Gambit Fall Dining Issue 2024

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tober 14 - 20

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Discover theinsider tips forhosting amagical celebrationin NewOrleans.Our guidefeaturest he best part

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AppleCrisp Pumpkin


King makers

TheNew OrleansFilmFestivalisOct.16-22





MatthewO.Henderson zerosin on theleading cultural organization’s determined ef fortstorebuild from twodevastating tragedies.

Therecenthistory is bookended by LarryArthurHammond,the charismatic leader whoreigned as King Zulu in 2007,after theclubhad triumphantly rebuiltfromthe floods of Hurricane Katrinaand thefederal levee failures.Hammond died from cOVID19,and hissociallydistanced funeral procession in April2020was widely covered, showingthe spirit of Zulu amid heav ylossand thepandemic’s shutdownsand disruptions.

Hendersonwas allowedintimate access to theclub, andmanymembers sharehumorousand emotional accounts of Zulu’s significance to them andthe community. “A King Like Me” is theopening nightfilmfor theNew OrleansFilmFestival. It screensat 7p.m.Wednesday,Oct.16, at the OrpheumTheater

Thefestivalhas many filmswithNew Orleansconnections, from subject matter fordocumentaries to shooting locationsfor majorreleaseslike“Nickel Boys,” whichwas shot in NewOrleans, LaPlaceand otherspots.The festival screens150 filmsonOct.16-22,and many also areavailable viathe festival’s onlineportion throughOct.27.

Thecurated Spotlightsection includes majorstudio releases andaward winners from recent festivals. Therealsoare slates of shortlive-action,documentary andexperimentalfilms.Festivalevents includefreefilmindustryconference panels andevents, andthe SouthPitch competitionfor featureand documentary projects andmore.

Hendersonisa NewYork-based filmmaker, andhis depictionofZulu traditions will be as familiar to New Orleaniansastheymay be foreignto audiences elsewhere. Theopening scene patientlycapturesmembers’ facesbeing airbrushed with blackand whitepaint anda“Z” forZulubefore aparade. Zulu member Terrence rice explains hisinspiration to join thegroup andhis rituals,including enlistingfamily andfriends to decorate coconuts forthe carnivalparade.

Hendersondetails theclub’sformation during theera of Jimcrowand thesupport provided to membersfor funerals.HeincludesphotosofLouis


Armstrong’sreign as King Zulu in 1949, andhow theimage of Satchmoinblackface wasperceived outsidethe city. There’saprolonged discussion of Zulu’s continueduse of blackface.

Oneofthe strengthsofthe documentary is thecandorofmembers talking aboutthe significance of theorganization in combatting racism.(It also screensat 3:15 p.m. Thursday,Oct.17, at cAc.)

Thefestival’scenterpiece film, “NickelBoys,”alsodeals with thelegacy of Jimcrow. An adaptation of colson Whitehead’sPulitzerPrize-winning 2019 novel, it followselwoodand Turner,two Blackteenagers at ajuvenile reformatoryinFlorida,withdirector raMell ross tellingthe storythrough the differingviewpointsofthe characters ross wonaSundancejuryaward forhis 2018documentary “HalecountyThis Morning, This evening.”(At 8:15 p.m. Sunday,Oct.20, at cAc.)

Director MalcolmWashington’sscreen adaptation of August Wilson’s“The PianoLesson” is astar-studdedaffair. Samuel L. Jackson, erykah Badu and Denzel Washington’s son, John David Washington,starinthe dramaabout a Pittsburgh family’s differencesabout what to do with afamilyheirloomduring hard times. (At7:30p.m.Tuesday,Oct. 22,atcAc.)

Thesportsdrama “Unstoppable”also hasastar-studded lineup,including Don cheadleand Jennifer Lopez. Adapted from thetruestory of Anthonyrobles, thefilmfollows thecollegiatecareerofa wrestler with only oneleg competingas he pursuesacollege championship.(At 8:30 p.m. Thursday,Oct.17, at cAc.)

ralphFiennes,Isabellarossellini, StanleyTucci andJohnLithgow star in

“conclave,”a thriller about theintrigueat theVatican in choosing anew pope as secrets emerge about thelastpope. (At7:45p.m Tuesday, Oct. 22,atcAc.)

WelshZambiandirectorrungano Nyoni’s“On Becoming aGuinea Fowl”won an awardatthe cannes Film Festival.Nyoni takesasurreal approach to astory of hidden family secretsthatbeginswithShula discoveringthe body of herdeaduncle on the roadside in Zambia.(At 6p.m.Sunday, Oct. 20,atcAc.)

Hong Kong-borndirectorelizabeth Lo’s “MistressDispeller”isabout an emergingtypeofjob in chinafor professional affair interventionists.WangZhenxi is enlisted by thewifeofacheatinghusband to uncoverhis infidelity andsubtly intervene.Itdoesn’t take long forWang to elicit aconfessionfromthe husband aboutseeingthe youngerwoman,Fei Fei, butthe task of keepingthe Li couple together is more complicated. (At8:15 p.m. Monday,Oct.21, at canalPlace.)

“Any OtherWay:The Jackie Shane Story” sets outtoexplain what happenedtorisingsoulsingerJackieShane, whoabruptlydisappeared in 1971. As ateenager, Shanewas atalented drummerinaNashville housebandand befriended Little richardand other stars. As atransgender woman, Shane became astarinToronto’s nightclub sceneand hada hitsingleincanada. Thedocumentary uses conversations with Shanetotrace her life story. (At 6:15 p.m. Friday,Oct.18, and2:45p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19,atcanal Place.)

Filmswithlocal connectionsinclude “roleplay,”about sexual assaulton Tulane University,“DakarAfter Dark,” ashort documentaryabout award-winning chef SerigneMbaye,“ILoveYou, AllWays,”about thelocal hubofdrag andburlesque performance, “rebel Nun,”about Sister HelenPrejean,and “Mysterious Behaviors,”the firstLSU studentfeature film Findafullscheduleoffilms, events andtickets at

TheMardi Gras-style Halloween parade brings floats,costumed marching krewes andbeads andcandy throws to theFrenchQuarter,cBD andWarehouse District.Other events includeaZombierun,the Monster Mash ball,a second line,parties in theFrenchQuarter andmoreonOct 18-19. Theparadeisat6:30p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19.Visit kreweofboo comfor eventtickets anddetails.


On hiscurrent Serenade tour,souland R&BsingerMaxwell hasbeensinging songsfromacrosshis career andcatalogand hasn’t been shyabout dipping back furtherand delivering songsthat were hits forAlGreen.Healsostacked thetourbybringingalong Jasmine Sullivan andOctober London.At7:30 p.m. Saturday,Oct.19, at Smoothie King center.Findtickets

NOLA Funk Fest

ThefestivalcelebratesNew Orleans’ funk,withhighlightsincluding George Porter Jr.and LeoNocentelliplaying themusic of theMeters. Thelineup also includes BigFreedia,Tankand theBangas, Dumpstaphunk,Bobby rush,New OrleansSuspectswiththe DirtyDozen Horns, ericaFalls,David Batisteand theGladiatorsand more TherealsoisasecondlineonFriday, andsymposiafocusingonfunk, blues harmonicaplayers andLouisiana blues women, includingIrmaThomasand Marcia Ball.Atthe NewOrleans Jazz Museum from 1-9:30 p.m. Friday,Oct. 18,and noon-9:30p.m.Saturday, Oct. 19,and Sunday,Oct.20. Single-day ticketsare $40general admission, $20 forstudents, andfestivalpassesare availablevia

‘Girlfromthe NorthCountry’

During theGreat Depression,a disparategroup of strangers staying at aguest houseinDeluth,Minnesota, sharetheir stories, lamentinghard

‘A King Like Me’


This is the authenticand original Oktoberfest Bier andthe actual beer servedinour Ho r�u Tent at the MunichOktoberfest and exportedaroundthe world! Arich -golden color,the beer is brewed with ablend of four exquisite Hallertauer hops and three specially selected Bavarian malts.The aroma is filledwith fresh fruityhops and theflavor is rich and full bodied.

Style -Oktoberfest

ABV -6.3%


Second Line’s Blood Orange Saison is aclassic, and oneof their most popular beers for good reason.Brewedwith orange zest and Sicilian Moro Blood Oranges, this Saisonis e ervescentand flavorful, and pairs well with seafood, BBQ, and porchsittin' on warm NOLA days.

Style -Saison with Blood Orange

ABV -5.6%


Unpackthe sweaters andlongjohns y’all, itsgonna be in the70s this week!

SerigneMbaye, thechef and owner of DakarNOLAonMagazine Street,recentlymadethisyear’s TIMe100Nextlist, thepublication’s spotlighton100 emerging leadersinarange of fields.James BeardAward-winning chef Kwame Onwuachi wrotethe shortprofile of Mbaye, whowas born in New York andgrewupinSenegal. DakarNOLAearlierthisyear won theBeard Foundation Awardfor best newrestaurant.

City Councilinvestigation of allegedretaliation, abuseinNew Orleansgovernmentlikely


TheLouisiana Museum of AfricanAmericanHistory will usea$50,000 grantfromthe Andy Warhol Foundation forthe Visual Arts to supportthe new project“BlackSquare Narratives 1823-2023: ABicentennial Activation of St.Louis cemetery No.2inNew Orleans, Louisiana.” LMAAHplans to create theNew OrleansBlack Square Network, whichwillworkwithartists and scholars on projects focusedon thecemetery’sSquare3,the final restingplace of many BlackNew Orleaniansthroughouthistory

PRESIDENTJP MORRELL OCT. 9 said the councilislikelytoopenaninvestigation into management practiceswithin thecantrelladministrationfollowing testimonyfromatrioofDepartment of Public Workswhistleblowers.

During theWednesday hearing of thecouncil’s Governmental Affairs committee, DPW employeesVashon Watson,ToinetteJohnson anderic Gardner testifiedabout working conditions within theadministration, detailingahostofallegations against management includingverbalabuse, physical threats, retaliation, destruction of documentsand threats of termination.

Wednesdayhearing wasspecificto DPW,there areindications that similar problems mayexist throughout theadministration.

Four vendorsatthe Louisiana Shrimpand PetroleumFestival gotcaughttryingtopassoff imported shrimp as locallyfarmed, theLouisiana Illuminatorreported. Food safety tech companySeaD consulting tested shrimp fromfive vendorsatthe Morgan city festival —eachsayingtheir shrimp came from localwaters—and only one passed thetest.

“The abusethatthe supervisors give us over thereisridiculous. It’s like we’reslaves. There’salot more peoplewho want to reachout,but they’re scared,” Watson told thecouncil. They also presentedvideo and audiorecordingstaken of interactionswithmanagers, including Supervisor Jerome casbywho canbe seen in onevideo shreddinga union grievancefiled on behalf of Watson andthen threateningtohavehis unionrepresentativearrested.

Morrellcalledthe testimony, recordings of managers giving employees falseinformation andother evidence of wrongdoing “beyondtroubling.”

“I’mdeeplydisturbed,” he said. Morrellalsosaidthatwhile the

“What’stroubling is howmany otherpeopleare goingthrough this same kind of stuff,”Morrell said Accordingtothe employees, problems go back at leastfour years. Watson said he attempted to report issues to former Deputy chiefAdministrativeOfficer for Infrastructure ramsey Green, but nothingchanged.Green wasaclose advisorofMayor LaToya cantrell. employeessaid currentDeputy chiefcAO forInfrastructure JoeThreathas personally been responsive.Heattendedthe committeehearing.

Followingthe testimony, Threat said,“Iwanttoapologize to the employeesI just heard. I’mkindofdisturbed from lookingatthese videos.”

Threat said he hadasked cAO GilbertMontano to launch an internal investigationintothe issueand that he wouldpresent thefindingstothe counciloncetheyare ready.

ButMorrell made clearhebelieves theproblem is abroader onewithin theadministration.

“Weare at apoint here whereI thinkthismay need to become adifferent kind of investigation,”Morrell said —JohnStanton


Discussionsabout recruitmentand hiring have been renewedatcouncil budget hearing meetings,which will continue throughout Octoberand earlyNovember. city departments, particularly thehamstrung public worksdepartmentand NOPD,are requesting additional fundstohireand retain employees for2025.

MayorLaToyaCantrelltalks to theNew Orleans City Councilwhile presenting herbudgetatCityHall on Tuesday, October1,2024.

There’snoplace forthreats andabuse in NewOrleans city government

ATRIOOFBRAVE WHISTLEBLOWERSAPPEARED BEFORE THENEW ORLEANSCITYCOUNCIL on Oct. 9totelltheir storiesofharassment, abuse, threatsofviolence andmoreatthe hands of theirsupervisors in thecity’sDepartment of Public Works.

DPW workersVashon Watson,Toinette Johnsonand eric Gardner leveledahost of accusationsagainst management,including unsafe work environments,verbal abuse, threatsofphysicalabuse, multiple instances of supervisors making allegedlyfalse claims about city employment guidelines —and at leastone allegation that asupervisor destroyeddocuments

NewOrleans Public Works employeesToinetteJohnson, left,and Vashon Watson speak at aCityCouncil committee meetingonOct.9,2024.

roses arered, violets areblue 't is th es ea son for something new!

They supportedtheir testimony with audioand videorecordingsand testimonyfromcityPersonnel Director AmyTrepagnier.

councilMemberFreddie King commended theworkers fortheir bravery.

In theprivate sector andingovernment,all workershavearight to be treatedwithrespect anddignity, and to expect aworkplace free of harassment.Sadly,workers fartoo oftenare pressured—unbearablyso—not to speakupwhen they seeillegalitiesor improprieties by management.

That’s especially true when management hasalready threatenedemployees with suspension or termination— or,as allegedlyhappenedtoWatson, already begunthe process—tokeepthemquiet Worse, theworkers’testimony and videoevidencepoint to abroader culture of abusewithincitygovernmentand not merely reflecting an isolated incident or just “a fewbad apples”inDPW.

Theerosion of workplaceconditionsatcityHallunder MayorLaToya cantrell hasbeenone of theworst kept secretsintown— as have thealleged threatsofretaliation againstanyone whodares to speakup.

It hasbecomesopervasive that, even when it becomespublic, it persists. Forinstance, as Gambit reported, when oneofthe whistleblowers returned to work afterthe hearing,she wasallegedly sent to work on amanual labordetail.

And,asthe feds allegedintheir July indictment of cantrell’s former bodyguardand accusedparamourJeffrey Vappie,formerInterim Police chief Michelle Woodfork waspassedover forthe permanentjob becauseshe wouldn’t turn ablind eyetoVappie’s allegedpayroll fraud.

“What’stroubling is howmanyother people aregoing throughthissame kind of stuff,”council Vice President JP Morrellsaid.

We couldn’t agreemore.

It’s little wonder thecityhas been unable to fullystaff critical DPW divisions, includingthe oneinchargeof clearing catchbasins,where allthree whistleblowerswork.

Deputy chiefAdministrativeOfficer forInfrastructureJoe Threat —who, accordingtothe employees, hasbeen arareallyofworkers in city government —publiclyapologizedtothe whistleblowers andsaidhis boss,cAO GilbertMontano,has committedtoan investigationofhis own.

ButMontano,who himselfhas become ensnared in Mayorcantrell’s ethics scandal, will focussolelyonDPW Thankfully, thecouncil appearsready to launch abroader investigation.

Aworkplace culturethatencourages or toleratesabuse,retribution and favoritismharmsnot just workers, butalsocitizens. It fostersthe kind of dysfunctionthathas plaguedcity government fortoo long,and it must be rooted out.

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NOLA voters feeling safer, butstill unhappy with Cantrell


remind me of somethingItold atop aide to then-Mayor-elect MitchLandrieumorethan14 yearsago.The aide hadcalled to complain aboutacriticism Ileveled at Landrieu —and to remind me of allthe wonderful things he hadinthe works.

“Get used to it,” Isaid.“In this business,ifyou expect high-fives andatta-boys everytimeyou do your job, you’re in thewrong business.” That rule stillapplies,even more so with voters than with themedia

Accordingtothe latest UNO survey,New Orleansvoters arefar less concernedabout crimeand farmoresatisfied with life in thecitythanin2022—but they continue to give MayorLaToyacantrell very lowjob ratings, andthereby no credit forthe turnaround. Is that fair?

It doesn’tmatter. We in themedia have adutytobefair. Voters do not. It’s allabout thenumbers.Here’sa look at thenumbers in OrleansParish:

•SatisfactionwithlifeinNew Orleansisupsharply —61% this year,comparedto44% in 2022

•Only27% identified crimeasthe biggestproblem in thecity, less than half the56% in the2022 survey.That’sthe lowest it’s been since2002, when 20%cited crime as thebig gest problem.

•Onarelated note,35% said crime hadincreased in recent years—a precipitousdropfromthe 83% whosaidthatin2022. That,too, is thelowestnumbersince 2002, when 30%saidcrime had recently increased.

•Anoverwhelmingmajority(87%) of city voters said they feel “safe” or “verysafe” in theirhomes during theday —the highesteverin thesurvey’snearlyfourdecade history.

•Despite thoseimprovements, only 33%approve of cantrell’s performanceasmayor,upascant 2% from 2022 andwithinthe survey’s plusor-minus 4.4% margin of error.

•Meanwhile, NewOrleans Police Department chiefAnne Kirkpatrickgetsveryhighmarks. Shewas theonlyNew Orleans public official with more than 50% approval —56%,infact—witha mere 21%disapproving.

Statistically, theslightuptickin cantrell’s jobratingisirrelevant,but electedofficials have to find victories, howeversmall,wheretheyfindthem.

“When youconnect thedots, these positive viewsare aresultofthe committed work of ourcityemployees,” aspokespersonfor cantrell said in astatement

Pollster ed chervenak, whoconducted theUNO survey,had adifferent take.Voter perceptionsofcantrell“are just locked in place,”hesaid.

UNOalsosurveyedJefferson Parish voters,who remain overwhelmingly (84%)satisfied with life there. Only 14%ofparishvoterscited crimeasthe topissue —downfrom39% in 2022. JeffersonvotersgavebothParish Presidentcynthia Lee-Shengand SheriffJoe Lopintothe same 73% approval rating.Bothhad similarlyhigh ratingsin2022.

Bottom line:Votersinbothparishes feel much saferthese days —and they know whotheywanttothank forthat.


@GambitBlake |

Hey Blake, Thebeautifularch andirongateatthe entrance to City Park across from Ralph’s on theParksaysit was“Donatedby Capt.S.Pizzati.”

Whowas he and what canyou tell me abouthim?

Dear reader,

FORATIME, THEPIZZATI GATE AT ALEXANDERSTREET wasthe main entrance to city Park,until theNew OrleansMuseumofArt became more of afocus andthe entrance wasmoved to esplanadeAvenue.

Fundstoerect thegateand arch were donatedbycapt. Salvatore Pizzati. Born in Palermo, Sicily in 1839,the steamshipcaptain made hisfor tune importingbananas from Honduras throughNew Orleans. “captain Pizzati, during hislife, was regarded as oneofthe most charitable citizens in NewOrleans,” reported theTimes-Picayuneinhis Dec. 31, 1915 obituary.

Pizzatiisalsoakey figure in theNew Orleansstory of St.Frances Xavier cabrini. Mother cabrini, as shewas known, approached thewealthy businessmantodonatethe moneytobuild an orphanageonesplanade Avenue in 1905 It is nowpartofcabrini High School

Pizattidonated themoney to erect thecityParkgatein1910. Thegate andironarch“reflectedthe best traditionsofornamentalironworkwith aGildedAge flair,”wrote Sallyand Bill reeves in theirhistory of city Park.“From paired suppor ts on each side of theentrancespranga threedimensionalarchwitha chainof circumscribed rosettes andthe name city Park illuminatedby85 lightbulbs.”

Though it made adramaticstatement,itwasn’tlongbeforethe Pizzati gate’s arch disappeared,althoughit isn’tknown exactlywhy.“We thinkit wasknocked down in thelate1920s,” former city Park executivedirector Beau Bassichsaidina2000TimesPicayunearticle

Thegatewas restored in 2002, with anew arch constructedand illuminated by 80 lightbulbs

THIS WEEK MARKSTHE 70TH ANNIVERSARYOFASEMINAL EVENTINMUSIC history: thenight ayoung singer namedelvis Presleymadehis debutonthe Louisiana Hayrideradio show.

BroadcastfromShreveport’sMunicipal Auditorium,the LouisianaHayride, whichfirst beganin1948, airedonKWKHradio in Shreveport andoncBS radio stations across thecountry.The programhelpedlaunchthe careersofmanycountrymusic artists, includingHankWilliams, Johnnycash, KittyWells andGeorge Jones, amongothers.,Presleyhad performedatNashville’s ryman Auditorium forthe GrandOle Opry on Oct. 2, 1954,but received lukewarm reviews. HisproducerSam Phillips then booked himonthe Hayride, whichwas the Opry’s main competitor.elvis’first appearance on theLouisiana Hayridewas Oct. 16,1954. He performed“That’s Allright”and “BlueMoonofKentucky.” Presleyreturnedtothe Hayrideon Nov. 6withhis parents, whohad to sign his contract with theshowsince he wasjust19. Hispay was$18 pershowand his bandmates, Bill Blackand Scotty Moore, each received $12per show Forthe rest of 1954 andinto1955, they wouldappearonthe weekly show.In October1955, elvis’ contract wasrenewedfor $200 pershow, sincebythenhis meteoric rise to fame hadbegun.His last regularappearanceonthe Hayridewas thefollowing year

That’s when,inanefforttocalmahugecrowd of teenagegirls whohad packed theShreveportMunicipal Auditorium forPresley’s finalappearance, emceeHorace Loganuttered thefamousline, “elvis hasleftthe building!”



