3SIXTY Sept 09

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Cover SEPT 09.indd 1

27/8/09 15:04:20

02-03 Adverts.indd 2

27/8/09 15:05:18


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05 Contents.indd 5

28/8/09 15:59:29


AHEAD Our distinctive range of Scooters is streets ahead of the competition. With the lowest possible running costs, minimal environmental impact and renowned reliability, they all offer a clean and convenient way of getting around. So, whether you prefer a traffic beater or an open road mile muncher, save money and time with our 0% Finance* offer now available. Go on, get ahead! Contact your nearest Honda dealer for full details.


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06-09 National News.indd 6


28/8/09 16:00:05


3SIXTY launches gay travel company and London office ONE OF THE UK’S BIGGEST gay travel companies is joining forces with 3SIXTY, to launch a new LGBT holiday service. The brand new joint venture, Mantrav3SIXTY, combines the forces of respected gay holiday firm Mantrav and the UK’s only quality free gay national magazine, 3SIXTY. The move comes after months of discussions between the two companies, both of which are growing at an incredible rate despite the worldwide economic downturn. The Mantrav3SIXTY union will offer the marketplace both companies’ expertise in service and gay-related business experience and herald a new era for quality, cost-effective gay travel options and holiday packages. 3SIXTY readers will not only be able to book flights to destinations ranging from a romantic weekend break in Paris to a party fortnight at Sydney Mardi Gras, but also great value accommodation all over the world. Furthermore, the new company will be offering fantastic packages to more well-established gay favourites such as Mykonos and Gran Canaria.

“Things are really going from strength to strength,” says Malcolm Hardy, director of Mantrav International. “Business has skyrocketed in the past year and continues to surprise us each month as more and more gay people are booking holidays. I have followed the newly founded success of Graeme Austin and Tony V and can see how they are switched on to success and service.” Mantrav3SIXTY will initially operate out of the existing 3SIXTY office, situated in the centre of Brighton’s gay village at 4 Steine Street, before expanding over the next year. The original office premises are being transformed into a new shop front travel agency and office complex, due to officially launch on Tuesday 15 September. Mantrav International has also announced it will be opening a New York City office in September as business booms in the UK. Marble Media Publishing, which owns 3SIXTY and one80news, has already opened a new office in London as part of a national expansion scheduled to roll out over the next twelve months. For more, see our feature on page 53 >

newsinbrief egg on their faces Two men were due to appear in court as 3SIXTY went to press charged with throwing eggs at people in Manchester’s gay village. Peter James Young, 23, of Hardman Street, Chadderton has already been charged with common assault and a public order offence. His friend, Phillip Shepherd, 25, of Derby Street, Chadderton was charged with a public order offence. It is thought the men raced around the streets surrounding the famous Canal Street area of the city in their Renault Clio chucking raw eggs at passers by and shouting anti-gay abuse.

gay soho hit by yet another fire London’s gay area of Soho has been hit by yet another fire. A third blaze broke out in the centre of Soho at the end of August, making it three fires within two months. The latest building to be hit was in the busy Wardour Street, just off the main gay thoroughfare of Old Compton Street. The fire is thought to have originated in an alleyway close to the Village Bar. It is not known how the fire started. DEAN ST FIRE © JAMES CRIDLAND

X Factor favourite: ‘I’m bisexual’ X FACTOR FAVOURITE DANYL Johnston is setting internet forums alight with news that he has sex with both women and men. The 27-year-old singing schoolteacher, from Reading, came out after just one appearance on the ITV primetime show in tabloid paper the News of the World. “I’m a massive flirt,” he said. “I wouldn’t rule out someone just because of their gender. I haven’t been in that many relationships, only about four … I hate boxes, so I don’t like to call myself gay, straight or bisexual. But yeah, I’ll admit that I have dated men.” Johnston, who has won a number of karaoke competitions in the past, is the current favourite to win the series. He also insisted that he finds X Factor mastermind Simon Cowell attractive, but added that he thinks Dannii Minogue is the most attractive panel judge.

In July, 3SIXTY’s sister publication, one80news, reported that a fire that ripped through a historic building on Dean Street in Soho was costing local gay businesses thousands of pounds in lost revenue. The fire, which almost completely destroyed a film company’s offices in the road, was also just yards from Old Compton Street. Large areas of Soho were shut down following the blaze, costing bars and restaurants significant amounts in lost profits. No-one was injured. Another small fire broke out in Newport Place at the end of last month, but there was little damage.

Party drug GBL to be made illegal THE GAY PARTY DRUG GBL is being reclassified as illegal by the end of the year. The Home Office has said it will ban the drug, which has allegedly caused the deaths of a gay man in Vauxhall and a Brighton student in the past year. GBL (or Gamma Butyrlactone) is not currently ille-

gal in the UK, despite the fact that it turns into GHB – which is illegal - once into the bloodstream. Mixed with alcohol, GBL can kill within minutes. When criminalised, dealing will carry a maximum sentence of 14 years. The government has announced it will also outlaw so-called ‘legal highs’ by the end of the year.

youth violence survey launched A new survey is being launched to find out why domestic violence amongst LGBT youth is on the increase. The study, jointly run by the Broken Rainbow and Eighteen and Under charities, is an online survey for young people aged 18-25. “This survey will help inform us about what might help prevent domestic violence,” says Laurie Matthew, co-ordinator at Eighteen and Under. www.broken-rainbow.org.uk


*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s .

06-09 National News.indd 7

28/8/09 16:00:11


Gay businesses rally round to save Brighton Pride GAY BUSINESSES IN BRIGHTON are rallying round to raise money for Brighton Pride after the shock announcement that next year’s event could be ticketed unless more money is found. A number of leading gay clubs and bars are busy preparing specially created events to raise cash to support Brighton Pride. The move comes after Pride organisers went public with concerns over their budgets, stating they have identified a financial deficit amounting to £50,000 following this year’s event. Yvonne Barker, Chair of Pride in Brighton & Hove said that despite raising more in sponsorship support than in previous years, a combination of the general economic downturn, increased costs to put on the event, rising office utility costs and lower donations on the day due to the appalling weather, has resulted in the need to launch a major fund raising drive. “While many enjoy Pride as a free event, it costs us more than £300,000 to stage,” she said. “We are a charity and rely on the generosity of local businesses and individuals, who raise much needed funds. However, the truth is that there are many more businesses in the city – both straight and LGBT run - that benefit enormously from the Pride festivities and yet contribute nothing towards the running costs. We will be approaching those businesses for donations, as well as going back to our traditional supporters for help.” The shortfall puts a question mark over whether it will be possible to mount a free event on the same scale in 2010, unless substantial funds are generated. “The message is clear,” Barker continued. “If we are unable to raise sufficient funds to cover the expected shortfall, we will need to seriously scale back next year’s Pride festivities and reduce the support we are able to give to local LGBT community groups.” She concluded with an appeal to businesses both local and national to support their need to raise money, with a deadline of Christmas 2009. One of Brighton Pride’s biggest supporters, the long-running Brighton-based club night Wild Fruit, immediately announced it will theme it’s end-ofAugust night as a Brighton Pride fundraiser. “The Wild Fruit crew is keenly aware of the current financial situation at Pride and so are urging

customers to dig deep to help with this year’s Pride funds,” said a Wild Fruit spokesperson. “People will be enthusiastically bucket collecting at the event and Wild Fruit asks all guests that you donate as much or as little as you can afford. All spare change is welcome and every penny counts for this worthy cause that supports the country’s best free festival.” The event is at Tru nightclub on West Street, Brighton, on Sunday 30 August. Another of Brighton’s well-established venues, The Queen’s Arms, in the Brighton’s gay village Kemp Town area, is also hosting a weekend of fundraising starting on Friday 9 October, setting itself a minimum target of £1,500 for Pride. Other are thought to be announcing initiatives in the near future. Pride organisers say they will also be launching an appeal for donations to its members and the more than 3,000 subscribers to the Pride official Facebook site, who all enjoyed themselves on the parade, in the park and at the numerous events in the run up to and after the main park event. She went on to say that over the coming weeks Pride would be announcing a series of fundraising initiatives and will be reaching out to individual, business and community group supporters for donations and to tap into their own ideas to help raise money. But it is clear much more needs to be done to ensure Pride in Brighton and Hove remains one of the UK’s largest and best free events. Those wishing to donate can do so immediately online at www.justgiving.com/brightonpride/ donate/ If your business can help raise money, get in touch with the Brighton Pride office via their website on www.brightonpride.org

newsinbrief gay genius deserves apology A l m o s t 5,000 people have signed a petition urging the government to officially apologise for the way gay math genius Alan Turing was treated. Alan Turing, recognised as one of the most important computing men in history, ended his own life after being jailed for ‘criminal’ homosexual behaviour after World War II. He was just 41. During his short life he famously helped crack the German Enigma Code, effectively reducing the length of World War II by two years and saving countless lives. “The British Government should apologise to Alan Turing for his treatment and recognise that his work created much of the world we live in and saved us from Nazi Germany,” says the petition. “An apology would recognise the tragic consequences of prejudice that ended this man’s life and career.”

gay ads target school pupils The gay equality organisation Stonewall’s now classic ‘Some people are gay, get over it’ advertising campaign is relaunching this month. The memorable slogan, which was devised by school pupils, will be put up on 500 display panels and in 20 major railway stations across England, Scotland and Wales. The campaign is timed to coincide with the start of the new school year. “It [will] encourage the idea that it is everyone’s responsibility to tackle homophobic bullying – both within the school gates, and in the wider world,” said Stonewall chief executive Ben Summerskill.

drug use ‘high amongst gays’ Two out of every ten gay people in Brighton have used cocaine, according to a new survey. The study, by the University of Brighton, questioned more than 800 LGBT people between the ages of 16 and 75 about their drug use. The results reveal that gay people are far more likely to use illegal drugs recreationally than heterosexuals. The study has prompted LGBT rights campaigners to urge gay people to seek help if they have problems with drugs. The study also found that 33 per cent had used cannabis and 24 per cent had taken ecstasy.


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06-09 National News.indd 8

28/8/09 16:00:29







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06-09 National News.indd 9

28/8/09 16:00:32




Dot gay domain could go live Gay groups across the world are joining forces to campaign for a new .gay internet domain name to be introduced. Various LGBT organisations, including the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce in the US and South Africa’s Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation want the DOTgay domain to be approved for use by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). “Millions of internet websites are targeted on the gay community,� said a spokesperson. “A well managed .gay domain will help to connect the gay end user and those who try to reach out to him.� It is hoped the domain could be available from the end of next year.

Gay men marry women for kids Jewish rabbis in Israel are attempting to create a compromise situation where gay men can marry women in order to start a family. The initiative is part of a plan to ensure gay men who want to be parents stay within halachic law – a Jewish religious law. The idea would involve a gay man marrying a woman with everyone involved aware that the union is only in order to produce children. The man would continue his relationship with his boyfriend, although it would have to be non-sexual. The man would also have to receive counselling about his homosexuality from religious psychologists. The finer details are still being discussed, but some activists are calling a it a major step forward for the orthodox religion.

THE ANTIQUE HOUSE Bringing antiques back to The Lanes

Police promise to protect parade Serbian authorities are promising to protect gay people taking part in the city’s Pride parade this month. The move comes after graffiti threatening anyone taking part in the march appeared across the Serbian capital Belgrade. “In this country, no one is allowed to threaten or bother anyone,� said Interior Minister Ivica Dacic. The Pride parade is due to take place on Sunday 20 September.

Cash compensates abuse


A gay Polish man subjected to a year of anti-gay abuse by a neighbour has been awarded ÂŁ3,000 in compensation. Ryszard Giersz claimed he was repeatedly called a “faggotâ€? and victimised at his apartment block. The neighbour, known as Anna S, was banned from using ant-gay language and fined more than ÂŁ3,000. “I hope this verdict makes people more tolerant and think twice before they offend someone who is simply different from them,â€? said Mr Giersz.

Thousands support gay rights More than 19,000 people have signed a petition to stop a gay Israeli peace campaigner being jailed. Ezra Nawi, a plumber from Jerusalem in his fifties, may be imprisoned for up to 18 months for taking part in a riot and assaulting a police officer. But supporters say his record on human rights campaigning means he should be praised rather than put in prison. Veteran British gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell called him a “bridge builder�. Nawi is due to be sentenced this month.

Milk streetcar vandalised 7KH $QWLTXH +RXVH 0HHWLQJ +RXVH /DQH %ULJKWRQ 7HO 2SHQLQJ WLPHV 7XHV WR 6DW DP WR SP 6XQ DP WR SP 0RQGD\V FORVHG www.theantiquehouse.co.uk

A streetcar in San Francisco dedicated to the work of gay rights advocate Harvey Milk has been vandalised with anti-gay graffiti. The tram, a 1970s original restored last year, was discovered to bear the words ‘fag’ and faggot’. The streetcar had a cameo in the film Milk, about the activist’s life. It has now been cleaned and is back in service.

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Jock off you cheerleader An American campaign against negative use of the word ‘gay’ is being criticised as ‘offensive’. The Think B4 You Speak initiative replaces the word ‘gay’ with other high school stereotypes. One says “That’s so ‘jock who can complete a pass but not a sentence’.” Another uses the word ‘cheerleader’ in a negative fashion. The posters are followed by the line: “Think that’s mean? How do you think ‘that’s so gay’ sounds? Hurtful. So knock it off.” Critics say that insulting people to try and prevent discrimination is “idiotic”.

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Teacher’s pet hate A high school student who was subjected to anti-gay comments by teachers has been awarded $25,000 in compensation. The boy, from Minnesota, who cannot be named for legal reasons, claimed two of his teachers, Diane Cleveland and Walter Filson repeatedly made derogatory remarks about the boy’s perceived sexual orientation in class and allowed other students to make similar comments. The comments insinuated that the boy enjoyed wearing girls’ clothing and had ‘a thing for older men’. The boy has moved to another school. The teachers have kept their jobs.

Newspaper hate A newspaper in the American state of Utah is refusing to print wedding announcements involving gay couples. One couple, Tyler Barrick and Spencer Jones, who married in California while gay marriage was legal last year, wanted to place their announcement in their family’s local paper. But the publication, Spectrum, refused to print the story, or a photo of the couple. It is thought that the paper is citing religious grounds for not printing gay content.

Hip Hop star’s bisexual girlfriend Kanye West’s girlfriend Amber Rose is telling American journalists that she is bisexual. The model, 26, who is often labelled as a ‘bisexual freak stripper’ by the press, says she “can be in love with a man or a woman”, and that she has nothing to be ashamed of. It is thought her comments are doing little to impress Kanye West, 32.

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The talking baby in popular American cartoon Family Guy has officially come out. Stewie, the evil child genius obsessed with world domination and son of central characters Peter and Lois Griffin, is gay, or at least will be. The revelations come from the mouth of Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane in the September issue of Playboy magazine. The show, which is no stranger to controversy, has just completed its seventh series in the US.

U bend on gay adoption Gay and lesbian people can adopt their same-sex partner’s children, Germany’s highest court has confirmed. The German Federal Constitutional Court overturned a previous ruling that barred gay partners from adopting because it argued that this would undermine the rights of the other biological parent. But it has now changed its mind. “The earlier decision failed to consider the fact that the role of a child’s parent is not only determined by his or her biological progenitor but based on the social-familial community caring for the child.”

Milking it Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger has chosen gay icon Harvey Milk as one of 13 inductees into the state’s Hall of Fame, to happen this December.

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In the confines of a psychiatric hospital, breakdance becomes a way of expressing freedom and rebelling against the iron rule of Nurse Ratched – who happens to be a ballet fan… Insane in the Brain features a soundtrack with tracks from Missy Elliot, Dizzee Rascal and Cypress Hill, and is performed by Swedish dance company Bounce. 15 September – 3 October, Peacock Theatre, London www.sadlerswells.com; 13/14 October, Sherman, Cardiff www.shermancymru.co.uk; 16/17 October, Lighthouse www.lighthousepoole.co.uk; 20/21 October, Hall For Cornwall, Truro www.hallforcornwall.co.uk; 13/14 November Northern Stage, Newcastle, www.northernstage.co.uk; 17/18 November Wyvern Theatre, Swindon www.wyverntheatre.org.uk; 21 November, The Lowry, Salford www.thelowry.com


Starring drag queen Bette Rinse as Sinderfella and Big Brother’s Kat (the Cookie Monster) as Fairy Gone Wong, adults-only pantomime Sinderfella is to get a West End season in Leicester Square Theatre’s Basement theatre from Friday December 4 to Wednesday December 30. Expect strong language and lots of innuendo! C\`Z\jk\i JhlXi\ K_\Xki\# Cfe[fe# nnn%c\`Z\jk\ijhlXi\k_\Xki\% Zfd '/++ /+. )+ .,


Separate Tables, Terence Rattigan’s double bill of subtly observed one act plays (Table by the Window and Table Number Seven) will be revived as the final production in this year’s Chichester Festival Theatre season. First staged in London in 1954 and on Broadway in 1956 and turned into an Oscar-winning film in 1958, Separate Tables will star Stephanie Cole as the indomitable but deeply prejudiced Mrs Railton-Bell who rules with a rod of iron the collection of misfits who are resident in the Bournemouth hotel where the two plays are set. Directed by Philip Franks, this production of Separate Tables will be using a modified version of Table Number Seven never performed during Rattigan’s lifetime (he died in 1977) and only rediscovered in the 1990s. In this, the offence committed by central character Major Pollack was homosexual rather than interfering with a woman in a cinema. Due to Britain’s stage censorship, this version was deemed unacceptable and though it was to have been used on Broadway, the actor playing the Major, the alcoholic and homosexual Eric Portman was unhappy and the production reverted to the version seen in London. Separate Tables is an engrossing example of Rattigan’s dramatic style in which obstensible restraint, careful observation and thoughtful delineation of character cunningly expose a seething cauldron of repressed passions none too deeply bubbling beneath the genteel surface. Separate Tables is at the Chichester Festival Theatre, Oaklands Park, Chichester, West Sussex. Tickets Tel 01243 781312 or online at www.cft.org.uk.

