Join us for the grand opening of Guess McCall Gallery, an exciting new addition to the Arts District of New Orleans. Celebrated artists Fredrick Guess and Bliss McCall inviteyou to 607 Julia St to enjoyanevening of art and culturethis Saturday.
Thegallery will showcase adiverse range of art forms, including oil paintings, watercolors, mixed media, sculptures, and glasswork by 10 local artists such as Sean Friloux, Rene' Dene', Razick, Bobby White, Kraig Richad, and more! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in the creativeworld of Guess McCall Gallery.
To learn more, contact us at 504-251-4644.
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NICOLASCAGERETURNEDTONEW ORLEANSLASTYEAR to film “Renfield,” ahorrorcomedyaboutthe beleaguered servanttoCount Dracula. Thefilmalso is setinNew Orleans, and Renfield triestoget outofconstantlysecuringhis boss’nextmeal “Renfield” will be releasednationally in mid-April,but localaudiences canget an early peek at thefilmon Thursday, March30, as theopening nightselection forthe Overlook Film Festival.The horror festival features appearances by stars including John Goodman anddirectorJim Jarmusch, and in additiontofilms, thereare immersiveexperiences, afestival-longparticipatory game, music and more.Films include severalworld premieres, foreign filmsand some anniversaryscreenings,including a10thanniversary showingofJarmusch’svampirefilm, “OnlyLovers left Alive.”
TheOverlook festival organizers havecurated some entertaining links.Goodman is notknown for doinghorrorfilms,but he starred in the1993film“Matinee.”Itwas directedbyJoe Dante, whois knownfor directing “Gremlins.” He also oftenincludedfilms within films, as he did in “Matinee.”
In “Matinee,” Goodman playsa producer trying to promote his horror film “Mant!”withavariety of stunts.Thatscheme is inspired by directorWilliamCastle,who promotedhis horror filmswith gimmicks.For his1959film“The Tingler,” famouslyfeaturing VincentPrice telling theatergoersto“scream fortheir lives,” Castle deployedwhathecalled “Percepto!”which were small electronic devicesattachedto some theaterseats with thegoal of startlingunsuspectingviewers and promptingthem to screamatparticularpoints in thefilm. Castle also paid actors to faintduringscreenings so they could be carriedout of thetheater as part of thestunt
TheOverlook Festival is presenting ascreeningof“Matinee” on its30th anniversary,and theSundayshowing will be followedbyaQ&A with both Goodmanand Dante. Andthen the festival will screen “The Tingler.”Also appearingwill be thehorrormovie host Dr.Fearless,acreationofactor DavidDastmalchion(whostars in “LateNight with theDevil,” which also screensatthe fest).
OrganizerLandon Zakheimlikes thevariety of filmsinthe festival.
by Will Coviello |“Everybodyshould go to this ‘Tingler’ screeningjustas muchasyou should go to the‘Only Lovers Left Alive’ screening twodaysbefore,” Zakheimsays. “You’re goingtosee two completely flip sides of what we love about allofthiswork. You seea modernmaster, whodoesn’t necessarilyidentify as ahorror filmmaker,making somethingreally moving andbeautiful that plays withhorror movietropes. Andyou’regoingto seesomethingthatisabsolutely bonkers and silly that thefilmmakers at thetimefeltthe needtotakeon theroad.People forget that at that time, film wascompetingwith TV They were trying to getpeople back in theaters.”
Although Overlook returned to in-personeventsinNew Orleans last year,Zakheimsaysthisyearis muchmoreinlinewith thefullscope of programmingdesigned forthe Covid-canceled 2020 festival.There aremanyin-person immersiveperformances andexperiences.The festivalalso hasaddedmusic.Jarmusch will perform with hisband Sqürlat thefestival’s VampireBall. Metal band Thou performs, andthereisa screeningofAlfredHitchcock’s 1927 silentflick “The Lodger:A Storyof theLondon Fog” with alivescore performed by ThinkLess,HearMore.
Other live performances include comedy and acouple of magic acts from theAcademy of MagicalArts. Therealso is ahorrortrivia night and adarkmarket.
Festival pass holderscan play agame that runs throughmany events.The Ministry of Peculiarities, based in Azusa, California,issetting up aremotefield office.Participants cancheck in with theofficeand get involved with itsspecialinvestigation,almostlikebeing acharacterin afilm, Zakheim says Thefestivalfilmslate covers alot of horror niches.The closing night film is thefifth installmentofthe “EvilDead” series,“Evil Dead Rise.”
“Smoking Causes Coughing”is thelatest offbeat film from French directorQuentin Dupieux, whose previous filmsinclude “Deerskin” and “Rubber,” ahorrorcomedy
about akiller tire roamingthe highways of theAmericanSouthwest
Having itsworld premiere is “Trim Season,” aboutyoung people who setout to makesomeeasymoney harvesting cannabis in aremote region butfindthemselvesina forbiddenspace.Also premiering is thedocumentary “WeKill forLove,” aboutthe genre of low-budget erotic thrillers.
In “The AngryBlack Girl and Her Monster,” ayoung womantries to bringher murdered brother back to life.Inthe sci-fi oriented “The ArtifaceGirl,”specialagentstrying to catchonlinechild predators meet aprogrammer who’susing artificial intelligence in provocativeways.
“GiveMeanA”isacollectionof shortfilms,fromcomedic to dystopic, inspired by theoverturning of Roev.Wade.
TheMongolian film “Aberrance” followsa coupletoacabin deep in thewoods wheretheyencounter a mysterious neighbor.Therealso are slates of shortfilms themed around queerhorror, theintersectionofsex and death, and uncannyevents. And acenterpiecesecretscreening of a newfilmwill be revealedatshowtime Friday nightatCanalPlace Festival passes are$250and include entrytoall regularscreenings,parties and live showsaswell as access to ticketsfor immersive experiences.Individual ticketsare availablefor filmsand rush seatswill be availablefor many “sold out” films. Forschedule andinformation, visitoverlookfilmfest.com.
THEFORMERFLEETWOODMAC SINGER’SAPPEAL seemstojust be gettingbetterwithage.She had fansofall ages singingalong at Jazz Fest last year.Nicks performsat7 p.m. Sunday,April 2, at Smoothie King Center. Find tickets viasmoothiekingcenter.com.
THEGREATESTBOYBANDTOEVER GRACETHESTAGE returnstoNew Orleansthisweek when New Editiontakes overthe Smoothie King Center.And as if thechance to seeBoston’sgreatestcontribution to American musicwasn’t enough,they’re bringingalong some of theirfriends as part of theirLegacy Tour.The sexiest voiceonradio, KeithSweat himself, will perform,aswill theoriginal lineup of the’80spanty dropper groupGuy.The worldhasn’tseen alineupthissexysince 1989.At8 p.m. Friday,March 31.Findtickets via smoothiekingcenter.com.
THEENTREPRENEURSHIP,TECHNOLOGYANDINNOVATIONFESTIVAL runs March27-April1.There’sa music festival headlined by Austin,Texas, rock band WhiteDenim.White Denim, Juno Dunes, Saxkixave and more play on Thursday, March 30,and Pell,Brass-A-Holics, LeTrainiumpand moreperform Friday,March 31,all at Generations Hall.Then, People Museum,Water Seed,Young Fellaz Brass Band and more perform at TheBroadside on Saturday,April 1. Visitnoew.org/ fest formoreinformation.
Gov.JohnBelEdwardsrecently reversed adecisionbythe state BoardofCommerce and Industryand deniedlocal property taxbreaks sought by Folgers Coffee,sidingwith NewOrleans officialsintheir fightfor tax revenue from thecoffeegiant Folgerssought$5.1million in tax breaks viathe state’s Industrial TaxExemption Program for companyprojectsinNew OrleansEast. Localofficials denied Folgers’ request,which thestate boardoverruled. Edwardsthen reversed theboard’s decision.
TheCityofNewOrleans issued hundreds of parkingticketsin thepast 11 monthstocars on theRoyal Street pedestrian mall— yethas donenothing to reopen themalltopedestrians, Verite News reported. The pedestrianmallisanimportant spacefor thecity’sstreetmusicians and buskers, butthe city has notput outbarricadesto block trafficdespiteapromise last April to do so.But it hasissued 794parkingticketsduring themall’shours of operation.
THENEWORLEANSCITYCOUNCILLAST WEEKAPPROVEDNEWREGULATIONS governingsomeshort-termrentalstowill allowthree residentially permittedSTRsper square block
Thenew rules won’teffect thenumber of commercialSTR permits in thecity, andthe city won’ttakethatissue up untilthe fallat theearliest.Thatmeans manyparts of theTreme,Marigny and Bywaterneighborhoods will continue to be overrun by STRs Therules arealso differentthan theproposalitapproveda week before followingpublic debate That planwould have limited thenumberofSTRstoone per square block.
Council MemberFreddie
King —who represents Treme, Marigny,Bywater andother areas hithardest by STRs andopposed theinitial tighterplan—authored thenew limits
King claimed hisamendment wasa compromise that could helpproperty ownersthatwere rentingout single roomsshortterm,but advocatespointedout that those gettingthe additional STRpermits could just as easily be rentingout larger STRs,like half aduplexfor instance.
Council Members Eugene Greenand Oliver Thomas were theonlycouncil memberstovote against theamendment.
Greensaidmostofthe people in hisDistrictD,which includes Gentilly,the 7thWard, theFloridaDesire area,the Downman Road corridor and other neighborhoods,are opposed to STRs
Theleaks were discoveredin2021by thecontractors hiredbythe Sewerage &Water Board. Despitethe S&WB knowing aboutthe leaks,norepairs were made.The Louisiana Department of Health hadnot been notified of the situation— untilcontacted by TheLens last week.Thisraisesconcerns about safe drinkingwater in thecity.
Dr.JamesSandefur, theformer secretary-treasurer of theLouisiana StateBoardofOptometry Examiners, took theexecutive directorposition of aprivate optometristorganizationand mingledstate moneywith the privategroup’s funds. Thecominglingnearly brokethe public board, according to aLegislative Auditor’sreport sought by boardmembers. Theaudit found theOptometry Association of Louisiana thousandsof state dollars overseven years.
Before applying,anSTR owner or operator would needtonotify neighborswithin 100feetoftheir property linesand hold aneighborhood meeting. Then,the City PlanningCommissionwould make recommendations regarding the property andthe Councilwould have 60 days to makea decision on thoserecommendations.
Thecouncil also defeated an amendment by Council Member LesliHarristhatwould have made applying forthe rulesa first come, first served system,optingfor a random lotterysysteminstead.
“I seethe signs saying,‘My STRismyretirement,’but forthe people that I’ve spoken to,their homes in theirneighborhoods are theirretirement,”hesaid. “And they arevery, very concerned with anychangethatcould take place in theirinvestments.”
Of course, whether thecitywill actually enforcethe newrules remainstobeseen. Thereare thousands of illegal STRs in thecity.
Council PresidentJPMorrell called STR platforms“thevillain of thestory” and said they should be helpingthe city enforceregulationsand delistillegalSTRs.
“Atthe end of theday,ifwe cannotregulate this industry because it choosesnot to be regulated, then we needtosendthe industry packing,”hesaid.
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ANDFAILURES,the effort to recall MayorLaToya Cantrell gave citizens and public officialsa majorcivics lesson. It also exposedsignificant gaps in statelaws governingrecalls,voter registration, transparency and judicialethics.
Thoseare among the manytakeaways from theNoLaToyaadventure in democracy.Here’sa closer look.
1.CANTRELLDIDN’TWIN —THERECALLORGANIZERSLOST. The mayordeservesnovictory lap, butdon’t be surprised if shetreats herselftoone anyway.Whatelse should we expectfromapublic officialwho thinks she’sentitled to flyfirst class and to live in a city-owned Pontalba apartmentat taxpayerexpense?
From DayOne, therecallers rananamateurish, even clownish campaign.That, despite spendingatleastasmuchmoney as Cantrell spenttowin her first term as mayoragainst twohighly qualifiedchallengers.Infairness, recall organizersEileenCarter and Belden Batistegot most of their $1.2 million in contributions months afterlaunchingthe petitiondrive last August.Evenafter hiring some experienced campaign consultants, however,the effort neverresembledawell-organizedcampaign
2.THESIGNATUREBARREMAINSHIGH. Statelawmakers recently lowered thethreshold forrecallpetition signaturesfrom33% of theelectorate to 20%, butthat’sstill a high bar— as it should be. There’s alreadytalkoflowering it further, butlegislators should tread carefully.Itshouldn’tbeimpossible to recall an electedofficial; nor should it be easy.
3.TOPARAPHRASEJAMESCARVILLE, IT’SACAMPAIGN,STUPID. Recalling ahigh-rankingelected official requires thesame levelofplanning,organization, voterID, polling, financing, public relations, messagingand advertising that gettingelected requires.And
those thingsneed to be in place before filing arecallnotice with theSecretary of State, not monthslater.
