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100 arrested in gay raids MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED people have been arrested in a huge police swoop to stamp out homophobic hate crime in London. The Metropolitan Police confirmed that it conducted a series of raids on homes across the capital in a bid to clamp down on anti-gay crimes. Many of those arrested were accused of domestic violence driven by anti-gay feeling. The initiative, dubbed Operation Athena, targets ‘dangerous and prolific’ offenders who were predominantly known offenders. Police patrols also travelled across London encouraging victims of hate crime to come forward. It is the ninth year that Athena has been carried
out, and coincided with this year’s International Day Against Homophobia. “We retain a relentless commitment to tackling all forms of domestic violence, homophobic, transphobic and other forms of hate crime, whilst continually improving our services to victims and potential victims,” said Acting Detective Superintendent Gerry Campbell, who is heading Operation Athena. “Today’s operation sends out a clear message: violence in any form is unacceptable. We will continue to proactively identify, arrest and seek the prosecution of violent people.” Statistics reveal that anti-gay hate crime is increasing in London year-on-year.
Chainsaw gang hunts cottagers AN ANTI-GAY GANG armed with chainsaws is vowing to stamp out cottaging in woods. The group of ‘vigilantes’ is reportedly launching regular patrols of known cruising grounds used by some gay men and brandishing the weapons to discourage ‘immoral’ behaviour in the woods, in Derbyshire. The gang was formed after a man was reported to the police for allegedly flashing at a boy who was walking in the woods.
“I’ve never been into the woods and I wouldn’t want to, but apparently the gay men make dens in there,” Resident Richard Glaves told the Matlock Mercury. “Some vigilantes have gone up with shotguns and chainsaws and dismantled the shelters.” The police are now increasing patrols in the forest to stop the cottaging as well as protecting gay men from the gang.
New gay newspaper launches A BRAND NEW NEWSPAPER aimed at the south coast’s LGBT community is being launched. One80, a sister publication of 3SIXTY, is now available in a South Coast edition, serving the citizens of Bournemouth, Southampton and Portsmouth. One80 has been available in the Brighton area for nearly two years, and last year launched a dedicated London edition. Now the south coast is the latest region to get its own version of the twice-monthly newspaper, which is published by Marble Media Publishing Ltd. “Our plan for one80 is to have an edition in every area with a major gay population,” says publisher Tony Vassallo. “The south coast was the natural choice for us to launch our third one80 title there’s so much going on.” The new edition of the paper has been welcomed by gay equality organisation Stonewall. “It’s very encouraging that one80 is further expanding – especially at a time when all we seem to hear in the news is businesses shrinking or going bust,” said a spokesperson. “The pink media is incredibly important to Stonewall for us to communicate our work and our messages at a community level. one80 shares that respect for community engagement, which is no doubt the driving factor that
newsinbrief gay MP escapes ‘thugs’ Gay Labour MP Chris Bryant has told how he was forced to move home to escape homophobic gang that terrorised him. Bryant, who is the Labour MP for Rhondda, Wales and the Deputy Leader of the House of Commons, revealed that the thugs shouted abuse and wrote lewd messages in his home in Stanleytown, Wales. The news came during an investigation into MPs’ expenses, with Bryant admitting he had swapped his second home allowance due to the anti-gay gang.
i wanna hold your hand Gay couples are bring urged to hold hands in public in a bid to improve visibility of same-sex relationships. The campaign, called A Day In Hand, was launched in London on 17 May to coincide with the International Day Against Homophobia. Former London Mayoral candidate and I’m a Celebrity… star Brian Paddick is supporting the campaign.
jersey to ponder civil partnerships The island of Jersey is to review whether to introduce civil partnerships, four years after they were made legal in England and Wales. Jersey’s Council of Ministers has announced it will take the matter to the House in the autumn. Jersey, as part of the Channel Islands, is a possession of the British Crown but is not part of the UK, and therefore decides its own laws.
council ‘ignores’ gay issues A gay group in Kent is accusing authorities in the area of ignoring gay issues. Pride in Canterbury says that the city council snubs any efforts it makes to discuss the LGBT community and failing to respond to their complaints. The group is suggesting that Canterbury needs a gay bar and a LGBT community drop-in centre. “We do not believe the council want a thriving LGBT community in their city,” says Andrew Brettell, chairman of Pride in Canterbury. “They’re more interested in ticking their equality boxes and engaging in backand-forth ‘who-said-what’ games than they are in dealing with the real issues.” The council says it has funded various gay events and is not responsible for opening up a gay bar.
£1000 for michael causer fund
keeps the momentum going behind what is now a formidable force in the pink news market.” One80 is free and will be available from all the best venues in the south coast area, or you can download your copy at www.one80news.com.
More than £1,000 has been raised for The Michael Causer Fund, which was set up following the murder of Liverpool gay teenager Michael Causer last year. The money was raised at Liverpool nightclub Destination, which held a benefit night with singer Charlene, famous for singing I’ve Never Been to Me. “Everyone had a smashing time on the night,” said LGBT Development Officer Matthew Fox. “ “Thank you to the wonderful people at Destination for raising so much money for the fund.”
for breaking news, 24 hours a day, visit www.3sixtymagazine.com
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Facebook ‘facilitates hate’ THOUSANDS OF ANTI-GAY groups are using Facebook to target victims and recruit new members, according to reports. Critics say the social networking site is fast becoming the easiest way for hate gangs to operate successfully. The Facebook groups were revealed after a study by a Jewish group into anti-Semitic behaviour online. Researchers found groups such as Croatian Srmt Pederima (Death to gays) and a Serbian group expressing hate towards gays and prostitutes. Users of the groups allegedly post death threats to gay people and call for attacks on their homes, with group members allegedly sending hate mail to LGBT activist leaders, publicising their names, addresses and telephone numbers online. Facebook HQ says in its statement of rights and
your candidate needs you
responsibilities that users may not ‘post content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, or that contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence’. Facebook insists it is committed to removing any offending groups from its network.
gay police officers in drugs scandal TWO BRIGHTON-BASED GAY police officers arrested on suspicion of possessing class A drugs have been officially suspended from their duties. Inspector Mark Andrews and PC Bobby Newton were held by Sussex Police following a raid on their homes in May. Inspector Andrews, 38, is a “duty inspector”, in charge of the police response to incidents as they arise. He used to be Brighton’s dedicated LGBT Liaison Officer. PC Newton, 30, was working as the city’s current LGBT Liaison Officer until his arrest. “Both officers have been officially suspended and bailed pending further investigation, which is ongoing,” said a Sussex Police spokesperson.
“Sussex Police treat their own Officers no differently to any member of the public who has had allegations of a criminal offence made against them. All allegations of crimes are handled immediately by the police for investigation.” The police were not prepared to discuss who or how they were tipped off about any alleged criminal offence involving the officers but were keen to stress that neither Officer had been charged with any crime at this time. There are no plans to allow the officers to return to their positions until the investigation is completed, 3SIXTY is informed. Another Officer, Karen Pirrie is overseeing the position of Brighton and Hove LGBT Liaison officer until further notice.
hundreds of naked cyclists to protest HUNDREDS OF NAKED CYCLISTS will ride naked through cities around the UK this month to promote greener transport. They’ll be part of the sixth annual World Naked Bike Ride, scheduled to take place in Brighton, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Sheffield, Southampton and York, and over 40 locations around the world on Friday 12-Sunday 14 June. “It’s time for people to demand concrete action to reduce carbon emissions,” says Nick Sayers, co-organiser of the Brighton ride. The World Naked Bike Ride is a welcome reminder that you don’t need a big carbon footprint to get around.” www.worldnakedbikeride.org/uk
newsinbrief Gay photographer and politician Adam Tayler, who has worked with 3SIXTY magazine on a freelance basis for many years, is standing as a Conservative candidate in the Bristol ward of Cabot this month. The ward includes the gay venues of The Pineapple, Queenshilling and The Griffin as well as most of the centre of Bristol from Hotwells to Old Market. Adam worked at the Pineapple for two years and stills covers events in most of Bristol’s LGBT venues with his photography business. “I’m excited to stand for all the residents of the centre of Bristol and I really hope to represent an area that means so much to me,” Tayler told 3SIXTY. “The LGBT community in Bristol is an important and valued contributor to the city and I am committed to making sure that it has a voice in local politics”. Local & European elections take place on Thursday 4 June.
boy guilty of anti-gay footie chants A teenage boy has been found guilty of shouting “disgusting” homophobic abuse at a premiership football match. The fourteen-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was convicted after a court heard that he had screamed chants at Portsmouth player Sol Campbell at a game in September last year. One of the chants was: “Sol, Sol, wherever you may be, Not long now until lunacy, We won’t give a f*** if you are hanging from a tree, You are a Judas c*** with HIV”. In a statement read out in court, Campbell said he felt “victimised” and “disgusted” by the chanting. The boy was given a conditional discharge for 12 months, ordered to pay £400 costs and banned from going to any football matches for three years.
police fly flag for gay rights Four police forces displayed the gay rainbow flag outside their stations in May to mark the International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO). Greater Manchester Police flew the flag from the force’s headquarters, along with Cheshire Constabulary and Essex, and in Merseyside all 41 stations raised the rainbow flag. “We are determined to show our support for anyone who feels they have been targeted because of their individuality,” says Chief constable of Greater Manchester Police Peter Fahy. “There is still a great deal of prejudice out there.”
BNP attacks gay sex MPs Two MPs involved in gay sex scandals are being targeted on the British National Party’s website as ‘criminals’. Labour MP Chris Bryant and MP Ron Davies are listed as “buggers” and “criminals”, grouping them with convicted paedophiles. The BNP says the MPs are guilty of ‘moral crimes’ and therefore should be listed.
for breaking news, 24 hours a day, visit www.3sixtymagazine.com
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Cheeky monkeys Gay monks who exhibit camp behaviour are being told to “tone it down” by Buddhist seniors. New good manners guidelines introduced in some Thai provinces warn gay and trans monks to curb flamboyant actions and stop wearing make up. Senior monk Phra Maha Wudhijaya Vajiramedhi says that the number of monks carrying handbags and wearing tight robes is reaching concerning levels.
School ‘can expel gay pupils’ The Supreme Court of California has ruled that a religious school in the state can expel students who identify as gay. Two girls were expelled from the private religious California Lutheran High School after they revealed they were lesbians. The girls’ parents appealed but the court decided that the school is not covered by California civil rights law, allowing the institution to act as it pleases.
The right of recognition Gay rights leaders in Zimbabwe are demanding to be officially recognised in the country’s constitution, which is being written over the next few months. A statement from the Gays and Lesbians Association of Zimbabwe, GALZ, says: ‘The purpose of a Constitution is to protect vulnerable and marginalised minorities’. Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe has previously described gay people as worse than “dogs and pigs”.
Americans split on gay marriage A new poll suggests that Americans are split almost 50/50 on whether gay marriage should become legal in the States. The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll revealed that 54 per cent are against gay marriage, with 44 per cent supportive. Forty-nine per cent of those questioned said they knew a gay person, either as a friend or family member.
Same-Sex and the City romance Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon is now officially engaged to her long-term girlfriend Christine Marinoni. The star, who plays Miranda in the popular show, said the couple have made a commitment to marry, but are waiting until same-sex partnerships are given full legal equality in the US.
First gay marriages annulled Two gay marriages that took place in Greece have been annulled by a court. The weddings took place on the island of Tilos last year after the mayor announced that civil marriage law did not specify gender. But a court on nearby Rhodes has now reversed the unions, calling them ‘invalid and illegal’. The couples are planning to take their cases to the European Court of Justice.
Lesbians victims of abuse Lesbians in Holland are much more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression that heterosexual women in the country, according to a new study. Research showed that bisexual and lesbian women are the targets of gossip and abuse, which leads to insomnia and illness. Dutch gay groups are saying that the results show that homophobia is still a big problem in the country.
A site for sore eyes Two schools in the American state of Tennessee are being sued for blocking access to gay websites. The lawsuit is being filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, which says the ban prevents children from educating themselves about LGBT issues and history. The sites are blocked using a filter that prevents access to adult websites with inappropriate content. But it also blocks some sites that discuss gay culture.
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This way for outdoor sex A Dutch park often frequented by gay men for sex is being given signs to warn the public where the cruising areas are. The park, in the southwest of Amsterdam, is putting up the notices to prevent anyone being surprised by the sights they may see. “If you don’t want to be confronted by a vision of that sort, the signs allow you to avoid specific areas,” said a spokesperson.
Gay elephant in tight trunks A leading Polish councillor has publicly criticised a zoo for buying a gay elephant. Michal Grzes says that public money has been ‘wasted’ on the Ninio the elephant, which clearly prefers male company, as it is unlikely to procreate. The owner of the zoo has hit back, highlighting the fact that at 10years-old, Ninio has not yet reached sexual maturity, which happens at 14, so it ‘might just be a phase’.
Soldier who did ask and did tell An American soldier who came out live on national TV has been sacked from duty. Lieutenant Dan Choi, a National Guard soldier, revealed his sexuality to chat show host Rachel Maddow, as part of a campaign to repeal the ban on gays serving in the military. But his seniors failed to see the intent, and he was immediately dismissed for ‘homosexual conduct’.
Burundi outlaws gay sex Homosexuality is now a criminal act in Burundi. The government of the African country says it will punish anyone caught exhibiting gay behaviour with up to two years in prison. The move comes after more than 10,000 Burundi citizens protested in the streets urging their president, Pierre Nkurunziza, to criminalise homosexuality.
Peru bans gay policemen Gay people will be banned from joining the police force in Peru if plans go ahead. Interior Minister Mercedes Cabanillas has announced that anyone who has same sex relationships will be barred from the force in an attempt to ‘improve public confidence’. Human rights groups are attacking the proposals.
Kid’s organise pro-gay rally A nine-year-old American boy has become a gay rights activist after hearing that two of his gay neighbours weren’t allowed to marry. Ethan McNamee is organising pro-gay marriage rallies in Denver. He wants his friend’s two mothers to be able to marry. Last month, more than 200 people turned up to support McNamee. Critics say he’s too young to understand what he’s doing.
Adoption rights granted in Finland Gay people are now allowed to legally adopt the biological children of their partners in Finland. The Finnish parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of the new law last month. In the case of separation, the non-biological parent would also qualify for visitation rights.
The Maine man Maine has become the latest state of America to legalise gay marriage. Governor of Maine, John Baldacci, signed the bill last month, saying that he’s proud the state will now treat gay couples equally. The decision makes Maine the fifth US state to legalise gay marriage, after Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Iowa.
Trans girl banned from school An eight-year-old trans girl who attended school as a boy for three years before starting to dress as a female has been barred from attending her Catholic school. Teachers say her new appearance would shock the other children.
