1600 ConstanceSteet, NewOrleans,L A70130 | clovernola.org
Since1896, Clover hasbeencommitted to creating a brighter future forour community.Using aWhole Family Approach,weserve entire families-meeting theneeds of children,parents, andaging family memberstogether through interconnected services.Our comprehensive programs focusoneducation,healthand well-being, employment,and family economic security,ensuring everymemberofthe family thrives.
What beganasasettlement house helpingimmigrants overcome challenges during theIndustrial Revolution hasgrown into adynamicforce forgood. Today, Clover continuestoadvocatefor ajustand equitable societywhileliving outits mission to educatechildren, strengthen families,and buildcommunity.
Each year,Cloverimpacts over 8,000individualsincludinginfants,youth,seniors, veterans,and medicallyfragileadults-through nationally andstateaccredited programs.Our success is made possible by astrong networkofmulti-agencypartnershipsand a commitmenttoaddressingthe needsof everygeneration.
When yougivetoClover, youinvestinlife-changing supportthatuplifts entirefamilies andstrengthens thecommunity we all share. Join us in making alasting impact by giving today
Clover offersmanywaystoget involved!Volunteerscan read to students, help with campus beautification, engagewithseniorsthrough activities such as calling bingoorperformingchoralpieces, or adopta classroom or senior forongoing support.
April1st - Clover FriendraisingLuncheon, 1600 ConstanceSt. NewOrleans,LA70130
» EverygifttoCloverinvests in children andfamilies in ourcommunity.Visit Clovernola.org/give to make aone-timedonation or become amonthly Clover Champion!
LedbyLouisina’sleaders in EarlyCareand Education (ECE), we champion Louisiana’s Type III EarlyLearningCenters andFamily ChildCareHomes by enhancing thequality of EarlyCareand Education through policy advocacy,professional development, wealth building, business acumen,and networking.4PXPisthe only provider lead organization that worksfor providers. As part of ourmission,webring providers’ concerns to stakeholders andadvocatefor them.For us by us.Nothingabout us without us!4PXPisbuildingamovement of empoweredleaders in EarlyCareand Education! UpcomingEvents
Giving Tuesday 12/03/2024
End of Year Giving 12/05/2024 -12/31/2024
Ways to Give
» https://givebutter.com/4PXP
5420 Franklin Avenue,New Orleans, LA 70122| nordfoundation.org
Thepurpose of theNORDFoundation,a 501c3organization, is to facilitate investment in NORDtoprovide equal access to qualityrecreationalopportunities.Our work supports NORD’smission to advancethe physical,mental,and social well-being of NewOrleanians by providingsafeand welcomingenvironmentsfor recreational, athletic,and cultural experiences.
NORDAnnual Holiday in thePark (November 29,2024–January 2, 2025)
@Joe W. BrownPark: 5601 Read Boulevard, NOLA70126
ChristmasToy Drive (November 1, 2024 -December 6, 2024)
@NORDRec Centersand Xavier University Locations
Annual ChristmasGiveaway (Saturday, December 21,2024)
@Lafitte Greenway:1971 St.Louis Street,NOLA70112
Volunteering is arewardingway to give back to your community whilemaking ameaningful impact in thelives of others.Joinusatour RecCenters,Special Events, AthleticsDepartment, Outdoors,and BoosterClubs forexcitingvolunteer opportunities that allowyou to connectwithfellowNew Orleanians andshareyour skills.Learn moreabout howyou canget involved by visiting www.nordc.org/volunteer.
