NO. 5
for real players
10 Biggest Winners of All Time
Learn to play RAZZ
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Israel The New China: Shuts Off Internet Access to Online Gambling Sites 22 Anna Chapman: The Russian Spy Who Loved Online Poker
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10 Biggest Winners of All Time 1st-Jamie Gold $ 12,068,751
5th-Joe Hachem $ 7,985,348
9th-Paul Wasicka $ 6,219,572
2nd-Peter Eastgate $ 9,221,395
6th-Allen Cunningham $ 6,717,546
10th-Phil Hellmuth Jr $ 6,157,229
3rd-Joe Cada $ 8,574,649
7th-Greg Raymer $ 6,492,062
4th-Jerry Yang $ 8,264,023
8th-Ivan Demidov $ 6,461,252
In 2010 World Series of Poker evenimentul principal în curs de desfasurare,Gambling Magazine urmareste la WSOP cei mai buni jucatori din toate timpurile. În pozitia de top este din 2006 World Series castigator Poker, Jamie Gold, care a mers cu $ 12,068751 în ceea ce a fost anul de vârf pentru evenimentul principal înainte de a se interzice poker-ul online,mai tarziu in acel an, facând pentru jucatorii de poker dificila accesarea camerelor de poker pe Internet prin intermediul cardurilor lor de credit. În plus,jucatorii online au constatat ca este mai dificil sa se califice, ca sunt mai putine camere si mai multe restrictii. Totusi, câstigatorii WSOP din 2006 continua sa bata la usa de aur. Cei trei care au ramas din restul de 4 jucatori de top au castigat mai mult la World Series of Poker decât predecesorul lor Gold, Joe Hachem al Australiei. Phil Hellmuth Jr, fata de, poate fi actualul World Series of Poker, detinatorul recordului de pastrare a bratarii,dar el totusi sparge topul 10 la numarul 10. Sapte castigatori din top 10 sunt americani. De asemenea mai sunt reprezentate in top 10 Rusia, Anglia si Australia.
With the 2010 World Series of Poker main event about to get underway, looks at the WSOP top 10 moneymakers of all time. In the top position is the 2006 World Series of Poker winner, Jamie Gold, who walked off with a whopping $12, 068,751 in what was the peak year for the main event before online poker prohibition came into effect later that year, making it more difficult for players to access Internet poker rooms via their credit cards. Additionally, post-Gold, online players found it more difficult to qualify as there were fewer rooms and more restrictions. Still, WSOP winners since 2006 keep knocking on Gold’s door. All three of the remaining top 4 players have won more at the World Series of Poker than Gold’s predecessor, Australia’s Joe Hachem. Phil Hellmuth, Jr., the face of, may be the current World Series of Poker bracelet record holder but he still just barely cracks the top 10 at number 10. Seven of the top 10 are Americans. Russia, England and Australia are also represented within the top 10.
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Învaţă să joci Razz
Razz este o versiune de poker mai puţin cunoscută. Şi în ciuda faptului că are propriul event în cadrul World Series of Poker, nu veţi găsi acest joc în multe săli de poker. Ca în majoritatea formelor de poker, razz utilizează un set standard de 52 de cărţi. Jocul se desfăşoară la o masă de opt, şi pare foarte similar cu mult mai popularul 7 card stud. Totuşi, la razz obiectivul este realizarea celei mai mici mâini cu putinţă. Fiecare jucător începe cu două cărţi hole şi o carte cu faţa în sus şi apoi dealerul împarte fiecărui jucător activ încă trei cărţi cu faţa în sus şi o carte finală cu faţa în jos. Fiecare jucător care rămâne la fiecare rundă de pariere sfârşeşte prin a avea şapte cărţi - patru cu faţa în sus şi trei cu faţa în jos. La arătarea cărţilor, jucătorul care are cea mai bună mână cu cărţi MICI utilizând oricare cinci din cele şapte cărţi ale sale câştigă potul. Asul este considerat întotdeauna carte mică, iar chintele şi culoarea nu au efect asupra valorii mâinii. Cea mai bună mână posibilă este A-2-3-4-5. Fiecare mână nouă de razz începe atunci când fiecare jucător depune un ante în pot. Ante-ul este o plată în pot înainte de fi împărţite cărţile, pentru stimularea acţiunii. În razz, ante-le este de obicei de 20% din cea mai mică limită de pariuri. De exemplu, într-un joc de 2 $/4 $ cu limită, ante-ul este de 40 cenţi. Fiecare jucător trebuie să depună un ante la fiecare mână pentru a primi cărţi. Când vă aşezaţi pentru prima dată la masă, vi se
Learn to play Razz
Accesaţi lecţiile noastre de strategie în poker în cadrul Academiei Full Tilt Poker şi învăţaţi poker împreună cu profesioniştii!
nO.5 JULY-AUGUST va solicita să depuneţi un ante şi, după ce veţi face acest lucru, veţi primi imediat cărţi. Nu există blind-uri în razz. În razz, poziţia dealerului nu se roteşte la fel ca în jocurile cu blind. Poziţia dealerului este indicată de către un disc alb denumit buton de stud. Butonul de stud se află întotdeauna în poziţia 8, şi fiecare nouă împărţire a cărţilor începe la locul 1. Prima carte a fiecărei runde succesive merge la primul jucător activ (unul care fie a egalat toate pariurile până în acel moment, sau a depus în pot toate fisele - adică nu mai dispune de fise pentru a egala pariurile) din stânga butonului. Dacă rotiţi masa pentru a vă schimba poziţia, se roteşte şi butonul. În acest fel se clarifică poziţia de împărţire a cărţilor. Acest lucru este important doar în situaţiile rare în care unul sau doi jucători au board-uri identice. După prima rundă, dacă mâinile au valori egale, mâna cea mai apropiată de stânga butonului începe parierea. Când ante-urile au fost depuse, dealerul împarte două cărţi cu faţa în jos pentru fiecare jucător, şi apoi câte o carte cu faţa în sus, începând cu poziţia 1. Cele două cărţi cu faţa în jos sunt numite cărţi hole. Cărţile dumneavoastră hole apar cu faţa în sus pe ecran, dar nu vă faceţi probleme! Doar dumneavoastră vă puteţi vedea cărţile hole. Doar spatele cărţilor hole ale celorlalţi jucători apar pe ecran. Toţi ceilalţi jucători au o vedere similară, putându-şi vedea doar propriile cărţi hole. Puteţi deosebi cărţile hole de cărţile de început, la vedere, deoarece cărţile hole sunt situate mai jos decât cărţile de început. Puteţi vedea cărţile cu faţa în sus ale celorlalţi jucători, şi aceştia, la rândul lor, le pot vedea pe ale dumneavoastră.