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Marilyn: Forever Blonde, The Marilyn Monroe Story in Her Own Words and Music, the acclaimed, award-winning one woman play featuring 17 songs comprising the life of Marilyn Monroe, is to get its West End premiere in London. 0844 847 24 75 www.leicestersquaretheatre.com


The creators of the highly acclaimed play The Laramie Project, which since 2000 has been one of the most performed plays in America, will premiere a compelling and groundbreaking epilogue to the original piece. Entitled The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later, the play will be performed by Manchester’s Hope Theatre Company at The Lowry, Salford together with 100 other theatres across the world on October 12, 2009. The epilogue focuses on the long term effect the homophobic murder of Matthew Shepard has on the town of Laramie. It explores how the town has changed and how the murder continues to reverberate in the community. The play also includes new interviews with Matthew’s mother Judy Shepard and Mathew’s murderer Aaron McKinney, who’s serving dual life sentences, as well as follow-up interviews with many of the individuals from the original piece. 12 October, The Lowry, Salford www.thelowry.com


During the day, Dean (played by Darren Southworth, recently in the London production of Spamalot) works for a mail order nightwear company called The Pyjama Game. At night, in the privacy of his home, he performs the songs of the legendary Doris Day. When his local operatic society, stages a version of DD’s film Calamity Jane, Dean wonders whether he should share his ‘Calamity’ with an unsuspecting world. LipService, in association with the Library Theatre, present this hilarious new musical which features Doris Day classics such as ‘Secret Love’, ‘Que Sera, Sera’ and ‘The Deadwood Stage’. Desperate To Be Doris is at The Library Theatre, Central Library, St Peter’s Square, Manchester from 23 Septemeer - 3 October. Tickets: Tel: 0161 236 7110 or online at www.librarytheatre.com


It was his sinuously erotic tango in the silent film classic The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse that propelled Rudolph Valentino into world stardom and the appeal of the Argentinian dance has remained undiminished ever since. Tango Fire, direct from Buenos Aires, has become a worldwide phenomenon and is an irresistable journey through the history of this most seductive of dance forms - there is about it more than a hint of the raw passions of the Parisian Apache dancing. Sexy, sensual and yet sophisticated, Tango Fire is a genuine dance spectacular. Sept 13, Liverpool Royal Philharmonic Hall 0151 709 3789 www.liverpoolphil.com; Sep 14 Birmingham Alexander Theatre 0844 847 2294; Sep 16 Cardiff, St David’s Hall 029 2087 8444 www.stdavidshallcardiff.co.uk; Sep 17 Reading, The Hexagon 0118 960 6060 www.readingarts. com Sep 25/26 Brighton Dome 01273 709709 www.brightondome.org

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In May 2001, British pop duo Pet Shop Boys stormed London with their first stage musical, Closer to Heaven. It gained mixed reviews from the mainstream press, but, with its focus on drugs, drink and the underground gay scene in the capital, was a runaway success amongst many gay men. And now, it’s being revived for a Brighton show in aid of HIV charity The Sussex Beacon. 22 to 26 September 2009 at Sallis Benny Theatre, Brighton. Tickets cost £20 for the Tuesday performance, £5 on which will be donated to the Sussex Beacon. Tickets: Brighton Dome Box office on 01273 709709. www.closertoheaven.info


Fittingly hosted in the shadows of Buckingham Palace, ‘Lady Boy’ is an annual gathering of glamorous girls fighting to be crowned queen in one of the UK’s most unique beauty contests. Showcasing fierce and fabulous Ladyboys from all over the world, this must-see event is taking place on 13th September 2009, 6pm till late, at London’s celebrated fine-dining Thai restaurant, Mango Tree. Lady Boy 2009 will see contestants unveil their talents in three rounds before a panel of VIP and celebrity judges. Starting with the ‘creativity’ category - imagination is the only limitation, as the teasing temptresses display their most avant-garde handmade outfits. The sensational sexy ‘swimwear’ round follows before ‘evening dress’ brings the competition to Taking place at a closefitting climax. 13 September 2009, 6pm till late Mango Tree, London stage. www.mangotree.org.uk



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Kajagoogoo, the boyband that had a worldwide hit in 1983 with ‘Too Shy’ and broke up almost immediately after, have reformed. As a preview to their greatest hits CD - Too Shy: The Very Best of Kajagoogoo and Limahl (to be released early next year) - the band are undertaking an eleven date British tour. They play the 02 Academy, Liverpool on 17 September; The Ferry, Glasgow on 18; The Ulster Hall, Belfast on 20; the Campus Academy, Sunderland on 22; The Waterfront, Norwich on 23; 02 Academy, Sheffield on 24; Robin 2, Wolverhampton on 25; the Rescue Rooms, Nottingham on 26; Sin City, Swansea on 27; Islington Academy, London on 30 and The Brook, Southampton on 1 October. *Kajagoogoo singer Limahl is interviewed on page 19.


Set in the image-obsessed worlds of contemporary art and politics, this “black fairy tale” tells the story of an exceptionally alluring young man who makes a pact with the devil. Amongst London’s beautiful people, Dorian Gray is the “It Boy” - an icon of beauty and truth in an increasingly ugly world. The themes behind Wilde’s cautionary tale - the destructive power of beauty; the blind pursuit of pleasure; the darkness and corruption that lie beneath the charming facade - have never been timelier. One week only from Tuesday 6 October at the New Wimbledon Theatre, Wimbledon. www.ambassadortickets.com/New-Wimbledon-Theatre


Little Britain star Matt Lucas and Chris New will be playing Kenneth Halliwell and playwright Joe Orton in Prick Up Your Ears, a production by Daniel Kramer of the same name and Orton’s own diaries. Joe Orton’s brief (but glittering) career – he wrote only three full-length plays (Entertaining Mr Sloane, Loot and the posthumously stage What the Butler Saw) – was brutally terminated in 1967 when Halliwell, his jealous lover, bludgeoned him to death and then committed suicide. Their story, which has all of the inevitability of a Greek tragedy, has already been the subject of a film, scripted by Alan Bennett, and there have been several previous dramatisations. Prick up you Ears tours before going into London’s West End in September. Prick Up your Ears runs at the The Lowry, Manchester from 31 August – 5 September, call 0870 787 5780 and at the Theatre Royal, Brighton from 7-12 September, call 08448 717 650, before opening at the Comedy Theatre, Panton Street, London W1 on 17 September, call 0870 060 6622.

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More than twenty-five years ago, Kajagoogoo, a boyband for whom the term ‘cute’ could have been coined, had a worldwide hit and then split acrimonously. Now they are again touring and readying for release a greatest hits CD. What brought this about? Peter Burton asked lead singer Limahl.


ver the years, people have asked me if I was fired from Kajagoogoo because I was gay,” Limahl announces. “I don’t know. I don’t think so. But I do wonder if there was a list of things and if it was on that list.” It’s a blustery summer day. There’s intermitant sunshine and a threat of rain. Singer Limahl (christened Chris Hamill), a deceptively boyish fifty, bustles into Costa Coffee in Belsize Park. He’s dressed almost entirely in black and his slightly damp hair (he’s been swimming) has hardly changed since the days twenty-six years ago when he was a pin-up for millions of teenage girls and not a few teenaged - and otherwise - gay men. He’s talking almost before he’s sat down. We’ve met to talk about the reforming of Kajagoogoo, the boyband for which Limahl was front man and with which he had a Number One single (Too Shy) in twenty-three countries

back in 1983. The band acrimonously broke up only eight months after a brisk run of singles (Too Shy, Ooh to Be Ah, Hang on Now) and an album (White Feathers) which sold three million copies. After he left Kajagoogoo, Limahl went on to solo success with ‘Only For Love’ and the Giorgio Moroder-produced worldwide Number One ‘The Never Ending Story’ (the theme song from the perenially popular film of the same name) and the album Don’t Suppose. All of the band and solo hits will feature on Too Shy: The Very Best of Kajagoogoo and Limahl, a digitally remastered CD scheduled for release early next year. In the meantime, the band will be undertaking an eleven date tour which commences in Liverpool on 17 September and concludes in Southampton on 1 October. It must be twenty-five years since the successs of ‘Too Shy’?

“It’s slightly longer, actually,” Limahl corrects. “It came out in 1983.” What has he been doing in the years since? “Have you got enough room on your tape?” Limahl laughs. “The year after Kajagoogoo broke up, I did The Never Ending Story. That was a huge record for me. It still is. I’ve just had an offer to perform it with an orchestra in Italy next month. It was Number One in every country in Europe and as the producer Giorgio Moroder - was Italian, there’s a link which means I have a good market in Italy. The Never Ending Story has in many ways been as important - if not more important - than the Kajagoogoo song. But, ironically, had I not been with Kajagoogoo, I’d probably not have got The Never Ending Story. Giorgio was living in America and Too Shy was Number Five. It was a big record there. But, anyway, I did The Never Ending Story and it was a phenomenal suc-

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Below: Kajagoogoo, now, and below, the first time around

cess and so after that it made sense to make an album with Giorgio… “So I went off and did this album with Giorgio, which I co-wrote. That was so exciting, me writing an album with the maestro who did all those amazing Donna Summer records. “He was the man of the moment. In the meantime, politically, back at EMI, my record label, my A&R man left and the new guy wanted to push the artists he’d signed. He wasn’t that interested in me and I believe that EMI didn’t really push my record enough and so the album I made with Giorgio didn’t do that well.. “Then I left EMI and spent a yearand-a-half in legal wrangles. I fell out with my management, but I was still very determined and I was writing songs with people like Andy Hill who’d done all the great Bucks Fizz records. I went to America and was signed by Clive Davis at Arista and they spent a quarter-of-a-million dollars recording six songs and then they dropped me! “At that point I was exhausted and getting a bit jaded with it all and I was in and out of a really painful relationship with a guy called Steve who came from Liverpool. The guy I’ve been with now for fifteen years is also called Steve I just got the wrong Steve the first time around. “Steve from Liverpool was one of those people who was out for what he could get. I was a ticket to ride, a ticket to a good time. All my family tried to tell me, all my friends tried to tell me, but I knew better. I spent so much money on that relationship, trying to make it interesting

for him. Going off to glamorous destinations, flying First Class, trying to make him happy. “I look back now and wonder what I was thinking. Along the way, I was always looking for Mr Right. I needed to be loved. I so wanted to be loved. I mean, sex was easy. It was never difficult finding sex. As a gay man, it just isn’t. Ever… “From ‘88 to ‘91, I didn’t do a lot, career-wise, anyway. I’d acquired a lot of equipment and stuck it in a room and found I had a studio and suddenly found myself behind the scenes as a writer and producer and that continued until 1997. Then - in 1997 - I had a call on my mobile from an agent I knew who told me he’d had an enquiry about the possibility of a Limahl gig…

“And after that there was another gig and that was the beginning of the revival. I packed up the studio, sold the equipment and concentrated en working as Limahl. And then about eighteen months ago I got a call from a guy who said he was the manager of Kajagoogoo and that he wanted to meet with me to discuss a reunion with the band. I said that there’d be no point in meeting because there’d always been an issue over royalties and he said that they’d agreed to address it. But he bailed out after six months because of another project he was more financially committed to and now we’re looking for a new manager…” Where is the Kajagoogoo revival going? “I don’t like wanting anything anymore,” Limahl confess. “You just end up disappointed. I’d rather see what comes… I’d like it to be fun and I’d like it to stay fun…” And now he’s open about being gay? “Yes,” he admits. “I’m much more comfortable now talking about being gay and about my personal life. When I was twenty-three I just wouldn’t have been able to handle it. I admire people like the Pet Shop Boys and Jimmy Somerville who were out there campaigning and that was wonderful but by the time I was old enough to handle it no one was interested in Limahl anymore. Maybe this time around I’ll be a1ble to talk about it a little bit more…” See Calendar Highlights for Kajagoogoo’s tour dates.

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BOOKWORM New books, reviewed by Peter Burton

BESIDE MYSELF: AN ACTOR’S LIFE By Antony Sher (Nick Hern Books, £10.99) Fi`^`eXccp glYc`j_\[ `e )''(# 8ekfep J_\iËj XlkfY`f^iXg_p 9\j`[\ Dpj\c]1 8e 8ZkfiËj C`]\ _Xj Y\\e i\m`j\[ Xe[ i\`jjl\[ kf Zf`eZ`[\ n`k_ _`j j`ok`\k_ Y`ik_[Xp% 9fie `e Jflk_ 8]i`ZX kf Zfd]fikXYcp$ f]] A\n`j_ gXi\ekj n_fj\ Xek\Z\[\ekj n\i\ <Xjk\ie <lifg\Xe# J_\i nXj k_\ b`e[ f] Z_`c[ _fg\c\jj Xk jgfik# ^ff[ Xk Xik n_f nXj `e\m`kXYcp Ylcc`\[ Xk jZ_ffc Ylk nXj jljkX`e\[ Yp _`j `ek\c$ c\ZklXc glijl`kj% @e`k`Xccp [\k\id`e\[ kf Y\Zfd\ X gX`ek\i k_\i\ n\i\ ]Xd`cp [`jZljj`fej XYflk _`j jkl[p`e^ `e @kXcp # _`j `ek\i\jk jn`kZ_\[ kf k_\Xki\ Xe[ X]k\i Xe le_Xggp jg\cc f] EXk`feXc J\im`Z\ `e k_\ Jflk_ 8]i`ZXe Xidp Xe[ _\ Xii`m\[ `e <e^cXe[ kf kiX`e Xj Xe XZkfi% Jligi`j`e^cp ]fi jfd\fe\ n_f _Xj Y\Zfd\ fe\ f] k_\ dfjk _`^_cp i\^Xi[\[ XZkfij f] _`j ^\e\iXk`fe _\ nXj be`^_k\[ `e )''' # J_\i nXj klie\[ [fne Yp j\m\iXc [iXdX jZ_ffcj Y\]fi\ Y\`e^ XZZ\gk\[ Yp k_\ N\YY\i$;fl^cXj 8ZX[\dp% 9lk jdXcc f] jkXkli\ Xe[ dfi\ Xb`e kf ;ljk`e ?f]]dXe k_Xe 9iX[ G`kk `e cffbj# jlZZ\jj ZXd\ jcfncp% 8ck_fl^_ ^Xp# J_\i $ `emfcm\[ n`k_ k_\ ]`ijk >Xp Jn\Xkj_fg j\Xjfe `e (0.+ $ nXjeËk flk Xe[ _\ nXj jk`cc `e k_\ Zcfj\k n_\e _\ gcXp\[ [iX^ hl\\e 8iefc[ 9\Zbf]] @e k_\ Cfe[fe gif[lZk`fe f] KfiZ_ Jfe^ Ki`cf^p `e (0/,% ?\ [`[eËk ^f glYc`Z XYflk k_\ eXkli\ f] _`j j\olXc`kp lek`c (0/0% Fm\i X ^c`kk\i`e^ ZXi\\i# J_\i _Xj d\dfiXYcp Xgg\Xi\[ `e gcXpj Yp 9i\Z_k K_\ I\j`jk`Yc\ I`j\ f] 8iklif L` # D`b\ C\`^_ >ffj\$g`dgc\j # IfjkXe[ :piXef [\ 9\i^\iXZ Xe[# dfjk jg\ZkXZlcXicp# J_Xb\jg\Xi\ _`j I`Z_Xi[ @@@ Y\ZXd\ X c\^\e[ % JlZZ\jj fe ]`cd _Xj \cl[\[ _`d# _\ i\dX`ej m\ip dlZ_ X jkX^\ XZkfi $ Xj n\cc Xj X gX`ek\i Xe[ _`^_cp$giX`j\[ Xlk_fi% 8ZkfiËj XlkfY`f^iXg_`\j ZXe f]k\e Y\ [`j\e^\elflj# ni`kk\e n`k_ X cXZb f] j\c]$ befnc\[^\ Xe[ _\c[ kf^\k_\i Yp X c`jk f] gif[lZk`fej Xe[ Xdlj`e^ Xe\Z[fk\j XYflk ]\ccfn k_\jg`Xej% 9\j`[\ Dpj\c] `j jfd\k_`e^ \ek`i\cp [`]]\i\ek% J_\i `j dfm`e^ XYflk _`j [`]]`Zlck i\cXk`fej_`g n`k_ _`j ]Xk_\i# jkXikc`e^cp _fe\jk XYflk _`j ^Xp c`]\ Xe[ cfm$ \ij# Xe[ YilkXccp _fe\jk XYflk _`j X[[`Zk`fe kf n`e\ Xe[ n_`jbp Xe[ ZfZX`e\% 9\j`[\ Dpj\c] `j X c\e^k_p XlkfY`f^iXg_p `e n_`Z_ k_\i\ `j efk X nfi[ kff dXep# _fe\jk# dfm`e^ Xe[ lkk\icp Zfdg\cc`e^%

VERSUS by Robin Anderson (Athena Press, £12.99) IfY`e 8e[\ijfe# k_\ AXZb`\ :fcc`ej f] k_\ fe\$ _Xe[\[ i\X[ ]fi ^Xp d\e# _Xj Xggifgi`Xk\cp cfZXk\[ _`j cXk\jk ]`m\ _le[i\[ gX^\ \g`Z n`k_`e k_\ nfic[ f] 9i`kX`eËj _Xi[Zfi\ gfie ]`cd `e[lj$ kip% 8e Xcdfjk Y\n`c[\i`e^cp cXi^\ ZXjk f] Z_Xi$ XZk\ij# Z\eki\[ Xifle[ k_\ j\olXccp `ejXk`XYc\ Ylk fk_\in`j\ lkk\icp ^_Xjkcp :Xd`ccX >Xcjnfik_p Xe[ _\i XdY`k`fe kf Y\ k_\ Jk\m\e Jg`\cY\i^ f] ]lZb`e^ ÊeË jlZb`e^ dfm`\j# ^iflg Xe[ i\^iflg `e mXi`flj n\cc$_le^ ZfdY`eXk`fej k_\ X`d f] n_`Z_ `j kf gif[lZ\ k_\ Y`^^\jk YcfZb$ Yljk`e^ ^Xp j\o ]`cd Xe[ dXb\ Y`^ YlZbj n_`Z_ n`cc Yffjk c`]\jkpc\j n_`Z_ YfY Xcfe^ fe X kjleXd` f] Z_XdgX^e\ Xe[ Xe XmXcXeZ_\ f] ZfZX`e\% K_\ gcfk f] M\ijlj _Xj d\i\ kn`jkj Xe[ kliej k_Xe k_\ ?Xdgkfe :flik dXq\ Xe[ \efl^_ j\o ÊeË m`fc\eZ\ kf ]i`^_k\e \m\ip _fij\ `e k_\ jkXYc\% Ifcc`Zb`e^cp i\X[XYc\ ]fi k_fj\ n_f e\\[ _\cg n`k_ k_\`i dXjkliYXkfip ]XekXj`\j# k_\ Yffb nflc[ _Xm\ Y\\e `dgifm\[ `] dfi\ Xkk\ek`fe _X[ Y\\e gX`[ kf k_\ giff]`e^%

TEN LITTLE HERRINGS by L C Tyler (Macmillan, £16.99) K_\ j\Zfe[ dli[\i dpjk\ip ]\Xkli$ `e^ fYjZli\ Zi`d\ ni`k\i <k_\ci\[ Ki\jj`[\i Xe[ `ek\i]\i`e^ c`k\iXip X^\ek <cj`\ K_`ib\kkc\# K\e C`kkc\ ?\ii`e^j k_\ k`kc\ \Z_f\j 8^Xk_X :_i`jk`\Ëj efn leXZZ\gkXYc\ K\e C`kkc\ E`^^\ij af`ej X ^ifn`e^ j_\c] f] k_i`cc\ij n_`Z_ \`k_\i gXjk`Z_\ efm\cj ]ifd k_\ ^fc[\e X^\ f] k_\ ^\ei\ >`cY\ik 8[X`iËj Dpjk\i`flj 8]]X`i f] Jkpc\# ]fi `ejkXeZ\ fi j\e[ `k lg `e k_\ dfjk flkiX^\flj ]Xj_$ `fe AXjg\i =]fi[\Ëj K_lij[Xp E\ok efm\cj % K\e C`kkc\ ?\ii`e^j `j j\k `e X ile[fne _fk\c `e k_\ Cf`i\ n_\i\ X jkXdg Zfcc\Zk`e^ ]X`i `j Zfd`e^ kf `kj ZfeZclj`fe% Ki\jj`[\i `j X ^l\jk Xk k_\ _fk\c# jkiXe[\[ Y\ZXlj\ _`j Zi\[`k ZXi[j _Xm\ Y\\e ZXeZ\cc\[# Xe[ j_fikcp X]k\i K_`ib\kkc\Ëj Xii`mXc kf YX`c _`d flk# k_\ Zfcc\Zkfij jkXik kf m`fc\ekcp [`\% :i`d\ ni`k\i Xe[ X^\ek [\Z`[\ kf `em\jk`^Xk\# k_fl^_ k_\p j\\d `eZi\[`Ycp `e\gk# Xe[ dlZ_ f] k_\ ]le f] k_\ Yffb Zfd\j ]ifd ]fccfn`e^ k_\ knfjfd\Ëj Ycle[\ij Xj k_\p cliZ_ ]ifd fe\ d`jZfeZ\gk`fe kf Xefk_\i% K_`j j\Zfe[ flk`e^ ]fi <k_\ci\[ Xe[ <cj`\ `j Xe `[\Xc Xek`[fk\ kf X [i\Xip Xlklde \m\e`e^%