Above all, theeffortneedscredibility.Thatonlyhappenswhen it hasa public-facingcampaign committeecomposedofbusiness, civicand neighborhoodleaders whoreflect thecity’sdiversity
Therecallers neverassembled such ateam, and they raised almost alltheir $1.2 millionfrom Republican businessman Rick Farrell. That gave Cantrell an easy waytodiscredit therecallers in theBlack community
4.TRANSPARENCYMATTERS.THELACK OFITMATTERSMORE. There’splenty of faulttogoaroundonthisone.
Therecallers promisedvoters theirsignatureswould remain secreteventhough statelaw explicitlymakes allsignatures public records. Recall organizers lost what remained of theircredibility by renegingonanagreementtoturnoverall signaturesto TheTimes-Picayuneupondeliveringthe petition to theregistrar on Feb. 22
Elsewhere, RegistrarSandra Wilsonrefused even to explain the legallyrequired processfor verifyingsignatureswhen shereceived thepetition, needlesslykeeping citizensinthe dark.Secretary of State
Kyle Ardoin magically —and with virtually no explanation —lowered the signature threshold by 5,000 afterreducingthe officialtally of active voters in NewOrleans by 25,000.Inthe petition drive’sfinal weeks, Cantrell mailed voters a slickflyer toutingher accomplishmentsattaxpayerexpense,then slow-walkedthe response to public recordsrequestsabout it
Andthen there’sJudge Jennifer Medley
5.SHEDIDWHAT? When Carter and Batistewenttocourt in hopesof lowering thesignature threshold, thecasewenttoMedley, oneof thenewest judgesatCivilDistrict Court. Medleyheard thecase in Februarybut didn’tdisclose that shesigned thepetitionin December. TheCode of Judicial Conductwarns judgestoavoid anyactivity or behavior that mightcause thepublic to question theirimpartiality. Medley’s signature on therecallpetition, and hersubsequentfailure to disclosethatfactraisedall sorts of ethicalissuesthat, ultimately, still have to be resolved by the Louisiana Supreme Court. The
recall maybeover, butthis controversyisn’t.
6.STATELAWSNEEDMORECLARITY. Here’s wherethe civiclesson hits home.The petitiondrive against Cantrell exposedsomemajor statutorygapsthatdemand legislative attention. Amongthem:
•The lawmakes no provisionfor independently auditinga registrar’s rolls, nordoesitprovide anydirectoversight authorityor explicitmeans of holdingregistrars accountableiftheyfailtoproperly maintain theirrolls
•The five-day “grace period” is a joke.It’sanoutlier,and lawmakers should getrid of it
•The public recordselementis problematic.I’m apublic records hawk,but making signatures subject to immediate public review scares alot of people. Many potentialsignatories fear intimidation or even retribution. Lawmakers should consider making petitionsa public record after theregistrar has completedthe verification process.
•The validation process needs improvement. Whynot require
petition organizers to turn in signaturesevery fewweeks, or monthly? That would allow registrars to validate or disqualify signaturesinreal time —and give everyone an accurate,running countofsignatures.
Actually,the better questionis, “WheredoesSHE go from here?”
Likeitornot,New Orleans goes wherever themayor leadsus. If
Belden‘NoonieMan’Batiste, bottomcenter,andAnnette CranfordHamilton,left,a volunteercoordinatorwith nolatoya.org,presentboxesfilled withtheMayorLaToyaCantrell recallpetitionstoOrleans RegistrarDr.SandraWilson.
Cantrell checks outor remainsembroiledin controversyand scandal, thecitywill continue to founderonthe shoals of stagnation andincompetence. Though it’s notinher nature to be conciliatory,Cantrell should at least make an effort.It’sher jobtounite thecityand put politicalgrudges asidefor the greatergood.
VeteranpollsterSilas Lee, a sociology professor at Xavier University,put it best:“We still have acrisisofconfidence right now. That’s themayor’s biggestchallenge.”
@GambitBlake |askblake@gambitweekly.com
HeyBlake, Whatcanyoutellmeaboutthebuilding at200CarondeletSt.?Thecornerstone mentions“ourdepositors,”andthereare dollarsignsengravedinthesidewalk,so I’massumingitwasoriginallyabank?
NOWTHESITEOFANAPARTMENTBUILDING,the structure at Carondelet andCommonwas built forthe American Bank and Trust Co. The23-storyskyscraper, completedin1929, wasdedicated onemonth afterthe stock marketcrash
Forthree decadesprior,the site washome to theLiverpool &London &Globe Insurance building. That building wasdemolishedto makeway forthe newbank building,which wasdesignedbythe firm of Diboll,Owens and Goldstein.
Thebuilding and itsmarble lobbywere adornedwithmanyhallmarks of theArt Deco and Commercialarchitectural styles.One of itsmostmemorable featuresisa six-story octagonal rooftoptower, illuminated at night. Thebankwas originally locatedonthe ground floorand mezzanine, whilelaw officesand other businesses occupiedthe upper floors.
As younoticed,dollarsigns mark thesidewalk outfront andthe building’s cornerstone dedicatesitto“ourdepositors,their industry and thrift.” In 1949, American Bank and Trust changed itsname to NationalAmerican Bank.The bank went back to itsoriginal namein1981under newowners, includingLouis J. Roussel Jr.and hisson LouisJ Roussel III. They sold thebank in 1985.The next year,the building wasadded to the National Register of Historic Places
Thebuildinglater houseda Bank One branch before sitting vacant forseveral years. In 1998, it waspurchased for$4.2 million,renovated and reopenedin2008 as an apartmentbuilding.
YOUCANHELPPRESERVEASWEETSLICEOFNEWORLEANS’ CULINARYHISTORY by donatingtothe SouthernFood and Beverage Museum’sefforttosave ahistoric McKenzie’s bakery neonsign.
McKenzie’s Pastry Shoppes, as thelocally owned chain wasknown,werea fixtureinNew Orleansfromthe 1920sthrough the2000s. Thebusinesswas founded a century agobyDanielEntringer,who opened hisfirst storeinBiloxiin1923. When he opened alocationon NewOrleans’ Canal Street in 1925,Entringerhired Henry McKenzie to runit. McKenzie also opened hisown bakery in the4900block of Prytania Street.Today thePrytania storeisthe site of Creole Creamery.The McKenzie’s nameand neonsignremainonthe building.
In 1936,McKenziesold thebusinesstoEntringer, who kept McKenzie’s name becauseofhis reputation and because he believed it would be easier forcustomersto pronounce. Entringer’s sons and grandsoneventually took overthe business,which expanded to more than 50 retail outletsofferingmorethan200 products,including all sortsofpies, cakes, cookiesand doughnuts. King cake became apopulariteminthe 1930swhen McKenzie’s popularizedthe useofplastic baby dollsinkingcakes
Thebakerychain closed in 2000.The name remains at localTastee Donuts locations, which sell itemsmade usingthe McKenzie’s recipes.
When theSouthernFood andBeverageMuseum learnedofanother authentic, fullyrestored McKenzie’s neonsign, it launched acampaign to raisemoney to buyitand add it to itscollection. Donorswill be invited to an unveiling receptionatthe museum on Oretha Castle HaleyBoulevard and be amongthe first to see thesignatits newhome. Find outmoreatsouthernfood.kindful.com
Builtin1929,the NationalAmerican BankBuildingat 200CarondeletSt featuredanumber ofthen-modern amenities,including whatisbelievedto bethefirstairconditioningsystem inapublicbuildingin NewOrleans.
Dollarsigns indicate the average price of a dinner entree
BY ANDREA BLUMENSTEIN, JAKE CLAPP, WILL COVIELLO, KAYLEE POCHE & SARAH RAVITSAGREATSEAFOODDISHISNEVERTOOHARDTOCOMEBY INNEWORLEANS, and that’s especially true in the spring when the crawfish and oyster seasons are at their heights. The weather this time of year also entices diners outdoors for the fleeting weeks of comfortable temperatures before the summer heat sets in.
Gambit’s Spring Dining Issue includes a variety of restaurants, from adventurous new restaurants to New Orleans classics serving
Creole staples and local favorites that specialize in a good boil. These pages contain information on more than 130 restaurants in New Orleans, Jefferson and St Bernard parishes and the Northshore, with a highlight on seafood dishes and outdoor dining.
Listings are organized alphabetically and include information about the menu, hours of operation and service options. Enjoy! And remember to tip generously.
$1-$10 $ $11-$20 $$ $21 AND UP
1900 N. Claiborne Ave., (504) 224-2628; Instagram, @8freshfoodassassin
Chef Manny January’s menu includes deepfried hen, T-bone steak, salmon, lobster, fried ribs, crawfish nachos and char-grilled seafood-loaded oysters. For sides, there is potato salad, macaroni and cheese and more. No reservations Delivery available Lunch and dinner Tue.- Sun. $$
8227 Oak St., (504) 4207433; 14parishes.com
Named for the 14 parishes of Jamaica, the restaurant serves dishes like curried goat, jerk shrimp and salmon fillet Proteins are served with a choice of two sides such as macaroni and cheese, rice, mixed vegetables, cabbage, plantains and callaloo. Reservations accepted Delivery available Lunch Fri.-Sat., dinner Tue.-Sat and brunch Sun. $$$
72011 Holly St., Abita Springs, (985) 892-5837; abitabrewpub.com
Abita Brewing’s pub features Abita beers not sold in stores along with traditional bar snacks like fried pickles with ranch dipping sauce and onion rings. It also has a selection of burgers, salads, pastas and entrees. The Abita boudin quail is fried quail stuffed with boudin sausage and topped with blueberry glaze on andouille cornbread stuffing, served with
mashed potatoes and sauteed vegetables No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch Tue.-Sun, dinner Tue.-Sat $$
2514 Bayou Road, (504) 218-5321; addisnola.com
At its larger space on Bayou Road, Addis serves traditional Ethiopian dishes such as wots and tibs The mar mitmita shrimp specialty is Gulf shrimp, tibs, honey and lemon zest Reservations recommended. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Dinner Wed.Mon. $$
5363 Franklin Ave., (504) 302-2090; afrodisiacnola.com
The menu at the food truck turned Gentilly restaurant blends Creoleand Jamaican-inspired dishes The curry shrimp plate features Gulf shrimp, potatoes and smoked sausage in curry, served over rice and peas and topped with fried catfish. It comes with a choice of two sides, like corn maque choux, sweet potato and plantain mash or smothered cabbage
No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Wed.-Sat $$
5024 West Esplanade Ave., Metairie, (504) 3083600; facebook.com/ almasgoofrestaurant
The Iraqi restaurant serves sandwiches, manakish, shawarma and more Its specialty is fish almasgoof, in which fish
is split down the middle, marinated for three days and cooked near charcoal Reservations accepted. Delivery available. Lunch and dinner
Wed.-Mon $$$
214 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 486-1465; angelobrocatoicecream.com
For more than 100 years, Angelo Brocato has served house-made gelato in traditional and specialty flavors as well as cannoli, tiramisu, Italian fig or seed cookies, Italian biscotti, pastries and Italian ice. Granitas come in fruit flavors, including peach and satsuma No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun. $
1016 Annunciation St., (504) 568-0245; annunciationrestaurant.com
The Warehouse District restaurant serves contemporary Cajun and Creole dishes, including crispy oysters with spinach and brie, as well as twists on classic New Orleans cocktails. Soft-shell crab Monica is pasta with crawfish and crab Reservations recommended Dinner Wed.-Mon $$$
301 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 299-9777; restaurantaugust.com
The contemporary menu includes has many Creole inspirations, as in red snapper Pontchartrain, which is served with shrimp, lump crabmeat, wild mushrooms and bearnaise. Reservations recommended
Dinner daily $$$
600 Poland Ave., (504) 948-9111; bacchanalwine.com
The Bywater wine shop
and courtyard space has a bar and kitchen and offers cheese and charcuterie plates The kitchen menu includes a daily selection of whole grilled fish, served with hazelnut brown butter, shoestring sweet potato and lemon. No reservations. Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$
301 Basin St., Suite 1, (504) 372-4442; backatownnola.com
The coffee shop offers tea and espresso drinks, baked goods, a signature cake of the day, sandwiches and more Salmon, capers and cream cheese are served on a toasted bagel with fresh greens. No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch daily. $
500 9th St., Gretna, (504) 500-0997; 504bananablossom.com
Jimmy Cho’s West Bank restaurant serves both contemporary and traditional Thai dishes
Coconut shrimp and ginger rice comes with carrots, onions and a sweet chili sauce Reservations accepted for large parties except Friday and Saturday nights
Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$
339 Baronne St., (504) 522-8664; baronessnola.com
The menu at this craft cocktail lounge includes small plates, pizzas, charcuterie, lasagna and
sandwiches Crawfish, corn and pepper bisque is served with crackers No reservations. Limited outdoor seating available Lunch Mon.-Fri., dinner Wed.-Sun., latenight Fri.-Sat $$
446 Pelican St., 504-766-7268; 3984 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 266-2961; eatbarracuda.com
The taco stand specializes in Mexican-inspired staples including quesadillas and fresh salsas
A fish taco features beer-battered Louisiana catfish, shredded cabbage, house-made crema, salsa macha and pomegranate. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $
430 Dauphine St., (504) 525-4455; bayona.com
Susan Spicer’s French Quarter fine dining restaurant incorporates international flavors and seasonal produce The
menu changes daily and there are plenty of vegetarian and local seafood options Signature dishes include sweet breads with lemon-caper or sherry-mustard butter Reservations recommended Outdoor seating available Lunch Thu.-Sat., dinner Tue.Sat. $$$
236 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 488-7503; beviseafoodco.com
The Mid-City restaurant sells boiled and live crawfish, shrimp, crab and oysters. The Canebrake barbecued shrimp platter features head-on Gulf shrimp smothered in Canebreak beer sauce with toasted bread. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch daily, early dinner Fri.Sat $$
1632 Lafayette St., Gretna, (504) 272-0711; Big EZ Seafood and Oysters, 2121 25th St., Kenner, (504) 800-4188;
Big EZ Seafood and Wings, 2245 Manhattan Blvd., (504) 324-6992, Harvey; bigezseafood.com
While the menu varies at each location, this casual local franchise specializes primarily in seafood
The Big Easy Basket includes a king crab leg, a snow crab cluster, a Dungeness crab cluster, a pound of shrimp, a lobster, three boiled eggs, potatoes, sausage and corn Reservations accepted at Kenner location only. Delivery available. Gretna: Lunch daily, dinner Mon.-Sat Kenner: Lunch and dinner daily. Harvey: Lunch Thu.-Tue., dinner Mon.Tue., and Thu.-Sat $$
118 Harbor View Court, Slidell, (985) 315-7001, thebluecrabnorthshore. com; 7900 Lakeshore Drive, (504) 284-2898, thebluecrabnola.com These restaurants serve fried, boiled and
grilled seafood platters, po-boys and more.
