“I wanted to put most of (our budget) into the food,” she says. “Other people might be music people, but being able to know where to focus is really important.”
At thetime, it wasa series of pop-upsfeaturinglocal chefsand food trucks,often staged at friends’ homesorother smallvenues. Woolfwas afoodvendorwho sold almond-basedsnacks.
They were both in theirearly 20sand marriagewas notexactly on theirradars.
Still, thespark wasthere, at leastfor Schwartz.
“I hadacrush on him, buthewasn’treallyfeeling thesameway yet,”she says with alaugh.
They became close friendsand particularly bonded over theirlove of food.
WhileWoolf movedto Nicaraguain2013and bouncedaroundthe West Coastfor afew years, they remained in contactas Schwartz wasgrowing her business into afull-scale catering andevent-planning company.
Sheended up relocating to LosAngeles in 2020 amid theCovid-19pandemictoreset andeventually expand My House Events,while Woolfwas finishinggradschoolat UC Davis.
They started taking trips around California,going hiking in themountains andspendingtimewith hisfamily.
At afamilygatheringin 2022,Woolf’s sister pointedly askedthe twowhy they weren’tjustdating already, Schwartz says.
It wasjustthe push they needed to turn their friendship into aromance.
Schwartz remembers thinking,“This makessense if it’s finally happening."
Woolfsoonmoved to Los Angelestobewithher and proposed duringa backpackingtripinHawaiiin November 2023
Having theirwedding in NewOrleans wasa no-brainer,and Schwartz drew on herfriends,vendors andcolleaguesinthe city to help create their dreamcelebration.
Thefood tells thestory of us: casual, multifaceted, delicious andhearty. We just wanted it to feel abundantand easy, butalso really special
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AriannaZapatafromMy HouseEventsproducedthe detailsafter Schwartz came up with thebig ideasand reached outtoher preferredvendors
ThecouplepickedApril 20, 2024,asthe date.
“I didn’t want to talk about it forayear,”Schwartzsaysof theplanningprocess.“Ihad the components,and we felt ready, so we were like,‘Let’sdoit.’”
WHEN GUESTS ARRIVED to the afternoonwedding at Clouet Gardens, La Cocinita food truck wasalready parked andserving smalldishes like arepas and tacos. Little Kitchenserved appetizers includingcaramelized mushroom tostaditos,tuna crudoand hothoney chicken.
Both of thosevendors were significant to Schwartz,as shehad worked with them foryears.
Shehad become especially closewithRachelBillowofLa
Cocinita —the twohad worked on food trucklegislation to help vendorssecurepermits.
“Plus, thefoodisdelicious,”
Schwartz says Thecoupleopted outofhavingatraditional weddingparty with bridesmaidsand groomsmen, andwalkeddownthe aisletogether.
They exchangedvowsunder achuppah,a traditionalJewish canopy,hand-paintedby Schwartz’s mother.Her uncle officiated thewedding.
Woolfworeapatterned redsuit; Schwartz wore an eye-catching neon greendress
“Fromthe beginning, we knew we wanted it to be really colorful anduniqueand represent us,” Schwartz says of their attire andthe overallaesthetic.
“Weasked gueststowearpatternsand prints.”
Aftertheyexchanged vows, guests second-lined to the nearby BywaterWonderlandfor areception,where they continued thefestivities with more
Afterthe ceremony,guests second-lined to Bywater Wonderland.
food, music by the psychedelic Latin band Los Guiros, dancing and drinking.
There was also a glitter bar for guests who wanted some extra sparkle. The couple hired Turning Tables to create two cocktails for the occasion: The Nova (named for the couple’s dog) was a cilantro- and dill-infused mezcal drink with pineapple and pepper shrub, and The Olive (named for Woolf’s family’s dog), incorporated gin, lemon, thyme and elderflower tonic.
“We especially wanted a mezcal drink because (my husband's) family grows agave and they love mezcal, and I do too,” Schwartz says.
Diva Dawg created New Orleansstyle dishes and set up a grits and gumbo bar, with vegan, meat and seafood options.