*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s (*
IML Concerts Present
Spectacular Summer Picnic Concerts 2009
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Dave Edmunds
Ruby Turner
Borde Hill Garden, Haywards Heath
East Park, Hull Saturday 27th June
The Quarry, Shrewsbury
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Saturday 11th July
Vivary Park, Taunton
Dyrham Park, Bath
Saturday 4th July
Friday 31st July
The Quarry, Shrewsbury
Calke Abbey, Ticknall
Friday 10th July
Friday 14th August
Rugby School, Rugby Friday 17th July
Charterhouse School, Godalming
Ripley Castle, Harrogate
Saturday 15th August
Saturday 25th July
Clumber Park, Worksop
Dyrham Park, Bath
Friday 21st August
Saturday 1st August
Stonor Park, Henley Friday 7th August
Belvoir Castle, Grantham Saturday 8th August An evening with
John Barrowman Arundel Castle, West Sussex Saturday 22nd August
Stonor Park, Henley Saturday 8th August
Calke Abbey, Ticknall Saturday 15th August
For complete artist line-ups, ticket prices and all information visit
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What is it with global superstars and residencies at The O2 Arena in London? Can’t be bothered to travel anymore, guys? It’s not so much ‘on the road’ is it? A tour means touring! Anyway, Britney brings her circus to London and Manchester this month. See it while she’s sort of back on course as the Britney we know and love. 3/4/6/7/10/11/13/14/15 June, O2 Arena, London; 17 June, Manchester Arena. www.aeglive.co.uk
The master of illusion and psychological gameplay Derren Brown (left) lands in London for a month-long residency, which, by his own admission, is going to amaze and distress in equal measure. “I will absolutely push myself to the limit,” says Brown. “The challenge is to create new material that shocks, delights and defies explanation. The audience will be taken for a theatrical rollercoaster ride, and I hope it’s an experience that they will never forget.” Mon 15 June – Sat 18 July Adelphi Theatre, The Strand, London. 0844 579 0090
Lorna Luft, daughter of Judy Garland a favourite of many friends of Dorothy, clicks her heels and transports herself to the National Theatre for an evening of chat – mainly about her career, but also a discussion of living in the shadow of her legendary mother. Fri 26 June, National Theatre, London. www. nationaltheatre.org.uk
Madge’s Sticky & Sweet tour is now the biggest grossing tour in history for a solo artist like, ever. Is there no stopping her? First, the Hard Candy album debuted at number one in 37 countries, and now she’s selling out stadiums and arenas the world over. In some places, such as Zurich, they’ve had to convert airfields to music venues just to cope with demand. Incredible. Catch the lady herself this July in London and Manchester. The first London date is the same date as London Pride - 4 July... how many gay men can she lure from the celebrations? Lots, we imagine. 4/5 July, The 02 London; 7/8 July, Manchester MEN Arena. www.madonna.com
Fabulous new artwork by emerging artists goes on display at the annual Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition this month. Work in all media including painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture and architecture will be on show, with more than 10,000 works submitted at last year’s show. 8 June – 16 August, Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London. www.royalacademy.org.uk
When a band’s tour is sponsored by a fast food giant such as Burger King, you know there’s some serious money in it, and the Jonas Brothers (above) are lapping it up. The 2009 tour is billed as the biggest show the boys have attempted yet, with cutting edge technology and intriguing items such as a ‘one-of-a-kind circular water screen’, whatever that may be. Mon 15 June, Wembley Arena, London www. jonasbrothers.com
Brit-darlings the Pet Shop Boys (below) know how to put on a theatrical live music show. Expect Neil to get a bit political and Chris to stand there, doing nothing, all underpinned with a suitably amazing PSB soundtrack. Marvellous. Thurs 18 June, Manchester Apollo; Fri 19 June, The O2 Arena, London. www.petshopboys.co.uk
Following the sell-out success of their comeback tour last year, Boyzone (above but one) are back on the road for more live shenanigans with The Better Tour. Does that mean it’s better than last years? Dates are all over the UK, check www. boyzonetour.com
Mysti Vine is ‘the World’s only International Black Burlesque & Variety Striptease Comedienne’ and joins Buck and Beau to form Of All The Cheek – a one-off summer special evening of cabaret. Expect song, dance and traditional cabaret (pic above). Wed 10 June, Royal Vauxhall Tavern, London, www.ofallthecheek.com
Direct From New York City, Three Exclusive UK Shows www.canal-st.co.uk
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He’s a man of many talents, as we’re all aware (some would say he spreads what he has a little too thinly, though) and a man who refuses to be out of the spotlight for more than five minutes, and he’s back on the stage again for your viewing pleasure: John Barrowman (top above) is singing to support his new album, Music Music Music. Catch him if you’re quick –the final date is London on Mon 1 June. May 28, Bournemouth Pavilion Centre; 30 Brighton Dome; 31, Plymouth Pavilions; June 1, Royal Albert Hall- London. www. johnbarrowman.com
Hailing from Open Throat Holler, Tennessee Country Music star Tina C has performed all over the globe (she recently won an Adelaide Oscar for Outstanding Cabaret Performance, dontcha know). For some reason, she’s only performing one gig in London this year and this is it: go see! Fri 26 June, The E4 Udderbelly, Southbank, London www.tinac.net
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Hayley Evetts on stage in Thriller Live, now touring the UK
*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s (0
The UK’s summer pride season 2009 is upon us already. Has it already been a whole year since the last lot? Yes! But, if like us, you like summer and you like pride festivals, then it’s time to get excited (and start planning your jaw-droppingly stunning outfit). Hooray!
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
Pride Games 2009 • 31 May - 7 June | www.pridegames.org Oxford Pride • 6 June | www.oxfordpride.org.uk York Pride Fest • 8 - 14 June | www.yorkpridefest.com Outburst UK - Black LGBT Pride Festival, London • 27 June | www.outburstfestival.org Swansea Pride • 27 June | www.swanseapride.com London Pride • 4 July | www.pridelondon.org Bournemouth’s Pride Festival - Bourne Free • 10-12 July | www.bournefree.co.uk Sparkle 2009, Manchester • 10 - 13 July | www.sparkle.org.uk Torquay - Pride Torbay • 16-19 July | www.pridetorbay.org Newcastle Northern Pride • 18 July | www.northernpride.org.uk Thanet Pride • 18 July | www.thanetpride.co.uk Norwich Pride • 25 July - 3 August | www.brightonpride.org Brighton Pride • 24-25 July | www.norwichpride.org.uk Nottingham Pride • 25 July | www.nottinghampride.co.uk Hull Pride • 25 July | www.hullpride.com Leeds Gay Pride • 2 August | www.leedspride.com Cornwall Pride • 8 August | www.cornwallpride.co.uk Gloucestershire Rainbow Day, Cheltenham • 8 August | www.gloucestershirepride.org.uk UK Black Pride, London • 15 August | www.ukblackpride.org.uk Swindon Pride • 15 August | www.swindonpride.co.uk Plymouth Pride • 15 August | www.plymouthprideevent.co.uk Doncaster Pride • 16 August | www.doncasterpride.co.uk Manchester Pride • 21 - 31 August | www.manchesterpride.com
Cardiff-Wales Mardi Gras • 29 - 30 August | www.cardiffmardigras.co.uk
Spetember 2009
Reading Pride • 5 September | www.readingpride.co.uk
October 2009 November 2009
Pre-hiBEARnation, Manchester • 6 - 9 November | www.manbears.co.uk
December 2009
Have we missed any UK pride festivals? Let us know! readers@3sixtymagazine.com
PRIDE NEWS 5,000 expected at this year’s Massive crowds expected for Northern Pride: Saturday 18 July Bournemouth’s gay pride parade! More than 5,000 ‘revellers’ (as the tabloids like to call them) are expected to enjoy a gay ol’ time in July as Northern Pride – ‘The North East’s Biggest Ever Pride’ – hits Newcastle. There’s a line-up of pop acts (Eurovision entrants Scooch, CHECK, Nicki French, CHECK) on the main stage, which roots itself on the grass at Leazes Park, and a parade. “This is a real community festival and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities from across the region have come together to ensure that we have a Pride that represents and celebrates our diversity,” commented Tom Gorman, Chair of Northern Pride. “There’s not just the fantastic parade and festival on the 18 July but loads of other events happening throughout the month.” The full programme of events can be found at www.northernpride.org.uk
Thousands of people are being expected to take part or watch this year’s Bourne Free pride parade through the streets of Bournemouth. Last year saw the first ever parade staged as part of the celebrations, and due to the success of the march the 2009 event is going to be even bigger, say organisers. “Everyone is invited to get dressed up and be part of the parade,” says Tom Faull from Bourne Free. “We’re hoping to see hundreds of clowns as part of the circus theme this year!” The parade starts at 1pm in Meyrick Park and will travel all around town with the biggest crowds expected at busy shopping area ‘The Square’ and local gay village ‘The Triangle’. Big Top entertainment includes a Ringmaster and team of stiltwalkers and jugglers alongside street dancers ‘Dance Pumped’ and Bournemouth community band ‘Samba Panashe’. Bourne Free take place on the weekend 10-12 July this year, and 3SIXTY is the exclusive gay magazine sponsor. www.bournefree.co.uk
Oxford Pride unveils a week of events: Monday 1 - Sunday 7 June Good work Oxford! The Oxford Pride team is pushing the boat out this year with events bobbing up all over the shop. Here are a few highlights: Queer Arts Exhibition Until 10 June @ Jam Factory, Hollybush Row & Park End Street OX1 1HU Queer artists exhibit 1969-themed artwork. All participants are inspired to facilitate, engage others and support through their art, an awareness of LGBT issues and lifestyle.
Mon 1 June WayOut - LGBT Youth support and social event by THT 7.30-9.30pm @ a venue near the Oxford Railway Station. Call mobile 07855 402099 for more information. Any under 25 LGBT is welcome and there is an exciting range of activities chosen by members.
Tue 2 June Stonewall at 40 : a panel debate 6:30pm @ Rewley House, University of Oxford, 1 Wellington Sq OX1 2JA As we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion, how well are we doing? A a panel which includes Prof. Marcus Banks (Chair), Sue Saunders (cofounder of Schools Out and UK LGBT History Month), Robert Taylor (photographer, taylor-photo.co.uk) and Mazz Image (Creative Director of Oxford Pride, mazzimage.com) debate. Reserve a seat at equality@admin.ox.ac.uk
of Ship and Cornmarket Streets. From the oldest building in Oxford the Parade will march through Bonn Square and Market Square to finish at the Oxford Pride Event. Oxford Pride Event 12pm – 8pm Oxpens Field, Oxpens Road OX1 1RQ For Post Pride Parties see Thames Valley scene section in this magazine.
Sat 6 June Oxford Pride Parade 11:00am Meet @ the Saxon tower of St. Michael, corner
Bristol gears up for the Pink Party 2009 <oZ`k\d\ek `j Yl`c[`e^ `e 9i`jkfc Xj k_\ [Xk\ f] K_\ G`eb GXikp )''0 [iXnj Zcfj\i% *J@OKP DX^Xq`e\ `j gifl[ kf Y\ jlggfik`e^ k_\ N\jk Jki`g m\el\j# n_`Z_ `j glcc`e^ kf^\k_\i kf glk fe k_\ \m\ek# Zfdgc\k\ n`k_ X dX`e jkX^\# X 99H Xe[ [i`ebj jkXccj% Aljk giXp ]fi jfd\ jlej_`e\ K_\
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*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s )(
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I]Z h^c^hiZg h^YZ d[ hlZZih
he future of food for the human race is bugs, according to experts. Insects, we’re informed, are the nutritious and sustainable food source that could also help save the planet. They require little water, less food and, therefore impact a great deal less on the environment. Grasshoppers, for example, are also fairly healthy, containing one-third of the fat found in beef, and up to 60 percent protein. But, despite the success of ITV’s I’m a Celebrity shows, scorpions aren’t on special at Somerfield (yet). Parents, at least in the West, aren’t buzzing about the benefits of bugs. But kids are. Insects and sweets are becoming increasingly intertwined. Crickets in candy? Mmmm, crunchy! Scorpions in syrup? Watch out for the sting! Whether insect sweets are part of an cunning plan to introduce bugs to adult diets via our children is a matter for debate, but one thing is clear: kids love extreme sweets. In the summer of 2006, two eight-year-old girls from Southport had their tastebuds literally burnt off after eating a variety of ‘extreme sweets’ they had bought from a local supermarket. The sweets that allegedly caused the injury were Warheads Extreme Sours – a snack that challenges the sucker to hold the sweets in their mouth for 50 seconds. The girls, according to the Liverpool Echo, had several layers of skin stripped from their tongues and were left in so much pain they were unable to eat for three days. Worried mothers were appalled, criticising the candy manufacturers for creating such a harmful concoction, but kids, well, they couldn’t get enough of it. “Pain is pleasure when it comes to extreme sweets,” says Margaret Morrison, owner and founder of Londonbased retro sweet store Cybercandy. “The more disgusting they look, the more disgusting they taste, the better.” One of the most popular sweets at the Cybercandy shops, currently open in London’s Covent Garden, Brighton and online are the insect-inside lollipops. “Extreme sweets are when candy becomes a game,” says Morrison. “The lollipops that contain crickets are a ‘come and have a go
Yum: Belly Bugs candy
Insects, ants, spiders and worms aren’t the ingredients you particularly want to find in your food, let alone your sweets, but increasingly, the’re the novelty ingredient causing both food experts and kids to salivate with anticipation...
if you think you’re hard enough’ sweet, where people dare each other to lick all the way to the crunchy wings. People love it.” Confectionary, evidently, is big business. With two fingers stuck firmly up at government warnings about sugar intake, kids want candy. And adults want to feel like kids again. “Grown-ups buy retro sweets with a grin on their face,” says Morrison. “We stock lots of products that had their heyday in the 70s, 80s or 90s, so people are transported back to their childhoods. Like owning a chopper bike again, people want to chomp on the sweets they enjoyed when growing up to reminisce about a time when they didn’t have a care in the world.” In 2007, Cadbury agreed to resurrect the Wispa bar that it had stopped producing four years before after an army of candy fanatics mounted a huge online campaign. The media went crazy for it, and spreading the word so far so that a group of music fans stormed the stage at that year’s Glastonbury whilst Iggy Pop was performing brandishing a ‘Bring Back Wispa’ banner. Cadbury soon issued a statement announcing the bar was going
back into production bowing to “unprecendented” pressure. “The sweet industry creates demand by the way it works,” says Morrison, who says she spotted the gap in the market when she opened Cybercandy online in 2000. “It used to be the case that you could get a few ‘rare’ products, such as the American peanut butter snack Reece’s Cups, in places like Woolworths, but they’d be in one branch one week then it would sell out and not be replenished. So there was never a steady stock of sweets. “Additionally, sometimes products are launched in the UK to test them out. The Americans are great at testing in the UK market first, then, when they’ve got their results, they announce that the UK market is too small for them to bother with and they pull out of selling here. That works well for us! People try it, love it, can’t get it anymore and seek it out.” Unsurprisingly, it’s the hard-to-find items that excite most. Different countries produce different sweets for a variety of reasons. In India, chocolate is often available in squeezy tube form, due to the climate. In Scandinavia, liquorice is eaten as widely as chocolate is in the UK. The Americans seem to adore cinnamon. The Japanese tend to produce whacky and well-packaged treats. “In the UK we’re still very behind on types of sweets,” says Morrison. “Take gum, for instance. We’re only just beginning to get into flavours other than mint, and ones filled with liquid. Each year, we find out about new flavours conjured up abroad and new ways to deliver sweets – one of the new popular ways is in a spray. It’s a huge industry.” As Morrison begins to lick her way to the core of a lollipop containing a bemused-looking cricket with bright, child-like eyes, it’s time to leave. Will the human race bow to the idea of eating bugs over burgers via extreme sweets? The entomophagists hope so. Try some today - beat the sugar rush!
Visit Cybercandy.co.uk for more, or the physical shops at 3 Garrick Street, Covent Garden London and 15 Gardner St, Brighton
Stumped: A cricket lollipop *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s )*
Are British gay movies snubbed at the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival?
This year’s London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, held in the capital in late March/early April, entertained audiences with a diverse mix of foreign film celebrating queer culture. But where were the British movies, asks Darryl W Bullock.
fter another successful run this year’s London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival is embarking on a tour of the country, taking the cream of gay filmmaking out of the capital and into cinemas in towns and cities including Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Dublin and Bristol (more tbc). But although programmers are congratulating themselves on a triumphant 23rd season, some UK film makers are questioning the validity of a British film festival that only included a handful of British-made films. According to figures from the British Film Institute (organisers of the Festival), just 23 UK-produced films made the cut this year, and only one was a full-length, narrative feature. One particular movie overlooked by the selectors is Shank, the debut feature from 20 year-old director Simon Pearce, an often violent, drug-fuelled portrait of a young man involved in Bristol’s gang scene struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. Co-writer and producer Christian Martin, who has petitioned the BFI endlessly for the movie to be shown, tells 3SIXTY that he cannot understand the logic behind their refusal to include the film. “The festival is supposed to showcase the best in gay cinema, and the BFI has a remit to support British movie makers,” he says. “Clearly they are not achieving either of those stated aims.” Although the BFI found Shank unworthy of inclusion in the LLGFF an awful lot of other people disagree. The film has been programmed by 30 other international gay film festivals, has been picked up for distribution by Philadelphia and London-based gay DVD company TLA Releasing and last month Simon Pearce won an award for Best Emerging New Talent in Queer Cinema at the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Sandra Hebron, Artistic Director of BFI Film Festivals, says: “Whilst a film may attract support from other quarters, our programmers are under no obligation to include it. Having viewed and discussed Shank they did not feel it was of sufficient merit to include.” Martin disagrees. He admits he’s had run-ins with the BFI in the past (although it should be noted that the BFI deny any personally motivated decisions regarding Shank) but is dumbfounded that the film continues to be snubbed. “In light of the fact that Simon has been recognised as an emerging talent the unfounded comments from the BFI that Shank has no quality or merit continues to astound me,” he says. “They have written to confirm that they will not offer any support to the film – so it’s been left to the rest of the world to do that.” But Shank is not the only British film overlooked for this year’s LLGFF. Mr Right, a romantic comedy
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TLA Releasing’s Chef’s Special, the only film from TLA that made it into this year’s LLGFF, scheduled for release in August
“The festival is supposed to showcase the best in gay cinema, and the BFI has a remit to support British movie makers. Clearly they are not achieving either of those stated aims.”