IN NEWORLEANS, your next greatmealcould be right around thecorner. Oftentimes,that’sliteral

This is acitythatpridesitselfonits neighborhood restaurants—aneasything to do when you’re ablock away from institutions whipping up Creole classics or newerbusinesses ledbyaward-winning chefsputting creative spinsondishes from across theglobe.

As NewOrleans movesintofalland cooler weather,there’s no better time to take awalkovertoa greatrestaurantnear you. Many NewOrleans menusare alreadychangingfor fall,

highlighting itemslikeLouisiana game,harvest vegetables and hearty comfortdishes.

Gambit’s Fall Dining Issueincludesmorethan200 restaurants in NewOrleans,Jefferson andSt. Bernardparishesand the Northshore,organizedbyneighborhoodand includinginformation aboutthe menu,hours of operationand serviceoptions,like delivery.Listingsonthe followingpages rangefromfinedining restaurantsand taco shops, French bistrosand po-boy favorites, to allkinds of cuisine, from Vietnamese to Jamaican Enjoy! And remembertotip generously



3070 DauphineSt.,(504) 299-3477;

Chef AnaCastro’snew Mexico Citystylerestaurantfeaturesa menu with hotand cold seafooddishes. Arroz negroincludesmussels,squid and huitlacoche, or “Mexican truffle.” Reservations accepted.DinnerThu.Mon. $$$

Alma Cafe

800LouisaSt.,(504) 381-5877;

ThemodernHonduranbreakfast and lunchspothas traditionalLatin American dishes such as Fritas Hondureñas, campechano andchicharrónes. Pollo chucoisadeep-friedchicken thigh, friedgreen banana andgreen cabbage topped with spicychili sauce. Reservationsaccepted. Outdoorseating available. Breakfastand lunchdaily, dinner Fri. $$


2900 Chartres St., (504)605-3827;

Chef Nina Comptonand LarryMiller’s modern neighborhood bistro highlights Italiancuisine with dishes such as arancini,cavatelli andwagyu beef lasagna. Blackenedoctopus is served atop acoconut andsweet potato puree. Reservations accepted.DinnerWed.Sun. $$$


600PolandAve., (504)948-9111;

TheBywater wine baroffersa-la-carte charcuterieboardsand lightbites such as baconwrapped dates andmixed olives accompanied. Agrilled pork chop is served on arugulasalad tossed in abalsamicvinegarette with whiteanchovies andParmesan. There’slivemusic in the largebackyard. Reservations accepted LunchSat.-Sun., dinner daily. $$

Bratz, Y’all

617-BPiety St., (504)301-3222;


food with aNew Orleanstwist.The

Crabby Jack’s


signature Nola Schnitzel is a deep-fried pork loin or chicken breast topped with crawfish remoulade slaw and served on a muffuletta bun. House-made pretzels are served with warm beer cheese No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $$

Bywater Bakery

3624 Dauphine St., (504) 336-3336;

Chaya Conrad’s bakery is a dog-friendly, low-frills café with a variety of daily-baked pastries and desserts The andouille breakfast gumbo comes atop a bed of grits with scrambled eggs, all served in a to-go coffee cup. No reservations. Outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch Thu.-Mon. $$

The Country Club

634 Louisa St., (504) 945-0742;

Chef Chris Barbato’s menu at the Bywater restaurant, bar and pool includes contem-

porary Creole and Southern dishes The spicy chicken sandwich has spicy mayo, kimchi-bacon jam, cucumbers and cilantro on a brioche bun and is served with fries. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch Mon.-Fri., dinner daily, brunch Sat.-Sun $$

The Joint

701 Mazant St., (504) 949-3232;

Jenny and Pete Breen’s popular barbecue spot serves up tender smoked meats with classic sides, like baked mac and cheese, baked beans and potato salad. The pastrami sandwich uses house-cured pastrami and is served with deli mustard and slaw on toasted rye bread. No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat $$


3162 Dauphine St., (504) 381-5098; Instagram: @justinisnola


cocktail bar’s food menu includes

red snapper, tomato sauce, aji, cayenne pepper, onions and cilantro There’s also a daily brunch menu with arepas, empanadas and breakfast casseroles Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Brunch, lunch and dinner daily. $$

Pizza Delicious

617-A Piety St., (504) 676-8482;

The menu includes several signature New York-style pizzas, pastas and salads The Gulf shrimp linguine has a spicy tomato sauce with fried peppers, garlic, butter, lemon and parsley. No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Tue.Sun $$


3054 St Claude Ave., (504) 218-8729;

The wine bar and progressive bistro features a 10-course tasting menu that rotates with the season The kitchen utilizes techniques including dry aging meats, washed rind cheesemaking and á la minute seafood butchery. There’s also a small a la carte menu available at the bar. Reservations required. Outdoor seating available. Dinner Thu.-Mon $$$


3325 St Claude Ave., (504) 459-4571; Instagram: @get_stuphd

Stuph’D specializes in burgers and beignets stuffed with sweet and savory ingredients. The Creole Queen is two beignets stuffed with crawfish, crabmeat and shrimp The menu also offers a build-your-own option No reservations Outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch Wed.-Sun. $$


Ayu Bakehouse

tacos, salads and grilled seafood. Burgundy Street tacos are made with grilled shrimp and crawfish tails and topped with cilantro, onion, spinach, roasted corn and jalapenos. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch Tue.-Sun., dinner Tue.-Sat., late-night Fri.-Sat $$

No Name Cafe

3704 St Claude Ave., (504) 224-2979;

This quaint cafe offers coffee and breakfast in the morning and Italian bites throughout the day. The menu of Neapolitan-style pizzas includes margherita, vegetarian and a combo of sausage, bell pepper, onion and broccoli. No reservations. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat $$

Origen Bistro

3600 St Claude Ave., (504) 381-4245; Instagram: @origenbistronola

Chef Julio Machado opened his Venezuelan bistro earlier this year The Revive the Soul ceviche includes apple vinegar-marinated

801 Frenchmen St., (504) 302-7985;

This modern bakery draws from more than standard Italian and French influences, serving breads, pastries, sandwiches, desserts and coffee The menu features jalapeno cornbread cookies, a sweet red bean roll, muffuletta breadsticks and chocolate babka knots. The Boudin Boy is Best Stop boudin and egg wrapped in a flaky croissant. No reservations

Outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch daily. $


Authentic Thai

1760 N. Rampart St., (504) 381-4636;

Chef Budsaba “Budsi” Mason draws from classic Thai recipes and specialties from the country’s Isan region Pumpkin curry comes with a choice of chicken, beef, tofu, crispy pork or shrimp, and a combination of stir-fried pork and Thai kale is served with a fried egg on top. No reservations.

Breakfast in a cup is a specialty at Bywater Bakery, a cafe on Dauphine Street

Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $$

Elysian Bar

Hotel Peter and Paul, 2317 Burgundy St., (504) 356-6769;

Elysian Bar is known for its cocktail menu and the kitchen offers pastries, brunch, and dinner Roasted Gulf shrimp are served with Calabrian chili butter, oregano and bottarga breadcrumbs. The grilled mushroom pizzette is topped with oyster mushrooms, pickled shallots, sumac aioli, parsley, mint and dill Reservations recommended Outdoor seating available. Breakfast, brunch and dinner daily. $$$

Kim Son Express

City Market, 1101 Elysian Fields Ave., (504) 354-8803; kimsonexpress

This Vietnamese food stand inside City Market serves rice and vermicelli bowls, pho and a variety of appetizers Dishes include crab rangoon, shrimp and pork spring rolls, cornish hen bún and flank steak pho. No reservations Lunch and dinner daily. $


2438 St. Claude Ave., (504) 827-1519;

The Creole menu has a distinct Korean influence thanks to restaurateur Larry Morrow’s mother, Leonora Chong. Gumbo ramen comes with sausage, chicken, shrimp and vegetables. There also are New Orleans classics like char-broiled oysters and red beans and rice Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$

Paladar 511

511 Marigny St., (504) 509-6782;

The menu includes pizzas and Italian dishes alongside innovative plates like smoked duck focaccia toast served with apple butter Squid ink spaghetti is tossed with Gulf shrimp, chili butter and green onions

The Farm Egg Pizza is topped with applewood-smoked bacon, collard greens and Gruyere cheese Reservations accepted Dinner daily, brunch Sat.-Sun $$

Peach Cobbler Factory

2372 St Claude Ave., (504) 874-9766;

This national chain dessert shop specializes in fruit cobblers topped with ice cream, and there also are Belgian waffles, cookies, brownies and more Banana pudding flavors include pumpkin spice, Oreo, strawberry, Nutella, red velvet, bourbon pecan, coconut cream and peanut butter and jelly. No reservations Delivery available Lunch and dinner daily. $

Tapas e Vino

516 Frenchmen St., (504) 346-8300;

Perched above Frenchmen Street club Bamboula’s, Tapas e Vino serves charcuterie and cheese boards, soups, salads, tapas, small plates and more. Crawfish

crepes are served with goat cheese and a chardonnay Creole sauce, and octopus comes with cauliflower puree, capers and brown butter Reservations accepted Dinner and late-night Thu.-Sun $$$

Who Dat Coffee Cafe

2401 Burgundy St., (504) 872-0360;

The cafe serves breakfast and lunch, coffee and espresso drinks and has a bar. The Vieux Reuben has thinly sliced corned beef, tangy sauerkraut, Swiss cheese and remoulade on rye bread. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch daily, dinner Thu.Sun $$


8 Fresh Food Assassin

1900 N. Claiborne Ave., (504) 2242628;

Chef Manny January spent 17 years in the Galatoire’s kitchen before opening his 7th Ward restaurant. The menu of New Orleans classics and comfort food favorites include deep fried ribs served with a loaded potato, salad and a roll or a choice of two sides, such as mac and cheese and greens No reservations Delivery available Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $$

Addis NOLA

2514 Bayou Road, (504) 218-5321;

The family-owned Ethiopian restaurant serves an array of options from vegan to lamb-based dishes The veggie combo plate includes red and green lentils, split peas, cabbage, collard greens and beets served atop a bed of injera bread, a staple gluten-free flatbread. Notable desserts include their traditional coffee served with ice cream affogato-style Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Dinner Wed.-Mon., brunch Sat.-Sun $$

J’s Creole Wings

1700 N. Claiborne Ave., (504) 3099444; Instagram: @jscreolewings

This casual chicken wing restaurant offers a variety of sauces and traditional Creole sides, including fried okra, loaded fries and sauteed corn Popular wing sauce flavors include lemon pepper, honey heat, island jerk and Creole rub. No reservations. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Wed.-Mon. $$

McHardy’s Chicken & Fixin’

1458 N. Broad St., (504) 949-0000; Instagram: @mchardyschicken

This quick-serve restaurant offers fried chicken with old-school soul food sides such as red beans and rice, mac and cheese, dirty rice and fried okra The fried catfish and fried shrimp platter come with two sides, toast and a drink. Takeout only Lunch daily. $

Nonno’s Cajun Cuisine

2517 Bayou Road, (504) 766-7965;

The casual neighborhood restaurant serves classic New Orleans dishes On the breakfast menu, shrimp and grits come with two eggs and toast, and fried catfish or red snapper are optional additions. The dinner menu features Rockafella oysters, served with shrimp, lump crabmeat, crawfish tails, spinach, artichoke and cheese No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch daily, dinner Wed.-Sat $$

Pagoda Cafe

1430 N. Dorgenois St., (504) 644-4178;

This worker-owned outdoor café serves house-made baked goods, locally roasted coffee and internationally inspired breakfast and lunch dishes. Breakfast tacos come with refried beans, roasted potatoes, scrambled eggs and shredded cheese on a flour tortilla. The drink menu

features ginger-turmeric tea and mango lassi, an Indian yogurt beverage No reservations Outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch Tue.-Sun $

Pollitos Azucar

1775 McShane Place, (504) 766-7609;

Chef Edwin Guity draws from Afro-Indigenous Caribbean cuisines to serve traditional dishes such as mahi and shrimp ceviche, carne asada and baleadas, which are flour tortillas stuffed with beans, cheese and optional meat Fried seafood and hot sausage po-boys also are available No reservations Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$

Vaucresson’s Creole Cafe

1800 St. Bernard Ave., (504) 267-3850;

The family-owned sausage maker was originally established in 1899. It is known for its hot sausage, which can

Addis NOLA serves Ethiopian food in New Orleans, including lamb tibs over injera bread.


be ordered on Leidenheimer bread or charcuterie-style. The cafe menu also offers various types of appetizers such as boudin balls and chicken cracklings No reservations Lunch Tue.- Sat. $$


Antoine’s Restaurant

713 St. Louis St., (504) 581-4422;

This 180-year-old dining institution’s kitchen created oysters Rockefeller and other classic dishes Another original, oysters Foch, features cornmeal-crusted oysters and pate on toast points with Colbert sauce. Reservations accepted Lunch Mon. and Thu.-Fri., dinner Mon.Sat., brunch Sat.-Sun $$$


1212 Royal St., (504) 522-1230;

The menu of West African dishes focuses mainly on the cuisines of Gambia and Cameroon Vegetarian jama jama ni makondo features sauteed spinach served with fried plantains and coconut rice No reservations Lunch and dinner Wed.-Sat. $$


365 Canal St., (504) 371-5553;

The second location of the South American steakhouse opened on the second floor of Canal Place. The menu of steaks includes skirt steak, black Angus rib-eye and wagyu coulotte fat cap, all cooked on a wood-burning grill. Fish and pork dishes also are available along with potatoes served au gratin, mashed or fried. Reservations recommended. Dinner daily. $$$


417 Royal St., (504) 525-9711;

The birthplace of bananas Foster offers an array of Creole favorites, like turtle soup and shrimp remoulade, as well as creative new dishes Glazed royal red shrimp comes with fennel pangrattato, zucchini and saffron butter Reservations accepted Courtyard seating available. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$$


819 Conti St., (504) 581-3866;

The menu combines classic Creole dishes, such as Gulf shrimp remoulade and gumbo with duck and alligator sausage, and contemporary creations such as Brussels sprouts with brie fondue and Crystal gastrique. New Orleans-style barbecue shrimp are served with Louisiana popcorn rice. Reservations recommend-

mustard greens Reservations accepted Delivery and balcony seating available. Brunch, lunch and dinner daily. $$$

El Gato Negro

81 French Market Place, (504) 525-9752;

El Gato Negro serves popular Mexican dishes, like fajitas, street tacos and handrolled enchiladas Flour tortilla quesadillas can be filled with ground chuck, skirt steak, chicken, pulled pork, chorizo, vegetables, Gulf shrimp, fish, crawfish or lobster claw and come with pinto beans, rice and sour cream. No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Felipe’s Taqueria

301 N. Peters St., (504) 267-4406;

The taqueria offers Baja-style fish tacos, “Mexico City tacos” filled with al pastor and “Gringo” tacos with ground beef

There also are nachos, taco salads, burritos, queso, vegan bowls and more No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Felix’s Restaurant & Oyster Bar

739 Iberville St., (504) 522-4440;

ed Courtyard seating available. Dinner Mon. and Wed.-Sat., brunch Fri.-Sun. $$$


700 Bourbon St., (504) 523-1485;

The menu of Cajun and Creole favorites includes gumbo, fried seafood po-boys, crawfish etouffee and more. An Ultimate Seafood platter includes fried oysters, shrimp, catfish, hushpuppies and fries. Reservations accepted Balcony seating available. Lunch, dinner and late-night daily. $$$

Croissant d’Or Patisserie

617 Ursulines Ave., (504) 524-4663;

Located in the bright ice cream parlor decor of the original home of Angelo Brocato’s, this French-style bakery offers an array of croissants, pastries and sweets and some savory items. Sandwiches filled with turkey or ham and Swiss cheese are available on a baguette or croissant. No reservations Breakfast and lunch Wed.-Mon $

Curio Bistro

301 Royal St., (504) 717-4198;

Local seafood fills everything from Creole favorites like gumbo to po-boys and seafood platters. Coriander blackened redfish is served with honey creamed

Felix’s is known for raw and char-grilled oysters, and the menu also has a range of seafood options, po-boys and pasta dishes Roasted Atlantic salmon comes with corn succotash, braised cherry tomatoes, bacon and corn puree. There’s also jumbo shrimp sauteed in garlic and shallots and served over stone-ground grits with herb oil. Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$


209 Bourbon St., (504) 525-2021;

The menu of Creole classics includes a Grand Goute appetizer sampler with shrimp remoulade, crab maison and oysters en brochette. Gulf fish are available sauteed, broiled or fried and served with meuniere, amandine or lemon caper butter sauce. Reservations recommended. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $$$

Gumbo Shop

630 St Peter St., (504) 525-1486;

True to its name, the menu includes gumbo along with po-boys and Creole favorites like crawfish etouffee, red beans and rice and blackened catfish. Gumbo options include chicken and andouille, gumbo z’herbes and seafood and okra, which is made with okra, onions, bell peppers, celery, tomato, shrimp and crab No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

House of Blues

225 Decatur St., (504) 310-4999;

The menu combines Southern dishes and

Lacquered duck with mustard frill and daikon cakes at Brennan’s Restaurant

Louisiana favorites like jambalaya, a fried shrimp po-boy and bread pudding. The BBQ Bacon Smash burger has two patties, cheddar cheese, fried onions and Memphis-style barbecue sauce on a brioche bun and is served with fries Reservations accepted Dinner Thu.-Sat and on concert days $$

Kingfish Kitchen & Cocktails

337 Chartres St., (504) 598-5005;

Creative takes on Cajun and Creole favorites include jambalaya risotto and boudin boulettes with red pepper aioli. Blackened Louisiana catfish Huey is served with blue crab glaze and a twice baked potato Reservations recommended. Brunch and dinner daily. $$$


949 N. Rampart St., (504) 381-4557;

Chef Tom Branighan combines refined French fare with Louisiana ingredients at his bistro on the edge of the French Quarter. Cote de boeuf served sliced and fanned out on a platter with pommes puree is a specialty. Reservations accepted Dinner Wed.-Sun $$$

Napoleon House

500 Chartres St., (504) 524-9762;

Napoleon House is known for its Pimm’s Cup cocktail and serving warm muffulettas. The menu includes seafood gumbo, red beans and rice, chicken and sausage jambalaya, po-boys and more No reservations Limited courtyard seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar & Bistro

720 Orleans Ave., (504) 523-1930;

The wine bar has shareable plates like cheeseboards and baked brie served with pecans, honey and bread. New Zealand lamb chops are served with mashed potatoes, vegetables and red pepper coulis Reservations accepted for large parties Outdoor seating available. Dinner Thu.-Sun $$

Palm & Pine

308 N. Rampart St., (504) 814-6200;

The creative menu includes Corner Store Crudo, featuring yellowfin tuna with daikon, herbs, shrimp chips and Pineapple Big Shot nuoc cham sauce. At brunch, chilaquiles verdes includes Oaxacan cheese, avocado, fried eggs and pickled tomatillos Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Dinner Wed.-Mon., brunch Sat.-Sun $$$

Port of Call

838 Esplanade Ave., (504) 523-0120;

This tavern on the edge of the French Quarter is known for thick burgers topped with cheese or mushrooms and served with a baked potato Other options include steaks and salads No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Wed.-Mon., late-night Thu.-Sat $$

Red Fish Grill

115 Bourbon St., (504) 598-1200:

There’s a raw oyster bar, and the oyster happy hour features fried oysters tossed in

Crystal hot sauce and honey barbecue sauce and topped with blue cheese dressing and crumbles Wood-grilled redfish is topped with crabmeat and lemon butter sauce and served with roasted mushrooms, tasso and Pontalba potatoes. Reservations accepted. Lunch and dinner daily, brunch Sat.-Sun $$$

Royal House

441 Royal St., (504) 528-2601;

Diners can sample local favorites in the Taste of New Orleans platter featuring choices of jambalaya, gumbo, crawfish etouffee or red beans and rice Baked Gulf shrimp tortellini is tossed with seafood cream sauce and topped with breadcrumbs. There also are raw oysters. Reservations accepted Balcony seating available. Brunch and dinner daily. $$$

Thaihey NOLA

308 Decatur St., (504) 354-8646;

Chef Orawin Yimchalam Greene serves traditional and creative Thai dishes Kurobuta pork in green curry fills dumplings served with coconut milk sauce. Massaman curry short rib is served with potatoes, crushed peanuts, jasmine rice and cucumber salad. Reservations accepted. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$$

