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We had heard so many horrific stories about artists who were taken advantage of in the music industry, and we didn’t want our artist to have to experience that part of the industry. We wanted them to focus on being creative, making music and being the best.

We truly believe in empowering our artists to be great performers, as well as savvy business owners. We support and prepare our artists to take charge of their careers and learn every aspect of the music industry.


The Executive team consists of Lisa Griffin, CEO, Derek Griffin, CFO and Darien Griffin, COO. Griffstar Entertainment has two artists, Kennedy Griffin (“June”) and Blake Griffin (“BlakeBashe”). The family label has continued to thrive and set its footprint in the music industry.

As Griffstar Entertainment continues to make its mark, our goal is to prepare, empower and challenge our artists to not only be performers, but business owners.

Griffstar Entertainment is truly a family owned and operated business. With any family there are challenges, which consist of everyday life and day to day issues that come along with parenting, managing artists and business. There is definitely a thin line between the business aspect and being “Mom and Dad.” We all have our roles to play in order to be successful. We respect the roles that we all play, whether it’s the parent, the artist role or the Executive role.

We try to keep the business side separate from the Mom and Dad side.

Griffstar has two artists. This brother/sister duo creates an added measure of positive sibling rivalry with the artist supporting each other’s talent and their passion and love for music. We have a quote we love, “Success comes to those too busy looking for it.”

Griffstar was birthed in 2018 under the request of BlakeBashe to follow his love and passion for music.

“We truly believe in empowering our artists to be great performers, as well as savvy business owners.” June The Rockstar

The birth of Griffstar was inspired by “Blakebashe.” He started his love for music when he was in Middle School. Blakebashe, unbeknown to his family, had been performing, making music, videos, writing and making beats in the family basement. He even put together a makeshift studio, using a broom stick tape together with a mic and a small laptop. This was the start of his music career and it has been going ever since.

Blakebashe has remained passionate and committed to his music. He decided that he didn’t want to do the traditional after graduating high school. He wanted to pursue his music. Blakebashe has continued to be committed to his dream.

As parents, we were aware of the dark side that the music industry offers. We wanted to protect our artists being taken advantage of. Therefore, we started our own record label and signed our artists. We wanted to invest in our artists and lay the foundation to attract the right deal!

“June” following in her brothers’ footsteps has followed her love and passion for music since Elementary School. She performed at school musicals, talent shows and church events. It wasn’t until 2019 that June started taking her music to the next level. June writes her own music!

She has performed at various showcases, where she has placed 1st for her hit song

“June”. She has over 100k streams and counting.

The upcoming Tour “Put the Guns Down” …. Life Matters is a movement that was inspired by her Manager, Daren Gayle. This initiative was birthed to have a positive voice and outreach on the various communities being targeted and affected the most by gun violence.

This is a positive movement where Griffstar Entertainment and our artist will be the voices speaking out against gun violence. We want this movement to be nationwide and include all nationalities. This is an opportunity for our artists to speak positivity and motivate. Griffstar is looking to garner support from local judges, police precincts, commissioners, local artists with like minds and goals of promoting peace, community awareness and all Lives Matter.

Griffstar will be partnering with various organizations, police precincts, local commissioners and judges to bring the attention and needed support to get the message to the masses. We will be reaching out to local gang members, as well to rally their support. We truly believe that this is an initiative ordained by the spirit of God. We believe that we can do all things through Christ.

As an independent label there are challenges and many obstacles that we have been faced with in the beginning. It is important that a label surrounds yourself with the right people with like intentions. You will have many sheep in wolves clothing. Be aware of the individuals who are taking advantage of the opportunity and have no pure intent on the success of the artists. They see a $$$.

“Griffstar Entertainment and our artist will be the voices speaking out against gun violence. We want this movement to be nationwide and include all nationalities. This is an opportunity for our artists to speak positivity and motivate. ”

If I could offer 3 tips:

1. Vet everyone who wants to join the team 2. Do not enter into any long term contracts/ agreements 3. Get yourself a good attorney

Moving forward into 2022, Griffstar will continue to push and promote their artists. Be on the lookout for our upcoming tour for both June and Blakebashe. They will be also launching the brother/sister Duo.

We will be launching our first 11 city tour, “Put the Guns Down…Life Matter” Oct 2…kicking off in Brunswick, Ga.

Griffstar Entertainment can be found on all social media platforms. IG, Twitter and Facebook.

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