» To make agift, visitwww.nordfoundation.org.Checkscan be mailed to NORD Foundation,5420Franklin Ave, NewOrleans,LA70122,orsimplyscanthe QR code
12 05 N. Ra mp ar tS tree t , Ne wO rl eans ,70116 | ja zz an dhe ri ta ge .o rg
We Te ach. We Build. We Ce le brate. TheNew Or le an sJaz z& He ri tage Foundation , a5 01(c)(3) organiz at ion, proudly ow ns theNew Or le an sJaz z& He ri tage Fe st ival pres en te d by Shell. Sinc eits founding in 1970,t he Foundation ha sreinves te dproce ed sand addi tional rais ed fund sintoyear- round programmingt hats upport se ducation ,e conomicdevelopme nt , andculturale nr ichmen t. Keye ndeavors include theDon “Moo se ”Jamis on He ri tage School of Mu sic, af re eprogram foryouth aged 8-18 ,and Community Part ne rs hip Grant s- an ex tens ivegrant sprogram that be ne fi ts hundre ds of school s, af ter- school mu sicand ar ts programs ,mus icians ,cre at ives ,and nonprofits throughoutL ouis iana. TheFoundat ion als opre se nt swor kshop sfor mu sician s, four free community fe st ival s, andove rt wo doze n conc er ts annuall y. As se ts of theFoundat ioninclude theJaz z& He ri tage Archive, theG eorge andJoyce We in Jazz &Her it ageC en te r, andW WOZ9 0.7- FM ,w hich broadc as ts NewOrleans culturegloball y. TheFoundat ion suppor ts mu sician s, educ ator s, andculturale nt re preneurs , pres er ving andadvancing thee ndur inglegacyofNew Or le an sculture .T hi sholiday se as on , ple as ec on side rs upport ingmeaningf ul programs in educ at ion, ec onomic deve lopment ,and cultur al enrichme nt by donat ingtot he Ne wOrleans Jazz &Her it age Foundation.For more informat ion ,v is it www.jaz zandhe ri tage .org.
» CongoSquareRhy thms Festival: March29-30,2025
3705 St.ClaudeAvenue, Ne wO rl eans ,L A, 70117| dancingrounds.org
DancingGrounds (DG) develops youngleaders ,promoteshealth&wellnes s, and advocatesfor social change throughinclusiveand accessible dance programs reachingNew Orleansresidents of allages. Ourf lagship initiative, Dancefor Social Change,inspiresNew Orleansyouth to usetheir ar tistic talentstocatalyze positive social change in ourcommunit y. We also host themos tcomprehensive adultdance programinthe city.Since 2012,DGhas reachedover3,500 young people,8,0 00 adults and12,000 audience member s. From ourprogrammingto operations, staf fing andresourcing, we lead from ourvalues of equity &racial justice, space&place,integrit y&accountabilit y, relationships&organizing, abundance &joy.
DancingGrounds’AnnualWinterCelebration December 14th from2-5pmatThe Broadside
Reachout to us through Instagram@dancinggroundsoremail us at info@ dancinggrounds.orgtolet us know youare interested!
» Donate throughGiveLivelyathttps://secure.givelively.org/ nonprof it s/dancing-grounds /campaign-pages /annual-appeal-2024
» Send acheck to 3705 St.Claude Ave, NewOrleans ,L A70117
» Venmous@dancinggrounds
Hope House is an independent, non-profit organization dedicatedtoendingthe cycleof childabuse in ourcommunity by providingapathtorecovery, abridgetojustice forvictims of abuse, andeducation forthe community.CAC Hope House provides forensic interviewing, family advocacy,counselingservices, andpreventionoutreachwithinSt. Tammany and Washington Parishes
Stewards of Children ChildAbuse Prevention Training Tuesday, December 3rd, 6pm-8pm(DinnerServed)
Internet Safety Trainingfor Parents Tuesday, December 10th,6pm-8pm (DinnerServed)
We welcomevolunteerstoparticipate in allour major events, includingthe St.Paul’sSchool Crawfish Boil in April, theUltimateTailgate PartyinSeptember,the PelicanEnergy5Kin October, andour signaturefundraiser, Heroes WhoCook, in November.
» Supporters cancontributefinancially or organize adrive to collectsnacksorjuice forour children.Additionally, each childwho entersHopeHouse receives ateddy bear.Supporters canalsodonatenew teddybears to help ourkidsfeelsafer
Ourmis sion is to suppor tmen, women, andwomen with children whofacehomeles snes s, hunger,addiction,traff icking,abuse,ormental health challenges .Through ourprograms focusedonrescue, recovery,re-engagement ,and reunif ication, we provide compas sionate as sistance to all, regardles sofbackground, religion,race, ethnicit y, or gender.