Zhang Bistro

1141 Decatur St., (504) 826-8888;

The menu of Thai and Chinese dishes includes noodles, curries and specialties

Bahn Mi Boys’ spicy Asian brisket banh mi

Wellnessand Fun


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served with jasmine or egg fried rice. Mongolian beef is strips of beef stir-fried with onions, scallions and garlic in savory sauce. Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Thu.-Tue $$



1016 Annunciation St., (504) 568-0245;

Annunciation serves modern Creole and Southern dishes such as chicken Rosemarino, which is herb-roasted chicken served with linguine and marinara sauce. Soft-shell crab Monica features crab and crawfish pasta with green onion and garlic Reservations recommended. Dinner daily. $$$

Aroma Indian Cuisine

401 S. Claiborne Ave., (504) 766-6916; Instagram: @aroma.nola

Chef Sudharshan Kasarapu offers a wide variety of South Indian dishes, including curries, biryanis and vegetarian dishes featuring chickpeas and lentils. The special Nellore chepala pulusu is a tangy, spicy fish curry made with tamarind and spices. Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Baroness on Baronne

339 Baronne St., (504) 522-8664;

The craft cocktail lounge has shareable

dishes, including pizzas, charcuterie, dips and sandwiches. The Cajun pizza is topped with andouille sausage, spiced chicken, bell peppers, onion and fresh basil. Scallops are wrapped in applewood-smoked bacon and topped with teriyaki glaze. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch, dinner and latenight Wed.-Sun $$


110 S. Rampart St., (504) 308-0880;

Chef Nanyo Dominguez’s menu highlights Gulf seafood in Latin and Caribbean-style tapas, ceviches and entrees. Tuna aguachile comes with a spicy tomatillo-cucumber broth, avocado, salsa macha and sesame Paella Mixta includes Gulf shrimp, smoked sausage and mussels mixed with saffron rice and garbanzos. Reservations recommended Lunch and dinner Thu.-Mon., brunch Sat.-Sun $$

Breads on Oak

222 Carondelet St., (504) 841-9432;

Along with baked goods, Breads on Oak has hearty vegan offerings. The vegan pumpkin cheddar biscuit sandwich is made with sprouted tofu scramble, vegan andouille sausage, tomato, greens and aioli on a house-made pumpkin cheddar biscuit. No reservations Delivery available. Breakfast and lunch daily. $$


527 Julia St., (504) 875-4132;

The menu draws on culinary influences from tropical regions such as the Caribbean, Central and South America and West Afri-


800 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 528-9393;

Under the direction of chef E.J. Lagasse, Emeril’s offers tasting menus of elevated Louisiana cuisine. The classic tasting menu features smoked salmon cheesecake topped with caviar and dill, lobster gumbo and trout almondine with potato and green beans. The wine bar offers a menu of dishes such as tuna toro tartare and a duck and foie gras terrine. Reservations recommended. Dinner Tue.-Sat $$$

Good Catch Thai Urban Bistro

828 Gravier St., (504) 581-2205;

The founders of Pomelo focus on seafood at their CBD Thai restaurant A whole sea bass can be ordered steamed or fried and is served with chili, garlic and lime or with onion, sweet peppers and pineapple. Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat $$$

Headquarters by Nice Guys NOLA

445 S. Rampart St., (504) 217-6851;

ca. Tiradito fish is Peruvian-style sashimi topped with yellow chili peppers, yuzu sauce and canchita House-smoked tuna is served with greens, cucumber, avocado, lettuce and tomato Reservations accepted for dinner Lunch Tue.-Sat., dinner Mon.Sat. $$

Chapter IV

1301 Gravier St., (504) 766-7851;

Chef Edgar “Dook” Chase serves a modern take on classic Creole dishes In honor of his grandmother’s legacy, he uses Leah Chase’s fried chicken recipe, including in the fried chicken sandwich dressed with lettuce, tomato, pickles, pickled red onions, jalapenos and house sauce. Reservations accepted. Breakfast and lunch daily. $$


930 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 588-2123;

Cochon uses locally sourced pork and seafood in hearty Cajun dishes The housesmoked and braised brisket comes with deviled egg potato salad and savory jus. Reservations recommended. Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$$


611 O’Keefe Ave., Unit 10, (504) 7666602; Instagram: @dahlarestaurant

The family-run Thai Restaurant features bold flavors in familiar dishes like pad thai, pad see ew and red thai curry. Khao soi chicken is made with yellow curry, egg noodles, onions, pickles and cilantro and topped with fried noodles. Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat. $$

Nice Guys’ sister restaurant serves elevated Southern dishes at the site of the historic Little Gem Saloon The menu includes crawfish etouffée, seafood bread, braised oxtail and glazed beignets Reservations accepted. Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily, brunch Sat.-Sun. $$$


701 St Charles Ave., (504) 524-4114;

Chef Donald Link’s flagship restaurant offers contemporary French and Southern cuisines with rustic Italian flares. Muscovy duck leg confit is served with dirty rice and citrus gastrique. Reservations recommended Outdoor seating available. Lunch Mon.-Fri., dinner Mon.-Sat $$$

Juan’s Flying Burrito

515 Baronne St., (504) 529-5825;

The taqueria serves tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos and more Flying fajitas come with skirt steak, Gulf shrimp, Creole chicken, grilled bell peppers and onions, beans, rice, guacamole, sour cream, cheddar jack, lettuce, salsa fresca and pickled jalapeños. No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

King Brasserie & Bar

Kimpton Hotel Fontenot, 521 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 324-3000;

The menu focuses on southern French cuisine. The raw bar has steak tartare and a yellowfin tuna crudo. Grilled Spanish octopus comes with smoked potato, piquillo pepper romesco and black olives Reservations accepted Brunch and dinner daily. $$$

Pad thai is one of the familiar traditional dishes at Dahla.

Legacy Kitchen’s Craft Tavern

700 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 613-2350;

Craft Tavern’s casual menu features a spicy Bayou chicken sandwich served with house-made slaw and pickles. The menu also includes burgers, steak frites, seafood options and creative small plates Reservations accepted Delivery available. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$

Legacy Kitchen’s Tacklebox

817 Common St., (504) 827-1651;

Tacklebox has an oyster bar and emphasizes seafood on its menu of Southern dishes Grilled Gulf fish comes with Cajun crawfish cream sauce and vegetables Reservations accepted Delivery available Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$


301 St. Charles Ave., (504) 354-1104;

The menu features some familiar Indian dishes such as chicken biryani, tandoori-cooked Gulf shrimp over salad and chicken tikka masala, as well as creative items. Manso Kosha is a spicy Bengali curry with slow-cooked goat and caramelized onions Reservations accepted Lunch and dinner Thu.-Tue $$$


333 St. Charles Ave., (504) 378-2840;

The brasserie has a raw bar and a menu focused on regional seafood. Speckled trout amandine is served with shrimp, mushrooms, green beans and toasted almonds. Reservations accepted Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$$

Magazine Pizza

1068 Magazine St., (504) 568-0211;

The pizzeria has signature and customizable pies, calzones, pastas, sandwiches

and salads The Mediterranean pizza has mozzarella, feta, gyro, red onion, black olives, tomato and oregano with garlic herb butter sauce and tzatziki No reservations. Delivery available. Lunch, dinner and late-night daily. $$

Mister Oso

601 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 335-1740;

The taco joint has smoked meat tacos, ceviche, crudos and cocktails. Agua ceviche uses fish, lime, avocado, grape tomato, cucumber, peppers and olive oil. Reservations accepted Delivery available Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $$

Mother’s Restaurant

401 Poydras St., (504) 523-9656;

Since 1938, Mother’s has served po-boys dressed with thin-sliced cabbage and a menu of Creole staples, such as crawfish etouffée and red beans and rice The Famous Ferdi Special is a po-boy with ham, roast beef and debris in jus. No reservations. Delivery available. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$


800 Magazine St., (504) 522-1744;

Pêche serves contemporary seafood dishes inspired by South American, Spanish and Gulf Coast culinary techniques and flavors. Small plates include steak tartare with oyster aioli and fried oysters with pickled corn and kimchi aioli. Grilled tuna is served with okra, chili, garlic and tamarind Reservations recommended. Lunch and dinner daily. $$$


1051 Annunciation St., (504) 582-9020;

The tapas-style menu is inspired by New Orleans’ melting pot of cultures and changes seasonally Sample dishes include

Muffuletta at Napoleon House


blackgarlicshrimpand blue crab claws marinatedinVietnamesesauce with mint, shallotand basil. Reservations accepted Outdoorseating available. LunchFri., dinner daily, brunch Sat.-Sun. $$$

Restaurant August

301Tchoupitoulas St., (504)299-9777;

This fine-diningspotfocuses on contemporary Creole cuisine. Bluefintunacrudo comeswithpassion fruitand mirliton mignonette.Dry-agedduckbreastisserved with chanterellemushrooms,blackberry, magnolia teaand foie gras.Reservations recommended. Dinner daily. $$$


1114Constance St., (504)381-5079;

Sidecarservesoysters from coasttocoast, alongwithburgers,sandwiches, tacos andsalads. Ahitunatartare is served with sesame-soy vinaigrette, jicama,tobiko, sesame seedsand fried wontons. Fried oyster tacosfillcorntortillas andare topped with crèmefraîche,pickled red onion, jalapeño andpicodegallo.Noreservations. Delivery andoutdoor seating available. LunchSat.-Sun., dinner daily, late-night Fri.-Sat $$


516Julia St., (504)322-3216;

ThemodernItalian restaurant takesoffers seasonal smallplates, handmade pastas andwood-firedpizzas. Thepasta menu includes classicradiatore alla vodka, while thepicante pizzaistoppedwithSan Marzano tomatoes,pepperoni,hot peppers, ricotta, crispy kale,honey andpecorino. Reservations accepted.Deliveryand outdoor seatingavailable.DinnerMon.-Sun., brunch Sat.-Sun. $$$


412Girod St., (504)518-6007;

TheAfro-Creole andFrenchmenu includes confit duckal’orangeservedwith mushroom breadpuddingand asparagus, andanandouille cornbread-stuffedpork chop.Reservationsaccepted. Outdoor seatingavailable. Dinner Wed.-Sun $$$



1201 SRampart St., (504)558-4276;

Thebarbecuespot’sstarter menu includes cheese-filled, deep-fried brisket bombsand smoked wings. Meat options includeporkribs, boudin andprime brisket, whichcan be orderedasacombo and come with achoiceoftwo sides, pickles, sliced onionand bread. No reservations Delivery andoutdoor seatingavailable Lunchand dinner daily. $$

El Pavo Real

4401 S. BroadAve., (504)266-2022;

The Mexicanmenuincludestacos,quesadillas andenchiladasaswellasceviche, chilaquilesand specialtyplates. Roasted chickenisservedwithhouse-mademole sauce, tangyslawand tortillas. Friedfish tacosare topped with chipotle mayo, cabbageslaw, lime,pickled onionand jalapenos. No reservations.Outdoor seatingavailable.Lunch anddinnerTue.-Sat., brunch Sun $$

HeardDat Kitchen

2520 Felicity St., (504)510-4248;

Chef JeffreyHeard incorporatesfamily recipesonhis menu of soul food dishes

TheSuperdome features blackenedfish topped with mashed potatoes,lobster creamsauce,cornand onionrings.No reservations.Deliveryand limitedoutdoor seatingavailable.Lunch anddinnerMon.Sat. $$

Mais Arepas

1200 Carondelet St., (504)523-6247; Instagram: @maisarepas

Thecozyrestaurant hasamenuofColombian specialties, includingarepasstuffed with variousingredientcombinations. The Buenaventura arepaspecial is stuffedwith sauteedjumbo Louisianashrimp, chorizo, redpeppers,garlicand cilantro andis served with friedplantains.Reservations accepted.Outdoor seatingavailable Lunchand dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Ndindy AfricanCuisine

2600 Martin Luther King Jr.Blvd., (504)354-1552

Thecasualspotservestraditional Senegalese dishes such as yassachicken over rice, as well as some localstaples like po-boys. Fataya areSenegalese-stylebeefhand pies.Noreservations. Delivery available. LunchThu.-Mon. $$


AudubonClubhouse by Dickie

Brennan& Co.

6975 Magazine St., (504)558-1200;

Theclubhouse in AudubonParkserves sharable plates like manchego fries with greengoddess dressing anddeep-fried deviledeggs. Avocadotoast is served on Bellegarde multigrain breadwithavocado, chilicrunchmayo, soft-cookedegg and furikake.Reservationsaccepted. Outdoor seatingavailable. LunchMon.-Fri.,dinner Sun.-Thu., brunch Sat.-Sun $$

Banh Mi Boys

3244 Magazine St., (504)354-8502;

Banh Mi Boys takesa creative approach

to banh mi, po-boys, rice and noodle plates, salads and more The bulgogi banh mi includes marinated beef with kimchi bits and is dressed with a butter spread, cucumbers, jalapenos, pickled carrots and daikon and cilantro. No reservations. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $$

Baru Bistro & Tapas

3700 Magazine St., (504) 895-2225;

Chef Edgar Caro’s Latin menu is heavy on sharable plates of ceviche, arepas, empanadas and more Ropa vieja is a Cuban-style braised flank steak with caldo, cilantro rice, pickled onions, black beans and maduros. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch Fri.-Sat., dinner Mon.-Sat $$$

Bub’s Grab & Go


Bub’s is all about burgers, hot sandwiches, fries and onion rings. The original Mid-City smashburger joint recently opened a second location in Uptown The Impossible Bub includes a plant-based patty, American cheese, grilled onions, house-made bread and butter pickles and Bub sauce on a brioche bun. No reservations. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $$


6100 Annunciation St., (504) 895-1111;

The Uptown institution is known for its charm and contemporary Creole-inspired cuisine. The menu includes fried Gulf fish almandine meuniere, risotto with lobster and mushrooms and smoked duck with dirty rice For lunch, herbed cavatelli comes with Gulf shrimp, bacon with sun-dried tomato pesto cream sauce. Reservations required. Lunch Thu.-Fri., dinner Tue.-Sat $$$

Commander’s Palace

1403 Washington Ave., (504) 899-8221;

The Brennan family’s Creole dining

landmark is known for everything from bread pudding souffle to 25-cent martini specials Pecan-crusted Gulf fish is topped with jumbo lump crab and served with roasted corn, asparagus, grilled kale and whiskey-spiked crushed corn cream. Reservations recommended. Lunch Thu.-Fri., dinner daily, brunch Sat.-Sun $$$


1901 Sophie Wright Place, (504) 3814678;

Notably pork-free, the eclectic brunch menu includes dishes like smoked salmon rosti, a crispy potato cake topped with smoked salmon, fried capers and chive creme. The Bacon Tower is a house-specialty of lacquered duck bacon. Reservations accepted Limited outdoor seating available. Brunch Thu.-Mon. $$

Crepe Nanou

1410 Robert St., (504) 899-2670;

The French bistro and creperie is known for its traditional moules frites, featuring Prince Edward Island mussels steamed in white wine and garlic, finished with cream and served with pommes frites Reservations recommended. Outdoor seating available. Dinner Wed.-Sun. $$

Dakar NOLA

3814 Magazine St., (504) 493-9396;

Chef Serigne Mbaye serves a seasonal seven-course tasting menu at his modern Senegalese restaurant, which won best new restaurant at this year’s James Beard Foundation awards The tasting menu starts with a welcome tea and bread course and features many seafood-only dishes Reservations required. Dinner Tue.-Sat $$$


3109 Magazine St., (504) 582-9378;

The casual spot serves empanadas with a variety of fillings including vegan and vegetarian options. The gumbo empanada

is a hand pie filled with roasted chicken, sausage, onions, pepper and celery No reservations. Lunch and dinner daily. $

Felipe’s Taqueria

6215 S. Miro St., (504) 309-2776;

See French Quarter section for restaurant description. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Francolini’s Italian Deli

3987 Tchoupitoulas St.;

The deli specializes in New Jersey-style Italian sandwiches. The chicken Parmesan sandwich has melted mozzarella, housemade marinara, Parmesan and basil. The Gandolfini sandwich has hot sopressata, fresh mozzarella, spicy olive salad, arugula and a Calabrian chili vinaigrette. No reservations. Limited indoor and outdoor seating available. Online orders only on Wednesdays Lunch Wed.-Mon $$


1728 Soniat St., (504) 899-7397;

The menu focuses on New American French and New Orleans cuisine with a twist. Mushroom duxelles-stuffed flounder is served with vermouth sauce and burgundy truffles Gulf shrimp with paneer gnudi showcases chef Rob Mistry’s Indian roots with its tikka masala sauce and gnocchi-like pasta. Reservations recommended. Dinner Tue.-Sat. $$$


1800 Magazine St., (504) 272-0241;

Cast iron-seared Gulf fish and shrimp is served with green beans, tomatoes, caramelized onions and charred lemon. Chicken and dumplings feature handpulled chicken with roasted carrots, fresh herbs and dumplings with bread and butter Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Brunch and dinner Wed.-Mon $$

Hungry Eyes

4206 Magazine St., (504) 766-0054;

The ’80s are alive and thriving at this themed cocktail bar and restaurant by the team behind Turkey and the Wolf and Molly’s Rise and Shine. Artichoke hearts are served “on the half-shell” with morita chili, garlic and Parmesan No reservations. Dinner Wed.-Mon $$

Jack Rose

The Pontchartrain Hotel, 2031 St Charles Ave., (504) 608-7112;

The restaurant inside the Pontchartrain Hotel serves dishes inspired by New Orleans’ French, Spanish and Italian history. Italian rabbit sausage is served with baby carrots, turnips and Creole mustard. Fish in a Bag, a take on traditional Creole

The crepe Nanou is like a deconstructed ice cream sundae with three scoops, whipped cream and chocolate sauce at La Crepe Nanou in Uptown
Gulf fish amandine at Palmettos on the Bayou

pompanoenpapillote,featuresflounder or troutwithcrabbutter, charredcorn andfingerlingpotatoes. Reservations recommended. Dinner Wed.-Sat., brunch Sat.-Sun $$$

Juan’s Flying Burrito

2018 Magazine St., (504)569-0000;

SeeCBD /Warehouse District section forrestaurantdescription. Lunchand dinner daily. $$

La Petite Grocery

4238 Magazine St., (504)891-3377;

knots, bakedziti, roastedcauliflower anddesserts. No reservations.Delivery available. Lunchand dinner daily. $$ St.Pizza

1152 Magazine St., (504)603-7771;

This LowerGarden District pizzeria specializesinNortheastern-stylepies. Themenualsoincludesspaghetti and meatballsand chickenParmesan.The Bianca piecomes with mozzarella,Parmesan, pecorino romano,sweet ricotta, garlic confit andbasil.Noreservations. Limitedoutdoor seatingavailable Lunch(takeoutonly)and dinner Wed.Sun $$

Taking itsnamefromagrocery store that long occupied thebuilding, chef Justin Devillier’srestaurantserves refinedLouisiana cooking. Theturtle bologneseistagliatelle,sherry, parsley andafried soft-boiledegg.Panéed rabbit is served with spaetzle,wilted greens,turnippuree andgrenobloise sauce. Reservations accepted.Outdoor seatingavailable.Lunch Tue.-Sat., dinner daily, brunch Sun. $$$


3637 Magazine St., (504)895-1636;

Chef John Harris drawsfromFrench andItalian cuisines on themenuathis Uptown bistro.Appetizersinclude duck andricotta agnolottiservedwithwild mushroomsand riesling jus. Roasted poulet breast comeswithBrussels sprouts, balsamic-glazed onions and mushroom vinaigrette. Reservations recommended. Outdoorseating available.Lunch Tue.-Sat., dinner Mon.-Sat $$$

Mister Mao

4501 TchoupitoulasSt.,(504) 3452056;

Chef SophinaUongand herhusband WilliamGreenwell’s “tropicalroadhouse” serves dishes with influences from Mexico andacrossAsia. The changing menu features dishes like the Crying Tigerhangersteak served with sweetpotato, JimmyNardellopeppers, mint,spicy chilefishsauce andrice powder.Reservationsrecommended. Limitedoutdoor seatingavailable.DinnerThu.-Mon.,brunchSat.-Sun. $$


4308 Magazine St., (504)894-9797;

This Indian restaurant offers avariety of traditionaldishesfromthe subcontinent,including samosas, tandoori chickenand vegetarian options. The Goa-styleshrimpcurry is cooked in a coconutand vegetablesauce.Reservationsaccepted. Deliveryavailable Lunchand dinner Tues.-Sun. $


4933 Magazine St., (504)301-4978;

TheCalabrese is apizza with spicy salami,olives, capers andoregano Themenualsoincludessalads, garlic

Tito’s Ceviche&Pisco

1433 St.Charles Ave.,(504) 354-1342; 5015 Magazine St., (504)267-7612;

Tito’s Peruvian menusvarybylocation, butbothhaveceviche at theforefront Hanger steakisservedwithtallerines verdes (Peruvian greenpasta), whichis fettuccine with basilsauce,queso fresco andpecans. Reservations accepted Outdoorseating availableatMagazine Street location.Lunch Mon.-Sat., dinner daily, brunch Sun. $$$


3121 Magazine St., (504)608-1008;

Theall-day cafe serves beignets,sandwiches,flatbreadsand charcuterieas well as coffee,wineand cocktails. The Italianpressed sandwich comeswith pepperoni, prosciutto,salami, mozzarella, tomato andCreolesauce.No reservations.Outdoor seatingavailable Breakfast, lunchand dinner daily. $$