Mr Right
from brother and sister team David and Jacqui Morris has also been receiving accolades and has been accepted by some of the world’s most prestigious gay film festivals including those in Berlin and Miami. NewFest, the New York Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Film Festival, one of the most comprehensive showcases of international LGBT film and video in the world, has chosen the movie to open this year’s festival. Both Christian Martin and Jacqui Morris were incensed by an interview given to The Independent in March by LLGFF’s senior programmer Brian Robinson which claimed that the local film-making talent isn’t there to take advantage of the showcase the annual festival provides. “There is nobody to match Gus Van Sant in the
US, Pedro Almodovar in Spain or François Ozon in France. Nor are there experimental film-makers with the stature of the late Derek Jarman. The irony is that, while the festival seems to be booming, the local film-making talent isn’t there to take advantage of the showcase it provides,” Robinson told The Independent’s Geoffrey Macnab. Adds Martin: “The international success that Shank and Mr Right are attracting at the very least demonstrates that the view that there is a lack of ‘local film making talent’ is wrong. Even if the assertion was correct, what is the BFI doing to help bridge this alarming gap in local talent and why doesn’t the LLGFF have a specific strand for new and emerging British talent?” In his defence Robinson said: “We received more than 800 films for consideration in the festival but have room for less than 200. We’re really passionate about the festival but only want to show films that we feel will appeal to our audience.” Lisa Daniel, director of the Melbourne Queer Film Festival (which programmed both Shank and Mr Right) finds the figures a little hard to swallow. “We received 430 submissions for our 2009 festival. Of those 152 were selected and screened, and 30 were Australian.” Domestic movies made up 20 percent of one of the world’s biggest gay film festivals: the LLGFF chose just 12 percent. Yet a spokesman for the BFI states: “None of the BFI’s objects require it to positively
Kissed off: Shank
“There [are no British film makers that] match Gus Van Sant in the US, Pedro Almodovar in Spain or François Ozon in France. Nor are there experimental film-makers with the stature of the late Derek Jarman.” discriminate in favour of British Film.” The importance of the LLGFF cannot be understated, and the festival’s endorsement can often be crucial to a film’s success, as Jacqui Morris tells 3SIXTY: “When I completed the film it managed to attract the attention of a well known, mainstream distributor. We were in talks at the time for selection for the LGLFF and were absolutely devastated when we were turned down. We were given no proper explanation, just a second-hand message from Brian Robinson stating he felt it was a bit too long. I mailed him and explained that a screening at his festival could just tip the scales in our favour. I explained we were first timers, and that I wasn’t disputing his comments. In fact, I pretty much begged him to find us a slot but there was no response. We didn’t secure the distribution deal, and although we’ll never really know why, without a doubt, acceptance from our home turf would have played a
significant part. “Highly-paid people are making decisions that affect the livelihoods of British film crews, and they should be held accountable. Considering the magnificent talent we have in this country it’s shameful and scandalous that the British film industry isn’t a healthy, thriving, money making business. But when you have one of its leading ambassadors making irresponsible comments about the lack of British talent, what hope do we have?” Lee Gunther, of TLA Releasing, says: “The LLGFF is important to us as a distributor as it’s the highest-profile and best-attended lesbian and gay film festival in the UK. It’s always great to be a part of it for any filmmaker or distributor as we should embrace every opportunity to celebrate and promote the genre. “I don’t necessarily think the festival should be
biased towards British-made gay films; the most important factor should always be the quality and relevance of the production. However, I do think that the LLGFF audiences are interested in seeing what British gay cinema has to offer and it’s always beneficial to support home-grown talent, so it is important for these films to be a part of the programme.” So for the closing credits, back to Robinson. “We understand that a film-maker is very close to his project and is upset when his film is not selected, and we appreciate all of the labour that goes into making a film but, at the end of the day, we’re not film-makers,” Brian Robinson adds. “What we are is a small team of six who spend three months trawling through film festivals and watching DVDs to choose the films we feel will work best for a balanced festival.”
The London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival is touring the UK. A full list of venues and dates still hasn’t been confirmed or listed on their website, but the BFI asks that you check back regularly for updates (www.bfi.org.uk/llgff). The dates so far announced are: Belmont Aberdeen Film: Greek Pete - Mon 1 Jun Film: Dream Boy - Mon 6 Jul Cinema City Norwich Film: To Each Her Own - Sun 26 July Dublin GAZE, Irish Film Institute Thu 30 Jul - Mon 3 Aug. Titles TBC
Broadway Nottingham July. Dates and titles TBC Edinburgh Filmhouse July. Dates and titles TBC Watershed Bristol July. Dates and titles TBC
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Twenty-year-old Scott Bruton achieved what was probably pop’s speediest makeover when he appeared on X Factor last year, transforming a Steps-like Pontin’s Bluecoat into a cropped-haired scally lad within a week. Last month, he stripped off for Attitude magazine’s Naked Issue. Where does he go from here? ometimes, it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for. While the other X Factor finalists were whoring themselves around the UK’s gay clubs, 20-year-old Scott Bruton stayed at home, experimenting with chord progressions on his piano and penning lyrics inspired after his expulsion from the ITV show. Now, six months after his whirlwind fifteen minutes of fame [he was voted off the after the third live X Factor show], Scott’s broken away from his ‘golden handcuffs’ recording deal with Simon Cowell’s SonyBMG and signed on the dotted line for Universal, the company that just so happens to be backing Dreamboats and Petticoats: The Musical, which Scott Bruton just so happens to be currently starring in. “I never thought this would be possible. These are exciting times,” he enthuses. “When I came out of X Factor I thought I’d just disappear. You look at the track record of reality TV ‘talent’ shows and you see that the people who aren’t quite good enough, those who don’t quite make the grade, well, you never hear from them again. I felt I wasn’t talented enough to be there – there were so many talented people with much better voices than mine competing with me.” Scott, you may recall, was the cheeky Manchester-born Pontin’s Bluecoat who turned up to sing for Simon, Cheryl, Dannii and Louis last season resembling an H from Steps/ Shane Ritchie hybrid before, at the suggestion of the judges, reinventing himself as a cropped haired, diamond earring studded David Beckham/scally lad mix before heading to ‘boot camp’ round two and winning himself an army of gay fans. “I have gay fans?” he asks, excitedly. “I know that Austin [Drage, a fellow X Factor contestant] has a big gay fan base, but not me. I may have had a few gay guys who like me as lots of people know me from clubbing down Canal Street. In fact I used to work down there at a bar called Spirit, when I was a student, for four months. I’ve never had a problem with the gay thing. I’m a very sensitive boy actually, so I fit in better with gay guys generally. I prefer to go out to gay clubs - there’s hardly ever any trouble. You get the odd scrap every now and then between some drag queens, but there’s such a nice atmosphere and you can have a laugh. Gay clubbing is how clubbing should be – I hate all this straight culture where people go out, get bladdered and beat each other up.” (Before you ask, he insists he’s never been with a boy, but doesn’t mind the question. In fact, he quite enjoys the attention). Mirroring the X Factor’s manufactured, bandwagon-jumping, dollar signs in the eyes way of thinking, Scott’s new project, Dreamboats and Petticoats The Musical was written after the surprise success of two compilation CDs. Featuring tracks by artists such as Roy Orbison, The Shadows, Eddie Cochran, Billy Fury and Chuck Berry, Dreamboats and Petticoats became one of the biggest selling albums of the decade after its release last year, amassing more than 600,000 sales, and the follow up CD, Dreamboats and Petticoats Two, rocketed to number two in the charts within the first week of its release. ‘Inspired by the albums’ success, Bill Kenwright and Laurie Mansfield present Dreamboats and Petticoats The Musical, written by Marks and Gran, the team behind Goodnight Sweetheart, Birds Of A Feather, and Shine On Harvey Moon, will give you the greatest time of your life – taking you back to a time when each passing week brought another classic track. Featuring songs from and many more’, says the press release. ‘In 1961 emotions run high as talented young musicians Norman and Bobby compete to win the hearts of their adoring female fans – and more importantly, the gorgeous Laura. But when Laura shows that she’s no slouch with the guitar, rock ‘n’ roll fame beckons.’ Scott is playing the lead part of Bobby. “I got he call from my agent at 9pm and he said ‘get to London by tomorrow morning for the audition’,” laughs Scott. “I was sitting on my couch in Manchester with jeans and no top and no shoes. He asked me to do the audition in a East End accent, so I got my Eastenders box set out and stayed up until 4am learning how to speak cockney. I concentrated on Charlie Slater as he’s proper cockney. I think I did alright.”
Scott Bruton stars in Dreamboats and Petticoats, which is currently touring the country and plays High Wycombe, Cambridge, Liverpool, Richmond, Leeds and Sunderland during June and July. For full dates, visit www.dreamboatsandpetticoats.com Scott is currently working on his solo album.
Gay boi books from /@1/27/ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Ugly, savage, funny, horny, breathtaking and beautifulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; one80news â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;A cornucopia of international writersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Gay Times
Edited by Peter Burton, Lambda Literary Award nominee with contributions from Neil Bartlett, Stephen Saylor, Francis King, Richard Zimler and others ď&#x2122;&#x2018;ď&#x2122;&#x160;.ď&#x2122;&#x152;ď&#x2122;&#x152;
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Ambitious, wickedly clever, about the frailty of the ďŹ&#x201A;esh and the dark side of the lust for immortalityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; The Times
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;A mystery, a thriller even, full of secrets, political terrorism and personal paranoiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Patrick Gale, Independent
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Plenty of sex and gore, like watching an orgyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Guardian
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;A writer in total command of his narrativeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ian McEwan
Jose Luis de Juan | ď&#x2122;&#x2018;ď&#x2122;&#x160;.ď&#x2122;&#x152;ď&#x2122;&#x152;
Joseph Olshan, Lambda Literary Award nominee | ď&#x2122;&#x2018;ď&#x2122;&#x201E;ď&#x2122;&#x201E;.ď&#x2122;&#x152;ď&#x2122;&#x152;
AVAILABLE FROM Hatchards Piccadilly, Gays the Word, London Review Bookshop, Prowler, Foyles, Daunt Books and Waterstoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s or direct from Arcadia Books, ď&#x2122;&#x201E;ď&#x2122;&#x2C6;-ď&#x2122;&#x201E;ď&#x2122;&#x2030; Nassau Street, London wď&#x2122;&#x201E;w ď&#x2122;&#x160;ab
*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s ).
An open letter to Ms Cheryl Cole Dear Ms Cole, Thank you for your recent application for the position of Solo Pop Star. I am delighted to inform you that you have been selected to go forward to the second stage of the interview process. As a solo career is a very serious undertaking, there are a few points I would like you to consider before you decide to progress any further. 1 Historical Context The annals of pop history are positively littered with short footnotes devoted to the brief and largely unsuccessful careers of those who assumed their popularity in a group would automatically translate into prolonged solo stardom. Granted, Diana Ross and Gwen Stefani did rather well out of it, but they are isolated cases. The reality – as Liz McLarnon, Melanie B and Rachel Stevens will tell you (assuming their phones haven’t been cut off) – is harsh. If current trends are anything to go by you can expect a clutch of medium-sized hits, an underperforming album and irreversible damage to the brand you’ve worked so hard to create. 2 The Live question Can you cut it live? I do have some concerns in this area. While I enjoyed your various ‘turns’ on PopStars: The Rivals, I have noticed of late that the occasional bum note has crept into your performances. If this is the result of a Faustian pact with the devil, trading your once songbird-like vocal pipes for international adoration, then fair enough. If, however, you just can’t be arsed reaching for the high notes any more, you might want to consider that without the shelter provided by Nicola, Nadine, Sarah and Kimberley, you will be up shit creek. 3 Tall Poppy Syndrome Yes, at the moment you can literally do no wrong – but here in Britain we have a peculiar fondness for demolishing our icons once we’ve decided they’ve got a little too big for their boots. Today you’re nestling at the top of FHM’s Most Shaggable list and are revered as the most empathetic judge reality TV has ever seen, but appear too pleased with yourself and before you know it your press highlight of the week will be being snapped in a shopping trolley whilst opening a pound store. In Grimsby. 4 The songs. Won’t someone think of the songs? Top marks for picking Frankmusik to produce some of your proposed output. This shows initiative – well done. However, in your initial application, you also stated your intention to embrace your R&B side. Frankly, this is a bad idea - part of your appeal lies in your intrinsic British-ness, and attempting to effect a hip-hop stance will make you a laughing stock. And if you think you’ll crack America with that sort of thing, think again: it would be like selling coals to Newcastle (pardon the pun). 5 Things will never be the same again Are you really, truly prepared to be the one who fucks with the magic of Girls Aloud? I can’t think of a single group whose ‘year off’ has resulted in enhanced popularity, better tunes and bigger hits. Inevitably, that brief taste of freedom will lead to demands for songwriting credits and the right to work with producers other than Xenomania. Learn from the mistakes of others. There’s a reason nobody remembers Kylie’s One Boy Girl – it’s shit. Please complete the following pro-forma (delete as applicable) and return to my office at your earliest convenience. I do / do not wish to embark on an ill-advised solo career. I understand / do not understand that I’m probably going to wreck a beautiful thing by continuing with this course of action. Signature _______________________ :?<IPC :FC<
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Thank you The Guild of Pop
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Old Compton Street, captured by Mark Vessey (www.pointandsnap.com)
Paul Burston © Miguel Sobreira
Writer Paul Burston’s new novel, The Gay Divorcee, might appear to be a cynical swipe at London’s gay scene but, as Peter Burton and Torsten Højer discovered over a wickedly vinous lunch, there’s another side to the author.
“There’s something seriously wrong when clubs have ‘recovery rooms’ and people are taking GHB and falling all over the place.”
“As gay men, we’re good at babbling on about rights but not so good at recognising our responsibilities. I believe that with rights comes responsibilities.”
he Gay Divorcee is a pleasingly tart story about forty-something Phil, well-heeled owner of a popular bar-restaurant on London’s Old Compton Street and about to enter into a civil partnership with gorgeous but gold-digging Ashley. Matters become complicated when Hazel, the wife who abandoned him decades before but whom he hasn’t actually divorced, reappears. And then there’s the scrumptious son (about whom he doesn’t know), missing presumed adrift in the metropolis, and Carl, Phil’s long time best friend, staunchly opposed to both Ashley and the impending nuptials. Acidic about the manners and mores of the inhabitants of the capital’s pink mile, The Gay Divorcee could best be described as froth cut with a dangerous undertow of bile. Burston, who edits the gay pages in listings magazine Time Out regularly contributes to publications such as Attitude and GT, uses his latest novel to castigate the community from which he makes his living. There’s a surprising amount of dissatisfaction and even bitterness about gay life expressed in The Gay Divorcee. Burston laughs. “About certain aspects of gay life, yes,” he concedes. “Julian Clary sent me a quote after reading the book in which he said that ‘the vile queens of Soho are exposed at last’. But that’s not really what it’s about. “The main two gay characters are very loving people, it’s the chorus of bitchy queens that represent the kind of thing you’re talking about. “There is a dissatisfaction in the way I view the gay world, yes. There is less community than there was ten years ago. There’s less sense of common purpose and responsibility. There are so many unhappy people who take that out on other people. “But first and foremost, The Gay Divorcee is a love story. Phil is in love with the wrong person, a thing that many of us have experienced. He’s a character who starts out jaded and is then redeemed.” Like Burston (Yorkshire-born, Welsh-bred), Phil is from Wales. Although the character is not autobiographical, did nay of Phil’s experience come out of Burston’s own upbringing? “The character that Phil is based on is from a similar place to where I was brought up, so there was identification with him. There was a time in my life, when I was around sixteen, when I didn’t want to be gay. I was in the closet until I was nineteen or twenty. In my teens, I thought I should be ‘normal’ and get married. That would have been so much easier. “The first gay man I had known was closeted and married and ended up hanging himself. It can be hard if you can’t get away from the world you live in, you feel you have no choice and you do end up getting married and then going cottaging. These things do still happen. “Years ago, I did a book called Queen’s Country in which I investigated gay life outside major centres like London. What I found is that there is gay life outside of the big cities … but it not gay life as we know it. It’s really different and usually based around a relationship between a much older and a much younger guy and the younger one is the gay version of a Thai bride. You don’t see the same gay couples as you see in London or Manchester…”
The Gay Divorcee is a very moral book. “Everything I write I moral,” Burston admits, nodding in agreement. “I’m very moralistic.” As a counterpoint to the basic froth of the story of gay life in contemporary London, there’s an implicit message that something has gone seriously wrong in the gay world. “I believe that with rights come responsibilities,” Burston says. “As gay people we’re very good at babbling on about rights but not so good at talking about our responsibilities. We’re in a climate now where younger gay men are being infected with HIV when they shouldn’t be and there’s something seriously wrong when clubs have ‘recovery rooms’ and people are taking GHB and falling all over the place.” Burston pauses for emphasis and to reach for his tumbler of red wine. “It bothers me that we as a community do this,” he continues. “There’s a mythology that we’re taught as gay people that until we come our of the closet everything’s terrible but when we come out of the closet and we go to G.A.Y and go on a pride march and wave our pink balloons then everything’s fine. This isn’t true. “We need to look at the damage that growing up has done to us and address it. But we’re not encouraged to do that. “And the mainstream gay press is a celebration of a gay lifestyle that I find very questionable. If you look at the history of the gay press, back to Gay News, for example, there has been an enormous dumbing down. Given what our community has faced in the past – like AIDS – it’s a shame we all feel like killing ourselves with drugs. There’s a something really wrong there. “It’s also amazing to me the way some people view civil partnerships. A guy who was at once with me recently said ‘oh god, this is so undignified’ and I though ‘This is a guy who spends his entire weekends in darkrooms sucking cock and he thinks civil partnerships are undignified’. Maybe they’re not for everyone, but surely his lifestyle is more undignified than professing love in public.” So some of those feelings seeped though into The Gay Divorcee? “I’m not a writer who plans very much,” Burston confesses, laughing. “I have characters and a situation, but I don’t know where the book’s going to go. So a lot of what comes through is probably unconscious. The other bits are just natural to me.” So he’s not really a cynic? “I think that everything I write is really about love. It might come across as spiky or cynical, but I’m really a romantic. So, I think that if gay men could learn to love each other and love themselves a bit more then things would be so much better. “The idea that gay men are incapable of loving is rubbish. The religious right like to portray us as hedonistic, party boys who have no responsibilities and no care for anyone else. And more often than not we live up to that stereotype and give them all the ammunition they need. Gay men have every right to have fun, but we also have a responsibility to be good citizens and form real relationships – whether they be with lovers or with friends. “So the main message I’d like people to take from the book is to love one another.”