As we continuemeeting theneeds of thoseindesperate situations ,weneedyourhelp. Here’s howyou canmakeanimpactthisholiday season:
Sponsor aChild forChris tmas: Forjus t$25,you canhelpbring joytoachild in need by providingaspecial gift.
Sponsor aHoliday Meal: Forjus t$3, youcan provide awarmThanksgivingorChris tmas meal forsomeone whowould otherwisegowithout.
Join us in bringing hope andrelieftothose whoneeditmos t. Together,wecan make this holidayseasonbrighterfor ourcommunit y.
Visit neworleansmission.org/events
Forover170 year s, City Park hasprovidedacces stoabundantnatural andculturalresources , connecting Southeas tLouisiana residentsand visitor stothe region’s most iconic park –with somethingfor ever yone.The Park is home to theBotanical Garden, Couturie Forest and Arboretum, theNew OrleansMuseumofArt ,the LouisianaChildren’s Museum,and thelargest groveofmatureliveoaksinthe world, some of whichare nearly 80 0years old.
At City Park Conser vancy, we prioritize preser ving naturalhabitats, native vegetation andthe historical elementsofCit yPark, alongwithfos tering access forour communit ytonaturefor improved wellnes sand qualit yoflife. From weddings ,tobir thdays ,tofamilyreunions, your firs tf ishoryourf ir st team win, City Park preser vesthe memories of generationspas tand of fers an es sential spacefor future generations. As thes tewardsofthe Park ,the Conser vancy is commit tedtoser ving thepublic’sbes tinteres ts andproviding theoversight andexper tise necess ar ytoensurethatthisworld-class greenspace is accessible to all.
» Donate todaytohelpmaintaingreenspaces andcommunit yprograms
» Become aFriends of City Park Member
» VolunteeryourtimetokeepyourParkbeautiful
At Communities In SchoolsGulfSouth (CIS), we surround studentswithacommunit yof suppor t, empowering them to stay in school andachieve in life.CIS Gulf Southser ves over 14,0 00 studentsin35 schoolsacros ssoutheast Louisianaand providescasemanagement services to over 2,000 studentsannually. CISpositions master ’s levelcounselor sand social worker sasSiteCoordinator sinschools to as sess student andschoolneeds ,identify gaps , andconnectthe studentsand school to an integrated setofresources designed to meet theseneeds .CIS Site Coordinator sworkdirectlyinschools ,providing individual andgroup counseling,behavioral health services ,attendancesupport ,basic needsassis tance, and school-wide preventativeprograms. CISremoves barriers fors tudentssothey cansucceed in school andbeyond!
Visitcisgulf south.org to donateorsendbymailtoP.O.Box 79280 0, New Orleans, LA 70179-2800.CIS also acceptsin-kind donations of school uniforms , school supplies, winter coats, andholiday giftsfor students.
To learnmoreabout volunteeroppor tunities ,contact ourVolunteer Coordiantor at volunteer@cisgulfsouth.org.Stayinformedbysigningupfor ournewslet ter at cisgulfsouth.org,and follow us on Instagram, Facebook ,and LinkedIn.
Pictures with SantaClausbenefitingCIS Gulf South. December 7thfrom10:00AM-2:00 PM at Birdy’sBehindthe Bowerat1320MagazineStreet. Formoredetails, visitcisgulfsouth.org.
Breast Cancer is PERVASIVE.Chances are youknowatleast ONE PERSON who hashad Breast Cancer,been diagnosed with it or is fghting it.Most likely evenmore.
Thekey to reducing mortalit yis AWARENESS. Through EARLYDETECTION,and NOVEL THERAPIES,people are LIVING LONGER andable to spend moretime with their LOVED ONES.
Jo in us in our m ission to ra ise AWAREN ES S for ea rly det ec tion and FUNDS for INNOVATIVE RESEARCH on breast cancer therapiesatTulane Cancer Center.
We arean ALL-VOLUNTEER group supporting NOVEL THERAPIES for breast cancer. We FILL AGAP in research dollarsthatallow these NOVEL THERAPIES to be tested if theymay be the next LIFE CHANGING advancement sto PROLONG and SAVE LIVES and lead to a CURE.