A buffet from Little Kitchen featured a white fish entree and other contemporary takes on classics, like braised beef with coconut milk, and side options of miso collard greens and chili butter and lime summer squash
For dessert, there was Crown Royal bread pudding from Diva Dawg, and a friend of the couple made chocolate-covered frozen bananas that were passed out on the dance floor.
“The food tellsthe storyof us:casual, multifaceted,deliciousand hearty ... We just wanted it to feel abundant and easy,but also really special,” Schwartz says.
Theguests andthe couple also didthe hora,atraditional Jewish weddingdance where thecoupleisseatedinchairs that arehoisted into theair by lovedones.
PizzaDelicious showed up with thelate-nightpizza,just30minutes afterdessert wasserved, andmembers of thegroup made theirway over to Vaughan’sbar foranafterpartyand aroving street celebrationfeaturing a smallhand-pulled parade float andelectronicmusic
LOOKINGBACKONIT a fewmonthslater,the celebration“felt really inclusive,” Schwartz says.
“Wehad people we were friendswith, butalsoneighbors
wedding wasa vibrant, neighborhood celebration.
andpeoplefromall walksoflife joinedin,”she says.
In many ways thewedding felt like ahomecoming— andaway forthe couple to honorand celebrate with vendorsand friends Schwartz hadworkedwithover theyears.
“(NewOrleans)isa huge part of me,” shesays. "These arepeopleweworkedwithfor adecade, anditfeltimportant to have acommunity vibe.There’s such adeepconnectiontoall thepeopleweworkedwithin NewOrleans.”
your wedding dessert,don’t limit yourself to cake
Accordingtoa recipe recorded in 1685,a savory bride’spie wasfilled with oysters, lamb testicles, roostercomb, pine kernelsand sweetbreads.
Thankfully,wedding cakeshavelongreplacedwhatever that concoction was, giving waytothe sweet, oftenlayered cakesthathavebecomeatradition forthe last severalhundred years.
Whilewelikelywon’t be goingbacktobride’s pies forthe foreseeablefuture, weddingdessert optionsbeyondcakes have been gainingpopularity. Some couplesare replacing thecakealtogether, whileothersare having theircakeand other optionstoo.
“I wouldsay probably like 75%ofour weddings have other desserts,eitherinadditiontoorinplace of thecake,”says Jennifer Sherrod, co-owner of ElysianEventsCateringin NewOrleans.
From brownies,cookies andtarts to localclassicslike snowballsand beignets,the possibilitiesare endless.
ACCORDINGTOSHERROD, ElysianEventshas been offering weddingcakealternativesfor around four years, ever since
Bite-sized beignets canbea greatoption, as guests canjust popthemintheir mouths andget back on thedance floor without making amess.
Imperial Woodpecker Sno-Ballssays this classicNew Orleansdessert is easy to setup andcustomize.
a client requested beignets for their wedding.
“After that, we added them to the menu because they were huge hit,” she says. “Then we’ve slowly just added other things over the years.”
Indeed, their dessert offerings now include cafe brulot bread pudding, bourbon pecan pie, cappuccino panna cotta, tart a la Bouille with salted caramel sauce, seasonal tarts and pies, cupcakes and “Old Fashioned” brownies which include bourbon-soaked cherries and whipped cream among other options.
Those wanting tarts can opt for chocolate ganache, Meyer lemon or Louisiana strawberry and buttermilk, the latter being Sherrod’s personal favorite
But their most popular cake alternative, by far, has been their original offering: the beignets, which come in a mini size so they’re less messy to eat.
“They’re great for an event because you don’t have to bite into it and get a powdered sugar cloud all over your dress or suit,” Sherrod says. You can just sort of pop them in your mouth and get back on the dance floor.
Couples also like doing mini dessert displays, so they can cater to a variety of tastes Interactive dessert stations, such as a bananas Foster station or a bread pudding station, with different types of bread pudding and toppings, also have been gaining popularity, Sherrod says
The demand for desserts other than cakes has “been pretty much just steadily increasing,”
Sherrod says.
don’t feel like it’s really leveled
out yet.”