Razz, ca orice altă formă de poker, se reduce la pariere. Razz are cinci runde de pariere. Mărimea pariurilor depinde de structura jocului. Toate jocurile razz pe Full Tilt Poker sunt jocuri cu limită. Primele două runde de pariuri sunt la un nivel, iar următoarele trei dublează nivelul respectiv. Cea de-a treia carte comună În prima rundă (cunoscută sub denumirea de “cea de-a treia carte comună”), pariurile încep cu jucătorul care are cea mai mare carte de început. Acest pariu este un pariu forţat. Pariul trebuie să fie cel puţin minimum specificat, denumit deschidere, dar poate fi şi mai mare. Deschiderea înseamnă de obicei o pătrime din limita inferioară. Dacă doi sau mai mulţi jucători au cărţi la vedere cu aceeaşi valoare, jucătorul care trebuie să facă deschiderea este stabilit în funcţie de culoare, în ordine de bridge (pică, inimă roşie, caro, treflă). Aceasta
este singura dată când culoarea are vreo relevanţă în razz. De exemplu, dacă trei dame apar în prima rundă în această ordine, Qd, Qh, Qs, cel care deţine Qs trebuie să facă pariul de deschidere. În imaginea de mai sus, este prezentată cea mai mare carte. Trebuie să faceţi un pariu. Aveţi doar două alegeri. Puteţi: deschide finaliza pariul, adică de a mări pariul la limita inferioară Selectaţi operaţia prin executarea unui clic pe caseta de dialog. În timp ce puteţi finaliza întotdeauna pariul, veţi observa că, de obicei, jucătorii deschid pentru minimum. Dacă toţi părăsesc mâna, veţi câştiga ante-urile, şi este făcută următoarea mână. În mod normal, nu toată lumea va părăsi mâna pentru o deschidere. Dacă deschideţi, fiecare jucător succesiv are trei alegeri: a părăsi mâna de a chema, adică de a egala pariul de deschidere de a plusa -- adică de a mări pariul precedent Fiecare jucător care urmează are aceleaşi trei alegeri. Dacă s-a făcut o plusare, fiecare jucător care alege să continue trebuie fie să cheme pariul total sau să pluseze. În oricare tură de pariuri, poate exista maximum un pariu şi trei plusări. Pariul de deschidere plus finalizarea contează ca un pariu în prima rundă. De exemplu, într-un joc cu limită 2 $ / 4 $, deschideţi cu 50 cenţi, un alt jucător finalizează pariul la 2 $, şi apoi doi jucători plusează. Pariul total ajunge la 6 $. Acesta este echivalentul a trei pariuri şi un alt jucător mai poate face încă o plusare. Aceasta ar fi ultima plusare pentru runda respectivă, ajungându-se la maximum. Dacă părăsiţi mâna în orice moment, cărţile dumneavoastră sunt eliminate din joc şi nu mai sunteţi afişat pe ecran.
EN Check out our poker strategy video lessons at the Full Tilt Poker Academy and learn poker with the Pros! Razz is one of the lesser-known poker games. And despite having its own event in the World Series of Poker, you won’t find it in many of your local cardrooms. As in most forms of poker, razz uses a standard 52-card deck. The game is played at an eight-handed table, and looks very similar to the more familiar 7 card stud. In razz, however, your objective is to make the lowest possible hand. Each player starts with two hole cards and one upcard; the dealer then gives each active player three more upcards, and then a final downcard. Each player that stays in for every round of betting ends up with seven cards -- four face up and three face down. At the showdown, the player holding the best LOW hand using five of his seven cards wins the pot. Aces are always low, and flushes and straights have no effect on the value of a hand. The best possible hand is A-2-3-4-5. Each new hand of razz begins with each player putting an ante into the pot. The ante is a payment into the pot before cards are dealt for the purpose of instigating action. In razz, the ante is usually 20% of the smaller betting limit. For example, in a 10/20 limit game, the ante is two chips. Each player must ante each hand in order to receive cards. When you first sit down at a table, you will be asked to ante, and will immediately be dealt cards after doing so. There are no blinds in razz. In razz, the dealer position does not rotate as in blind games. The nominal dealer position is indicated by a white disk called the stud button. The stud
button is always by seat 8, and each new deal always starts at seat 1. The first card of each succeeding round always goes to the first active player (one who either has called all the bets thus far, or has gone all in -- that is, run out of chips with which to call) to the left of the button. If you rotate the table to change your position, the button also rotates. This makes it clear where the deal position is. This is only important in those rare situations in which two or more players have identical boards. After the first round, if hands are of equal value, the hand closest to the left of the button begins the betting.
this order, Qd, Qh, Qs, the holder of the Qs would be required to make the bring-in bet.
When the antes are in place, the dealer distributes two cards face down to each player and then one card face up, starting with seat 1. The two downcards are called hole cards. Your hole cards appear face up on your screen, but don’t worry! Only you can see your hole cards. Only the backs of every other player’s hole cards appear on screen. Every other player has a similar view, with only his own hole cards visible. You can tell which are your hole cards and which is your upcard, because the hole cards are situated lower than the upcard. You can see the upcards of all the other players, and they can see your upcard.
Normally everyone would not fold for a bring-in, however.
Razz, as any form of poker, is about betting. Razz has five betting rounds. The sizes of the bets depend on the structure of the game. All razz games at Full Tilt Poker are limit games. The first two betting rounds are at one level, and the next three at double that level. Third Street On the first round (known as third street), the betting starts with the player having the highest upcard. This bet is a forced bet. The bet must be at least a specified minimum, which is called the bring-in, but can be more. The bring-in is usually one-fourth the lower limit. If two or more players have the same rank of upcard, who must make the bring-in is determined by suit, in bridge order (spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs). This is the only time suits have any bearing in razz. For example, if three queens appear on the first round in
In the picture above you have the highest card. You must make a bet. You have only two choices. You can: open for the bring-in complete the bet - that is, increase the bet to the lower limit You choose your action by clicking in a dialog box. While you can always complete the bet, you will find players usually open for the minimum. If everyone folds, you win the antes, and the next hand is dealt.
If you open for the bring-in, each succeeding player has three choices: fold call -- that is, match the bring-in raise -- that is, increase the preceding bet Each player in turn has the same three choices. If there has been a raise, each player who chooses to continue must either call the total bet thus far, or himself raise. In any one round of betting, there can be a maximum of one bet and three raises. The bringin plus the completion count as one bet in the first round. For example, in a 10/20 limit game, you open for the two-chip bring-in, another player completes the bet to 10, and then two players raise. That makes the total bet 30. This is the equivalent of three bets, and another player could make one more raise. Doing so would cap the betting for that round, that is, cause it to reach the maximum. If you fold for a raise, your cards are removed from play and no longer appear on the screen.