THE KING’S MISTRESS by Emma Campion (Century, £12.99) <ddX :Xdg`fe nifk\ K_\ B`e^Ëj D`jki\jj XYflk 8c`Z\ G\ii\ij# cfe^k\id cfm\i f] <[nXi[ @@@ `e Xe Xkk\dgk kf i\_XY`c`kXk\ k_\ kXie`j_\[ i\glkXk`fe f] X nfdXe [\jZi`Y\[ Yp :_XdY\ij 9`f^iXg_`ZXc ;`Zk`feXip Xj ÊiXgXZ`flj%Ë ÈDp ]`ijk \eZflek\i n`k_ _\i nXj `e K_fdXj NXcj`e^_XdËj Jk 8cYXej :_ife`Zc\#É j_\ \ogcX`ej `e Xe 8lk_fiËj Efk\% ÈNXcj`e^_Xd lj\[ _`j È_`jkfipÉ Xj X n\Xgfe ]fi \o\Zlk`e^ X m\e[\kkX gi`dXi`cp X`d\[ Xk 8c`Z\ G\ii\ij¿É :Xdg`feËj eXiiXk`m\ Y\^`ej n_\e _\i _\if`e\ `j aljk k_`ik\\e# X cfe\cp Z_`c[ lecfm\[ Yp _\i _Xl^_kp dfk_\i f] i\c`^`flj `eZc`eXk`fe# XYflk kf Y\ n\[ `e Xe XiiXe^\[ dXii`X^\% 8ck_fl^_ j_\ `j [\\gcp XkkiXZk\[ kf _\i [Xj_`e^# `] iXk_\i fc[\i# _lj$ YXe[# j_\ i\Xc`j\j k_\i\ `j jfd\k_`e^ dpjk\i`flj XYflk _\i `e$cXnj Xe[ \m\eklXccp [`jZfm\i k_Xk k_\p Xi\ Xcc`\[ kf k_\ _Xk\[ ;fnX^\i Hl\\e @jXY\ccX befne Xj Êk_\ J_\$Nfc] f] =iXeZ\Ë# n`[fn f] k_\ ^Xp <[nXi[ @@ % ?\i ]`ijk dXii`X^\ ni\Zb\[ Y\ZXlj\ f] _\i _ljYXe[Ëj ]Xd`cpËj Zfe$ e\Zk`fej kf @jXY\ccX# 8c`Z\ `j kXb\e le[\i k_\ gifk\Zk`fe f] G_`c`ggX f] ?X`eXlck# hl\\e kf <[nXi[ @@@# Xe[ k_lj `ekf k_\ b`e^Ëj Y\[% ?\i i\cX$ k`fej_`g n`k_ k_\ b`e^ `j efk gfglcXi n`k_ k_\ Zflik efi n`k_ <[nXi[Ëj jfej# Ylk `k \eXYc\j 8c`Z\ kf Y\e\]`k dXk\i`Xccp Xe[# k_lj# glk _\ij\c] `e gfj`k`fe ]fi X d`^_kp ]Xcc fe <[nXi[Ëj [\Xk_% :Xdg`fe _Xj [fe\ _\i Y\jk n`k_ 8c`Z\ G\ii\ij# p\k jfd\_fn Xcc _\i \]]fikj ]X`c% 8c`Z\ j\\dj $ \m\e k_ifl^_ k_\ Xlk_fiËj gXik`Xc \p\j $ ^iXjg`e^ Xe[ j\c]$aljk`]p`e^% K_Xk jX`[# _fn\m\i# K_\ B`e^Ëj D`jki\jj gifm`[\j Xe \efidfljcp \eafpXYc\ cffb Xk Xe _`jkfi`ZXc g\i`f[ efk ljlXccm ]Xmfli\[ `e ]`Zk`fe f] k_`j b`e[%

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MASTERPIECES OF CLASSICAL ART BY DYFRI WILLIAMS IS PUBLISHED BY THE BRITISH MUSEUM PRESS AT £19.99 Beautifully presented and lavishly illustrated in full colour throughout, Masterpieces of Classical Art splendidly showcases some of the treasures of the ancient world held in the collection of The British Museum. There are superb and moving sculptures - an imposing head of Alexander the Great, marble, dating from the late second century BC; there’s the Blacas Cameo, a profile of the Emperor Augustus, carved from a four-layered sardonyx (brown and white) in around 20-50AD; there’s the utterly charming Townley Greyhounds, a marble group dating from the second century AD and show-

ing a greyhound bitch affectionately teasing a greyhound dog; there’s a somewhat frightening bronze portrait of the Emperor Augustus, dating from around 27-25 BC and there’s the famous Warren Cup, described as ‘an exceptional masterpiece of Roman art’ it shows on one side a youth gently lowering himself on to the lap of a bearded man and on the other a youth and a boy making love. It is perhaps invidious to select individual items from a catalogue of such glories, but these are amongst those that especially stand out.

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AS NEW STATISTICS REVEAL THAT FEWER GAY COUPLES ARE ENTERING INTO CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS, MANY ARE LEFT WONDERING WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR GAY UNIONS. GINO MERIANO, TIRELESS CAMPAIGNER FOR GAY RIGHTS AND RESPECTED CONSULTANT ON EQUALITY, TALKS TO TORSTEN HØJER ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS, FIGHTS, AND WRONGS. CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS ARE GETTING REALLY BAD PRESS AT THE MOMENT. WHY? It’s because there are dudes sitting behind a desk, hammering out numbers, discovering that the number of people entering into a civil partnership is decreasing, but not one of them, except me, is realising that it’s not actually going down, it’s levelling itself out. We’re only into our fourth year of the legislation. We can’t count 2005 and 2006, as they were the first two years where civil partnerships were introduced, resulting in a huge flow of partnerships, but we need to look at the 2007/8 figures, so we can properly discover what the civil partnership figures will look like. I always anticipated that there would be around 800 civil partnerships per month. If we’re looking at the age range when couples usually get married, which is 35-49, you really are cutting the market down, making the civil partnership market an incredibly niche one. So the numbers aren’t decreasing, but we’re finally seeing a trend emerging. WOULD YOU AGREE THAT THE NEW STATISTICS CLEARLY SHOW THAT, AS SOME PEOPLE PREDICTED, CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS WOULD BE A NOVELTY WHEN INTRODUCED BUT SOON LOSE THEIR APPEAL? The tabloids are keen to print stories that ‘prove’ that the public don’t take civil partnerships seriously. Then we have [veteran gay rights campaigner] Peter Tatchell saying that the real reason fewer couples are entering into civil partnerships is because what gay people really want marriage rights. It’s not a novelty. Around 34,000 couples have already had a civil partnership. It’s a huge number. If you take the stats and ratios, with government estimates that there are 3.2 million gay people in the UK, and if you filter that with the age range of people that are going to enter into a civil partnership, then you really are talking a small number. It’s a very niche market. But if you look at its turnover, which is estimated at £10m a year, it’s certainly not a novelty market. Remember that the government estimated that only 22,000 couples would get married in the first ten years, and we actually had 18,000 gay couples in the first year alone.

MANY COUPLES SAY THAT THEY WOULD ONLY CONSIDER A CIVIL PARTNERSHIP FOR LEGAL PROTECTIONS AND FINANCIAL GAIN. IS THE ROMANCE LEFT OUT OF CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS? No! According to our findings, there are a hell of a lot of couples planning their civil partnership for 2012. The fact that people are planning proves that things are becoming much more romantic. They’re planning their ‘big day’ rather than popping down to the local register office to sign a bit of paper. More than 5,000 people protested in Dublin last month for gay marriage rights, but also against civil partnerships. Similarly, campaigners in America are lobbying for gay marriage with no substitute. Why have we ‘settled’ for less in the UK? Some people are so keen on the word ‘marriage’ that they forget that what we really need is legal rights. In the UK, we’ve moved forward dramatically with gay rights, from adoption rights to equality in goods and services to civil partnerships. Fighting for marriage is great, but it’s not legislation that’s going to happen immediately. In the meantime we need legal rights. When people say ‘civil partnerships are second class, we need marriage’, what they’re forgetting is the people who can’t have their partners legally recognised, who can’t visit their partners in hospital as they’re not a legally recognised couple. People want big steps to happen immediately, but in my view if we achieve lots of small steps, and we gain all the legal rights that we need, let the other people fight for marriage. In the meantime, we’re gaining legal protection as the other people focus solely on the word – which is all it is – ‘marriage’. What the ‘marriage fighters’ are doing is denying any couple the right to legal rights. They’re saying ‘let’s not have any rights at all if we don’t have marriage’.

PETER TATCHELL PROTESTED FOR FULL GAY MARRIAGE RIGHTS AT LONDON PRIDE. GIVEN YOUR COMMENTS, DO YOU BELIEVE HE IS DOING THE LGBT COMMUNITY A DISSERVICE? Yes I do. His fight for gay marriage – actually, I hate the phrase ‘gay marriage’. If you’re fighting for marriage equality, that’s what it is, there’s no such thing as ‘gay marriage’. Can Peter Tatchell really stand there, hand on heart, and say that he wants to fight for marriage equality more than he wants the gay community in Ireland to enjoy legal rights? Then that’s one seriously callous person. I don’t believe in what he does. I’ve never been a great supporter. When he campaigns for gay marriage, then great. But when he attacks civil partnerships, then no. A lot of people have worked hard to make civil partnerships happen, and the bottom line is that more than 30,000 gay couples now have legal rights in the UK – which means legal status over inheritance, over their children… how can people stand there and say that’s second class? WHAT MESSAGE DO YOU THINK IT SENT OUT TO THE PUBLIC WHEN PETER TATCHELL HELD A PLACARD WHILST WALKING NEXT TO THE PRIME MINISTER’S WIFE, SARAH BROWN, IN THE LONDON PRIDE PARADE, WITH THE SLOGAN, ‘SARAH AND GORDON CAN MARRY, GAYS CAN’T’? It sends out the message that civil partnerships are second class and that the only way to achieve full equality is with gay marriage. As far as I’m concerned, I am married as I’m in a civil partnership. I don’t feel any different, and I know how it feels to be married as I used to be married to a woman. My relationship is no different. I don’t care about the word ‘marriage’. I think rubbishing civil partnerships is simply ignorant. It makes me very angry. WHAT IS THE FUTURE FOR CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS? I don’t think we’ll see the introduction of gay marriage in the UK in my lifetime. It will happen, but not for a long time. The battle that’s going on is about legal rights – people are talking about being able to change birth certificates, adoption rights – and these are issues that are being tackled. Civil partnerships are the foundation for advances in equality and there are much more important things than fighting for a word to focus on. In my eyes true equality is legal rights. We’re a very strange community in that instead of standing together we’re fighting against each other.

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CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS STATISTICS 1. A total of 33,956 Civil Partnerships took place between the introduction of the new legislation on 21 December 2005 and the end of 2008 2. In 2008, 53 per cent of those entering into a civil partnership were men and 47 per cent were women (compared to a 60/40 split in favour of men at the previous record). However, it looks as if women are going to take over in 2009 onwards 3. The London Borough of Westminster held the most civil partnerships in 2008 with Brighton and Hove following in second place 4. In 2008, 11 per cent of men and 21 per cent of women forming a civil partnership had been in a previous marriage or civil partnership 5. More women dissolved a civil partnership in 2008 than men 6. There were 180 civil partnership dissolutions granted in the UK in 2008. Of these, 154 in England, 12 in Wales, 14 in Scotland and none in Northern Ireland THE TOP TEN PLACES TO HAVE A CIVIL PARTNERSHIP IN THE UK IN 2008 1. Westminster 2. Brighton and Hove 3. Kent 4. Manchester 5. Kensington and Chelsea 6. Islington 7. Edinburgh 8. Hampshire 9. Glasgow 10. Essex OVERALL TOP TEN 1. Brighton and Hove 2. Westminster 3. Kensington and Chelsea 4. Kent 5. Islington 6. Edinburgh 7. Manchester 8. Hampshire 9. Surrey 10. Glasgow For more on Gino Meriano and civil partnerships, visit www.pinkweddings.biz To take part in a survey about civil partnerships, visit www.pinkweddings.biz/ goodies/poll.php?poll=6&results=1 For details on the Pink Weddings book, visit www.pinkweddings.biz/thebook/index.htm

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“If I’d got photographed falling out of a seedy gay club when i was on Blue Peter, it could have done me the world of good”

Stuart in the late 90s on Blue Peter

© www.picsbygaz.com )- s *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK;

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The Artistic Director of London’s Theatre Royal, Haymarket is following his triumphant revival of Waiting for Godot with a new dramatisation of one of the most fondly remembered films of the 1960s. He told Peter Burton about his production of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

ruman Capote’s nouvelle Breakfast at Tiffany’s (it owes a lot to Christopher Isherwood’s ‘Sally Bowles’, the basis for the play I Am Camera and the musical Cabaret) was first published in 1958. It was made into the now classic film in 1961 – giving the svelte Audrey Hepburn her most iconographic role though, ironically, Capote had wanted the curvaceous Marilyn Monroe to play the heroine he had based upon actor Walter Matthau’s wife Carol. A musical version with a book by Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? dramatist Edward Albee and starring Mary Tyler Moore and Richard Chamberlain proved an utter disaster in 1966. Now the bittersweet story of Holly Golightly, a poor girl from the American South who has taken on a sophisticated New York veneer, is about to take to the London stage in a version by Samuel Adams (his adaptation of Pedro Top left: Sean Mathias in rehearsals for Breakfast at Tiffany’s © Helen Maybanks; Left: Star Anna Friel

Almodovar’s film All About My Mother as a success at the Old Vic a couples of years back) and directed by Sean Mathias. Initially an actor, Mathias first attracted attention in 1983 when, aged twenty-seven, his first play, Cowardice, as staged in the West End with Nigel Davenport, Ian McKellen and Janet Suzman. Two years later, his plays A Prayer for Wings (directed by Joan Plowright) and Infidelities (starring Jill Bennett) were produced. Those three plays (there was a published nouvelle, Manhattan Mourning at about the same time) established a pattern and from that point on Mathias has enjoyed a fruitful association with some of the most distinguished actresses in the British theatre, including Judi Dench, Helen Mirren, Sian Phillips, Sheila Hancock, Frances de la Tour, Sheila Gish and Rachel Weisz. Was it a conscious decision on hi s part, to work so much with mighty women? Or did this particular aspect of his career, now predominantly as a director, drop into his lap like plums from a tree? “I don’t think I sought it out,” he says. “But I do think I direct women particularly well and I think that a gay man has a particular sympathy with women and that’s probably why it’s happened. I love directing women.” Breakfast at Tiffany’s, centred around the beguiling Holly Golightly, is another piece dominated by a female character. What attracted Mathias to the play? “Samuel Adams’ adaptation was sent to me and I thought ‘Fantastic title, but I don’t think I can do it after it was such as successful film’. But after I’d read the script, I realised he’d done such a good version that I thought I couldn’t possibly not do it and see someone else direct it. It was really the piece itself and the way Sam had written it that convinced me. The book is quite slim – it’s really a nouvelle – so getting it on stage dramatically is quite a feat.” Has Adams been more true to Capote’s Holly Golightly than the rather sanitised version in the film? “Yes,” Mathias is emphatic. “The play is very, very much the book. It’s darker and the central relationship between Holly and the narrator is more ambivalent.” Who has Mathias cast as Holly Golightly? “Anna Friel. Audrey Hepburn’s Holly in the film of Breakfast at Tiffany’s is very cool. Anna’s is more raw than that. Of course, Anna’s got that wonderful quality of rawness –of working-class roots, by having become a star and that’s perfect or the great masking that Holly has. “Holly wears her mask of sophistication almost all the time but when the mask does drop we know that she’s come from somewhere really quite other, that she’s has a tough upbringing.” What does Mathias think he’ll bring to the play? “It’s a really entrancing tale and I hope that we’ll make it very stylish and entertaining but also very sympathetic. I think Holly is such a unique character and Capote’s writing is superb and, of course, a lot of the dialogue in the play comes from the book.” Breakfast at Tiffany’s begins previews at the Theatre Royal Haymarket on Wednesday 9 September and opens on Sunday 29 September.

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28-29 Feature 4.indd 29

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30-31 Film DVD 30

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*) s *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK;

32-33 Feature 5.indd 32

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Justin Bruening, Knight Rider

The iconic 80s TV classic comes roaring back to life as a reinvented, updated and super-charged 21st century sensation. And although the car, KITT, has changed, we’ve been keeping a keener eye on the star of the show, Justin Bruening. Season 1 of the all-new Knight Rider is released on DVD on 14 September. hen you’re a spy you sometimes have to go under covers…” jokes Justin Bruening, star of the re-hunked, re-jigged and re-juiced Knight Rider TV series. Never heard of him? Settle down, here’s a little history lesson. Famous stateside for his role in slushy soap opera All My Children (the same one that launched Buffy ’s Sarah Michelle Gellar), Nebraska native Bruening was ‘discovered’ at a McDonalds in San Diego, and once spent a summer inseminating animals on a farm. His years on the soap saw him snap up a Soap Opera Digest Award for his role as man-meat James Martin; not bad considering he started off as an Abercrombie and Fitch model. The serial also proved a choice investment for his personal life – it was here that he met future wife Alexa Havins, whom he tied the knot with in 2005 (to the sound of a millennium hearts breaking). Guest roles in Cold Case and CSI: Miami followed before Bruening signed on to take over the mullet mantel from David Hasselhoff for a post-millennial upgrade of the classic Knight Rider series. A huge fan


of the original show, Bruening got to meet The Hoff during the new Rider ’s feature length pilot episode; an event that made him more than a little weak at the knees. “I was a little intimidated at first,” the big softie admits. “You know, he was my childhood hero. So, when he came to the set I was fine… until we were in the middle of the scene and he introduced himself as Michael Knight. And then I kind of freaked out a little bit. It was a wonderful experience; it’s one of those that I get to tell my grandkids about.” Playing up the camp, the rebooted Knight Rider boasts a slick noughties budget that means the new K.I.T.T (Bruening’s vehicular sidekick and alloy ally, voiced by Val Kilmer) comes with even more bells and whistles than The Hoff’s natty, customised 1982 Pontiac Trans-Am (no, we’re not sure what that is, either). A hero for the noughties, Bruening’s Michael Knight is an ex-Iraq vet tasked with secret missions only a sci-fan fanboy can fathom. “There are things that come up from Mike’s past throughout the series, people that want to kill him,” says Bruening. “And that really, you know, that affects the missions. That affects everyone’s relationship with him.” No-one said being a spy was easy. Cool car, though.

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32-33 Feature 5.indd 33

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34-43 QAT.indd 34

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t’s here! After months of speculation and rumour, the wait is over. Welcome to Britain’s newest and greatest LGBT talent contest: Queer As Talent. Over the next five months, the Queer As Talent crew will be racing across the country, auditioning hopefuls from all walks of life and, with a bit of luck, rooting out a bit of talent along the way.

This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. This is the time for you to realise your talent and show the world you can juggle five melons whilst balancing on a unicycle dressed as Wonder Woman and singing the words to I Am What I Am. Backwards. Or whatever. So, there’s only one question to ask, really...



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34-43 QAT.indd 35

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34-43 QAT.indd 37

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the judges Occupation: Publisher, Director, Producer


I’m qualified to be a QAT judge because… I have been given a gift in life to be able to take something small and make it big; and I am using this gift to develop Queer As Talent, and bring it to the LGBT community in the UK and use what powers we have to find the UK’s most talented performers as well as give opportunities to those that don’t win to develop them to become something they want to be. How would you rate your meanness as a judge? I am not a meany at all What are going to bring to the judging panel? My eye for people with a passion, and my soulfulness and constructive criticism. What is ‘talent’? Something that comes from within your heart. I want to see people who have a passion to share. Talent is something you’re born with, not something that’s learned. Discuss. Talent is a gene you are born with - a gift given to many. Talent comes in many forms, from dancing, to singing and acting. In the entertainment industry, some people are given the opportunity from a young age and some just seek it out as they get older. That’s what this show is about, bringing your talent to the floor. Who do you regard as the most talented person in show business today? There are too many but let’s take Barbara Streisand, she is a diva, an actress, she has starred in and been the director and producer of movies all at one time. That’s talent. What’s the best put down you’ve ever heard? I hate put downs and so I don’t listen to them and don’t remember them. What are you looking for in an act? Someone that captures the attention of the audience and judges the minute they walk on the stage.