NEESA PETERSON HAS BEEN OFFERING CATERING ever since she opened Imperial Woodpecker Sno-Balls in 2011. These days she estimates they cater 60 events a year, including around 10 weddings
“It’s just a fun addition to the summer weddings,” she says. All Peterson needs is electricity to plug in the snowball machine. She’ll bring their own table, but weddings are free to fancify the setup with fancy tablecloths, custom menus and specialty cups.
They take care of everything else; the couple is just responsible for the fun part: picking the flavors they want.
The most common flavor among her wedding clients is, unsurprisingly, wedding cake, but they offer up to 10 flavors at offsite events. They make their natural flavors with real fruit juice and their cream flavors from scratch.
Having snowballs adds a bit of personality to a wedding and can be a good way to give out-of-town guests a taste of the city.
“It’s just kind of something novel and different, and it also cools people off, so it’s kind of a double whammy,” Peterson says. “It’s obviously a traditional, nostalgic food that comes out of New Orleans.”
PETERSON SAYS those who hire Imperial for weddings are typically getting snowballs as a
replacement for cake, as it can be more expensive than some cakes.
Meanwhile, Sherrod says their desserts can be more or less expensive than cake, based on which dessert you order and what kind of cake you’d otherwise buy.
What’s most important is ordering dessert your guests actually will eat.
“Not everyone loves cake,” Sherrod says. “They’re expensive, and a lot of times we’re finding that there’s so much cake left over.”
That’s why she recommends having more than one sweet option for guests, perhaps a chocolate one, one with nuts and another that’s fruit based.
And if you still want cake, you can always order a smaller one alongside another dessert.
“That way you have pretty much all of your dessert bases covered,” Sherrod says.
TheCountry Club offers3beautiful handpainteddiningareas.The Double Parlor is perfectfor your RehearsalDinnerofup to 50 or celebrateyourBridalShowerinour Single Parlor whichcomfortably seats25ofyour closest friends. OurLoungeallowseasyaccess to thebar andour poolside Secret Garden is idealfor your WelcomeCocktailParty.We offer packages forall budgetsfrompassed hors d’oeuvrestoplateddinners.Learn more: thecountryclubneworleans.com/rent-the-club/
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Longue Vueopens theirdoors foryou to enjoy ahistoricand exceptionalsetting.Hostabridal shower,tea,orother specialoccasionand set yourself up foranunforgettable experience Longue Vuealsooffers specialoccasionphotography, with access to eightacres of historic gardens plus privatedressingand relaxation space. Or,let Longue Vuebethe backdrop foryour proposal with exclusiveuse of thePan Garden with seatingareaand prosecco service.
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For a truly New Orleans wedding, be sure to pick up a cake pull from MJ’s on Metairie road! MJ’s has an extensive selection of cake pulls ranging in price ($10.99-$16.99!) and styles, so you’ll find the perfect charms for your wedding. Can be strung on white or ivory silk ribbon, or put on rice pearl bracelets for an additional $6.99 per charm. Locally owned for over 37 years, MJ’s has exclusive lines of jewelry you can’t find anywhere else. 1513 Metairie Rd., Metairie LA 70005. Mjsofmetairie.com 504-835-6009.
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The newly renovated Audubon Clubhouse by Dickie Brennan is an enchanting venue for intimate weddings, cocktail receptions, and dinners. Surrounded by the magnificent Louisiana oak trees & lagoon in Audubon Park, the Clubhouse features a charming southern wrap-around porch and elegant hardwood floors. Its versatile design, with a spacious dining area and private rooms, adapts seamlessly to various group sizes, making it the perfect setting for your special day. AudubonClubhouse.com
Located just 5 minutes from Downtown, Nice Guys Nola has the perfect patio for your party. From creative and over-the-top, to classic New Orleans fare with a twist, our menu features a variety of delicious dishes and craft cocktails. Join us for brunch, dinner, and any of our upcoming events! www.niceguysnola.com
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IntroducingRoyal Events,Candles &Décor,your PremierLuxuryCandleDécor &Designrentalhouse in Louisiana. We areafull-serviceevent company curating extravagantexperiences foreachone of ourclients.Togetherwithour team,weofferexquisite,hand-selected products from around theworld providingthe eventindustrywiththe latest trends forweddings& specialevents! Royalhas been servicing forthe last decade oneofthe topdestination cities in theworld,New Orleans&beyond. Ready to visitus? We offer alocal showroom availablefor design planning andcoordinatingyournextevent!