Penne pasta is tossed in a creamy sauce with baby spinach, herbs, Parmesan cheese and lump blue crabmeat No reservations Outdoor seating available. Slidell: Lunch and dinner Wed.-Sun New Orleans: Lunch and dinner Tue.Sun. $$
900 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 822-2583; blueoakbbq.com
The Mid-City spot serves brisket, pulled pork and more on barbecue plates and in sandwiches A spicy chicken sandwich comes with fried chicken thighs, sweet and spicy glaze, pickles and white barbecue sauce served on a sesame seed bun. No reservations Outdoor seating available Lunch and dinner daily $$
1510 S Carrollton Ave., (504) 510-4040; bourreenola.com
The Cajun smokehouse
serves smoked wings, sandwiches and sides. NewOrleans-style barbecue shrimp poboyispreparedwith lemon,green onions and butter.AvegetarianBuffalo cauliflower po-boy is filled with friedcauliflowerflorets dressedinwingsauce with blue cheese, pickles, celery,lettuce tomato andmayonnaise.Noreservations. Delivery and outdoor seating available Lunchand dinner daily. $
4413 BanksSt., (504)581-8054; bubsnola.com
TheBub Burger includestwo beef patties,American cheese, grilled onions,bread and butter pickles and signature sauce. ThePlaythrough is a sandwich with bacon, friedegg,tomato, American cheese and spicy mayonnaise.No reservations.Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunchand dinner Tue.-Sun $$
1760N.Rampart St., (504)381-4636; budsisthai.com
Chef Budsiserves classic Thai dishes and specialtiesfromthe Issan region of northern Thailand.There also is abar servingspecialty cocktailsand Asian beers.The spicy somtampapayasalad is made with fermented fish sauceand crab and served with grilled pork should and sticky rice.Noreservations
Outdoor seatingavailable.Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $$
3000Royal St., (504)766-8118; bywaterbrewpub.com
This microbrewery offers afullmenuof Cajunand Vietnamesecomfort food and other barfareto complementits housemade beers. Atofu banhmiburgercomes withfried marinated tofu, pickledcarrots, onions,jalapeno,cilantroand basil sauce.
Reservations accepted.Outdoor seating and deliveryavailable
LunchFri.-Sun.,Dinner Thu.-Mon $$
527Julia St., (504)875-4132; cafecarmo.com
This colorful bistro serves atropics-influencedmenu.Tiradito fish is thinlysliced Peruvian-style rawfish topped with ayellow chili pepper sauce, yuzu and canchita Reservations recommended.Deliveryand outdoorseating available.Breakfast, lunch and dinnerTue.-Sat. $$
800 Navarre Ave, (504)483-8828; cafenavarre.com
Thecafé serves Americandishesand NewOrleans staples Afried shrimp po-boy is served on French breadwith mayo, lettuceand tomato and comeswith fries. Abreakfast gritsbowl is topped with eggs cooked anystyle, bacon,avocado,to-
mato and cheddar.No reservations.Outdoor seating available. Breakfast, lunch and dinnerTue.-Fri. and brunchSat.-Sun. $$
606Frenchmen St., (504)229-4236; cafenegrilnola.com
TheFrenchmen Street musicclub offers appetizers,salads, tacos and sandwiches.The roast beef debris poboyfeaturessmoked roast beef,mozzarella, gravyand onions on French bread. Reservations accepted Deliveryand outdoor seating available LunchFri.-Sun.,dinner and late-night daily. $$
TheHigginsHotel, 1000 Magazine St., (504)528-1941; higginshotelnola.com/ new-orleansrestaurants/ cafenormandie
Cajunpaella is preparedwith saffron, crawfish,oyster, shrimp,soft-shellcrab, clam,peas,andouille and agrilled lemon
Soft-shellcraband gritsisatempura-fried soft-shellcrabwith friedgreen tomato,fried gritsand a hollandaise barbeque sauce.Reservations accepted.Breakfast and lunch daily. $$$
1113 DecaturSt., (504)581-1112; caneandtablenola.com
Thecocktaillounge and restaurantserves CocteldeCamarones, featuring Gulf shrimp with tomato,onion, avocado andcilantro, served with fried saltines.The Fish Rundown is cornmeal-fried Gulf drum with Louisianacrawfish, coconut curryand Jazzmen rice.Reservations accepted.Outdoor seatingavailable
Dinner Wed.-Sun.and brunchSat.-Sun. $$
1700 LakeAve., Metairie, (504)831-2840; captainsids.com
Theseafood market offers to-goboiled seafood including
crawfish and crabs as well as aselection of soups, stewsand sides. Potato salad is prepared with wholeboiledskinned potatoes,mayonnaise, mustardand ahouse seasoningblend.No reservations.Breakfast and lunch daily. $$
10826 HayneBlvd., (504)244-8446
Theto-gorestaurant serves po-boys and boiled and fried seasonal seafood. The shrimp po-boyfeatures seasoned friedshrimp on Leidenheimer
French breadand is dressedwith mayonnaise,lettuce,tomato, pickle and hotsauce or ketchup. No reservations. Outdoor seating available.Lunch and early dinner Tue-Sat. $$
1301 GravierSt., (504)766-7851; chapterivnola.com
Fishand gritsincludes friedfarm-raised catfishwith crawfish and andouillemaque chouxCreolegrits
Barbecue shrimp are served in an Abita Amber and garlic pepper butter reduction. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch Mon.-Fri., brunch Sun. $$$
4323 Bienville St., (504) 909-0108; clesicatering.com
The family-run business offers in-season boils, like crab, crawfish and shrimp, prepared with signature seasoning Boiled sides include sausage, mushrooms, corn, potato and garlic
Crawfish rangoons are creamy crawfish filling stuffed into a fried wonton and served with house-made red pepper jelly. No reservations.
Outdoor seating available Lunch and dinner Thu.-Tue $$
1403 Washington Ave., (504) 899-8221; commanderspalace.com
At this historic Creole restaurant, the Redfish
Haute Creole entree is a sea salt and lemon butter poached redfish served over a salad of spicy and bitter greens, bruleed shallots, confit fingerling potatoes, roasted root vegetables, bowfin caviar and Louisiana citrus Reservations recommended Lunch Thu.Fri., dinner daily, brunch Sat.-Sun $$$
Old No 77 Hotel, 535 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 599-2119; comperelapin.com
Caribbean influences run deep on chef Nina Compton’s seasonally changing menu Scialatielli is served with crawfish and Andouille sausage. Market fish comes with Jamaican
brown stew and cilantro rice Reservations recommended Outdoor seating available Dinner daily. $$$
634 Louisa St., (504) 945-0742; thecountryclubneworleans.com
Chef Chris Barbato serves contemporary Creole and Southern dishes at this Bywater hotspot. Grilled salmon is served with roasted cauliflower, pureed cauliflower and edible, dried flowers Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch Mon.-Fri., dinner daily, drag brunch Sat.Sun. $$
841 Iberville St., (504) 581-1316; 1713 Lake Ave., Metairie, (504) 8314141; 2200 Magazine St (504) 962-7760; deanies.com
The menu includes raw, char-broiled and barbecue oysters, soups and stews, seafood platters and dinners. The barbecue shrimp appetizer includes large, head-on Gulf shrimp sauteed in seasoned butter with French bread for dipping on the side Bucktown Boil pizza is a white pie with shrimp, crawfish, crabmeat and mozzarella cheese Reservations accepted at Magazine Street location Delivery and outdoor seating available at some locations. Hours vary by location $$
3442 St Charles Ave., (504) 895-0858; thedelachaise.com
The Uptown wine bar and bistro serves steamed Prince Edward Island mussels in a lime Thai chili Pino Grigio broth with a side of frites No reservations
Outdoor seating available Lunch Fri.-Sun., dinner and late-night daily. $$
1100 Girod St., (504) 788-0093; devilmoonbbq.com
The new barbecue spot offers brisket, pork spare ribs, pulled pork, house-made sausages and turkey breast on platters with sides such as coleslaw, potato salad, dirty rice and more.
A chopped beef sandwich includes coleslaw, pickles and barbecue sauce on a potato roll and comes with a side
No reservations Lunch Tue.-Sun $$
Areawide; dickeys.com
The Texas barbecue chain offers pit-smoked wings, loaded baked potatoes, sandwiches and build-your-own plates Smoked meat options include brisket, pork ribs, chicken, pulled pork, Kielbasa and jalapeño cheddar sausage. The brisket sandwich comes with a choice of chopped or sliced beef brisket dressed with pickles and the option to add extra toppings like cabbage, cheese and onions No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$
530 Jackson Ave., (504) 544-9530; dragonflynola.com
Dragonfly is both a café and a social enterprise supporting adults with disabilities in the Greater New Orleans area Arielle’s breakfast burrito comes with three eggs, house-made sausage, bacon, avocado and
cheddar cheese all rolled in a whole wheat or spinach wrap served with a side of grits or fruit. Allesandro’s grilled veggie melt comes with spinach, squash, onions, peppers and mozzarella Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch Wed.-Sun $$
3507 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 897-5395; elcucuynola.com
The Mexican street food and tequila bar serves tacos, tortas, elote and more. The shrimp torta includes grilled Gulf shrimp, Guajillo salsa, fresh avocado, shredded lettuce, tomato, black bean puree and crema on a Mexican Bolillo bun. The Gulf fish taco is blackened redfish on a choice of flour or corn tortilla, served with pico de gallo, crema, shredded cabbage and fresh salsa. Reservations for large parties. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch Sat.-Sun and dinner Tue.-Sun $
4401 S. Broad Ave., (504) 266-2022; elpavorealnola.com
Pescado Vera Cruz is sauteed Gulf fish topped with a sauce of tomatoes, olives, onion and capers and served with steamed rice and string beans. The menu also includes tacos, quesadillas, enchiladas, carnitas and more No reservations. Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$
Hotel Peter and Paul, 2317 Burgundy St., (504) 356-6769; theelysianbar.com
The Marigny space serves coffee and pastries in the morning followed by brunch into the afternoon and dinner and cocktails in the evening. Snapper crudo is prepared with tomato, yuzu and pickled aji dulce. Roasted Gulf shrimp are served with Calabrian chili butter, oregano and bottarga
Almasgoof sgoof servestraditional Iraqidishes,includingthe namesakefish(center),whole chicken,shawarma,hummusand babaganoushandsamoonbread.
breadcrumbs Reservations recommended Outdoor seating available Breakfast, brunch and dinner daily. $$$
3109 Magazine St., (504) 582-9378; 7321 Freret St., (504) 249-5977; empanolaempanadas.com
The selection of empanadas includes a crawfish etouffee option with Louisiana crawfish, onions, peppers and celery The shrimp and cheese empanada is filled with Louisiana shrimp, green onions, havarti and mozzarella cheese No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $
Hancock Whitney Center, 447 St Charles Ave., (504) 412-8326; empirestatedeli.com
New York meets New Orleans at this deli on the ground floor of the Hancock Whitney building. The daily menu of sandwiches features Boar’s Head cold cuts, salads and other deli favorites. The Cuban is made with Black Forest ham, melted Swiss cheese, deli pickles and Dijon honey mustard on toasted hero bread. No reservations Delivery available Lunch Mon.Fri. $
301 N. Peters St., (504) 267-4406; 411-1 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 408-2626; 6215 S. Miro St., (504) 3092776; felipestaqueria.com
Diners can custom order burritos, bowls, tacos and more with choices of meat or seafood, cheese, vegetable toppings, salsas, beans and rice Tropical shrimp ceviche features Gulf shrimp and mango with salsa and guacamole
over two tostadas Outdoor seating available at some locations No reservations Lunch daily, dinner hours vary by location $$
739 Iberville St., (504) 522-4440; 2891
Highway 190, Mandeville, (985) 778-2176; 7400 Lakeshore Drive, (504) 304-4125; felixs.com
Felix’s is well-known for its oyster bar, but it also serves fried and boiled seafood, pastas and poboys Buffalo oysters are fried and smothered in Buffalo sauce with blue cheese crumbles No
reservations Outdoor seating available at Lakefront and Mandeville locations Lunch and dinner daily. $$
4141 Bienville St., Suite 110, (504) 488-7427; freysmokedmeat.com
The menu includes brisket, sausage, smoked chicken, St. Louis ribs, burgers, shakes and more, and there’s a Friday fish fry special. The hot fried chicken sandwich comes with pepper jack cheese, honey mustard, pickled onion, pickles and lettuce. Reservations accepted for large parties. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$
2438 Bell St., (504) 233-3346; frootorleans.com
The Royal Crunch combines sliced apples and bananas, vanilla almond granola and date car-
amel sauce. The menu has plenty of vegan and vegetarian items, including smoothies, salads, and fruit bowls as well as savory dishes like the mushroom Bella Burger No reservations Delivery available. Breakfast and lunch Tue.-Sun $
724 Martin Behrman Ave., Metairie, (504) 834-5646; furysrestaurant.com
New owners recently took over this Metairie staple, but the kitchen is still helmed by a member of the Fury family.