What’s going to make you buzz out an act? Someone who is there for a bet not for a serious opportunity. What are you most excited about at QAT? Watching the applicants develop from the auditions through to the finals.

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the judges Occupation: Singer


How are you feeling about Queer As Talent? I’m very excited about the whole thing. How long have you been a performer? I’ve been singing for about 14 years professionally. But for about 20 years in front of the mirror! I was interested in acting at first, but then I realised I didn’t have an ounce of discipline and got pissed all the time. That was it. Singing has always been a part of me. I wanted to be a punk rocker at first – the only black punk rocker in the village! When I was on Blind Date [Claudia is recognised as one of the first ‘eccentric’ contestants on the show, appearing in 1989] that cemented my career, as I was offered lots of record deals afterwards. That was great, as I realised people took pleasure out of hearing me sing, and that I didn’t sound like a drowning cat! Singing on stage is a difficult thing to do when you start out, as you’re never in tune with how you really sound – this comes later as confidence and self-awareness grows. What makes a good entertainer? Most important is confidence. You have to believe in yourself and that you can do it. For every person who loves you there are many more that don’t, generally. A lot of it is also respecting the audience. You’re there to provide a service. You’re giving a bit of yourself to them. That’s what it’s all about whether you’re a juggler, a tightrope walker or a signer or whatever. What’s going to make you buzz out an act? Arrogance. No one likes arrogance. Of course this is different to confidence. Is talent something you’re born with? I think there are two types of talent, actually. Some people are born entertainers – they naturally have the ‘x factor’. They walk into a room and they have it going on. However, some people have the confidence and believe in themselves, they work really hard for their craft, then they can still be successful. What would be your ideal act? I’m so across the board that this is a hard question. I like singers, I like bands… I love Beyonce, and I love The Feeling or Maroon 5. There’s such a buzz about seeing people perform live.


What message would you like to give to wouldbe contestants? Anyone who thinks they have something to give, and you believe in yourself, go for it and enter. You might not be the best singer in the world, or have the best act, but something about the package and the attitude might click, and it will be there.

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the judges Occupation: Traditional camp drag cabaret or ‘trad cab’ for short. With a twist. I like the idea of traditional with a modern edge.


Do you watch talent shows like X Factor? I love shows like X Factor. I get so caught up with the stories of people’s lives – sometimes it’s so upsetting. A dustman who can’t feed his kids, I love all that. That’s what I’m excited about with Queer As Talent – real people with real stories. Especially if the dustman is 6ft, blue eyes and muscular. What qualifies you to be a judge? Having struggled for the last ten years to get my act together, and to get landlords to trust me and to book me means I have experience and may be able to advise people. It’s also one thing to establish yourself, but another to maintain your status and act. What is talent? Talent is something that comes from your soul. You’ve got to entertain yourself. Anyone can get up and do something, but talent is having the ability to make people believe in what you’re doing. You’ve got to believe in it yourself. The talent isn’t in what you do it’s how you do it. And you have to make people like you. There are lots of acts out there on the scene who are more talented than me, but they’re such miserable people that people don’t want to see them! What will you bring to the judging panel? I think I’d like to be a bit like Sharon Osbourne. I get emotional about people that believe in themselves and will do anything to get ahead. I will also be honest though – there’s no point people with zero talent wasting their time trying to chase a dream that they’re never going to achieve. Of course, it might all change when I get up there – it could get quite heated and I won’t be… I am very passionate, so let’s see how it all pans out. What would you not like to see on stage? What a long list! Just kidding. I want to see anyone and everyone. The madder they are, the better. Are people born with talent? I think you’re born with personality, and you learn how to use your personality. But I don’t think people are born with talent; it’s something that grows and develops. What would be your best act? Someone who can make me laugh, can tell a story and make it believable, and also someone who will make me think as well. That’s very important.

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Who might you buzz out? Ugly people! Although some of them can apparently sing and dance. Some of them are on the drag circuit! I can’t wait to buzz someone out - what an exciting thing to do! If someone was a nice singer but a bit ugly, I might suggest they go into radio.


Do you have any hidden talents? I can play the banjo! I’m going to start lessons again to brush up, so maybe by the time of the QAT finals I can have a little pluck. Bring on the mayhem!

28/8/09 16:21:23

the venues • Venue name: The Queenshilling • Location: Bristol • Website: www.queenshilling.com We’ve been a gay venue for… Twenty years this October! The Queenshilling is one of the funkiest venues in town because... It’s is a place where the atmosphere always comes as standard! Why have you decided to be involved in Queer As Talent? Queer As Talent is an exciting contest that the Queenshilling couldn’t resist being part of, especially as there is such a wide range of undiscovered talent on the Bristol gay scene at the moment. What makes a good gay venue in 2009? 2009 is proving a tough year given the current climate. A night on the town has turned into a night of escapism so anywhere where the PAR-TAY is at will make a great gay venue! The Queenshilling prides itself on our unrivalled atmosphere, and throw into the bag some great DJs, drink promotions and events and you’re onto a winner. It’s also important for venues to listen to their customers, which is something we really pride ourselves on. The Queenshilling is never short of a new theme night or club night... it’s all part of keeping it fresh by giving the punters what they want. What kind of act would you most like to see perform at your venue? We are looking forward to watching all of the acts. However, we are curious to see what diverse talents Queer As Talent may unearth in Bristol, I expect there may be a few!


What would make you vote for an act? Any act with talent gets our vote, whether this is a polished act or an act with potential. The important thing is taking part as you never know your limits until you test them. What would it mean to your venue to have the winner come from there? Whoever will go on to represent Bristol will in no doubt be a credit to the venue and themselves. I believe Bristol is in with a good chance of claiming that top spot... watch this space! What preparations are you making for Queer As Talent? Every Wednesday night at the Queenshilling from September is officially the ‘Queer As Talent Rehearsal’. Anybody is welcome to take to the stage on a weekly basis, and

practice their act whatever it be. This is the perfect opportunity to get used to performing in front of a crowd whilst having a few drinks with your friends. Rachel Jones, our Karaoke Queen, will be on standby should you need any music, advice or feedback. Entry is only £1 and the door takings go into a raffle later on in the night as prize money. What more could you ask for?


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the venues • Venue name: The Edge • Location: Southampton • Website: www.theedgesouthampton.com We’ve been a gay venue for… Fourteen years! My venue is one of the funkiest in town because: We are the latest venue in Southampton, let alone on the gay scene… open ‘til 5am every Friday and Saturday. We have not just one bar but four! Including our garden bar. Why have you decided to host heat for Queer As Talent? We know that Queer As Talent is set to sweep the nation in the hunt for great talent! This is something we are very keen to be involved in and support. What makes a good gay venue in 2009? A friendly atmosphere and constant change of events, music and nights to satisfy everyone in the community. What kind of act would you most like to see perform at your venue? Here at The Edge we love vocalists and we have lots of regulars who come and sing weekly on our karaoke nights every Tuesday and Sunday. What would make you vote for an act? Sheer talent and charisma. What preparations are you making for Queer As Talent? Our staff our eagerly awaiting auditions and are handing out Queer As Talent cards to anyone they know has a talent. Full details of Queer As Talent will be listed on our Facebook site ‘official group for the Edge Southampton’.



Jules and Mags - Owners of The Edge

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love ‘Diversity’. It’s the keyword in the corridors of power, the buzzword of gay rights groups. Countless placards emblazoned with the ‘D’ word rise above marchers at Pride events around the world, provoking cheers of support from delighted onlookers. Gay people, on the whole, feel comfortable promoting diversity. It’s the political word that means we should be accepted in ‘normal’ society; it’s us drumming home the concept that gay, straight and trans is normal in society. Society is diverse and human beings are diverse creatures.

But to what extent do we really believe in diversity? True diversity goes far beyond supporting same-sex love. What if the same-sex couple is interracial? What if there are decades of age difference between them? What if one is disabled and the other able-bodied? Acceptance of diversity is realising that humans are truly diverse, and form truly diverse relationships. PHOTOGRAPHER Anthony Frausto http://anthonyfrausto.com PHOTOGRAPHER’S ASSISTANT Xia K. Boyd www.myspace.com/xiathediva WARDROBE Eddington Howard www.iameddington.com MAKE-UP Al Ingram MODELS Julian Foster www.hollywoodmodelmanagement.com Jonathan Isaiah www.modelmayhem.com/jonathanisaiah

Jonathan Under shirt by Gregory Quinn Shirt Alkemy er Shorts Mr.Wint rs sta Shoes Shoes4the

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Julian Hat H&M Shirt H&M Cardigan swea te & Pants Alke r Shoes Shoes4th my estars

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Jonathan Briefs Models own Julian inn Tank Gregory Qu Briefs H&M

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ACCORDING TO NEW GAY TRAVEL COMPANY MANTRAV3SIXTY, GAY TOURISM IS BOOMING. BUT WHERE ARE WE GOING, AN WHY? At the beginning of 2008, the Guardian newspaper sent TV comedian Julian Clary and his boyfriend, Ian, on a trip to Nicaragua so that they could review it as a holiday destination. Naturally, due to the couple being of the same sex, the write up had a decidedly gay slant, with Clary revealing his love of Edmund White novels and glamour. Presumably, the piece was intended to highlight the fact that boyfriends can escape to the sun without resorting to the old chestnut destinations such as Gran Canaria or Mykonos and have just as much fun as straight people do in far flung counties. And, be safe and free of prejudice when there. ‘Mention Nicaragua to most people and they raise their eyebrows, thinking only of revolutions and Bianca Jagger,’ writes Clary. ‘They think it is a dangerous, primitive destination. In fact, it is breathtakingly beautiful, full of dramatic vistas and friendly, accommodating people. In a land of glamour without wealth, they are not yet weary of tourists. Their smiles are genuine.’ Is this really the dawn of a new era of gay travel? A time when same-sex tourists can travel without fear for their lives due to anti-gay social attitudes to countries even the bravest of homosexuals would not have dreamed of setting foot in twenty years ago? Well, sort of. Mantrav3SIXTY, one of the UK’s leading gay travel companies, says that although they do offer tailor-made holiday packages to off-the-beaten-track areas of Buenos Aires and Salvador, their core business is still the veteran gay hotspot Gran Canaria. But the number of gay tourists desiring a break in Australia and New Zealand is growing dramatically, as is the Irsaeli city of Tel Aviv (a destination the Israeli tourist board is promoting heavily to the gay market). Overall, according to Mantrav, gay guys and girls and travelling more than they have for years. In fact, in the past year

Mantrav3SIXTY’s parent company Mantrav International, which was set up in California in 1990, but has been based in the UK since 2001, reports that business is up 22.5 per cent on last year, and has just announced that it is expanding to become a global business by launching its services in America. “Things are really going from strength to strength,” says Malcolm Hardy, director of ManTrav. “Business has skyrocketed in the past year and continue to surprise us each month as more and more gay people are booking holidays. The new office, based just off Times Square in New York, will be part of a partnership initiative with American-based First Service Group. The company celebrated its nineteenth birthday with a lavish party at London’s swanky Shadow Lounge in August (see photos, left), and took the opportunity to hammer out the final details of a new joint venture with this very magazine, 3SIXTY. “Mantrav3SIXTY is the result of months of discussions between the two companies,” says Malcolm Hardy, director of Mantrav International. “I have followed the newly founded success of 3SIXTY owners Graeme Austin and Tony V and can see how they are switched on to success and service.” 3SIXTY readers will not only be able to book flights to destinations ranging from a romantic weekend break in Paris to

a party fortnight at Sydney Mardi Gras, but also great value accommodation all over the world. Furthermore, the new company will be offering fantastic packages to more wellestablished gay favourites such as Mykonos and Gran Canaria. Mantrav3SIXTY will initially operate out of the centre of Brighton’s gay village at 4 Steine Street, from 15 September, before expanding over the next year. Marble Media Publishing, which owns 3SIXTY and its sister publication one80news, has already opened a new office in London as part of a national expansion scheduled to roll out over the next twelve months. www.mantrav3sixty.com

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BECKY HUXLEY, 26, NEWQUAY, CORNWALL My ideal holiday would be a hot destination with good beaches. Great surf and a decent and friendly nightlife. A gay scene is always a bonus, but I don’t think essential these days.

JACK MORE, 21, CRAWLEY My ideal holiday is anywhere I can relax and be myself. I don’t think gay people can truly be themselves or appreciated in many destinations around the world, even supposed gayfriendly holiday spots such as Gran Canaria. My dream is to go to a place where I can be totally me. JAMES MARKANDOO, 20, BRIGHTON I’d love to go to the Polynesian islands because I hear some of the islands have no electricity, heating or running water, and I think it would be a great experience to be cut off from normal life for a bit. I think gay people have more options for places to go due to the fact that people have become more accepting. But I wouldn’t let that differ my choice of destination whether it’s gay friendly or not.

SAM, 20, CRAWLEY I love a good cruise! Anywhere hot, or a city like New York or Sydney. As I’m only 20 I feel that people have the same opportunities for travel as anyone else – just because you’re gay it doesn’t mean you receive any prejudice necessarily. Basically, no matter who you are a holiday is not going to be dictated by who you have sex with.

MICHAEL DIXIC, 28, LONDON My ideal holiday destination would be somewhere with plenty to do and see – at the moment Australia sounds like my dream holiday. Generally, I try and research a country for its gay-friendliness (or not) before going. But overall, sun, sea and sexy boys!

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Our Holidays Are Truly Tried & Trusted


4 STEINE STREET, BRIGHTON. BN2 1TE Club Mancha Yumbo is Gran Canaria’s BEST Gay only resort!


52-55 Feature 7 55


If you’d like us to tailor-make a holiday, using our global database simply call us on 0845 64 34 331 or email bookings@mantrav3sixty.com *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s ,, www.mantrav3sixty.com 28/8/09 16:28:46

GAY PRIDE, FORTY YEARS AFTER THE STONEWALL RIOTS IN NEW YORK, ARE GOING STRONG ACROSS THE GLOBE. Whether on the icy glaciers of Reykjavic, the Botanical Gardens of Sydney or the warm sands of Miami’s South Beach, LGBT people and their friends are out in force celebrating their sexuality in public. In the spirit of global solidarity, here are Prides 2009 from around the world, in pictures.

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56-59 Feature 8 58

28/8/09 16:47:37


3SIXTY MAGAZINE LTD | 59 flickr.com/steffierio

56-59 Feature 8 59

28/8/09 16:49:27


head in the clouds?


Scott Brown mulls over the attractions of Canada’s big city

Canada’s population living within an hour’s drive of it. The city itself has only 2.5 million inhabitants yet is much more sizable than I remember, conversely though and despite its scale Toronto has the feel of an intimate and comfortable city, a place you feel at home in immediately, which is odd as this is something I didn’t experience when I last visited. But that’s the feel of the city, not the way of the people. At risk of offence, I’ll confess that I don’t really like the people of Toronto; I find them rude and the city’s biggest flaw. Ok, actually I exaggerate, the people are generally rude but that doesn’t apply across the board, the scene is good and very friendly – you’ll find rugged stereotypes who chop logs mixing with the disco bunnies and groomed businessmen. The gay area is centred in the originally named ‘Gay Village’ which is set in the Downtown district of Toronto. Bars, restaurants and clubs are situated around the Church Street and Wellesley Street intersection, most being set inside, which is great for the Canadian winter, yet for now the places to visit are O’Grady’s bar and Zeida’s which both have good patio areas where you can settle of an afternoon and let Canadian talent stroll by. Voyeurism is great.

Gay highlights are the Queer as Folk tour (the show was filmed here pretending it was Pittsburgh) and the Bata Shoe Museum (come on, we all have a fetish), whilst the growing and diverse ‘Queer West Village’ is a small rambling treat which gives you a little something off the beaten track. If bars, museums and clubs leave you wanting more, there is camp fun to be had at Honest Ed’s, which is a bit of silly fun. And why not. September and October are busy times of the year in Toronto’s cultural calendar, with September seeing the Toronto International Film Festival hit town (10th – 19th) where Pedro Almodovar’s new film, Broken Embraces, is premiering - chances are the big man himself will be in town, as could its star, Penelope Cruz. The Toronto festival is small, so tickets are still available and parties can be crashed with ease. The next couple of months also sees international acts like Pink, Marylyn Manson and the Killers all playing arena gigs, whilst the WWE Live Tour also rolls through – don’t question it, hot men in leotards greased in oil has got to be good. The theatre scene is good too, with Toronto being the third largest centre for English language theatre in the world after London and NYC Jersey Boys and The Sound of Music are both playing

Chapel Bridge

he Canadian National (CN) Tower in Toronto used to be the tallest freestanding structure in the world. It isn’t anymore, which is a shame as that used to be an interesting lead into an otherwise seemingly dull city to review. I guess I’ll have to go with a different approach. I’ll be honest with you right from the start; I have reviewed Toronto before. In fact I did it for this magazine about five years ago (when the CN Tower was the tallest freestanding structure in the world), and whilst I can’t really remember exactly what I wrote back then, I know it wasn’t good. I didn’t really like Toronto, in fact it ranked as the second worse city I have ever visited (Tokyo, before you ask). The prospect of going back held nothing but dread for me, yet reluctantly I pandered to the editor and did as I was told. Maybe he was right this time though, Toronto had changed, that must have been it, because I couldn’t have been wrong the first time around. Toronto, which sits on the northwest shore of Lake Ontario on the eastern side of Canada, is the fifth largest city in the Americas (after New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Mexico City), with a quarter of

60-61 Travel 1.indd 60

28/8/09 16:37:06


“Toronto is a city that works; clean streets, efficient public transport and the kind of quality coffee shops and bars you’d expect from any first rate city. However...” at the moment, both are worth catching if you haven’t seen them especially if you don’t fancy paying London or New York prices. Tourist stuff is aplenty, with a big draw being the plethora of malls around town, the biggest and best being The Eaton Centre, which is downtown and pretty much has everything you need under one roof. Moving on, and despite it only being the second tallest building in the world, the CN Tower is still worth a trek up. It’s high. Fucking high. The glass lifts scare you on the way up. The glass floor on the observation deck scares you while you are up there. The glass lifts scare you on the way down. The views are great though, and on a good day you can see New York State. There is also a revolving restaurant at the top, which completes a rotation every 72 minutes…the perfect time for two courses as you get a 360 of the city below. That said, the Tower gets struck by lightening 75 times a year and can withstand an 8.5 earthquake. Whatever, it looks flimsy to me and I couldn’t get down fast enough. The Downtown district of Toronto services all things gay, and pretty much all things fun and tourist, however a trip over to the Distillery District is highly recommended as the whole area has a ban on franchises and chains, so everything is unique or boutique,

fair-trade or organic which combine to give the area an amazing charm. The architecture in the Distillery District is interesting to say the least and with the whole district pedestrianised it is the perfect place to amble at leisure. Chicago and X-Men were filmed in the Distillery district; in fact 25% of films produced in Hollywood are filmed in Toronto, which means if you’re a film buff you could be in for a treat. Of course a day or two should be set aside for trips out of the city – an hour by car is the spectacular and breathtaking Niagara Falls, and the sight of this wonder of the world will never disappoint. Continuing a water theme, the Great Lakes are a must, and with Lake Ontario so close to Toronto, it would be a crime to miss its vast beauty. Combining trips out of town with the number of things on offer in town means a week here is about right. I’d suggest visiting in the summer and autumn months when the sun shines and the city is bright, leafy and picturesque as the winter here is cold and much less friendly, that said, Toronto has the PATH system, which is North America’s largest continuous underground walkway linking 1,200 stores, 50 office blocks, five subway stations, six hotels and a host of entertainments centres, so if it is too cold you don’t even have to venture outside to have fun. I didn’t

check if it connects to any gays bars though – I’d say not. So take a scarf. As with any city, Toronto has great bars, restaurants and cafés on every corner – I wasn’t there long, but managed to eat at a couple of top notch (and top dollar) restaurants; Canoe on Wellington Street is a great Canadian place, serving variations of traditional offerings, whilst Splendido on Harbord St is in fact just that. Perfect fine dining with a menu that wins awards. European chefs and a signature dish of English Breakfast can’t be all wrong. And it isn’t. I’d highly recommend saving up and eating at both. So I hated Toronto the first time around, but kinda fell a bit in love with it the second time. Maybe I’ll give it another go in a year and see how we are doing. It’s a big city, but a small city. And ok, I rubbished the CN Tower at the start, but the fact is that it was the world’s tallest freestanding structure for 31 years, which is no mean feat. It seemed to me that it is a city that works; clean streets, efficient public transport and the kind of quality coffee shops and bars you’d expect from any first rate city. Things change, we all mature I guess. Yet I still have a nagging doubt about it, Toronto is in Canada and hard as I try, I just don’t seem to get on with the Canadians. Other than that, Toronto is a right treat.