In the spirit of NewOrleans, we liketohavea GOOD TIME.Weproduce UNIQUE EVENTS: Such as Pink BraRun, DeathbyChocolate...NOT Breast Cancer,and easy fun ways to supportbreastcancerresearch. EVERYONE IS WELCOME in our Krewede Pink Communit y.
SonofaSaint’sgoalistoequip our boys with thetools to become productive men bygivingthemhope, vision andoppor tunity.Our mentors ,staf, facilities ,and extensive programmingprovidesthe secure andconsistent environmenttheyneed.
TheTimes-Picayune Doll &Toy Fund P.O. Box61065 NOLA,70161-9979
TheTimes-Picayune Doll &Toy Fund helps makeChristmas dreams come true for children in our six-parish area. Your donation is used to buy whattheywantmore than anything else forChristmas– the magic of dolls and toys, games and gifts –presents these children would neverfind under the tree without your generosity. Your contribution, large or small, brings the joyofChristmas to some very special children.
Name: Mayweacknowledge your donation in TheTimes-Picayune?
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Please provideyour e-mail addressabove.Wemay at times wish to e-mail youofers that we believe maybeofinteresttoyou, from us or from carefully screened thirdparties. Pleasecheck hereifyou do not wish to receivesuch ofers bye-mail. Please check your age group.Ifyou areage 12 or under pleasedonot supply your e-mail address. Iamunder 18. I’m age 18 or older
92 5L ab ar re Ro ad ,Metairie, LA | ar cg no .o rg
50 4- 83 7- 51 05
We’remorethanbeads!Helpussupport more than 750families, children, andadultswithIntellectualand Developmental Disabilities (IDD)bycreating, through education, advocacy,and suppor t, agreater NewOrleans community that includes, accepts, andcelebratespeople thriving with IDD!
» Online– argno.org/donate
TheHarry TompsonCenter(HTC) is aday shelterfor individualsexperiencinghomelessness, carrying forwardFr. HarryTompson,S.J.’smission to “dothe most amount of good forthe most peopleinthe shortest amount of time.” Founded25years ago, we believeeveryonedeser vesdignity,respect,and to have theirbasic needsmet.Withanempathy-driven, trauma-informedapproach,HTC serves as a community center whereguests, staff, &volunteersworktomeetimmediate &long-termgoals. Each year,weassistover4,500 individuals, providingfreeaccess to essentialser viceslikehygiene, housing support, healthcare,and hospitality— includingshowers, restrooms, laundry, basicmedical care,casemanagement, andmore. Guestser vicesare availableMonday-Friday,7:30am- 2:00 pm
» Make atax-deductibledonationorfillout avolunteer interest form at harrytompsoncenter.org/get-involved.
» Mail checks to HTCc/o Immaculate Conception,130 BaronneSt.,New Orleans, LA 70112.
» HTCalsoacceptsin-kind donationsofitems like travel-sizehygienesupplies, backpacks, readingglasses, hats,and gloves (see ourAmazonWishlistonthe website)
» ContactPaisleigh Kelley to coordinate donationsor drives at pkelley@harrytompsoncenter.org
» #igiveCatholic /GivingTuesday - December 3, 2024 https:// neworleans.igivecatholic.org/organizations/harry-tompson-center
» Annual Gala - April12, 2025 at Academyofthe Sacred HeartNIMSFineArtsCenter
Foundation forLouisiana is acatalys tfor justice. FFL invest sincommunities and ideas, builds partnerships ,and trans formspoliciesand systemsfor an equitable, stronger Louisiana. Foundation forLouisiana focusesonCriminal JusticeReform, RacialJus tice,Climate Justice, Economic Justice, Ar ts &Culture,GenderJus tice, andPhilanthropic Leader ship
Please visitour websiteand subscribetoour newsletter formoreinformation.