802Nashville Ave.,(504) 533-9166;

Alongwiththe bakery selectionof pastries andcakes,there is amenuwith steamedbuns, dumplingsand noodle dishes.The friedtofuhot potincludes soybeanprotein,seaweed,lettuce, scallion andpreserved vegetables in a vegetarian soup base.Noreservations. Outdoorseating available. Lunchdaily, dinner Mon.-Sat $$


14 Parishes

8227 OakSt.,(504) 264-7457;

This family-run restaurant dishes up Jamaican classics such as beef patties, curries andjerk-spiced dishes.The jerk sampler, whichcan feed four,consists of jerk-seasonedshrimp, chicken, pork andribsand is served with festival bread, corn andplantains.Reservations accepted.Lunch Fri.-Sat., dinner


8115 Jeannette St., (504) 862-5514;

Boucherie offers creative contemporary Cajun and Southern dishes Applewood-smoked scallops are served atop sweet pea risotto with Piave vecchio, roasted oyster mushrooms and lobster sauce nantua Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch Fri., dinner Wed.-Sat $$

Breads on Oak

8640 Oak St., Suite A, (504) 324-8271;

See CBD / Warehouse District section for restaurant description. Breakfast and lunch daily. $$


723 Dante St., (504) 861-7610;

Award-winning chef Frank Brigtsen serves contemporary Creole cuisine in a cozy Victorian cottage restaurant

Crab-crusted broiled Gulf fish comes with lemon crab sauce and is served with sauteed mushrooms. Reservations recommended. Dinner Tue.-Sat $$$

Ciro’s Cote Sud

7918 Maple St., (504) 866-9551;

The charming bistro serves traditional French cuisine as well as a menu of pizzas Filet de Porc Dijonnaise is grilled pork tenderloin with Dijonnaise sauce, served with steamed carrots, green beans and pomme frites Reservations accepted Dinner Thu.-Mon Cash only $$$

Cooter Brown’s

509 S. Carrollton Ave., (504) 8669104;

Cooter Brown’s has served local oysters and casual bar food like po-boys, burgers and fried seafood platters since 1977 The Manager’s Special is a hot roast beef debris po-boy with Chisesi ham and Swiss cheese and comes dressed. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch, dinner and late-night daily. $$


7321 Freret St., (504) 249-5977;

See Uptown section for restaurant details. Lunch and dinner daily. $

Juan’s Flying Burrito

8140 Oak St., (504) 897-4800;

See CBD / Warehouse District section for restaurant description. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

La Macarena Pupuseria & Latin Cafe

8120 Hampson St., (504) 862-5252;

The Latin cafe serves Salvadoran dishes including flautas, pupusas and maduros. A pupusa platter includes a choice of pupusas with fresh curtido and salsa. Ropa vieja is hand-pulled beef sauteed with caramelized onions, bell peppers and tomatoes in a red garlic sauce and served with yellow rice, refried black beans and salad. No reservations Delivery available. Brunch, lunch and dinner Wed.-Mon $$

Chicharron with mofongo at El Recoquero DR Bistro


3301 S. Carrollton Ave., (504) 488-1881;

The Japanese restaurant has a wide-ranging menu of sushi rolls, ramen, tempura and teriyaki dishes The Crescent City roll is snow crab, spicy crawfish and tempura batter rolled with rice in seaweed and topped with avocado, onion and shrimp Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Nice Guys Nola

7910 Earhart Blvd., (504) 302-2404;

Nice Guys offers a menu of innovative twists on New Orleans cuisine, with seafood dishes, wings, tacos, sandwiches, fries and more The char-grilled Ohh Lala Oysters are topped with shrimp, crawfish, crab and lobster cream. Reservations accepted. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch Thu., dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Fri.-Wed $$



Louisiana Children’s Museum, 15 Henry Thomas Drive, (504) 218-5413;

The all-ages cafe inside the Louisiana Children’s Museum at City Park has morning options like breakfast burritos, avocado toast and coffee, and lunch items include pizza, sandwiches, salads and noodle and grain bowls. The fried chicken sandwich


is made with chicken tenders, Crystal hot sauce honey and house-made pickles on a Hawaiian roll Breakfast and lunch Wed.-Sun $$

Angelo Brocato

214 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 486-1465;

The popular Mid-City gelato shop has pastries, cannoli, Italian biscotti, fig or seed cookies, espresso drinks and more House-made gelato flavors rotate, but some staples are praline, tiramisu, coffee, strawberry and vanilla bean There’s also Italian ice in lemon, raspberry, strawberry and seasonal flavors. No reservations Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $

Biscuits & Buns on Banks

4337 Banks St., (504) 273-4600;

Biscuits & Buns specializes in breakfast dishes like Belgian waffles, chicken and waffles, breakfast burritos, omelets and more The Wafflewich is a breakfast sandwich made with eggs, cheddar cheese and sausage, bacon or ham between two Belgian waffles. No reservations. Breakfast and lunch daily. $$

Brocato’s Kitchen

422 S. Broad St., (504) 354-9661;

Chef Troy Brocato opened this lunch spot for Cajun and Italian home-cooking The menu includes po-boys, fried seafood baskets, gumbo and specialty sandwiches. The Hot Broad is a sandwich made with a smash burger, hot sausage, pepper jack cheese, spicy mayo and lettuce. No

reservations Delivery available. Lunch Mon.-Fri $$

Bub’s NOLA

4413 Banks St., (504) 581-8054;

See Uptown section for restaurant description. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $$

Cafe Degas

3127 Esplanade Ave., (504) 945-5635,

This French bistro’s dining room opens onto a covered deck Magret de canard is seared duck breast served with blood orange basmati and wild rice, summer fruit, snow peas and berry and beet gastrique Reservations recommended. Lunch Wed.-Fri., dinner Tue.-Sun., brunch Sat.-Sun $$$

Cause & The Cure NOLA

2540 Banks St., (504) 459-2168;

The new Mid-City restaurant and bar’s food menu has truffle mac and queso, green hatch chile chicken rolls, corn dogs with a Korean twist and a hearty chopped cabbage salad. The smashburger is topped with sauteed cabbage and house-made chimi sauce on a brioche bun. It also is the new home for Monkey Monkey Coffee and Tea. No reservations Delivery available. Monkey Monkey: Breakfast daily. Cause & The Cure: Lunch and dinner Wed.-Sun $$

Clesi’s Seafood

4323 Bienville St., (504) 909-0108;

Boiled blue crab, shrimp and snow crab

Whole pies in two sizes (full and ‘tavern’) are served in the dining room at St Pizza, which makes New Yorkstyle pizza.

are available by the pound and served with add-ons including sausage, mushrooms, corn, potatoes and garlic The menu also includes po-boys, oysters, seafood platters and shareables like crawfish queso. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Thu.-Tue $$

Crescent City Steaks

1001 N. Broad St., (504) 821-3271;

The family-run steakhouse serves a classic menu of steaks and sides like potatoes au gratin, sautéed asparagus and spinach au gratin Steak options include a rib-eye, filet mignon wrapped in bacon, a T-bone and a porterhouse for two or three diners The menu also includes lobster tail and broiled salmon Reservations accepted Lunch Wed.-Fri. and Sun., dinner Tue.-Sun. $$$

Felipe’s Taqueria

411 N. Carrollton Ave., Suite 1, (504) 408-2626;

See French Quarter section for restaurant description. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Juan’s Flying Burrito

4724 S. Carrollton Ave., (504) 486-9950;

See CBD / Warehouse District section for restaurant description. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Katie’s Restaurant

3701 Iberville St., (504) 488-6582;

The neighborhood restaurant offers seafood, pasta, salads, pizzas, po-boys, char-grilled oysters and more

The Kalamata muffuletta is made with salami, ham, mortadella, mozzarella, provolone and olive salad on toasted Italian bread. Reservations accepted for large parties. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily, brunch Sun. $$


3312 Esplanade Ave., (504) 488-6946;

Lola’s serves Spanish dishes, including meat and seafood paellas. Caldereta is an Andalusian-style lamb stew made with bell peppers, carrots, wine and spices. Reservations

accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Dinner daily. $$$

Mona’s Cafe and Deli

3901 Banks St., (504) 482-7743

Mona’s serves Middle Eastern and Mediterranean dishes and has an attached market with many imported products. The lula kebab plate is ground lamb and beef, mixed with parsley, garlic, herbs and spices No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$


4327 Bienville St., (504) 581-8900;

Restaurateur Larry Morrow and his mother Lenora Chong serve a large menu of Creole dishes, sandwiches, burgers, pizzas, salads and more The menu includes shrimp and grits, boudin egg rolls and The Bienville, a Creole-style crawfish étouffée served over steamed rice and topped with fried catfish. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Wed.-Mon., brunch Sat.-Sun $$$


514 City Park Ave., (504) 482-6845;

Michael Gulotta’s menu combines Vietnamese and New Orleans flavors. Crispy pork belly and Burmese curried pork shoulder are served with spiced peanuts, cracklings, herbs, jalapenos, pickled vegetables and cucumbers over vermicelli noodles or coconut rice There also is a selection of boba teas Reservations accepted Lunch and dinner daily. $$


Creole Cafe

3332 Bienville St., (504) 827-5474;

This Creole restaurant serves classics like gumbo, poboys, barbecue shrimp and fried oysters. Red beans and rice can be ordered with grilled or fried chicken, a grilled or breaded pork chop, hot sausage, or grilled or fried fish. No reservations. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch and early dinner Sun. $$

Parkway Bakery and Tavern

538 Hagan Ave., (504) 482-3047;

Parkway serves traditional po-boys filled with fried shrimp, oysters and roast beef as well as vegetarian

options. The James Brown is layered with slow-cooked barbecue beef, Louisiana fried shrimp, melted pepper jack cheese and hot mayo sauce. Its special Thanksgiving po-boy returns every Wednesday in November. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch Wed.Sun $$

Queen Trini Lisa

4200 D’Hemecourt St., (504) 345-2058;

“Queen Trini” Lisa Nelson brings the flavors of her native Trinidad and Tobago to New Orleans. On the menu are doubles, a vegan Trinidadian street food made with curried chickpeas served with chutney between two slices of turmeric flatbread. Weekend specials include goat curry and stewed oxtail in brown gravy. No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Ralph’s on the Park

900 City Park Ave., (504) 488-1000;

Pan-seared, herb-coated Gulf tuna is served on a bed of risotto with crispy garlic chips, lemon-garlic sauce and asparagus sautéed with shallots The menu also includes duck crepes, made with duck confit, sauteed mushrooms and brie wrapped in a savory herbed crepe and served with fig gastrique. Reservations accepted. Lunch Wed.Fri., dinner daily, brunch Sat.-Sun. $$$


139 S. Cortez St., (504) 766-6642;

The casual restaurant and bar serves charcuterie and small plates like boudin balls, smoked fish dip and corn dogs. Comfort food-style entrees include a pimiento bacon cheeseburger, spinach and artichoke lasagna and loaded baked potato gnocchi. Reservations accepted Dinner Wed.-Mon., brunch Sun. $$

Smoke & Honey

3301 Bienville St.;

Smoke & Honey has a menu of Greek and Jewish items, including bagels and gyro. The breakfast gyro is a pita filled with halloumi cheese, scrambled eggs, bacon, tzatziki, red onions, tomatoes and fries. Reservations accepted for dinner Outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch daily, dinner Mon.-Tue and Thu.-Sat $$

Sweet Soulfood

1025 N. Broad St., (504) 821-2669;

The menus is filled with vegan versions of New Orleans and American classics, and there is vegan ice cream. Weekly specials include stuffed bell peppers, cashew mac and okra gumbo. A sampler plate includes up to four menu items. No reservations Lunch Mon.-Sat $

Toups Meatery

845 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 252-4999;

Chef Isaac Toups’ contemporary Cajun menu includes small plates, like boudin balls and cracklings, and entrees, such as couvillion made with Louisiana Gulf fish and crab and served over rice A smoked duck half comes with heirloom grits and pepper jelly. Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch Mon.-Fri., dinner daily, brunch Sat.-Sun. $$$


134 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 488-7991;

Venezia’s has been serving home-style Italian dishes since 1957 and recently opened a second location in

A selection of Korean corn dogs have different coatings and sauces at Cause & the Cure in Mid-City.

Join us at the 35 th a nnual Oscar®-qualifying Ne wO rleans Film Fe stival (NOFF), ac elebration of diverse vo ic es, visionary films, and Southern crea ti vit y! Sho wcasi ng 150+ films, w ith ove r2 50 filmma ke rs ,a nd 1 2, 000 atte ndees. From groundbrea kin gd ocumentaries to inspiring narratives, this ye ar is at rue ce le bration of fi lm .


Th ur sd ay,O ct 17

5: 45 PM

CA CWarehous eT he ater


20 24 |U SA ,Pol and |8 9 mi n

Di r: Je ss eE is enb e rg |P ro d :D av eM cC ar y,

Al iH er ting ,E mm aS tone, Je ss eE is enb er g, Jenni fe rS emle r, EwaP us zc zy ns ka |Wri:

Je ss eE is enb e rg DP :M ic ha łD ym ek |E d:

Ro be rt Na ss au

AR ea lP ain fo llow sm is ma tc he dc ous ins

David (J ess eE isenb er g) and Be nji (K ieran

Culk in)a st he yr eu ni te fo rat ou rt hr ough

Po la nd to honor their be lov ed gran dmo ther

Th ea dv ent ure take sa tu rn when the od dco up le’so ld te ns ions re su rf ac ea ga ins tt he ba ckdr op of their fa mil yh is to ry

Su nd ay,O ct 20

6: 00 PM

CA CWarehouse Th ea ter


20 24 |Z amb ia ,Uni te dK ingdom, Ir el an d|9 9m in

Dir :R un ga no Ny oni |P ro d: Ed Guin ey,A ndrew

Lo we ,T im Co le |Wri: Rung an oNyo ni

DP :D av id Ga lle go AD FC |E d: Na th an Nu gent

On an em pt yr oa di nt he mi ddl eo ft he night

Shul as tu mb le sa cr os st he bod yo fh er un cle

As fu neral p ro ce ed ing sb eg in ar ou nd them, she and her co us ins b ri ng to light the bu ri ed se cr et so ft heir mid dl e- cl as sZ amb ia nf am il y, in fi lmm aker Ru ng ano Ny oni ’s su rr ea la nd vibrant re ckoning wi th the lie sw et el lo ur se lv es

Wr it er/d ir ec to rN yoni wa sawa rd ed the Un

Ce rt ain Re ga rd Be st Dir ec to rAwa rd at this ye ar ’s Ca nne sF ilm Fes ti va l.

Th ur sd ay,O ct 17

8: 15 PM

CA CWarehous eT he ater


20 24 |U K, US A|114 min

Dir :S te ve Mc Que en |P ro d: Ya riv Milch an ,T im Be va n,

St ev eM cQ ue en ,E ric Fe llner,A ni ta Ov erl and ,A rn on Milch an ,M ich ael Sc ha ef er,A da mS omner |Wri: St ev e

M cQ ue en |D P: Yo rick Le Sa ux |E d: Pe ter Sc ib er ra s

Sir St ev eM cQ ue en ’s Bl it z fo llow st he epic jou rn ey of Ge or ge (E llio tt He ff er na n) ,a9 -y ea r- old boy in Wo rld Wa r

II Lo ndon who se mo th er Ri ta (S ao ir se Ro na n) send him to sa fe ty in the En glish co un tr ys ide .G eo rg e, de fi ant and de te rm ine dt or et ur nh ome to his om and his grand fa ther G erald (Pau lWeller )i nE as tL ondon, em ba rk so na n adv ent ure ,o nl yt of ind himse lf in immense pe ri l, while a dis trau ght Ri ta se ar che sf or her mis si ng son.


20 24 |U SA |1 40 MIN

Dir :R aM ell Ro ss

Pr od :R aM ell Ro ss ,C ol son

Wh it ehe ad ,J os ly nB ar ne s

Wr i: Ra Me ll Ro ss ,J os ly n

Bar ne s|D P: Jomo Fray

Su nd ay,O ct 20 8: 15 PM

CA CWarehous eT he ater

In sp ir ed by ac tu al ev en ts and sho to nl oc at ion in Lo uis ia na ,t his ha rro wi ng tale co me st ov ivid li fe vi aa ni ng eniou sv is ual appr oa ch th at br illi antl ya da pt st he nov el ’s ex er cise in su bj ec ti vi ty.R os s’s Nickel Bo ys se ts the be au ty of the na tu ra world ag ains tt he cr uel rea li ti es of Am er ican ra cis m, and co nf ir ms Ra Me ll Ro ss ’s st at us as av is ion ar yc inem at ic ar ti st

LIVE OCT. 16-22 VIRTUAL OCT. 16-27

Th ur sd ay,O ct 17

8: 30 PM

CA CB la ck Bo xT he ater


20 24 |U SA |116 min

Dir :W il li am Go ldenb er g|P ro d: Be nA ff le ck ,Matt

Da mon ,E la ine Go ld sm it h-Th om as ,A nth onyR oble s, Davi dC ro cke tt ,O liv ie rD el bo sc |Wri :E ric Ch ampnell a,

Al ex Ha rr is ,J oh nH indm an |D P: Sa lvatore To tino

Mo onlight ’s Jh ar re lJ er ome giv es ano ther ou ts tanding pe rf or ma nc ea mid as tar -s tu dde dc as t( including Do n Ch ea dle and Jenni fe rL op ez )i nt his he ar tf el ts po rt s dram aa bo ut ac olle ge wr es tler who dr ea ms of goin g pr o. Bo rn wi th one le g, An thonyR oble s( Jer ome ) de fi es ex pe ct at ions to be co me ac ha mpion wr es tler in co lle ge, co mp et ing ag ains tt he ve ry scho ol th at re je ct ed him.

Mo nd ay,O ct 21

8: 00 PM

CA CWareh ouse Th ea ter


20 24 |Fra nc e|1 30 min

Dir :J ac que sA udi ard |P ro d: Pa sc al Ca uch et eu x, Ja cq ue sA udi ard ,Valérie Sc her ma nn ,A nth ony

Va cc arello ,A rd avan Sa fa ee ,J ea n-Pi er re Da rdenne, Lu cD ardenne |Wri: Ja cq ue sA udi ard

DP :Pau lG uilh aume |E d: Ju lie tt eWel fl ing

Ex hil arat ing and pier cingl yr es on ant ,t he la te st fr om

dir ec to rJ ac que sA ud ia rd ( Ru st and Bo ne )a ud aciousl y mer ge sp op op era, na rc ot hr iller,a nd gender

af fi rm at ion dram a. Em ili aP ér ez is ar oller co as te ri n wh ich cr ime, re de mp ti on, and ka rm ac ollide, fe at ur ing fe arle ss pe rf or ma nc es fr om Zo eS ald añ a, Se len a

Go mez ,A dr ia na Pa z, an dt he am az ing Ka rl aS of ía

Ga sc ón, an ens emble th at co lle ct iv el yr ec eiv ed the Be st

Ac tr ess Awar da tt he Ca nne sF ilm Fes ti va lt his ye ar


20 24 |I tal y, Ge rm any, US A|1 22 min

Dir :Pablo La rraín |P ro d: Lo ren zo Mieli ,J on as Do rn bach ,J uan de Dio sL ar ra ín |Wri: St ev en Kn ight DP :E dward La chm an |E d: So fí aS ub erc as ea ux

An gelin aJ olie be co me sM ar ia Ca ll as ,t he Am er icanbo rn ,G re ek op eras inger who se vo ic ea nd int ensel y dram at ic li fe cap ti va te dm illions be fo re her de ath at 53 .S et in Pa ri s, Se pt emb er 19 77,d ur ing the fi na lw ee k of her li

db ou nd ar ie s be tw ee nt he ve nerat ed “L aD ivin a” and the vu lnerable hu ma nb eing Ma ri a. Pr es ent ed by Al ex aG eo rg es and


20 24 |U SA |1 25 min

Dir :Mal co lm Wa sh ing ton |P ro d: De nz el Wa sh ing ton ,Tod dBla ck |Wri: Vi rg il Wi lli ams, Ma lc olm Wa sh ing ton |D P: Mike Gi oul ak is Ed: Les lie Jone s

Se ti n1 93 6P itts bu rg hd ur ing the af te rm ath of the Gr ea tD epr ess ion, The Piano Le ss on fo llow st he liv es of the Ch arle sf amil yi nt he Do aker Ch arle sh ousehold and an heirlo om, the fa mil yp ia no ,w hich do cu ment s the fa mil yh is to ry thr ough car ving

the pl ay ’s re ce nt Br oa dway re vival— including Sa muel L. Ja ck son and John David Wa shing to n— and also include sak no ckou t pe rf or ma nc ef ro mN OF Fa

Spotlight Films •Narrative &Documentary FeatureFilms• Short Film Blocks South Pitch •CinemaReset •ExclusiveScreenings and Panels •Filmmaker Q&As Workshops • Networking Events Community Gatherings • After-Parties and More!

