1 minute read
from Ganesh kadiyam
Amphitheatre have specific oval shape is an elongated shape with no straight sides ,no corners or vertices so have capacity to accomodate more people and have fine visuals amphitheatre located at east side in the site and also oriented towards east west direction so the orientation lets u have consistently harness daylight
Total height 3 m buffer space at 3m can be used by wheel chair person designed in such a way which have focus on the stage brings spectators closer to the performer, allowing For better sound and viewing exerience 20 degree slope between rows of seats creates better sight lines raised platform of stage
The heigth of the amphithere is 6.15m people will access the amphitheatre Through will access the amphitheatre through ramp which is in 1:10 ratio So it is well eqipped for wheel chair accessibility we will have water draianage facility from stage to stop water stagging people from auditorium can also have visuals of amphitheatre.
It Is Located Rajasthan Rural Area , And That Place There Is No School And Also Most Of The Girls Is Not Go The School Thats Why Our Intention Is Like Our Library Is Work Space Locally Made Hand Made Crafts And Study Space