FFL of fers severalimpactful giving optionsfor donor s. To donate, visitfoundationforlouisiana. org/donate. Each donor can:
» Become aFreedom FighterMonthly Donor
» Invest in ourEndowment Campaign
» Star taDonor-Advised Fund
» Suppor tour Disaster Fund
» Leave aLegacyThrough PlannedGiving
» Suppor taFiscallySponsored Project
» UseEmployerMatchingGif ts
» Star taPooledFund
Since 1981, LMF has helped to preserve, research, andexhibit the Louisiana State Museum’snearly 500,000 artifacts by securingsupport through grants, private donations, events, andeducational programming. #BringingHistorytoLife #LetsMakeHistoryTogether
When you support LMF, you support all Louisiana StateMuseums.
TheCabildo, The Louisiana Civil Rights Museum, The Presbytère, E.D. White Historic Site, Wendell-WilliamsAviation & Cypress Sawmill Museum, TheNew Orleans Jazz Museum at The OldUSMint, Capitol Park Museum, Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame and Northwest Louisiana HistoryMuseum, Madame John’sLegacy, and 1850 House
Louisianaisamagical place. But fordecades, ourcoast hasbeenwashingaway; about2,000 square milesofcoastal wetlands have vanished in less than acentury,threatening ourfuturealong thecoast. Fortunately, we have solutions. TheCoalition to RestoreCoastal Louisiana’smission is to unitepeople in action to achieveathriving, sustainableLouisiana coastfor all. We operateone of thenation’slargest oyster shellrecycling programs,par tneringwithrestaurants to return theshell to thewater to slow erosion andcreatehabitat fornew oysters. With volunteers, we plantgrasses andtrees from onesideofour coasttothe other, anchoringour fragilesoil. We train thenex tgenerationofadvocates throughour Future CoastalLeaders program. We also advocate for science-basedpoliciesand projects that will create newlandand sustainexistingland.
» Make agif tTODAY:crcl.org/donate
» Celebratealoved onebydedicatinga tree in their name: crcl.org/donate-3
» Join us as avolunteer:crcl.org/volunteer
» Send us your cypres sseeds:crcl.org/native-seed-drive
» December 7- Lagniappe -Fes tive fire andice seafoodcelebration with fros ty cock tails, sizzling seafoodand holidaycheer!Clesi’s at Bottinelli Place. Ticket s@ www.crcl.org
» March27, 2025 -Shell-A-Bration at Audubon Zoo-Gambits taff ’s pickfor Best Fundraiser to At tend!
Empowering NewOrleans’unhousedcommunity by providingessential resources —food, water,clothing,and asense of belonging— with compas sion andrespect , honoring thedignity andresilienceofevery humanspirit.
» Suppor tspecif ic Graceatthe GreenLight programs or contribute viaour Amazon Wishlist:graceat thegreenlight.org/donate
» Sign up to suppor tuswithour MealsWithLovedaily meal serviceand other opportunities: ht tps: //graceatthegreenlight.org/volunteer
TheLouisiana Endowment forthe Humanities partners with communities, institutions ,and individualstoexplore Louisiana’s past ,ref lect on ourpresent ,and imagineour future.From documentingand sharingLouisiana storiesthrough 64 Parishes magazine to statewideeducational programs like theIns titute forLouisiana Cultureand Histor yand PrimeTimeFamily Reading, ourworkpreserves ,protects, andpromotesLouisiana histor yand cultureinall 64 parishes
Prime Time FamilyReading at TheHelis Foundation John Scott Center,aninitiativeofthe LouisianaEndowment forthe Humanities
Tuesdays through December 3, 6-8PM
Founde din1998, theNew Or le an sMus icians ’Clinic& As si st ance Foundation ke ep sNew Or le an smus ic culture alive. We aret he nation’s firs torganiz at ionfocus ed on prov idinglow-orno- co st ac ce ss to compre he ns iveand prevent ativehealt hc are, we llnes se ducation ,men tal he alth serv ic es ,and social se rv ic es to mu sician s.
» On be half of thos ewes er ve ,t hank youfor your inve st me nt .Ple as egivetoday to protec tt he he ar tand soul of NewOrleans .newor le an smus icians clinic .org
VIALINKprovidescrisissupport, connects peopletoresources and services,and provides vitaldataand trendinformation to ensure policies andprogramsmeetcommunity needs.
» Donate fundstosupport our211 health andhuman services helpline whichoperates24/7toassist individualswithbasic needs.