The flounder Carrie is fried or broiled and topped with sauteed jumbo lump Louisiana crabmeat The speckled trout can be grilled, broiled or fried and comes with crawfish etouffee served with rice, a salad and vegetable No reservations
Lunch Mon.-Fri and dinner Mon.-Sat $$
808 Bienville St (504) 581-3467; gwfins.com
Fresh and local seafood is featured on a menu that changes based on the daily catch. The Scalibut is a dish of halibut and sea scallops with a royal red shrimp risotto, haricot verts and pea shoot butter
For an appetizer, fried oysters are tossed in a Vietnamese glaze and served with banh mi vegetables and toasted brioche. Reservations recommended Dinner daily. $$$
2441 Orleans Ave., (504) 603-2344; gabriellerestaurant.com
The menu includes New Orleans classics and seasonal specials Seared striped bass fillet is served with jumbo lump crabmeat and preserved lemon aioli Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available Dinner Thu.-Sat $$$
509 S. Tyler St., Covington, (985) 892-9992; 527
Restaurant & Bar, 527 N. Causeway Blvd., Mandeville, (985) 778-2820; Pat Gallagher’s Front Street, 2306 Front St., Slidell, (985) 326-8350; gallaghersgrill.com
Pat Gallagher’s restaurants serve a selection of steaks, including a bone-in cowboy rib-eye, as well as local seafood and more. Grilled, marinated redfish is topped with jumbo lump crabmeat and smoked tomato salsa. Sides are served family style and include seafood mirliton dressing, creamed spinach, potato au gratin, Brussels sprouts and more. Hours vary by location $$$
810 Conti St.; thegaragemusicclub.com
The music club serves gumbo, red beans and rice, yaka mein, wings and po-boys There’s also a fried chicken
sandwich with chicken tenders dressed with mayo, lettuce and pickles and served with fries and dipping sauce
No reservations Dinner Wed.-Sun $$
435 Huey P. Long Ave., Gretna, (504) 368-1114; gattusos.net
Gattuso’s menu of American dishes includes burgers, club sandwiches, wraps, salads, po-boys as well as daily specials Blackened salmon is served on a spinach salad with blue cheese, red onions, pecans and raisins. No reservations Outdoor seating available Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$
2517 Bayou Road, (504) 558-4403; halfshellonthebayou.com
Mark Johari Lawes’
7thWardrestaurant serves oysters, Creole staples and seafood dishes,suchasblackened redfishwith sauteed asparagus and pan-seared trout topped with etouffee. Redbeans and rice are served with achoice of friedchicken,grilled or friedporkchopor sausage. Reservations accepted.Deliveryand outdoor seating available.Lunch Sun. and dinnerWed.-Sun. $$
701St. CharlesAve., (504)524-4114; herbsaint.com
Chef DonaldLink’s Herbsaintoffersdaily specials that highlight freshseafood and localproduce. Housemade spaghettiis served with guanciale and afried-poached farm egg. Reservations recommended. Outdoor seatingavailable LunchMon.-Fri. and dinnerMon.-Sat. $$$
3340 Magazine St., (504)309-4532;
4077 Tulane Ave., (504)766-0478; boilseafoodhouse.com
TheFeast includes a Mainelobster,apound of crawfish,apound of snow crab legs, apound of shrimp, apound of clams, a pound of mussels, two corn and twopotatoes. Reservations accepted.Outdoor seating and deliveryavailable
LunchFri.-Sun. and dinnerdaily $$
4500 Freret St., (504)754-1336; highhatcafe.com
Friedcatfish is served with fries, coleslaw, hush puppiesand house-made pickles
Theshrimpremoulade wedgesalad comes with adeviled eggand atangy remoulade made with lemon, horseradish and red wine vinegar.Noreservations.Lunch and dinner Fri.-Tue $$
225Decatur St., (504)310-4961; houseofblues.com/ neworleans
Themusic venue’s restaurant serves a menuofSouthern dishes,burgers and salads.The Juicy Lucy burger includes provolonecheese, bacon,fried jalapenos, roastedtomatoesand mayo on abrioche bun.Reservations accepted.Outdoor seatingavailable.Dinner Thu.-Sat $$$
635KeplerSt.,Gretna, (504)227-5544; islandparadisenola.com
ThemenuofWest IndianCreoledishes highlightsTrinidad andTobago.Crawfish
fettuccine includes acreamysauce over pastaand served with toastedFrenchbread Oxtail is stewedin abrown gravyand served with steamed cabbage and choice of side,suchasjerk fries, rice and peas, plantainsorroti. No reservations.Lunch
Tue.-Sat., dinner Fri.Sat $$
632 Franklin St., Gretna, (504) 366-2219
Six brothers run this West Bank market, which is known for its seasonal boiled crawfish The menu also includes catfish, boudin and boneless or bone-in chicken wings. No reservations. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun $
1026 St. Louis St., (504) 265-8816; jewelnola.com
Roast pork belly is served with cannellini beans and trotter. There also is a selection of caviar, served with potato scallops, creme fraiche and chives, and the restaurant hosts “caviar happy hour” on Wednesday evenings with a menu of cocktails, champagne and wine curated by co-owner Chris Hannah Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Dinner Wed.-Mon., brunch Sun. $$$
91 French Market Place, (504) 510-2797; jinxnola.com
The French Quarter restaurant and bar serves Louisiana and American dishes with creative names
The Large Marge is a pulled pork sandwich dressed with barbecue sauce, frizzled onions, pickles and coleslaw on a kaiser roll No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner daily, late-night Thu.-Sat. $$
515 Baronne St., (504) 529-5825; 2018 Magazine St., (504) 569-0000; 4724 S. Carrollton Ave., (504) 486-9950; 8140 Oak St., (504) 897-4800; juansflyingburrito.com
The local taqueria serves burritos, quesadillas, nachos, salads and more Blackened fish tacos come on four tortillas with spicy coleslaw, cilantro, salsa fresca and creamy cilantro dressing No
reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available Lunch and dinner daily. $$
789 Harrison Ave., (504) 766-6902; juniorsonharrison.com
Blackened redfish is served with crispy potatoes, garlic asparagus, panna gratta crunch and green chili butter On the brunch menu, Uncle Tony’s Waffle comes with seasonal fruit, chantilly cream and pecans. Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$
225 Chartres St., (504) 218-8533; justinenola.com
Justin and Mia Devillier’s French Quarter restaurant serves a French menu with Southern touches. Pan-roasted fish is served with lump crabmeat, haricots verts, fried capers and lemon
butter For brunch, Gulf shrimp and grits come with field peas, smoked bacon, broken rice and fresh herbs. Reservations recommended Dinner daily, brunch Fri.-Sun $$$
3701 Iberville St., (504) 4886582; katiesinmidcity.com
The Mid-City restaurant’s menu includes sandwiches, salads, pasta, steaks and more. The Atchafalaya pizza is a specialty pie with Tabasco marinara sauce, shrimp, oysters, crawfish, crab cakes, bell pepper and red onion. Reservations accepted for parties larger than seven.
Delivery and outdoor seating available Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$
3140 Loyola Dr., Kenner, (504) 466-4701; kennerseafood.net
The seafood market and restaurant offers a selection of boiled seafood, po-boys and other Creole fare Catfish can be ordered fried, grilled or blackened and is served with choice of two sides, such as coleslaw, steamed green beans, mashed potatoes or spicy Cajun potatoes. No reservations. Outdoor seating available.
Lunch and dinner Mon.Sat. $$
337 Chartres St., (504) 598-5005; kingfishneworleans.com
The Blackened Hook and Line is the Gulf fish of the day prepared with New Orleans-style barbecue butter and served with a baked potato and seasonal vegetables Reservations recommended Lunch and dinner daily. $$
8120 Hampson St.,
(504) 862-5252; pupusasnola.com
The restaurant serves dishes from across Latin America, with a highlight on pupusas, and has a number of vegan and vegetarian options Head-on jumbo shrimp are sauteed with garlic, parsley and spices and served with yellow rice and salad. Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Wed.-Mon Cash only. $$
1300 N Broad St., (504) 920-9991; lamaracoffeeandkitchen.com
The menu includes vegetarian and vegan small plates, a smoothie bar and gluten-free baked goods
Rainbow Tostadas are two tostadas layered with black bean spread, guacamole, purple cabbage, golden beets, watermelon radish, local greens, cashew crema and pepitas on a baked corn tortilla
No reservations Breakfast and lunch daily. $$
400 S. Broad St., (504) 354-8509
Baleadas is a flour tortilla folded over and stuffed with refried beans, Honduran cheese and sour cream along with additions, like eggs, avocado and other fillings For lunch, camarones al ajillo is shrimp cooked in olive oil with a hearty serving of chopped garlic Breakfast, lunch and dinner Tue.Sun. $
715 St. Charles Ave., (504) 381-0045; lechatnoirnola.com
The restaurant in the CBD specializes in open-flame cooking and has a standup oyster bar. The King Salmon crudo is served with capers, gochujang and dill Crab fat agnolotti is a pasta with oyster cream, scallops, oysters and prosciutto Reservations accepted Dinner Mon.-Sat $$
700 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 613-2350; legacykitchen.com
The Tavern offers an eclectic menu of burgers, gumbo, sandwiches and entrees, and beignets are available all day. Shrimp Breaux Bridge Pasta features Louisiana shrimp and penne tossed with spicy cream sauce. Reservations accepted Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$
817 Common St., (504) 827-1651; legacykitchen.com
The seafood restaurant offers raw and char-grilled oysters, a sampler with crawfish remoulade and boiled shrimp as well as roasted salmon and Gulf fish There also are Southern dishes for non-seafood lovers, brunch service daily and beignets available all day. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
This is aquintessential Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon with pronounced aromas of blackberry, cassis,and vanillathat welcomeyou into theglass Flavors of blackplums, nutmeg,darkchocolate, andatouch of espresso enhancethe wine’s complex andfull-bodied structure, with acoreof elegantacidity from starttofinish
1500 Esplanade Ave., (504)766-8687; lildizzyscafe.net
Ownedbyathirdgeneration of theBaquet family, therestaurantisknown for gumbo,fried chicken and other Creole favorites. The lineup of dailyspecials includeswhite or redbeans and rice with hotsausage, and catfish Jourdain, topped with shrimp,crabmeat and lemon butter. No reservations.Outdoor seating available. Lunch Mon.-Sat $$
1813 Magazine St., (504)599-9999; Instagram, @lillyscafenola
Themenufocuses on Vietnamesestaplesincluding pho, spring rolls,riceand vermicelli dishes.Lemon grass chicken,porkor tofu tops abowlofrice noodles with lettuce, cucumber, carrots, peanuts, shallots and green onions withfishsauce on theside. No reservations.Delivery available. Lunchand dinnerMon.-Sat. $$
3312 EsplanadeAve., (504)488-6946; lolasneworleans.com
TheBayouSt. John neighborhoodrestaurant serves Spanishdisheswith some localtouches.Seafood paella is madewith Arborio rice, calamari,fish, mussels, scallops,shrimp and vegetablesand seasonedwith garlic, saffron and herbs.Reservations accepted.Outdoor seating available. Dinner daily. $$$
333St. CharlesAve., (504)378-2840; lukeneworleans.com
Therestaurantoffersan arrayofseafood,includingraw oysters, tuna crudo,boiledLouisiana shrimp and Mainelobster
Pan-seared duck breast is servedwith dauphinoise potatoes,red wine-braised onions,citrus duck jus and soubise sauce.Reserva-
tionsaccepted.Delivery available.Breakfast,lunch and dinner daily. $$$
1068 MagazineSt., (504)568-0212; magazinepizza.com
This pizzeria serves signature and build-your-own pizzas,salads, calzones, wraps and more.The Vegan Loverpie hasvegan cheese,zucchini, squash, blackolives, mushrooms, onions,spinach, green bell pepper,roasted red pepper,roasted garlicand marinara.Noreservations Delivery available.Lunch, dinner and late-night daily. $$
714ElmeerAve., Metairie, (504)896-7300;3827 Baronne St., (504)899-7411; martinwine.com
Acouple locations of the localwineand liquor store have delis offering sandwiches and salads,including vegetarianitems and akids’ menu.Asmoked salmon BLTincludes bacon,spinach, tomato and wasabimayonnaise on sourdough bread. No reservations.Deliveryand outdoorseating available.Breakfast and lunch daily. $$
Melba’s 1525 ElysianFieldsAve., (504)267-7765; 3219 Tulane
Ave.,(504) 267-7765; melbas.com
Melba’sservespo-boys all day,offeringbreakfast poboys with eggs and bacon or sausageand aroster of localfavorites, such as friedshrimporfish, roast beef,hot sausage and more.The menus also includewings, platters of redbeans and rice and shrimp and gritsand more.Noreservations.Delivery and outdoor seating available.Open 24 hours daily $$
NewOrleans LakefrontAirport,6001Stars andStripes Blvd., (504)241-5300; messinasrunwaycafe.com
Locatedinthe restored ArtDecoterminal of the LakefrontAirport, thecafe serves burgers, salads and Creole favorites. Jimmy WedellPasta features shrimp,crawfishtails and crabmeat tossed with angelhairpasta in basil creamsauce.Reservations recommended forlarge parties. Breakfastand lunch Tue.-Sun $$$
1951 OakHarborBlvd., Slidell, (985)771-7777; 30160Highway 51,Manchac,(985) 386-6666; middendorfsrestaurant.com
Middendorf’s is known
forfried thin strips of catfish, served on aplatter with coleslaw, friesand hushpuppies. Themenu also includesstuffed crabs, boiled shrimp, bakedoysters,crawfish cakes, gumbo and more. No reservations.Outdoor seating available. Lunch anddinner Wed.-Sun $$
3301 S. CarrolltonAve., (504)488-1881; mikimotosushi.com
Thewide-rangingJapanese menu includessushi, sashimi,udon noodles, teriyaki dishes,fried rice, tempura items, dumplings and more. TheHawaii5-0 roll,which is tempurafried and has norice, combines tuna,salmon,avocado, asparagusand wasabi, witheel sauceontop. Reservations accepted forlarge parties. Delivery available. LunchSun.-Fri., dinnerdaily $$
3009 Magazine St., (504)354-2530; missshirleyschineserestaurant.com
Former RoyalChinaownersMissShirleyLee and Tang Leecame outofretirement to open this Chinese restaurantoffering many Chinese-American
staples and Cantonese specialties. Cantonese-style steamed garlic shrimp is served with chopped black beans and broccoli No reservations Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Wed.-Mon $$$
301 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 872-9975; 512 Bienville St., (504) 309-4848; 1327 St Charles Ave., (504) 267-0169; 3117 21st St., Metairie, (504) 833-6310; mredsrestaurants.com
There are raw, charbroiled and baked oysters as well as an array of Gulf seafood dishes.