#noff2024 @neworleansfilmfestival




Join us at the 35 th a nnual Oscar®-qualifying Ne wO rleans Film Fe stival (NOFF), ac elebration of diverse vo ic es, visionary films, and Southern crea ti vit y! Sho wcasi ng 150+ films, w ith ove r2 50 filmma ke rs ,a nd 1 2, 000 atte ndees. From groundbrea kin gd ocumentaries to inspiring narratives, this ye ar is at rue ce le bration of fi lm .


Th ur sd ay,O ct 17

5: 45 PM

CA CWarehous eT he ater


20 24 |U SA ,Pol and |8 9 mi n

Di r: Je ss eE is enb e rg |P ro d :D av eM cC ar y,

Al iH er ting ,E mm aS tone, Je ss eE is enb er g, Jenni fe rS emle r, EwaP us zc zy ns ka |Wri:

Je ss eE is enb e rg DP :M ic ha łD ym ek |E d:

Ro be rt Na ss au

AR ea lP ain fo llow sm is ma tc he dc ous ins

David (J ess eE isenb er g) and Be nji (K ieran

Culk in)a st he yr eu ni te fo rat ou rt hr ough

Po la nd to honor their be lov ed gran dmo ther

Th ea dv ent ure take sa tu rn when the od dco up le’so ld te ns ions re su rf ac ea ga ins tt he ba ckdr op of their fa mil yh is to ry

Su nd ay,O ct 20

6: 00 PM

CA CWarehouse Th ea ter


20 24 |Z amb ia ,Uni te dK ingdom, Ir el an d|9 9m in

Dir :R un ga no Ny oni |P ro d: Ed Guin ey,A ndrew

Lo we ,T im Co le |Wri: Rung an oNyo ni

DP :D av id Ga lle go AD FC |E d: Na th an Nu gent

On an em pt yr oa di nt he mi ddl eo ft he night

Shul as tu mb le sa cr os st he bod yo fh er un cle

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Ce rt ain Re ga rd Be st Dir ec to rAwa rd at this ye ar ’s Ca nne sF ilm Fes ti va l.

Th ur sd ay,O ct 17

8: 15 PM

CA CWarehous eT he ater


20 24 |U K, US A|114 min

Dir :S te ve Mc Que en |P ro d: Ya riv Milch an ,T im Be va n,

St ev eM cQ ue en ,E ric Fe llner,A ni ta Ov erl and ,A rn on Milch an ,M ich ael Sc ha ef er,A da mS omner |Wri: St ev e

M cQ ue en |D P: Yo rick Le Sa ux |E d: Pe ter Sc ib er ra s

Sir St ev eM cQ ue en ’s Bl it z fo llow st he epic jou rn ey of Ge or ge (E llio tt He ff er na n) ,a9 -y ea r- old boy in Wo rld Wa r

II Lo ndon who se mo th er Ri ta (S ao ir se Ro na n) send him to sa fe ty in the En glish co un tr ys ide .G eo rg e, de fi ant and de te rm ine dt or et ur nh ome to his om and his grand fa ther G erald (Pau lWeller )i nE as tL ondon, em ba rk so na n adv ent ure ,o nl yt of ind himse lf in immense pe ri l, while a dis trau ght Ri ta se ar che sf or her mis si ng son.


20 24 |U SA |1 40 MIN

Dir :R aM ell Ro ss

Pr od :R aM ell Ro ss ,C ol son

Wh it ehe ad ,J os ly nB ar ne s

Wr i: Ra Me ll Ro ss ,J os ly n

Bar ne s|D P: Jomo Fray

Su nd ay,O ct 20 8: 15 PM

CA CWarehous eT he ater

In sp ir ed by ac tu al ev en ts and sho to nl oc at ion in Lo uis ia na ,t his ha rro wi ng tale co me st ov ivid li fe vi aa ni ng eniou sv is ual appr oa ch th at br illi antl ya da pt st he nov el ’s ex er cise in su bj ec ti vi ty.R os s’s Nickel Bo ys se ts the be au ty of the na tu ra world ag ains tt he cr uel rea li ti es of Am er ican ra cis m, and co nf ir ms Ra Me ll Ro ss ’s st at us as av is ion ar yc inem at ic ar ti st

LIVE OCT. 16-22 VIRTUAL OCT. 16-27

Th ur sd ay,O ct 17

8: 30 PM

CA CB la ck Bo xT he ater


20 24 |U SA |116 min

Dir :W il li am Go ldenb er g|P ro d: Be nA ff le ck ,Matt

Da mon ,E la ine Go ld sm it h-Th om as ,A nth onyR oble s, Davi dC ro cke tt ,O liv ie rD el bo sc |Wri :E ric Ch ampnell a,

Al ex Ha rr is ,J oh nH indm an |D P: Sa lvatore To tino

Mo onlight ’s Jh ar re lJ er ome giv es ano ther ou ts tanding pe rf or ma nc ea mid as tar -s tu dde dc as t( including Do n Ch ea dle and Jenni fe rL op ez )i nt his he ar tf el ts po rt s dram aa bo ut ac olle ge wr es tler who dr ea ms of goin g pr o. Bo rn wi th one le g, An thonyR oble s( Jer ome ) de fi es ex pe ct at ions to be co me ac ha mpion wr es tler in co lle ge, co mp et ing ag ains tt he ve ry scho ol th at re je ct ed him.

Mo nd ay,O ct 21

8: 00 PM

CA CWareh ouse Th ea ter


20 24 |Fra nc e|1 30 min

Dir :J ac que sA udi ard |P ro d: Pa sc al Ca uch et eu x, Ja cq ue sA udi ard ,Valérie Sc her ma nn ,A nth ony

Va cc arello ,A rd avan Sa fa ee ,J ea n-Pi er re Da rdenne, Lu cD ardenne |Wri: Ja cq ue sA udi ard

DP :Pau lG uilh aume |E d: Ju lie tt eWel fl ing

Ex hil arat ing and pier cingl yr es on ant ,t he la te st fr om

dir ec to rJ ac que sA ud ia rd ( Ru st and Bo ne )a ud aciousl y mer ge sp op op era, na rc ot hr iller,a nd gender

af fi rm at ion dram a. Em ili aP ér ez is ar oller co as te ri n wh ich cr ime, re de mp ti on, and ka rm ac ollide, fe at ur ing fe arle ss pe rf or ma nc es fr om Zo eS ald añ a, Se len a

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Ga sc ón, an ens emble th at co lle ct iv el yr ec eiv ed the Be st

Ac tr ess Awar da tt he Ca nne sF ilm Fes ti va lt his ye ar


20 24 |I tal y, Ge rm any, US A|1 22 min

Dir :Pablo La rraín |P ro d: Lo ren zo Mieli ,J on as Do rn bach ,J uan de Dio sL ar ra ín |Wri: St ev en Kn ight DP :E dward La chm an |E d: So fí aS ub erc as ea ux

An gelin aJ olie be co me sM ar ia Ca ll as ,t he Am er icanbo rn ,G re ek op eras inger who se vo ic ea nd int ensel y dram at ic li fe cap ti va te dm illions be fo re her de ath at 53 .S et in Pa ri s, Se pt emb er 19 77,d ur ing the fi na lw ee k of her li

db ou nd ar ie s be tw ee nt he ve nerat ed “L aD ivin a” and the vu lnerable hu ma nb eing Ma ri a. Pr es ent ed by Al ex aG eo rg es and


20 24 |U SA |1 25 min

Dir :Mal co lm Wa sh ing ton |P ro d: De nz el Wa sh ing ton ,Tod dBla ck |Wri: Vi rg il Wi lli ams, Ma lc olm Wa sh ing ton |D P: Mike Gi oul ak is Ed: Les lie Jone s

Se ti n1 93 6P itts bu rg hd ur ing the af te rm ath of the Gr ea tD epr ess ion, The Piano Le ss on fo llow st he liv es of the Ch arle sf amil yi nt he Do aker Ch arle sh ousehold and an heirlo om, the fa mil yp ia no ,w hich do cu ment s the fa mil yh is to ry thr ough car ving

the pl ay ’s re ce nt Br oa dway re vival— including Sa muel L. Ja ck son and John David Wa shing to n— and also include sak no ckou t pe rf or ma nc ef ro mN OF Fa

Spotlight Films •Narrative &Documentary FeatureFilms• Short Film Blocks South Pitch •CinemaReset •ExclusiveScreenings and Panels •Filmmaker Q&As Workshops • Networking Events Community Gatherings • After-Parties and More!

#noff2024 @neworleansfilmfestival




Gretna Veal Pontchartrain is panned veal topped with lump crabmeat, mushrooms, artichoke hearts and lemon and butter sauce. Reservations accepted Lunch Sun., dinner Wed.Mon. $$


127 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 2673233;

Chef Sue Zemanick serves a contemporary menu at her Mid-City restaurant American red snapper is served with potato gnocchi, fava beans, oyster mushrooms, tomato confit and spicy beurre blanc. Reservations recommended. Dinner Mon. and Wed.-Sat $$$


Dooky Chase

2301 Orleans Ave., (504) 821-0600;

The Chase family’s storied Creole fine-dining restaurant serves favorites like shrimp Clemenceau, chicken Creole and more For dinner, panseared Louisiana redfish is served with succotash, lump crab meat and Creole sauce. Reservations recommended. Lunch Tue.-Fri., dinner Fri.-Sat $$$


1535 Basin St., (504) 264-7899;

Chef Charly Pierre serves Haitian street food at his Treme restaurant. Papaya Chaje are a play on nachos with plantain chips toasted with cheddar and topped with oxtail gravy, tomato, pikliz and avocado. Sides include fried green plantains, red beans and rice, and smothered greens Reservations accepted Dinner Wed.-Mon $$


2441 Orleans Ave., (504) 603-2344;

Chef Greg Sonnier’s menu includes

old classics and seasonal specials

Slow-roasted duck is prepared with mixed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, duck “quacklin” and an orange-sherry sauce and served over dirty rice Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Dinner Thu.-Sat. $$$

I-Tal Garden

810 N. Claiborne Ave., (504) 5157321;

The plant-based soul-food-style menu includes cauliflower wings, avocado toast, vegan gumbo and dairy-free mac and cheese The Nourishment Bowl is filled with candied sweet potatoes and coconut curry chickpeas over quinoa with grilled vegetables and salad. No reservations Lunch Sat.-Sun., dinner Wed.-Sat $$

Lil’ Dizzy’s

1500 Esplanade Ave., (504) 7668687;

The Baquet family’s restaurant is known for Creole favorites such as gumbo, hot sausage po-boys, fried seafood platters and more Daily specials include Thursday’s smothered okra with rice and fried chicken. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch Mon.-Sat $$



5363 Franklin Ave., (504) 302-2090;

Owners Kay and Shaka Garel’s menu blends Jamaican and Creole flavors with dishes like curry shrimp, oxtail and crawfish etouffee The jerk chicken sandwich is a grilled, jerk-

La Macarena’s Central

spiced chicken thigh served on a bun with Caribbean slaw and jerk barbecue sauce. No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch Fri.-Sun., dinner Wed.-Sat $$

Cochon King

5321 Franklin Ave., (504) 259-0828;

The barbecue joint has brisket, ribs, sausage, pulled pork, chicken and turkey breast served on sandwiches and platters with sides, like pepper jack mac and cheese, potato salad, fried Brussels sprouts and more The Gentilly Reuben is filled with smoked brisket pastrami, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and house sauce on marbled rye bread. Cochon King also has a food truck at the Broadside. No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Wed.-Sun $$

Dong Phuong Bakery

14207 Chef Menteur Highway, (504) 254-0214;

Along with breads and other baked goods, Dong Phuong has a menu of vermicelli bowls, pho, rice dishes, specialty soups, banh mi and more Vietnamese favorites. The combination pho includes brisket, eye of round and beef meatballs. There also are tapioca drinks with passion fruit, coconut, papaya and more flavors. No reservations. Breakfast and lunch Wed.Mon. $$

Fiorella’s Cafe

5325 Franklin Ave., (504) 309-0352;

The menu includes fried chicken, classic Italian dishes, po-boys and seafood plates

along with daily specials Veal Parmesan is a breaded veal cutlet served with mozzarella and house-made red sauce over capellini, served with salad or vegetables No reservations Lunch and early dinner Mon.-Fri $

Messina’s Runway Cafe

New Orleans Lakefront Airport, 6001 Stars and Stripes Blvd., (504) 241-5300;

The restaurant inside the Lakefront Airport’s Art Deco terminal building has a menu of Creole dishes, plate specials and more The Jimmy Wedell pasta, named for the 1930s pilot, includes shrimp, crabmeat and crawfish over angel hair pasta with basil cream sauce. Reservations recommended for large parties. Breakfast and lunch Tue.-Fri., brunch Sat.-Sun $$$

The Munch Factory

Joseph M. Bartholomew Municipal Golf Course, 6514 Congress Drive, (504) 4592180;

The Pontchartrain Park restaurant has a menu of Creole-inspired dishes, sandwiches, salads and creative shareable plates Bayou Nachos are house-fried tortilla chips topped with roast beef, onions, jalapenos, tomatoes, jack cheese, cheddar and ranch dressing No reservations. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch Tue.-Sun. $$

Orleans Brothers 5941 Bullard Ave., (504) 415-5817;

The New Orleans East restaurant specializes in crawfish pies and baked potatoes

The bone-in pork chop is served over cauliflower puree with roasted cabbage and field peas at the Audubon Clubhouse.


Pappardelle with shrimp, artichoke, cured tomato, lemon and herbs at Oak Oven in Harahan

and has gumbo, yakamein, pralines and more Crawfish tails are cooked in a creamy Creole sauce and baked in pie crusts No reservations Delivery available Lunch and early dinner Mon.-Tue., Thu.-Fri. $$

PeeWee’s Crabcakes on the Go

4500 Old Gentilly Road, (504) 3549884;

PeeWee’s has a variety of seafood dishes along with po-boys, wings, loaded fries, stuffed potatoes and more Crabby Seafood pasta is penne pasta, shrimp and crawfish tossed in house sauce and served with crabcake balls and a mini crabcake. Reservations accepted. Delivery available. Lunch Tue.-Sun., dinner Tue.-Sat $$


5931 Bullard Ave., (504) 300-7884;

Husband and wife Gerald and Benji Butler serve traditional Thai dishes and some Creole favorites. Pad see ew is flat rice noodles stir-fried in soy sauce with broccoli and egg and served with a choice of pork, chicken or beef No reservations Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Two Sistas ’N Da East

9901 Chef Menteur Highway, (504) 242-0469

The soul food menu includes classic Southern dishes like fried pork chops, fried catfish and red beans and rice

There’s also gumbo, smothered turkey necks, oxtails, cornbread and mac and cheese No reservations Lunch Sun.Mon. and Wed.-Fri. $$

Vucinovich’s Restaurant

4510 Michoud Blvd., (504) 254-5246;

The long-standing restaurant serves New Orleans staples in generous portions.

There are fried fish, shrimp and oyster plates, salads, daily specials and po-boys, including hot sausage, roast beef and fried seafood options. No reservations Lunch Mon.-Fri $$


The Blue Crab Restaurant & Oyster Bar

7900 Lakeshore Drive, (504) 284-2898;

The menu has fried, boiled and grilled seafood platters, po-boys, raw and char-grilled oysters and more The Gulf fish of the day can be ordered grilled, fried or blackened and is topped with a choice of lemon butter, meuniere or amandine sauce. It is served with a choice of fries, coleslaw, potato salad or jalapeno hush puppies. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.Sun $$$

El Gato Negro

300 Harrison Ave., (504) 488-0107;

See French Quarter section for details. Lunch and dinner daily. $$




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Felix’s Restaurant & Oyster Bar

7400 Lakeshore Drive, (504) 304-4125;

See French Quarter section for restaurant details. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Junior’s on Harrison

789 Harrison Ave, (504) 766-6902;

Junior’s on Harrison has an eclectic menu of sandwiches, soups, salads and more The Korean beef sandwich is made with braised beef, caramelized onions, white cheese whiz, sesame-garlic crunch and cilantro and comes with fries Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$

Ming’s Restaurant

7224 Pontchartrain Blvd., (504) 333-6341;

Ming’s has a menu of Hong Kong-style dishes and American Chinese favorites. House specialty XO beef is wok-seared beef tossed with XO sauce and seasonal vegetables No reservations Lunch Wed.-Fri., dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Outpost 45

900 Harrison Ave., (504) 381-5557;

The menu features American dishes with Southern comfort flare. Creole pasta includes Louisiana Gulf shrimp, roasted red peppers, shiitake mushrooms, spinach, artichoke hearts, garlic and onions Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Dinner Tue.-Sat., brunch Fri.-Sun $$

Pizza Domenica

117 W. Harrison Ave., (504) 229-6538;

See Uptown section for restaurant description. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Rizzuto’s Ristorante and Chop House

6262 Fleur De Lis Drive, (504) 300-1804;

The menu of elevated Italian dishes includes house-made pastas, seafood, wood-fired pizzas and classic Italian desserts. Seafood manicotti is served with shrimp, crawfish, caramelized leeks, ricotta and herbs, house-made pasta, spicy cream sauce and mozzarella Reservations recommended. Lunch Tue.-Fri., dinner Tue.-Sun $$$

Sala Nola

124 Lake Marina Ave., (504) 513-2670;

Sala Nola focuses on shareable plates and Creole-Italian entrees. Chicken caprese is served with roasted Roma tomatoes, basil and mozzarella over angel hair pasta. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Dinner Tue.-Sun., brunch Thu.-Sun. $$$

Two Tony’s

8536 Pontchartrain Blvd., (504) 282-0801;

The Montalbano family’s Lakefront Italian restaurant has been serving up Creole-inspired, seafood dishes since 1989. Seafood au gratin is made with crabmeat, shrimp and sharp cheddar cheese The Montalbano is panéed veal or chicken served with mushroom meunière and mozzarella Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$


3 Southern Girls

4402 Jefferson Highway, Jefferson, (504) 381-4276;

The menu of Southern classics includes seafood, red beans


The trifecta order at Parran’s Po-Boys has short versions of roast beef, meatball and shrimp po-boys.


and rice, sandwiches, gumbo and daily specials Grilled or fried catfish and shrimp comes with choices of three sides, such as mac and cheese, potato salad and fried okra No reservations Delivery available. Lunch Mon.-Fri $$

Bienvenue on Hickory

467 Hickory Ave., Harahan, (504) 305-4792;

The neighborhood restaurant takes a contemporary approach to Creole and Southern dishes Catch Noel is grilled Gulf fish served with sauteed vegetables and topped with grilled shrimp and garlic-butter sauce. Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch Mon.-Fri., dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$

Crabby Jack’s

428 Jefferson Highway, Jefferson, (504) 833-2722;

Crabby Jack’s specializes in po-boys, but there’s also fried chicken, plate lunches and smoked meats. Po-boy options include slow-roasted duck, fried green tomatoes with shrimp remoulade and Dat Fire, which features fried shrimp in spicy sauce. No reservations Lunch Tue.-Sat $$

House of Kabob

4501 Jefferson Highway, Jefferson, (504) 641-7000;

The menu includes Mediterranean favorites along with some specialties, like fried rice with mango-habanero chicken and gyro loaded fries. Chicken shawarma is served with hummus, pita bread, salad and yellow or white rice. No reservations. Delivery available. Breakfast and lunch Mon.-Fri. $$

Oak Oven

6625 Jefferson Highway, Harahan, (504) 305-4039;

The Italian restaurant has a menu of wood-fired pizzas, pasta and contemporary takes on classics like veal Parmesan and

chicken piccata. The salsiccia pizza includes spicy fennel sausage, roasted peppers, capers and green olives Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat $$

Rivershack Tavern

3349 River Road, Jefferson, (504) 834-4938;

The roadhouse tavern serves seafood dishes, steaks, po-boys, burgers and more Rusty’s Shrimp Wrap includes breaded and fried Gulf shrimp, Swiss and cheddar cheeses, applewood bacon and ranch dressing No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

The Wandering Goat

7105 Jefferson Highway, Harahan, (504) 915-2400

The family-run bakery serves sandwiches, soups, gelato and baked goods. The Mr Pickle sandwich is made with mozzarella, Swiss and provolone cheeses, cucumber, artichokes, onions and balsamic on house-made focaccia bread and can be ordered dressed with mayo, mustard, tomato, pickles and spinach. No reservations Lunch Wed.-Sun., dinner Thu.-Sat. $$



5024 W. Esplanade Ave., Metairie, (504) 308-3600;

Chef Alan Alhattab learned how to cook in an Iraqi refugee camp after serving as a translator during the first Gulf War. His appetizers range from Middle Eastern classics like baba ghanoush to feta salad. The highlight is anything prepared


We offe ravari et yo fJ apan ese di shes,b ot hraw &c ooked in cl ud ing han drol ls,d el ec ta bl ed re sse dn ig iri, don bur ib ow ls, sa ndo sa nd af ul ls pi rits bar -- som et hi ng fo reve ryone seeki ng del ic io us &h ig h- qu ali ty fo od and dr in ks.