» Donate to supportour operationas provider of 988Suicide Prevention LIFELINE in Louisiana andalsothe Teen Crisis Textline-833-TXT- TEEN
NewOrleans musiciansare struggling! Adispropor tionatenumberofmusiciansand culture bearer sexperiencebarrier stohealthcare.
Accordingtothe 2024 NewOrleans MusicCensus:
» 26%s trugglewithhealthinsurance premiums
» 25%s truggletoacquire health care services
» 13%s truggletopay forprescriptiondrugs
» 28%s truggletogaindental/vision insurance
» 24%s truggletomaintainadequatenutrition
Forover25years ,the NewOrleans MusiciansClinic hasbeenalifelinefor musicians, performers ,and culturebearers
Ronald McDonald House Charitiesof SouthLouisiana (RMHCSLA)providesessential services that remove barriers, strengthen families andpromote healingwhenchildren need healthcare.RMHCSLA envisionsa worldwhere ever yfamilyhas what they need to ensure thebesthealthoutcomesfor theirchildren.
Since1983, RMHCSL Ahas served over 40,000+familiesfromacrossLouisiana, the U.S. andaroundthe world. With thehelpofthe localcommunity,the nonprofit helps ease thefinancial andemotional burdensfamiliesfaceasthey access critical care for theirchildren. RMHCSL Aisa home-away-from-home, of fering free accommodations, volunteerprovidedmeals,casemanagement, transpor tation when needed,a food pantry andasupport system like no other.
Parentsdon’t know when theirchildrenwillneedmedical help.But they should know they canhaveaplace to stay.Withyourhelp, everyone will have ahome-away-from-home. RMHCSLAisfueledbythe love of itsvolunteersand thegenerosit yofits contributors. If you’dliketohelpkeepfamiliesclose when they need it most,pleasevisit rmhcsla.org 210S
TheSouthernFood&BeverageMuseum(SoFAB), basedinNew Orleans’ CentralCity, is dedicated to thediscovery,understanding, andcelebration of Southern food, drink, andits relatedculture in Americaand theworld.SoFAB is also hometo theMuseumofthe American Cocktail (MoTAC), theDeelightful Roux School of Cooking, and NittyGrits Media.
» Come &see SoFAB -welovetosee your pretty facesand your admission supports ourexhibits, programming, andoutreachprograms.
» Join ourfamily -becomingamembermeans beingapartofthe celebration of food andculture notonlyinhistory,but in ourdaily livesaswell. Members participateinmostofour programmingfor no charge,get adiscountinthe SoFABstore,and have access to exclusiveevents.
» Donate -donated fundscan providegeneral supportfor SoFABoperations, fund aprogram or an exhibit.
Epilepsy Awarenes sofAmerica (E AA )isanon-profitorganiz ationthatwas es tablishedtoconduct ayearlywalkto help bringknowledge andawareness to thegeneral public aboutthe wayepilepsyaffects theper sonand theirwhole family.E AA is also lookingtoraise fundstohelpfamiliesdefraythe medicalcos tfor epilepsy through medicine, holistic approaches andsurgery.
» Donationscan be made throughour websiteatw ww.epilepsyaa.org/suppor t-us /orbycheck made payable to Epilepsy Awarenes sofAmerica.
» Volunteers canhelpatthe annual Epilepsy Awarenes sWalk whichisevery November becauseitisNationalEpilepsy Awarenes sMonth
» AnnualEpilepsyAwareness Walk for2025isSaturday, November 8, 2025 in LaFreniere Park ,Shelter 2from8 to 2.
To enrich thelives of allpeoplebyproducing operaofthe highes t ar tistic qualit yand providingeducational opportunitiesthrough traditional andinnovativeapproaches .
Ourvisionistoconnectall people with thejoy of opera.
NewOrleans OperaAssociation(NOOA ), foundedin1943, is commit tedtoenriching thelives of allpeoplebyproducing operaofthe highes tartis ticquality andproviding educational opportunitiesthrough traditional andinnovativeapproaches. NOOA aspirestoconnectpeopletothe ar ts andeachother throughthe joyofopera.