POKER ONLINE VS. LIVE O problema majora in continuare pentru jocul online este onestitatea joculului. Este clar ca nu toti jucatorii de pe internet au standarde ridicate in ceea ce priveste integritatea.
In articolul meu precedent “Poker de turneu sau live poker”, am analizat schimbarea situatiei in ultimii ani in special in turnee si efectele pe care aceste schimbari le-ar putea avea asupra jucatorilor de „scoala veche”, de caramida si mortar, ai jocurilor cash asa cum sunt si eu. Concluzia mea a fost una simpla. Pentru ca atentia se indreapta tot mai mult catre jocul de turneu, si in special pentru ca la momentul actual banii dinafara, de la televiziuni si sponsorizari se varsa aproape exclusiv in lumea turneelor,multi jucatori de cash ar trebui sa isi re-evalueze pozitia curenta si sa o ia pe drumul turneelor. Dupa un an sau doi in care am vazut si analizat schimbarile, neactionand in nici un fel, am decis sa fac niste schimbari radicale in modul meu de a trata lucrurile. Ca sa fiu mai specific, acum daca atentia tuturor este indreptata spre jocul de turneu as fi nesabuit si incapatanat daca as continua sa ma concentrez numai pe jocurile cash, si nu as profita de acele cateva oportunitati excelente care exista pentru cei care vor sa caute. Drept urmare m-am decis sa nu mai ignor astfel de oportunitati de acum incolo. Un mod asemanator de dezvoltare Un mod asemanator de dezvoltare a avut loc din cauza
dezvoltarii pokerului online. Din nou pentru cei care nu ma cunosc: am fost un jucator de jocuri cash in camerele de poker timp de multi ani. Am jucat rareori turnee, pentru ca am trait mereu cu impresia ca banii adevarati nu se gaseau in turnee ci in jocurile live. Deasemenea am neglijat mai mult sau mai putin dezvoltarea pokerului pe Internet. Cu toate ca am fost implicat foarte mult pe Internet, predand, scriind si discutand despre poker, eu nu am jucat foarte mult. Precum ceilalti jucatori buni de caramida si mortar, am simtit ca jocul live ofera jucatorilor invingatori un avantaj mult mai mare (pentru ca poti „vedea’ si „simti” ceea ce se intampla cu adevarat), si pentru ca este pur si simplu putin mai „curat” decat jocul online unde pericolele cardasiei si trisatul pe fata sunt prea mari- cel putin asta a fost parerea mea dintotdeauna. La fel cum s-a intamplat cu parerea mea despre jocul de poker cash vs pokerul de turneu, si aici a fost imposibil sa imi pastrez vechea conceptie ca banii adevarati stau in jocurile de caramida si mortar iar pokerul online este o sabie cu doua taisuri. Doar un nesabuit ar neglija rezultatele excelente online ale unor tineri scandinavi. De fapt cand verifici pe internet vei gasi multe jocuri curate, usor de invins si pe mize mari- pe cand in camerele de caramida si mortar
este evident ca jocurile bune au devenit mai mult exceptia decat regula. In orasul meu natal Amsterdam, jocul de minimum 500 buy-in pot-limit Omaha, care se desfasoara de peste 4 ani, painea si untul meu, pare ca se stinge putin, si deasemenea in alte mari orase europene precum Viena, Londra, Paris, jocul de poker cash nu pare sa fie in crestere. Motivul este simplu. Din ce in ce mai multa lume in ziua de azi se concentreaza pe jocul online pentru ca este mai rapid (in special pentru cei care joaca la mai multe mese ), pentru ca este mai ieftin(nu sunt costuri de transport,comision mic) si pentru ca jocurile bune pot fi gasite printr-un singur click al mouse-ului, in confortul casei tale. O problema majora in continuare pentru jocul online este onestitatea joculului. Este clar ca nu toti jucatorii de pe internet au standarde ridicate in ceea ce priveste integritatea. Majoritatea site-urilor fac tot posibilul sa mentina jocurile cat mai curate posibil, stiind ca este in interesul lor sa aiba jocuri cinstite si in special pentru jocurile cu miza foarte mare s-au luat masuri pentru a-i asigura pe cei ce joaca ca vor juca intr-o maniera onesta. Drept urmare, cu atatia bani circuland pe Internet in timp ce jocurile mari de caramida si mortar se chinuie sa supravietuiasca, ar fi absurd sa ignori atractiile si posibilitatile
de a juca pe Internet. Aceasta nu inseamna ca pokerul live a murit, pentru ca in termen de avantaj jocurile da caramida si mortar inca ofera cea mai buna valoare. Dar jucatorii de caramida si mortar nu trebuie sa ignore posibilitatea jocului online fiind constienti in acelasi timp de limitarile lui si de pericolele existente. In final cateva cuvinte Ca profesionist, este imperativ sa gasesti aventurile cele mai profitabile, de preferat cu un risc minm. Acum, nu exista nici un dubiu ca cei care sunt destepti si deschisi la minte cand vine vorba de riscurile si posibilitatile jocului online, pot face foarte multi bani. La fel cum am facut si eu, cel mai bine e sa incepi sa experimentezi cu sume mici ca sa ajungi sa cunosti toate functiile si posibiltatile tehnice folosite in jocul online, pentru ca apoi sa ridici stacheta si sa joci pe sume mai mari. Cat despre problema discutata in articolul anterior in legatura cu pokerul de turneu vs live poker, poate ca mi-a luat un pic cam mult timp sa realizez ca internetul este viitorul si ca ar trebui sa ii urmez calea decat sa il las sa treaca pe langa mine. Acum, daca citesti textul acesta – ca si mine - si consideri un jucator exclusiv de caramida si mortar, ar trebui sa-ti re-evaluezi pozitia, la fel cum am facut si eu. Pe termen lung, vei putea fi foarte bine rasplatit.