A fried seafood platter includes shrimp, oysters and fish and a side such as potato salad, fries or jambalaya. Reservations accepted Lunch and dinner daily $$
514 City Park Ave., (504) 482-6845; mophonola.com
The menu is based in Vietnamese cuisine, with various pho and rice and vermicelli bowls, but there are other Asian dishes as well A fried chicken thigh vindaloo sandwich is topped with spicy Indian vindaloo sauce, MoPho mayo, house-made pickles and coconut ranch slaw on a sesame bun. Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily $$
2438 St Claude Ave., (504) 827-1519; facebook. com/morrowsnola
Cajun crawfish pasta features fried catfish over crawfish tossed with linguine in Cajun sauce The menu also includes raw and char-grilled oysters, steaks, seafood platters, po-boys, salads and more No reservations
Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$$
4137 Highway 90, Westwego, (504) 436-8950; moscasrestaurant.com
This family-style Italian restaurant’s signature dishes include baked oysters and chicken a la grande. Oysters Mosca is baked with Italian seasonings and breadcrumbs Reservations recommended Cash only. Dinner Wed.Sat. $$
3824 Dryades St., mosquitosupperclub.com
Chef Melissa Martin focuses on the Cajun cooking she grew up with and Louisiana seafood in her weekly tasting menus, which are served family style in multiple courses. Dishes might include raw oysters with mignonette, fried shrimp boulettes, shrimp and okra gumbo and stuffed crabs. Reservations required Outdoor seating available.
Dinner Thu.-Sun $$$
Mother’s Restaurant
401 Poydras St., (504) 523-9656; mothersrestaurant.net
The menu includes allday breakfast options, po-boys, salads and Creole favorites such as shrimp Creole, crawfish etouffee and jambalaya A Ralph po-boy is filled with ham, roast beef, Swiss or American cheese, cabbage, pickles, mayonnaise and mustard. No reservations Delivery available.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily $$
8201 Oak St., (504) 3241616; muchomasnola.com
Chef-owner Julio Mach-
ado’s menu of Mexican fare includes a wide array of tacos, empanadas, quesadillas, queso fundido and more Red snapper a la Talla is a whole fish served with red guajillo sauce, green sauce, onions, cilantro, rice, beans and blue corn tortillas. Reservations accepted Lunch and dinner daily, brunch Sat.-Sun $$
8312 Oak St., (504) 345-2695; mukbangseafoodnola.com
Mukbang focuses on Viet-Cajun style seafood boils, such as a shrimp, lobster or blue crab catch, including a potato, corn, sausage, an egg and a choice of garlic-butter, spicy Cajun or house Mukbang sauce. The menu also includes po-boys, fried seafood, blackened catfish, bulgogi fries and more Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$$
1117 Montegut St.; n7nola.com
Traditional French cooking gets Japanese accents on a menu including sake-cured salmon tartine and frog legs fried karaage style. There also are pan-roasted mushrooms, grilled bok choy and steak tartare. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available Dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Fri.-Sat. $$
3332 Bienville St., (504) 827-5474; neyows.com
A seafood platter includes fried shrimp, oysters, fish, a stuffed cake and two sides, such as potato salad, carrot souffle, macaroni and cheese, french fries or garlic bread. The Creole menu also has file gumbo, crab claws, wings, fried chicken, ribs, New Orleans-style barbecue shrimp, pasta, po-boys
and more No reservations Delivery available
Lunch and dinner Mon.Sat., brunch and early dinner Sun. $$
7910 Earhart Blvd., (504) 302-2404; niceguysnola.com
The creative menu ranges from loaded oysters served like nachos to steak, burgers, sandwiches, wings, fried chicken, quesadillas and more. Blackened salmon is served with crawfish mac and cheese featuring a blend of five cheeses and penne pasta Delivery and outdoor seating available No reservations
Lunch Tue.-Fri., dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Sat.Mon. $$
5321 Franklin Ave., (504) 259-0828; crawfishking.com
This Gentilly spot focuses on seasonal boiled
seafood and barbecue
On Fridays, a fish fry special includes two fried catfish fillets with two sides, such as crab boil potatoes, turkey necks, corn or sausage. No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and early dinner daily. $$
720 Orleans Ave., (504) 523-1930; orleansgrapevine.com
The wine bar has cheese and charcuterie boards, shareable plates and a full menu. The Cajun Surf and Turf is a strip steak topped with crawfish tails and garlic butter and served with herb smashed potatoes and vegetables. Reservations accepted for large parties. Outdoor seating available Dinner Thu.-Sun $$$
Areawide; pjscoffee.com
The coffeeshop’s spring specialty drinks include
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a strawberry rose white chocolate latte, honey macadamia cold brew and honey macadamia velvet ice. Many locations have bagels, breakfast sandwiches and pastries No reservations Outdoor seating available at some locations Hours vary by location $
308 N. Rampart St., (504) 814-6200; palmandpinenola.com
The menu features Mexican- and Caribbean-inspired dishes with local flavors The Corner Store Crudo is yellowfin tuna, pineapple Big Shot nuoc cham, daikon, fresh herbs and shrimp chips Reservations recommended
Limited outdoor seating available. Dinner Wed.Mon., late-night Fri.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$
605 Canal St., (504) 5231661; palacecafe.com
The menu at this Dickie Brennan restaurant includes shrimp Tchefuncte, which is Gulf shrimp, Louisiana popcorn rice risotto and cremini mushrooms served with a Creole meuniere sauce Reservations recommended Outdoor seating available.
Lunch Wed.-Fri., dinner Wed.-Sun., brunch Sat.Sun. $$$
2129 Lakeshore Drive, Mandeville, (985) 9512173; patsrestawhile.com
The Northshore restaurant offers a menu of seafood, steaks, sandwiches and salads and a view of Lake Pontchartrain Gulf fish amandine is served with crabmeat, toasted almonds, brown butter sauce and green beans. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch
Fri.-Sun., dinner Wed.Sat. $$$
800 Magazine St., (504) 522-1744; pecherestaurant.com
Chef Ryan Prewitt won a James Beard award for his takes on Gulf seafood, which incorporates Louisiana, South American and Spanish influences Jumbo shrimp is served with coconut, greens and a rice cake Reservations recommended Lunch and dinner daily $$$
4500 Old Gentilly Road, (504) 354-9884; peeweescrabcakes godaddysites.com
A menu of seafood and Creole dishes includes char-broiled oysters and several types of crab cakes. The jumbo fried shrimp entree comes with remoulade and a choice of two sides, such as seafood rice, loaded baked potatoes and asparagus. Reservations accepted Delivery available. Lunch daily, dinner Tue.-Sat $$
424 Bourbon St., (504) 309-1574; pier424seafoodmarket.com
This French Quarter restaurant serves boiled seafood, fried seafood platters, po-boys and more Stuffed Gulf shrimp are filled with crabmeat, topped with crawfish cream sauce and served with french fries. No reservations
Outdoor seating and delivery available. Lunch, dinner and late-night daily. $$$
1113 Teche St., (504) 3814893; plumealgiers.com
This small casual café in Algiers Point serves a menu of regional Indian dishes with a rotating list
of specials using local, seasonal ingredients. Fish Kabiraji is fried fish with cabbage slaw and kasundi (mustard sauce). Reservations recommended Delivery and outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$
Areawide; eatpokeloa.com
Diners can order signature bowls or build their own combinations of raw fish, greens, vegetables, rice, sauces and more The Land & Sea Sesame Bowl includes Gulf shrimp, chicken, cucumbers, onions, teriyaki sauce, jalapenos, lemon miso aioli and sesame seeds over white rice Agua frescas are made fresh in house. No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Hours vary by location $$
2809 St Claude Ave., (504) 571-5446; facebook. com/pokechannola
This poke spot features a build-your-own option as well as signature poke
and cooked bowls. The Kinda Hawaiian is a bowl with wonton chips, tuna, ponzu sauce, sesame oil, sweet onions, wakame, seaweed salad, mangoes and macadamia nuts No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$
3304 St Claude Ave., (504) 354-2468; rosalitas-nola.com
The Bywater Mexican restaurant focuses on tacos and has nachos, tostadas, empanadas and more on the menu. Taco fillings include chorizo, pork belly, carne asada, fried fish or black beans and avocado in either corn or flour tortillas topped with cabbage slaw or cheese No reservations Outdoor seating available Lunch and dinner daily $
5757 Magazine St., (504) 324-7770; eatwithsaba.com
Chef Alon Shaya’s modern Israeli menu’s
selection of small plates includes roasted broccoli served with chermoula, almonds and tahini, and hummus with toppings such as Brussels sprouts, spicy lamb ragu or Louisiana blue crab. Roasted fish is served with tahini, confit tomatoes and herbs
Reservations accepted
Outdoor seating available. Lunch Fri., dinner Wed.-Mon., brunch Sat.Sun. $$$
4128 Magazine St., (504) 323-2626; saffronnola.com
The menu features contemporary Indian dishes made with local ingredients. Nariyal Gulf fish is served with korma sauce, pickled mango and curd rice. Reservations Accepted Dinner
Tue.-Sat $$$
1726 Lake Ave., Metairie, (504) 833-3973; facebook. com/schaefers.seafood
This Bucktown seafood market offers raw and cooked seafood and is known for hot boiled crawfish and shrimp
It also offers gumbo, stuffed crabs and more No reservations Lunch Wed.-Sun $$
5433 Laurel St., (504) 427-2277; scramblednola.com
Chef and owner Steven Green gets creative with the breakfast menu at his new Uptown spot
The breakfast po-boy includes scrambled eggs and sausage served on French bread and dressed with arugula, tomato, pickles and Sriracha aioli A vegetarian version uses vadouvan-spiced tofu and vegan sausage. No reservations
Limited outdoor seating available Breakfast and lunch daily $$
8400 Oak St., (504) 7668736; seafoodsallys.com
The casual seafood house serves seasonal dishes along with Gulf oysters. Boiled crawfish, Gulf shrimp and crabs are available and can be tossed in house-made chili butter Reservations accepted Outdoor
seating available. Dinner Wed.-Mon., brunch Sat.Sun. $$
279 Hickory Ave., Harahan, (504) 738-1116; facebook. com/seithers.seafood
Seither’s is known for hot boiled seafood including crawfish and crabs, but it also has a full menu of poboys and seafood dishes
Delacroix nachos are house-made chips topped with blackened Gulf fish, boiled shrimp, salsa, avocado, spicy mayo and snow crab salad. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Lunch Tue.-Fri., dinner Tue.-Sat $$
1114 Constance St., (504) 381-5079; sidecarnola.com
The menu features around 15 types of oysters along with small plates, sandwiches and burgers. A fried catfish fillet is served with maison sauce, pickles, lettuce and tomato on a brioche bun from Dong Phuong Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch Sat.-Sun., dinner Wed.-Sun $$
2700 Chartres St., (504) 766-8740; smallmartcafe.com
The coffeeshop and cafe has bagel sandwiches in the morning and a vegan menu of bowls, sandwiches and salads in the afternoon The pakora po-boy includes spiced chickpea-battered spinach and onion fritters served on French bread and dressed with house-made chutney, onion, cucumber and carrots. No reservations Breakfast and lunch Tue.-Sun $$
105 Metairie-Hammond Highway, Metairie, (504) 345-2936; station6nola.com
A new group of owners recently took over Station 6, but they are keeping the casual seafood restaurant’s menu Seared pompano is served with curried brown butter, toasted cashews and roasted asparagus. No reservations Outdoor seating available Lunch Fri.-Sat., dinner Tue.-Sat $$$
4338 St Charles Ave., (504) 293-3474; superiorseafoodnola.com
With a prominent corner spot, this seafood restaurant serves Gulf oysters, seafood dishes and Creole staples Blackened catfish Napoleon is topped with crawfish etouffee and served with whipped potatoes and corn maque choux. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner daily. $$$
1205 St Charles Ave., Suite C, (504) 478-8006; suziessoulhouse.com
Chef Susan Cosse’s soul food catering company recently opened a restaurant for takeout lunch and dine-in dinner service.