Makingher debutinDecember2024, TheMISIby Messina’sCateringand Events,isthe newest luxuryvenue in theFrenchQuarter.The MISI is located on the3rd floor of therenovated JaxBrewery and directly overlooksthe MississippiRiver.She offers stunning views, award-winningculinaryand elite customer service. TheMISIisarefreshingmix of New Orleansmodernand NewOrleans classicelegance that canaccommodate weddingeventsand corporate events from 50 guests-400 guests.Messina’s Catering andEventshas over 60 yearsofcateringand hospitalityexperience, making your specialday like no other. Foravideo tour or to schedule asitevisit for TheMISI, please visitwww.themisinola.com
CelebrateYourLovewitha Blissful Couples Massage! Treatyourselfand your partnerto deep relaxation as youprepare foryourbig day. Perfectfor apre-wedding treat, anniversary,orasawedding gift!Enjoy aluxurious couplesmassage in thesameroom, or pamper your bridal partyorbachelorettegroup with rejuvenating massages.Eachsession is tailoredtothe individual,withour experienced therapists addressing your specificneeds and issues before starting.Tobookyourcouples or groupmassage or to purchase gift certificates, please visitnolablissmassage.com.
Addafuturistictwist to your weddingcelebrationswithaVR experience,perfect forpre-wedding partiesorentertaining guests, accommodatingall groupsizes with customizable game options. Imaginesteppingintoarealm whereyou and your friendscan engage in thrillingmissions, explorefantasticalworlds, andexperiencethe adrenaline rush of high-stakes challenges—all withoutleaving theroom. Ourfree-roam VR arenacombinesstate-of-the-arttechnologywitha spacious, interactiveenvironment,perfect fordodging enemyfire, solvingpuzzles,ornavigatingpost-apocalypticlandscapes. Celebratethe brideorgroom-to-bewithan epic VR adventure,offering action,camaraderie,and lastingmemories!
CALLINGALL THECOOLCATSOFTHE GREATERNEW ORLEANSAREA we’retalking thecostume makers,festival goers, foreverfoodies, andart aficionados!
If youwantyourwedding stationery andswagtocapture themagic youbring to oureclecticcity, SprinklesArt Co is foryou Sprinkles is acustomdesignand letterpressstudiospecializing in fineart stationery,calligraphy,event signage& swag.Engaged couplesworkone-on-onewithahighlytalentedartisttocreatean eventbrand that represents theiruniquelovestory
Readytoparty on paper? Reachout todaytoget started! hello@sprinklesartco.com |sprinklesartco.com|@sprinkles_artco
Gilded Artichokeoffers personalized catering services forweddingsand social events.Our expert team excels in creating custom menus andproviding top-tier service, alongwithcomprehensive eventplanningsupport.Frommenu design to venueselection,wehandleevery aspect of eventcoordination, includinglocal anddestinationcatering. Foundedonacommitment to culinary mastery, distinctivestyle,and elegantevent design,weconsistentlyexceed expectations to honorour core values andmeet ourclients’uniquepreferences.Learn more at gildedartichoke.com.
Love thedivebar vibesbut want afancy cocktail?Maybe afrozenadult beverage to cool you down?A gianttower of beer so youcan overserveyourself? Then getyourbachelor(ette) partytoHighGrace.We’re an upscaledivebar just stepsoffofBourbon Street,soyou cantake abreak from thechaos butkeepthe partygoing.