nO.5 JULY-AUGUST When I started playing for a living, a bit more than seven years ago, some poker insiders claimed that, contrary to how things seemed to be, the real money was not in tournaments but in cash games. While many people would consider the tournament stars to be the best of the best - not in the last place because they would always have their face in all magazines -, on the surface it looked that one’s ultimate goal should be to become the best possible tournament player. But the people who were really into poker knew better. Because of the costs of the buy-ins (that back then the players still had to put up themselves), because of the costs of accommodation and traveling (that, again, came out of the players’ pockets), because of the juice and the more-or-less-required tips, and because of the swings that are part of tournament poker, because of all these things there were just not many players who could make a living in the long run by playing tournaments. There were even less players who could make a very good living. In contrast to these well-known players who seemed to be doing so well but who in reality struggled to actually make a decent long-term profit, in contrast to them there were the people who were somewhat unknown to the public, yet they would have no trouble whatsoever in making good money. These cash game pros could often be found in the biggest games, and especially when they could handicap themselves against very-wealthy-but-notvery-capable players, they could make a fortune - and quite often, this is what they did. For years, this sort of status quo remained. There was a relatively small group of tournament stars who got all the attention but who didn’t make much money, and there was a slightly larger group of cash game pros who didn’t get much attention, but who did make good money. So, when I started playing for a living, choosing between tournament poker and live poker was not too hard. I made the to me - obvious choice of playing where the money was: in live games, meaning I simply left tournaments aside. A few recent changes But then, slowly but surely, things started to change a little. I did not notice it at first, so I simply kept my old view of “tournaments are for making fame, cash games are for making money”, even when it should have been clear to me that the situation had already changed considerably. Suddenly, the best tournament pros didn’t have to put up the buy-in themselves any-
more, didn’t have to worry about const of traveling and accommodation anymore (as sponsors would take care of that for them), and when television networks also became interested in poker as a TV-sports, more and more outside money started flowing into the poker community, and it was the tournament stars who would get the lion’s share of this fresh money - not the cash game pros. In fact, even though over the years I have made great money playing the live games and can back things up with results that quite a few players would be very jealous of, I know for a fact that nowadays there are some great European tournament players who get much more money just from sponsorship than I make in an entire year of playing! This influx of fresh money and the involvements of TV in not just American but also European poker, has led to a situation where almost everybody focuses on tournament play, and where there is just not much growth of brick and mortar cash games - despite the fact that poker as a whole is growing rapidly. What’s more, because of the growth of poker on the Internet, a whole lot of regular cash game players - the good and the bad alike - have now shifted their attention to online play, meaning that the number of good live games in brick and mortar casinos isn’t growing as fast as tournament poker or as Internet poker does. In fact, in some places it seems that there’s not much growth in regular poker action at all: a lot of cardrooms in Europe actually lead a fairly marginal existence, and the casinos that have more than five poker tables going are the exception rather than the rule - even in major European cities. Because of all these changes and developments, it would simply be impossible to maintain the old stance that the real money is in cash games and not in tournaments. (Having said that, the very best cash game players still make an incredible amount of money, of course. Especially the people who play regularly in good high-stakes / big-bet games in the UK or in France for example, can still make a great income. Also, those cash game players who in addition to B&M play also focus on online games and who are successful there as well, could possibly make even more money now than in the past, because of the more or less constant availability of good games online. Please
note that this entire discussion focuses on poker in Europe. The recent poker boom in the US seems to have led to a growth of live poker as well, with both more poker rooms that have opened their doors as well as more tables available for the customers.) All in all, there can be no question that there’s a lot of money to be made in poker nowadays, especially for those who don’t adhere too rigidly to old conceptions and wisdoms. Those with an open mind about all the things that have changed or that may still be changing, have been able to profit from these new things, and all the financial possibilities that have come with this sudden influx of fresh money. It has taken me quite a while to accept the fact that I may have been focusing on the wrong things for too long, but recently I have decided to jump on the wagon and get along for the ride. While in the beginning this was mostly because of my involvements as a tournament reporter for Europe and a poker commentator for Eurosport, I am currently in the process of signing one or two deals that may cause some significant changes to the views I have always held. But as in real life, in poker one should always keep an open eye for circumstances that have been changing, or that are about to change. I guess it has taken me rather long to realize the impact of all the recent developments - but now that I’m aware, I want to take advantage of the different possibilities, and exploit them to the fullest. Some final words In the follow-up to this article, I will focus on a related issue in this respect: “Live poker or online poker?” Once again, I will analyze my own role as a B&M cash game player, the pros and cons of live versus online (and the other way around), and shifts of attention that may or may not be necessary for old-school money players like me.
Full name Nadia Elena Comăneci Country represented Romania Date of birth November 12, 1961 (age 48) Place of birth Oneşti Discipline Women’s artistic gymnastics Gym National Training Center Former coach(es) Béla Károlyi; Marta Károlyi Choreographer Geza Pozar Eponymous skills Comăneci salto (uneven bars) Retired 1981 [hide] Medal record Olympic Games Gold 1976 Montréal All-Around Gold 1976 Montréal Uneven Bars Gold 1976 Montréal Balance
Beam Gold 1980 Moscow Beam Gold 1980 Moscow Silver 1976 Montréal Silver 1980 Moscow Silver 1980 Moscow Bronze 1976 Montréal World Championships Gold 1978 Strasbourg Beam Gold 1979 Ft. Worth Silver 1978 Strasbourg Silver 1978 Strasbourg European Championships Gold 1975 Skien Gold 1975 Skien Bars Gold 1975 Skien Beam Gold 1975 Skien