Lucerne. Too beautiful to be true. MySwitzerland.com/gaylesbian Come to the picture-book city of Lucerne, with its beautiful lake and effervescent festivals.

60-61 Travel 1.indd 61

28/8/09 18:28:15

Does money really grow on trees



crew’s view In the second of a new series, Crew’s View, Paul Davies scribbles down the perceptions of a trolley dolly, down route. This issue, he visits Casablanca.



*limited launch offer


sitting on my jump seat day-dreaming as we leave the active runway and taxi to the gate at Casablanca airport. I’m pulled back to reality as the captain shouts, “brace, brace.� But then he doesn’t say that at all, he says “prepare doors for arrival� and it’s another flight over. I’m tired and irritated and would quite like to get to the hotel and find a nice sunbed somewhere. I sleep the whole way from the airport to the hotel, arriving suitably refreshed and ready for an afternoon of sun and nothingness. I soon discover there are no sunbeds. No pool. No gym. Oh dear. Wish the airline didn’t scrimp and save so much. I improvise. Figuring that I’d never been to a Muslim country that wasn’t filled with half finished skyscrapers before, I decide that now is a good time to see what a real Muslim country should look like. Basically it was that or bed in daylight hours. So after a quick shower and an overpriced snack from the minibar me and one of the crew went to see what Casablanca could offer. Coming from Dubai, where everything is tall towers, it’s cool to find that the most noticeable feature of the Casablanca skyline is in fact a Mosque - the Hassan II Mosque to be precise (and to my knowledge the only mosque here that allows non-Muslim visitors). It was completed in August 1993 and although modern it still evokes a strong historical and authentic feel, well, authentic aside from its USP - which is that half of the Mosque hangs over the water and reaches out into the Atlantic Ocean, allowing people to pray on a glass floor directly above the sea. Through the winding streets and courtyards we focused on the mosques towering minaret (which at 689 feet is the tallest in the world) and honed in towards the spectacular symbol of Islam. I’d stopped for a coke on the way, and now was inevitably too late (and inappropriately dressed) for a guided tour. I had no option left, so I dutifully stood in front of the mosque and had my picture taken. New Facebook profile picture perhaps? Moving on, we hailed a taxi and asked to go back to the hotel so he took us

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62-63 Travel 2.indd 62

28/8/09 17:37:45

Casablanca to the souk. Fair enough, language is a barrier, but it is a safe enough place in which to be lost. The Old Medina Souk in Casablanca is relatively small but still oozed charm, and it was refreshing to find a lack of tourists, meaning prices were cheap and bargains aplenty. The backstreets and rambling shops seemed more of a local affair and often it felt like we were intruding in family outings, which served as that authentic Arabic feel that I had been striving to discover. Despite being obviously foreign and out of place, I was really surprised, pleasantly, to find that we were left to our own devices and not pestered for money or asked to ‘lookie-lookie’ at fake gold. After walking around the Old Medina I felt caked in dirt; the heat in North Africa seeps into every pore leaving you feeling unwashed and grubby at all times, which served as excuse enough to visit a Moroccan bath house - or hammam. Nakedness is the theme when visiting a Moroccan bath house; I don’t get naked in public as a rule but I de-clothed for this experience, though not before me and my colleague parted ways and were led to separate sections of this bath house. The bathhouse was pretty much full of local men chatting, laughing and, er, washing. Weird, but in a good way. I looked for my bath tub but could only find a large steamy room. My guide (for I had someone holding my hand through this experience) told me to paint myself with a henna clay mixture, odd but enjoyable, although I kind of wished he had rubbed it in for me. Returning a while later he filled up buckets with water and then with vigour he started scrubbing at me from all angles with a mitt. Pleasant! I felt exfoliated and cleansed. He then performed a quick massage before aggressively throwing a bucket of hot water over me. Maybe I had gotten a little too fresh during the massage. Back home (which is what I call the hotel) I settled in bed and turned on the TV. CNN, how I love you and how you are there for me wherever I am in the world. I drift to sleep for my tiny rest before my return flight and as I do I dream of the comforting feel of the seatbelt across my chest as we hurtle skywards. ‘Chicken or beef?’ I hear myself saying as I wake up, its pitch black, must have been having a nightmare.

Clockwise from top: Aspects of the Hassan II Mosque, a tagine serving dish, the classic movie poster and Moroccan locals.

Go for the bull: Plaza La Malagueta, Malaga

*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s -*

62-63 Travel 2.indd 63

28/8/09 17:39:40

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64-65 Shop.indd 64

28/8/09 16:59:03

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64-65 Shop.indd 65

28/8/09 16:59:21

66-67 Scene Cover.indd 66

28/8/09 13:01:50

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66-67 Scene Cover.indd 67

28/8/09 13:02:47

are you talented enough to win...

ÂŁ10,000? to enter, visit www.queerastalent.com

68-69 Barboy Chart.indd 68

28/8/09 13:06:36



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68-69 Barboy Chart.indd 69

28/8/09 13:07:22

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70-75 London.indd 70

28/8/09 16:59:31

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76-81 Brighton.indd 80

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82 South CoastjZ\e\ >>>N@E :8J? 8K K?< <;>< K?< <;><# JFLK?8DGKFE K_\i\Ëj XcnXpj X aXd$gXZb\[ jZ_\[lc\ f] \ek\ikX`ed\ek Xk k_\ <[^\% @e ]XZk# pfl Zflc[ XZklXccp n`e _Xi[ ZXj_ aljk Yp Y\`e^ k_\i\ , ?`^_ =i`[Xp kXb\j gcXZ\ fe =i` ), J\g# n_\i\ ]`m\ g\fgc\ n`cc Y\ j\c\Zk\[ kf kXb\ _fd\ ('' ZXj_% 8 ]lik_\i ]`m\ g\fgc\ n`cc Xcjf kXb\ _fd\ )' ZXj_% E\n ]fi J\gk\dY\i `j k_\ XZfljk`Z fg\e d`Z e`^_k# kXb`e^ gcXZ\ \m\ip K_lij[Xp# Xe[ k_\i\Ëj X Kf^X GXikp k_\d\ n\\b\e[ kXb`e^ gcXZ\ fe =i` (0 J\g Xe[ JXk )' J\g% <m\ip K_lij[Xp Xe[ Jle[Xp `j <[^\ =XZkfi bXiXfb\# n`k_ (#''' ZXj_ ^f`e^ kf k_\ ^iXe[ ]`eXc n`ee\i% Kf hlXc`]p ]fi k_\ ]`eXc# pfl dljk klie lg kf k_\ n\\bcp _\Xkj _\c[ \m\ip K_lij[Xp Xe[ Jle[Xp% nnn%k_\\[^\jflk_Xdgkfe%Zfd K_\ <[^\
















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28/8/09 13:13:58

South CoastjZ\e\ 83 >>>I8P 8E; ;8M@; :<C<9I8K< J@O P<8IJ 8K K?< CFE;FE K?< CFE;FE ?FK<C# JFLK?8DGKFE# K?LIJ )+ J<G Æ JLE ). J<G @kËj Y\\e j`o p\Xij f] ZiXZb`e^ ZXYXi\k# _`cXi`flj _`$a`eo Xe[ ]XYlcflj ]le[$ iX`j\ij ]fi IXp Xe[ ;Xm`[ Xk k_\ Cfe[fe ?fk\c# n`k_ k_\ gX`i \m\ek k_ifn`e^ k_\dj\cm\j flk f] Xe X\ifgcXe\ Xk ('#''' ]k `e k_\ eXd\ f] Z_Xi`kp% K_\p _Xm\ iX`j\[ X n_fgg`e^ *.#''' ]fi ^ff[ ZXlj\j fm\i k_\ cXjk j`o p\Xij# jf Zfe$ ^iXklcXk`fej Xi\ Z\ikX`ecp `e fi[\i% K_\ Cfe[fe n`cc Y\ Z\c\YiXk`e^ Xcc f] k_`j fm\i k_i\\ [Xpj fe k_\ cXjk n\\b\e[ f] J\gk\dY\i% Fe K_lij )+ GXk :il`j\ _fjkj _\i i\^lcXi bXiXfb\ j_fn# k_\e fe =i` ), k_\ ;iX^ N`k_ Ef EXd\ kXb\j Z\eki\ jkX^\% JXk )- J\g j\\j ;A E\`c JXZbc\p jg`ee`e^ k_\ kle\j# n`k_ JXe[iX g\i]fid`e^ fe jkX^\% Fe Jle ). XnXi[ n`ee`e^ 9i`^_kfe ]Xmfli`k\ CfcX CXjX^e\ kXb\j kf k_\ jkX^\% ?\i\Ëj kf dXep dfi\ p\Xij c`b\ k_\ cXjk j`o nnn%k_\$cfe[fe%Zf%lb K_\ Cfe[fe ?fk\c

Southampton '( K_\ <[^\ s :fdgkfe NXcb s '.'0' +)* -// s nnn%\[^\$e`^_kZclY%Zfd ') K_\ <e[\Xmfli s . J`de\c Jki\\k s nnn%k_\\e[\Xmfli%Zf%lb '* ?)F s /0 Jk DXipËj IfX[ s ')* /'*/ -//' '+ @jfYXi s (''Z Jk DXipËj Jki\\k s ')* /')) )')/ snnn%`jfYXijflk_Xdgkfe%Zfd ', K_\ Cfe[fe s ) K\id`elj K\iiXZ\ s ')* /'.( '-,) s nnn%k_\$cfe[fe%Zf%lb '- K_\ G`eb 9ifX[nXp s .0&/' <Xjk Jki\\k s ')* /')* //'+ s nnn%g`eb$YifX[nXp%Zfd (



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82-85 South Coast.indd 83

28/8/09 13:15:03

84 South CoastjZ\e\ >>>GFIKJDFLK? J:<E< =F:LJ J<GK<D9<I )''0 >>>K_\ ?Xdgj_`i\ 9fl\c\mXi[# Gfikjdflk_ :XYXi\k k_`j dfek_ Zfd\j ]ifd JXe[iX fe Jle + J\g# JZXic\k ;`Xdfek\ fe Jle (( J\g Xe[ G`o`\ G\i\q fe Jle (/ J\g% K_\i\Ëj Xcjf X c`m\ jki`gg\i fe Jle ), J\g# Xe[ ;fccp GXik\dËj Xcc$e\n j_fn kXb\j gcXZ\ n\\bcp ]ifd N\[j . J\g% nnn%k_\_Xdgj_`i\Yflc\mXi[%Zf%lb

>>>K_\ Fc[ M`Z# Gfikjdflk_ <ek\ikX`ed\ek ]fi J\gk\dY\i `eZcl[\j K_\ Jflc Jljg\Zkj c`m\ YXe[ `e JXk , J\g# Kfgg`e^ 9lkZ_ fe Jle - J\g# :fee`\ If^\ij fe Jle (* J\g# 9`^ 9ifk_\iËj Jflc c`m\ YXe[ fe =i` (/ J\g# BXe[` BXe\ 9Xok\i fe JXk (0 J\g# Ifj\ >Xi[\e fe Jle )' J\g# K_\ B`jjp BXk BclY kfli fe JXk )- J\g Xe[ CX[p AXd\j fe Jle ). J\g% K_\i\Ëj Xcjf X Z_Xi`kp ]le[iX`j\i _f^ ifXjk fe JXk () J\g% nnn%fc[m`Zgfikjdflk_%Zf%lb

>>>8EEL8C :?8I@KP :898I<K G8IKP I<KLIEJ D8IK?8ËJ# GFIKJDFLK?# JLE (/ F:K N\Ëi\ ^`m`e^ pfl X[mXeZ\ efk`Z\ fe k_`j# dX`ecp Y\ZXlj\ n\Ëi\ Xci\X[p \oZ`k\[ XYflk `k KXb`e^ gcXZ\ fe Jle (/ FZk# DXik_XËj gi\j\ekj k_\ XeelXc Z_Xi`kp ZXYXi\k ]le[iX`j\i )''0% Fi^Xe`j\ij Y`cc `k Xj k_\ gXikp \m\ek f] k_\ p\Xi# Xe[ `k Z\ikX`ecp YfXjkj fe\ f] k_\ Y`^^\jk ZXYXi\k c`e\$lgj j\\e fe k_\ Jflk_ :fXjk% K_\ e`^_k n`cc Y\ _fjk\[ Yp ;Xm\ Cpee Xe[ B`kkp C`kk\i# n`k_ XZkj Xci\X[p Zfe]`id\[ `eZcl[`e^ :Xjj`[p :feefij# CX[p @d\c[X# ;iX^ n`k_ ef EXd\# D`jj AXjfe# B\m`e :il`j\ gclj dXep dfi\# pfl befn k_`j `j ^f`e^ kf Y\ hl`k\ X e`^_k% B\\g pfli \p\j g\\c\[ ]fi dfi\ XZkj Xj k_\p Zfd\ DXik_XËj# Gfikjdflk_ JXd 9fe[Xi\ebf

>>>NXek pfli \m\ek c`jk\[6 <dX`c e`^_kc`]\7*j`okpdX^Xq`e\%Zfd<<<

>>>>FI><FLJ LE;<I E<N D8E8><D<EK

>fi^\flj# Gfikjdflk_ JXd 9fe[Xi\ebf

AFE>C<LIJ# GFIKJDFLK?# JLE + F:K Fe\ f] k_\ Y`^^\jk Jle[Xp e`^_k ^Xp gXik`\j `e Gfikjdflk_ n`cc _fjk X ]i\j_\ijË n\\b jZ_ffc [`jZf e`^_k fe Jle + FZk# n\cZfd`e^ k_\ jkl[\ekj YXZb kf kfne X]k\i k_\ jld$ d\i Yi\Xb% 8]k\i X ]XYlcflj ile f] YXeb _fc`[Xp gXik`\j k_ifl^_ k_\ nXid\i dfek_j# e\n gifdfk\ij G\ibj Xe[ :cX`i\ n`cc kXb\ k_\ i\`ej n`k_ jfd\ e\n X[[`k`fej kf k_\ e`^_k% ;A AXd\j n`cc Y\ fe nXid$lg [lk`\j# ]fccfn\[ Yp k_\ m\ip kXc\ek\[ G_`cc DXii`fk ]ifd >Xp[Xi IX[`f% N_Xk Y\kk\i nXp kf Z\c\YiXk\ Y\`e^ YXZb Xk le` k_Xe [i\jj`e^ lg Xe[ gXikp`e^6 nnn%afe^c\lij%Zfd

South Coast <8JK9FLIE< K_\ ?Xik s /0 :Xm\e[`j_ GcXZ\ s '(*)* -+* (,( s nnn%k_\_Xik%Zf%lb

GFIKJDFLK? ?Xdgj_`i\ 9flc\mXi[ s ( ?Xdgj_`i\ K\iiXZ\ s Jflk_j\X s ')* 0))0 .,'0 K_\ Fc[ M`Z s Jk GXlcËj IfX[ s ')* 0))0 .'(* s nnn%fc[m`Zgfikjdflk_%Zf%lb DXik_XËj s )). :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s ')* 0)/. .0(/

82-85 South Coast.indd 84

28/8/09 13:16:53

South CoastjZ\e\ 85 >>>D<<K@E> 8K K?< 98B<IËJ

>>>9FLIE<DFLK? J:<E< =F:LJ

K?< 98B<IËJ 8IDJ

J<GK<D9<I )''0

K_\ Yfpj Xe[ ^`icj Xk k_\ 9Xb\iËj _fc[ i\^lcXi Zfddle`kp d\\k`e^j Xe[ \m\ekj k_ifl^_flk k_\ dfek_ `eZcl[`e^ K_\ Gfep :clY fe k_\ ]`ijk JXkli[Xp f] k_\ dfek_# X jfZ`Xc e\knfib`e^ ^iflg ]fi c\jY`Xej# Y` Xe[ kiXej^\e[\i nfd\e `e ;fij\k Xe[ k_\ Jflk_% K_\ j\Zfe[ Xe[ ]flik_ =i`[Xpj f] k_\ dfek_ Xi\ DJ: 9flie\dflk_# Xe[ e\n ]fi k_\ k_`i[ =i`[Xp f] k_\ dfek_ `j ;X[[p Jfe# X e`^_k ]fi Y\Xij# ZlYj Xe[ [X[[`\j% ;iX^ ZXYXi\k kXb\j gcXZ\ \m\ip K_lij[Xp ]ifd 0gd n`k_ ]XYlcflj _fjk\jj J_\`cX KXZbpX% nnn%k_\YXb\ijXidj%Zfd

>>>K_\ OZ_Xe^\ >l\jk ZXYXi\k kXb\j gcXZ\ \m\ip =i`[Xp e`^_k ]ifd ((gd# n`k_ ;Aj gcXp`e^ k_ifl^_ k_\ e`^_k% CfZXc _\if D`jj AXjfe kXb\j Z\eki\ jkX^\ n`k_ X _`cXi`flj j_fn \m\ip K_lij[Xp e`^_k Xcjf Xk ((gd % OZ_Xe^\ ;Aj gcXp ZXdg gfg Xe[ Zfdd\iZ`Xc [XeZ\ \m\ip n\\b\e[% :_\Zb k_\ n\Yj`k\ ]fi ]lcc c`jk`e^j% nnn%oZ_Xe^\YXi%Zf%lb

>>>K_\ 9iXebjfd\ BXiXfb\ Hl\\ej kXb\j gcXZ\ \m\ip Dfe[Xp e`^_k# `kËj k_\ g\i]\Zk fggfikle`kp ]fi Yl[[`e^ j`e^\ij kf j_fn f]] k_\`i mfZXc kXc\ek% JXccp MXk\Ëj D`[n\\b DX[e\jj `j \m\ip N\[e\j[Xp# Xe[ =X`ipc\X :Xdg Xe[ :_\\jp `j \m\ip K_lij[Xp% Fe =i`[Xp e`^_kj# JXccp MXk\ n\cZfd\j k_\ n\\b\e[j# Xe[ JXkli[Xpj ]\Xkli\ ;A Gi`[\% Jle[Xpj Xi\ ^l\jk ZXYXi\k%