Give throughour websiteorbycalling Chris topher Tidmoreat(504) 390-4579.
Volunteerthrough ourwebsite or by calling 504-529-2278
» OperaWorld Premier: “The Cook Of f”,December8, Southern Food &BeverageMuseum.
» Elixir of Love,April 4&6,Mahalia JacksonTheatre of thePer formingArts.
We rescue animals from crueltyand neglectand promotecompassionfor animals across Louisiana.
FoundedinNew Orleansin1988, ourprivate charityinvestigatesand prevents animal abuse. Alicensed ‘pet detective’ agency,weworkwithpolice, animal shelters and volunteers to rehabilitateand adoptsurvivors of cruelty.Wegivemistreatedanimals the second chance they deserve.
Some otherprogramsinclude:
Adoption Transports: 1500+homelesspetsrelocated to ournorthernU.S.adoption partners annuallytosave livesand help overcrowdedlocal shelters
Disaster Relief: Homeless shelteranimals evacuatedtoprivate adoptionpartnersahead of hurricanes; emergencypet food andsupplydistributionprograms
Spay Neuter Projects: 2000+petsand community cats sterilized each year,programsto combat petoverpopulation
Enoch J. DonaldsonAnimalSanctuary: 47 acre havenfor rescuedhorsesand other animalsinMt. Hermon,Washingtonparish
MerryWood Refuge: 200acrewildlifesanctuary,alsohometoresidentbarnyardanimals
Nottobeconfusedwithbig national animal charities, theHumaneSociety of Louisiana is locallyfundedand supported. We have asmall staffand hundreds of dedicated volunteers. Ourcharityreceivesnogovernmentfunding to operateour programs.
» Please supportour lifesaving work by donating at HumaneLA.org or by sendingatax deductible gift to: Humane SocietyofLouisiana,POBox 740321,New Orleans, LA 70174
201Evans Road Suite319, NewOrleans,L A70123 calacares.org 50 4-73 3- 553 9
Formallyknown as theCancer Association of GreaterNew Orleans (CAGNO),the Cancer Association programs supportLouisiana cancer patientsbyfundingnecessities crucial to theirhealing and improvingtheir quality of life.Since 1959,CALAhas worked to reduce theburdenofcancerfor patients andtheir families.Adiagnosis of cancer canbecostly; without CALA,these services must be met by family or friends or notmet at all. Providingsupport empowers patientstocontinueontheir path to recovery
» November 14th Galatoire’sGoesPink
» December 5th Lights forLife-Bogalusa
» December 5thand March 4th, 2025 FarmersMarket- West JeffersonHospital
» March29th, 2025 Tour De Lis, FontainebleauState Park
» Supportgroups held the1st and 2ndWednesday of each month
514ChartresStreet, Ne wO rl ea ns ,L A, 7013 0 pharmacymuseum.org 504-565-8027
Sinc eit’sfoundingin195 0, theNew Or le an sPharmacyMus eumhas be en ac quir ing, pres er ving ,inter pret ing, ands haring an ex tens ivec olle ct ionof ar tifact sand re source sdocumen t ing thehis tor yofpharmacyand me dicine .
“W in terTradition s+Aff lict ions ” Guide dTouron 12/15 Cour tyardW in te rMar ke ton 12/15 Member s- Only Cock tail Mi xe ron 12/20
» Become amemberofthe New OrleansPharmacyMuseum, make a donation,visit themuseumfor guided or self-guidedtours ,attendspecial cour tyardevents.
To explore, enjoyand protectthe planet andpeoplewithinit. To end theclimatecrisisand es tablisha strong path,futureand economy forLouisiana.
» -Visit sierraclub.org/louisiana/ donate
» -Support ourclimate activist andorganizer programming by becomingalocal leader or volunteer. Let ’s buildthe next generation of themovement to fightthe climatecrisisinthe face of unprecedentedodds.
» -Get outdoors with us!Joinus forour OutingsLeadertraining in January 2025.