Floor Team Team All-Around Floor Balance Team Team Vault All-Around Uneven Balance Vault
Gold 1977 Prague All-Around Gold 1977 Prague Uneven Bars Gold 1979 Copenhagen All-Around Gold 1979 Copenhagen Vault Gold 1979 Copenhagen Floor Silver 1975 Skien Floor Silver 1977 Prague Vault Bronze 1979 Copenhagen Balance Beam Summer Universiade Gold 1981 Bucharest Team Gold 1981 Bucharest All-Around Gold 1981 Bucharest Uneven Bars Gold 1981 Bucharest Vault Gold 1981 Bucharest Floor
Jocul din Big Blind(BB) este cea mai puţin profitabilă poziţie în jocurile pe bani. Deşi ai avantajul preflop de a fi ultimul jucător care acţionează, totuşi eşti forţat să postezi un Big Blind şi eşti în afara poziţiei pentru restul mâinii după flop. După cum ştii, poziţia este unul dintre cei mai importanţi factori din poker. Fără înţelegerea importanţei poziţiei şi cum să o foloseşti în avantajul tău, nu poţi deveni un jucător complet de poker. Este numai o singură situaţie în care eşti în poziţie în Big Blind, când restul mesei dau fold şi joci numai împotriva Small Blind-ului. Aceasta este de fapt o situaţie în care doar foarte puţini jucători ştiu să joace bine, ceea ce m-a şi motivat să scriu articolul. Este de asemenea numită nişa pokerului, o parte foarte mică şi specifică a jocului, dar acest articol sper să îţi arate exact cum să acţionezi în viitor în această situaţie. Atunci când discutăm despre jocul împotriva SB, putem diferenţia două situaţii. Prima situaţie pe care o vom discuta este jocul împotriva unui call din SB şi apoi vom discuta cum să reacţionezi împotriva unui raise din SB. Call din SB Să dai call la un pot este considerat întotdeauna un semn de slăbiciune, în afară de cazul în care avem alte informaţii despre jucătorul respectiv. Astfel, până vedem ca pe un monstru call-ul oponentului într-o astfel de situaţie, vom presupune că el are o mână slabă. De aceea putem spune că este un jucător în SB faţă de care suntem în poziţie mai bună şi care joacă o mână marginală cum ar fi de exemplu or . În astfel de situaţii chiar
nu contează ce fel de cărţi avem în mână, din moment ce ne bazăm numai pe slăbiciunea oponentului. De aceea nu este necesar să dau o gamă de mâini cu care vom da raise pentru că vom da raise cu orice. În general un raise la 5BB-uri este cea mai bună opţiune în acest caz, iar cu un stack mai mare poţi lua în consideraţie 6-8BB. Sunt câteva motive pentru care ai putea să alegi acest raise relativ mare. Din moment ce îl punem pe oponentul nostru pe o mână slabă, vrem să îl supunem presiunii. Dacă el dă fold peflop, atunci este perfect, din moment ce dăm aici raise cu aproape orice, iar de cele mai multe ori vom avea în mână nişte gunoaie. Dacă el decide să dea call, totuşi, am creat deja un pot destul de mare ca rezultat al raise-ului mare preflop. Asta îi reduce şansa de a încerca să ne blufeze sau să-şi vâneze draw-urile, ceea ce este în avantajul nostru. Strategia postflop este destul de simplă. Oricând dă el check pe flop noi aruncăm un pariu de continuare. Dacă el decide să parieze primul, atunci trebuie să ne uităm la mâna noastră şi la masă. Dar vom discuta despre asta mai târziu. Deci dăm raise cu orice mână preflop şi executăm un pariu de continuare pe fiecare flop. Dacă, după asta, eşti încă în mână iar oponentul tău nu dă fold, va trebui să iei în considerare mai mulţi factori, despre care vom discuta în capitolul următor. SB deschide cu raise Oricând un SB se hotărăşte să dea raise în loc de call, alţi factori intervin în joc. Aceşti factori nu vor fi discutaţi în detaliu. Statisticile jucătorului din SB. Dacă ştim că jucătorul din SB dă rar raise
înaintea flop-ului şi este în general un jucător tight, nu sunt prea multe motive pentru care să încercăm să scoatem ceva din asta. Singurul lucru pe care poţi să-l faci este să-ţi analizezi mâna şi să te hotărăşti dacă merită să joci, poate pentru a prinde trei bucăţi sau, dacă stack-ul tău este puţin mai mare, poate cu conectori de aceeaşi culoare. Oricum, dacă ştim că jucătorul a dat în mod regulat raise preflop, putem încerca. Ştim că de multe ori a dat raise cu mâini marginale care ratează flopul de cele mai multe ori, ceea ce îl va forţa să dea fold la contra atacul nostru. De aceea nu trebuie să ne fie frică să dăm call la raise-ul lui, dar ar trebui să ne asigurăm că mâinile cu care dăm call au cel puţin potenţial, aşa că nu trebuie să ne bazăm numai pe slăbiciunea (posibilă) a oponentului nostru. A oferi o gamă de mâini pentru această situaţie este puţin riscant, dar mâini cum ar fi 9h-10s sau sunt cu siguranţă jucabile. Dăm call preflop, moment în care am ajuns la stadiul următor. Textura flopului. În mod clar nu putem să facem un bet de continuare pe orice flop. Va trbui să vedem cărţile care apar pe masă. Cel mai bun flop care poate apărea pe masă în astfel de situaţii este aşa numitul „flop sec” fără draw-uri, de exemplu . Motivul pentru aceest lucru este că vrem ca deseori oponentul nostru să dea fold atunci când încercăm să luăm potul. Dacă ne plăteşte pariurile pe lângă mâini consolidate şi cu drawurile sale, vom avea şi mai mult de pierdut. Dacă ajungi într-o situaţie în care ai o mână cum ar fi iar oponentul pariază pe flopul , nu este nicio problemă dacă îţi arunci mâna. Citeşte masa şi gândeşte-te la consecinţele acţiunilor cu mâna ta. Dacă vrei să blufezi pe o
masă cu multe draw-uri, va trebui în mod sigur să bluffezi în continuare pe turn şi pe river pentru a-ţi face oponentul să-şi arunce draw-urile. Asta te poate costa mult mai mulţi bani decât dacă pariezi doar pe un flop sec şi îl faci pe adversar să dea fold de cele mai multe ori. Fluctuaţii. Implicarea în bătălii de blind-uri în această manieră va duce aproape sigur la o fluctuaţie mai mare, nu numai în aceste situaţii, dar şi în jocul tău în general. Trebuie să luăm în considerare efectele pe care le vor avea aceste acţiuni asupra imaginii noastre de la masă. Vom discuta mai târziu despre imagine. Câteodată te vei găsi în situaţii în care adversarul tău va încerca să te facă să crezi că este slab şi că îl poţi blufa pentru a-l scoate din pot, când de fapt el are în cărţi foarte puternice. oricum, acest stil de joc îţi va afecta în mod clar imaginea la masă şi ceilalţi vor respecta mai puţin raise-urile şi o să-ţi dea call mai des, ceea ce în final va duce la fluctuaţii mai mari. Totuşi, aceste situaţii nu ar trebui săţi afecteze jocul. Pe termen lung acest mod de joc va fi mult mai profitabil decât dacă ai juca numai cu cele mai bune cărţi. De exemplu, pariurile tale pentru valoare vor primi call mult mai des pentru că nimeni de la masă nu te va crede. Capacitatea de a citi adversarul. Unul dintre factorii care poate să nu fie atât de important, dar în mod sigur merită menţionat, este capacitatea ta de a-ţi citi adversarul. Oponenţii au aşa numitele linii de joc, mai ales la nivelurile mici de mize, iar aceste linii îţi vor spune multe despre puterea jucătorului. Aproape că nu există jucători la micro- sau low-limit care să procedeze la fel atunci când blufează ca atunci când au o mână puternică.