LUNCH 11:00am -2:30pm


LUNCH 11:00am- 2:30pm DINNER 4:30pm- 10:00pm


“almasgoof,” a style of grilling meats like lamb kebab or marinated chicken over a charcoal and oak fire Reservations accepted Lunch and dinner Wed.-Mon $$


Mi Boys

5001 Airline Drive, Suite B, Metairie, (504) 510-5360;

See Uptown section for restaurant description Lunch and early dinner Mon.-Sat $$


2037 Metairie Road, Metairie, (504) 5706338;

See French Quarter section for restaurant description. Dinner Tue.-Sat $$$

Causeway Bar & Grill

2800 N. Causeway Blvd., Metairie, (504) 838-9128;

The casual bar near Lakeside Shopping Center serves burgers and sandwiches, jumbo wings and dishes like boudin egg rolls, pulled pork nachos and loaded fries. The meatball po-boy includes homemade meatballs and gravy with mozzarella No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $

Chef Ron’s Gumbo Stop

2309 N. Causeway Blvd., Metairie, (504) 835-2022;

Chef Ron Iafrate offers nine gumbo variations, plus New Orleans classics like shrimp Creole and crawfish etouffee, seafood platters, po-boys and salads The shrimp and mango salad is served with fresh cilantro, almonds and coconut. Fried chicken Jefferson is topped with shrimp and crawfish cream sauce. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Daiwa Sushi Bar

4100 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, (504) 281-4646;

Daiwa’s menu includes a variety of sushi, plus udon and soba noodles, hibachi rice dishes and more The Po-Boy special roll includes tempura fried shrimp and soft-shell crab, crawfish, snow crab, smelt roe, eel sauce and spicy mayo and is made with soy paper. Reservations accepted. Lunch Sat.Sun., dinner Tue.-Sun $$

Fausto’s Bistro

530 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, (504) 833-7121;

This Italian institution sources many of its ingredients from local farmers for antipasti, pasta, veal, chicken and seafood dishes Chicken Louisiana is topped with mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes, shrimp, crawfish and mozzarella in a white garlic cream sauce. Reservations recommended. Lunch Mon.-Fri., dinner Mon.-Sat $$

Felipe’s Taqueria

2004 Metairie Road, Metairie, (504) 6765574;

See French Quarter section for restaurant description. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Gangnam Korean BBQ

3012 N. Arnoult Road, Metairie, (504) 3097007;

Diners can grill items on their own tabletop grills, and the menu has many all-youcan-eat options, as well as appetizers like edamame and seafood pancakes Meat options include pork bulgogi, spicy baby octopus, seasoned rib-eye and spicy squid. Reservations accepted. Lunch and dinner Thu.-Tue. $$

Larder Gourmet Market + Eatery

3005 Veterans Blvd., Metairie; (504) 7666157;

The Larder has an extensive breakfast and pastry menu and also serves soups, salads, sandwiches and more. A beet-cured salmon

Parish Grill

4650 W. Esplanade Ave., Metairie, (504) 345-2878; Instagram: @parishgrill

The wide-ranging menu features burgers, sandwiches, wraps, pizza, salads, gumbo, nachos, boudin egg rolls and plate specials

The Swamp sandwich is made with alligator sausage, Patton’s hot sausage, caramelized onions, pickled peppers and jalapeno ranch. No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner, Mon.-Sat $$

Parran’s Po-Boys

3939 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, (504) 885-3416;

Along with po-boys, Parran’s has other sandwiches, pizzas, salads, gumbo and Creole dishes The veal Parran is a po-boy with a fried veal cutlet, provolone cheese and red gravy. House-made desserts include bread pudding. No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat $$

Queen Curry

612 Sena Drive, Metairie, (504) 354-9256; Instagram: @queen_curry _senadrive

bagel is served with capers and scallion cream cheese. The grilled shrimp mezze plate comes with tzatziki, tabbouleh and warm pita, and the pecan smoked trout salad comes with bacon, avocado and crispy fennel No reservations Breakfast and lunch daily. $$


3116 S. I-10 Service Road East, Metairie, (504) 766-8004;

Chef Bonsai “Neeta” Lal draws on influences from his hometown of Jammu and Kashmir, India. There are a wide variety of vegetarian dishes like malai kofta, which is grated vegetables fried and served with onion and tomato gravy. And there are plenty of meat dishes like the house special Rogan Josh, which is marinated lamb cooked with herbs and spices. Reservations accepted. Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun. $


3431 Houma Blvd., Metairie, (504) 5818628; Instagram: @nudo.metairie

The Vietnamese restaurant has some staples like pho, bahn mi and bun vermicelli bowls, and also serves “bacos” bao tacos. Bun Bo Hue is a spicy soup served with brisket, Vietnamese ham, tendon and thick rice noodles. No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily. $


2027 Metairie Road, Metairie, (504) 8319540;

The Old Metairie lounge specializes in burgers and sandwiches and has weekly specials, such as a steak filet served with a baked potato on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Its version of the muffuletta, dubbed the Oscalotta, comes with ham, Genoa salami, mortadella, mozzarella and olive salad. No reservations. Lunch Tue.-Sun., dinner daily, late-night Tue.-Sat. $$

The menu fuses Thai cuisine and other Asian dishes Along with pad thai, drunken noodles and pad see ew, the menu includes spicy tuna Thai noodle salad and buildyour-own curries that are served with roti flatbread. Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Shyan’s Kitchen

3320 Houma Blvd., Metairie, (504) 3029901;

The Indian and Pakistani menu includes tikka masala, wraps, naan, samosas and more Saag gosht is bone-in goat curry made with spinach, onions, ginger, garlic and cilantro Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$


2919 Metairie Road, Metairie, (504) 5338262;

Chef Michael Gulotta draws from Sicilian, Genoese and New Orleanian influences at his upscale Italian restaurant Crispy porchetta comes with a warm stone fruit and tomato salad, with gremolata oil drizzled on top. Gnocchi is served with blue crab, sweet corn, bacon and heirloom tomato Reservations accepted Lunch Fri.-Sun., dinner daily. $$$

Vacca Steakhouse

3524 Severn Ave., (504) 318-3808;

The new restaurant serves certified Prime Angus beef and has 16- and 22-ounce rib-eyes, center-cut filets, a New York strip and a porterhouse for two. The menu also includes seafood dishes, chicken, pork chops and sides, like potatoes au gratin, sauteed spinach and grilled asparagus.

Reservations accepted Lunch Fri. and Sun., dinner Wed.-Mon. $$$

Wishing Town Bakery Cafe

3327 Severn Ave., Metairie, (504) 8858272;

See Uptown section for restaurant description Lunch daily, dinner Mon.-Sat $$

The seafood potato is twice baked, stuffed with crawfish tails and cream sauce and topped with fried fish and a crabcake at PeeWee’s Crabcakes in Gentilly.

Yakuza House

2740 Severn Ave., Metairie, (504) 345-2031;

Along with a 12-course seasonal tasting menu, the Japanese restaurant has noodle dishes, rice bowls, sashimi and handrolls. The mando sando is a Japanese sandwich made with katsu pork, truffle Kewpie, mustard and katsu sauce. Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$


Chilangos Seafood Restaurant

3617 Williams Blvd., Kenner, (504) 4716100;

The Mexican spot has a variety of tacos, quesadillas, chimichangas and mole Breakfast dishes are served with beans, avocado, queso fresco and corn or flour tortillas. Comal del mar includes grilled shrimp, tilapia, octopus and oysters and is topped with cactus and served with beans, rice, salad and corn or flour tortillas. No reservations Delivery available. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$

Debbie on the Levee

2118 Reverend Richard Wilson Drive, Kenner, (504) 210-8519;

The Rivertown district cafe has desserts, pastries and Doberge cakes as well as a menu of breakfast and lunch dishes The breakfast sandwich is made with scrambled eggs, cheddar cheese, garlic aioli and bacon or sausage on toast or a biscuit. No reservations Delivery available. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner Wed.Sun $$

Gendusa’s Italian Market

325 Williams Blvd., Kenner, (504) 305-5305;

Gendusa’s Italian Market serves pizzas, po-boys, subs and desserts The muffuletta is made with Genoa salami, ham, mortadella, provolone cheese and olive salad. No reservations. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Hangout Ramen

2560 Williams Blvd., Kenner, (504) 4146847; Instagram: @hangoutramen_kenner

The Japanese restaurant’s menu includes specialty ramen, rolls, soups, salads, sashimi and more The Hangout Ichimi Ramen includes spicy and creamy garlic pork broth, pork belly, thin noodles, Cajun-seasoned shrimp, sweet corn, bamboo shoots, egg, fish cake, green onion and seaweed. No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat $$

Kenner Seafood

3140 Loyola Drive, Kenner, (504) 466-4701;

The seafood market and cafe has an extensive menu of boiled, fried and grilled seafood plates, po-boys, gumbo and Creole dishes Fried seafood options include shrimp, oyster, crawfish, fish and stuffed crab, which are served with bread and choice of two sides, such as green beans, french fries, Cajun potatoes or jalapeno hush puppies. No reservations. Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat $$

Las Cabanas

3901 Williams Blvd., Suite 14, Kenner, (504) 469-4409;

The Latin American spot focuses on Salvadoran dishes and is known for its variety of pupusas. Pupusa filling options include pork, spinach or zucchini, all with cheese The carne asada lunch plate features grilled skirt steak, chorizo, salad, charro beans, rice, encurtido, pico de gallo and house-made corn tortillas. No reservations. Delivery available. Lunch and early dinner Mon.-Sat. $$

NOLA Desi Kitchen

3814 Williams Blvd., Suite 4, Kenner, (504) 305-6555;

The menu of Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi dishes includes biryani, curries and kebab rolls. Papri chat is spicy garbanzo beans topped with sweet yogurt, onions, tomatoes, tamarind chutney, seasonings and fried chips. The dessert menu includes gulab jamun, which are sweet fried dumplings in sugary syrup topped with crushed pistachios No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Thu.-Mon. $$

Parran’s Po-Boys

2321 W. Esplanade Ave., Kenner, (504) 3056422;

See Metairie section for restaurant description Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat $$

Taqueria Mi Rancho

3901 Williams Blvd., Suite 21, Kenner, (504) 287-4715;

The menu includes Mexican favorites such as tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas, salads, tortas and more The birria taco plate includes four tacos with broth, cilantro, onion and lime No reservations Delivery available. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Thu.-Tue $$


2 Phat Vegans

3613 General Meyer Ave., (504) 239-7801;

This all-vegan restaurant serves a menu of New Orleans classics and soul food, complete with pizza, sandwiches, salads and appetizers like fried eggplant and fried mushrooms. The jerk chicken wrap comes with mozzarella, onions, fresh peppers, cucumbers, carrots and ranch dressing No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

9 Roses

1100 Stephens St., Gretna, (504) 366-7665;

The extensive menu has traditional and modern Vietnamese dishes as well as some Chinese items. The sizzling seafood entree includes shrimp, scallop, crabmeat, squid and vegetables served on a sizzling plate with steamed rice No reservations Delivery available Lunch and dinner Thu.-Tue $$

14 Parishes

801 Patterson Road, (504) 345-2500;

See Carrollton / Riverbend section for

restaurant description. Lunch Fri.-Sat., dinner Tue.-Sun., brunch Sun $$

Banana Blossom

500 9th St., Gretna, (504) 500-0997;

Jimmy Cho’s restaurant serves contemporary and traditional Thai dishes Caramel trout is served with a kimchi ginger sauce, sweet radish, crispy garlic, onion and cilantro Thai crawfish pasta is made with four cheeses, panang curry and green onions. Reservations accepted for large parties except Friday and Saturday nights. Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Cafe 615

615 Kepler St., Gretna, (504) 365-1225;

Still sporting the neon sign for Da Wabbit drive-in with a carrot-chomping Bugs Bunny, Cafe 615 is a neighborhood joint with fried or grilled seafood platters, sandwiches, pasta dishes and a range of entrees. Da Wabbit hamburger steak is a pan-fried 10-ounce ground chuck patty served smothered with mushrooms and onions and comes with two sides, such as sweet potato fries, mashed potatoes or Caesar salad. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Fri $$

El Gato Negro

301 Huey P. Long Ave., Gretna, (504) 3549593;

See French Quarter section for restaurant description. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

El Recoqueo DR Bistro

809 Behrman Highway, Gretna, (347) 5171822; Instagram: @elrecoqueodr

Venecia Gonzalez and her husband serve dishes from the Dominican Republic with some Puerto Rican influences Mofongo con chicharron is fried pork belly over plantains mashed with garlic and olive oil and served

with coleslaw. El Recoqueo DR also serves lunch on Saturdays and Sundays at the West Bank Flea Market (1048 Scotsdale Drive, Harvey). No reservations Delivery available. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat $$


House Cafe & Bakery

938 Hancock St., Gretna, (504) 255-5097;

Cara Benson’s cafe offers a variety of baked goods, including gluten-free options, along with breakfast dishes, sandwiches and salads The Hen House Breakfast comes with two eggs cooked any style, bacon, grits and sourdough bread. No reservations Delivery available. Breakfast and lunch daily. $

Island Paradise Restaurant & Grill

635 Kepler St., Gretna, (504) 227-5544;

The menu of West Indian Creole dishes highlights the cuisine of Trinidad and Tobago Stewed oxtail comes in brown gravy with steamed cabbage and a side such as jerk fries, roti, rice and peas or sweet plantains. No reservations. Delivery available. Lunch Tue.-Sat., dinner Fri.-Sat $$

Legacy Kitchen’s Steak & Chop

91 West Bank Expressway, Gretna, (504) 5132606;

Legacy Kitchen’s Gretna restaurant focuses on steaks but also has seafood, chicken dishes, sandwiches and more Steak options include sirloins, rib-eyes, filet mignon and a tomahawk for two people Steak frites features six ounces of sliced steak, chimichurri and shoestring fries. Reservations accepted. Lunch and dinner daily. $$$


4137 Highway 90, Westwego, (504) 4368950;

Mosca’s has served Italian fare and signature dishes since 1946 Oysters Mosca are oysters

Magret de canard au peches, duck breast with a peach, prune, apricot Bourbon sauce on mashed potatoes is among the classic French fare at Ciro’s Cote Sud.

baked with Italian seasonings and breadcrumbs Reservations recommended. Cash only Dinner Wed.-Sat $$$

Nighthawk Napoletana

141 Delaronde St., (504) 381-5178;

The pizza joint uses a wood-fired oven to cook char-crusted sourdough pies. The New Haven supreme is a New Haven-style pizza with tomato sauce, ricotta, pepperoni, black olives, red onion and pickled poblano peppers. No reservations Dinner daily. $$

PeeWee’s Crabcakes on the Go

2245 Manhattan Blvd., Harvey, (504) 5818580;

See Gentilly section for restaurant description Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Plume Algiers

1113 Teche St., (504) 381-4893;

The casual cafe serves a rotating menu of regional Indian dishes The lamb kaathi roll is a street food-style wrap filled with braised lamb, cabbage, onion, pickle, cucumber and dill Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Rivershack Tavern Gretna

714 1st St., Gretna, (504) 325-5530;

See Harahan / Jefferson / River Ridge section for restaurant description. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun., brunch Sat.-Sun $$

Tan Dinh

1705 Lafayette St., Gretna, (504) 3618008;

The menu includes a range of Vietnamese staples such as pho, noodle dishes, rice plates and more. Steamed flour buns can be ordered with char-broiled pork, grilled chicken, frog legs, lemon-grass pork and other options and are served with cucumber, pickled carrots, daikon and tomato No reservations Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Thai D-Jing

93 5th St., Gretna, (504) 766-0681;

Chef Suda Ounin and Jeerasak Boonlert serve traditional and original Thai dishes at their pink restaurant in Gretna. Eggplant is stir-fried with curry, basil, onion, sweet chili paste and soy sauce and served with jasmine rice. Reservations accepted. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch Tue.-Sun., dinner Tue.-Sat $$


1915 Pratt St., Gretna, (504) 910-6302;

See Mid-City section for restaurant description. Dinner Wed.-Sat $$


Abita Brew Pub

72011 Holly St., Abita Springs, (985) 8925837;

The pub serves burgers, sandwiches, pasta dishes, salads and creative dishes

Pecan-crusted catfish is topped with honey-pecan sauce and served with smashed potatoes and sauteed vegetables. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch Tue.-Sun, dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Abita Springs Cafe

22132 Level St., Abita Springs, (985) 4005025;

The cafe has an all-day brunch menu with omelets, eggs Benedict and breakfast platters and a menu of po-boys and Creole and Southern dishes The Sunriser includes scrambled eggs with cheese, a sweet cream

Espageti at Fritai

pancake, bacon or sausage, hashbrowns, grits and toast or a biscuit. No reservations Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$

Baan Thai

501 N. Theard St., Covington, (985) 377-3154

The menu of Thai classics includes pad thai, curries, chicken satay, spicy basil-fried rice, hot and sour soup and papaya salad. Rad nah is flat rice noodles pan-fried with broccoli, carrots and choice of protein in a semi-sweet brown sauce. It can be served with chicken, pork, tofu, vegetables, beef, shrimp, calamari, scallops or duck. Reservations accepted for large parties. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

The Blue Crab Restaurant & Oyster Bar

118 Harbor View Court, Slidell, (985) 3157001;

See Lakeview section for restaurant description. Lunch and dinner Wed.-Sun., brunch Sat.-Sun $$

Del Porto Ristorante

501 E. Boston St., Covington, (985) 8751006;

The contemporary Italian menu includes beef carpaccio, meatballs, braised pork

osso buco and lemon-mascarpone risotto. The DP Caesar salad is made with romaine lettuce, garlic croutons, Parmesan crisp and white Sicilian anchovies. Reservations accepted Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$$

Gallagher’s Grill

509 S. Tyler St., Covington, (985) 8929992; 527 Restaurant & Bar, 527 N. Causeway Blvd., Mandeville, (985) 7782820; Front Street, 2306 Front St., Slidell, (985) 326-8350;

Pat Gallagher’s restaurants serve a hearty menu of steaks, seafood dishes, fowl and more Pompano is pan-sauteed and served with jumbo lump crabmeat and citrus beurre blanc. Reservations accepted Hours vary by location $$$

The Greyhound

705 E. Boston St., Covington, (985) 4005828;

The modern gastropub in a renovated Greyhound bus station serves woodfired pizza and a global menu, and dishes like matzo ball soup speak to chef Torre Solazzo’s Jewish heritage The caramelized mushroom pizza includes roasted garlic puree, mozzarella, Parmesan, white truffle oil, arugula and sherry vinegar. Reservations accepted Limited outdoor

seating available. Lunch Thu.-Sat., dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Palmettos on the Bayou

1901 Bayou Lane, Slidell, (985) 6430050;

Located on Bayou Bonfouca, Palmettos serves classic Creole dishes with Louisiana ingredients. Fried catfish is served with a creamy seafood sauce. For brunch, bananas Foster French toast is served with rum sauce and whipped cream. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Dinner Thu.-Sun., brunch Fri.-Sun. $$$


5280 Louisiana Highway 22, Mandeville, (985) 893-3603;

Pardo’s serves gourmet Southern bistro cuisine. The jumbo-sized Louisiana crabcake is served with Creole mustard aioli, tomato jam and crispy basil. Chicken piccata is served with roasted fingerling potatoes, grilled broccolini and lemon-caper sauce. Reservations recommended. Lunch Fri.-Sat and dinner Mon.-Sat $$$

Pat’s Rest Awhile

2129 Lakeshore Drive, Mandeville, (985) 951-2173;

Seafood, sandwiches and pasta are served

in a family-friendly environment. Cedar-plank Gulf fish has a citrus horseradish crust and is served with lemon butter sauce and sauteed green beans. Reservations accepted for indoor seating only Outdoor seating available. Lunch Fri.-Sun., dinner Wed.-Sat $$


330 N. New Hampshire St., Covington, (985) 200-2045;

Chef Fariz Choumali melds his Lebanese heritage with Southern flair on a menu of dishes from North Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe The menu includes wood-fired pita and hummus plates Slow-cooked lamb shank is served with a pomegranate glaze, saffron rice and barberries Reservations accepted Lunch and dinner daily. $$



3201 E. Judge Perez Drive, Meraux, (504) 676-3697;

The menu showcases Asian fusion with a Louisiana twist. Starters include deep fried Bayou Spring Rolls filled with shrimp, crab and sweet chili cream cheese and served with a chili dipping sauce. A SushiRitto is a play on a burrito with seared medium rare tuna, bang bang shrimp, snow crab salad, coconut rice, avocado, pickled cucumbers and eel sauce rolled in a flour tortilla No reservations Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat $$$

Kitchen Table Cafe

7005 St Claude Ave., Arabi, (504) 301-2285;

The casual cafe serves refined plates with a local focus. Harvest vegetable risotto is a creamy mix of butternut squash, mushrooms, Swiss chard and Parmesan cheese Pompano almondine is served with lemon beurre blanc and potato and vegetable brabant hash. No reservations. Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat. $$

MeMe’s Bar & Grille

712 W. Judge Perez Drive, Chalmette, (504) 644-4992;

The steakhouse serves classic cuts of meat and sides such as garlic mashed potatoes and fried Brussels sprouts. There is a raw oyster bar as well as char-grilled oysters, as well as Rockefeller-style and Bangkok versions A breaded veal cutlet is served with angel hair pasta with Alfredo sauce and roasted broccoli Reservations recommended. Lunch Tue.-Fri and dinner Tue.-Sat $$

Oscar Pirogue’s Whiskey Bayou, 6940 St. Claude Ave., (504) 676-3357;

Chef Melissa Araujo’s small kitchen inside Pirogue’s serves bar fare with many locally sourced ingredients. The Cuban sandwich is made with pork, ham, provolone and muenster cheeses, house-made pickles, mayo and mustard on a pistolette from Dong Phuong No reservations Lunch, dinner and late-night daily. $$

Rocky & Carlo’s Restaurant & Bar

613 W. St Bernard Highway, Chalmette, (504) 279-8323;

Creole-Italian fare like fried fish with mac and cheese, po-boys and salads are served at this casual eatery Dinner platters like spaghetti and meatballs with red gravy come with either macaroni or a vegetable and salad. No reservations. Lunch and early dinner Tue.-Sat. $$

Secret Thai Restaurant

9212 W. Judge Perez Drive, Suite C., (504) 345-2487;

The menu includes an array of traditional Thai dishes and popular Asian items such as shumai dumplings. Pad woon

sen features glass noodles stir-fried with egg, mushrooms, tomatoes, carrots, celery, cabbage, onions, green onions and a choice of chicken, pork, beef, shrimp or tofu No reservations Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $$


New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood

This fast casual restaurant serves a blend of seafood dishes and American classics The menu includes various

po-boys and half-pound burgers served with signature garlic herb fries The appetizer menu features char-grilled oysters, boudin balls, alligator bites, fried green tomatoes and gumbo. No reservations Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Theo’s Pizza

The local pizza franchise has a selection of appetizers, sandwiches and signature and customizable pies The Expert Pizza is made with olive oil, mozzarella, minced garlic, spinach, fresh tomatoes, red onion and crumbled bacon

The $10 weekly lunch special offers a 10-inch one-topping pizza with a fountain drink or any sandwich with chips and a drink. No reservations. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$

Grilled entrana steak with fries is part of the South American steakhouse menu at Brasa in Metairie


Chef Budsiisknown fordazzlinghungryfoodies with eclectic regionaldishesfromThailand’s countryside. With herCrispyDuckPad Thai, however, shedecides to up theanteonawell-known Thai dish andthe resultsare just as incredible





Brocato’sKitchen,afamily-ownedspotand top3BestofNew Orleans2024winner, ofers CajunChicken andSausage GumbooverFreshly FriedCheese Fries—adelicious fusion of festival favors craftedbyChefTroyBrocato BROCATOSKITCHEN.COM



Indulgeinour PerfectMealatEmpanola, whereyou can savorthe vibranttastesofNew Orleansand Latin America. Choose anytwo empanadasfromour selection of 19 mouthwateringfavors, includingvegan,meat, and NewOrleans-inspired options. Complement your empanadaswitha choice of aheartysouporafresh salad,crafted to enhanceyourculinaryexperience.