Dre ss forSuc ce ss aims to empowe r(unemploye d andunderemployed )women facing ec onomic barrier sbyoffer ingres ourc es that suppor tt he ir jour neytof inancial indepe ndence andper sonal succe ss .T hrough no -c os tprograms ,par ticipant s gain ac ce ss to profes sional at tire andc aree r deve lopment tool se ss ent ialfor se curing and main taininge mployment .Dre ss forSuc ce ss al so of fe rs as upport ivenet work ,job re adines st raining, andongoing sk ill-building work shop s, enabling wome nnot onl ytoe nter thewor kforce butals o to ad vanc ew it hinit. Ul timate ly,t he organiz at ion st ri ve stofos terc onfidenc eand re silience ,helping wome nt hr ivebot hprofes sionally andper sonall y.
St yled forSuccess Luncheon - March2025
10 23 Ri dgewo od Dr ive, Su it e2 , Me ta ir ie ,L A70001 gi gi sp layh ou
Ourmis sion is to change theway thewor ld view sDow ns yndromeand to se nd aglobal me ss ageofaccept ance forall.Wechange li ve st hrough thec on si sten tdeliver yof free educ ational, therapeutic- base d, and care er deve lopment programs forindividual s with Down sy ndrome ,t he ir familie s, and thec ommunity
New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity builds safe, affordable homesand revitalizes communities in the New Orleans Area.
Support our latest project, Rising Oaks—a 150-home and mixed-use development in Terrytown. Thisstorm-resistant neighborhood is designed foressential workers, families, and seniors. Rising Oaksiswalkable, eco-friendly and will feature green spaces, stormwater parks, and easy access to key services and employers. Join us in creating alasting, inclusive community for generations to come.
New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity habitat-nola.org
» GiGi’s Playhouse is anon-profit,501(c)(3) organization andissolelyfundedbydonations.
» www.gigisplayhouse.org/neworleans / ways-to- give/
» We are99% volunteer-run. Volunteer opportunities: programleaders ,program as sistants ,tutor s, administrative help,and events .assis tants, tutor s, administrative help,and events .Signuptoday!
» WorldDownSyndromeDay Celebration &GiGi’sAnnualGolf Tournament –March 21,2025
» Crescent City Clas sicCharity Partner–April 19,2025– Join theGiGi’sPlayhouse Team!
Young Audiences of Louisiana’s mission is to inspire, engage,and unite children and communities through education, arts, an culture.
For 60 years, we have draw upon our region’sstrong cu to provide youngpeoplew toolstoimpact theirworld usingart...because everyc deserves alife in thesun.
5630 CrowderBoulevard,Suite 101 loveyourneighbornola.com
To disruptcyclesofcommunity violencebybeing catalystsfor family centered change
» Providebasic necessitiesto NewOrleans children &families
» Provideeducation andresources that buildcommunity resiliency.
» Engageyouth through community serviceand mentorship opportunities.
Thanksgiving Food +CoatGiveaway 11/23; CommunityChristmas Party 12/14; Functional FamiliesBiweekly,family supply distribution,starting 2/8/2025
» Supportour missionbyvisitingloveyourneighbornola.com/donate to make aone time or recurring donation OR by volunteering at an upcoming eventfound on our websiteatloveyourneighbornola.com/volunteer.
» Venmo: loveyourneighbornola
200Broadway St., Ste. 107, Ne wO rl ea ns ,L A70118 @crescentcityfarmersmkt
Market Umbrella’s missionisto cultivate thepower of farmer smarkets to drive economic andcommunity health in the region.Weoperate theCrescentCit y Farmers Markets, aseriesofweekly open-air market sspacedthroughout NewOrleans ,and providecommunity programs to increase food access for families in need.
We love localfoodand we know youdotoo! Your gift to Market Umbrella will suppor t ourworld-class market sand programs such as Market Match, whichprovidesa dollar-for-dollarmatch forshopper susing SNAP to purchase additional freshfruit s andveggies to feed theirfamilies!
» By mail,online at marketumbrella.org or by textingCCFMto4 4-321
TheNew OrleansWomen &Children’sShelter is dedicatedtobreakingthe cycleofhomelessnessand empowering families to buildself-sufficient lives.
Since2007, we have supported over 4,500individuals,including 3,300 children,with98% of thoseweserve achievinglasting housingstability.