>>>NXek pfli \m\ek c`jk\[6 <dX`c e`^_kc`]\7*j`okpdX^Xq`e\%Zfd<<<

>>>JLDD<I J<8JFE :CFJ@E> G8IKP 98I 9<PFE; K_\ Yfpj Xk 9Xi 9\pfe[ _Xm\ Y\\e kXb`e^ 9flie\dflk_Ëj ^Xp jZ\e\ Yp jkfid% K_\ 9\XZ_ 9Xcc YXZb `e 8l^ljk nXj ifZb`e^ K_`j dfek_ k_\i\ Xi\ dfi\ ki\Xkj `e jkfi\# Xj ildflij XYfle[ f] X c\X[`e^ DXeZ_\jk\i X]k\i_flij _\X[`e^ [fne jflk_ kf k_\ YXi% 8cjf kf cffb flk ]fi# X jldd\i j\Xjfe Zcfj`e^ gXikp `j Zlii\ekcp `e k_\ gcXee`e^ jkX^\j# b\\g Xe \p\ fe k_\ =XZ\Yffb gX^\ fi fec`e\ ]fi k_\ cXk\jk `e]fidXk`fe j\XiZ_ ]fi 9Xi 9\pfe[ % 9GD `j k_\ Y`^ JXkli[Xp e`^_k\i \XZ_ n\\b# ]\Xkli`e^ jfd\ f] k_\ _fkk\jk ;A kXc\ek ]ifd Xifle[ k_\ Zflekp Xj jg\Z`Xc ^l\jkj% GXjk jkXij _Xm\ `eZcl[\[ GXlc ?\ife# C\\ ?Xii`j Xe[ D`jN_`k\% nnn%YXiY\pfe[Yflie\dflk_%Zf%lb 9Xi 9\pfe[# 9flie\dflk_ nnn%9lYYc\jG_fkfj%Zfd

Bournemouth '( K_\ 9Xb\ij 8idj s .. :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') ,,,,'- '* )0*' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s *' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s '/+, +.+ *'(0 s nnn%)0*'k_\ki`Xe^c\%Zfd '+ K_\ 9iXebjfd\ s :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') ,,),++ s nnn%k_\YiXebjfd\%Zfd ', :`iZlj 7 K_\ Fg\iX ?flj\ s ,.' :_i`jkZ_liZ_ IfX[# 9fjZfdY\ s '()') *000)) s nnn%fg\iX_flj\%Zf%lb '- Fm\i K_\ IX`eYfn s >Xp D\ej ?\Xck_ Gifa\Zk s '()') ),.+./ s nnn%iX`eYfnYflie\dflk_%Zf%lb '. IlYpq :XYXi\k I\jkXliXek s N\jk ?`cc IfX[ s nnn%ilYpq%Zf%lb '/ JXleXYXi s + 8m\el\ CXe\ s nnn%^XpjXleXYXi%Zfd '0 K_\ OZ_Xe^\ s + K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s '()') )0+*)( (( K_\ GXk`jj\i`\ 8e^ c`hl\ s .0 Gffc IfX[s N\jkYflie\ s 9?+ 099 s nnn%gXk`jj\i`\Xe^\c`hl\%Zfd () 9Xi 9\pfe[ s ('* :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s 9?) ,IK (* N_`k\ K`^\i s ). K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s 9flie\dflk_ s 9?) ,J< s '/+, +0- -*', s nnn%n_`k\k`^\ijkfi\%Zfd (+ =leZ_Xc Yp E`^_k s (,/ :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s 9flie\dflk_% s 9?) ,CL s '()') *(/0''




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for the wild side of your lifestyle nnn%n_`k\k`^\ijkfi\%Zfd ). K_\ Ki`Xe^c\# 9flie\dflk_

82-85 South Coast.indd 85

28/8/09 13:18:11

/- Thames ValleyjZ\e\ >>>N<<BCP >8P G8IKP 8K FE< F= FO=FI;ËJ 9@>><JK :CL9J

9F8K G8IKP :IL@J<# JLE ). J<G

K?< :FM<E# <M<IP =I@;8P

J\gk\dY\i `j Xe \oZ`k`e^ k`d\ `e Fo]fi[# Xj k_\ cXi^\ jkl[\ek gfglcX$ k`fe i\kliej kf k_\ Z`kp% K_\ Fo]fi[ Gi`[\ Zfdd`kk\\# b\\e kf ^\k g\fgc\ XZhlX`ek\[ Xe[ _\cg k_\ ^Xp ]i\j_\ij ^\k j\kkc\[# `j k_ifn`e^ Xefk_\i ]XYlcflj YfXk gXikp fe Jle ). J\g% CfZXc ;Aj n`cc Y\ fe YfXi[ kf b\\g pfl [XeZ`e^ Xj k_\ YfXk Zil`j\j [fne k_\ K_Xd\j# Xe[ `kËj X ^i\Xk fggfikle`kp ]fi e\n Xe[ i\klie`e^ jkl[\ekj kf d\\k \XZ_ fk_\i# Xj n\cc Xj k_\ cfZXcj% K_\p nfeËk Y`k\ N\cc# efk _Xi[ XepnXp% K_\ YfXk gXikp Zfjkj (, ]fi k_\ Zil`j\# fi (/ `eZcl[`e^ X _f^ ifXjk Xk Afccp =Xid\ij# Xe[ kXb\j gcXZ\ ]ifd d`[[Xp Æ -gd% nnn%fo]fi[gi`[\%fi^%lb

<m\ip =i`[Xp e`^_k fe\ f] Fo]fi[Ëj cXi^\jk ZclY jgXZ\j `j fm\iile Yp _fdfj Xj k_\ n\\bcp ^Xp e`^_k kXb\j gcXZ\% K_\ :fm\e `j X ]XekXjk`Z m\el\ ]fi `k# YfXjk`e^ X ZXgXZ`kp f] +,' Xe[ knf j\gXiXk\ [XeZ\ ]cffij% Knf ;Aj jg`e Z_Xik i\d`o\j Xe[ ]cffi$]`cc`e^ Zfdd\iZ`Xc [XeZ\ kf X d`o\[ Zifn[ f] Yfpj Xe[ ^`icj f] Xcc X^\j% K_\ ZclY `j [\Zb\[ flk n`k_ cfX[j f] c`^_k`e^# `eZcl[`e^ j\m\iXc LM cXdgj1 k_fj\ n`k_ [Xe[il]] Y\nXi\ nnn%Zfm\efo]fi[%Zfd K_\ :fm\e DXqq@dX^\%Zfd


9fXk GXikp :il`j\ )''/ DXqq@dX^\%Zfd

>>>KL<J;8P >8P E@>?K @E FO=FI; >>>KFG :FD<;P @E >8P FO=FI; GFG K8IKJ 8K 989P CFM<# <M<IP KL<J

K?< 9I<N<IP >8PK<# K?LIJ )+ J<G

GfgkXikj Xk 9XYp Cfm\ DXqq`dX^\%Zfd

@jp Jlkk`\# dX[\ ]Xdflj Yp _\i Z_XiXZk\i ;fYYp `e :_Xee\c =fliËj _`k Zfd\[p j\i`\j Kl\j[Xp e`^_kj Xk 9Xi 9XYp Cfm\ Xi\ Gfg KXikj# X jkl[\ek$fi`\ekXk\[ ^Xp G\\g J_fn# nXj ]fiZ\[ kf ZXeZ\c _\i j_fn Xk 9i\n\ip >Xpk\ X Zflgc\ f] dfek_j e`^_k# n`k_ [\Xcj fe [i`ebj Xe[ X pfle^ Zifn[ n_f [feËk _Xm\ kf ^\k lg `e X^f [l\ kf ]`cd`e^ i\hl`i\d\ekj% 9ff¿ ?fn\m\i# j_\ _Xj jZ_\[lc\[ `e Xefk_\i [Xk\# k_\ dfie`e^ ;Aj j\im\ lg Xe `ek\i\jk`e^ d`o f] i\kif gfg Xe[ Zlii\ek _`kj# kf Zfd\ Xe[ k`Zbc\ k_\ kfe^l\j f] Xcc k_fj\ Xkk\e[% ?ffiXp Glk k_\ [Xk\# K_lij )+ jgi\X[ fm\i knf ]cffij% Gclj# n\ _\Xi k_\ YXi jkX]] dXb\ X d\Xe ZfZbkX`c% J\g# `e pfli [`Xip efn% nnn%dpjgXZ\%Zfd&`jpjlkk`\ nnn%YXYp$YXi%e\k

86-89 Thames.indd 86

K_\ 9i\n\ip >Xpk\ DXqq@dX^\%Zfd

28/8/09 13:19:18

86-89 Thames.indd 87

28/8/09 13:19:30

// Thames ValleyjZ\e\ >>>FG<E I@>?K K?IFL>? K?< E@>?K

K_\ DXck_flj\

K?< D8CK?FLJ<# I<8;@E> K_\ DXck_flj\ _Xj jlg\i$cXk\ fg\e`e^ _flij \m\ip n\\b\e[# Zcfj`e^ Xk X dfel$ d\ekXc -Xd \m\ip JXkli[Xp Xe[ Jle[Xp dfie`e^% :XYXi\k kXb\j gcXZ\ fe =i`[Xp Xe[ JXkli[Xp \m\e`e^j# Xe[ k_\ DXck_flj\ i\j`[\ek ;Aj jg`e k_\ cXk\jk Z_Xik kle\j Xe[ Zfdd\iZ`Xc [XeZ\ Xek_\dj n\cc `ekf k_\ dfie`e^% <cj\n_\i\ `e k_\ n\\b# =fe[c\Ëj I\m\e^\ kXb\j gcXZ\ fe Jle[Xp e`^_kj n`k_ jlg\iY [i`ebj [\Xcj# Xe[ B\iipfb\ bXiXfb\ `j \m\ip K_lij[Xp% :_\Zb k_\ DXck_flj\ n\Yj`k\ ]fi Xcc k_\ cXk\jk c`jk`e^j% nnn%dXck_flj\glY%Zfd

>>>:898I<K :@I:L@K JK8IJ K?< NPE=FI; 8IDJ# I<8;@E> 9i`^_kfe ]Xmfli`k\ Xe[ m\k\iXe f] k_\ eXk`feXc ZXYXi\k Z`iZl`k CfcX CXjX^e\ n`cc kXb\ kf k_\ Npe]fi[ jkX^\ fe Kl\j / J\g# ]fccfn\[ Yp k_\ 9flie\dflk_ 9fdYj_\cc ;`Xe\ AXd\j fe Kl\j )) J\g% K_\ \m\i$gfglcXi :ffb`\Ëj BXiXfb\ `j fe Xck\ieXk\ Kl\j[Xpj% K_\i\ `j [XeZ`e^ `ekf k_\ \Xicp _flij fe =i`[Xp Xe[ JXkli[Xp e`^_kj# n`k_ k_\ Npe]fi[Ëj i\j`[\ek ;Aj cXp`e^ [fne k_\ Y\Xkj% nnn%npe]fi[Xidj%Zfd

Thames Valley 8PC<J9LIP K_\ JXiXZ\ej s , I`Zb]fi[j ?`cc s '()0- +)(,)/ s nnn%k_\$jXiXZ\ej%Zf%lb


>>>C@M< ;AJ 8K K?< D8@C:F8:? K?< D8@C:F8:?# JN@E;FE

:clY ;\ZX[\eZ\ Xk K_\ DX`cZfXZ_

K_\ DX`cZfXZ_ _Xj X aXd$gXZb\[ jZ_\[lc\ f] \ek\ikX`ed\ek n`k_ jfd\k_`e^ fe e\Xicp fe \m\ip e`^_k% JXkli[Xp e`^_kj ]\Xkli\ ;A Jk\m\Ëj :Xdg 8kkXZb# gcXp`e^ k_\ Y`^$ ^\jk Z_\\jp kle\j Êk`c +Xd% Jle[Xpj Xi\ JXccpfb\ Æ \Xj`cp [\jZi`Y\[ Xj bXiXfb\ n`k_ jfd\fe\ ZXcc\[ JXccp Æ gclj ;A AXd\j fe k_\ [\Zbj% Kl\j[Xp e`^_kj Xi\ ]`cd e`^_k# k_\ g\i]\Zk \oZlj\ kf jfZ`Xc`j\ d`[n\\b# Xe[ N\[e\j[Xpj Xi\ hl`q e`^_k% ;\ZX[\eZ\ kXb\j gcXZ\ fek _\ ]`ijk JXkli[Xp f] \XZ_ dfek_% nnn%dX`cZfXZ_jn`e[fe%Zf%lb

G`eb Glek\ij s ) NXkc`e^ Jki\\k# 9c\kZ_c\p s '(0'/ *..+++ s nnn%g`ebglek\ij%Zfd

EFIK?8DGKFE K_\ 9fjkfe :c`gg\i s :fcc\^\ Jki\\k s '(-'+ -'++'+ s nnn%k_\YfjkfeZc`gg\i%Zf%lb Iflk\ -0 s ( >Xj Jki\\k s '(-'+ )*0*(/ s nnn%iflk\-0%Zf%lb

FO=FI; 9i\n\ip >Xpk\ s , Jk% K_fdXj Jki\\k s '(/-, ),'')' s nnn%Yi\n\ip^Xpk\%Zfd :Xjkc\ KXm\ie s )+ GXiX[`j\ Jki\\k s '(/-, .0*.,0 s nnn%ZXjkc\kXm\iefo]fi[%Zfd Afccp =Xid\ij s )' GXiX[`j\ Jki\\k s '(/-, .0*.,0 s nnn%afccp]Xid\ijfo]fi[%Zfd :fm\e fe =i`[Xpj s Fog\ej IfX[ FO( (IO s '(/-, )+)..'

JN@E;FE K_\ G`eb Iffdj s *"+ M`Zkfi`X IfX[ s JE( *8A s nnn%k_\g`ebiffdj%Zf%lb K_\ DX`c:fXZ_ s ,0 =c\\k Jki\\k s '(.0* ,*/)+- s nnn%dX`cZfXZ_jn`e[fe%Zf%lb

I<8;@E> K_\ >iXeYp s ()' Cfe[fe IfX[ s '((/ 0*, ),*. s nnn%k_\^iXeYp%Zf%lb Npe]fi[ 8idj s ((' B`e^j IfX[ s '((/ 0,/ 0/(+ s nnn%npe]fi[Xidj%Zfd K_\ DXck_flj\ s ,* >i\p]i`Xij IfX[ s '((/ 0,0 .(). s nnn%dXck_flj\glY%Zfd

Northampton Milton Keynes Aylesbury Cheltenham Swindon


Bristol Mare


Oxford Reading






86-89 Thames.indd 88


Guildford Farnham Winchester Crawley Southampton H Eastbour

28/8/09 13:20:42

86-89 Thames.indd 89

28/8/09 18:32:11

90 BristoljZ\e\

90-95 Bristol.indd 90

28/8/09 13:21:57

BristoljZ\e\ 91 K_\ G`e\Xggc\ D`Z_X\c ?fe\p

>>>:8DG :898I<K <M<IP JLE;8P K?< G@E<8GGC< 8 kil\ ZXYXi\k _fk jgfk `e 9i`jkfc# k_\ G`e\Xggc\ _fjkj ZXdg ZXYXi\k \XZ_ Xe[ \m\ip Jle[Xp X]k\ieffe% J\gk\dY\i ]\Xkli\j X dXddfk_ Z_Xi`kp ]le$ [iX`j\i fe Jle - J\g n`k_ X gc\k_fiX f] [iX^ Xe[ j`e^`e^ j\ejXk`fej kXb`e^ kf k_\ jkX^\ kf iX`j\ ]le[j ]fi :XeZ\i I\j\XiZ_% K_\e fe Jle (* Fi`\ekXc j\ejXk`fe k_Xk CX[p @d\c[X kXb\j kf k_\ jkX^\% Jle )' `j ;iX^ @[fc )''/ Zfek\e[\i Afc\e\ ;fm\i# Xe[ Jle ). `j k_\ flkiX^\flj Xe[ _`cXi`flj [iX^ ]ifd 9i`^_kfe# ;Xm`eX JgXibc\% :XYXi\k `j _fjk\[ Yp i\j`[\ek ZXYXi\k Xik`jk\ <c\ZkiX =\eZ\ \XZ_ n\\b% nnn%g`e\Xggc\Yi`jkfc%Zfd

Bristol K_\ N\jk Jki`g ) C\m\c Fe\ s +( :fcjkfe Jki\\k s 9J( , ) K_\ GXib s *. Ki`Xe^c\ N\jk s '((. 0+' -('( * K_\ G`e\Xggc\ s *. Jk >\fi^\Ëj IfX[ s '((. 0*'' /++ s nnn%g`e\Xggc\Yi`jkfc%Zfd + Hl\\ej_`cc`e^ s 0 =if^dfi\ Jki\\k s'((. 0*' '/++ s nnn%hl\\ej_`cc`e^%Zfd , E`Z\ ÊEË EXl^_kp s +, :fcjkfe Jki\\k s '((. 0)0 .--- s '( ',




90-95 Bristol.indd 91

28/8/09 13:22:45

92 BristoljZ\e\ >>>9I8E; E<N N<<BCP JKL;<EK G8IKP K?< HL<<EJ?@CC@E># <M<IP K?LIJ;8P =IFD K?LIJ (. J<G ?ffiXp K_\ jkl[\ekj Xi\ YXZb `e kfne% 8e[ k_\ Hl\\ej_`cc`e^ k\Xd `j n\cZfd`e^ k_\d YXZb n`k_ X YiXe[ e\n n\\bcp ZclYe`^_k% Le`J\olXc kXb\j gcXZ\ \m\ip K_lij[Xp e`^_k ]ifd K_lij (. J\g# _fjk\[ Yp cfZXc c\^\e[ KiXp CX KiXj_% K_\ e`^_k ]\Xkli\j ÊJ_X^KX^Ë $ k_\ jX]\i Zfee\Zk`fej [Xk`e^ ^Xd\ $ n_`Z_ ZXe Y\ X ^i\Xk nXp kf _ffb lg n`k_ fk_\i jkl[\ekj% Gclj# pfl Zflc[ kXb\ X jg`e fe KiXp CX KiXj_Ëj n_\\c f] d`j]fikle\# n`k_ gi`q\j ^Xcfi\ Jg\Z`Xc [i`ebj gifdfj Xggcp k_ifl^_flk k_\ e`^_k% Fk_\i _`^_c`^_kj f] k_\ dfek_ `eZcl[\ Cfcc`gfg Jbffc ;`jZf n`k_ ;A Jk\m`\ A fe JXk () J\g# GlZbX n`k_ ;A 8ek E`Z_fccj fe JXk (0 J\g# Xe[ Jn`kZ_ knf e`^_kj `e fe\ fe JXk )- J\g% Cffbj c`b\ X Yljp dfek_% nnn%hl\\ej_`cc`e^%Zfd GlZbX Xk K_\ Hl\\ej_`cc`e^ D`Z_X\c ?fe\p

90-95 Bristol.indd 92

28/8/09 13:24:15

BristoljZ\e\ 93 >>>=I<< J?FKJ 8K K?< CFLE>< K?< CFLE>< 98I K_\ Yfpj Xk k_\ Cfle^\ dljk Y\ ]\\c`e^ k_\ cfm\# Xj k_\pËi\ f]]\i`e^ Xcc *J@OKP i\X[\ij X ]i\\ j_fk n`k_ \m\ip [i`eb# fe gif[lZk`fe f] k_\ mflZ_\i fm\ic\X] Jf ^iXY pflij Xe[ gfg `k `e pfli nXcc\k Y\]fi\ _\X[`e^ f]] kf k_\ YXi% K_\ mflZ_\i fecp Xggc`\j kf Z\ikX`e j_fkj# Xe[ dljk Y\ lj\[ `e J\gk\dY\i% 8cjf k_`j dfek_# cffb flk ]fi k_\ [\Ylk f] k_\ Cfle^\ 9XiËj m\ip fne j_fn ^`icj fe =i` ), J\g% ;\kX`cj f] k_\ Cfle^\kk\j ]`ijk j_fn n\i\ Zcfj\cp ^lXi[\[ Xj n\ n\ek kf gi\jj# Ylk n\Ëi\ jli\ `kËcc Y\ flkiX$ ^\flj Xe[ Zfd`ZXc% K_\ Cfle^\