Open 24/7 @733 St Peter
Carey NewOrleans hasprovidedluxury transportation forweddingssince 1994 We listen to your plansand expectations. We have handledmorethan10,000 weddingsand have relationshipswithmany churches andvenues. Ourexperience meanswecan provideapeaceful, charmingand elegantjourney foryou andyour partner, plus family,guests andyourbridal party. Ourfleetincludesawidearray of luxury vehicles such as stretchlimos,party buses, stretchSUV limos, sedans andluxury SUVs.Let us help youchoosethe perfect vehicles foryourbig day. Visitusonlineat www.careynola.com.
LettheexpertsatJoe Gambino’sBakeryhelp designtheweddingcake ofyourdreams.Onethat willbeunforgettableand reflectyourstyleand personality.Yourcakeis auniqueone-of-a-kind creationonlylimitedby yourimagination. You havemanydecisionsto makewhenplanningthe perfectwedding.Letthe bakersatJoeGambino’s exceedyourexpectations andprovideyouwith theweddingcakeof yourdreams!
Orangetheory Fitnessisa heartrate-based groupworkout that combines science, coaching andtechnologytoguarantee maximumresults from theinsideout.Hereyou have thecoaches, community, andgroup energy coming together to push youforward everyclass.The technology allows youtrack your personal progress and helpsyou getthe resultsyou arelooking for.
It’s scientificallydesignedfor allfitnesslevels to charge your metabolism forMOREcaloric afterburn, MORE resultsand MORE feelingof success, alltodeliver youMORELIFE. So what areyou waitingfor?Try Orangetheory forFree*. Starttoday at orangetheory.com
CelebrateMiele’s 125thanniversary with up to $400 off when youbuy awasherand dryer pair from June 24th to August 4th. Elevateyour laundryexperiencewithMiele’s premiumappliances, renowned fortheir qualityand innovation.Whether you’re refreshing your laundry roomorupgrading to top-tier performance, this limited-time offer makesitthe perfecttime to invest in thebest.Don’t miss this exclusive opportunitytobring home cutting-edge laundrytechnologyand enjoysignificantsavings. Transformyourlaundry routinewithMiele’s exceptionalwasherand dryerpairand make the most of this specialanniversary deal.
At TheParloratthe Pontchartrain, we areexperts in curating unforgettableweddingsand events.Located in theLower Garden District,nestledinThe Pontchartrain Hotel, ourvenue offersanenchantingbackdropfor your specialoccasion. With exquisitecateringoptions by theacclaimed chefsofJackRoseand cocktailsfromour award-winningHot Tinbar team,every eventpromises an unforgettablediningexperience. Ourexpansive 2,790 square foot eventspace comfortablyaccommodatesup to 200guests, providingaversatile venuewithatimeless ambiance.Discovermoreattheparlornola.com.We look forwardtohosting your specialday!
We have alovelyprivate dining room located on thesecondfloorofthe restaurant.We wouldlovetohostbridalparties,showers and rehearsalsuppers foryou andyourparty.We offer avariety of preset menusthatmay be customized to suit your tastes.The spacecan accommodatesmall to medium sizedparties. Give us acalltoscheduleyourevent!
JamesAndrews &the Crescent City All-Starswill create an unforgettablemusical experience at your wedding. This iconic localbandinfuses any celebrationwithtraditional NewOrleans culture andsound.Whether it’s thesmoothmelodiesof histrumpet or hissoulful vocals,James Andrews andhis ensemble guaranteetocreateanamaazing atmosphere on your specialday!Call504-669-9678 forbookingsand information.
Experience romanceonthe river! Locatedinthe heartofthe French Quarter, theSteamboat NATCHEZ is freshfroman$11.4Mrenovationand readytohost your engagement party, rehearsaldinner, ceremony, receptionorfarewellbrunch. TheNATCHEZ and RiverboatCITYofNEW ORLEANS, both offer stunning panoramicbackdrops of theMississippi River andcityskyline forwedding events of allsizes.Rent asalon,adeckorthe full boat.Our inclusivepricing andturnkey servicemakeiteasytoplanthe eventof your dreams,including aSecondLineParadetoget youtoorfrominstyle weddings@neworleanssteamboat.com |504-569-1401