CelebrateNationalSeafood Monthwithour delicious Shrimp N’ Fish Plate! Enjoytendershrimpand faky fsh, accompaniedbywarmcornbread andyour choice of side.Let thegoodtimes roll allnight long with ourmouthwatering NewOrleans favoritesand refreshing icydaiquiris,served24/ 7! MELBAS.COM


FriedCrabbathedina BrownButter

Amandine Saucegarnished with almonds



Indulgeinour delectable pastadishfeaturing crispy friedeggplantmedallions, generously topped with arichshrimp, mushroom,and tasso creamsauce.Thisdelightfulcreationisserved over abed of delicate angelhairpasta,promising a symphony of favors in everybite.


Conecuhsmokedsausage,roasted corn, baby tomato,sauce Creole


Scallop, shrimp,mussels,bluecrab, fennel,safronbroth



ManhattanJackisback! ServingBreakfast, ItalianLunch Menu anddesserts. Cofeecoming soon!Enjoy this Linguini,spinach andgarlicina lighttomatobroth forlunch Wed-Sat11am-2pm.


ChargrilledLambChops,grilled or friedshrimp, backed macaroni andcheeseand crispy onionrings, allstufedintoour homemade garlic butter potato! This is ashareable meal



Ourbig andjuicy burger,toppedwith blackenedshrimpand pepper jack cheese, dressedonour briochebun



Ahalfpound of 100% allbeef,blackened Topped with Cheddercheese& dressedwith lettuce,tomato, andmayonnaiseonthe side.


Ourwings tossed in SweetBabyRay’s Jamaican Jerk sauce.





Served either chilled, sauteed in aLouisiana seasoned creamy saucewithacheesebiscuit,or friedand served with oursignature cocktail sauce.




Butterycrawfsh étouféeladledovereggsany styleon ahouse-baked biscuitisthe featured item on Mother’s newweekend brunch (servedall day).Brunchincludes twoChampagne Mimosas(or aBloodyMary) and cheese grits. Ofered 7:00– 10:00p.m.weekends.



Double patty, briochebun,Americancheese, lettuce, tomato,garlicaioli,red onion, anddill pickle chips. Served with French fries. Orderfor pick up or dine-in4:00– 10:00p.m.Thursday throughSaturday.



Biryaniisa mouthwateringdishof Aromatic rice andyourchoiceofmeators teamed vegatables with spices.Also, served with eggs upon request Slow-cookedtoper fection, each bite is rich in favorand irresistible.Stopintodiveinto Pakistani/Indian cuisineatShyan’s Kitchen. Visitusat3 320Houma Blvd,Metairie, LA EATSHYANS.COM


We have pumpkingelatothisfall! Ourgelato is produced usingacustard-based mixture with less milk fatand less air, creating adense productwithapronouncedfavor



Legacy Kitchen’sCraft Tavern ofersrefned American fare andcrafted cocktailsinanupscale, casual,full-servicerestaurant. Theirbrunchmenu ofersFried Chicken&Wafes with hickorybaconstudded, pepper jellymaple syrup. Open dailyfor breakfast, lunch, anddinner. LEGACYKITCHEN.COM


Pangriddle RedFishwithwhipped tahini, housechili crisp, kale,toasted chickpeas, andsesameseeds.



Portobello cappreparedinred wine,stufed with freshtomato, topped in roastedgarlic creamsauce andtrufedgreenswithLouisiana gulf shrimp.



Today’sneighborhoodsteakhouseinGretna capturingpolishedcasualsandwiches, crisps salads andcomfort food entreeswithavariety of primesteaksand chopscookedtoperfection. High emphasis on wine andcocktailservice.The Westbank is thebestbank, correct? LEGACYKITCHEN.COM


Freshlymadesushi usingthe highestquality ingredientsiswhatyou’llget with theRainbow Roll: Snow crab,asparagus,and avocados inside seaweed& rice,toppedwithtuna, salmon, andyellowtail, andlemon slices



ANew Orleansclassic with aseasonal twist. TheVintage’s ApplePie Beignets arefullof warmingfallfavors.



Craf tcocktails &mouthwatering southern dishes served up dailyatthe TackleBox. Brunch served dailyuntil 2p.m.Happy Hour daily3-6p.m. Tr yacustomerfavorite: Charbroiledoysters made with garlic parmesan herb butter




Formorethan70years,customers have enjoyed Italianclassicslikespaghetti &meatballs in addition to signaturespecialties like ourShrimpMosca:adozen headless peel &eat shrimp sautéed in oliveoil,white wine,garlic&Italian seasonings



Whyorder aplate of seafoodwhenyou canget aBOAT?!Seriously,every head turnsinthe restaurant when this beauty goes by.Get it to sharewithyourtable,or just getitfor yourself.Noshame in that!



Sizzling,savor y, andoh-so-delicious!Check out ourthin-cutSquid Steak, grilledtoper fectionand served on ahot,sizzlingplate.Coatedinasweet soy glazewithonionsand carrots, ever ybiteispacked with favor. If you’re afan of tender squidwitha hint of sweetness, this dish is callingyourname!




Lookingfor home-style Creole cooking? Look no further than Neyow’sCreoleCafé. Menu favesinclude Shrimp Creole,StufedCrabs &the SeafoodPlatter:Farmraised catfsh,Gulfshrimp&oysters,&astufedcrab, served with 2sides




Shrimp,crawfsh,caramelized leeks, ricotta andherbs,house-madepasta,spicy cream sauceand freshmozzarella!


GetReady forThanksgiving! From whole turkeystoseasonal sidesand desserts,wehave everything youneed forastress-free holiday feast! PRE-Ordernow at





Perfectfor celebrations,Neyow’s XL Steakhouse ofers upscale, authenticCreolecuisine with NewOrleans hospitality. Theirseared flletofSalmoncomes with wilted spinachand garnishedwithfried oystersand beurre blancsauce.Reservationsand walk-ins accepted



Rawsome! Since1910, theplace to go foricy cold,fresh Gulf oystersisAcmeOysterHouse Voted#1BestOysters in NewOrleans.




Come stop by Metairie’s newest steakhouse to enjoy ourdelicious Shrimp FraDiavolo!Featuring shrimp or lobsterina rich tomato sauceoverperfectly cooked linguine,thisdishisburstingwithfavor.Joinusat Vacca, locatedat3524SevernAvenue, andindulge in a deliciousmealand awonderful dining experience! VACCASTEAKHOUSE.COM

timesand lookingfor hope anda better future.conor McPherson’s musicaldoessomeofits storytelling viasongs by BobDylan,including “Likearolling Stone,”“IWant You,”“Hurricane”and thetitle song.The touringproductioncomes to SaengerTheatre Oct. 15-20. Show timesvary. Tickets$30-$129


Amagic-inspired, NewOrleans supergroup of femmevocalists,The covenperform witchy rock,souland bluestunes by musicianslikeAnnie Lennox,KokoTaylor, DavidBowie, Dr.Johnand JanisJoplinduring popularJazzFest-time concerts –or rituals.The coventakes advantage of October’sfullHunter’sMoonto host theirfirst moonlitritualat7p.m Thursday,Oct.17, at theBroadside Thecoven features DebbieDavis, Arsène DeLay,KimberlyKaye, Mia Borders,Lilly Lewisand more along with theirbacking band,SomeMen PlayingInstruments.There also will be apriestess-ledblessing, local vendorsand costuming. Ticketsare $32.73 and $38 at thedoor.

Divide andDissolve

Australian doom projectDivideand Dissolve —saxophonist andguitarist Takiayareedand,until recently, percussionistSylvieNehill—craft towering,heavy,instrumental soundscapeswithjustice-focused messaging. Theirlatestalbum, “Systemic,”keysinonthe fight againstoppressivesystems.It’sasif thebandiscreatingits ownweighty, uniquely beautifulmonolithtoresist thecrashingwaves of injustice. Divideand Dissolve playsSiberia at 9p.m.Saturday, Oct. 19,withPlomo andSilverGodling,who releases a newalbum on Oct. 18.Tickets are $24.80


HoustonBalletshowcases its vigorous athleticism in aprogram includingGeorgeBalanchine’s “Tchaikovsky PasdeDeux,”Stanton Welch’s“Velocity,” Aszure Barton’s “comeIn” andDisha Zhang’s “elapse.”The NewOrleans Ballet Association presents thecompany at 7:30 p.m. Saturday,Oct.19, at MahaliaJackson Theater. Tickets $35-$189

SixpenceNone theRicher

TheChristian altrockbandfound wider popularity with itsself-titled

1997 albumand itshit “KissMe,” whichnearlytoppedthe Billboard charts.The band just released “rosemaryHill,”its firstalbum in 12 years. TheLostinesopenat7p.m Sunday,Oct.20, at theParish at HouseofBlues.Tickets $29.50


Thefestivalmoves indoorsthis year,and thelineupfeatures Flow Tribe, Funk Monkey andBrass Hear ts andmore. Thefestivalalso hasanart market,games anda variety of Jewish food vendors. At 4-9p.m.Sunday, Oct. 20,at congregation GatesofPrayerin Metairie.Sug gested donation $18. fordetails

‘The TexasChain SawMassacre’

Leatherfaceisbackinthe just-released 4K restoration of thehorror classic. Abunch of teenagersrun outofgas andintotrouble in the wrongtownand areassaulted by a depraved family of cannibalsinrural Texas. Thefilmrunsdaily at Zeitgeist Theatre& Lounge throughOct.

20.There’s also ascreening at the BroadTheater at 7p.m., Friday,Oct 18,followedbya Q&AwithAllen Danziger,who playsJerry in thefilm. Find

Le Consort

TheFrenchstringquartet presents “FromNaples to London,” aprogram exploringBritishbaroque music influenced by Italianbaroque music, with worksbyHenry Purcell, Nicolas Matteisand Mrs. Philharmonica. PresentedbyFriends of Musicat7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16,atTulane University’s Dixon Hall.Tickets $10$35, andfreefor students with ID,

ChathamCounty Line

Raleigh, NorthCarolina’sChatham County Line hasasolid foundation in bluegrassand country, butits latest album, January’s“Hiyo,” is lightonfastpicking andsteeped in ambienteffects andswellsof electric guitar.Local bluegrassand AmericanabandThe Tanglers opens at 8p.m.Thursday, Oct. 18,and KristinDiable&The city open at 8 p.m. Friday,Oct.19, at chickieWah Wah. Tickets$24.91(includes fees)

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To learn moreabout adding your event to the music calendar, please email


30/90— TheDapper Dandies, 6pm; Half Shell Boogie,9pm

ALLWAYS LOUNGE — Betsy Propane &The Accessories, 7pm

BACCHANAL Pete Olynciw,6pm

BAMBOULAS — Therug cutters, 1pm; Jonroniger Band, 5:30 pm; LesGetrex &creole cookin’, 9pm

BJ’S — redBeans &Bluesw/Alex

McMurray &Dick Deluxe, 9pm

BLUE NILE WhereY'atBrass Band, 9pm

BOURBON OBAR — Kimchisoop, 4 pm; Kid Merv, 8pm

BUFFA’S— Doyle cooper and Z2 Jazz, 7pm

COLUMNS HOTEL Stanton Moore Trio ft.James Singleton& David Torkanowsky,6:30pm

DOSJEFES John Fohl, 8:30 pm

FRITZEL'S EUROPEAN JAZZ CLUB — MatineeAll Star Band, 1pm; TinMen, 5pm; richard"Piano"Scott and Friends, 8pm

HOLYDIVER NOLA— Male Tearsw/ Lisbon Girls, children of Judas, 9pm THE MAISON Tuba Skinny, 4pm; Gene’s Music Machine, 8pm

MAPLE LEAF BAR— George Porter Jr. Trio ft.chris Adkins, 7; 10 pm

SATURN BAR— Bc coogan, 8pm

TOULOUSE THEATRE Preservation Brass, 5pm; 7:30 pm


30/90— JamesJordan &The Situation, 6pm; Niecy B& Kompani, 9pm

BAMBOULAS — TheVillains, 1pm; Giselle Anguizola Quartet, 5:30 pm; caitie B.

&The Hand Me Downs, 9pm

BARMÉTIER JPeter rozé Duo,7pm

BMC — Sugar N’ Blue,8pm

BOURBON OBAR Dr. Zach,4 pm; Ingrid Lucia,8pm

BROADSIDE — Helen GilletwithDoug Garrison, 8pm

BUFFA’S— AlexMcMurray,7 pm

CAPULET— Teena May,6:30 pm

CHICKIE WAHWAH — chris Smither,8pm

DOSJEFES JDale Spalding, 8:30 pm

FRITZEL'S EUROPEANJAZZCLUB richard"Piano"Scott,1pm; Zack Lange Band, 5pm; Fritzels All Star Band w/Jamil Sharif,8pm

HOLYDIVER TheAmazing Henrietta,7pm

THE JOYTHEATRE Glass Beams, 8pm

MAPLE LEAF BAR— JohnnySketch& TheDirty Notes, 8pm

NEWORLEANS JAZZ MUSEUM — Trempolino, 2pm; rumba Buena,5 pm

THE RABBIT HOLE rebirthBrass Band, 8:30 pm

ROCK 'N' BOWL — Javier Olondo & Asheson, 8pm

THE SAENGER — Girl from the North country, 7:30 pm

SANTOS BAR— UltraSunn,10pm SNUG HARBORJAZZBISTRO— Across ThePond Guitar Festival, 7:30 pm

TIPITINA’S SierraHull, 8pm

TOULOUSE THEATRE — Medium Build, 8pm


21ST AMENDMENT — Amber rachelle &The SweetPotatoes, 8pm BACCHANAL—Jesse Morrow,6pm

BAMBOULAS— J.J. andThe A-Ok’s, 1pm; Boardwalker &The 3Finger Swingers, 5:30 pm;The Queen & Friends, 9pm

BLUE NILE New BreedBrass Band,9:30pm

BOURBONO BAR— Gary Brown, 4 pm;Serabee,8pm

BUFFA’S— Davisrogan, 7pm CAFE NEGRIL — colinDavis &Night People, 7pm

CHICKIE WAHWAH Joncleary Solo,8pm

DOSJEFES — Kris Tokarski, 8:30 pm

JAZZ PLAYHOUSE — Funkin’ It Up with BigSam, 7:30 pm

FRITZEL'S EUROPEANJAZZCLUB— richard"Piano"Scott,1pm; Bourbon Street Stars, 5pm; Fritzels All Star Band w/Gunhild carling,8pm


AIRPORT— Suzaune& company, 7pm


Twilight at Longue Vue, 5pm

MAPLELEAFBAR — Happy Organ Hour:Joe Ashlar w/ Stanton Moore& DannyAbel,6pm


Little FreddieKingplays at BJ’s Lounge Saturday, Oct. 19 at 9pm.


classics with DJ T-rOY, 10 pm

SATURN BAR— TheBomb Pulse, King Sans, Of Season, 8pm


30/90— Zena Moses& rueFiya, 9pm ALLWAYS LOUNGE Vanella Bordella, 7pm; Kitten&Lou’sFull Moon DanceParty,8pm

BAMBOULAS — caleb Nelson &His Hot5,1pm; TheSecond Lions, 5:30 pm; WolfeJohns Blues, 9pm BARMÉTIER — Hanna Mignano,7pm

BJ’S coleman’s SwingSet S eptet, 9pm

BLUE NILE— Irvin Mayfeld'sMusic church, 9&11pm

BOURBON OBAR — JerryDugger & LeroyMarshall ,4pm; TheJustright Band, 8pm

THEBROADSIDE— Thecoven: Full Moon ritual, 7pm

BUFFA’S— JoeKrown, 5pm; Tom McDermott and Antoine Diel, 8pm

Since1974, theLit tleRed Schoolhouseof Metairie hasbeena loving andnur turing place forchildrentolearn,grow, andexplore in a beautifulOld Metairie location.FoundersConnie Richardson andDebra Schweter,thenyoung pre-school teachers,created an earlychildhood programthatwas engaging anddevelopmentally stimulatingsothatstudentswould be prepared forgrade school andbeyond. They beganina little redcot tage on Vivian Street andser ved as thefrstt wo teachers.“Connie andI metas co-teachersatanother center,and we knew instantlythatwesharedthe vision to create not just adaycare,but alovinglearningprogram for youngchildren” says Debbie.Fif yyears later, theLit tleRed SchoolhouseofMetairiehas grown to afull-time earlychildhood programthatcares forchildrenfromsix week stoPre-K four

Nowlocated on Metairie Road,Debbieand Connie’s dreams of aquality programhavebeen brought to life.DesignedbyConnie’shusband, Architec tBob Richardson,the brilliantuse of spaceand vividcolorsonthe walls of the10,000 square foot earlylearningbuildingprovide an exciting placefor preschoolers. Themorerecent Little RedCot tage program, designed forinfants andtoddlers, opened as an ex tensiontothe belovedSchoolhouseprogram in 2015

Oneofthe hardestjourneysfor theschool waslosingConnietocancerin2019. Connie Richardson wasawarded posthumously a Jefferson Parish CouncilProclamationand Award of Meritfor herfor ty-fouryears of serviceto youngchildren. “Ithas been ajoy formeto meet generationsfamilieswho areapar tofour Little RedFamily”,saysMegan Richardson Pinto. Co-owner,and director,Megan grew up at the Little RedSchoolhouseand proudlycarries on thelegac ythather mother and Debbie created. This year,JeffersonParishawarded Little Red Schoolhousewitha proclamation honoring their50years of servicetothe communit y anddesignatedApril 14,2024tobecelebrated as “Lit tleRed SchoolhouseofMetairieDay!” Little RedSchoolhouseisproud to be voted thenumberone preschool in thecit yasthey celebratethismomentous year!

