Volunteer Registration Form (VRF) In or d er t o r egis t er you r s elf, or a gr ou p , in t h e Pick Up t h e Pa r k s E ven t (PUTP), p lea s e r et u r n t h is for m b y e-m a il t o r loys en @m on r oecou n t y.gov, b y US Ma il or in p er s on t o 1 7 1 Res er voir Aven u e, Roch es t er , NY, 1 4 6 2 0 , or b y fa x t o 5 8 5 -7 5 3 -7 2 8 4 . Plea s e n ote: EACH in d iv id u a l in a volu n teer grou p th a t p la n s to p a rticip a te in PUTP m u s t a ls o s u b m it a s ign e d Volu n teer W a iver Form (VW F) in ord er to fin a liz e y ou r in d ivid u a l re gis tra tion , a n d p a rticip a te in th e a ctu a l eve n t. Fa m ilies m a y fill ou t on e VW F for p a re n ts , s p ou s e s , a n d / or m u ltip le ch ild re n / d ep e n d e n ts . B la n k VRFs a n d VW Fs ca n b e fou n d a t w w w .m on roecou n ty .gov/ p a rk s / p ick u p th ep a rk s Ple a s e a ls o vis it w w w .fa ceb ook .com / Pick Up Th ePa rk s
Full Name: ___________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of group/organization (if applicable): ________________________________________________ Preferred Park: __________________________ Group Size: __________________________________ E-mail address: ______________________________________________________________________ Are all individuals in your group over age 18?
_____ yes
_____ no
Approximate number of individuals from our group that will attend the Thank You Picnic at Olmsted Lodge, in Highland Park, on Saturday, April 25th, 2015, from noon until 2pm: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ *We will not sell or share your name or contact information. 171 Reservoir Avenue • Rochester, New York 14620 (585) 753-7275 • fax: (585) 753-7284 • www.monroecounty.gov