90-95 Bristol.indd 93

28/8/09 13:24:56

94 BristoljZ\e\ >>>9I8E; E<N J?FG =FI >8P 9I@JKFC

K_\ GXZbX^\ `j efn fg\e ]fi Ylj`e\jj

K?< G8:B8><# 9I@JKFC FC; D8IB<K 9i`jkfcËj ^Xp Zfddle`kp _Xj Xci\X[p kXb\e X j_`e`e^ kf fe\ f] k_\ cXk\jk X[[`k`fej kf k_\ jZ\e\# Xj k_\ YiXe[ e\n ^Xp c`]\jkpc\ j_fg \eafp\[ X Yljp ]`ijk n\\b\e[% K_\ GXZbX^\ j\ccj j\op le[\in\Xi $ n`k_ dXep f] k_\ _fkk\jk YiXe[j Xifle[ fe k_\ j_\cm\j $ gclj Yflk`hl\ k$j_`ikj# efm\ckp `k\dj# ^`]k `[\Xj# If9 C\Xk_\i# Zfe[fdj Xe[ clY\% È@kËj Y\\e X ^i\Xk ]`ijk n\\b\e[#É jXpj Kfd ]ifd k_\ GXZbX^\% ÈN\Ëm\ _X[ X i\Xccp gfj`k`m\ i\XZk`fe ]ifd k_\ Zfddle`kp# Xe[ `k cffbj m\ip gifd`j`e^ ]fi k_\ ]lkli\ É nnn%k_\gXZbX^\%Zf%lb

Gifl[ fne\ij1 Kfd Xe[ AXb\

90-95 Bristol.indd 94

28/8/09 13:25:26

BristoljZ\e\ 95 >>><EK<IK8@ED<EK =@K =FI 8 HL<<E K?< G8C8:< N`k_ fglc\ek i\[ Xe[ ^fc[ [ Zfi# k_\ GXcXZ\ `j X ^i\Xk gcXZ\ kf \eafp Xe \m\e`e^ flk% K_\i\Ëj gc\ekp f] \ek\ikX`ed\ek kf b\\g Zljkfd\ij \ek\ikX`e\[ k_ifl^_flk k_\ n\\b `eZcl[`e^ bXiXfb\ n`k_ k_\ [\c`^_k]lccp eXd\[ D`jj >cfi`X Fc\ fe N\[e\j[Xpj# K_\ D`jj B`kkp >Xd\ J_fn \m\ip K_lij[Xp# Xe[ D`jj ;\okiflj jg`ej k_\ kle\j \m\ip JXkli[Xp% Jle[Xp e`^_kj ]\Xkli\ ^l\jk ZXYXi\k n`k_ _fjk\jj 8dY\i ;\okiflj% nnn%Yi`jkfcY\XiYXi%Zf%lb K_\ GXcXZ\

Bristol Fc[ DXib\k ( ) * + , - . / 0

9i`jkfc 9\Xi 9Xi s )$* N\jk Jki\\k s '((. 0,, (0-. s nnn%Yi`jkfcY\XiYXi%Zf%lb =cXd`e^fj s )*$), N\jk Jki\\k# Fc[ DXib\k s '((. 0,, 0)-0 s nnn%]cXd`e^fjYi`jkfc%Zfd K_\ M`ccX^\ JXleX s (0$)( N\jk Jki\\ks '((. 0'* '-)) s nnn%ZfkkX^\jXleX%Zfd K_\ Cfle^\ s ,* Fc[ DXib\k Jki\\k s '((. 0)) ())+ Fc[ :Xjkc\ >i\\e s +- >cflZ\jk\i CXe\ s '((. **' 0(+' s nnn%fc[ZXjkc\^i\\e%Zfd K_\ Fc[ DXib\k KXm\ie s )0$*' Fc[ DXib\k s '((. 0)) -()* s nnn%fdkYi`jkfc%Zf%lb I\ki\Xk s (- N\jk Jki\\k s Fc[ DXib\k s nnn%i\ki\XkYi`jkfc%Zfd K_\ GXcXZ\ s ( N\jk Jki\\k s Fc[ DXib\k s nnn%Yi`jkfcY\XiYXi%Zf%lb K_\ JkX^ Xe[ ?fle[j s .+ Fc[ DXib\k Jki\\k s '((. 0)0 (+'.


'* '(


90-95 Bristol.indd 95





28/8/09 13:26:16

:fienXcc Gi`[\ )''/ `e Kilif# :fienXcc

96 The

WestjZ\e\ >>>J<OP DLJ:C< 9FPJ I<KLIE KF KFIHL8P I<D@O 8K 9F?<D@8# KFIHL8P# =I@ (/ J<G K_fj\ f] pfl Xkk\e[\[ k_\ m\ip ]`ijk I\d`o gXikp Xk 9f_\d`X# YXZb `e DXp f] k_`j p\Xi# d`^_k i\d\dY\i k_\ _fk Xe[ _fiep ^f^f Yfpj% N\cc# k_\ ^ff[ e\nj `j# k_\pËi\ YXZb È@Ëm\ _X[ jf dXep g\fgc\ Xjb`e^ n_\e k_\ ^f^f Yfpj n`cc Y\ YXZb Xk I\d`oÉ# gifdfk\i IfY <c]fi[ kfc[ *J@OKP% ÈK_\ nX`k `j efn fm\i%É CfZXc ;A DXkk B`e^ n`cc Y\ fe _Xe[ jg`ee`e^ Zfdd\iZ`Xc Xe[ ]lebp _flj\% :_\Zb k_\ n\Yj`k\ ]fi dfi\ `e]fidXk`fe% nnn%ZclY$i\d`o%Zf%lb I\d`o Xk 9f_\d`X

Bathm\el\j K_\ 9Xk_ KXg s (0$)' Jk AXd\j GXiX[\ s '()), +'+ *++ DXe[Xcpej s (* =flekX`e 9l`c[`e^j s CXej[fne IfX[ s '()), +), +'* s nnn%dXe[Xcpej%Zf%lb

Exeterm\el\j 9fo\j fe Kl\j[Xpj s :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s K_\ HlXp s '.0.0 .,*,.( <jZXg\ 7 K_\ >i\\e Iffd s =fi\ Jki\\k s nnn%\jZXg\e`^_k%Zf%lb K_\ MXlckj s / >Xe[p Jki\\k s nnn%mXlckj\o\k\i%Zf%lb M`mf s ())X =fi\ Jki\\k

Plymouthm\el\j Q\ifj s )+ CfZbp\i Jki\\k s '(.,) --) *+- ?Xnb`ej D\\k`e^ GcXZ\ s 9lZbn\cc Jki\\k s '(.,) ))**+( s nnn%_Xnb`ejdg%Zf%lb K_\ :cXi\eZ\ s *( :cXi\eZ\ GcXZ\ s Jkfe\_flj\ s nnn%ZcXi\eZ\gcpdflk_%Zf%lb K_\ JnXccfn s ,0$-( 9i\kfe J`[\ s '(.,) ),(.-'

Torquaym\el\j @Y`qX s *$+ M`Zkfi`X GXiX[\ s '(/'* )(+ **+ :Xe[p]cfjj ]fid\icp IfZbpËj s IfZb IfX[ s '(/'* )0)).0 K_\ D\X[]ffk @ee s . D\X[]ffk CXe\ s '(/'* )0.(() I\d`o 7 9f_\d`X s *0$+( Kfinff[ Jk s KH( (;Q s '(/'* )0)'.0 s nnn%ZclY$i\d`o%Zf%lb <emp s K_\ Fc[ Kfne ?Xcc# 8YY\p IfX[ nnn%\empkfihlXp%Zf%lb B\p N\jk 9Xi s D\X[]ffk J\X IfX[ s KH( )CH s '(/'* )'''-* s nnn%b\pn\jkkfihlXp%Zfd Jk\Xd\i HlXp s IfZb IfX[ s KH) ,JG s '(/'* )'( +'( s nnn%jk\Xd\ihlXp%Zfd KfdËj :il`j\ 9Xi s B\p N\jk 9Xj\d\ek s D\X[]ffk J\X IfX[

Trurom\el\j ?fk\c :`dfe s /) 8YY\p IfX[ s '(/'* )0++,+ 9Xi H[fj s (* E\n 9i`[^\ Jki\\k s '(/.) ))) /// s nnn%YXih[fj%Zf%lb

Bristol Weston-Super-Mare Taunton Exeter Truro

96-97 West.indd 96




Wincheste Sout



28/8/09 13:27:27


WestjZ\e\ 97

>>>JLE J?@E<J FE :FIEN8CC GI@;< J<:FE; P<8I G8IKP 8 9@> JL::<JJ

:fienXcc Gi`[\ D`Z_X\c ?fe\p

:fienXcc Gi`[\ fi^Xe`j\ij Xi\ _Xggp Xe[ \oZ`k\[ Xj k_\ ]c\[^c`e^ \m\ek [fl$ Yc\[ Xkk\e[XeZ\ ]`^li\j `e `kj j\Zfe[ p\Xi% -'' g\fgc\ kffb gXik `e k_\ gXiX[\# n`k_ Xe \jk`dXk\[ (#''' \eafp`e^ k_\ dlj`Z# jkXccj Xe[ \ek\ikX`ed\ek `e k_\ gXib% K_\ gXikp Zfek`el\[ n\cc `ekf k_\ e`^_k n`k_ k_\ \m\e`e^ dXihl\\ gXikp# n_`Z_ jfc[ dfi\ k_Xe /'' k`Zb\kj Xe[ ]\Xkli\[ jfd\ Y`^ eXd\ G8j `eZcl[`e^ ?Xq\cc ;\Xe# IfqXccX Xe[ *JCËj 8e[p JZfkk$C\\% K_\ gXiX[\ nXj fe\ f] k_\ Y`^^\jk _`kj f] k_`j p\XiËj \m\ek# n_`Z_ `eZcl[\[ X ^`^Xek`Z iX`eYfn ]cX^ d\Xjli`e^ +' d\ki\j `e c\e^k_ ]`cc`e^ k_\ \ek`i\ gXiX[\ iflk\% K_\ jki\\kj n\i\ YXk_\[ `e dlck`Zfcfli\[ ^Xp ^cfip Xj k_\ gifZ\jj`fe c\[ `kj nXp k_ifl^_ k_\ kfne% ÈK_\ Zfdd`kk\\ _Xj nfib\[ i\Xccp _Xi[ k_`j p\Xi# Xe[ n\ n\i\ XdXq\[ n`k_ k_\ klieflk#É jX`[ AXjg\i ]ifd :fienXcc Gi`[\% ÈN\ _X[ X ^i\Xk Xkk\e[$ XeZ\ ]ifd Xcc Zfie\ij f] k_\ Zfddle`kp% N\Ëi\ Xci\X[p ^\kk`e^ \oZ`k\[ XYflk :fienXcc Gi`[\ )'(' É nnn%ZfienXccgi`[\%Zf%lb


>>>:FD< KF ;8;;P I<KLIEJ KF KFI98P 9<8IJ @E K?< 98P# B<P N<JK I<JFIK 9XZb `e Alcp# N\jk :flekp Y\XiËj YiXe[ :fd\ Kf ;X[[p _\cg\[ k_\ gXikp b`Zb f]] n`k_ jfd\ jg\Z`Xc \m\ekj Xk Gi`[\ KfiYXp# _\c[ Xk k_\ \oZclj`m\ B\p N\jk ^Xp i\jfik% K_`j J\gk\dY\i# k_\ Yfpj n`cc k\Xd lg n`k_ 9\Xi N\jk Xe[ i\klie kf k_\ i\jfik# _fjk`e^ k_\ ]`ijk \m\i 9\Xij @e K_\ 9Xp n\\b\e[ \Xicp `e k_\ dfek_% K_\i\Ëcc Y\ X jXleX gXikp# X Y\XZ_ gXikp# X gffc gXikp Xe[ X Y`^ :fd\ kf ;X[[p gXikp Xcc ZiXdd\[ `ekf fe\ ]liip n\\b\e[% J\\ k_\ n\Yj`k\ ]fi Xcc k_\ [\kX`cj% nnn%Y\Xij`ek_\YXp%Y\Xin\jk%Zf%lb

:fd\ Kf ;X[[p

96-97 West.indd 97

28/8/09 13:28:32

98 WalesjZ\e\ >>>;FL9C< K?< KIFL9C< 8K GLCJ< E<N 98I KF F==<I JFD<K?@E> ;@==<I<EK

Glcj\# :Xi[`]] Kfep GXiip nnn%f[pjj\pg_fkfj%Zf%lb

K_\ Glcj\ k\Xd efn f]]\ij [flYc\ k_\ ]le n`k_ knf m\el\j kf gcXp `e% E\n gi\$YXi +GcXp f]]\ij jfd\k_`e^ [`]]\i\ek kf Glcj\# n`k_ i\^lcXi ZXYXi\k \m\ip JXkli[Xp e`^_k ]\Xkli`e^ jfd\ f] k_\ _fkk\jk XZkj fe k_\ LB ZXYXi\k Z`iZl`k% J\gk\dY\i [Xk\j `eZcl[\ DX`j`\ Kifcc\kk\ fe JXk , J\g# Af =iXeZ\j fe JXk ()# CX[p AXd\j fe JXk (0 Xe[ JgXe^c\j >Xcfi\ fe JXk )0% Fm\i k_\ ifX[ Xk Glcj\# k_\i\Ëj gc\ekp kf ^\k \oZ`k\[ \Xicp `e FZkfY\i `eZcl[`e^ B\ccp Ccfi\eeX fe =i` ) FZk Xe[ k_\ GFN Xidp e`^_k dXb\j X n\cZfd\ i\klie fe N\[j . FZk% Jkl[\ekj " Xidp le`]fidj 4 _fk% nnn%glcj\ZXi[`]]%Zfd

>>>;8D< <;E8 8K K?< :IFJJ K?< >FC;<E :IFJJ# :8I;@== :Xi[`]]Ëj >fc[\e :ifjj _fc[j i\^lcXi ZXYXi\k j\jj`fej n`k_ jfd\ f] k_\ LBËj Y`^^\jk jkXij Xe[ dfjk kXc\ek\[ ]\dXc\ `dg\ijfeXkfij ^iXZ`e^ k_\ jkX^\% K_`j dfek_# fe =i` ), J\g# k_\i\Ëj X jg\Z`Xc ki\Xk `e jkfi\ Xj k_\ ;Xd\ <[eX <og\i`\eZ\ kXb\j kf k_\ jkX^\# kilcp fe\ f] k_\ dfjk _`cXi`flj g\i]fidXeZ\j pfl Zflc[ _fg\ kf j\\% @kËj X ki`Ylk\ kf ;Xd\ <[eX <m\iX^\# X [iX^ Z_XiXZk\i gcXp\[ dX[\ ]Xdflj Yp k_\ (0/'Ëj KM j\i`\j# K_\ ;Xd\ <[eX <og\i`\eZ\% K_\ >fc[\e :ifjj CXli\eZ\ ?lii\cc

>>>;<:8;<E:< I<KLIEJ KF :8I;@== <O@K :CL9# =I@ ), J<G :clY ;\ZX[\eZ\ Yi`e^j `kj le`hl\ YiXe[ f] ]lebp ^Xp ZclYY`e^ kf :Xi[`]]Ëj <o`k :clY \XZ_ ]flik_ =i`[Xp f] k_\ dfek_# Zfdgc\k\ n`k_ [iX^ hl\\e DX[Xd\ DXp_\d j_\ jfle[j c`b\ X i`fk Xe[ i\j`[\ek ;A 8ek E`Z_fccj% K_\ dlj`Z `j Zfdd\iZ`Xc Xe[ Z_\\j\ `e iffd fe\# Xe[ kliYf ]leb\[ _flj\ Xe[ [`ikp \c\Zkif `e iffd knf% Cffb flk ]fi c`m\ \ek\ikX`ed\ek `eZcl[`e^ k_\ c\^\e[Xip ;\ZX[\eZ\ ]`i\jg`ee\ij% nnn%ZclY`e[\ZX[\eZ\%Zfd <o`k :clY Kfep GXiip

98-99 Wales.indd 98

28/8/09 13:29:49

WalesjZ\e\ 99 >>>:FD< KF ;8;;P ?<8;J KF N8C<J

K_\ :fd\ Kf ;X[[p Yfpj Xi\ Zfd`e^ kf :Xi[`]]

:CL9 O# :8I;@==# =I@ (( J<G N\jkZflekip Y\Xij YiXe[ :fd\ kf ;X[[p ifZbj lg kf :clY O fe k_\ j\Zfe[ =i`[Xp f] k_\ dfek_# Yi`e^`e^ `kj le`hl\ YiXe[ f] Y`^# Ylicp ]le kf :Xi[`]]% K_`j dfek_ k_\ Yfpj kXb\ fm\i k_\ D`iifi 9Xcc Cfle^\ lgjkX`ij Xk k_\ ZclY fe =i` (( J\g% K_\ Xi\X Zfd\j Zfdgc\k\ n`k_ `kj fne gi`mXk\ YXi Xe[ jdfb`e^ Xi\X# jf pfl ZXe \`k_\i cfle^\ Xifle[ `e k_\ \oZcl$ j`m\ lgjkX`ij Xi\X# fi d`e^c\ n`k_ k_\ dXjj\j [fnejkX`ij nnn%ZclY$o$ZXi[`]]%Zf%lb :fd\ Kf ;X[[p Xk Gi`[\ KfiYXp

O @k 9Xi Kfep GXiip nnn%f[pjj\pg_fkfj%Zf%lb

>>>8 E<N >8P 98I =FI :8I;@== NFN 98I 8 YiXe[ e\n ^Xp YXi n`cc k_ifn fg\e `kj [ffij k_`j dfek_# Xj k_\ fc[ Nfn 9Xi _Xj X j\Zfe[ Zfd`e^ `e X e\n m\el\ fe :_liZ_`cc NXp% =fccfn`e^ X k\e$p\Xi Yi\Xb# Nfn n`cc efn af`e Glcj\ Xe[ e\n m\el\ +GcXp `e k_\ Xi\X# lj_\i`e^ `e X e\n \iX ]fi :Xi[`]]Ëj ^Xp jZ\e\ Xj k_\ ]fle[Xk`fej ]fi Xefk_\i ^Xp m`ccX^\ Xi\ cXp\[% E`^_kcp \ek\ikX`ed\ek Xk Nfn n`cc `eZcl[\ Xcc dXc\ Ylic\jhl\ [XeZ`e^ fe Dfe[Xpj# Zfd\[p fe K_lij[Xpj# ZXYXi\k fe =i`[Xpj Xe[ plddp kiX[`k`feXc ifXjkj fe Jle[Xpj% :_\Zb flk k_\ e\n n\Yj`k\ ]fi Xcc k_\ cXk\jk `e]f% nnn%nfnYXiZXi[`]]%Zfd

Cardiffm\el\j '( K_\ >fc[\e :ifjj s )/* ?Xp\j 9i`[^\ I[ s ')0 )'*+ *()0 ') B`e^j :ifjj s ), :Xifc`e\ Jki\\k s ')0 )'-+ 0/0' '* Glcj\ s :_liZ_`cc NXp s ')0 )'-+ ('(' '+ <o`k s +/ :_Xic\j Jki\\k s ')0 )'-+ '(') ', :clY O s *,$*. :_Xic\j Jki\\k s ')0 )'+' '/.'- D`ejbpËj J_fnYXi s ,* :Xk_\[iXc NXcb# Jk ;Xm`[Ëj :\eki\ s ')0 )')* *()/ '. 9Xi @Zfe s -' :_Xic\j Jki\\k s ')0 )'-- -,', '/ +GcXp s (' :_liZ_`cc NXp s :=(' );N '0 Nfn 9Xi s + :_liZ_`cc NXp s :Xi[`]] s :=(' );N