Catfish St Charles is a
grilled fillet topped with shrimp Creole sauce and served with seasoned rice No reservations Delivery available Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat $$
616 St Peter St., (504) 934-3463; tableaufrenchquarter.com
Dickie Brennan’s Jackson Square restaurant serves contemporary Creole dishes Pasta bouillabaisse features house-made squid ink mafaldine pasta in seafood broth with clams, Gulf shrimp, squid, rouille and herbed breadcrumbs Reservations accepted Delivery and balcony seating available. Dinner Wed.-Sun., brunch
Thu.-Sun $$$
141 Delaronde St., (504) 605-3365; tavolinonola.com
The Algiers Point restaurant has signature thin-crust pies as well as salads, pepperoni chips, meatballs and more The Behrman Hwy is a pie topped with pork belly, Vietnamese caramel, jalapeno, herbs, nuoc cham, carrots and radishes No reservations Outdoor
seating available. Dinner Wed.-Sat $$
Areawide; theospizza.com
Along with specialty pies, the menu includes sandwiches, salads, chicken wings and breadsticks. The Jammer’s “O”riginal is a pie with tomato sauce, mozzarella and goat cheeses, Canadian bacon, mushrooms, onions and banana peppers. No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available Hours vary by location $$
1433 St Charles Ave., (504) 354-1342; 5015 Magazine St., (504) 267-7612; titoscevichepisco.com
The Peruvian restaurant’s menu includes several types of ceviche with shrimp, octopus and a variety of fish The sudado de pescado is poached fish served with chicha de jora, onions, tomatoes and rice Reservations recommended Outdoor seating available at Magazine
Street location Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch
Sun. at Magazine location $$$
Cater your next familyorbusiness event with our wide rangeofLatin American &Caribbean entrees and homemade tropical drinks.
845 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 252-4999; toupsmeatery.com
Chef Isaac Toups draws from his Cajun roots for a contemporary menu at his Mid-City restaurant. Confit chicken thighs are served with ham-braised greens and Dijon cream. Reservations accepted Delivery and outdoor seating available Lunch Mon.-Fri, dinner daily, brunch Sat.Sun. $$$
4332 Magazine St., (504) 766-7772; undergrowthcoffee.com
The queer-owned and managed Uptown coffeeshop serves hot and iced espresso drinks, tea and other beverages and has a menu of vegetarian and vegan options. The Sunrise vegan burrito includes mung bean scramble, plant-based sausage crumbles, vegan cheddar, potatoes, pico and cashew creme fraiche. No reservations Outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch daily. $$
3903 Canal St., (504) 7087237; getupandadam.com
The Mid-City breakfast and brunch spot serves pancakes, waffles, omelets, sandwiches, shrimp and grits and more The Tchoupitoulas omelet is a cheddar cheese omelet topped with crawfish, shrimp, peppers and onions and crabmeat cream sauce No reservations Outdoor seating available. Breakfast and lunch Tue.Sun. $$
134 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 488-7991; venezianeworleans.com
The Mid-City Italian eatery serves steaks, pastas and more. Cannelloni is baked with ground veal and spinach in both red and white sauces Fish Cynthia is a fried fillet topped with shrimp, crawfish and dill cream sauce It is served
with pasta and red sauce Reservations accepted. Lunch Sun., dinner Wed.Mon. $$
412 Girod St., (504) 518-6007; vyoone.com
Vyoone Segue Lewis’ Warehouse District restaurant serves French and Creole-inspired dishes
Seafood pasta bouillabaisse includes housemade linguine in seafood stock with mussels, fish and shrimp Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available. Dinner Wed.Sat., brunch Sun. $$$
2401 Burgundy St., (504) 872-0360; facebook. com/whodatcoffeecafe
The cafe offers breakfast and lunch, coffee and espresso drinks and has a full bar. Da Crabby Bene features a grilled pistollette topped with crab cakes, poached eggs and Creole hollandaise. Reservations accepted Outdoor seating available Breakfast and lunch daily $$
4327 Paris Ave., (504) 354-9371; facebook. com/willibyscatfish0134
The catfish-farm serves fried fish plates and some Creole dishes Platters
are served with a choice of sides, such as mac and cheese, fries, peas and potato salad. No reservations Delivery available. $
802 Nashville Ave., (504) 533-9166; 3327 Severn Ave., Metairie, (504) 8858272; wishingtown.com
The bakery and dim sum restaurant’s menu includes steamed buns, dumplings and noodle dishes as well as pastries and cakes. The spicy seafood soup noodle bowl includes shrimp, crab stick, celery, scallions, fried onions and stretched noodles in a creamy chicken broth base with Sichuan peppers, chili, sesame oil and soy sauce No reservations Delivery and outdoor seating available. Uptown: Lunch and dinner daily. Metairie: Lunch daily, dinner Mon.-Sat $$
2740 Severn Ave., (504) 345-2031; yakuzahouse.com
The Metairie Japanese restaurant recently moved to a larger location but keeps its focus on handroll sushi Temaki handroll options include blue crab with avocado and lemon, yellowtail and green onions, and barbecue eel
with cucumber. There also are noodle dishes and rice bowls. Reservations accepted Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat. $$
127 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 267-3233; zasunola.com
Chef Sue Zemanick’s contemporary menu includes sauteed red snapper served with butterbeans, turnips, French green beans, cherry tomatoes and spicy butter Braised beef short ribs come with potato dumplings, rapini, tomato jam and horseradish gremolata Reservations accepted. Dinner Mon. and Wed.-Sat $$$
4915 St Anthony Ave., (504) 282-7150; facebook. com/zimmersseafood
This family-owned counter-service spot offers poboys and boiled seafood, including crabs, crawfish and shrimp An order of boiled seafood comes with corn, potatoes, sausage and turkey necks The sides include boudin balls, stuffed crabs, seafood gumbo and crawfish and spinach bread. No reservations. Lunch and early dinner Tue.-Sun $$
Freshlymadesushiusingthehighestquality ingredientsiswhatyou’llgetwiththeRainbowRoll: Snowcrab,asparagus,andavocadosinside seaweed&rice,toppedwithtuna,salmon, andyellowtail,andlemonslices
Formorethan70years,customershaveenjoyed Italianclassicslikespaghetti&meatballsinaddition tosignaturespecialtieslikeourShrimpMosca:adozen headlesspeel&eatshrimpsautéedinoliveoil,white wine,garlic&Italianseasonings.
TheVintageisknownfortheirbeignets,butdid youknowthey’vegotdelicioussandwichestoo? Forlunch,trytheVeggiepressedsandwich,made withavocado,redonions,arugula,redpepper, pepperjackcheese,andasqueezeoflemon.
FriedDesAllemandscatfishwithbeansalad, mirlitonslaw,cornbread,andremoulade *availableeveryFridayduringLent*
Aseafoodfeastofpansearedmahimahi, shrimp,calamari,scallopsandmusselstopped withajípanca&ajíamarillocreamsauce,served withasideofwhiterice.
Thepizzaspecialforthismonthis“TheGreenQueen” -apestobasedpizza,withspinach,acombinationof shreddedandfreshmozzarella,asparagus,andcherry tomatoes,toppedwithfreshlycrackedblackpepper
BoulevardAmericanBistrofeaturesclassicAmerican dishes,exceptionalservice,andconsistentquality.Our Metairie,Elmwood,andCovingtonlocationsofferdinein,curbsidepick-up,anddelivery.Receive50%offall bottlesofwinewithto-goorders
TheGarage,aN’awlinsMusicClub,willhave youdancingupanappetite!GrabtheRoast Beef&DebrisPoBoydressedwithmayo, lettuce,tomatoesandpicklesprovidedby theCajunDragonGrill.
StopbyonFridaysforourspecialoftheday,theCatfish Jourdain:FriedCatfishtoppedwithShrimp&Crabmeat inalemonbuttersauceandyourchoiceofany2sides
MushroomLarbistheperfectspringdish:alightmedley ofbeechmushrooms,tofu,mint,andredonionsserved withsteamedjasminerice.ComingfromThailand’s Issanregion,itistartandspicy,butalsoremarkably well-balanced.
Indulgeinexplosiveflavor.Ajuicychickenbreastis generouslycoatedwiththeirsignatureSweet&Smoky AtomicSauce,featuringjusttherightamountofheat, andservedonasoftbriochebun.Therewon’tbeamore satisfyingsandwichanywhereelse.Limitedtimeonly
Latin&LouisianaflavorsinfluenceEmpanola’s empanadas,madewithhigh-qualityingredients inmanyflavorsincludingChickenPeruvian,Beef Argentina,ChorizoMexicana,andHam&Queso, whichpairperfectlywiththeirnewPiscoSourdrink Therearealsolotsofvegetarianoptions!
Ifyou’relookingforthebestguacamoleinNOLA,visit PupuseriaLaMacarena.Startyourbrunchordinner withourmostpopularappetizer;availablewithaside offreshhomemadesalsaand/orourawardwinning veganfriedblackbeandip
Bonelesschicken,Andouille(CajunSausage),okra,and seasoningssimmeredinchickenstock. Selectedby localsasthebestGumbointhecity!
Adeliciousvegetarianoption.Comeswithasavory tomatosauce,mozzarellacheese,organicspinach,&a medleyoffreshvegetablesincludingzucchini,yellow squash,mushroom,whiteonions,greenpeppers, roastedredpepper,artichoke,blackolives&flavorful roastedgarlic.Alsoavailablevegan.
Gattuso’sspacious,dogfriendlycourtyardisthe perfectplaceforyourlunch,cocktails,orfamilydinner. DailyHappyHourfrom2-6pmoffers1⁄2pricedselect appetizersanddrinkspecials
Friedeggplantmedallionstoppedwithshrimp, mushrooms,andtassocreamsauce.Served withangelhairpasta
LuzianneCafeelevatesNewOrleansclassicbreakfast &lunchdishes.The‘MorningJoyBiscuitSandwich’has 2eggsanystyle,baconorsausage,Americancheese, toppedwithin-househotsauce,allbetweenabuttery housemadebiscuit.Givetheirsweet&spicy‘Fried ChickenSandwich’atryforlunch LUZIANNECAFE.COM
Nowenteringtheir26thyear,Juan’sFlyingBurritois atrulyuniqueNewOrleansstyleMexicanjointwith creativeinterpretationsoftraditionaldishesfromboth cultures.CurrentlyservingCrawfishEnchiladasfor thoseobservinglentorcrawfishseason!Stopbyanyof their4NewOrleanslocationswhereweareallJuan.
