11.5 Discuss common examples of leadership in animals Evaluation methods: oral test, home Teaching learning activities and resources: assignments, written examination classroom instruction, discussion, textbooks, and reference books self study. Unit 12: Conservation of wildlife Hrs. 4 theory Objectives Contents Define wildlife. 12.1 Definition of wildlife Define the endangered species. 12.2 Importance of wildlife conservation List the endangered species of Nepal and causes 12.3 List the endangered species in Nepal and of extinction. causes of extinction . 12.4 What is Forest conservation, importance of Explain the importance of afforestation. afforestation 12.5 Causes and consequences of deforestation. Evaluation methods: oral test, home Teaching learning activities and resources: assignments, written examination. classroom instruction, discussion textbooks, and reference books self study. Zoology Practical Course: Practical Zoology Hrs. 78 lab Unit 1: Use of the microscope Hrs. 4 lab Objectives Contents Name different types of microscope and their Description of importance of Microscope, it’s parts. types, parts of microscope & functions of its Handle a microscope properly. different parts, observation techniques. Draw well labelled diagram of microscope Proper handling of microscope Explain the concept of magnification? Evaluation methods: practical performance, Teaching learning activities and resources: test, viva classroom instruction, demonstration in laboratory. Unit 2: General study of the animal kingdom Hrs. 34 lab 2.1: Study of permanent slides and museum Hrs. 16 lab specimens Objectives Contents Identify the given slides, museum specimens Study of permanent slides: protozoa: Amoeba, Draw well labelled diagram of given specimens Paramecium Write down the characters of given specimens Study of museum specimens: slides classify the specimens upto class. Porifera-sycon Coelenterata-Hydra Platyhelminthes-Tapeworm, liver fluke Aschelminthes-Ascaris Annelida-Earthworm and leech Arthropoda- Butterfly, Crab, Scorpion, Spider, Centipede, Prawn Mollusca –Pila Echinodermata-Starfish Phylum:Chordata Class: Pisces – Labeo,Exocoetus Class: Amphibia-Frog,Toad Class: Reptilia-wall lizard. Class: Aves-Pegion,Parrot. 56