Qualification of Teachers and Instructors 1. The program coordinator must be a master degree holder in any field but having atleast Bachelor’s degree in Forestry with minimum of 3 years experience in teaching activities or services after completion of Bachelor's degree. 2. The disciplinary subject related teacher must be a bachelor degree holder in related field. 3. The demonstrator must have an intermediate level degree in related field with minimum of 2 years experience in teaching activities. 4. The foundational subject related teacher should be master degree holder in the related area.
Instructional Media and Materials The following instructional media and materials are suggested for the effective instruction and demonstration. 1. Printed Media Materials (assignment sheets, case studies, handouts, information sheets, individual training packets, procedure sheets, performance checklists, and textbooks). 2. Non-projected Media Materials (display, models, flip chart, poster, writing board). 3. Projected Media Materials (opaque projections, multimedia projectors, slides). 4. Audio-Visual Materials (audiotapes, films, slide-tape programs, videodiscs, videotapes). 5. Computer-Based Instructional Materials (computer-based training, interactive video).
Teaching Learning Methodologies The methods of teachings for this curricular program will be a combination of different approaches (not limited to as mentioned here) such as illustrated lecture, tutorial, group discussion, demonstration, simulation, guided practice, practical experiences, fieldwork, report writing, term paper presentation, community campaign, case analysis, role-playing, experiment, project work and other independent learning. Theory: Lecture, tutorial, discussion, seminar, interaction, assignment, group work. Practical: Demonstration, simulation, observation, guided practice, self-practice, project work, fieldwork, case analysis, role-play, experiment, report writing.
Mode of Education There will be inductive and deductive mode of education.
Examination and Marking Scheme a. Internal assessment There will be a transparent/fair evaluation system for each subject both in theory and practical exposure. Each subject will have internal assessment at regular intervals and students will get the feedback about it. Weightage of theory and practical marks aswell as weitage of internatl and final examination are mentioned in course structure. Continuous assessment format will be developed and applied by the evaluators for evaluating student's performance in the subjects related to the practical experience. b. Final examination Weightage of theory and practical marks are mentioned in structure. Students must pass in all subjects both in theory and practical for certification. If a student becomes unable to succeed in any subject s/he will appear in the reexamination administered by CTEVT. Students will be allowed to appear in the final examination only after completing the internal assessment requirements. 5