SMOKEDSALMONGOATCHEESEBRUSCHETTA WITHAVOCADO,ARUGULA,&LEMONVINAIGRETTE ParishLineBistroraisesthebarwithrooftopdining, eclecticmenu,&varietyofdrinks.Open6days aweekforlunch&dinner(closedTuesday),it’sthe placetostartorendyournightout.Find themat601MetairieRoad
AugustservesuniquedisheswithafocusonLouisiana ingredientsandinspiredbyclassicaltraining.The TorchonofFoieGrasisservedwithPonchatoula strawberries,GrandMarnier,andMarconaalmonds
Veneziawasoneofthefirstplacestobringpizza toNewOrleansinthe1950s.Handtossedcrust, signatureredsauce&qualityingredientsmaketheir piessomethingreallyspecial.TheyalsoofferNew Orleans-styleItaliancuisine.
Dozensofclassicdelisandwichandsaladoptions withspecialtycheeseplates,gourmetitems andwinesbytheglass.Plusawideselectionof wine,spiritsandcraftbeerstopurchaseand evenenjoyin-store!
Freshtomatoes,freshbasil,freshmozzarella,topped withOliveoilbalsamicreductionandblackened Louisianacrawfishtails
GulfDrumsmotheredinCrab,Crawfish,Artichoke, Tomato,andCapersinaLemonButterSauce.
Softshellcrabmakesamajesticdisplaywithits clawsoutstretchedonchewylocalFrenchbread. Mother’ssplashesitwithspicybutterthataccentuates andbringsoutthedelicateflavorofcrabmeat Sizeandavailabilityvary.Alsoavailableasa plateoronaseafoodplatter.
PalmettosontheBayouisknownforJazzBrunchevery SaturdayandSundayonabeautifulwaterfrontsetting! TryourfamousGulfFishAmandine,oroneofChefRoss Dover’sspecialshighlightingfreshlocalingredients
ElPavoReal’sChipotleCoconutShrimpcomes withgulfshrimpandmixedvegetablessautéed inasmokychipotleandcoconutmilksaucewith cilantroriceandplantains.
Felix’sRestaurant&OysterBar hasbeenserving up thebestand freshestoysters sincethe 1940s. Indulgeinour chargrilled oysters: oyster grilled to perfection with parmesan breadcrumbsand house-madecharbutter.
Baronessofferscreative&classiccocktails&small platesinastylish,red-walledloungewithnightclub ambiance.TheirBBQPulledPorkSlidersfeature authentichousemadespicyslawwithZappschips
Lookingforhome-styleCreolecooking?Lookno furtherthanNeyow’sCreoleCafé.Menufavesinclude ShrimpCreole,StuffedCrabs&theSeafoodPlatter: Farmraisedcatfish,Gulfshrimp&oysters,&astuffed crab,servedwith2 sides.
It’snosurprisethatAngeloBrocatohasbeenaNew Orleansfavoriteforover100years.Stopbyfora classicSpumoni,Italiancookies,CannoliCake,andso muchmore.ThisSummer,trytheirFreshFruitItalian IcemadewithlocallygrownPonchatoulaStrawberries Justhowwelikeit:delicious,localandrefreshing.
Crawfishisgreat.Beignetsaregreat.AtKatie’s,they takealittlebitofboth(minusthepowderedsugar) tomakesomethingsogoodthatitwasfeaturedon theFoodNetwork’s“Diners,Drive-InsandDives.”In justonebite,yougetcrawfish,cheddar,mozzarella, jalapenos,caramelizedonionsandajalapenoaioli.
NiceGuysNola’s#1sellerweekafterweekisthe Shrimp,Lobster&Grits.Ourgoudagritsaresocreamy. PairedwithourSeafoodShrimpBroth,GrilledLouisiana GulfShrimpandFriedLobster.Theperfectbrunchitem.
WholeRedSnappertoppedwithspicy,tangy,semi sweetvinegarbasedsauceandvegetableslikebell pepper,carrots,onions,andscotchbonnetpepper
ATavolaRestaurant&WineBar,locatedatLakeside ShoppingCenter,offersmodernItaliancuisineinalively setting.ATavola,whichmeans“atthetable”inItalian,is afamily-friendlyrestaurantfeaturinganopenkitchen servingwood-firedpizzas,antipasti,soupandsalads, paninis,andsandwiches,alongsideotherItalianfavorites.
Servingupnew-schooltwistsontraditionalNew Orleanscuisineandourbar,withitsmixofsignature andclassiccocktails,theperfectplacetomeetupwith friendsandfamilyintheFrenchQuarter.
Craft cocktails&mouthwateringsoutherndishes served up dailyatthe TackleBox.Brunch served dailyuntil 2p.m.Happy Hour daily3-6p.m.Try a customerfavorite: Charbroiled oystersmadewith garlic parmesan herb butter
ChefChrisBarbatoputsamoderntwiston traditionalCreole&Southerndishes.Thisdelicious griddledNorwegiansalmonisservedwithroasted cauliflower&cauliflowerpuree,toppedwithlocally sourcededibleflowerfetti
LocatedinhistoricAlgiersPoint,stepsawayfromthe ferryterminal,TavolinospecializesinItalian-style thincrustpizzas.ComeenjoytheShrimpBruschetta Pizza:pestobasewithmozzarella,freshtomatoes, caramelizedonions,redchiliflakes&freshpoached shrimp.PerfectforLent.OpenWed–Sat4-9pm.
Broussard’sRestaurant&Courtyardiscelebrating springwithaspecialprixfixedinnermenufeaturing bananas,orplantains,ineverydish.ChefJimiSetchim hascraftedspecialsforbrunchanddinner
Frey’s pulled pork sandwich is dressedwith creolemustard,bbq,pickles,and coleslaw and servedwithcrispy, thick-cutfries
Wepromisethatourinventivemenuandattentive servicewillleaveyoutrulysatisfied.Stoponby andtryourTexanBurger:1/2lbfreshlyground beefwithcaramelizedonions,smokedbaconand cheddarcheesetoppedwithafriedegg.
INITSCELEBRATIONOFTHEGERMAN SPRINGFESTIVAL,Deutsches Haus hasa Maypole,livemusic, Dachshundraces,schnapps tastingsand German food and beer. Doors open at 4p.m.Friday, March31, and11a.m.Saturday, April 1, at DeutschesHausalong BayouSt. John.Visit deutscheshaus.orgfor details.
THESTANDUPCOMEDIANANDACTOR ISKNOWNFORROLES from “Arrested Development” to “Kill Your Darlings” and theHBO comedy series “Mr. Show.” Sean Patton opensat8p.m.Saturday,April 1, at TheJoy Theater. Find ticketsvia thejoytheater.com.
LOSANGELESAZULESWASFORMED BYSIBLINGSINMEXICOCITY in the 1970sand focusesonhighly danceablecumbia.The band has hadnumerousradio hits in Mexico and madea splashatCoachella in 2018.Itcurrently is on aU.S.tour that comestoSaengerTheatre at 9p.m.Saturday,April 1. Find ticketsvia saengernola.com
THELOSTBAYOURAMBLERS,THE PRESERVATIONHALLJAZZBAND,MARC BROUSSARDANDOTHERS perform at thefestivalatCongregationGates of Prayer in Metairie. Therealso is an artmarket, food trucks anda kids’ area.Fromnoonto7:30 p.m. Sunday,April 2. Find ticketsand informationatgatesfest.org.
Yung Delirious
hisfirst show at Gasa Gasa at 9p.m.Tuesday, March28, with Kaye theBeast, Slaz, Geskeand Joey Vesco. Yung Delirious’ latest albumisthe emotional “Beautiful Mistake” releasedlast year.Tickets are$10 viaticketweb.com
PUNKSJOYSTICK will be joined by Floridaska punk outfit JERfor a show at theBroadside at 8p.m Wednesday, March29. Tickets are $18advanceatbroadsidenola comand $20day of theshow.
NewLeviathan Oriental FoxTrotOrchestra
THE1890STHROUGHTHE1930S,especiallybyNew Orleans jazzmenlike Jelly Roll Morton to Tin PanAlley composerJoe Verges and others. TheNew Orleans RagtimeFestival
presents this performanceat7 p.m. Friday,March 31,atMarigny OperaHouse,aswellaslivemusic from 11 a.m. to 4p.m.Saturday, April 1, at theNew Orleans Jazz National Historic Park.Findmore informationattheneworleansragtimefestival.com
SPACEINMARIGNY,celebrates its 10th anniversary with performances,workshops, adanceparty andmorefromFriday, March31, to Sunday,April 2. Thereare performances by Scotty Heron, AScribe Called Quess, DancingGrounds, SynaminVixen,AlejandraGama, Jose Torres-Tama,Nicole Garneau, LOUD:New Orleans QueerYouth Theaterand Ashley Sparks beginningat7:30p.m.Friday. There’sa danceparty at 8p.m.Saturday. At 609St. Ferdinand St.
What Now?
EMILYSLAZER presentashowof sketches,improvand stand-up at HappylandTheater.At8 p.m. Friday,March 31.Tickets $20at tinyurl.com/ymfzx2p4
ATOURINGPROFESSIONAL,FAMILYFRIENDLYPRODUCTION of thefairy tale “Cinderella,”witha score by SergeiProkofiev.At7 p.m. Sunday,April 2, at theJefferson Performing Arts Center.Find ticketsvia jpas.org
FINNISHCOMPOSERJEANSIBELIUS CALLEDHISSECONDSYMPHONY “a confessionofthe soul.” Thegrand, dramaticworkwas personal to Sibelius— and it became equally personalfor manyinFinland in theearly 20th centuryasthe countrystruggledtoremove itself from Russianautocracy
GuestconductorCourtneyLewis leads theLouisiana Philharmonic Orchestraina performanceof Sibelius’ second symphonyat7:30 p.m. Thursday, March30, at the OrpheumTheater.Apre-concert lecturestartsat6:30 p.m. Tickets start at $25via lpomusic.com.