The Gay Divorcee by Paul Burston is published by Sphere at £11.99. Paul will be signing books at Prowler Soho on Sun 31 May at 2pm at the Polari Brighton event at Ghetto Brighton on Mon 8 June from 6:30pm, and then he’ll signing even more books at Prowler Brighton at 2pm on Sun 28 June. www.paulburston.com
*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s *(
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BOOKWORM New books, reviewed by Peter Burton
THE TWO MRS GRENVILLES by Dominick Dunne (Arcadia Books, £8.99) Lij\ D\ik\ej `j X ^`ic ]ifd k_\ nife^ j`[\ f] k_\ kiXZbj `e X iliXc BXejXj Zfddle`kp :_Xe^`e^ _\i eXd\ kf k_\ dfi\ Xccli`e^ 8ee 8i[\e# j_\ XYXe[fej _\i _fd\ kfne Xe[ _\i [fk`e^ dfk_\i Xe \jkXYc`j_\j _\ij\c] Xj X j_fn^`ic `e E\n Pfib% IXm`j_`e^cp Y\Xl$ k`]lc k_fl^_ efk gXik`ZlcXicp kXc\ek\[ # j_\ Y\^`ej X j\i`\j f] XjjfZ`Xk`fej n`k_ n\cc$_\\c\[ d\e Xe[ n_\e j_\ d\\kj N`cc`Xd >i\em`cc\ Ale`fi# _\`i kf X YXeb$ `e^ ]fikle\# _\i ]lkli\ j\\dj Xjjli\[% 9lk dXii`X^\ `ekf X ]Xd`cp n_f Xcc Ylk ]fi _\i _ljYXe[ cfXk_\ _\i Æ efe\ dfi\ jf k_Xe _\i gfn\i]lc dfk_\i$`e$ cXn 8c`Z\ >i\em`cc\ Æ [f\jeËk gifm\ kf Y\ n_Xk 8ee _X[ `dX^`e\[% ;`jZfek\ek c\X[j kf `e]`[\c`kp# YcXkXek `e]`[\c`kp kf k_i\Xkj f] [`mfiZ\# [`mfiZ\ nflc[ d\Xe cfjj f] gfj`k`fe# k_i\Xk f] cfjj f] gfj`k`fe gifmfb\j dli[\i% 8]k\i Xe \dYXiiXjj`e^ jZ\e\ Xk X gXikp k_ifne ]fi k_\ ;lZ_\jj f] N`e[jfi# 8ee ]XkXccp j_ffkj _\i _ljYXe[% P\k Ale`fiËj ]Xd`cp Zcfj\ iXebj# ki\Xk`e^ 8ee Xj `] k_\p Y\c`\m\ _\i jkfip f] d`j$ kXb`e^ _\i _ljYXe[ ]fi Xe `ekil[\i% K_\ jZXe[Xc f] X ki`Xc Xe[ k_\ c`b\cp `dgi`jfe$ d\ek f] fe\ f] k_\`i fne nflc[ Y\ lek_`ebXYc\% C\^Xccp gifefleZ\[ `eefZ\ek# 8ee ]`e[j _\ij\c] jfZ`Xccp fjkiXZ`j\[% Len\cZfd\ `e E\n Pfib jfZ`\kp# j_\ Y\^`ej kf nXe[\i k_\ ]Xj_`feXYc\ jgfkj f] gfjk Nfic[ NXi @@ <lifg\# _fYefYY`e^ n`k_ k_\ i`Z_ Xe[ ]Xdflj Xe[ Y\[[`e^ `eZi\Xj`e^cp pfle^\i d\e% @e\m`kXYcp# j_\ `j [ffd\[% K_\ j\o Y\Zfd\j dfi\ i\Zbc\jj# k_\ [i`eb`e^ \oZ\jj`m\% ?\i kiX^`Z \e[# gifmfb\[ Yp k_\ XZk`fej f] X nXjg`j_ ^Xp ni`k\i Æ `j kf Y\ \og\Zk\[% Lj`e^ X eXiiXk`m\ mf`Z\ Yfiifn\[ ]ifd KildXe :Xgfk\# ;fd`e`Zb ;lee\ _Xj ni`k$ k\e X jlZZlc\ek jk\Xb f] X Yffb i`Z_ n`k_ fYj\imXk`fe f] X gi`m`c\^\[ ZcXjj cffb`e^ X]k\i `kj fne% K_\ Knf Dij >i\em`cc\j `j X k_fifl^_cp \e^ifjj`e^# k_fifl^_cp jXk`j$ ]p`e^ Xe[ lkk\icp jg\ccY`e[`e^ efm\c Xe[ `j dp jldd\i dljk$i\X[ ]fi )''0%
BETTER THAN EASY by Nick Alexander (BIGfib Books, £10.99) 9\kk\i K_Xe <Xjp `j k_\ ]flik_ `e k_\ j\i`\j k_Xk Y\^Xe n`k_ ,' I\Xjfej kf JXp >ff[Yp\ Xe[ n_`Z_ ]fccfnj k_\ ]clZklXk`e^ ifdXek`Z ]fikle\j f] ]fikp$jfd\k_`e^ DXib% Efn c`m`e^ `e E`Z\ Xe[ XYflk kf gliZ_Xj\ X ^`k\ g\iZ_\[ Xkfg X _`cc `e X i\dfk\ =i\eZ_ m`ccX^\# DXib `j j\kkc\[ k_fl^_ efk \ek`i\cp Zfd]fikXYcp `ekf X i\cXk`fe$ j_`g n`k_ Kfd% ?fn\m\i# k_`e^j ZXe Y\ X d`k\ jZiXkZ_p Xj DXib cfe^j ]fi Zfdd`k$ d\ek Xe[ dfef^Xdp Xe[ Kfd Y\c`\m\j Xcc ^Xp i\cXk`fej_`gj Xi\ [ffd\[% K_\ jZ\e\ `j j\k ]fi dXi`kXc [`jkiXZk`fe Æ n_`Z_ Xii`m\j `e k_\ ]fid f] I`ZXi[f# X _lebp Jflk_ 8d\i`ZXe [\k\id`e\[ kf ^\k =i\eZ_ Z`k`q\ej_`g% K_Xk I`ZXi[f `j k_\ Zlii\ek cfm\i f] DXibËj ]i`\e[ Xe[ Zcfj\ e\`^_Yfli A\eep `j p\k Xefk_\i Zfdgc`ZXk`fe `e k_`j [`m\ik`e^ efm\c XYflk i\cXk`fej_`gj Xe[ \og\ZkXk`fej# [`jZfek\ek Xe[ d`[c`]\ Zi`j`j%
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AN OMELETTE AND A GLASS OF WINE by Elizabeth David (Grub Street, £14.99) Fi`^`eXccp glYc`j_\[ kn\ekp$]`m\ p\Xij X^f# 8e Fd\c\kk\ Xe[ X >cXjj f] N`e\ Zfdgi`j\j f] e\Xicp j`okp \jjXpj Zlcc\[ Yp <c`qXY\k_ ;Xm`[ ]ifd k_`ikp$]`m\ p\Xij f] _\i aflieXc`jd ]fi glYc`ZXk`fej `eZcl[`e^ k_\ Jle[Xp K`d\j# k_\ Jg\ZkXkfi Xe[ Mf^l\ Xe[ `k `j X Yffb Xepfe\ `ek\i\jk\[ `e ]ff[ j_flc[ _Xm\ fe k_\`i j_\cm\j% @e k_\ Yi`jb p\k j\[lZk`m\ gifj\ Dij ;Xm`[ \mfb\j ^i\Xk ]ff[ g\i$ jfeXc`k`\j ]ifd k_\ gXjk% ?\i g`\Z\ fe O DXiZ\c 9flc\jk`e Ê?Xm`e^ :ifjj\[ k_\ :_Xee\cË `j X i\d`e[\i k_Xk X Y`f^iXg_p f] k_`j dfjk `eki`^l`e^ f] ^Xp d\e _\ nfib\[ n`k_ :fc\kk\Ëj fggfikle`jk`Z _ljYXe[ N`ccp Xe[ glYc`j_\[ X efm\c f] _fdf$ j\olXc gXjj`fe Y\]fi\ [\ZXek`e^ _`dj\c] ]ifd GXi`j kf Cfe[fe Xe[ Y\Zfd`e^ X ]ff[ ni`k\i Xe[ i\jkXliXk\li `j cfe^ fm\i[l\% <hlXccp m`m`[ `j _\i d\dfi`Xc kf EfidXe ;fl^cXj Ê?Xm\ @k Pfli NXpË # X ni`k\i kff g\[Xek`Z ]fi gi\j\ek [Xp kXjk\j# dfjk i\d\dY\i\[ Xj X g\[\iXjk# n_fd j_\ Zc\Xicp m\e\iXk\[% Ê8 >flid\k `e <[nXi[`Xe Cfe[feË `j X [\c`Z`fljcp [ifcc XZZflek f] n_Xk kf[Xp n\ ZXe fecp Zfej`[\i XggXcc`e^cp ^clkkfep% 9lk `k `jeËk fecp g\ijfeXc`k`\j k_Xk dXb\ k_`j Yffb jf k_fifl^_cp \ek\ikX`e$ `e^% J_\ Zfeali\j lg gcXZ\ Xe[ `j f]k\e jlYc`d\ fe k_\ j`dgc\jk f] ]ff[j% 8 i\Z`g\ ]fi jgX^_\kk` n`k_ Z_`Zb\e c`m\ij Xe[ c\dfe ÊDX]Xc[X >`fmXeeX# >l`c`XË _X[ d\ \Xicp Xk k_\ YlkZ_\iËj fe k_\ dfie`e^ X]k\i @Ë[ i\$i\X[ `k# gliZ_Xj`e^ Z_`Zb\e c`m\ij ]fi k_Xk \m\e`e^Ëj jlgg\i% Fe\ f] k_\ dfjk `e]cl\ek`Xc f] 9i`k`j_ ]ff[ ni`k\ij `e k_\ ^i`d p\Xij X]k\i Nfic[ NXi @@# Dij ;Xm`[ i\dX`ej Xj `ejg`i`e^ kf[Xp Xj j_\ nXj n_\e j_\ Zfdd\eZ\[ _\i [`jk`e^l`j_\[ ZXi\\i Xcc k_fj\ p\Xij X^f%
DEFLOWERED: MY LIFE IN PANSY DIVISION by Jon Ginolli (Cleis Press, £10.99) K_\ XlkfY`f^iXg_p f] Afe >`efcc`# ]fle[\i f] n_Xk k_\ YffbËj Zfm\i d`jc\X[`e^cp [\jZi`Y\j Xj Êk_\ ]`ijk fg\ecp ^Xp gleb YXe[Ë# gifm\j kf Y\ X lj\]lc [fZld\ek iXk_\i k_Xe Xe \ek_iXcc`e^ i\X[ XYflk g`fe\\ij `e k_\ fjk\e$ j`Ycp _\k\ifj\olXc Xe[ f]k\e [\\gcp _fjk`c\ nfic[ f] ifZb dlj`Z% 8 kn`ee\[ eXiiXk`m\ ]fccfnj >`efcc`Ëj g\ijfeXc aflie\p f] j\c] [`jZfm\ip n`k_ k_Xk f] _`j ]fle[`e^ Xe[ ]fjk\i`e^ f] GXejp ;`m`j`fe $ Xe Ê`e p\i ]XZ\Ë YXe[ ÊN\Ëi\ k_\ Ylkk ]lZb\ij f] ifZb$Xe[$ifcc% N\ nXek kf jfZb `k kf pfli _fc\Ë n_f \m\eklXccp ]fle[ k_\dj\cm\j n`k_ Xe `ek\ieXk`feXc Zlck ]fccfn`e^% JX[cp# ;\]cfn\i\[ `j d`jj`e^ X Zfek\ok Xe[ Xep XnXi\e\jj f] fk_\ij Æ k_\ j`e^\i$jfe^ni`k\i :_i`j IfY`jfe `e k_\ (0.'j# ]fi `ejkXeZ\ Æ n_f n\i\ Zi\$ Xk`e^# g\i]fid`e^ Xe[ i\Zfi[`e^ ^Xp fg jfe^j Y\]fi\ k_\ X[m\ek f] GXejp ;`m`j`fe `j XYj\ek Xe[ k_`j i\dX`ej Xe Xi\X jk`cc cXi^\cp le[fZld\ek\[%
LAWRENCE OF ARABIA: THE LIFE, THE LEGEND by Malcolm Brown is published by Thames & Hudson in association with the Imperial War Museum at £14.95. T E Lawrence (1888-1935) found fame as one of the organisers of the Arab Revolt, the sideshow that ensured that the Arab’s Turkish overlords were too distracted to be of much assistance to their German allies during World War I. A small man, probably homosexual, almost certainly masochistic, Lawrence remains an enigma to this day. He is one of those historical figures about whom people hold strong opinions but about whom there can be no consensus. An illegitimate child, he was first a scholar and then an archaeologist (probably a spy) and then an idealistic warrior who, as all idealists must, suffered
disillusionment. He has been the subject of plays (Terrence Rattigan’s Ross), films (David Lean’s Lawrence of Arabia) and numerous biographies – some hagiographic, some hostile. Malcolm Brown’s generously illustrated and coffee table format study is concise and impartial and of the kind of happy length that can be accommodated during the course of an evening. Lawrence is shown here in a heavily tinted publicity image. ‘It isn’t that i hate being known – I’d love it – but I can’t afford it,’ he wrote to his American publisher, ‘no-one gets so victimised by well-meaning people as a poor celebrity.’
*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s *.
Cover APRIL09
3/21/09 7:45:54 PM
UP Brandon, unzipped
After we featured the delectable blond buff-muffin Brandon on the cover of our April issue (inset above), readers across the country fell into a frenzy, asking to see more of him, and, well, as we took a shine to him too, we we’re more than happy to oblige. So, here’s a bit of Brandon on the beach, photographed by Byron Motley (www.byronmotley.com) *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s *0
Sun facts Healthy? | According to several studies, both men and women view a tanned body as more healthy than a pale body even though tanning can lead to an unhealthy body by way of blistered or burnt skin, freckles, and wrinkles, and skin cancer. Showing off | In the 1940s, women’s magazines started using advertisements that encouraged sun bathing. At this time, tanning oil and bathing suits that left little to the imagination were coming out. The bikini made its appearance in 1946.
Oiled up | In the 1950s, an ever-growing trend
was to use baby oil as a method to tan more quickly. The first self-tanner came about in the same decade and was known as “Man-Tan,” and often led to undesirable orange skin...
Chin up
| In the latter part of the 50s, silver metallic UV reflectors were common to enhance one’s tan. Their superstar status helped to promote tanned skin as desirable.
Barbie girl | In 1971, Mattel introduced Malibu Barbie, which had tanned skin, sunglasses, and her very own bottle of sun tanning lotion. Muscle boys | Due to increased pigmentation, darker skin tone contributes to the visibility of muscular definition. Professional bodybuilders frequently use temporary bronzers to achieve this effect. Pale and interesting | In some parts of the world, fair skin remains the standard of beauty. The geisha of Japan were renowned for their brilliant white painted faces – an ideal that leads many Japanese women to avoid any form of tanning. Source: Wikipedia
*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s +(
*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s +*
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*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s +,
“One thing that struck me about Hector Macdonald was that he was a great leader... but he failed not so much because of his homosexuality but because he was the wrong class” +- s *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK;
The Devil’s Paintbrush by Jake Arnott is published by Sceptre at £15.