Mărimea pariului îţi va spune de asemenea multe despre tăria cărţilor lor. Un check/raise de mărimea potului pe flop poate să fie un semn al unei mâini foarte puternice sau ultima încercare de a fura potul cu nimic, dar rar vreun jucător de la acele nivele vor paria pot-ul la bluff la fel ca şi pentru mâini monstruase, deşi diferenţele pot fi minime. Astfel, dacă reuşeşti să citeşti un jucător şi ştii care dintre replici şi ce sume înseamnă cărţi bune/slabe, aceste bătălii ale blind-urilor vor deveni mult mai uşor de jucat. Aşa că fii atent la asta. În special este trecută cu vederea mărimea pariului, deşi este una dintre cele mai uşoare căi de a aduna informaţii despre oponentul tău. Imaginea. Fii întotdeauna atent la imaginea ta de la masă. Dacă tocmai ai fost prins blufând un pot, ceilalţi jucători de la masă vor reţine acest lucru şi vor da call la pariurile tale mai des, astfel încât trebuie să minimalizezi bluf-urile până când imaginea ta de la masă va fi restabilită. Pe de-altă parte, o imagine tight îţi va oferi multe şanse de a fura poturi, de aceea ar trebui să ştii întotdeauna ce cred ceilalţi jucători de la masă despre tine şi să-ţi adaptezi jocul conform acestui lucru. În concluzie, putem spune că, deşi aceste situaţii sunt deseori evitate de către jucători, ele sunt foarte bune pentru a ciuguli ceva bani. Ca în general în poker, practica este cheia îmbunătăţirilor în aceste situaţii şi atât timp cât poţi face faţă unei fluctuaţii mai mari, aceasta este în mod sigur partea jocului la care merită să te antrenezi. Şi datorită faptului că foarte mulţi jucători evită confruntările în aceste situaţii, poţi câştiga încă mai mult respect decât ai
merita pentru jocul tău agresiv. Mult noroc la mese! Playing from the Big Blind (BB) is the least profitable Position in Cashgames in the long run. Although you have the advantage preflop of being the last player to act, you are still forced to post a Big Blind and you are out of position for the rest of the hand after the flop. As many of you know, position is one of the most important factors in poker. Without understanding the importance of position and how to use it to your advantage, you are not a complete poker player. There is only one situation where you are in position on the Big Blind, and that is if the rest of the table folds and you only play against the Small Blind. This is actually a situation that only few poker players know how to take advantage off, which motivated me to write this article. It is a so called niche of poker, a very small and specific part of the game, but this article will hopefully show you exactly how to deal with this situation in the future. When discussing playing against the SB, we can differentiate between two distinct situations. The first situation we will discuss is playing against a limping SB, and after that we will discuss how to react against a raising SB. A Limping SB Limping into a pot is always seen as a sign of weakness, unless we have a good read on the player. So, until we see our opponent limp with a monster in this situation, we will assume he has a weak hand. Therefore we can say that there’s a player on the
SB, on whom we have position, who is playing a marginal hand like for example or . In situations like these it really doesn’t matter what kind of hand we are holding, as we are solely basing our strength on the weakness of our opponent. Therefore it is also unnecessary to give a range of hands with which we will raise in this situation, as we will raise with any hand. In general a raise to 5BB is the best option here, with a bigger stack you might consider 6-8BB. There are a couple of reasons to make this relatively big raise. Since we are putting our opponent on a weak hand, we want to put pressure on him. If he folds preflop that’s perfect, as we are raising with just about any hand here, and most of the time we will be holding complete rags. If he does decide to call, however, we have already created quite a big pot as a result of our big preflop raise. This reduces the chance of him trying to bluff us out of the pot or chasing his draws, which works to our advantage. Postflop the strategy is pretty simple. Whenever he checks the flop we fire out a continuation bet. If he decides to bet out first, then we’ll have to take a look at our hand and the texture of the board. But we’ll talk about that later. So, we raise every hand preflop and fire out a continuation bet on every flop. If, after this, you are still in the hand and your opponent has not folded, we will have to consider a few other things, which we will discuss in the following section. A Raising SB Whenever a SB decides to raise instead of limp in, other factors come into play. These factors will now be discussed in detail. Stats of the SB. If we know that the player on the SB rarely raises before the flop and is generally a tight player, there is little point in trying to get something out of this. The only thing you can do here is look at your hand and decide if its worth playing, maybe for set value or, if your stack is a little bigger, maybe with suited connectors. However, if we know that the player has regularly been raising preflop, we can look into it. We know that a lot of the time he must be raising with marginal hands that will miss the flop most of the time, which will force him to fold to our continuation bet. Therefore we don’t have to be afraid to call his raise, but we should make sure that the hands we call
with have at least some potential to hit, so that we don’t have to rely solely on the (possible) weakness of our opponent. To give an exact range of hands for these situations is a little tricky, but hands like 9h-10s or are definitely playable. We call preflop, at which point we have reached the next stage. Board Texture. Obviously we can’t just fire out a continuation bet on every flop. We will have to look at the cards that come out. The best board texture a flop can have in these situations is a so called dry flop with very few potential draws, for example . The reason for this is that we want our opponent to often fold when we try to pick up the pot. If he not only calls our bets with his made hands, but also with his draws, we will win less money as we will get called more often. If we ever get into a situation where we hold a hand like and our opponent bets out on a flop of , there is nothing wrong with just mucking your hand. Read the board and think about the consequences of making a move with your hand. If you want to bluff on a board with many draws, you will most likely have to continue bluffing on the turn and river to make your opponent fold his draws. This will end up costing you a lot more money than if you just bet on a dry flop and have your opponent fold his hand most of the time. Variance. Getting involved in blind battles in this manner will most likely result in a greater variance, not only in these situations, but in your overall game. We have to bear in mind the effects these moves will have on our image at the table. We’ll talk more about image later on. Every now and then you will get yourself into situations where your opponent tries to trick you into believing he is weak and that you can bluff him out of the pot, when actually he is holding the stone cold nuts. These types of hands will obviously affect your image at the table and cause other players to respect your raises less and call you more often, which will finally result in a higher variance. However, these situations should not affect your play. In the long run this type of play will be a lot more profitable than if you only play your premium hands. And although a bad table image might have disadvantages like a greater variance, it definitely also has its advantages. For example, your value bets will be called far more often because no one at the table
believes you. Reading Skills. One factor that might not be as important, but definitely worth mentioning, is your reading skills. Opponents have so called line, and especially on the lower stakes these lines will tell you a lot about the strength of the player. There are almost no micro- or low-limit players out there who use the same line when bluffing as they do when they have a strong hand. The bet sizes will also tell you a lot about the strength of their hand. A pot sized check/raise on the flop can either be a sign of a really strong hand or the last attempt to pick up a pot with air, but hardly any player on those levels will pot bet their bluffs as well as their monsters, although the differences may be minimal. So if you manage to get a read on a player and know which lines and which bet sizes are a sign of a strong hand/weak hand, these blind battles will become a lot easier to play. So pay close attention to this. Especially the bet sizing is often ignored, although it is one of the easiest ways to gather information about your opponent. Image. Always be aware of your image at the table. If you’ve just been caught bluffing at a pot, the other players at the table will register this and call your bets more often, so minimize the bluffing until your image at the table is restored. On the other hand, a tight image will enable you to take more chances at stealing pots, which is why you should always know what the other players at the table are thinking of you, and adjust your game accordingly. In conclusion, we can say that, although these situations are often avoided by players, they are quite a good spot to pick up some chips. As with everything else in poker, practicing is the key to improving in these situations, and as long as you can deal with the higher variance, this is definitely part of the game that is worth improving at. And due to the fact that so many players try to avoid confrontation in these situations, you might even get more respect than you deserve for your aggressive play.