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Swanseam\el\j :_Xdg\ij s )(' ?`^_ Jki\\k s '(.0) -,,-)) ?lj_ :X] 9Xi :clY s )** ?`^_ Jki\\k s '(.0) +.*'** Cf]k Cfle^\ s +- K_\ B`e^jnXp J8( ,8>

98-99 Wales.indd 99

28/8/09 13:31:43

100 MidlandsjZ\e\ >>>><K D@EK<; FE 8 J8KLI;8P

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100-101 Midlands.indd 100


28/8/09 13:33:55

MidlandsjZ\e\ 101 >>>D8;>< @E K?< D@;C8E;J K?< E@>?K@E>8C<# 9@ID@E>?8D N_XkËj k_Xk6 DX[feeX `j Zfd`e^ kf 9`id`e^_Xd6 N\cc# jfik f]% @kËj XZklXccp D\c`jjX Kfkk\e# fe\ f] k_\ nfic[Ëj Y\jk DX[feeX ki`Ylk\ XZkj# Ylk `kËcc Y\ X ]lcc fe DX[feeX \og\i`\eZ\ efe\k_\c\jj% J_\Ëcc Y\ fe jkX^\ fe JXk () J\g _\cg`e^ cXleZ_ k_\ i\Xc DX[feeXËj e\n j`e^c\ :\c\YiXk`fe# i\c\Xj\[ Xk k_\ \e[ f] J\gk\dY\i% K_\e fe JXk (0 J\g k_\ G8j aljk b\\g fe Zfd`e^# Xj k_\ >Xp]\jk 8cYld CXleZ_ Zfek`el\j Xifle[ k_\ Zflekip n`k_ BXki`eX# B\ccp N`c[\ Xe[ k_\ m\ip Zlk\ AXpd` kXb`e^ kf k_\ jkX^\ kf gifdfk\ k_\ e\n XcYld% CXk\i `e k_\ dfek_ k_\ E`^_k`e^Xc\ jk\gj lg k_\ ZXdg Xe \okiX efkZ_ hl`k\ X ]\Xk n\ k_`eb n`k_ X >i\Xj\ k_\d\ \m\ek YXj\[ fe k_\ .'j dlj`ZXc Xe[ ]`cd% K_\ j_fn n`cc Y\ Zfdgc\k\ n`k_ X K 9`i[j ki`Ylk\ j_fn `eZcl[`e^ X c`m\ YXe[# gclj ]lcc ZclY [ Zfi% @kËj X ^i\Xk \oZlj\ kf [i\jj lg Xj k_\ jkl[\ekj Xi\ YXZb `e kfne% @k dXp Y\ X c`kkc\ Z_\\jp# Ylk \m\ipfe\ cfm\j kf j`e^ Xcfe^ X]k\i X j_\iip fi knf% nnn%e`^_k`e^Xc\ZclY%Zf%lb K_\ E`^_k`e^Xc\ AXb =cXj_

Birmingham m\el\j '( 8e^\cËj 9Xi s (),$(*( ?lijk Jki\\k s '()( -)) (0-- ') >cXdfliflj J_fnYXi s 8cYXep ?flj\# ).$*, ?lijk Jki\\k s '/.' 0+0 +,)- s nnn%^cXdfliflj$j_fnYXi%Zfd '* K_\ =fos (. Cfn\i <jj\o Jki\\k s '()( -)) *)(* s nnn%k_\]foYXi%`e]f '+ E`^_k`e^Xc\ :clY s <jj\o ?flj\# B\ek Jki\\k s '()( -)) (.(/ s nnn%e`^_k`e^Xc\ZclY%Zf%lb ', ;M/ :clY s (- Cfn\i <jj\o Jki\\k s '()( --- -*-- s nnn%ZclY[m/%Zf%lb '- JlYnXp :`kp :clY s ). NXk\i Jki\\k# Fc[ Jefn ?`cc s '()( )** '*(' s nnn%jlYnXpZ`kpZclY%dffe]il`k%Zfd '. K_\ Cf]k Cfle^\ s (+* 9ifdj^ifm\ Jki\\k s '()( -)) )+++ '/ M`ccX^\ @ee s (,) ?lijk Jki\\k s '()( -)) +.+) s nnn%m`ccX^\`eeXe[_fk\c%Zfd '0 <hlXkfi 9Xi s ()* ?lijk Jki\\k s '()( -)) ,'.. (' :_`Z s )/ ?fij\ =X`i s '()( --- -/'-

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100-101 Midlands.indd 101

28/8/09 13:35:34

102 LiverpooljZ\e\

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Liverpool m\el\j '( 9Xi ;l =Xp s ), JkXec\p Jki\\k s '(,( )*- (-)* s nnn%dpjgXZ\%Zfd&YXi[l]Xp ') 9cl\j[Xp s M`Zkfi`X Jki\\k s '(,( )*- ))'' '* MXi[Xi MXi[Xi 7 8e[\ijfeËj 9Xi s <oZ_Xe^\ Jk <Xjk s nnn%mXi[XmXi[X%Zfd '+ :X]\ KXYXZ s ()- 9fc[ Jki\\k s '(,( .'0 *.*, ', Klkk` =il`kk` s =il`k <oZ_Xe^\ 9l`c[`e^# M`Zkfi`X Jk s nnn%klkk`]il`kk`c`m\igffc%Zfd '. ;fcg_`e JXleX s ()0 Dflek IfX[ s nnn%[fcg_`ejXleX%Zf%lb '- :liqfe :clY s K\dgc\ CXe\ s '(,( )*- ,(-' s nnn%Zliqfec`m\igffc%Zf%lb '/ G`eb s +$- M`Zkfi`X Jki\\k s '(,( ),, ',') '0 >XicXe[j s /$(' <Y\ic\ Jki\\k s '(,( .'0 0,/(' > 9Xi s <Y\ic\ Jki\\k s '(,( ),/ ()*' s nnn%^$YXi%Zfd (( Alg`k\ij s ?XZb`ej ?\p f]] ;Xc\ Jki\\k s '(,( )). ,)-, (* K_\ C`jYfe s *, M`Zkfi`X Jki\\k s '(,( )*( -/*( (+ K_\ DXjhl\iX[\ s (' :ldY\icXe[ Jki\\k s '(,( )*- ../(- EXmp 9Xi s ).$)0 JkXec\p Jki\\k s '(,( )*( (+,(. GXjj`fe s *(&** ;Xc\ Jk s '(,( )*- -,0( s nnn%Z_i`jYXcd\i%Zf%lb&gXjj`fe (/ Gfjk\ ?flj\ s )* :ldY\icXe[ Jki\\k (0 :clY Jf s -+ ;lb\ Jki\\k s '(,( ),/ ()*' s nnn%ZclYjf%Zf%lb )' Jlg\ijkXi 9fl[f`i s ).$)0 JkXec\p Jki\\k s '(,( )*( (+,)( :clY ;\jk`eXk`fe s )( K\dgc\ Jk s nnn%ZclY$[\jk`eXk`fe%Zf%lb

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102-103 Liverpool.indd 102


28/8/09 13:37:05

LiverpooljZ\e\ 103 >>>=<<C@E> 9I8J?6 K?< E8MP 98I# J8K * F:K Pfl clZbp k_`e^j Xi\ ^\kk`e^ gc\ekp f] efk`Z\ XYflk k_\ e\ok 9iXj_ gXikp Xk k_\ EXmp 9Xi# Xj `k ]\Xkli\j X ]XYlcflj ki`Ylk\ kf gfjj`Ycp k_\ ^Xp\jk \m\i gfg ^iflg1 k_\ JZ`jjfi J`jk\ij KXb`e^ gcXZ\ fe k_\ ]`ijk JXkli[Xp `e FZkfY\i# k_\ ki`Ylk\ YXe[ n`cc Y\ck flk jfd\ f] k_\ `Zfe`Z kiXZbj n_`Z_ `ecl[\ =`ck_p& >fi^\flj# @ ;feËk =\\c C`b\ ;XeZ`e^ Xe[ KXb\ Pfli DfddX% ;Aj `e jlggfik n`cc Y\ cfZXc c\^\e[j 8e[p DXZ Xe[ D`Zb N`ccfn# befne ]fi YXe^`e^ flk jfd\ f] k_\ cXk\jk Xe[ ^i\Xk\jk ]lebp _flj\% M\ip jg\Z`Xc [i`ebj gifdfj Xggcp k_ifl^_flk# gclj k_\i\Ëcc Y\ ^`m\XnXpj fe k_\ e`^_k% ;ffij fg\e ('gd Æ +Xd# \ekip `j ]i\\ Y\]fi\ ((gd fi * X]k\i% nnn%dpjgXZ\%Zfd&eXmpYXi K_\ EXmp 9Xi

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102-103 Liverpool.indd 103

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104 ManchesterjZ\e\ >>>D8E:?<JK<I J:<E< =F:LJ

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104-105 Manchester.indd 104

28/8/09 13:39:15

ManchesterjZ\e\ 105 >>>KF JC<<G FI EFK KF JC<<G6 DFIE@EË >CFIP# HL<<I 98I# <M<IP JLE;8P DFIE@E> N_\e k_\ JXkli[Xp e`^_k ZclYj b`Zb flk \Xicp fe Jle[Xp dfie`e^# ZclYY\ij Xcc fm\i k_\ Z`kp Xi\ ]fiZ\[ kf Xjb k_\dj\cm\j X hl\jk`fe% J_flc[ @ ^f _fd\ Xk X ]X`icp i\XjfeXYc\ k`d\# k_lj dX`ekX`e`e^ jfd\ j_i\[ f] dp [`^e`kp# fi j_flc[ @ ^f kf Dfie`eË >cfip Xe[ jkXp lg Êk`c jfd\ i`[`Zlcflj k`d\ `e k_\ X]k\ieffe6 K_\ cXkk\i j_flc[ XcnXpj Y\ k_\ dfjk k\dgk`e^ fgk`fe# Xj Hl\\i `j kiXej]fid\[ `ekf X ^i`kkp le[\i^ifle[ X]k\i_flij \m\ip Jle[Xp dfie`e^ ]ifd +Xd% @] Xep f] k_\ ^lpj g`Zkli\[ Y\cfn Xi\ ^f`e^ kf Y\ k_\i\# pfl ZXe Zflek lj `e% Aljk fe\ dfi\ k_\e% nnn%hl\\i$dXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd <jj\ek`Xc :_i`jjp ;Xic`e^

Manchester m\el\j '( 8ck\i <^f s (',$('. Gi`eZ\jj Jki\\k s '(-( )*- 0)-- s nnn%ZclYXck\i\^f%Zf%lb ') :ileZ_) s (' :XeXc Jki\\k s '.'(. +)) )). s nnn%ZileZ_)%Zf%lb '* 9XX$9Xi s JXZbm`cc\ Jki\\k s '(-( )+. .00. s nnn%YXXYXi%Zf%lb '+ 9Xi 9\cfn s *+ :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( )*- ,.,. ', :_liZ_`ccj s *. :_fickfe Jki\\k s '(-( )*- ,,)0 s nnn%Z_liZ_`ccjdXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd '- :fdgXep 9Xi s )/ I`Z_dfe[ Jki\\k s '(-( )*. 0*)0 '. :fpfk\j s (+ :_fickfe Jki\\k s '(-( )*- +''. s nnn%Zfpfk\jYXi%Zf%lb '/ :ilq ('( s ('( Gi`eZ\jj Jki\\k s '(-( 0,' '('( s nnn%Zilq('(%Zfd '0 <jj\ek`Xc s / D`ej_lcc Jki\\k s '(-( /*, (*'' s nnn%\jj\ek`XcdXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd (' :X]\ CX 9\cc s ('' 9cffd Jki\\k s '(-( ))/ (--- s nnn%_fccpnff[j_fnYXi%Zf%lb (( C\^\e[j s +$- N_`knfik_ Jki\\k s '(-( )*- ,+'' s nnn%c\^\e[jdXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd () DXe_XkkXe J_fnYXi s ,+ Gi`eZ\jj Jki\\k s '..0* +/ )) +/ (+ D`ek Cfle^\ s +-$,' Fc[_Xd Jki\\k s '(-( ))/ (+0, (, EXgfc\fej s *, 9cffd Jki\\k s '(-( )*- //'' s nnn%eXgfc\fej%Zf%lb (- E\n Pfib E\n Pfib s 0+ 9cffd Jki\\k s '(-( )*- -,,(. GX[[pËj >ffj\ s )0 9cffd Jki\\k s '(-( )*- ()+(/ Hl\\i s + :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( ))/ (*-/ s nnn%hl\\i$dXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd (0 I\kif 9Xi s ./ JXZbm`cc\ Jki\\k s '(-( ).+ +/0) )' Jg`i`k s -* I`Z_dfe[ Jki\\k s '(-( )*. 0.), )( KXlilj s ( :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( )*- +,0* s nnn%kXlilj$YXi%Zf%lb )) K_\ E\n Le`fe s ((( Gi`eZ\jj Jki\\k s '(-( ))/ (+0) s nnn%e\nle`fe_fk\c%Zfd )* K_\ Flkgfjk s +$- N_`knfik_ Jki\\k s '(-( )*- ,+'' )+ K_\ I\dYiXe[k s ** JXZbm`cc\ Jki\\k s '(-( )*- (*(( s nnn%k_\$i\d%Zfd ), K_fdgjfej 8idj s ()* JXZbm`cc\ Jki\\k s '(-( )*. ,0(0 )- MXe`ccX s *0$+( I`Z_dfe[ Jki\\k s '(-( ))/ ).). s nnn%mXe`ccX^`icj%Zf%lb ). M\cm\k s ) :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( )*- 0''* )/ M`X s )/$*' :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( )*- -,)* )0 M`\n s +' :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( )*- 0'** 0

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104-105 Manchester.indd 105

28/8/09 13:40:17

106 ManchesterjZ\e\

Fi^Xe`Z J`dfe nnn%I<8CDXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd

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106-107 Leeds.indd 106

28/8/09 13:41:19

LEEDSjZ\e\ 107 C\\[j Gi`[\ K\iip >\fi^\

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28/8/09 17:02:23


A week’s accommodation in Gran Canaria for two! eed some extra summer sun (now that the British one is almost over and we’ve had about 10 days of sun the entire time)? We’re here to help! The prize is offered to help celebrate the new joint venture between 3SIXTY and the leading gay travel specialists Mantrav International, Mantrav3SIXTY. The accommodation is at Club Mancha, praised as ‘the best men-only resort in the Canary Islands’. Club Mancha is a stone’s throw from the party place Yumbo Centre, and boasts individual apartments and a cooling pool.


Visit www.mantrav3SIXTY.com for more.


DIRECTORY NATIONAL Positiveline (HIV/AIDS SUPPORT) 0800 1696806 LONDON & ESSEX Berkshire Gay and Lesbian information Network 0118 959 7269 Basildon and Thurrock Friend 01268 284422 Colchester Gay Switchboard 01206 869191 London LGBT Switchboard 020 7837 7324 London Friend 020 7837 3337 Lewisham Friend 020 8690 6195 SOUTH EAST Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard 01273 204050 Isle of Wight Helpline 01983 525123 Oxford Friend 01865 726893 Surrey Helpline 01483 727667 SOUTH WEST Bristol Lesbian and Gay Switchboard 01179 221328 Cornwall Lesbian Line 01736 754225 GAY-GLOS in Gloucestershire 01452 306800 Intercom Trust in SW peninsula 08456 020818 Somerset Gay Health 01823 327078 Mens Sexual Health - Swindon and Wiltshire www.wsmsh.org.uk Tel: 01380 801951 - Devizes Tel: 01793 250 951 - Swindon Tel: 01722 421951 - Salisbury Email: info@wsmsh.org.uk Devizes Drop in service: Tuesdays 4 - 8pm Mens Sexual Health - Bath and NE Somerset www.banesmsh.org.uk Tel: 01225 581951 info@banesmsh.org.uk 2BME - LGBT Youth Group Tel: 01380 801951. www.2bme.org.uk info@2bme.org.uk Meets in Devizes every other Thursday 4-8pm.

EAST MIDLANDS Nottingham Switchboard 01623 621515 Midlands Switchboard 08452 578255 WEST MIDLANDS Leicester Helpline 01162 550667 North Staffordshire LGB Switchboard 01782 266998 Lesbian and Gay Switchboard West Midlands 0845 2578255 SCOTLAND Edinburgh 01315 564 620 GLASGOW 01414 870 447 Glasgow Gay & Lesbian Centre 01412 217203 Lothian Switchboard 01315 564049 Strathclyde Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 01418 470447 WALES LGBT Cymru Helpline 08000 232201 Cardiff 02920 340 101 SWANSEA 01792 645 325 NORTH WEST Lesbian and Gay Foundation Manchester 08453 303030 Blackpool 01253 454 978 Manchester YouthLine 0800 052 0151 NORTH EAST Newcastle 01912 618 555 middlesbrough 01642 804 400 YORKSHIRE AND HUMBERSIDE LEEDS 01132 453 588 HULL 01482 443 333



Books Lets Eat at Planet Tonywood


Solicitors Engleharts


62 09 112

Travel Galeria Travel


Other Barefoot Wine Pics by Gaz JDL Leather Recruitment Red Driving School Retail Male Form Shop 3SIXTY Travel Mantrav Mantrav 3SIXTY Switzerland Tourism

BRISTOL 97, 109 76 14 29 68 115 30 112 113 18 2,3 116 55 60,61

BLACKPOOL Hotels BAG’s Blackpool

(1) Head to the 3SIXTY website at www.3sixtymagazine.com and click on the WIN! button to enter (2) Pop your answer on a nice postcard with a contact number and send it to: 3SIXTY Competition, 4 Steine Street, Brighton BN2 1TE The prize is non-transferable and there is no cash alternative. Usual 3SIXTY competition

rules apply (available on request). Closing date for entries is Thursday 1 October 2009.

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114-115 Comp Dir.indd 114

76 66 77 79

Charity Broken Rainbow GMFA The Eddie Surman Trust

Events Gay Wedding Faire Harvey Goldsmith Presents Queer as Talent


Scene Bright and Beautiful Sauna Bulldog Ink Vavoom

Cars Honda

Chat Lines 4D Interactive Transact

To be in with a chance of winning, answer this question correctly: How far is Gran Canaria from London, approximately? a) 179 miles b) 1790 miles c) 17,900 miles


Scene Bristol Bear Bar The Lounge The Package The Pineapple The Queenshilling

LONDON Events Soho Live Theme Traders

73 112

Hotels and Hostels Gay Hostel


Other Ample Sounds


Theatre Clic Sargant


MANCHESTER Beauty First Call Aesthetics



95 93 94 90 92


MIDLANDS Scene The Nightingale


Garden Weston’s Garden Solutions


Jewellery Michael Rose


Home Interiors The Antique House Yes Dear

Entertainers Pink Sinatra


10 112

Events Pink Ball


Hotels The Cumberland


Scene The Edge The London

82 83

Hotels Guest and the City Royal Albion Hotel

112 112

Menswear Hugo Morris


Other Holistic Masseur Stanmer House Sugaring 4 Men

112 11 112


THE WEST Scene The Swallow


28/8/09 17:02:40

114-115 Comp Dir.indd 115

27/8/09 15:06:28

Š2009 Barefoot Cellars, Modesto, CA. All Rights Reserved.

Club Mancha Yumbo is Gran Canaria’s BEST Gay only resort!


116 Adverts.indd 116


If you’d like us to tailor-make a holiday, using our global database simply call us on 0845 094 0254 or email bookings@mantrav.co.uk www.mantrav.co.uk 27/8/09 15:07:24

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