*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s +.
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scene in house music e th to on ed k. to have explod got their brea out how they n and DJ duos d tio fin uc to od pr ys t bo es tt ht up with the one of the ho , Jonny M caug Fitch make up ur es to l m na Ja io d at an rn inte Ben Prok rokfitch p / h from a major es m Fr o y. or c . em e recent m myspac
here’s something quite extraordinary about Prok & Fitch’s story. Just three years ago, they hadn’t even met. Fast forward to 2009 and they have just returned from a major tour of Australia, have a rampantly successful Brighton club night poised to celebrate its first birthday, and own and operate their own record label. It all began back in 2006. Ben worked in a Brighton record shop called BPM, James was a regular coming in to buy tunes. Ben had an idea for a track, James liked it, and Prok & Fitch’s first release, Outro Lugar, was born. Ben, who was DJing at The Honeyclub at the time, passed the track to Stealth Records’ boss Roger Sanchez, who loved it. “We were pretty lucky with the first track we did,” says Ben. “We gave it to Sanchez, a couple of days later he called us up and said he wanted the track. He’s been on board ever since, pushing our tracks both in his live sets and on the radio. A lot of other people have been keen to support us, Eric Morrillo, Carl Cox - it all helps!” “We’ve been very lucky, but we’ve been working our arses of as well,” says James. “We understand that by getting on with it, we’re more likely to get results.” Thankfully, the hard work has paid off, and the pair are enjoying a massive surge in both public and critical acclaim. And not just in the hetero-club scene: Prok & Fitch recently headlined Brighton clubbing institution Wild
“The atmosphere in gay clubs is hard to rival ... the crowd is always up for a party. We can’t wait to play Brighton Pride this summer”
Fruit for the third time. It’s pretty clear they loved every second of it. “The atmosphere in gay clubs is hard to rival,” says James. “The crowds seem to be very open minded, and really up for a party. At a lot of the other clubs we go to, people are just there to be seen. But with gay parties everyone’s just there to have a great time and it shows with the people, the atmosphere, and the reaction to the music we play.” This August, Prok & Fitch will also be making their debut at the prestigious Wild Fruit Big Top at Brighton Pride. One mention of this particular gig and their infectious enthusiasm turns to fervent excitement. “I’m ecstatic,” exclaims Ben. “There’s nothing we want to do more. It’s been a huge ambition for both of us since we‘ve been producing together.” Looking to the future there’s plenty more to get excited about. Their clubnight, Floorplay, celebrates its first birthday in Brighton in June and launches in London on July 4, and the boys are signing increasingly high-profile tracks to the label. Collaborations with the likes of NYC’s DJ Disciple, Madrid’s David Penn and London boy Filthy Rich are all on the horizon, as are some serious international gigs including appearances in Holland, Belgium, London, Ibiza, Poland and Germany. It’s going to be quite a year for Prok & Fitch. Floorplay’s First Birthday is on Sat 13 June at Brighton Coalition club. The Prologue presents Floorplay London Launch Party is on Saturday 4 June.
*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s +0
SCREENBURN josh winning’s hot pics from the flicks
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Key West
Torquay Devon
Peter & Brendan welcome you from near and far to
Key West Bar & Hotel now open Opening offer: Three nights for two
How Torbay is woo Next month, the coastal towns of Torbay, Devon, are hosting their first ever gay pride festival, offering a diverse mix of nightlife, daytime and outdoor events aimed at the local and national LGBT audience, as well as, er, families. Torsten Højer heads west to find out more…
www.daddyholesauna.co.uk coming soon www.tomscruisebar.co.uk coming soon
www.keywesttorquay.co.uk Key West Resort Meadfoot Sea Road Torquay TQ1 2LQ Tel: 01803 200063
ccording to estimates, more than 12,000 gay people call the Torbay area (which comprises the towns of Torquay, Paignton and Brixham) home. When civil partnerships were introduced in 2005 Torbay reportedly had the greatest number of couples ‘tying the knot’ per capita than anywhere else in the UK, including London and Brighton, inspiring some to nickname the region Torgay.
In July, the area is hosting a gay pride festival for the first time. Pride Torbay will take the form of a four day festival, combining a variety of events including a beach picnic with live music stage, a pool party, themed club nights, a boat trip, an open air cinema screening of Oscar-winning film Milk and a cabaret street party. “The event is all about celebrating the diversity and the stunning natural environment of the English Riviera,” says Matt Newbury, who is co-organising the festival. “Pride Torbay is just one of a series of exciting things to happen on the gay scene in Torquay this summer. Rocky’s Nightclub has entered the latest incarnation in its 36-year history, remixed and rebranded as Candy Floss, with two dancefloors and truly impressive state-of-the-art sounds and light systems. Several new gay club nights and gay friendly venues have also sprung up, while the UK’s first gay resort hotel, Key West has just opened boasting bars, a health club and a stunning tropical garden complete with sun decks and a swimming pool.” The gays, it appears, have suddenly woken up to the wonders of British coastal towns. Whether it’s to do with new legislation protecting same-sex couples from discrimination (when booking a double room in a rural location, for instance), the credit crunch or global
Celebrating diversity and the stunning natural environment of Torbay, UK’s premiere seaside resort.
ing the pink pound which are soaking up record temperatures) is unclear (it’s probably a mixture of all three), but one thing is for certain: pink pound business is booming. “Torbay is a big, cosmopolitan resort now,” continues Matt. “We are quite international down here! People’s attitudes to homosexuality have changed so much in the last twenty years – especially in more rural areas - and this is encouraging gay people to reconsider holidaying outside of cities.” The gay scene in Torbay is compact but well-formed. The area now offers more gay bars and gay nights than ever (see below for listings). “Everyone knows one another here, and that’s a positive thing because there’s a real sense of community,” says Matt. “But due to the huge influx of tourists, you bump into new people all the time. “Up until now though Torbay has only had one big annual event – the Over The Rainbow Ball – which takes place in December. The planned Pride event is the first time the community has been able to work together on a summer festival, and it’s really uniting us. All venues will be selling tickets for all the events so it’s a real case of people working together for a common cause – everyone gets a slice of the big pink cake! An incredible campaign of fundraising is happening to make the event a success, ranging from a ‘P’ Party at Play in April (where everyone was encouraged to dress as something beginning with the letter ‘P’) to a Big Gay Barn Dance in May and a night of laughs with drag performer Dave Lynn. A special gay boat trip (in the spirit of Torbay’s ‘outdoor’ theme) is scheduled for the end of June. “We obviously want to put on a really impressive show, not just for the local LGBT community and their friends and family, but for visitors as well. Many organisations and individuals have already been incredibly supportive and generous in helping us get this new event off the ground, but it’s not a cheap thing to do. So these fundraisers provide the perfect way of not only having a bit of fun, but also helping us with the event infrastructure and marketing as well. We can also start raising some early funds for the pride charities, which we are delighted about.”
16th-19th July 2009 Beach Picnic Boat Trip Themed Club Nights Pool Party Live Musical Entertainment Community Stalls Open-air Cinema Screenings Cabaret Street Party www.pridetorbay.org
whats on in Torbay see page 58
TORBAY PRIDE - WHAT’S ON? 16 – 19 JULY THURSDAY 16 JULY BOAT TRIP An evening of nautical naughtiness and seafarin’ shenanigans on the high seas of Tor Bay, with the very best in summer sounds. PRIDE LAUNCH PARTY The Pride not Prejudice team presents the official launch party with a host of live entertainment from the likes of Kelly Lorena (N-Trance) and dance legends Bimbo Jones.
FRIDAY 17 JULY OPEN-AIR FILM SCREENING Bring a picnic and enjoy Oscar-winning film Milk in the stunning grounds of Torre Abbey, preceded by live music from electro trio Archipelago and an exclusive viewing of Antony Gormley’s Field For The British Isles. CANDYFLOSS Traffic Light party with £2 door entry being donated to the Pride Torbay charities. Green you’re available, red you’re not and amber… well you could just be persuaded. REMIX AT BOHEMIA Big Pride party Night hosted by Miss Jason, with top dance chart vocalist Tina Cousins and DJ sets from Gaydar Radio’s Gary H, Lee Yeomans and the legendary Max Sanna. COME TO DADDY The team from London, Bristol and Cardiff bear club Come To Daddy, will be taking over Tom’s Cruise Bar at Key West Resort, to host a special party for the hirsute and portly and their admirers.
over this stunning beach conveniently location at the bottom of Babbacombe Cliff Railway. Expect a live music stage featuring the crème of local bands and artists, community stalls, face painting and balloon modelling for the kids, and a fully licensed bar available. Plant your rainbow flag in the beach and don’t forget your swim gear. PRIDE CABARET STREET PARTY A cabaret street party outside the Meadfoot Inn, starring Jason Abrahams, Topping & Butch and Rogue Minogue. The event will be fully licensed outside and is a great finish to the weekend. TORQUAY’S GAY AND GAY-FRIENDLY VENUES CANDYFLOSS Candyfloss (formally Rockys) is Torquay’s gay club, recently refurbished. It’s been run as a gay venue for more than 36 years, making it one of the oldest gay clubs in the UK. Today you’ll find three floors and state-of-the-art sound and lighting. www.candyfloss-club-torquay.co.uk MEADFOOT INN A warm welcome always awaits from Richard, Robin and Tex at Torquay’s longest running gay bar. Sure to be one of the most popular venues over Pride Torbay weekend, the pub is now bigger and brighter than ever before, mixing up good old fashioned comfort and service with cosmopolitan 21st century features. www.meadfoot-inn.co.uk
SATURDAY 18 JULY POOL PARTY Pool Party at Key West, with community stalls, live music, DJ and a charity barbecue. Wear a bad taste Hawaiian shirt and party the afternoon away. Proceeds from the food sales are being donated to the pride Torbay charities. CANDYFLOSS The big pride Torbay Saturday Night bash, with the Candy Room spinning the very best in 70s and 80s retro sounds and the main floor pumping out the dance, chart and party sounds.
SUNDAY 18 JULY BEACH PICNIC It’s Beach Blanket Oddicombe, as we take
STEAMER QUAY Steamer Quay makes the perfect stop for some pre-club lubrication before heading over to Candyfloss, conveniently located just next door. The nautical-themed bar opens every Saturday, playing great tunes in a seriously stunning setting. www.steamerquay.com KEY WEST BAR The perfect spot to enjoy a tipple in modern contemporary surroundings perfectly complimenting the Victorian splendour of the building. Enjoy affordable lunchtime bar snacks and sandwiches either inside or out on one of the two sun terraces overlooking the 42 foot pool. Candyfloss
Both terraces lead onto extensive gardens where you can lay back and enjoy a nap in the shade of a banana tree or read a book on a lounger by the pool. Plans for the summer include pool parties, Sunday tea dances, BBQ’s and Sunday roasts. Stage one of Daddyhole Sauna will also open its doors from 5th June. www.keywesttorquay.co.uk ENVY A hot new ‘gay-friendly’ bar in the centre of town. The funky bar has more of a nightclub feel, with DJs on Friday and Saturday nights, making it particularly popular with the younger metrosexual crowd. TOM’S CRUISE BAR On the lower floor of Key West resort you’ll find Tom’s Cruise Bar, which offers the same extensive range of wines, beers and spirits but in a more ‘intimate’ setting. The bar will be hosting regular bear nights, as well as a very special night on the Saturday of Pride Torbay (18 July) when the team from Come To Daddy will be coming to town. THE CLIFF HOUSE HOTEL Now in its 38th year, this elegant Victorian residence is located in a picturesque residential area of Torquay, set in a tranquil private garden, ideal for sunbathing and relaxation. From the garden gate there are steps giving direct access to meadfoot beach and the South West Coast path, offering the most stunning views of the Bay. The hotel also boasts a hot spa Jacuzzi and spa in an attractive conservatory environment and is open to non-residents. www.cliffhousehotel.co.uk NIGHTS PRIDE NOT PREJUDICE Regular gay parties held at Play Nightclub usually on a Thursday night. Expect great tunes, guest DJs, top PAs, drag artists and a whole host of other cheeky fun. As well as organising a series of fundraisers in the lead up to Pride Torbay, they are also hosting the
big opening party on Thursday 16th July, starring dancefloor legends Bimbo Jones. REMIX Remix is a new monthly night that mixes up seductive sounds with top cabaret entertainment. The team is hosting a special Pride Torbay fundraiser on Thursday 18 June starring Dave Lynn, as well as an amazing night of fun on the Friday of pride. www.club-remix.co.uk ORGANISATIONS THE EDDYSTONE TRUST The Eddystone Trust has joined with Positive Action South West and supports anybody infected and affected by HIV and AIDS across Torbay, Plymouth, Devon and South Somerset and has been supporting people for more than 21 years. www. eddystone.org.uk
3SIXTY | 55
The Phoenix Skyline
flying high
G Glacier Express
ay snowbirds dreaming of some Californian winter sunshine beware: It can be darned cold along the western seaboard during the winter months and from September onwards if you whip on your Speedos and make a Baywatch dash into the Pacific you’ll risk catching hypothermia. This explains why back in the 1930s, Palm Springs became the winter bolt hole of the Hollywood brat pack. Sheltered from the chilly Pacific winds the temperature is a good 15 degrees warmer than LA and if you continue eastwards into Arizona, the climate becomes even more idyllic. Forget Florida, statistically Arizona IS the Sunshine State and clocks up more hours of scorching sunshine than any other State in the USA. Over the past 10 years Arizona’s sprawling capital city Phoenix has seen one of the fastest population growths in the States and looking out of the airplane window as you come into land you’ll soon see what the attraction is; swimming pools, literally hundreds of them sparkling in the desert sunshine. With real estate prices a fraction of those in California the pink Sex in the City generation have been migrating from the East Coast cities in their droves and if you visit a gay local at home. It’s impossible not to feel envious of their designer desert
The Big Surf pool
lifestyles: year round barbeques, cocktails by the pool under the desert stars… this is relaxing hedonism at its very best and a lifestyle that the big hotel chains have been quick to cash in on. Recently, dozens of gorgeous resorts have sprung up on Phoenix’s desert fringes and driving along the palm lined boulevards of Paradise Valley you could easily be cruising along Miami Beach. All that’s missing is the sea. The Intercontinental Montelucia is one of the newest resorts in town and oozes desert oasis chic. Rooms
come with sunken baths, spacious walk in showers, flat screen TVs and ipod stations. Andalucian style pavilions enclosing outdoor bars and a 1001 nights themed spa lie dotted amongst the date groves while laid back swimming pools are perfectly positioned to ensure dawn to dusk sunbathing. The Montelucia is set at the foot of Camelback Mountain which lies slumped like a sleeping camel on the city skyline. It’s Phoenix’s most famous landmark and was once a sacred mountain to the indigenous American tribes. At sunset spooky skulls and animal faces morph out of the cliffside shadows. It’s typical of the red twisted mountainous landscape surrounding Phoenix and for an introduction to the amazing wildlife that inhabits the Sonoran Desert book a hike with gay friendly Take a Hike Arizona. You’ll swoon over the cute cottontail rabbits and ground squirrels and probably scream like Priscilla Queen of the Desert when you stumble across a rattlesnake. The less squeamish should visit Phoenix’s beautiful Desert Botanical Garden home to one of the largest collection of cacti on earth where you’ll find a rainbow flag of desert flowers, swallowtail butterflies and iridescent humming birds. Phoenix’s perfect weather is ideal for outdoor sports and from February to April a buzz of excitement spreads over the city as America’s top baseball teams arrive for the Cactus League Spring Training. This warm up tournament to the main baseball season has a loyal gay
3SIXTYTRAVEL It takes a jeep to escape into the Pheonix wilderness
in Phoenix WORDS: Neil Garaughty
following. Groups of gay friends can often be spotted picnicking on the grassy banks, ogling their favourite players. In February the Roadrunner Gay Rodeo takes place in Rawhide, a Wild West theme park just south of the city. It’s a fun packed few days with events ranging from hunky gay cowboys bareback bronco riding to drag queens racing across the stadium to dress goats in pairs of Y fronts. Be warned though, the February sunshine is fierce so it’s worth investing in a Stetson to avoid getting Benidorm Brit sunburn. Phoenix isn’t a late night city; residents are often up at dawn walking their dogs before the searing heat kicks in. However in the early evening, the restaurant and bar scene really springs to life. Old Scottsdale is a quiet backwater set well away from the roaring freeways and strip malls and is a perfect spot for al fresco dining. Try Dijestif for delicious organic home made pasta washed down by a green fairy (absinthe dijestif). No gay bar in Phoenix is complete without a sizzling barbeque in the patio garden so follow the delicious aromas to BS West where you can enjoy man-sized steaks, Kelly Clarkson videos and a game of pool in this scruffy but welcoming all American bar. For a more sophisticated option of plush leather armchairs, chandeliers and Corinthian columns head downtown to Amsterdam Bar where Phoenix’s white collar lounge lizards come to unwind after work. If you want to party don your Stetson and cowboy boots and head over to Charlies C&W bar where
clogging is the new line dancing. If you fancy something a little steamier then try Karamba where you can feel the Latin heat wafting over the Mexican border and salsa the night away with red hot chicos and papis. Arizona is classic driving country and there’s nothing more exhilarating than heading out into the desert on a Thelma and Louise style spin. Route 10 to Tucson is a classic Freeway of vintage lorries shimmering on the horizon and curvy 1950’s gas station signs. Stop by at the Old Tucson Film Studios and wallow in Sunday afternoon cowboy film nostalgia. Gunfight at the OK Corral, High Chaparral and Little House on the Prairie were all filmed here. Downtown Tucson is an easy going neighbourhood of craft markets and pretty adobe houses covered in bougainvillea. El Charro Café is the oldest and most kitsch Mexican restaurant in the States. Grab a seat by the sombrero fountain and enjoy the best Tamales you’ll find north of the border. From here head west into the mystical Saguaro National Park, the nerve centre of New Age shamanism where you can either discover your animal spirit guide at the hippie camps or do what most gay travellers do and stop for a ‘big prick’ photo by a giant saguaro. Either way you’ll encounter dozens of hikers and cyclists all enjoying the breathtaking scenery and exhilarating desert sunshine that makes southern Arizona the perfect antidote to our stressed out credit crunch lifestyles.