Good luck at the tables!
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EU Court Ru Dutch Gambles for ling Ban
European Court of Justice rules Netherlands can block online gaming operators.
Legile Curtii Europene privind interzicerea jocurile de noroc germane. Curtea Europeană de Justiţie a normelor jocurilor de noroc din Germania poate bloca operatorii de jocuri de noroc online. Lupta pentru legalizarea jocurilor de noroc pe întreg teritoriul Uniunii Europene a avut o saptamana grea. In cazul în care Curtea Europeană de Justiţie, sau CEJ, ar decide că Ţările de Jos ar putea bloca operatorii jocurilor de noroc online fara licenta. Curtea a declarat în verdictul său: “din cauza lipsei de contact direct între consumator şi operator, jocurile de noroc accesibile prin Internet implica diferite riscuri de fraudă de către operatori împotriva consumatorilor în comparaţie cu pieţele tradiţionale de astfel de jocuri. “ Problema a fost adusa pentru prima oară în faţa instanţei, după ce De Lotto, care deţinea monopolul pe piaţa olandeză, Ladbrokes şi Betfair au permis furnizarea online de pariuri sportive ilegale pentru consumatori olandezi Organizatia non-profit EGBA (Jocurile Europene şi Asociatia pariurilor), care este alcătuita din cei mai importanti opt operatori Europeni de jocuri online, a declarat ca Internetul a ridicat probleme noi care nu pot fi rezolvate prin intermediul procesului judiciar. Secretarul general EGBA Sigrid Ligne a declarat: legiuitorul european să se asigure că acest mediu bazat pe tehnologia care permite cele mai înalte standarde de securitate, garantează protecţia consumatorului şi combaterea fraudei pe întreg teritoriul UE. Drepturile consumatorilor grupului Right2Bet au criticat, de asemenea decizia, spunând că CEJ a fost în afara contactului cu consumatorii in zilele moderne şi că s-a ajuns la concluzia sa, fără nici o dovadă. European Court of Justice rules Netherlands can block online gaming operators.The battle to legalize gambling throughout the European Union took a twist this week when the European Court of Justice, or ECJ, ruled that the Netherlands could block online gambling operators from supplying unlicensed gaming. The court said in its verdict: because of the lack of direct contact between consumer and operator, games of chance accessible via the Internet involve different and more substantial risks of fraud by operators against consumers compared with the traditional markets for such games.” The issue was first brought to the court after De Lotto, which held a monopoly over the Dutch market, charged Ladbrokes and Betfair with providing illegal online sports betting to Dutch consumers. The non-profit organization the EGBA (European Gaming and Betting Association), which is made up of eight leading European online gaming operators, said that the Internet raised new questions that cannot be resolved through the judicial process. It is for the European legislator to ensure that this IT-based medium which allows for the highest security standards warrants consistent customer protection and fraud control throughout the EU, “ EGBA Secretary General Sigrid Ligné said Consumer rights group Right2Bet also slammed the decision, saying that the ECJ was out of touch with modern day consumers and that it came to its conclusion without any evidence.
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en Israel The New China: Shuts Off Internet Access to Online Gambling Sites Many of the world’s most prominent online gambling sites have origins in the nation of Israel, the biggest poker room on the planet, PokerStars, among them.
such businesses in recent years. Earlier this year, Israeli officials arrested the owners of long-established Internet1x2. com, which partially operated out of Belize since 2000.
This week, the Israeli government said “Enough is enough”.
Israel Police representatives visited every Israeli ISP over the past few days to personally deliver the directive. The police handed the providers a list of overseas gambling sites and their IP (Internet protocol) addresses to be blocked, according to Haaretz. "It is my intention to order your company not to provide users with access to these sites," states the police order, which is signed by Central District commander Maj. Gen. Bentzi Sau. Israel has long been a hotbed of online gambling activity, mostly via outside marketing firms which employed low salaried individuals to “low ball” websites into accepting socalled “one month test campaigns”. These firms became synonymous with daily spam. Nevertheless, sites like PokerStars and CasinoOnNet, whose owners originate from Israel, have become respected and highly successful business enterprises in the sector. Companies the likes of Internet1x2 were not, however. Payout problems persisted throughout the later company’s shoddy existence.
That democracy seemingly took at page out of the China playbook (not to mention a number of its neighbors) by ordering Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block access to overseas gambling websites. This is the first time Israeli ISPs have been ordered to block any websites, let alone online gambling ventures.
ISPs argue that the police have no right to enforce such overt censorship and worry about what types of websites will be targeted next in a nation that prides itself on being one of the most progressive in the region. Over the past year, Australia has been facing a similar Internet filtering effort by certain forces within that government aimed at both the online gambling sector and porn sites. Like Israel, Australia too has long had a foothold in the burgeoning Internet gambling industry.
Local authorities have become especially aggressive against
Israel Police representatives visited every Israeli ISP over the past few days to personally deliver the directive.
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Frapanta dominsoara in varsta de 25 de ani are ca hobby scuba diving si calatoriile, de aceea in fiecare an in concediu merge in Ibiza. Fire sociabila, sincera si deschisa la nou, Raluca activeaza intr-un domeniu pe gustul ei,
mai exact lucrand ca PR in cadrul unei companii renumite pe piata din Romania. Tanara din Bucuresti este foarte pasionata de pokerul online, avand ca favorit Poker Stars (userul folosit fiind RDangel).
Anna Chapman: The Russian Spy Who Loved Online Poker
Anna Chapman, numita si "Femeia Fatala", spion pretins ca parte a unui inel, a inceput prin a avea propria camera de poker online. Detalii socante despre presupusa spioana rusoaica Anna Chapman au aparut sugerând ca a avut o mare ambitie de a lansa un site de poker online.
orul SUA. Arestarile au stârnit teama deoarece Moscova ar putea “planta” alti spioni, majoritatea putand fi cupluri.