NIGHTPARTY,which is Halloweenthemed, on Saturday,April 1, at theHowlin’ Wolf.Burlesque artist TrixieMinx and surf punk band
TheUnnaturals also will perform Costumes arerequired.The party startsat9p.m.and ticketsare $15 viaoverlookfilmfest.com
To learn moreabout adding your event to the music calendar,please email listingsedit@gambitweekly.com
BAMBOULAS —Doyle Cooper Band, 1:15 pm;Amberand theSweet Potatoes,5:30pm; AndyJ.Forest Blues Band,9pm
D.B.A. NEW ORLEANS —DinosAurchestra, 6pm; Soul Brass Band,9 pm
DOSJEFES —Tom Hook,8:30pm
Richard“Piano”Scott, 12:30pm; Colin MyersBand,5 pm;Fritzel's AllStar Band,8 pm
GASA GASA —Yung Delirious with Kaye theBeast,Slaz, Geske, Joey Vesco, 9pm
KITCHENTABLE CAFÉ —Kitchen Table Cafe Trio, 7pm
PRESERVATIONHALL —Preservation All-Stars,5 pm;PreservationAll-Stars, 6:15 pm;PreservationAll-Stars,7:30 pm;PreservationAll-Stars,8:45pm
SATURN BAR —Sarah Burke, Early Day Miners, JamesRose, 9pm
SIDE PORCH —MikeDillon,BradWalker, JamesSingleton, 7pm
THERABBITHOLE —Rebirth Band,10pm
BAMBOULAS —Giselle Anguizola, 1:15 pm;Swingin'with John Saavedra, 5:30 pm;Roule andthe Queen, 9pm
BLUE NILE —New BreedBrass Band,9 pm
D.B.A. NEW ORLEANS —Tin Men, 6pm; JoyClark,9 pm
—Richard“Piano”Scott, 12:30 pm; Bourbon StreetStars,5 pm;Fritzel's AllStarBand,8 pm
GASA GASA —The Quadroholics with Bear &the Forest Friends, Two-Tone Merigold,9pm
HOTELMONTELEONE —JamesMartin Band,8 pm
LAFAYETTESQUAREPARK —Galactic feat.Anjelika"Jelly"Joseph,Yusa, 5pm
MADAMEVIC'S —JeffChazBlues Band,8 pm
NEW ORLEANSJAZZMUSEUM —The AveryBand and Friends, 2pm
PRESERVATIONHALL —Preservation All-Stars feat.Branden Lewis, 5, 6:15, 7:30,& 8:45 pm
SANTOS —Swamp Moveswith Russell Welch,9 pm
SATURN BAR —Ded Debbie,9 pm
THEJAZZPLAYHOUSE —Funkin'ItUp withBig Sam, 7:30 pm
THESANDBAR —RodneyWhitaker, 7pm
BAMBOULAS —Cristina Kaminis and theMix,5:30 pm;Wolfe John's BluesBand, 9pm; Sigrid and the ZigZags,1:15pm
John Boutté,6pm
BLUE NILE —WhereY'atBrass Band,9 pm
D.B.A. NEW ORLEANS —Ingrid Lucia,7 pm;The Quickening,10pm
DOSJEFES —MarkColeman Band,8:30pm
Richard"Piano"Scott, 12:30 pm;Doyle Cooper Band,2:30pm; John Saavedra Trio, 6pm; Fritzel'sAll Star Band,8pm
GASA GASA —Wumbo with Sarah BurkeBand,9pm
KITCHENTABLE CAFÉ —Dr. Mark St CyrTraditional Jazz Band,7 pm
SoulRebels, 11 pm
MADAMEVIC'S —MarkPalms and CreoleduNord, 8pm
Open Corner's Collective,9pm
Rachel Murray and JoeBouchá ,8 pm
All-Stars feat.WendellBrunious, 5, 6:15,7:30, &8:45pm
SATURN BAR —Gold Connections, Eva Lovullo, 9pm
THEGOAT —Tactosa,Implosive Disgorgence, Wasted,9 pm
THEJAZZPLAYHOUSE —Brass-AHolics,7:30pm
BAMBOULAS —Golden Compass Trio, 2:15 pm;Les GetrexNCreole Cooking, 6:30 pm;Bettis+3rdDegreeBrass Band,10pm
BLUE NILE —The CaesarBrothers, 7 pm;KermitRuffins and theBarbecue Swingers,11pm
BLUE NILE BALCONY ROOM TrumpetSlim&Brass Flavor,10pm; Kermit Ruffinsand theBarbecue Swingers,11pm
Band,Emily Neustrom andthe Fried Honeys,and Band Practice,9 pm
D.B.A. NEW ORLEANS —MeschiyaLake and theLittleBig Horns, 7pm; Soul Rebels, 10 pm
DOSJEFES —Afrodiziac'sJazz, 9pm
Richard“Piano”Scott, 12:30 pm;Sam Friend Band,2:30pm; LeeFloyd and Thunderbolt Trio,6 pm;Fritzel's All Star Band,9 pm
GASA GASA —SloppyBoyswith Dear Blanca, 9pm
MADAMEVIC'S —Dayna Kurtzwith RobertMache,8 pm
MANDEVILLE TRAILHEAD —Little Freddie King,6:30 pm
NEUTRAL GROUND COFFEE HOUSE —GenialOrleanians, 7:30 pm;Jean Bertrand,9pm
ALLEY —SidikiCondeand Wowo Souakoli, 2pm
PIROGUE’SWHISKEYBAYOU —Ted Hefkoand theThousandaires,8 pm
POUR HOUSE SALOON —MikeDarby Band,PrettyGood Alibi,8pm
All-Stars feat.MarkBraud,5,6:15, 7:30,& 8:45 pm
REPUBLIC NOLA —Infekt x Samplifire,11pm
ROCK 'N'BOWL —Contraflow, 8:30 pm
SANTOS —Loudness Warwith Sunday Circus and KinkyVanilla, 9pm
SIDNEY'S SALOON —DarkLounge Ministries,7pm
SMOOTHIEKING CENTER —New Edition,7:30 pm
TIPITINA'S —John "Papa" Gros,9 pm
BJ'S LOUNGE —Magnetic Ear, Sweet MagnoliaBrass Band,8 pm
D.B.A. NEWORLEANS —Tuba Skinny,6 pm;Big Sam'sFunky Nation,10pm
Fritzel'sAll Star Band,9 pm
MADAMEVIC'S —Bogue Chitto,8 pm
NEUTRAL GROUND COFFEE HOUSE Clementine, 7:30 pm;ScottGold,9pm
NOLAART BAR —Kamara Landry, 6:45 pm
All-Stars feat.WendellBrunious, 3:45 pm;PreservationAll-Starsfeat. ShannonPowell,5,6:15, 7:30,&8:45pm
REPUBLIC NOLA —Jauz, 11 pm
SANTOS —She MightBeaBeast with Them OleGhostsand Sevven,9 pm
SIBERIA —Screaming Females,GeneracionSuicida, HeavyComforter,9 pm
THEALLWAYS LOUNGE &CABARET TheNew Orleans High Society Hour,8pm
THEGOAT —Aurelio Voltaire, Vivian, Joan Bauhaus, 8pm
THERABBITHOLE —X-Coast, Quickweave,Lil Jodeci+Secret Handshake, 11:30pm
TIPITINA'S —Maggie Koerner, Jacob AlanJaeger, 9pm
PRESERVATIONHALL —Leroy Jones& thePreservationJazzMasters, 2:30 & 3:45 pm
PRESERVATIONHALL —The Preservation Brass,5,7:30,&8:45pm
BEENBUBBLING in New Orleans’contemporary jazz community sinceaweek before the pandemic-prompted shutdownsstarted in March2020. Therehave been quickglimpses— ahandful of shows, a live-streamedconcert,a recording made of theirfirst performance —but “SidebySide” is theclearest pictureyet of theexceptional collaboration that happens between saxophonistBrad Walker andExtended Walker and Extended— thetrio of pianistOscar Rossignoli,bassist Matt Boothand drummer Brad Webb —will release“Side by Side,” theirdebut studio album together on April 7. Eachmusicianisa respected, in-demandNew Orleans player, andRossignoli, Booth and Webb arearemarkable ensemble as Extended.Add in Walker,who has playedwith PeterErskineand John Rileyand ledSturgill Simpson’shorn section, andthe projectisgreater than thesum of itsparts
“Wedon’t play together alot,but when we do,itjustseemstocapture somethingspecialand something that is unique to thefourofus,” Walker says.“It’s differentthan Extendedontheir ownand differentthanmeonmyown.Itseemsto bringout particular aspects of who we areand just lift it up to something biggerthan it would be otherwise.”
Thefourmusicianshave known each other and performedtogether in differentwaysoverthe years. Rossignoliand Walker were at LSU’sSchoolofMusic at thesame time.Walkerappears on Webb’s album, “MakingFaces.” Andwhen Extended startedplaying together as atrioin2016, Walker regularly watched them perform
“When we played that first gig together,right before Covid, it just made allthe senseand I’dlike to thinkitwas allofour personal relationships beingexpressed musically,” Webb says.“Allthese differentlittleduosand trios and momentsonthe bandstandsand ourconversations as people comes outmusically in an honestrepresentation of ourrelationships.”
In early2020, Walker had lined up agig forMarch 11 at BatonRouge jazz club Chorum Hall,and he invitedExtendedtojoin him. The quartetalso played awarm-up gig
at thesmall Mid-City club SideBar, which wasrecordedand later releasedasa live album. Aweek later, NewOrleans shut down “SidebySide” is an albumdefined by thepandemic“in ways both goodand bad,”saysBooth.The badisobvious —lostgigs, people gettingsick, thestressesand chaos of thefirst year —headds, but“the silver lining we were able to take away from theshutdownand not having anyworkfor basically ayear orsoisthatwewereableto puta lotmoretimeand energy into this collaboration. We’reall busy sideman musicians.”
Thefourmusicianswereable to meet moreoften,and theproject changed from Extended playing onafew Walker tunesorWalker playing on songsbyExtended into areal collaboration, Booth says. Extended and Walker recorded “SidebySide” in January2021 atEsplanade StudioswithMisha Kachkachishvili. BrianSeegerproduced and mixedthe seven-track album, which includescolorful, energeticoriginalswritten by Walker,Booth and Webb alongwith Rossignoli’sarrangement of apiece by JohannesBrahms. Thegroup also shot an hour-long concertfilm during theirrecording sessions At thecoreofit, theWalkerand Extendedcollaborationworks so well becauseofthe trust the musicianshave in oneanother, Webb says.“Allofthese threadsget woventogether themomentthe four of us getintothe same space together anditmakes forone very strong,cohesivething.Soevenas strong as Extended is,itgetsstronger when Brad’s there.”
“SidebySide” will be available April 7 at bradwalkermusic.bandcamp.com. Walker andExtendedplayanalbum releaseshowat7:30p.m.April 26 at Broadsidewith avisual showcreated by artist Monica Rose Kelly.
HOGSFORTHECAUSEHOLDSITS15TH BARBECUEANDMUSICFESTIVAL at the LakefrontonFriday, March31, and Saturday,April 1.
Thefestival andfundraiser gotbackinits groove last year, returningtothe groundsoutside theUNO LakefrontArena after acouple of yearsofpandemic disruptions.Therewereroughly90 barbecue teamsand thefestival culminated afundraising driveof $2.6 millionfor itscause,battling pediatric brain cancer
Hogs forthe Causefeaturesbarbecuingand creative cookingby90 teamsofprofessional pitmasters, chefsand volunteers.The music lineup includes 20 bandsonthree stagesovertwo days.And there areawardsfor everything from best whole hogand sauce to bacon dishes andchicken wings
Thebarbecue teamsdrivethe event. Besidestendingthe fires overnight from Friday to Saturday, they setupeverythingfromcookouttents to two-storystructures, holdingparties and entertaining on thegrounds.The festival’s personalityand senseofhumor is reflected in longtime participatinggroups, include SilenceofdaHams, Captain Porkenheimer,Hupigs, Aporkalypse
Now, Lard and in Charge, Piggy Stardust andmore. Severalteams raised more than $100,000 last year,and thetop team,Fleur de Que, reached $450,000
Themain awards arefor traditional categories, such as best ribs,whole hogand pork shoulder, and an overall grandchampion isselected. Last year,the Hog Addiction team wonbest whole hogand pork butt/shoulder and claimed thetitle.The Porkpourri awardisfor acreativedish, and itemsatthe festival rangefrom things like pulled pork nachos to boudin eggrolls or pork-infused desserts.OnFridaynight,there aretwo competitions:one for the best bacondishand one for chickenwings
St.Pauland theBrokenBones tops aSaturday lineupheavy on Southernsouland country-folk. Thesoulband from Birmingham, Alabama,incorporated psychedelic touchesinlast year’s “The Alien Coast.” It has anew album, “Angels in ScienceFiction,” dueout April 21 Saturday also features country-folksinger-songwriters Charles Wesley Godwin andIan Noe. Hailing from Texasare countryfolk
outfit TheWilderBlueand Austin’s Shinyribs,who mixblues,funkand soul.Sam Doores’ countryoutfit TheDeslondes andsinger-songwriterAndrewDuhon perform.Also makingstops at thefestivalare Canadianrockers TheSheepdogs and Britishretro rockersThe Heavy Heavy. TheStooges Brass Band addsNew Orleans funk Friday night’slineupfeaturesafew collaborations.The DevonAllman Projectisjoined by Widespread Panic’sJoJoHermann,George Porter Jr.and AndersOsborne.
TheHoney Island Swamp Band is joined by percussionist Mike Dillon andthe DarksideHorns.Also on the bill areNorth Carolina alternative rockersBig Something,Austinsoul band Tomarand theFCs,Nashville guitaristDanielDonato’s Cosmic Country, andTexas singer-songwriterJackieVenson.
Newthisyearisthe Bulleit Whiskey Lounge.Admissionis$25 and includessamples of several bourbonsand ryes,including asinglebarrelwhiskey released in honor of thefestival’s 15th anniversary.
In itshistory,the festival has made more than $1.9 million in directgrants to families with childrenaffectedby pediatric braincancer and donated $3.6 milliontohospital programsand charities. Donationshave supported Hogs Houses,facilities forchildren and families to stay whilereceiving treatmentathospitals.
Admissiontothe festival is $50 forFriday, $60for Saturday,$99 foratwo-day pass,and thereare VIPtickets.The festival is cashless, and attendeesuse wristbands to purchase food anddrinks
Forinformation aboutthe event, visithogsfest.org. For informationabout thenonprofit, visithogsforthecause.org.
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17Lower arm bones
18Mother, in Mexico
1Wild animals
7Place for wedding vows
12Quack medicines
20Vehicle pulled by yoked animals
21Zora Hurston
22Like a fleeing fugitive
23Of speech sounds
24Away from the office, say
25Modus — (method)
26Soft hue
28Front section
29Tequila brand with a bull logo
30Stingy sort
31Handles deftly
32Set at ease
34Uncaps, e.g.
36Totally quiet
40Bandleader Louis
45Chops up
50Sounds like a bonfire
51Capital of Lebanon
52Kagan of the court
53Like consumed food
54Audio equipment technician
56I and everyone else
58One end of a battery
60Adept public performer
62Sounded like a kitten
632017-21 Treasury Secretary Steven
64Loss due to carelessness
6514th-century Russian ruler
66Looked over carefully
67Typed, as a PIN
69Knife in old infomercials
73Puts in place
75Def. pact of 1954-77
35Looked through narrowly
37Computer-aided extraction of information
38Last part of some play acts
39“There’s this fellow who might be able to help you”
40Makes agitated
41Make fun of
42Body of water east of Dublin
43Most stale-smelling
44Handle, as a matter
45Travel from Kansas to Utah, e.g.
47Relatives of pianos
48Macramé workers, e.g.
51Carried, as a burden
55University locales
68Soundproof chambers in TV studios, e.g.
70What a week consists of
74Casual top
77Herman or Lily of old TV
78Flicks like “Moonstruck” and “Pretty Woman”
79Firefly, e.g.
81Canadian $2 coin
82Writer Hemingway
83Exam do-over
84Tel Aviv locale
87“Make Room for Daddy” actor Rusty
88Poetry Muse
89End in (finish even)
90Have a link (with)
92Less sinful
93Ammonia derivative
new to Louisiana
a"Paloma Style" Double Golden Ale grapefruit &limepeels, pilsner malt& sea salt. brewed with blue agave, grapefruit puree,
Food &Beer Pairings: Chicken Wings, Ceviche, Shrimp Po' Boys or aguacamole