FACT BOX For more information on Phoenix and Tucson visit www.visitphoenix.com and www.visittucson.org Intercontinental Montelucia www.icmontelucia.com Take a Hike Arizona www.takeahikearizona.com Desert Botanical Garden www.dgb.org Roadrunner Gay Rodeo www.agra-phx.com Dijestif www.dijestifscottsdale.com BS West www.bswest.com Amsterdam Bar www.amsterdambar.com Charlies Phoenix www.charliesphoenix.com Karamba www.karambanightclub.com Old Tucson Studios www.oldtucson.com El Charro Café www.elcharrocafe.com
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If the recent success of Twilight is anything to go by the alabaster look is in this summer. Prepare yourself for lots of pasty looking twinks and an all-pervading scent of Ambre Solaire wherever you go. Fortunately, with all the sun dodgers indoors there’s more room on the beaches for the rest of us. After all, there’s no point in spending a fortnight in the sun if you can’t make everyone in the office jealous with your fabulous tan. Of course, every good gay knows that tan lines are unforgiveable. If you’re serious about your summer style you need all-over coverage, and that means either getting some seriously high fences around your garden, or hitting the nudist beach. Naturists are a funny bunch. For a group of people who spend most of their time in the buff, they certainly have a lot of rules about what you should and shouldn’t do while you’re hanging out with them. Here’s a quick guide to the do’s and don’ts of bronzing au naturel. Stick to these and you’ll keep out of trouble so you can enjoy showing people how far down your tan really goes... WORDS: Paul Wild
1. DO YOUR HOMEWORK Some countries can get quite irked when people start showing up naked in unexpected places. A quick Google search will tell you where you can and can’t cast off your speedos. It’s also worth checking out the local nudity laws and for God’s sake, wait till you find your spot before you take your clothes off. The last place you want to spend your holiday is the local prison. They’re never as hot as they look in the porn films. 2. BE PREPARED Just because you don’t need a costume doesn’t mean you can forget anything else. Nudist beaches are often far away from the family-friendly promenade, so there’s not likely to be an ice cream van for miles. On top of your towel and a good book, bring some lunch and plenty of water or you’ll be getting dressed
,/ s *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK;
and undressed every time you have to run back to the car. And don’t forget a thorough coat of sunscreen. The parts that see the least light are the easiest to burn. No man wants to explain why his cock is peeling, and it will probably hurt like hell, too. 3. BE FRIENDLY The great thing about nudist beaches is that if you meet someone there you’ve already got something in common. Naturists are friendly folk who just like walking around with no clothes on. Sure, it’s odd meeting someone and chatting about the price of fish when their bits are nodding along with the conversation, but once you get the hang of it you won’t even notice. If it helps, think of it as a public speaking exercise, but try to picture the audience with their clothes on this time.
Photo © Ordinary Guy (www.flickr.com/photos/ezlens)
4. TRY NOT TO STARE Nudist beaches may sound like a voyeurs’ paradise, but real naturists get shirty about people coming onto their patch for a bit of gratuitous gawking. Protocol dictates the more flesh you flash the less we should look, so if you’re after some erotic thrills it’s probably best to stick to Youporn. If you really can’t resist, try to perfect a sidelong glance. It’s only naughty if you get caught, after all. 5. BE DISCREET Every man should be proud of his own virility, but waving your erection around like frat boy at a pool party is bad form in naturist circles, especially on mixed beaches. There’s always going to be a time when you just can’t keep your dog on its leash so stay calm, don’t touch it and think of something else. Janet Street-Porter in a basque usually works for me.
“Every man should be proud of his viriity, but waving your erection around like a frat boy at a pool party is bad form in naturist circles”
If you’re really in trouble, gay nudist beaches are likely to be a bit more open-minded about your raging hard on, and if that’s not an option have a wank before you head out. No red faces and good fun, too. Everyone’s a winner. 6. KEEP IT CLEAN Naturists say, with good reason, that you should avoid sexual activity in public. People often take offence when they trip over a couple going hard at it, not to mention the fact that it’s against the law. You may get off with a warning in this country, but elsewhere in the world you can get yourself some serious jail time or worse. That said, gays are gays. Sex at a gay nude beach is like feathers at Pride: you don’t have to look very hard and you’re virtually guaranteed to be in luck. There are all sorts of signals and gestures when cruising a nude beach but if you do get it wrong or you get knocked back, remember that no
means no. Desperate is not hot, no matter how brown you are. If you are in luck and you can’t be good, be careful. Steer well clear of anywhere with people about and always have safe sex. Bear in mind that sun creams are generally oil-based so they’re not going to get on well with a condom. It’s probably a good idea go home and shower before you go all the way. 7. KEEP IT CLEAN, AGAIN Finally, nude beaches are only fun if the people using them respect each other and the environment. Take your rubbish with you: if you carry it in, carry it out. The old “take nothing but photographs” line might not apply, but leaving nothing but footprints is good advice. Discarded six-pack rings can strangle birds so imagine what they could do if they get wrapped around your bollocks. Clean nudist beaches are happy nudist beaches. Happy all-over tanning!
For details of your local nudist beach, visit www.british-naturism.org.uk/beaches *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s ,0
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Photography by Magnus Hastings
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www.gaydarradio.com, DAB in London and the Sussex Coast or on Sky Channel 0158
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>>>LE;<I>IFLE; CFE;FE :CL99@E> N@K?FLK K?< KI8@E AFLIE<P CFE;FE KF 9I@>?KFE# I<M<E><# <M<IP N<;E<J;8P D`[n\\b ZclYY`e^ `e 9i`^_kfe `j XYflk kf ^\k X cfk dfi\ \oZ`k`e^ Xj Cfe[fe kf 9i`^_kfe cXleZ_\j Xk I\m\e^\ fe N\[j * Ale\% K_\ I\m\e^\ k\Xd _Xj Yffb\[ jfd\ f] k_\ _`^_\jk gif]`c\ _flj\ ;Aj Cfe[feËj ^Xp jZ\e\ _Xj kf f]]\i# `eZcl[`e^ >feqXcf KiX[\ # 9i\ek E`Z_fccj @e[ljki` Xe[ G`\i DfiifZf DXk`e\\ n`k_ jlggfik ]ifd i\j`[\ek AXb\ ;lmXc ?flj\op % K_\ m`Y\ `j Xcc XYflk lg]ifek _flj\ ]fi i\Xc dlj`Z cfm\ij# i\Zi\Xk`e^ k_\ le[\i^ifle[ ]\\c f] MXlo_XccËj m\el\j Ylk n`k_flk k_\ _\]kp gi`Z\ kX^% 8cjf kf nXkZ_ flk ]fi k_`j dfek_# >`icj fe Kfg# I\m\e^\Ëj ]XYlcflj c\jY`Xe e`^_k Z\c\YiXk\j knf p\Xij f] gXik`\j n`k_ Xe 8idp k_\d\ gXikp fe K_lij (( Ale\% nnn%i\m\e^\%Zf%lb G_fkfj ]ifd i\m\e^\
BrightonjZ\e\ 75
76 South CoastjZ\e\ >>> ,'' :8J? GI@Q<J 8K K?< <;>< E@E< KF =@M< N<<B<E;# JFLK?8DGKFE# =I@ () 8E; J8K (* ALE< K_\ k\Xd Xk K_\ <[^\ `j [\k\id`e\[ kf ^`m\ jfd\k_`e^ YXZb kf k_\`i cfpXc Zljkfd\ij# Xe[ k_`j k`d\ k_\pËi\ ^`m`e^ `k YXZb `e ZXj_ Fe =i`[Xp () Ale\# ]`m\ g\fgc\ n`cc nXcb XnXp n`k_ ('' ZXj_# Xe[ ]`m\ ilee\ij lg n`cc i\Z\`m\ X Yfkkc\ f] Z_XdgX^e\% G`Zb lg X iX]]c\ k`Zb\k fe \ekip kf k_\ ZclY Xe[ pfl Zflc[ nXcb XnXp ]ifd k_\ ZclY Y\kk\i f]] k_Xe n_\e pfl Xii`m\[ K_\ ZclY `j fg\e ]ifd 0gd i`^_k k_ifl^_ Êk`c ,Xd% nnn%k_\\[^\jflk_Xdgkfe%Zfd
G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ <[^\# Jflk_Xdgkfe
The Edge, Compton Walk, Southampton SO14 0BH
Tel: 023 8036 6163
Open - Tuesday to Friday & Sunday 9pm-3am · Saturday 9pm-5am email: info@theedgesouthampton.com
Southampton '( K_\ <[^\ s :fdgkfe NXcb s '.'0' +)* -// s nnn%\[^\$e`^_kZclY%Zfd ') K_\ <e[\Xmfli s . J`de\c Jki\\k s nnn%k_\\e[\Xmfli%Zf%lb '* ?)F s 0 Jk DXipËj IfX[ s ')* /'*/ -//' '+ @jfYXi s (''Z Jk DXipËj Jki\\k s ')* /')) )')/ snnn%`jfYXijflk_Xdgkfe%Zfd ', K_\ Cfe[fe s ) K\id`elj K\iiXZ\ s ')* /'.( '-,) s nnn%k_\$cfe[fe%Zf%lb '- K_\ G`eb 9ifX[nXp s .0&/' <Xjk Jki\\k s ')* /')* //'+ s nnn%g`eb$YifX[nXp%Zfd
South CoastjZ\e\ 77 >>>K?< CFE;FE ?FK<C I8@J<J (#''' =FI :?8I@KP I<M@<N1 @;8?F 8K K?< CFE;FE# JFLK?8DGKFE# JLE (. D8P Fe Jle[Xp (. DXp K_\ Cfe[fe ?fk\c dXib\[ @;8?F @ek\ieXk`feXc ;Xp 8^X`ejk ?fdfg_fY`X n`k_ X jg\Z`Xc ]le[iX`j`e^ \m\ek% K_\ e`^_k nXj _fjk\[ Yp ClZ`e[X CXj_\j# n`k_ jfle[ Yp D`jj G\eep# Xe[ \ek\ikX`ed\ek ]ifd 8cc Dflk_ Xe[ Ef Kiflj\ij# CX[p AXd\j# D`jj G\eep# Jk\m\e =Xn\cc# Afc\e\ ;fm\i# :fee`\ :fenXp# ;Xm`eX JgXibc\# AXd`\ NXkjfe Xe[ ;iX^ n`k_ Ef EXd\% (#''' nXj iX`j\[ ]fi 9i\Xbflk# X cfZXc ]fild gifm`[`e^ jlggfik ]fi pfle^ C>9K g\f$ gc\# k_ifl^_ X iX]]c\ Xe[ XlZk`fe% :fe^iXklcXk`fej kf ;Xm`[# IXpdfe[ Xe[ Xcc k_\`i jkX]] ]fi glkk`e^ fe jlZ_ X ^i\Xk \m\e`e^ Xe[ iX`j`e^ Xcc k_Xk ZXj_
G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ Cfe[fe# Jflk_Xdgkfe
>>>:8IIP FE :IL@J@E> K?< @:8E;P >8P 9F8K G8IKP# JFLK?8DGKFE# JLE . ALE< @:Xe[p `j X e\n \m\ekj ZfdgXep YXj\[ `e Jflk_Xdgkfe# X`d`e^ kf [\c`m\i ]le# ]i\j_ Xe[ `eefmXk`m\ ^Xp gXik`\j kf k_\ Xi\X% K_\ e\ok \m\ek `j X Y`^ ^Xp YfXk gXikp# gcXee\[ ]fi Jle . Ale\# jf pfl ZXe jg\e[ pfli X]k\ieffe Zil`j`e^ `e dfi\ nXpj k_Xe fe\ % K_\i\ Xi\ knf ]cffij# n`k_ ;Aj gcXp`e^ lgjkX`ij Xe[ ZXYXi\k \ek\ikX`ed\ek [fnejkX`ij% K_\ YfXk j\kj jX`c ]ifd FZ\Xe M`ccX^\ Xk )gd# YfXi[`e^ Y\kn\\e ( Xe[ )gd% K`Zb\k gi`Z\ f] (, `eZcl[\j \ekip kf k_\ gi\$gXikp Xk K_\ Cfe[fe Xe[ k_\ X]k\igXikp Xk @jfYXi% nnn%`ZXe[p\m\ekj%Zf%lb
G_fkf ]ifd `:Xe[p
78 South CoastjZ\e\ >>>8 9I8E; E<N 98I C8LE:?<J @E 9FLIE<DFLK? 98I 9<PFE;# 9FLIE<DFLK? 9Xi 9\pfe[ `j k_\ cXk\jk `e X jki`e^ f] ]XYlcflj e\n m\el\j fg\e`e^ `e k_\ 9flie\dflk_ Xi\X% K_\ m\el\ n`cc Y\ fg\e ]ifd /Xd i`^_k k_ifl^_ kf )Xd# n`k_ X ZX] ]\\c [li`e^ k_\ [Xp Xe[ X gi\$ZclY ]\\c Xk e`^_k% K_\i\Ëj X ]lccp ]leZk`feXc b`kZ_\e j\im`e^ ]i`\[ Yi\Xb]Xjkj Xe[ dl]]`ej `e k_\ dfie`e^j# Xe[ KXgXj jkpc\ ]ff[ `e k_\ X]k\ieffej% =i`[Xpj Xe[ JXkli[Xpj ]\Xkli\ c`m\ ;Aj jg`ee`e^ ]lebp Xe[ \c\Zkif _flj\# Xe[ k_\i\Ëj X [iX^ fi mfZXc`jk g\i]fid\i \m\i N\[e\j[Xp% NXkZ_ flk ]fi jg\Z`Xc Ê>i`e[Ë e`^_kj1 n_\e k_\ _fk ^lpj n`k_ Xe^c\ ^i`e[\ij Xi\ fe jkX^\ ^iXY X YXi^X`e n`k_ Z_\Xg [i`ebj Xk k_\ YXi% 9lk _fn n`cc pfl k\Xi pfli \p\j XnXp ]ifd k_\ j\op j_fn6