Anna Chapman, numita si “Femeia Fatala”, spion pretins ca parte a unui inel, a inceput prin a avea propria camera de poker online. Frapanta roscata cu stilul ei antreprenorial în domeniul imobiliar a scris un gand pe pagina ei de Facebook, “daca puteti visa, inseamna ca puteti si realiza.” Procurorii i-au adus la cunostinta lui Chapman si altor 10 suspecti, ordinele serviciilor de informatii rusesti acestea fiind sa devina “americanizati” suficient pentru a se infiltra in”cercurile de elaborare a politicilor” si pentru a hrani Moscova cu informatii. Colaboratorul american Attorney Michael Farbiarz a adus probe devastatoare împotriva lui Chapman. El a declarat: este “cineva care are un antrenament extraordinar, este un agent sofisticat din Rusia”. Un barbat pe nume Alexandru Sasha Galitsky, care lucreaza pentru o firma din Rusia, bazata pe investitii de capital, pretinde ca Chapman vrea sa intre în industria de miliarde de dolari a pokerului online. “Chapman a încercat sa-si mareasca capitalul pentru propria afacere imobiliara online, a spus Galitsky pentru Fox News. “Dupa aceasta, a încercat sa vorbeasca cu noi despre unele initivative cum ar fi poker-ul online.” Farbiarz a numit arestarile “vârful aisbergului” ca fiind o conspiratie a serviciilor secrete rusesti, SVR, pentru a colecta informatii din interi-
Anna Chapman, the woman dubbed “femme fatale” as part of an alleged spy ring, once wanted to start her own online poker room according to reports that surfaced. Shocking details of the alleged Russian spy Anna Chapman have surfaced suggesting that she had an ambition to launch an online poker website Anna Chapman, the woman dubbed “femme fatale” as part of an alleged spy ring, once wanted to start her own online poker room according to reports that surfaced. The striking redhead and self-styled entrepreneur also dabbled in real estate and mused on her Facebook page, “if you can dream, you can become it.” Prosecutors have charged Chapman and 10 other suspects with following orders by Russian intelligence to become “Americanized” enough to infiltrate “policymaking circles” and feed information back to Moscow. Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Farbiarz has called evidence against Chapman “devastating.” She is “someone who has extraordinary training, who is a sophisticated agent of Russia,” he said. A man named Alexander Sasha Galitsky, who works for a Russia-based capital investment firm, cc into the lucrative multi-billion dollar online poker industry. “She tried to raise capital for her online realestate business,” Galitsky told Fox News. “After this, she tried to speak with us about some other initivative like online poker.” Farbiarz called the arrests “the tip of the iceberg” of a conspiracy by Russia’s intelligence service, the SVR, to collect information inside the U.S. The arrests raised fears that Moscow has planted others, most of whom are couples.
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Spain on top o
Champions of Europe and now champions of the world, Spain captured football’s Holy Grail for the first time with a 1-0 victory over the Netherlands thanks to Andres Iniesta’s 116th-minute strike at Soccer City. The solitary goal came with penalties looming as substitute Cesc Fabregas played in Iniesta and the little midfielder drove emphatically across Maarten Stekelenburg and into the far corner. With this victory – their fourth successive single-goal win in South Africa – Spain became the eighth name on the FIFA World Cup™ Trophy and also the first European team to have triumphed on a different continent. For the Netherlands, who lost defender John Heitinga to a red card in extra time, there is only the heartache of another tale of what might have been after they completed a hat-trick of Final losses. This was a match preceded by much talk of two like-minded footballing cultures, of the influence of Dutchmen like Johan Cruyff and Rinus Michels, of ‘tiki taka’ and Total Football. In many ways, as the first 116 minutes showed, it was also a case of the irresistible force versus the immovable object. The Dutch had won 14 straight games to get to the Final, in qualifying and the tournament proper, and Spain 15 o u t
of 16, their only slip the defeat by Switzerland in their first game here in South Africa. It was the Spanish found their stride first, living up to their pre-game billing as favourites. Vicente del Bosque’s side dominated possession and created the early chances. With the Dutch penned inside their half, goalkeeper Stekelenburg had to make a save after five minutes, diving low to stop a Sergio Ramos header from Xavi’s free-kick from the right. Gerard Pique looked poised to follow up only to be denied by a combination of Joris Mathijsen and Dirk Kuyt. Ramos came again in the tenth minute, beating Kuyt on the right and driving in a low centre that Heitinga deflected behind. From the corner came another scare for the Netherlands. Xavi played the ball back to Xabi Alonso whose cross went beyond the far post to David Villa but the in-form No7 sliced his volley into the side-netting. After those near things, however, both defences got on top with none of the flair players on either side able to take a grip on proceedings. Instead the yellow-card count began to rise with Nigel de Jong becoming the fifth player in Howard Webb’s notebook by the time the half-hour mark arrived. With the orange sections of the 84,490 Soccer City crowd finding their voice, Bert van Marwijk’s men almost gave them something to sing about from a corner in the 37th minute. Robben rolled the ball to Mark van Bommel on the edge of the box and although he failed to make a clean connection he unwittingly diverted the ball on to the unmarked Mathijsen but the defender missed his kick. As half-time approached, I k e r
Casillas had barely had a save to make but entering stoppage time, he had to be alert to deny Robben at his near post as a spell of Dutch pressure ended with the winger spearing in a low shot from the corner of the box. Puyol, Spain’s semi-final matchwinner, showed his aerial threat once more minutes after the restart when he rose above Heitinga and headed to the far post but Joan Capdevila failed to make contact. The game was gradually opening up and the Dutch spurned a golden opportunity in the 62nd minute when Wesley Sneijder sent Robben running clear. Casillas came to Spain’s rescue, deflecting the shot behind with his right foot when falling the wrong way. Spain coach Del Bosque had already sent on Jesus Navas for Pedro on the hour and the winger helped pick a hole in the Dutch defence in the 70th minute. Xavi sent him flying down the right into the box and when Heitinga failed to deal with Navas’s low cross, the ball fell to Villa who looked oddson to score only to see his effort deflected behind. Ramos was equally profligate after 78 minutes when he headed over a Xavi centre when unmarked, after Villa had forced another corner. Spain were looking the more likely winners and it took Sneijder of all people to foil Iniesta with a smart tackle after his jinking run into the box. Yet Robben’s pace was a persistent threat and the Oranje No11 almost embarrassed Puyol in the 82nd minute, speeding clear of the Spain defender when second-favourite to reach a through-ball. Resisting Pique’s attempt to tackle too, he was foiled only by Casillas, the captain saving at Robben’s feet as the Dutchman tried to round him. Extra time began with opportunities for Spain. Xavi failed to connect when well positioned and when the ball ran to Villa, his shot went wide off an or-
of the world
ange shirt. Substitute Fabregas then broke clear on to Iniesta’s throughball but was foiled by Stekelenburg. Mathijsen headed wide from a corner but like waves, Spanish attacks kept rolling on to the Netherlands back line and Navas was close with a shot deflected into the side-netting. Fernando Torres replaced Villa midway through the
extra period and Spain gained a man advantage four minutes later with Heitinga’s dismissal for pulling back Iniesta on the edge of the box, the offence earning him a second yellow. Iniesta would not be denied, however, and his fine late strike put Spain into the history books and left a Dutch dream shattered.
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