The Little Red Schoolhouse



CHICKIE WAHWAH — chatham county Line &The Tanglers, 8pm

FRITZEL'S EUROPEANJAZZCLUB— richard"Piano"Scott,12pm; Doyle cooper Band,2 pm; John Saavedra Band, 5pm; Fritzels All Star Band w/ Gunhild carling,8pm

HOLYDIVER NOLA— cardiel w/Nien, Trigger Therapy, 9pm

LE BONTEMPSROULE TheSoul rebels, 11 pm

MAPLE LEAF BAR— Johnny Vidacovich Trio,8 pm

MARIGNY OPERAHOUSE— Lyla George, Maria rosa,SariJordan, Sofa Mock,8 pm



Da Lovebirds with robin Barnesand Patcasey,8pm

ROCK 'N'BOWL— curleyTaylor & Zydeco Trouble,8 pm

THE BROADSIDE Thecoven Full Moon ritual, 7pm

VAUGHAN'SLOUNGE coreyHenry &the Treme Funktet, 10:30 pm


30/90— Deltaphonic, 11 pm

ALLWAYS LOUNGE— Hurricane Helene Beneft Show, 7pm; Vampyre cabaret 10:30 pm

BAMBOULAS — Therug cutters, 11 am; Felipe Antonio’s Quninteto, 2pm; LesGetrexand creole cookin’,6:30 pm;Bettis and The3rd DegreeBrass Band, 10 pm

THE BARNETT — DJ FTK& Friends, 10:30 pm

BJ’S — Little FreddieKing,9pm

BLUE NILE ThecaesarBrothers’ FunkBox,8pm; Kermit rufns and the BBQSwingers, 11 pm

BOURBON OBAR ellen Smith & April Spain, 4pm; Mem Shannon Trio,8pm


TONK — TheBad Sandys, 8pm

BUFFAS — ragTimePiano Hour with Adam rogers, 6pm; Tuba Skinny, 8pm

CARROLLTONSTATION— redHot Gentilly Peppers, SweetMagnolia's SpiceGirls TributeShow, 9pm

CHICKIE WAHWAH — chatham county Line &Kristin Diable& Thecity,8pm

DOSJEFES — TheJoe Krown Trio,9pm

FRITZEL'S EUROPEAN JAZZ CLUB richard“Piano”Scott ,12:30pm;

SamFriend JazzBand, 2:30pm; SamLobley Band,6 pm; Fritzels

All Star Band w/ Gunhildcarling,9pm


AUDITORIUM — Seth Mulder&Midnight run, 6:30 pm


&GARDENS — Helen Gilletand rebelle



— cryptic Void and Deathgrave, 10 pm


Daphne Parker Powell,6pm



TTonyz Boyz w/ Ivan Neville, 8pm; Pete Murano Band 11 pm



T12 Songs:Lyla

George, Sophia Mock &Sari Jordan, 8pm

NOLABREWING — colinDavis and Night People,7pm


Manic Focus w/ Hetti Murphi andTwo Tone Merigold,10pm

ROCK 'N' BOWL Taylor & Friends,8:30pm

SATURN BAR— ecstatic Disco, 10 pm

TOULOUSETHEATRE — Féte des Fantômesft. Them Ol Ghosts& Friends,8 pm


BAMBOULAS— TheJaywalkers, 11 am; Boardwalkerand TheThree Finger Swingers,1:30pm; Wolfe Johns Band, 6:30 pm; PaggyPrine and Southern Soul, 10 pm

THE BARNETT Them People, 8pm; DJ Santero, 12 am

BJ’S conor Donahue release Partyw/AmeliaNeville &chris Lyons, 10 pm

BLUE NILE — George BrownBand, 7pm; coreyHenryand the Treme Funktet, 11 pm

BUFFA’S— Father ron, 5pm; Dayna Kurtzand robertMaché, 8pm

BOURBONOBAR — Brian Wingard,4 pm; TheBlues Masters,8pm

CHICKIE WAHWAH — radney Foster,9pm

DOSJEFES BettyShirley, 9pm

FRITZEL'S EUROPEAN JAZZ CLUB — richard“Piano” Scott, 12:30 pm; SteveDetroyBand, 2:30 pm; Bourbon MatineeAll Star Band w/ chuck Brackman,6pm; Fritzels All Star Band w/JamilSharif,9pm

HI-HOLOUNGE— Hustle with DJ Soul Sister, 11 pm

HOTEL SAINT VINCENT 55 South Music Festival, 6pm

MAHALIA JACKSONTHEATRE — HoustonBallet, 7:30 pm

MAPLE LEAF BAR— JoJo Hermann &Special Guests, 8pm; AX3feat. AriTeitel, Andriu Yanovski &Alvin Ford Jr.,11 pm

POOR BOYS Nola Funk Fest

AfterParty withDJGonzilla and Fùnké, 10 pm

PIROGUE’S WHISKEYBAYOU — GalHoliday and the Honky Tonk revue ,8pm


ROCK 'N'BOWL— contrafow, 8:30pm

HelenGilletplays the BroadsidewithDougGarrison Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 8pm.

SANTOS — French Police with Wisteria, 9pm

SMOOTHIE KING CENTER — Maxwell, 7:30 pm TIPITINA’S TwoFeet, 7pm


BAMBOULAS AaronLevinson & Friends, 11 am;YOUSe, 1:30 pm; Midnight Brawlers, 5:30 pm; ed Willis &Blues4 $ale, 9pm

BUFFAS Traditional JazzBrunchw/ Some LikeItHot!, 11 am;Margie Perez and elijah Hartman, 7pm

DOSJEFES — Javier Guiterrez, 8pm

MAPLE LEAF BAR— JoeKrown Trio,9 pm

|Thurs-Sat 11am-11pm |Sun 10am-6pm


Q & A


Tr ut h Un iv er sa l wa s bo rn in Tr inid ad

an d mo ve d to Ne w Or le an s in 1977 at 4 years old, growing up on St. Bernard Avenue in the 7th Ward and in New Orleans east After getting hooked on hip-hop culture at an early age, he started emceeing in 9th grade and grew into a performing artist while studying at Louisiana Tech and Grambling.

By the early 2000s, Truth Universal was making a name for himself in New Orleans and on the road for his socially conscious, provocative hip-hop. In 2002, he launched Grassroots, a monthly hip-hop showcase, which ran first at the Neighborhood Gallery and then the Dragon’s Den. It became an influential hub for underground hip-hop in New Orleans and a launching pad for many local emcees, like Alfred Banks and Slangston Hughes Grassroots held its last event in 2012.

Over the last decade or so, Truth Universal has steadily eased back on live performances but remains a renowned figure in the city’s underground hip-hop community. And although he isn’t seen as often on stage, he has continued to release new music, including the recent single, “conscious X Trill.” Find more on Instagram: @truthuniversal.

This interview is part of a series reflection on New Orleans’ role in hip-hop. Read more at

Could you tell me about your introduction to hiphop? I was reading you caught a b-boy competition at the 1984 World’s Fair that was impactful for you.

TRUTH UNIVERSAL: Yeah Dragon Master Showcase we caught them in front of, I think, the entrance of the World’s Fair, which is riverwalk now. And we were breakdancing in the neighborhood, too. But I don’t think that was our first time seeing that. We were into the movies as well, like “Beat Street” and “Breakin’.”

Music wise, we were getting Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five For a lot of guys in my age range, [the album]

“The Message” was their first real taste of hip-hop. That was definitely something that made a mark on me Who were some of the early New Orleans performers you remember?

TRUTH UNIVERSAL: This is indelibly etched in my brain there was a talent show, the WYLD [98.5 FM] talent show, and while I was too young to really attend, they were broadcast on the public access station on television I don’t even know if it was on the public access it may have been one of the standard stations or maybe later or a paid programming spot. Anyway, there was this cat named rappin’ roy. He was just rapping, and the song was like, “I got robbed in Iberville” for the Iberville Projects, and it was like modeled after [Slick rick & Doug e. Fresh’s] “La Di Da Di.” There is this line that sticks in mind the first part is kinda foggy, but “They backed me up / but what they didn’t know / is they wasn’t gettin’ my blue Kangol.” [Laughs]

That just stuck with me for years, and it just snowballed from there. Soon after, I remember, my first cassette tape I had I used to go to the Sound Warehouse on chef Menteur Highway was The Fat Boys That came from Kurtis Blow, and he was somebody we were listening to a lot.

I was in about 6th or 7th grade, and that just kind of started the journey there. Later, I just gravitated toward the more political stuff, like Public enemy, KrS-One, Poor righteous Teachers That was high school, and it started shaping me, with my socio-political ideas, as an individual and in the music.

I heard Mannie Fresh recently say that he was like a disciple of Mantronix, and we were listening to that too, but then, we were listening to Mannie Fresh and New York Incorporated and Ninja crew. Then Mannie Fresh and Gregory D shortly thereafter coming more into the ’90s, there was this whole indie, underground scene that was showing me that we could actually do something. I’m a part of it, but I’m in and out of town going to school and seeing some of it while I’m here.

39 Posse, KLc the Drum Major, Mc Dart, they were big influences in the scene before No Limit. Let me mention Devious

D. Brother Black Steel, he was part of that underground movement Mc crush I’m getting excited remembering all this. I don’t think Psychoward gets talked about enough. A lot of folks who have had commercial success kind of touched Psycho Ward Mac [Phipps], DJ WOP, raj [Smoove], e.F. cuttin, who’s been my DJ for the longest time I don’t feel like they get mentioned enough.

What led you to start the Grassroots showcase?

TRUTH UNIVERSAL: In 2000, these cats from [University of New Orleans] held a battle called Mic check 2000 at café Brasil. The whole underground movement, when folks were out doing performances, doing shows, café Brasil and café Istanbul were hubs for performers. Mic check 2000, that’s where a lot of us met. Lyrikill came from that J-Dubble was there. Psychoward was well-represented that’s how I met e.F. cuttin. Bionik Brown, I think he won the battle Mic check had started a lot of, you could say, collaborations There were more performances in different places. Labels started to kind of bubble I was doing more shows and trying to travel. So I started getting around and doing things, and I was in Milwaukee, doing a show there and I just loved their format There were all these components there that was helping foster growth of community. It was a showcase, there was a relationship with a radio station, there were promoters

and they were also intertwined with the booking in the city. I’m looking at this and was like, “Man, it would be great if we had something like that at home.” Atlanta was doing similar things

When I came back to New Orleans, I was talking to e.F. [cuttin] about starting the showcase series I started looking for a venue and I found this place, Neighborhood Gallery, in Uptown on Oretha castle Haley. It was an art gallery on one side and a theater, performance space on the other side

So, we just started it, man. We decided to do it monthly, and it would feature [local artists] and bring in bigger acts at some point that we would support and network with and be a part of a touring circuit for independent underground artists.

Could you tell me about some of the people who came through Grassroots, local and touring?

TRUTH UNIVERSAL: Akil from Jurassic 5 performed our farewell in 2012. Bionic came through there. Proper english from Baton rouge with his crew One Be Lo Lots of folks from Houston and Dallas Lyrikill. Nesby Phips came through. curren$y might have that’s a bit foggy. rQ Away spun sometimes. Just about everybody in the underground came through at some point.

& Dance

Halloweenevents in NewOrleans


‘TheTexas Chain SawMassacre’

Theclassic independenthorror film aboutafamilyofcannibals wasreleased50years ago. Anewly restored 4K versionrunsatZeitgeist Theatre&Lounge(zeitgeistnola. org) throughOct.20. There’salso aspecial screeningat7p.m.Friday, Oct. 18,atThe BroadTheater (,and actor AllenDanzigerwilldoaQ&A af ter thescreening.The PrytaniaTheatre (thepry hasscreenings Oct. 25 and28-29


NewOrleans Nightmare

Thehaunted houseinthe shadow of theHueyP.LongBridgeisoverrun by zombiesunleashedbyadeadlyvirus, an evil scarecrowthat’slef this field andapower fulcoven.Therealsoare escape room games, ahiddenbar andmore. Ticketsare $27.99 andup


Zombie Paintball

Paintballers canrepel zombie hoards at NOL AMotorspor ts Park Participantsshoot at zombies from abus rollingthrough an apocalypticlandscape.Tickets $22via



Thehaunted attraction at aformer mortuary on canalStreetisinthe midstof“Hellection”season. Visitors aredrawn into abattleofgoodversus evil andapocalyptic decisions. Tickets $25via


Black Lagoon cocktail pop-up

Thespooky-themed cocktail pop-up features drinks likeNightmare Fuel (tequila,Giffard Mangue liqueur, matcha,lime, absinthe). Thepop-up hits 35 bars in NorthAmerica,including Anna’s in theMarigny. There’sa list of spooky cocktailsservedinthemed glasswareand more


St.Charles Avenue SkeletonHouse

Dozens of costumed,themed and sometimespun-labeled skeletons have overrunayardatthe corner of St.charles Avenue andState Street Thedisplay hasbecomeanannual

attraction forpassersby, andthere areseveral TaylorSwift skeletonsin thecrowd this year.

OC T. 17

Howl danceparty

Kitten N’ Louhosta Halloweenedition of theirdance partywith performances by Laveau contraire,Velma Blair, Apostrophe,eddie Lockwood andmore. At 9p.m.Thursday at AllWaysLounge& Theater. Admission$15. information.

OC T. 17


Theconcert of women singersand bandleadersinvokes witchcraft andafullmoonritual. Performers includeArseneDeLay,Mia Borders,Lilli Lewis, Kimberly Kaye, Debbie Davis, DaynaKurtz andmore. At 7p.m.Thurday,Oct.17, at The Broadside. Tickets$32.73and up via

OC T. 17 -2 0

Ghosts in the Oaks

MonsterMashball, asecondline, partiesinthe French Quar terand more.The parade is at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday,Oct.19. Visitkreweofboo. comfor eventtickets anddetails.

OC T. 18 -2 0

Booatthe Zoo

There’strick or treating in city Park’s Storylandamusement park,aswellas arts andcrafts, apumpkin patch, hot dogroastsand giveawaysatthisannual family-friendlyHalloween celebration. General admissionis$25,and children underthree feet tall getinfree. Visit neworleanscitypark.orgfor tickets andinformation.

OC T. 17 -2 0, 24 -2 7 &3 0- 31

Ghost Manor

There’sabig Halloweendisplay with jack-o-lanternsand more at ahome on thecornerofMagazineand Second streets. Butthere arevideo projectionsofdancing skeletons, haunted happenings andmorehorrors brought to life at 7-10 p.m. on select dates. Visit fordetails.

OC T. 18 -1 9

KreweofB oo

TheMardi Gras-style Halloween parade features floats,scary-costumedmarchingkrewesand beads andcandy forthrows. Surrounding events includeaZombierun,the

TheAudubon Zoohosts trick-ortreating,a hauntedhouse,animal encounters,photo opsand more. From 10 a.m. to 5p.m.atthe zoo. Ticketsare $38general admissionor $12for AudubonInstituemembers

OC T. 19


TheHalloween celebrationfeaturesa costumecontest,a DJ,per formances by theGeaux Geauxs andmoreon columbia Street andthe Trailheadin covington. Tickets$45.Visit fordetails

OC T. 19

Trunk or Treat in Metairie

Trick-or-treatersmaketheir wayfrom cartocar in theHalloween eventin Lafreniere Park.There also arerides, inflatables, food andaprize forthe best decoratedtruck.The eventis hosted by theDawnBusters Kiwanisat 6-8p.m.Saturday, Oct. 19.Admission is $15atthe gate.Visit dawnbusters. orgfor details.

OC T. 19

Trunk or TreatinKenner

TheHalloween partyfeaturestrunkor-treatingatdecorated trucks,a screeningofthe movie“If,” costumesand concessionsat5-10p.m Saturday, Oct. 19,atMussBertolino Stadium.Visit fordetails.

OC T. 19

Deadsled Halloween

Themacabre band Deadsled Funeral companyperformsatand hostsa costumeparty that aims fordecadent gothic horror.Doors open at theNew MarignyTheatre at 6p.m.Tickets $12 Find information at

OC T. 24

‘TheRocky HorrorPictureShow’ “rocky Horror”becameacult classicasa stranded couple seeks refuge at thebizarre home of Dr Frank-N-Furter.PatriciaQuinn,who played theoriginalMagenta,hosts thescreening of theoriginalmovie, complete with aliveshadowcast. At 8p.m.Thursday, Oct. 24,atMahalia JacksonTheater.Visit fortickets

TheSkeletonHouse on St.Charles Avenue

OC T. 24


Thetasting eventfeaturestraditional andcreativetacos andcocktails from area restaurants. There’saDay of theDeadtheme, with musicby Otra,MargiePerez andMuevelo and more,plusacostume contestand burlesque. At 7p.m.Thursday, Oct. 24,orearlierwithVIP admission, at Lafreniere Park in Metairie.Find

OC T. 25

Aurelio Voltaire

NewYork’smacabre fashion and lifestyleinfluencerAurelio Voltaire released anew book,“Gothic Life: Theessential Guidetothe Macabre Style,”but he’s also amusicianand brings his“dark cabaret” to The Goat,along with other acts.At9p.m Friday,Oct.25. Find informationat

OC T. 25 -2 6

Brewsand Boos

Adults take over city Park’s amusement park at theHalloween-themed party. Admissionincludesunlimited beer,and VIPadmission includes a full bar. Adults only.Tickets $35via

OC T. 26

Scared Stiff

MOM’s Ball hostsits costume-required Halloweenparty at Southport Hall.Tickets areavailableatLeBon Tempsroule.At8p.m.Findinformation at

OC T. 26- 30


NewOrleansBalletTheatre presents its versionofBramStoker’svampire story with choreography by Oliver Halkowich. At OrpheumTheater.Findtickets via

OC T. 27


VivaciousMissAudacious presents aHalloweeninspired variety show of burlesque,circus acts,aerialistsand more.At9p.m Sunday,Oct.27, at the JoyTheater.Tickets $25$45via

OC T. 29 -3 0


Theclassic silent film Drac storyscreens with an impr live score. BrianHaas, Jam

Singletonand specialguestsperform

At 8p.m.atthe Broadside. Tickets $22.19 andupvia

OC T. 31 -NOV. 1

Anne RiceVampireLestat FanClub Weekend

Thefan club devotedtoAnnerice’s “Interview with theVampire”and other novels holdsa couple of Halloweenevents. There’sameet andgreet on Halloween, andthe Theatredes Vampires Ball is Friday, Nov. 1, at theDerbesMansion There’slivemusic,anopenbar,food andmore. events fortickets andinformation

OC T. 31

Thriller Flash Mob

TheThrillerFlash Mobhitsthe streetsofNew Orleans, celebrating MichaelJackson’s musicand his musicvideo contribution to horror Watchfor updates on Instagram via@flashmobneworleans.

OC T. 31 -NOV. 2

Endless Night:VampireBall

FounderFather Sebastiaan organizes Vampire-themed events around the country, andone of thehighlights is aHalloween-timefestivalinNew Orleans. Alleventsare at Houseof Blues, includingparties,abazaar, abanquet andthe VampireBallon Saturday,Nov.2.Findtickets and informationvia

NOV. 2

Dia delos Muertos

Cemetery Procession

KrewedeMayahuelholds itscemetery procession from Markey Park, wheretherewillbefood, craf tvendors,makeupartists andmore. The procession begins at 3p.m.route TBA. forupdates.

2024 Giving GUIDE TO

NOV. 2

Dia de los Muertos

TheHispanic chamberof commerce of Louisiana hoststhe Dayofthe Dead al. Therewillbe c, food,anoffering, ostumecontest,kids tivities, amarket and ore. From noon to p.m. Saturday, ov.2,inLafayette quare.Visit r information.


4 BR /3 BA /2,056 SqFt

Totallyredonein2014. OpenFloor Plan.Living Area:Spacious&Airy Feelingw/Cathedral Ceilings.IntimateDining Area.Lrg Kitchenw/ BreakfastBar,Granite Counters &SSAppls Huge PrimarySuite on 2ndFlr +Stunning PrimaryBath: LrgSoaking Tub, Walk-inShower,DbleVanity&Gorgeous Counters.SOL AR PANELS -LOW ELECTRIC BILLS. Convenient Location w/ Easy Access to Uptown,Downtown &I-10. $480,000

2BR, 1.5BACondos Just Renovated! Open FloorPlanw/Lrg Living Room &Upscale Kit. SS Appls, GasRange & Quartz Counters.Half Bathroom &Laundry w/ StackedW&D.Beautiful Tile floors on 1stFloor Luxury VinylTileon2nd Flr. 2Bdrms on 2ndFlr w/ Tastefully AppointedJack&JillBathroom. Convenient Location 2Blocks

CharlesAve &Streetcar.EasilyaccessibletoUptown, Downtown,FrenchQuarter &Interstate $214,000 EACH



85 Part of ER: Abbr 86 “Huzzah!” 87 Cinch (trash bag brand)

Doesn’t skip, as an event

Reagan appointee Antonin

Alternatives to Cokes or Pepsis

Green Hornet’s valet

Fried stuffed dumplings

Many a new driver

“Pass the ball to me!”

Crawl (with)

Diner worker


Vodka brand

89 Sister station of Flix, in brief

92 Give the evil eye to

Tin Tin 95 Politico Cain 96 “Troy” actor Peter

Bites, as a horse at the bit 98 Muppet frog

Tracey of “Mrs. America” 100 Patron

Apple debut of 2010

Splinter groups

Opposite of new

Spreadable cheese 110 It may get plugged up

Eight, in Baja 112 Alternative to Heath, candy-wise

Clutched 114 Positive votes

116 Netflix’s “Anne With --”

118 Opposite of NNW 119 Install, as tile 120 “How cute!”


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