>>>;I8> HL<<E DL; NI<JKC@E> =FI 9FLIE< =I<< K?< 9I8EBJFD< >8I;<E G8IKP# 9FLIE<DFLK?# J8K ). ALE< Fe JXk ). Ale\ K_\ 9iXebjfd\ n`cc k_ifn fg\e `kj [ffij ]fi X dXjj`m\ ^Xi[\e gXikp ]ifd *gd$((gd% K_\i\ n`cc Y\ ZXYXi\k XZkj k_ifl^_flk k_\ [Xp# Xe[ k_\ fggfikle`kp kf gcXp Ê8 ;Xp Xk k_\ IXZ\jË# X gi\$i\Zfi[\[ iXZ\ n_`Z_ pfl ZXe gcXZ\ Y\kj fe% 8cjf# cffb flk ]fi k_\ [iX^ hl\\e dl[ ni\jkc`e^# n_`Z_ jfle[j XYjfclk\cp led`jjXYc\% Ef [flYk k_\i\Ëcc Y\ n`^j# [i\jj\j Xe[ ]Xb\ cXj_\j jki\ne XYflk k_\ ^Xi[\e% 8 YXiY\Zl\ Xe[ jg\Z`Xc [i`ebj gifdfj n`cc Xcjf Y\ fe f]]\i# Xcc iX`j`e^ mXclXYc\ ]le[j ]fi 9flie\ =i\\ )''0% nnn%k_\YiXebjfd\%Zfd G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ 9iXebjfd\
for the wild side of your lifestyle nnn%n_`k\k`^\ijkfi\%Zfd ). K_\ Ki`Xe^c\# 9flie\dflk_
South CoastjZ\e\ 79 >>>?<CG@E> PFL ?FFB LG <M<IP K?LIJ;8P J?8> K8># )0*' K?< KI@8E>C<# 9FLIE<DFLK?# <M<IP K?LIJ;8P <m\ip K_lij[Xp Xk )0*' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ `j J_X^ KX^# _\cg`e^ pfl _ffb lg 8j pfl \ek\i# g`Zb lg X k`Zb\k Xe[ ]`e[ pfli g\i]\Zk dXkZ_% K_\ e`^_k `j _fjk\[ Ylk k_\ ]XYlcflj :Xjj`\ ;Xic`e^# `kËj kilcp flkiX^\flj% Gclj# Xcc [i`ebj Xi\ fecp )# Xe[ [flYc\ jg`i`kj Xi\ fecp *% =fi k_fj\ k_Xk c`b\ k_`e^j X c`kkc\ _Xi[\i X_\d =`ck_ `j 9flie\dflk_Ëj d\e fecp e`^_k fe k_\ ]`ijk =i`[Xp f] k_\ dfek_% K_\ e\ok [Xk\j Xi\ =i` , Ale\ Xe[ =i` * Alcp# n`k_ ;A J` :lY [fnejkX`ij `e k_\ YXj\d\ek% G_fkfj ]ifd )0*' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\
Bournemouth '( K_\ 9Xb\ij 8idj s .. :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') ,,,,'- '* )0*' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s *' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s '/+, +.+ *'(0 s nnn%)0*'k_\ki`Xe^c\%Zfd '+ K_\ 9iXebjfd\ s :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') ,,),++ s nnn%k_\YiXebjfd\%Zfd ', :`iZlj 7 K_\ Fg\iX ?flj\ s ,.' :_i`jkZ_liZ_ IfX[# 9fjZfdY\ s '()') *000)) s nnn%fg\iX_flj\%Zf%lb '- Fm\i K_\ IX`eYfn s >Xp D\ej ?\Xck_ Gifa\Zk s '()') ),.+./ s nnn%iX`eYfnYflie\dflk_%Zf%lb '. IlYpq :XYXi\k I\jkXliXek s N\jk ?`cc IfX[ s nnn%ilYpq%Zf%lb '/ JXleXYXi s + 8m\el\ CXe\ s nnn%^XpjXleXYXi%Zfd '0 K_\ OZ_Xe^\ s + K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s '()') )0+*)( (' D`e` 9Xi s ('0$((( :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s 9?) ,IK (( K_\ GXk`jj\i`\ 8e^ c`hl\ s .0 Gffc IfX[s N\jkYflie\ s 9?+ 099 s nnn%gXk`jj\i`\Xe^\c`hl\%Zfd () 9Xi 9\pfe[ s ('* :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s 9?) ,IK (* N_`k\ K`^\i s ). K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s 9flie\dflk_ s 9?) ,J< s '/+, +0- -*', s nnn%n_`k\k`^\ijkfi\%Zfd
'* (( (' ()
(* '(
80 South CoastjZ\e\ >>>JFLK? J:<E< =F:LJ ALE< )''0 >>>K_\ ?Xdgj_`i\ 9flc\mXi[# Gfikjdflk_ K_\i\Ëj cfX[j f] \ek\ikX`ed\ek fe Xk K_\ 9flc\mXi[% <m\ip N\[e\j[Xp `j ;fccp GXik\dËj ZXYXi\k j_fn# Xe[ \m\ip Jle[Xp `j GXk :il`j\% Fk_\i [Xk\j `eZcl[\ ClZ`e[X CXj_\j fe =i` ,# ;`\j\c dXc\ jki`gg\i fe =i` ()# CX[p AXd\j fe =i` (0 Xe[ G`o`\ G\i\q fe =i` )- Ale\
>>>DXik_XËj# Gfikjdflk_ :_\\bp# gi\$ZclY nXid lg `j \m\ip =i`[Xp ]ifd .$('gd% MB Xe[ 9\Zbj Yfkkc\j Xi\ (# Xe[ Xcc ZfZbkX`cj Xi\ )% =ifd ((gd :clY )). fg\ej ]ifd ((gd n`k_ ;A C\\ ?Xii`j gcXp`e^ gldg`e^ Zfdd\iZ`Xc Z_Xik Xe[ [XeZ\% <ekip kf k_\ ZclY `j * Y\]fi\ d`[e`^_k# fi + X]k\i
G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ 9Xb\ij
>>>K_\ 9Xb\ij 8idj# 9flie\dflk_ =ff[ `j j\im\[ [X`cp ]ifd effe lek`c +gd# Xe[ lek`c ,gd fe JXkli[Xpj Xe[ fe Jle[Xpj k_\p f]]\i X kiX[`k`feXc Jle[Xp ifXjk cleZ_ ]ifd ()$+gd% DJ: 9flie\dflk_ d\\k \m\ip )e[ Xe[ +k_ =i`[Xp f] \XZ_ dfek_ `e k_\ :\ccXi 9Xi% B`jj Xe[ DXb\lg d\\k \m\ip (jk Xe[ *i[ =i`[Xp f] \XZ_ dfek_ `e k_\ :\ccXi 9Xi
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G_fkfj ]ifd OZ_Xe^\
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G_fkf ]ifd D`e` 9Xi
South Coast <8JK9FLIE< K_\ ?Xik s /0 :Xm\e[`j_ GcXZ\ s '(*)* -+* (,( s nnn%k_\_Xik%Zf%lb
GFIKJDFLK? ?Xdgj_`i\ 9flc\mXi[ s ( ?Xdgj_`i\ K\iiXZ\ s Jflk_j\X s ')* 0))0 .,'0 K_\ Fc[ M`Z s Jk GXlcËj IfX[ s ')* 0))0 .'(* s nnn%fc[m`Zgfikjdflk_%Zf%lb DXik_XËj s )). :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s ')* 0)/, )0,(
Thames ValleyjZ\e\ 81 G_fkfj ]ifd Fo]fi[ Gi`[\ )''/ nnn%DXqq@dX^\%Zfd
>>>FO=FI; J:<E< =F:LJ ALE< )''0 >>>Afccp =Xid\ij Afccp =Xid\ij f]]\ij ^i\Xk glY ]ff[ \m\ip [Xp% Fe K_lij + Xe[ K_lij (/ Ale\ k_\i\ Xi\ ;fZkfi N_f e`^_kj n`k_ ZcXjj`Z \g`jf[\j fe k_\ Y`^ jZi\\e
>>>:Xjkc\ KXm\ie BXifXb\ Zfek`el\j Xk Fo]fi[Ëj :Xjkc\ KXm\ie fe GXiX[`j\ Jki\\k ]ifd /gd \m\ip fk_\i K_lij[Xp% Ale\ [Xk\j Xi\ K_lij (( Xe[ K_lij ),% Gclj k_\i\ Xi\ ;Aj \m\ip n\\b\e[ n`k_ ;A DXiZ fe =i`[Xpj Xe[ ;A JXd fe JXkli[Xpj
>>>NXek pfli \m\ek c`jk\[6 <dX`c e`^_kc`]\7*j`okpdX^Xq`e\%Zfd<<<
>>>GFJK GI@;< G8IKP@E> @E FO=FI; FO=FI; GI@;< G8I8;< 8E; =<JK@M8C# J8K - ALE< =fccfn`e^ fe ]ifd k_\ Fo]fi[ Gi`[\ gXiX[\ Xe[ k_\ dX`e \m\ek Xk Fog\ej =`\c[# Fo]fi[Ëj C>9K m\el\j n`cc nfib kf^\k_\i kf b\\g k_\ gi`[\ gXikp^f\ij \ek\ikX`e\[ n\cc `ekf k_\ dfie`e^% K_\ f]]`Z`Xc Gfjk Gi`[\ GXikp n`cc ]\Xkli\ j_fnj Xe[ c`m\ ;Aj# `e X dXihl\\ fe GXiX[`j\ Jki\\k ]ifd /gd kf *Xd% 9i\n\ip >Xpk\ Xe[ :Xjkc\ KXm\ie _Xm\ jg\Z`Xc \ok\e[\[ fg\e`e^ _flij# Xe[ K_\ Afccp =Xid\ij fg\ej Xk -gd n`k_ X [XeZ\ gXikp `e k_\ ^Xi[\e lek`c )Xd% J\\ k_\ n\Yj`k\ ]fi dfi\ `e]fidXk`fe# Xe[ ^iXY X dlck`$m\el\ ni`jkYXe[% ?Xggp Gi`[\ \m\ipfe\ nnn%fo]fi[gi`[\%fi^%lb
Thames Valley 8PC<J9LIP K_\ JXiXZ\ej s , I`Zb]fi[j ?`cc s '()0- +)(,)/ s nnn%k_\$jXiXZ\ej%Zf%lb
D@CKFE B<PE<J G`eb Glek\ij s ) NXkc`e^ Jki\\k# 9c\kZ_c\p s '(0'/ *..+++ s nnn%g`ebglek\ij%Zfd
EFIK?8DGKFE K_\ 9fjkfe :c`gg\i s :fcc\^\ Jki\\k s '(-'+ -'++'+ s nnn%k_\YfjkfeZc`gg\i%Zf%lb Iflk\ -0 s ( >Xj Jki\\k s '(-'+ )*0*(/ s nnn%iflk\-0%Zf%lb
FO=FI; 9i\n\ip >Xpk\ s , Jk% K_fdXj Jki\\k s '(/-, ),'')' s nnn%Yi\n\ip^Xpk\%Zfd :Xjkc\ KXm\ie s )+ GXiX[`j\ Jki\\k s '(/-, .0*.,0 s nnn%ZXjkc\kXm\iefo]fi[%Zfd Afccp =Xid\ij s )' GXiX[`j\ Jki\\k s '(/-, .0*.,0 s nnn%afccp]Xid\ijfo]fi[%Zfd :fm\e fe =i`[Xpj s Fog\ej IfX[ FO( (IO s '(/-, )+)..'
JN@E;FE K_\ G`eb Iffdj s *"+ M`Zkfi`X IfX[ s JE( *8A s nnn%k_\g`ebiffdj%Zf%lb K_\ DX`c:fXZ_ s ,0 =c\\k Jki\\k s '(.0* ,*/)+- s nnn%dX`cZfXZ_jn`e[fe%Zf%lb
I<8;@E> K_\ >iXeYp s ()' Cfe[fe IfX[ s '((/ 0*, ),*. s nnn%k_\^iXeYp%Zf%lb Npe]fi[ 8idj s ((' B`e^j IfX[ s '((/ 0,/ 0/(+ s nnn%npe]fi[Xidj%Zfd K_\ DXck_flj\ s ,* >i\p]i`Xij IfX[ s '((/ 0,0 .(). s nnn%dXck_flj\glY%Zfd
Northampton Milton Keynes Aylesbury Cheltenham Swindon
Oxford Reading Newbury
Bristol Mare
Guildford Farnham Crawley Southampton
H Eastbour
/) Thames ValleyjZ\e\ >>>;M/$K@FE ;M/# K?< D8CK?FLJ<# I<8;@E># <M<IP N<;E<J;8P <XZ_ Xe[ \m\ip N\[e\j[Xp e`^_k Xk k_\ DXck_flj\# I\X[`e^# `j ;M/% K_\ ZfeZ\gk `j j`dgc\1 gXp + kf ^\k `e# Xe[ Xcc [i`ebj Xi\ fecp (%,' Xcc e`^_k \oZcl[`e^ :_XdgX^e\# ZfZbkX`cj Xe[ gi\d`ld j_fkj % K_\ ZclY `j fg\e ]ifd /gd i`^_k k_ifl^_ Êk`c )Xd# Xe[ ;A C`c Gl]] `j fe k_\ [\Zbj% 8cjf kf cffb flk ]fi# BXiXfb\ `j \m\ip Jle[Xp# Xe[ ZXYXi\k `j fe =i`[Xpj `eZcl[`e^ X jg\Z`Xc Xgg\XiXeZ\ ]ifd ;Xm\ Cpee fe =i` - Ale\% nnn%dXck_flj\glY%Zfd G_fkfj ]ifd k_\ DXck_flj\
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86 BristoljZ\e\ >>>K@D< KF GL:B8 LG GL:B8 C8LE:? G8IKP# K?< HL<<EJ?@CC@E># J8K )' ALE< K_\ Hl\\ej_`cc`e^ n\cZfd\j ;A 8ek E`Z_fcj kf 9i`jkfc fe JXk )' Ale\ ]fi GlZbX# X YiXe[ e\n ZclYe`^_k ]fi 9i`jkfc% 8ek _Xj Y\\e nfn`e^ Zifn[j XZifjj k_\ LB n`k_ _`j le`hl\ gldg\[ lg kliYf$]leb\[ _flj\ jfle[# Xe[ _\ Zlii\ekcp ;Aj Xe[ gifdfk\j ;\ZX[\eZ\# k_\ `eZi\[`Ycp jlZZ\jj]lc ^Xp ZclYe`^_k n`k_ i\j`[\eZ`\j `e JnXej\X# :Xi[`]] Xe[ Jn`e[fe% Fk_\i _`^_c`^_kj f] k_\ dfek_ Xk K_\ Hl\\ej_`cc`e^ `eZcl[\ =le =XZkfip n`k_ ;A Jk\m`\ A fe JXk (* Ale\# Xe[ Jn`kZ_ fe JXk ). Ale\ n`k_ knf jkpc\j f] dlj`Z% <oZ\cc\ek mXcl\ Ê[i`eb k_\ YXi [ipË ni`jkYXe[j Xi\ Xcjf XmX`cXYc\ \m\ip JXkli[Xp ]fi fecp )'% K_XkËj mXcl\%
G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ Hl\\ej_`cc`e^
BristoljZ\e\ 87 >>>C8K< E@>?K JLE;8P :898I<K K?< G@E<8GGC<# <M<IP JLE;8P 8 ]`id ]Xmfli`k\ Xdfe^jk cfZXcj# K_\ G`e\Xggc\ gi\j\ekj ZXYXi\k \m\ip Jle[Xp e`^_k ]ifd ('gd% K_\ e`^_k `j _fjk\[ Yp jZ\e\ g\ijfeXc`kp <c\ZkiX =\eZ\# n`k_ ifkXk`e^ [iX^ Xe[ mfZXc g\i]fid\ij \XZ_ n\\b% K_\ Yfpj Xk K_\ G`e\Xggc\ Xi\ Xcjf m\ip Yljp fm\i Xk k_\`i e\n m\el\# C\m\c (% @] pfl Ylp X [i`eb Xk C\m\c (# ^iXY X mflZ_\i Xe[ pfl dXp Y\ clZbp \efl^_ kf ^\k pflij\c] X ]i\\ j_fk Xk K_\ G`e\Xggc\ Cffb flk ]fi fk_\i jg\Z`Xc [i`ebj gifdfk`fej fe f]]\i# Z_\Zb `e k_\ YXi ]fi [\kX`cj% K_\ G`e\Xggc\ ]\Xkli\j BXiXfb\ fe Dfe[Xpj# >lZZ` Hl`q E`^_k fe Kl\j[Xpj# Gfg KXikq n`k_ <c\ZkiX =\eZ\ fe K_lij[Xpj# I\kif fe =i`[Xpj Xe[ K_\ ?`kdXe fe JXkli[Xpj% nnn%g`e\Xggc\Yi`jkfc%Zfd G_fkf ]ifd K_\ G`e\Xggc\ JklXik ?Xcc
88 BristoljZ\e\ >>>8 9I8E; E<N 98I =FI 9I@JKFCËJ N<JK JKI@G C<M<C ( =FID<ICP K?< >I@==@E C8LE:?<J FEKF K?< J:<E< K_\ >i`]]`e YXi _Xj Y\\e Zfdgc\k\cp ^lkk\[# i\]liY`j_\[ Xe[ n`cc i\f$ g\e Xj C\m\c (# X jkpc`j_ Xe[ jfg_`jk`ZXk\[ X[[`k`fe kf 9i`jkfcËj N\jk Jki`g ^Xp jZ\e\% ;fd`e`Z Xe[ ;\Xe ]ifd K_\ G`e\Xggc\ _Xm\ [\Zb\[ flk k_\ lgjkX`ij ]cffi Xj X ZfZbkX`c cfle^\ Zfdgc\k\ n`k_ jn`j_ c\Xk_$ \i ]lie`kli\# n_\i\Xj k_\ [fnejkX`ij ]cffi _Xj Xe lgY\Xk ZclY ]\\c kf `k% I\^lcXi e`^_kj `eZcl[\ K 9Xi ]fi kiXej g\fgc\ fe Dfe[Xpj# biXqp bXiXfb\ fe Kl\j[Xpj# ;M; e`^_k fe N\[e\j[Xpj# jkl[\ek e`^_k fe K_lij[Xpj# k_\ ^`icj e`^_k `e k_\ cfn\i ]cffi fe =i`[Xpj# Z_\\j\ e`^_k fe JXkli[Xpj# Xe[ ZXYXi\k n`k_ KiXp CX KiXj_ ]ifd -gd fe Jle[Xpj% =XYlcflj% JX[cp k_\i\ n\i\ ef g_fkfj XmX`cXY\ Xk k_\ k`d\ f] ^f`e^ kf gi\jj# pflËcc _Xm\ kf nX`k lek`c e\ok dfek_ kf Z_\Zb k_\d flk G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ G`e\Xggc\
BristoljZ\e\ 89 >>>:8J? GI@Q<J 8E; =I<< ;I@EBJ K?< CFLE><# 9I@JKFC 9i`jkfcĂ&#x2039;j Fc[ DXib\k M`ccX^\ m\el\# K_\ Cfle^\# `j YXZb n`k_ X ^i\Xk e\n n\\bcp c`e\ lg f] e`^_kj# `eZcl[`e^ knf fggfikle`k`\j kf n`e ZXj_ gi`q\j =XYlcflj [i`ebj gifdfk`fej Xggcp Xcc n\\b# `eZcl[`e^ k_i\\ B) mf[bX [i`ebj ]fi Â&#x2122;,# k_\ fgglikle`kp kf [flYc\ lg fe dX`ec`e\ jg`i`kj ]fi Â&#x2122;(# Xe[ i\Xc Xc\j g`ekj Xk Â&#x2122;)% Jle[Xpj Xi\ Y`e^f# n`k_ ZXj_ gi`q\j Xe[ ]i\\ [i`ebj ]fi n`ee\ij ]ifd /%*'gd% Kl\j[Xp `j hl`q e`^_k# n`k_ dfi\ ZXj_ gi`q\j ]ifd 0gd% N\[e\j[Xp `j jkl[\ek e`^_k n`k_ dXep [i`ebj Xk fecp Â&#x2122;)# =i`[Xpj Xi\ bXiXfb\ n`k_ ;A 9Xq K# Xe[ JXkli[Xpj Xi\ n\\b\e[ nXid lg n`k_ ^i\Xk [i`ebj gifdfj%
Chillout after the weekend with FREE WIFI & great drink 3URPRV 'RXEOH XS RQ VSLULWV IRU MXVW Â&#x2026; %X\ :.' RU . ÂśV for ÂŁ5 Plus Shooters from ÂŁ1 & real ale just ÂŁ2 pint. With 2 chances to WIN CASH every Tuesday in our Lounge quiz starts 8pm ÂŁ1 pp & FREE Jukebox Tuesday & Wednesday.
