7. Agrawal V. K. and Gupta V. - Ecology and Ethology, S Chand and Company Ltd.
Course Contents Course: Zoology Unit 1: introduction to zoology 1.1: Definition, scope and branches of Zoology Objectives State the meaning of zoology Describe the branches and fields of biology and their scopes.
Theory: 117 Hrs Hrs. 6 theory Hrs. 4 theory
Practical: 78 Hrs
Contents 1.1.1 Meaning of zoology, Scope of zoology, 1.1.2 Different branches of zoology: Morphology, anatomy, physiology, cytology, Histology, embryology, Hepatology, Herpetalogy, , parasitology, entomology, Helminthology, proto-zoology, Bacteriology, virology, paleontology, ecology, genetics, toxicology 1.2: Introduction to Preservation Techniques Hrs. 2 theory Objectives Contents Define preservation 1.2.1 Definition and importance of preservation Understand importance of preservation 1.2.2 Types of common preservation List different types of common preservation techniques- Wet and Dry methods techniques 1.2.3 Protocol of following preservation techniques: and Wet preservation for different groups of organismsLower invertebrates; higher invertebratesarthropodans, Molluscans, Echinodremats; Vertebrates Taxidermy Evaluation methods: oral test, home Teaching learning activities and resources: assignments, written examination classroom instruction, discussion textbook, powerpoint presentation, and reference book self study. Unit 2: Cell biology 2.1: Introduction to cell Objectives Explain that cell as a basic unit of life, Differentiate between plant cell and animal cell. Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. Differentiate between cytoplasm and nucleoplasm
Hrs. 17 theory Hrs. 5 theory Contents 2.1.1 Basic structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell 2.1.2 Structure of different cell organelles and their functions: Cytoplasmic contents: cellmembrane, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, glogi complex, liposome , centrosome, vacuoles, cilia and flagella Nucleoplasmic contents: chromosomes, nucleolus, nuclear membrane 2.1.3 Meaning of Cyclosis, endocytosis, exocytosis Evaluation methods: oral and written tests, Teaching learning activities and resources: home assignments. classroom instruction, discussion, textbook, and reference book self study. 50