A wide range of selected drinks Just ÂŁ2. Pints, Bottles & Spirits. When you show your NUS card & Buy 5 shots get one FREE.
G_fkf ]ifd K_\ Cfle^\ 9Xi
The famous Karaoke with Baz-T is back !!! With over 5000 songs to choice from we are sure to have what you want, starts 8pm.
Join us for fun & laughter with Cabaret every Friday with top QDWLRQDO DFWV HYHU\ ZHHN ZLWK GULQNV SURPRÂśV Plus pub to club offers all week.
The Weekend is here!! We play all the club classics taking you back to the old days and bring back the Memories, plus you choice the music on the jukebox with over 40,000 songs. G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ Fc[ :Xjkc\ >i\\e
With 3 chances to WIN CASH & FREE drinks with our Lounge Bingo play from just ÂŁ4, 8pm-9pm.
90 BristoljZ\e\ >>>;<C@:@FLJ GL9 >IL9 J<IM<; 8CC ;8P K?< JK8> 8E; ?FLE;J# <M<IP J8KLI;8P 8E; JLE;8P K_\ JkX^ Xe[ ?fle[j `j X kiX[`k`feXc Yffq\i `e k_\ Fc[ DXib\k Xi\X% @kËj Xcjf fe\ f] k_\ ]\n ^Xp glYj `e 9i`jkfc kf j\im\ ]ff[ Xcc [Xp k_ifl^_$ flk k_\ n\\b\e[j1 \og\Zk iljk`Z Xe[ kiX[`k`feXc glY ^ilY# k_\ jg\Z`Xc g`\j Zfd\ _`^_cp i\Zfdd\e[\[ kf lj K_\i\Ëj cfX[j kf [f Xk K_\ JkX^ Xe[ ?fle[ k_ifl^_flk k_\ n\\b# `eZcl[`e^ bXiXfb\ j\jj`fej fe =i`[Xp e`^_kj Xe[ X gfglcXi hl`q e`^_k fe N\[e\j[Xpj% G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ JkX^ Xe[ ?fle[
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Bristol Fc[ DXib\k ( ) * + , - . / 0
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Plymouthm\el\j Q\ifj s )+ CfZbp\i Jki\\k s '(.,) --) *+- ?Xnb`ej D\\k`e^ GcXZ\ s 9lZbn\cc Jki\\k s '(.,) ))**+( s nnn%_Xnb`ejdg%Zf%lb K_\ :cXi\eZ\ s *( :cXi\eZ\ GcXZ\ s Jkfe\_flj\ s nnn%ZcXi\eZ\gcpdflk_%Zf%lb K_\ JnXccfn s ,0$-( 9i\kfe J`[\ s '(.,) ),(.-'
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Bristol Weston-Super-Mare Taunton Exeter Truro
Plymouth Torquay
Wincheste Sout
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Marble Media
Launch Party
Following hugely successful parties in both Brighton and London, the Marble Media Publishing team (which publishes 3SIXTY magazine) set its sights on Bournemouth to celebrate not only the launch of the company with our friends on the south coast, but also to launch the new South Coast edition of 3SIXTY’s sister publication, one80. Singer Claudia Patrice wowed the crowds and the wonderful Cumberland Hotel hosted the do in its impressive Ventana Bar. Thanks to everyone who joined in and to the Cumberland for being such fabulous hosts.
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THE S! R E N N I W Pic left: Harry and Richard (first left and second in) and friends. Pic below: Alan and Stuart
ack in April of this year, 3SIXTY launched the Summer of Love competition to find the UK’s longest-running gay couple. Word spread and incredible stories of relationships came flooding in, which, frankly, made us feel a bit gooey inside (and it’s not even Valentine’s Day). Now, three months later, the winners have been found: runners up, at 43 years of lurve, are Stuart Corson and Alan Ashwell, and our winners, who will be celebrating 50 years (yes, half a century, folks) together are Richard Saunders and Harry Belither. RICHARD AND HARRY: Richard, 73 and Harry, 85, met way back in September 1959 at a party in ‘Poultry’, Mansion House, London. “We hit it off immediately,” says Richard. Over the years they have lived and - before they retired - ran businesses in Peterborough, Leamington Spa and Stratford-upon-Avon. They live in ‘Old Town’, Stratford-upon-Avon, which is still their place of residence. So what’s the secret of their relationship success? “Give and take!” says Richard. “Relationships are hard work. But as we ran businesses together we just had to get on with it. “It’s really important to be honest and let your families in on your relationship. My mother always really got on with Harry so there was no trouble. “It’s great to look back now, after 50 years together, and remember the good times. We’ve had lots of great dinner parties and travelled a lot together.” Richard and Harry celebrated their Civil Partnership Ceremony on 28 February, 2006. They will be celebrating fifty years together this September.
Alan is honesty. “We never pretended to be monogamous,” he says. “We would have split up years ago if we had been jealous and monogamous. But we never let anyone come between us we’ve always been first in each other’s lives. But one crucial thing is allowing each other space.” “Congratulations to the winners,” said pubisher Tony V. “We know that there are lots of gay couples out there that have been in incredibly long-lasting relationships and we wanted to highlight the fact that gay couples enjoy long, happy relationships in exactly the same way as straight people do. And in a culture that is often accused of focussing on youth, we decided we’d focus on gay couples whose partnerships have stood the test of time.” Our winners Richard and Harry win first prize, which is a stay at Brighton’s luxurious MyHotel, a case of Pink Elephant wine, a three-course dinner for two at the Pitcher and Piano restaurant, a commemorative CD featuring audio by the couple and a £500 voucher from bespoke jeweller Michael Rose. They also win a 15minute professionally produced and recorded radio show by Faux Show, a team of producers who will record their story, present it in a real news storystyle documentary and include vox-pops comments from a friends and family for the couple to keep on CD forever! Our runners up Stuart and Alan win tickets to a 3SIXTY fundraising dinner and overnight stay at the New Madeira Hotel in Brighton. Thanks to everyone that entered and remember: gay love is the real thing. Aww.
LOVE STUART AND ALAN: Stuart Corson and Alan Ashwell have been together for 43 years. They met in October 1966 and, after a whirlwind romance, set up home together in Easter 1967. “I know, it was pretty quick to move in with one another,” laughs Stuart. “My mother had died in the mean time and had left me a house. It was worth about £2000, which when you’re on £18 a week was a big inheritance.” Stuart, who turned 66 in January says he remembers when the 1967 Sexual Offences Act came into force which partially decriminalised homosexual acts between men, but it really didn’t make any diference to his relationship with Alan, who turned 59 in April. “We didn’t really expect any trouble, although there were certain things we couldn’t do in public as a gay couple,” he recalls. “Where we lived in Leeds it was a student area, and there were lots of guys sharing so people didn’t think about us being gay.” Stuart says that gay people have too much freedom these days, and remembers the first few years that he spent with Alan fondly because they ‘made do’. “We worked hard for everything we had,” he says. “These days gay men float around too much and want so much from life and relationships that they end up unhappy.” Stuart says that the single most positive thing that has contributed to the success of his relationship with
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GJP:?@: Celebrity Readings LADY GAGA Lady GaGa is fast becoming a star to contend with, but in this reading I sense that she will have to be very careful when approaching her next big project. A series of events will cause controversy which will shock her younger fans, but she will manage to pull through and fix a mess that wasn’t her fault or intended. In fact, in the wake of this chaos, Lady GaGa will be in line for a very big award. This encouragement will inspire her to enter more markets overseas and spending more time in the UK. However, I see some scary problems with a travel arrangement which will knock her confidence in travel for a while and affect her personal health. The feeling I get from Lady GaGa is that she feels age is not on her side and she wishes she came out from behind the scenes along time ago. I feel she will earn a lot of respect as a big club DJ and this will take her all over the world. A bad habit may need to be calmed down as personal influences come out in future songs that will be reminiscent of old loves. And talking of love a very interesting revelation comes up in her love life, which sends tabloids into a frenzy. I feel a soundtrack to a cool film will also boost her name and brand.
NATIONAL Positiveline (HIV/AIDS SUPPORT) 0800 1696806 LONDON & ESSEX Berkshire Gay and Lesbian information Network 0118 959 7269 Basildon and Thurrock Friend 01268 284422 Colchester Gay Switchboard 01206 869191 London LGBT Switchboard 020 7837 7324 London Friend 020 7837 3337 Lewisham Friend 020 8690 6195 SOUTH EAST Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard 01273 204050 Isle of Wight Helpline 01983 525123 Oxford Friend 01865 726893 Surrey Helpline 01483 727667 SOUTH WEST Bristol Lesbian and Gay Switchboard 01179 221328 Cornwall Lesbian Line 01736 754225 GAY-GLOS in Gloucestershire 01452 306800 Intercom Trust in SW peninsula 08456 020818 Somerset Gay Health 01823 327078 EAST MIDLANDS Nottingham Switchboard 01623 621515 Midlands Switchboard 08452 578255
>Xm`e :ifdn\cc `j X Z\c\Yi`kp gjpZ_`Z d\[`ld n_f jg\Z`Xc$ `j\j `e m`j`k`e^ _Xlek\[ cfZXk`fej% ?\ _Xj nfib\[ Xcc fm\i k_\ LB# fe iX[`f Xe[ k\c\m`j`fe# Xe[ f]]\ij ($kf$( ZfejlckX$ k`fej# gXiXefidXc `em\jk`^Xk`fej# kXifk nfibj_fgj jg`i`klXc ^l`[XeZ\% nnn%^Xm`eZifdn\cc%Zfd PAUL BURSTON I’m seeing some fantastic travel opportunities coming up for Paul. He’s being mentally stimulated in many different areas and this is affecting the way he looks the world. I sense that Paul enjoys bringing edgy conversation to the table and this can bring drama to many social and professional situations. I see a big change to Paul’s routine is on the cards, related to success with a new project. With triumph, however, comes a hint of tragedy but this is minor and he deals with this quickly and effectively. The name ‘Dan’ jumps out at me when I do this reading, and a contact made at a distance does not disappoint. A charity gets lots of support from Paul which brings a lot of thank yous. And news that a friend is getting married starts a new phase of social events over the summer, with a man called Richard coming into Paul’s life and making him feel comfortable in unusual surroundings.
WEST MIDLANDS Leicester Helpline 01162 550667 North Staffordshire LGB Switchboard 01782 266998 Lesbian and Gay Switchboard West Midlands 0845 2578255 SCOTLAND Edinburgh 01315 564 620 GLASGOW 01414 870 447 Glasgow Gay & Lesbian Centre 01412 217203 Lothian Switchboard 01315 564049 Strathclyde Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 01418 470447 WALES LGBT Cymru Helpline 08000 232201 Cardiff 02920 340 101 SWANSEA 01792 645 325 NORTH WEST Lesbian and Gay Foundation Manchester 08453 303030 Blackpool 01253 454 978 Manchester YouthLine 0800 052 0151
NATIONAL Books Let’s Eat Peter Burton Events Barbra & Liza Live IML Concerts Recruitment Red Driving School Retail Honda Scooters Shop 3SIXTY St Tropez TLA Releasing Travel Switzerland Tourism Other D.F.I.D Gaydar Pink Elephant Wine Point and Snap Profile Pics
104 27 17 14 113 44 2&3 38 50 56 & 57 27 67 12 69 75
SCOTT MILLS Scott has a very keen interest in the paranormal. His reading tells me that he has a good intuition when it comes to deciding on what to do about a situation. I feel that there is some ‘using’ influences around him right now and it’s not allowing him to be completely himself and there is another side of this DJ that needs to come out and be explored. A new deal is in the making causing him to celebrate a fantastic result, which will allow him to put a deposit on something big very comfortably. I feel it is important for him to spend a bit of time away from the UK this summer and also I sense that Scott is eager to start settling into relationship mode. The names Brian, Russ a Becky and also Jackson jump out of this reading but I’m not sure how to place them in his surroundings right now, but it does tell me things do need sorting out and it’s time to get rid of all that junk and to enjoy and be the personality that you are, more television is coming up and presenting at something pretty big will bring some great contacts and offers!
Bright‘n’Beautiful Bulldog The Brighton Sauna The New Madeira Hotel Revenge The White Horse Vavoom Solicitors Engleharts BRISTOL Beauty Beautology Hotels Mercure Brigstow Bristol Scene Bristol Bear Bar Level 1 The Lounge The Pineapple The Stag and Hounds The Queenshilling LONDON Restaurants Soseki Scene Fabric
70 60 73 12 71 70 74 13
89 84 91 88 89 87 90 86
NEWCASTLE Events Northern Pride SOUTH Events Bourne Free Hotels The Bonnington Hotel The Cumberland Hotel Retail Patisserie Angelique White Tiger Scene The Edge The London Thames Valley Scene The Malthouse WEST Events Pride Torbay Scene Candyfloss The Eddystone Trust Key West Zeros
22 78 116 78 79 76 77
NORTH EAST Newcastle 01912 618 555 middlesbrough 01642 804 400
BRIGHTON Events Beachdown Festival Brighton Dome Gay Olympic Water Polo Team Fundraising Event Jewellers Michael Rose Jeremy Hoye Julian Stephens Scene
YORKSHIRE AND HUMBERSIDE LEEDS 01132 453 588 HULL 01482 443 333
These are the companies that help bring you 3SIXTY magazine for free every month. So if you enjoy 3SIXTY, please support us by supporting them.
48 13
4&5 65
8 6 11 47
MIDLANDS Scene The Nightingale
53 93 55 52 92